websites: today’s agenda test over the children of willesden lane. reader reflection intro to...

Websites: /Home/ TODAY’S AGENDA TEST OVER The Children of Willesden Lane. Reader Reflection INTRO TO VOCAB INTRO TO ANNEX INTRO TO THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK 2 MARCH 2015 BELL ACTIVITY: Review your notes and the book. Remove any book marks and post it notes from your copy of …Willesden Lane. Return it to the cart in back.

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TODAY’S AGENDATEST OVER The Children of Willesden Lane.

Reader Reflection


2 MARCH 2015BELL ACTIVITY: Review your notes and the book. Remove any book marks and post it notes from your copy of …Willesden Lane. Return it to the cart in back.

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• Fill in the heading portion of your scantron form

• Mark whether you have the “A”, “B”, “C”, OR “D” COPY of the test under “Test Record, Part I”


• Open the test folder when Mrs. Saunders instructed

• Place the folder upright as a shield.

• Mark all answers with a pencil.

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When you are finished…..

• Did you fill in an answer for every question for 1-50.

• If you changed any answers, did you erase thoroughly?

• Put the test back in the folder and lie it flat on the corner of the desk.

• Place your scantron sheet UNDER the folder.

• Read silently from your IRB. If you do not have an IRB, raise your hand and I will bring you a short memoir to read.

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Reader’s Reflection• Answer each question with a complete sentence.

• These reflections will help us determine how we will use the book next year.

• Be honest in your answers.

• Your score will be based on the completeness and how well you write your sentences, not your opinion.

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Plus you will need to select 5 words from the play as we read.

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Allegory• a story in which the characters and events are

symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation


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APATHY• A lack of interest or emotion, To

be apathetic is to not care, to be indifferent or bored

I know your goldfish died, but I don’t really care. I am apathetic about the situation.

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• the feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions : the ability to vicariously experience another’s emotions

• I have empathy for your son and the grief he feels at the loss of his goldfish. My goldfish died last week and I am still grieving.


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• the feeling that you care about and are sorry about someone else's trouble, grief, misfortune

• feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

• I would like to extend my sympathy to your son. I'm very sorry to hear of the death of his goldfish. I have never owned a pet, but I am sure it must be hard to lose one.


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You understand

You have experiencedThe same thing.

You feel the same way.

You don’t feel the same. You haven’t experienced it.You don’t understand.

You feel pity that they are feeling these negative emotions.

Involves at least 2 individual


Deal with the another’s negative

emotions (grief, sorrow,

frustration, anger, despair).

You care


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forlornADJECTIVE: unhappy or miserable, lonely and sad. Can apply to how one is feeling or appears.

• The loss of his goldfish left him forlorn

• He wore a forlorn expression.

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FOREBODING• a strong inner feeling or notion of some-

thing unlucky or evil coming: a feeling of a future misfortune, evil.

Ben felt a strange foreboding as he said goodbye to his goldfish before he left for school that Friday.

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• unable to express oneself, especially in clear and effective speech

• He was an inarticulate individual and often muttered or grumbled in a way no one could understand.

• His lack of vocabulary left him inarticulate in the German language.

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an·nexwhen used as a NOUN: a subsidiary building or an addition to a building:

EXAMPLE: The 7th grade hallway is an annex of the original Lowell Scott building.

When used as a VERB (used with object) 1. to incorporate (territory) into the domain of a city, country, or state: Germany annexed part of Czechoslovakia.

2. To take without permission



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Page 21: Websites:  TODAY’S AGENDA TEST OVER The Children of Willesden Lane. Reader Reflection INTRO TO VOCAB INTRO TO

The Layout of the Buildingfrom the back ; the garden view

This level was part of the business only.

This level was also part of the business, but the members of the annex often used it during non-business hours.

This level was used by the Frank’s and Pfeffer as a bedroom. The bathroom was also on this level.

This level was used as the van Pels’ bedroom, kitchen, and dining area.

The attic was mainly used for storage.

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Floor Plan of the Annex

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The Entrance of the Secret Annex

• Up the stairs from the private office there was a landing with a bookcase to the left, and storerooms to the right.

• This was no ordinary bookcase though. It was hinged like a door and opened up to another door.

• The Secret Annex was behind both of these “doors.”

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The Bookcase Leading to the Secret Annex