week 6 m.fowler classroom management tutorial

Michael L. Fowler AET 545 13 July 2015 Dr. Christine Nortz Classroom Management The Key to Teaching Successfully

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  1. 1. Michael L. Fowler AET 545 13 July 2015 Dr. Christine Nortz Classroom Management The Key to Teaching Successfully
  2. 2. 1.) to clarify the meaning and significance of classroom management 2.) to establish the provisions that must be taken care of in providing the proper learning situation 3.) to explain how to maintain desirable classroom discipline; and 4.) to present some strategies and guidelines in good classroom management and discipline. This Tutorial is designed:
  3. 3. Think about the following classroom scenarios and write down the procedures you would use to deal with them. Compare you responses with peers at your school. Are there differences? Are there similarities? Are these issues you encounter at your school. A student continues to use his cell phone to send text messages during class time. A student is disrespectful to her peers, rolls her eyes when they speak, and mocks her classmates language. A student is obviously depressed. He is unclean, has no interest, and even though he comes to class regularly, he is rarely present mentally. You have found out that several students submitted identical homework assignments. Activity
  4. 4. Management, Discipline & Teachers
  5. 5. Four areas where teachers can take action as they shape the classroom environment: Discipline and control. The physical classroom and our involvement in its design as we try to shape the learning environment. Designing the syllabus as an organizational tool which allows both careful planning and improvisation. Building cultural sensitivity into our curriculum as a component in our quest for social and moral growth of both instructors and students. Areas For Classroom Management
  6. 6. What undesirable student behaviors have you encountered in your class? Strategies for addressing discipline issues: Define expectations and policies early. Be careful not to embarrass a student in front of his peers . Consider possible causes of discipline issues. Encourage appropriate behavior, discourage disruption. Stay cool, but make sure to draw lines. Document disruptive behaviors. Discipline
  7. 7. Take a moment and visualize the best teacher you have encountered. Think of all the positive attributes that teacher displayed. Write down the traits and characteristics you feel thats important to be a successful teacher. Do you possess any of the attributes, traits, and characteristics that wrote down? What is an effective teacher?
  8. 8. Excellent Communicators They make Flexible Mistakes and have bad days. Organized Positive Sometime they feel: Patient Stressed Honest Helpless Fair Overwhelmed and not appreciated Consistent Caring Effective Teachers are:
  9. 9. Think about resources that can help with classroom management. How does your school address absenteeism, cheating, unsatisfactory performance, bullying, and harassment. Write down 5 possible techniques that you can use to address the above concerns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thinking & Writing Activity
  10. 10. Classroom types Normal classroom Science Lab Computer Lab Auditorium Lecture classroom The Classroom
  11. 11. Is there a design that is ideal for the classroom? What does it look like? Do you teach in an ideal classroom? What are other items you feel make up and ideal classroom? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The ideal classroom
  12. 12. What is the optimum number of students in a classroom? Most experts agree that classes containing less than 20 students yield the best results for student learning and retention. What would be the best class size for you? Why? What is the average class size at your school? At what point does a class become to big or to small? What are the implications? Write down your responses and discuss them with peers at work. Number of students
  13. 13. Positive attitude They havent learned the appropriate behavior. They want to know the classroom structured and safe. They are signaling the teacher to teacher behavior differently. Being Positive Negative attitude They are bad students They dont want to learn They are trying to hurt the teacher.
  14. 14. Always greet students at the classroom door Use proximity control Pause Maintain eye contact Always use the students name Use a firm yet soft voice Never yell Hold up a hand Have full silence before you continue Classroom Management list
  15. 15. From The first 60 days of teaching by Robert L. DeBryun We must always choose to respond professionally, rather than react personally
  16. 16. Breaux, A., & Whitaker, T. (2006). Seven Simple Secrets. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. DeBruyn, R. L. (2001). The First 60 Days of Teaching. Manhattan, KS: The Master Teacher, Inc. Fisher, J., Hoover, G., & McLeod, J. (2003). The Key Elements of Classroom Management. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Rutherford, P. (2002). Why Didnt I Learn This in College? Alexandria, VA: Just ASK Publications. Smith, R. (2004). Conscious Classroom Management. San Rafael, CA: Conscious Teaching Publications. Resources for this tutorial