week of may 27-30

There is no doubt that Larry is a genuine ------- : he excels at telling stories that fascinate his listeners. (A) braggart (B) dilettante (C) pilferer (D) prevaricator (E) raconteur

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Page 1: Week of May  27-30

There is no doubt that Larry is a genuine ------- : he excels at telling stories that fascinate his listeners.

(A) braggart

(B) dilettante

(C) pilferer

(D) prevaricator

(E) raconteur

Page 2: Week of May  27-30

Because King Philip's desire to make Spain the dominant power in sixteenth-century Europe ran counter to Queen Elizabeth's insistence on autonomy for England, --- - - - - was --- - - - -.

(A) reconciliation . . assured

(B) warfare . . avoidable

(C) ruination . . impossible

(D) conflict . . inevitable

(E) diplomacy . . simple

Page 3: Week of May  27-30

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best f its the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

His ------- prior experience notwithstanding, David was judged by the hiring manager to be -------the job.

A. illustrious . . entitled to

B. limited . . qualified for

C. applicable . . assured of

D. useful . . overqualified for

E. irrelevant . . perplexed by

Page 4: Week of May  27-30

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

The ------- of Queen Elizabeth I impressed her contemporaries: she seemed to know what dignitaries and foreign leaders were thinking.

(A) symbiosis(B) malevolence(C) punctiliousness(D) consternation(E) perspicacity