
WEBQUEST WEBQUEST TITLE: Touristic Places TITLE: Touristic Places in Cuenca in Cuenca Teacher: Jenny Calle Teacher: Jenny Calle Medina Medina Mail: Mail: [email protected] Area: Ciencias Sociales Area: Ciencias Sociales Level: 4thTourism Level: 4thTourism INTRODUCION INTRODUCION TAREA TAREA PROCESO PROCESO EVALUACION EVALUACION CONCLUSIONES CONCLUSIONES CREDITOS CREDITOS

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It is a WebQuest about Cuenca city


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TITLE: Touristic Places in TITLE: Touristic Places in CuencaCuenca

Teacher: Jenny Calle Teacher: Jenny Calle MedinaMedina

Mail: Mail: [email protected] Area: Ciencias SocialesArea: Ciencias Sociales Level: 4thTourismLevel: 4thTourism


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Cuenca is one of the most beautiful cities in Cuenca is one of the most beautiful cities in Ecuador. It a special place becuase of its narrow Ecuador. It a special place becuase of its narrow

streets, wonderful rivers, and irony balconies, streets, wonderful rivers, and irony balconies, pretty garden and it was declared Cultural pretty garden and it was declared Cultural

Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1999. For all Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1999. For all these reasons, Cuenca is a touristic attration of these reasons, Cuenca is a touristic attration of

great importance in our country. great importance in our country. Well, now you have the oportunity to know and Well, now you have the oportunity to know and

enjoy its architecture, culture, and natural enjoy its architecture, culture, and natural attrations that our city has.attrations that our city has.

So, you have to work hard in order to get a final So, you have to work hard in order to get a final job with the best quality.job with the best quality.

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What do we have to do?What do we have to do? 1. Let’s going to work in 1. Let’s going to work in

groups to write a groups to write a summary about the summary about the attractive touristic, attractive touristic,

architectonic, cultural and architectonic, cultural and natural places of our citynatural places of our city. .

2. Let’s going to 2. Let’s going to illuestrate our job with illuestrate our job with

photos, pictures or photos, pictures or drawing in order to help drawing in order to help to understand and value to understand and value

our city. our city.

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ACTIVITY 1: WORK IN GROUPS:ACTIVITY 1: WORK IN GROUPS: -You have to work in groups of three people. You have to choose the members of the -You have to work in groups of three people. You have to choose the members of the

group. In this way you can work in a free manner and can get the best results. group. In this way you can work in a free manner and can get the best results.

ACTIVITY 2: LET’S GOING TO GET INFORMATION: ACTIVITY 2: LET’S GOING TO GET INFORMATION: Each member of the grop has Each member of the grop has different responsabilities:different responsabilities:


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a) The architect has to: * find the characteristics of the Cuencana arquitecture* describe the mateiral thar are used in the constructions*name and describe the most important and historical builidngs in the city*get photos, pictures or drawings about the Cuencan Architecture*look for some information in:


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b) The artist has to:b) The artist has to:*identify the main museums*identify the main museums*describe where they are located*describe where they are located*explain why these museums are important*explain why these museums are important*get pictures, photos or drawing about the museums*get pictures, photos or drawing about the museums*look for information in:*look for information in:

http://www.destination360.com/south-america/ecuador/cuencahttp://www.destination360.com/south-america/ecuador/ecuador-museumshttp://maps.google.com/maps?hl=es&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Museums+in+Cuenca+Ecuador&fb=1&gl=ec&hq=Museums&hnear=Cuenca+Ecuador&view=text&ei=Oq72S7_yNsL_lgf-76jFCg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=more-results&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQtQMwAAhttp://www.exploringecuador.com/museum_bce/index.htmhttp://www.cuenca.com.ec/index.php/a10/0/ www.cuenca.com.ec/index.php/a11/0/http://www.cuenca.com.ec/index.php/160/0/ http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuenca_(Ecuador) http://www.exploringecuador.com/en_ar_cuenca_world_cultural_heritage_site.htmhttp://www.exploringecuador.com/en_ar_cuenca_world_cultural_heritage_site.htm

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ACTIVITY 3: PUT IN ODER THE GOTTEN INFORMATION:ACTIVITY 3: PUT IN ODER THE GOTTEN INFORMATION: All the All the memmbers of the group has to work together. Each one of them has memmbers of the group has to work together. Each one of them has investigated and collected information about four aspects, and these investigated and collected information about four aspects, and these aspects have to be numbered in order to be sure that all requiered aspects have to be numbered in order to be sure that all requiered

information is there. Each memeber of the group has to oder, clasify information is there. Each memeber of the group has to oder, clasify and summarize the gotten information, and the have to elaborate a list and summarize the gotten information, and the have to elaborate a list that will be called “data list” in where we have to write the names of the that will be called “data list” in where we have to write the names of the

members of the group and their rol and the information. If some members of the group and their rol and the information. If some information is missed, you will have to inform to the group to look for a information is missed, you will have to inform to the group to look for a

solution.    solution.   

ACTIVITY 4: HELP OURSELVES ACTIVITY 4: HELP OURSELVES Once again we are going to work Once again we are going to work together with the members of the group. We have to put together all the together with the members of the group. We have to put together all the information that we have order, classify and summarize. Then we have information that we have order, classify and summarize. Then we have to make another list, and we call this “oder of contents”. In this list we to make another list, and we call this “oder of contents”. In this list we

have to put in order all the data again, but this time in the order that the have to put in order all the data again, but this time in the order that the information is going to be presented in the final job.  information is going to be presented in the final job. 

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c) The ecologist has to:c) The ecologist has to:*identify the main natural attrations of the city*identify the main natural attrations of the city*describe where they are located*describe where they are located*explain why they are important and why we should protect them*explain why they are important and why we should protect them* get pictures, photos or drawing about the museums* get pictures, photos or drawing about the museums *look for information in:*look for information in:

http://www.ecuador-travel.net/biodiversity.parks.elcajas.htm http://www.exploringecuador.com/en_ar_cuenca_world_cultural_heritage_site.htmhttp://www.exploringecuador.com/en_ar_cuenca_ecuador.htmhttp://www.destination360.com/south-america/ecuador/cuenca-tomebamba-riverhttp://www.travelpod.com/travel-photo/incajac/southamerica05/1110583140/5_cuenca_river_2.jpg/tpod.htmlhttp://maps.google.com/maps?hl=es&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=EL+cajas+national+park&fb=1&gl=ec&hq=EL+cajas+national+park&view=text&ei=MbT2S47mMoa0lQfxnMi_Cg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=more-results&resnum=4&ved=0CDEQtQMwAw

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ACTIVITY 5: FINAL EDITINGACTIVITY 5: FINAL EDITING All the members of the group have to write the final editing. The final job has to All the members of the group have to write the final editing. The final job has to have all gotten information in a clear, precise, and odered way.have all gotten information in a clear, precise, and odered way.We have to explain why Cuenca is an unique city because of tis architecture, We have to explain why Cuenca is an unique city because of tis architecture, culture and natural attrations.culture and natural attrations.

ACTIVITY 6ACTIVITY 6 : MAKE OTHER MATERIALS: MAKE OTHER MATERIALS Let’s go to make a collage with the photos, pictures and drawings that eah Let’s go to make a collage with the photos, pictures and drawings that eah member of the group has to collect. In this way, our final job will have an member of the group has to collect. In this way, our final job will have an excellent presentation.excellent presentation.Also, we make a map of the city in which there are the main buildings, museums Also, we make a map of the city in which there are the main buildings, museums and natural attractions. and natural attractions.

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LOW GRADES: (1-5)LOW GRADES: (1-5) The information isn’t enoughThe information isn’t enough Bad spelling and grammarBad spelling and grammar Inadecuate presentationInadecuate presentation Poor creativity in the presentacion of the dinal jobPoor creativity in the presentacion of the dinal job

MEDIUM GRADES: (6-10)MEDIUM GRADES: (6-10) The informacion is umcompletedThe informacion is umcompleted There are spelling and grammar mistakesThere are spelling and grammar mistakes The presesntation isn’t orderedThe presesntation isn’t ordered There is some creativity in the presentation of the final jobThere is some creativity in the presentation of the final job

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GOOD GRADES: (11-15)GOOD GRADES: (11-15) The information is good but not preciseThe information is good but not precise There are small mistakes in the spelling and grammarThere are small mistakes in the spelling and grammar Good presentation Good presentation There is creativity in the presentation of the final jobThere is creativity in the presentation of the final job

PUNTAJE ALTO: (16-20)PUNTAJE ALTO: (16-20) The gotten information is complete, precise and clearThe gotten information is complete, precise and clear There aren’t any spelling or grammar mistakes There aren’t any spelling or grammar mistakes Excellen presentationExcellen presentation There is high creativity in the presentation of the final job.There is high creativity in the presentation of the final job.

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At the end of this job, you have discovered a lot of At the end of this job, you have discovered a lot of interesting, attractive, and unkown aspects interesting, attractive, and unkown aspects

about our cityabout our cityYou know more about the architecture, museums, You know more about the architecture, museums,

and natural attrations that are near you.and natural attrations that are near you.You know many details about our city that help you You know many details about our city that help you

to love and value it.to love and value it.Also, you have learnet to use the Internet as a tool Also, you have learnet to use the Internet as a tool

to get information. So, you can transform this to get information. So, you can transform this infomation in knowledge. infomation in knowledge.

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Credits and ReferencesCredits and References

I am so grateful with the owners of the I am so grateful with the owners of the web pages and the imagens for web pages and the imagens for

educative purposes.educative purposes.