website best-practices


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Post on 15-May-2015




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DESCRIPTION Discover the best practices you can use the help you site rank higher in the search engine.


Page 1: Website best-practices
Page 2: Website best-practices

James Foster
Mike -- This preso will be very image heavy. Please visualize the visuals as you're reading the text...
Page 3: Website best-practices

Why bother?

• Websites play an integral part in the branding and marketing of every company

• It’s really easy to make small changes that have a big impact

• Most SMBs neglect their websites, so it’s easy to stand out from the competition!

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Typography & Design

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• Make your copy scannable• Break up text with sub-headings, bulleted

lists, highlighted words• Optimize for F-shaped reading patterns

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• Increase the font size to improve readability

• Make sure your line height is sufficient• Go to:

Optimize your type settings

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Best Practices

• Use no more than two different fonts for your body copy

• Use web-safe fonts like Arial, Georgia, Verdana, Lucida, and/or Tahoma

• Remove underlines on all non-hyperlinked text (because you don’t want to confuse/annoy visitors by creating faux links)

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• Place your name and logo on every page and make the logo a link to the homepage

• Use a consistent navigational structure across all of your pages (sales/landing pages excepted)

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“Users form their expectations for your site based on what's commonly done on most other sites. If you deviate, your site will be harder to use and users will leave.” – Jakob Nielsen, usability expert

Don’t re-invent the wheel

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Best Practices

• Improve your site’s photography• Don’t use distorted or grainy images• Avoid using stock photography whenever

possible; hire a local photographer or enlist a creative colleague, family member

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Site Content

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• Include your company tagline next to your logo on every page

• Make sure your homepage has a clear, benefit-focused headline of what your company offers (and to whom)

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Copywriting (Basics)

• Use short, easy-to-understand words and phrases

• Avoid long paragraphs and sentences• Use the (free) Readability Test tool

( to check your site’s readability; make sure it’s under grade 8

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Calls to action (CTA)

• Make sure your site has calls to action that are prominent, compelling, and relevant–Write CTAs that appeal to visitors’ self-

interest– Position them in high-profile areas of your

site– Ask for varying levels of commitment–Make it easy for visitors to take action

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• Add links to your social media profiles, as well as calls to action to follow/friend/connect with your business

• Add an e-newsletter sign-up form– “If you don't have a newsletter, then

publishing one is probably the single-highest ROI action you can take to improve your Internet presence.” – Jakob Nielsen

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Copywriting (Advanced)

• Apply the inverted pyramid structure to your copy, starting with the general/essential information and moving into greater (non-essential) detail

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• Put photos of your team on your about page; people like doing business with real people

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About Page

• Pay special attention to your about page• Include any conversion points (like an

opt-in form/newsletter sign-up) on your about page

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UsabilityCall Omar Now! 347-357-1763

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• Identify the top goals that users have when they visit your site (e.g. getting directions, learning about your products, etc.); optimize your content and site architecture accordingly

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• Use color to distinguish visited and unvisited links; this sounds innocuous, but it’s one of the few universally agreed upon standards among usability experts

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Contact Info

• Include your phone number and address on your homepage (and every other page)

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• Get rid of your search feature if it doesn’t perform well (if you have fewer than 10 pages on your site, get rid of it regardless)

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Say no to PDFs

• Limit links to PDF documents; users don’t like to toggle between web pages and PDFs

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Best Practices

• Get rid of any Flash elements• Embed a Google map on your contact

page; include your exact address• Make sure that each page on your website

has a unique and accurate title tag and meta description

• Update your website with fresh content on a regular basis

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• Make sure your site loads quickly!• Get a mobile version of your site if you are

in an industry where mobile search is common

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Parting Words

• You don’t have to do these things all at once

• Make incremental improvements over time• Contact us at anytime if you need


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Call Omar Now! 347-357-1763