wednesday, april 23, 2014 wendy whitmer, regional science coordinator

The Next Generation Science Standards: Science and Engineering Practices Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Wendy Whitmer, Regional Science Coordinator

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  • Slide 1
  • Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Wendy Whitmer, Regional Science Coordinator
  • Slide 2
  • Introduction Who are we? Logistics Clock hours and evaluations
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  • Objectives Learn about the Next Generation Science Standards implementation plan and architecture. Identify the Science and Engineering Practices as outlined in the K-12 Framework for Science Education. Learn how the Science and Engineering Practices play a role in the NGSS through model lessons. Identify Science and Engineering Practices in your own curriculum.
  • Slide 4
  • Agenda Asking Questions and Defining Problems Jigsaw the practices (Obtaining and Communicating Information) Gears (Planning and Carrying out Investigations) A look at examples from the world of science (Analyzing and Interpreting Data) Whats in it for me? (Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions) Energy (Arguing from Evidence and Modeling)
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  • Science Probe Please fill out the probe individually Discuss your reasoning Add to or change your answer if you would like.
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  • Anatomy of a Next Generation Science Standard
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  • Building an Understanding of the Architecture of the NGSS: Foundation Boxes
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  • Building an Understanding of the Architecture of the NGSS: Performance Expectations
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  • Architecture of the System Assessable Compone nt Foundatio n Boxes Connections Code for Topic Name Grade Level Coded Performance Expectations Code in parentheses designate which of the performance expectations incorporate this Disciplinary Core Idea Code in parentheses designate which of the performance expectations incorporate this Crosscutting Concept Code in parentheses designate which of the performance expectations use this Practice
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  • Asking Questions and Defining Problems Check out!! On sticky notes, write down any question about the Next Generation Science Standards.
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  • Sorting Sort your questions into: 1. Open versus Closed Questions 2. Policy (big picture) vs. Architecture 3. Classroom Implications 4. Other
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  • Ask Away!! 1. Closed questions 2. Policy questions 3. Architecture of the standards 4. Other
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  • Finding the NGSS Mastery Connects App
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  • Jigsaw Appendix F (Dimension 1) ALL: Read the intro, rational, and guiding principles. Read about your practice. Key details to share about that practice with the group How that practice is developed K-12 Use a Frayer model.
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  • Gears (Planning and Carrying Out Investigations) 4-PS3-4 MS-PS3-5 HS-PS3-3 Complete the tasks on the sheet
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  • Venn Diagram Highlight the practices you used throughout the gears activity
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  • Card Sort On your ownthink about how you might sort the cards In a groupcan you come to consensus about how the cards might be sorted? Can you sort them into just 2 groups? What if the titles of the groups were: Science & Engineering
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  • Thinking about Engineering as an iterative process with science
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  • Models 5-PS1-1 Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen. Probe- Is it a Model? Work with a partner Which ones were challenging and why?
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  • Watch Video Learning Target: I can develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed. (MS-PS1-4)
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  • Tanker Car What do you need to know? Develop first conceptual model
  • Slide 23
  • Develop a model Draw the system before the implosion, and after the implosion. Craft an explanation for the event.
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  • Water bottle Follow the instructions given Add to conceptual model Gallery Walk Making your thinking public
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  • What-ifs? What if the valves were not shut and sealed? What if you could investigate with a smaller model? Another example: Refine your explanation? What questions do you have for further investigation? How could we get the answer?
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  • Design Challenge? What design considerations need to be made when engineering something like a hot water heater?
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  • Science and Engineering Practices Highlight the practices you used throughout the tanker car activity. What about cross-cutting concepts?
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  • Where do we start? Choose two Practices that you can do REALLY well this year. Maybe they align well to the MSP/EOC? Pick two practices that you will work on for next year.
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  • Lets Practice Find a page in the NGSS that matches your curriculum. What are the practices on that page? Where can you find these in your curriculum? What is your evidence that students are using this practice? Practice Example from My Classroom Evidence (Student Product)
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  • Questions and Modeling- Your turn Where do you have students ask questions? Where do you have students build conceptual models?
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  • Science Probe Consider our practices of investigation today Return to your probe How has your thinking changed or developed?
  • Slide 32
  • Exit Ticket Evaluation: Thank you!!! Resources: App: Mastery Connects For Common Core and Next Generation