week 91 cos 444 internet auctions: theory and practice spring 2009 ken steiglitz...

week 9 1 COS 444 Internet Auctions: Theory and Practice Spring 2009 Ken Steiglitz [email protected]

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week 9 1

COS 444 Internet Auctions:

Theory and Practice

Spring 2009

Ken Steiglitz [email protected]

Myerson 1981optimal, not efficientasymmetric bidders

the bigger picture, all single item …

week 9 3

Moving to asymmetric bidders

Efficiency: item goes to bidder with highest value

• Very important in some situations!

• Second-price auctions remain efficient in asymmetric (IPV) case. Why?

• First-price auctions do not …

Inefficiency in FP with asymmetric bidders

week 9 5

New setup: Myerson 81*, also BR 89

• Vector of values v

• Allocation function Q (v ):

Qi (v ) is prob. i wins item

• Payment function P (v ):

Pi (v ) is expected payment of i

• Subsumes Ars easily (check SP, FP)

• The pair (Q , P ) is called a

Direct Mechanism

*wins Nobel prize for this and related work, 2007

week 9 6

New setup: Myerson 81

• Definition:Definition: When agents who participate in a mechanism have no incentive to lie about their values, we say the mechanism is incentive compatible.

• The Revelation Principle: In so far as equilibrium behavior is concerned, any auction mechanism can be replaced by an incentive-compatible direct mechanism.

week 9 7

Revelation Principle

Proof:Proof: Replace the bid-taker with a direct mechanism that computes equilibrium values for the bidders. Then a bidder can bid equilibrium simply by being truthful, and there is never an incentive to lie. □

This principle is very general and includes any sort of negotiation!

week 9 9

Asymmetric bidders

• We can therefore restrict attention to incentive-compatible direct mechanisms!

• Note: In the asymmetric case, expected surplus is no longer vi F(z) n-1 − P(z)

(bidding as if value = z )

Next we write expected surplus in the asymmetric case …

week 9 10

Asymmetric bidders

Notation: v−i = vector v with the i – th

Value omitted. Then the prob. that i wins is

Where V-i is the space of all v’s except vi and

F (v-i ) is the corresponding distribution

)(),()( -iiV ii vFdvzQzQi

week 9 11

Asymmetric bidders

Similarly for the expected payment of bidder i :

Expected surplus is then

)(),()( iiV ii vdFvzPzPi

)()()( zPzQvzS iiii

week 9 12

A yet more general RET

Differentiate wrt z and set to zero when z = vi

as usual:

But now take the total derivative wrt vi when z = vi :

And so

0)()( '' iiiii vPvQv

)()()()( '''iiiiiiiii vPvQvQvvS

)()(' iiii vQvS

week 9 13

yet more general RE


Or, using S = vQ – P ,

In equilibrium, expected payment of every bidder depends only on allocation function Q !


iii dxxQSvS0



iiiiiii )()()0()(0

week 9 14

Optimal allocation

Average over vi and proceed as in RS81:


)()()()0(])(E[ vdFvQvMRPvP ii






iiiii vf


←no longer a common F

week 9 15

Optimal allocation, con’t

The total expected revenue is

For participation, Pi (0 ) ≤ 0, and seller chooses Pi (0) = 0 to max surplus. Therefore

)()()()0(R vdFvQvMRP ii

V ii


)()()(R vdFvQvMR i

V iii

week 9 16

Optimal allocation, con’t

When Pi (0 ) ≤ 0 we say bidders are individually rational : They don’t participate in auctions if the expected payment with zero value is positive.

week 9 17

Optimal allocation

The optimal allocation can now be seen by inspection!

For each vector of v’s, Look for the maximum value of MRi (vi ). Say it occurs at i = i* , and denote it by MR* .

• If MR* > 0, then choose that Qi* to be 1 and all the other Q’s to be 0 (bidder i* gets the item)

• If MR* ≤ 0, then hold on to the item (seller retains item)

)()()(R vdFvQvMR ii

V ii

Optimal allocation (inefficient!)

week 9 19

Payment rule

Hint: must reduce to second-price when bidders are symmetric

Therefore: Pay the least you can while still maintaining the highest MR

This is incentive compatible; that is, bidders bid truthfully! Why?

week 9 20

Vickrey ’61 yet again

week 9 21


• For this argument to work, MR must be an increasing function. We call F ’s with increasing MR’s regular. (Uniform is regular)

• It’s sufficient for the inverse hazard rate

(1 – F) / f to be decreasing.• Can be fixed: See Myerson 81 (“ironing”)• Assume MR is regular in what follows

week 9 22

• Notice also that this asks a lot of bidders in the asymmetric case. In the direct mechanism the bidders must understand enough to be truthful, and accept the fact that the highest value doesn’t always win.

• Or, think of MRi(vi) as i’s bid

• As usual in game-theoretic settings, distributions are common knowledge---at least the hypothetical auctioneer must know them.

week 9 23

In the symmetric case…Ars are optimal mechanisms!*

• By the revelation principle, we can restrict attention to direct mechanisms

• An optimal direct mechanism in the symmetric case awards item to the highest-value bidder, and so does any auction in Ars

• All direct mechanisms with the same allocation rule have the same revenue

• Therefore any auction in Ars has the same allocation rule, and hence revenue, as an optimal (general!) mechanism

*Includes any sort of negotiation whatsoever!

week 9 24


• Second-price auctions are efficient --- i.e., they allocate the item to the buyer who values it the most. (Even in asymm. case, truthful is dominant.)

• We’ve seen that optimal (revenue-maximizing) auctions in the asymmetric case are in general inefficient.

• It turns out that second-price auctions are optimal in the class of efficient auctions. They generalize in the multi-item case to the Vickrey-Clark-Groves (VCG) mechanisms. … More later.

week 9 25

Laboratory Evidence

Generally, there are three kinds of empirical methodologies:

• Field observations• Field experiments• Laboratory experiments

Problem: people may not behave the same way in the lab as in the world

Problem: people differ in behaviorProblem: people learn from experience

week 9 26

Laboratory Evidence

Conclusions fall into two general categories:

• Revenue ranking

• Point predictions (usually revenue relative to Nash equilibrium)

For more detail, see J. H. Kagel, "Auctions: A Survey ofExperimental Research", in The Handbook of ExperimentalEconomics, J. Kagel and A. Roth (eds.), Princeton Univ. Press, 1995.

week 9 27

Best revenue-ranking results for IPV model

• Second-Price > English Kagel et al. (87)

• English truthful=Nash Kagel et al. (87)

• First-Price ? Second-Price• First-Price > Dutch Coppinger et al. (80)

• First-Price > Nash Dyer et al. (89)

Thus, generally, sealed versions > open versions!

week 9 28

A violation of theory is the scientist’s best news!

Let’s discuss some of the violations…

• Second-Price > English. These are (weakly) strategically equivalent. But

• English truthful = Nash.

What hint towards an explanation does the “weakly” give us?

week 9 29

• First-Price > Dutch. These are strongly strategically equivalent. But recall Lucking-Reiley’s pre-eBay internet test with Magic cards, where Dutch > FP by 30%!

What’s going on here?

week 9 30

• See also Kagel & Levin 93 for experiments with 3rd-price auctions that test IPV theory

• More about experimental results for common-value auctions later

• We next focus for a while on a widely accepted point prediction:

• One explanation, as we’ve seen, is

risk aversion• But is here is an alternative explanation…

First-price > Nash

week 9 31

Spite [MSR 03 MS 03]

• Suppose bidders care about the surplus of other bidders as well their own.

Simple example: Two bidders, second-price, values iid unifom on [0,1]. Suppose bidder 2 bids truthfully, and suppose bidder 1’s utility is not her own surplus, but the difference Δ between hers and her rival’s.

week 9 32


• Now bidder 1 wants to choose her bid b1 to maximize the expectation of

where I is the indicator function, 1 when true, 0 else.

• Taking expectation over v2 :

2121)()(),( 122121 vbvb IbvIvvvv




2220 1







week 9 33

Spite• Maximizing wrt b1 yields best response to

truthful bidding:

• Intuition?





week 9 34

Spite• Maximizing wrt b1 yields best response to

truthful bidding:

• Intuition: by overbidding, 1 loses surplus when 2’s bid is between v1 and her bid. But, this is more than offset by forcing 2 to pay more when he wins.

Notice that bidder 2 still cannot increase his absolute surplus. (Why not?) He must take a hit to compete in a pairwise knockout tournament.





week 9 35

Spite• Some results from MSR 03: take the case

when bidders want to maximize the difference between their own surplus and that of their rivals. Values distributed as F, n bidders. Then

FP equilibrium is the same as in the risk-averse CRRA case with ρ = ½ (utility is t1/2 ). Thus there is overbidding.

SP equilibrium is to overbid according to


1 2




dyyFvvb v

week 9 36


Revenue ranking is SP > FP. (Not a trivial proof. Is there a simpler one?)• Thus, this revenue ranking is the opposite of

the prediction in the risk-averse case, where there is overbidding in FP but not in SP. (Testable prediction.)

• This explains overbidding in both first- and second-price auctions, while risk-aversion explains only the first. (Testable prediction.)

• Raises a question: do you think people bid differently against machines than against people?

week 9 37

Spiteful behavior in biology

• This model can also explain spiteful behavior in biological contexts, where individuals fight for survival one-on-one [MS 03]. Example:

• This is a hawk-dove game.

Winner type replaces loser type.• In a large population where the success of an

individual is determined by average individual payoff, there is an evolutionarily stable solution that is 50/50 hawks and doves.

• If winners are determined by relative payoff in each 1-1 contest, the hawks drive out the doves.

• Thus, there is an Invasion of the Spiteful Mutants!






week 9 38

Invasion of the spiteful mutants

• To see this, suppose in the large population there is a fraction ρ of H’s and (1-ρ ) of D’s.

• The average payoff to an H in a contest is

and to a D

• The first is greater than the second iff ρ<1/2. A 50/50 mixture is an equilibrium.

• But if the winner of a contest is determined by who has the greater payoff, an H always replaces a D!

))(1()( 12/1

))(1()( 2/10