weekly edition. winnsboro, s. c., wednesday mo(ig€¦ · esr prodie two1unt even three crops in...

MV. 5. NO, .19. WEEKLY EDITION. WINNSBORO, S. C., WEDNESDAY MO(IG A 1 81.. VL5 O 9 [Foiu THE NEWS AND HERALD. ] W1OUtJITJS 'OIt: 11ARMLRS, MIorace Greeley in the Country to Itoraco Greeley in Town--Sonie Capital Ideas and Suggestions. Geo. HI. MlcMaster', Esq.: " DEAR Sin: During hours of idleness I have addressed you several letters on ugricultural subject s-appropriately I think addressed to you as the city vountet'part of my non de plamc, Horace Greeley, for, my friend, 1 opine we both are better faurmiers in theory than In practice, and perhaps we can, when in the mood, rival ; Greeley In theorizing. Yet, hoping some practical farmers inay tako at hint occasIonally, and profit by the unme, I write again ; and the burden of ny tong is IRItG ATFION. 'he very limited rainfall for several years past, and the increased aridness of our acreage soils, should admonish is that we lmust 14)ok to some source of supply other thnua descending rain- water ior all, and especially summer crops, to increase the productiveness of our soils. Such a supply can come only from reserve reservoirs or runilttg streams by means of irrigations, or in plain English, watering crops. With a sut- ficient water supply all crops can be doubled and even tripled on the same soil. .This is no new humbug, no patent idea of the present day, and we may be excused in refei-ring to what is and has been done by irrigation in other countries. The average rainfall of Japan is greater than it is in our own State, and yet in this highly civilized and best of cultivated countries, irri- gation has been practised for a thou- sand or two years past. in that country the land is the prop- erty of the Crown, so also is tIhe right to all water; and while all of the Japanese farmers are tenants at will of'' the Crown, yet they are not the serf;, rag-tag-and-bolh-tail and to-be-looked- lovn-on, as in our own enlightened land, but rank high in caste, and con- prise one of the three castes which can, in English language, be styled gen- teel. What a commentary on our own civilization. where scai'celv anivone will tim that. can help it. ''he guv- ertmnettt of Japan sees that the fitriner does his whole duty andi makes the idmost olehis land ly. If energetic and skilled, he is Speedily promoted to bet- ter lanis. If slothiin and unskilted,; his promotion ldowIn hill to a poureir farm. In this kingdom all water is utilized for the general benefit. Not depending alone ou the daily supply from running streatus, iunmmeitse reset'- voirs are constructed in higher places -' to supply the defitienhcy ill tlites of di'ought at lower grades. ''hie water of every available atream is utilized; and while these sl reatns gen';rally reach the sea by their ma ural otllets, yet they travel the rieater port ion of' the way in artifit"iaI chaumels cu'it for the purpose oi' irrigatioin. The Japai- esr prodie two 1unt even three crops in the samle vear" on the salmie land, and an estinate of the autiunit of these crops is fabulous. Their rice lanuds of sutuiiner produce wheat as a wiliter crop; and so expert are they as faum- .cr's that t.hey' have succeeded ini d wart- lng the wheat, stalk to suchb an extent. that it never oince reaches eighit to -' fourteen inches in height. Th'ley iam. for' grainl andi niot thr stra w. 'Somie- what of the smenfi sy'stemn is in vogue in China. So much ter the pro(gress of aigriculture by means of~ irr&gationm in the East, thle cradile of' nat ions, and we might add thue origin of muany ohf the arts and sciences and of impr'eved nErcletitre. I' llIRRIGATION IN OT1IPR LANIDS. The richu vall1ey or a!lluviadl)bott.omf of' the Nile lhas b'een irrigatedl since thme dlays of' Joseph and his brethre.n, and b)ut for such app)licationi of water to the soil It could not sup)port its in: habitants. Irrigation is prmactised in italy, France, Germany, and even in lidolenit Spain. On onur Westernt contlient. if we * credit, the hiistorian, the Peruviansa, at the time of the conquest. had umalle great progress In irrigation. hndeed - If we take all accounts as true (vide * ~ Prescott?s conuquest of' Peru and Mexi.. a ~co) they had at mlore aLdvanced sysatem * of' agriculture in mmany respects than -was to be seen on our continent at the beginning of the pJresenlt cenutnr'. v Like Japan the soil was the p)rop.riv of' the Crown'm, but was anniualhy divid- .ed and allotted-the otne part' ihr the use of thme gods and their otliciatinag prIiests; (itoo second part for thle utse of' the Inca ar' d his noble kindred, and the other par't f'or the working-bees. the people1, by w om all three pats were cultivatedh. Tihe linca race claimW anud seprat rce, addutes e descendntsfo soeJpnsad ventnu'er wuho had crossed the Pac ile andI brought withI him the polity o,f his own government anud itroduted the 4 ~system of amgricult.ure f'romn the East wvith such mnodi fiettions ais adaptedi it -to the diffeorent chime aund face of' the cotutry. Waiter in Pert, was the proert ofthe Crown, and was coni- voe nconduits of stone unmder- ground. Thus large areas oh !anid, oni which rain never fell, wereo nuaule frultful. To what amount ohf prtodet- lvenmess 1)01 acre these lands had attain- ed we are untable to say. Th'Iey nmust, * ~however, have beenm ext remelhv fertile, us umore than t wo year's' s'upply o' grain was found in the public SIOre-: * I mhouses at the time of' thet conquest. (TIhe greatest crop over grownu in the lUinitedt States would not atibrd over fouri to six moniths extra supptlv-hence thme average Peruvian crop must have been1 fltty 1)er cent, greater than ours.) o~ great was this reserve utur'e, that. it toomte prodigal SpanIaurds, who were all consumers and not pr'oduieris, sev- -eral years to dissIpate. iu limited sections ral fell andl less attention property of the Crown, and certain beds %ere allotted to the use of the farmers of particular localities. This country was cultivated by hand-labQr --having no draft animals. Its iml- tense productive powers were due to irrigation, good cultivation and fertili- zation. On our part of the continent the civilized Aztecs had made considera. ble progress in the science of irriga- tion, and the ruins of their canals and ditches nay be traced id Mexico, Lower Calitornia and Texas. These have been incorrectly referred to, as the more modern work of the Jesuits, perhaps ftlow the fiact that they, dur- Ing their" suorenacy, encouraged the use of the d eveloped resources they found existing on their first entrance into the counitrv. The mtuclh-ab'used Mormons, banish- ed from the Western States, sought refuge in the arid and rainless Salt Lake valley ; and, using a small amnunt of engineering brains, coin- Strncted cals and ditches, and con- verted I his desert. into a fruitful gardcn, yiebling iiiniense crops of gr.un and covered wit Ii a rich sward of t"-rass Ihat su.ttains imlnmense herds of the linest cattle. We can but look on their lgricullu'iral succq:ss wit h amazement. BIy nwu;.. of l-rigationl alone they can live and support their rapidly increas- illg.populatmun. ''hc people of some of the adjoining States have taken pattern after the Moruons, and alrcady thousands of neces im some of those States, once barren from want of rainfall, have been inade fertile by means of irritra- tion. (See recent. Reports of the De- pat meats of Agriculture.) In several of the reports referred to, are graphic decriptions of canals cut for the purpose of conveying water ilfteen to twenty- five miles in length. Some of these convey creeks and are the property of incorporated water colpanties, who sell the water to the farmers on their linies at, so much per foot of vent open- ings. Streams of water have in those same States been conveyed a similar dis- tanlce over hills and ravines for sluice mining, that is to be used in \washing down'bills to obtain gold. Now, were equivalent alnounts of water conveyed and used for farming purposes, the profits arising therefrom would far exceed the returns from the gold washinfs. When the gold is waselid out and the hill washed down, the work is (one. But the stream, 'nice conducted for farn purposes, will pay its dividend till the endl of.time. " In our own State little has been done in the way ot irrigation. except oni the rice lands pwincipally of the tide belt. These are flowed by the rise and fall of the tide, regulated by trunks, and tie writer has otui been surprised that tiese lands were not winter crop- tied with oats, sown as Soon as the rice crop was removed. By the free Use of tertilizers and water these wii- ter crops would be as profitable as the rice crop. Fine natural advantages exist to irrirmte mnu:h of the Count.ry from the tide belt to the foot oftle ftlle; and MANY $'rn.AMS IN 'ilits Itsi:r aflord a never-tiailing supply of water. The cost of' constructing water mainls would be comparatively little in this rer.ion. rroml the foot of the falls to the foot, of the mhountains there are tliousanids of' acres that can be overflowed. The coinstruct(ionI of mains is here more cost ly. and requires more engineering. skill. From the turbid streams of the high lahds we would not oly get wa- ter to increase production but this waler woulid hold in solution, mineral aund1 vdu((etale mat1I er, ScIryintg to eni- rich thle lands. Then water of this belt w<miId ts be miore vaulu:able thaun that of' the maiddle, but perhaps not more valuable than that, of tihe tide region. To take upl a streamni aind di'vert It fromin its chnaninel on an extensive senale is tihe work of tihe enIginleer. But there is one0 miethiod that does no.t requir'e a vas:tiamuniit of engimneestiIar skin. We knuow tIromi praictical experieince thnat, the minis should( Inot havei' a fall of over onec to touir inches per' mile. At thme hieml of such hmain should( be a carefully constructed lock or gate to regulate thne amiotunit of water flowling into it. Suchn inins should be wvide rat her thann (tech). IInuve over-iaink wvastes of' rock or wood1 to thrIow off' accumiulating surpluhIs rain: water at, proper (list ances. Fr~iom Ih mac in* s, b)ranuch mnai ns and1( service ditches must be constructed, and1( the latter arr'annged to throw out th.e water as desirett. 'Tie water' can be supplied ini two wayls, eit tber b)y b)roadcast flooding-~ whiich if dlone should be0 expedmitioutsly executed and over at olnc-oirb' slu:icinhg or' nruninig I brough f'urrows. Them latter lan wiouild perhapws be time chneaiest and best for' miost purl1poses. T1hec mtainms antd seirvice dlitchnes, on1Ce conist rcted. the levels of' the launds to be flowed canl he0 deterined, stanked and mairked, and once (101e prlopertly it. is arrranmged foreveri, antd iIthotut them'inr cost. Such 'would be the 'pocess of'a geneirai system of irriga- tion whlich nreachned beyonid te lanids at' a single l)'prpietor-whichi Is not likely soon, if ever', to lie priactised Everiy tarmn, thiottgh, of a few hiuni- dred acrecs lias on it a limited amuntn oh' handC, perhnaps f'rom 2 to 10 11er cent., that can be irr'iga ted, tand such11 cain 1)0 done by lie prmoprietori at 110 gr'eat outlay of' money or labom'. B~y the use0 of' a smatllI stn'eam of wauter antd good imanum'ing, Drm. Pmarker made in thme smuu'bs of' Columnbia 212 bushmels of corni on otne acre. Many of oumr readers have seen this land. Now, ever'y onme-hior'se farm in our cou,ntrv ought to prlodumce at least 150 bushlels of com'n. Suypiose by tine use of' a little brains, a little manium'e AND A LITTlLE nuIANCH, this canm lhe (1one onl two acres of land. Sulppose it cani be (done, wvould it mnot be wvell to try it? Suppose the sanme smaiill tuuoiint of h)ra1ins, Ilnalnur amud branch wounld pr'oduce two bales of' clottoni oi 0one acere. it cain be (done-- why not try it? Or if' the same stmall quaintity ol' the same things would pr'oduice 100 bushels of. oats on 0one acre, which they will, why not tryv it? In other words a fall water Supply will double and treble your bestof'ona. TIhe cash paid for commeircial tor*JJa m(.'y I: u'j o:'e county in~a yar or t.w9, w',uh! dcv If'n and tn(niL a ftc.r w,e ter supply the county contains. The cash paid fo1' brendstufls front abroad would each year irrigate land enough to produce your breudstufti forever. So would the money you send to the Northwest for bacon do the same thing. Good cultivation, fertilization, and where nature has riven it, a water supply, would make an acre not worth $10, but $300 to $500. This country of ours, as regards climate, healtfh and natural fertility, is one of the most favored on the fhce of the earth. It has been dreadfully abused and much worn. Even now it is easier to go to work and improve it and enrich it than it. is to emigrate in quest of the rich virgin and sickly soils of the Southwest with their precarious crops. it is trute our tarming has been haphazard, but we are over, we hope, with the chaotic period of experiment, reconstruction and readjustment. The mass of our people must subsist by agriculture. And more, all iiprove- nents must be made by the white race; and the whit.e man, who cultivates his owln lands with his own hands aided by his children, had best contract his operations, improve his lands, use his brains aid convert his small ttrm int.o a productive paraidise: leaving t he negro, with his little bull or old mule, to browse on the broom sedge ridges, the skinner and the curse as he is to any country. SUPERVISION BY THE STATE ICDIIA- TION COMMI1SSIONE.1 TIn conclusion, we have an Agricul- tural Bureau, and should have under it a State engineer, whose peculiar province should be to supervise, under suitable statutes, enacted for the pur- pose, the development of streams into'1 water powers, and see that such de- velopment is not a perpetual barrier to the passage of fish in all cases, and that it does not ba' improved naviga- tion. Indeed all the powers on the large streams should, by statute, be so developed that the canals or water ways constructed to convey water to propel machinery, should at the slme time admit the passage of boats around the rapids-of course, such boats pay- ing suitable tolls. And it is to be hoped that. under the present impul- sive idea of rushing into the iatu- fteturing business, the Legislature will not recklessly grant. charters to such incorporations unless it be under some restrictions looking to the future development of such streams as public water ways. Such engineer should also have chilarge, in a general way, oc all minor streams, so as to protect the general interest of a community ill these water ways, and such will espe- cially be the case should these minor streams become valuable for the pur- poSCS of irrigation. Water amid water wa.ys will in fit- ture be valuable: 1st. For purposes of vavigation. 2nd. To propel machinerv. 3rd. And the most important of all, for purposes of irrigation, and if the sovereign, the State, has not already grante( to individuals and lost con- trol of the same, s onic general statutes should be eiaeted dellning the rquita- ble rights of il citizens, aid laving down general rules for the use of the same. We quit by asking, Why could not the State Agricultural Society offer a premium of One hundred dollars for greatest number of acres irrigated and planted in grain of any kind, other than rice, in 1882. Fifty dollars for the best acre of corn produced by imcans of irrigation in 1882. Twenty-five dollars for" the best acre of oats produced in the same' waty ill 1882. Contestants for p)riz.es to sub)mit dliagramus from actuatl sur'Vv of the landst irr'igatedl, wvith the nziethod of suipplyinig water, &c. Re~spectfully, hhin.ce GRIEE,EY. BnIowN's GEolunes.-Thle ininiIgs to-day weriie decidedly 0on the side of' Mr. Brown. 'fhe debate Is getting to be known ats "Briowni's Geor*gics,'- for the piolitics of' his State anmd tile limnitatio loll OtMassachusetts polities are tile chief topics of' his frequent speechl- es. lie cer'talinly had the best of thle debate to-day. and11 worried tile Rep)ub- licans by causing to be read for thirl benefit sharp citicismns inade by Re- puIblicani papers onl tile presen)t contest. General Hawley did a clever thing from his point (If view ill readling and cotnmteniting on Mr. Browvn's specech at. the Ch'icago Conventlion of 1868, but the Georgia Seniator respIondedl in the best efTirt hie huis yet made. lie show- edl that he p)art.ed comlpany' with thle Demnocratic party of' hlis Statte because upl to 1872 it hi irtuamlly refused to accept the r'esults of the war'. lie rec- turned to it when It hadc (done4 so inl goodl faith. lIe dedned himiseif as a "natural Demlocrat," and not as ai 'Boturbon," such as TIoambs could be considered. Tihe Democrae.v he rep)resenitedl accep)ted thle nelw condi- tionis and( moved with them. It would resist, however, atll attempts to a rain ator Br'own made(1 Is own pr al Ion both elear' and1( conisitent, anid he es- tablished himself still more as ii r- lina Centary leader.-Bioston Globe Cor- recspondulec, Atpril 23. A Dna,MM31's FIRS'T Tr.-A Cleveland mncehanlt deter'minedl to sen1d his soil foi' a tr'ip Onl tile r'oad ini the ini- terest of tile house. Thle y oung nmn was rather averse to going. b it his father's persuasonus were allI-powernul and( he went.. lie wvas out some ten days, and 01n1118 ret urn his5 father' anx- lotusly inIqired, "Well, my boy, did youl get many or'ders?" "Yes, father," answered tihe new-fledged dlrulmmer; 'J got quite a nmuinber.' ''Good I" oX- clained te (elIghted fatheor, "I knew y'ou wvouild stucceedh." 'The y'ounIg man grinined and answered: '"Well[, the fIrst order I got was in Squlashbog. 1 went ito a main's stor'e there andI he said 'git out?' hIn Bungviill I got my se onOrder. This time It was 'skip!j' My third order was 'chase yotuself 'r'ound.' My next order was 'scoot,' and-' But the old gentleman hastily arose aind, kickinig hisa hopeftal's sam- plo-ease across the office, sternly com- OIanlded the 'oung man~ to go out sad help Jhn:joe. tlub truck. --rG*v~"~eda s tb rea e s 1 STORYI OF ZT'lE lR 1.LATOlB. flow They Checked the Flood of Crime thutt wasOverwheltning South Carolia in Colonial Tines -A Leaf from the ills- tory of Old Fairfeld. ( rom tho Carolna Times, Oct.. 1, 1857.1 .lJfe8r8. .Editors: Fromi a mann= script history of Fairfleld District (the work of the'late Philip Edward Peiar- son of Matagorda, Texas,) I tale the liberty of sendling you the aicuunt, w hich will be found below, of the Reg- ulation, one of the most important events of the colonial history of South Carolina-an event which caused much bloodshed at the Lime, and came near producing civil war, but which uiti- mately resulted in rreat good to the settlers of the Interior, inasmuch, as it led to the establishment of courts of justice, the restoration of peace and quiet., and the pr,UteCtionl of private property. Mr. 'earson was a native of Fairileld Distriot, an eminent law- yer, anl for many years Solicitor of the \lidd.le Circuit.' le took great in- terest in evervthing connected withi the colonial and revolutiontary history of South Carolina, and his memory was a perfect storehouse of facts, inci- dents and anecdotes, relating to thosei periods, as well as the earl adminis- itration of justice and the practice of his profession. With the history ofhis own district, even to the ninutest par- tictlar, he was perfectly familiar; hcnce, no mnan was better qualified to write the record he has left behind him thall himself. Of the "Regulation," he says: syThis capital event in the colonial history of South Carolina, originated in Fai'tield. 'The causes and impor- tant result will app ar in the sequel. A fellow by the name of Brown was ar- rested on a stolen horse neart the mouth of Little River. How. he should be disposed of was a question. 'I homiiat Woodward, Barnaby Pope and Vil- liani McGraw, were sent for to settle the dificulty. They arrived in ,'ood time-there was the stolen horse, there the shrinking of'ender. These most worthy citizens appeared slow in their resoltes. At length Billy McGraw, wearied with delay,. arose and address- ed the bystanders, '' We are," said he, "ii a fix, with ; majorit.y of' the white population in the colony, and a great deal of property inl hilan(, and that fast and11 accunular ing, we have no courts with jurisdiction to hear and punish the graver oftiences. Evil doers are taking advantage of our awkward sit- cation and swarming in the country, and so it is, that 10 citizen can call his life or his property his own. Depre- dations are daily atnd nightly commlit- ted. The thieves are bande'd together. If a thief is -arrested and forwarded unler guard to Charleston, 140 miles distance, they waylay the guard, kill oil' several anld ar"'est the priSonler. Shoul<( the guard 'arrive in Charleston with the prisoner, the witnesses have to utinti court at. great inlconv'%elience -they, too, are often waylaid and shot by the thieves-.so that a conviction of oue of the gang lnev((r hals anid nlever will be eflected. -My 'voice is for a preseniwt and immiedjite remledy. I pro- pose as ia ptnishinent for the man Brown, 75 lashes, on the bare back, well laid on. McGraw's speech, de- livered with his peculiar warmth, and emphasis, and his motion prevailed 1om. con. Brown wts forthwith taik- en up aind received the keen reward of his iniquity. ''his event was a signal for the fel- ons to consolidate and concert their military movements. They were d- termined to vindicate the ri'ght to plitu. der at the rifle's mouth. They took the nane ofX Moderators and f'ormed under' the comm3Iandl of' John Muts- grove. Tihe frieeholders, and1 hQnest por'tionl of' the comntlity, were not1 behind themi in preparatrtiohn.Te f'ormned undera a numbner of' mlilitair' leaders, and1( took the aprIopriate nam'eil ofRegulator's, TJhe following extract is f'rom tihe Newherry Sentine/: "Johlm Muisgrove (Col. A lisgr-ove, as lie as well as his brother Edwvard was called,) lived on the Sahida. Of him I have no0 personal knowledge, nor (do I know the pr'ecise sp)ot where hie liv- ed1. At his place the Regulators anid 8eofilites, in 1704, met. In battle ar'ruv. H appily, however, no battle occurredl, WVhen, however, all expected a bloody contest, Generaal Alatt hew Rlichardsoni, of' tihe iigh 111i1l<. commtiisslined by~ the governior' to l)re~vnt extremhuitles, r'ode uip. Hie was a man11 bJorn for' authoity, and3( was thme uniiven-ailly beloved of the mliddle and1( up1 coutrtiy. What a bless- ling to a1 peopile is such a personii ge, endo,wedl withI something like (didmie aulthIority, w'hose pre%seceiC can stifke mtultituides with awe,C and1( whose voice can the raiginag t.umiult, of human pas1- sions. Ati his suggestilo i, flags wIiere exchngedl, and they agreed to separ'ate andh petitionh he Governior tfor' re' dIress of givances. T1his was done, anhd after thle great delay of live year's, the Circuit Courit A ct of 17619 waIs passed, brhlaging just ice hona e o the people. 'J his quieted a I dlomiestmc dlibsensions. AltLnough nto actuiah ba1tle was fought between the Reoguilator's anid Sotfi lites, I have al- ways understood ther-e was soe lirinig. Tfhe fbolng amiteing antce- dote shows that mnust have been the ea-ge. A r-ather0 indy genithemnan who lived onl the Beaveram, jolined thme 1tegulators, and talked a graeat deal about the fighting lhe would (10. As t 3e parties were ne0arinlg one anotheri, guns wer-e fired. Hie took the alairm, fled, auid weaing a hong-tailed coat, with a 1lead inkstand in the sklirt pock- et, as he jumpihed a gulley it flew np and( struck him on the back of time head1( ; lie fell forwvard, exclaiming: "I am shot, I am a dead1( man, quarters gentlemen, qur-ter's, gentlemen I'" The man Seofil, who wasV9 made a colo- nelh by Lor-d Chiarles Giremnville Mon-. tague. Governor of' tile province, and( Is calledl Scoveil in Ramuioey's history, inust' have been a grecat scounidrel, fit only to commnand thieves and disorder- ly persons, wihth which, as might be expected, theo upper counitr ' without any coutnere than arleston, abounded, and to suphpress which the r-egultiitoni was instl utedi. For I have heard it irelated b 'one (whose memory I t)OeOer foun34ti fut.) thast 9 atter the.'Ciricuit Court Act #er i' u,'Moi wus trg tNnet -; f r a in chckene ' WhL t stae wandered ofi, to give some particularf of the Regulation or matters growinu out of it, was a tory colonel in the Revolution. The otil yknown act o1 his cominand, was the encampment of his forces on a knoll beyond the saw. mill at lobo's mills on Buchriver, and his precipitate flight thence, on hear. lug a falso report, that the Whigs nn. der Casey were about attacking. Ile intist have been a man of considerable substance. For many years after the Revolution, a large number of horses called "Iieretics," were wild in the stone-hills, and were said to be of his stock turned loose in the range. At the pacific termination of the neetin fat Musgrove's, Gen. Itiehard- son ordorcd, in nalnuce of his in- structions, that the ringleaders of the Regulators should be arrested and put in irons. The order was obeyed. Joseph Kirkland, Thomas Woodwardl, Barnabr Pope, William McGraw, Moses kirkland, William Kirkland, Philip Pearson and many others. Were immediately taken into custody and handcuffed. The prisanera were Fair- field men, and as soon as they were marched east of Broad River, all were released unconditionally but Wood. ward, .Pope and McGraw. Wood- ward, Pope and McGraw, the chief sinners, were conveyed under a strong guard to Charleston. On ah riving at the city, ther were conducted to the office of Sir 1~gerton Leigh, the Attor- nev General of the province. The prisoners were no sooner in his pres- ence than he began to pitch like a mad. man. "flow dare you follows to take the law into your own hands, and con- trary to all law, to whip his Majesty's subjects?--a stop must be put to these vile proceedings." Woodward said McGraw looked like a chafed -lion Pope like a philosopher, and "I," saii be, "felt as if I were in a very bad scrape." After Sir Egerton had fhm- ed off his wrath, he directed his clerk to take the recognizances of the pris- oners, to appear at the court in Char leston at the next term, but - without security. On the council books, it appears, that next year an apnlication was made by the persons concernel in the arrest and conveyance of these per- sons to town, but. the application was rejected on the ground that Wood- ward, Pope and McGraw were very well able to pay their own costs. Thus ended the Regulation, which once threatened all the horrors of a civil contest. Thus ends Mr. Pearson's account of the Regulation. Dr. Ramsey in his history of South Carolina, Vol. 1, page 211, 212, 213, 214, gives substantially, the same account, though not so full or minute. While upon the subject of the Regu- lation, the writer will remark, that when a boy at school in Winnsboro, he well remembers a noble old oak, that stood on the public square, just in front of the elegant mansion of David Aiken, Esq., called the Liberty tree. To this tree, it was said, the Itegulators and Whigs ->f the Revolution, for they were the same party, were in the hab- it of binding the horse thieves and Tories, and inflicting the sentence of their courts. This tree blew down In a storm about 1828 or '29, and was a subject of as n'uch regret to the citi- zens of the District, as was the loss of the charter oak of Connecticut a few years ago. As Mr. Woodward was one of the chief actors in, if not the very soul of the Regulation, I will close by furnishing his biography, as given by Mr. Pearson, in the manu- script referred to. He says: Thomas Woodward removed with a large family~ from Virginia and settled iln Faii1ek about the year Sixty-flye. With a fund of common sense rar'elv equaled, indomitable energy andl means abuIndant to make his way in the world, lhe was not long in Iturning his wild lodge into a iinost comfortable residence. lHe was going on to ac- quire real estate rapllidly when the Rtevolittionary storm was ready to burst upon our shoros. Carolina, oven in those early times, had provided an organization adapted t.o the exigency of thle occasRion. Th le State deterineid, without loss of time, to raise three reghnents, to meet the enemy at the water's edge, one of which was a Regd ment of Rangers to be0 conmmanded by Col. William ThomTpson, commonly called ol dainger, and1( Mr. Wood- ward, comml)issionIed as cap)taini, was authorized to enilist a company for this serv'ice. WVar was not yet openly pro- claimed, bitt there wvas as hard fight- ing as If every ceremony had beenm p)unictillousNly tone through with, and mnore inight he exp)ected speedlly. Thompson's corps wvas fill and when Sir Peter Parker made his attack ufpon Charleston, lhe wvas ordered with his regiment amnd all other tm'oops about the city. to guard and defenid that shail' low strait which separa'os lSullivani's Island from Long Island. Tlhe artil- lery was nmounted on sand heaps, and ourm troops wer'e as well p)t'Otected as5 circministancees wotild allow) by hastily constructed field works. The object of the British General was to pass5 over to Sulllvani's Island, and fall with his whole strength upon the rear of F~ort Moultrie, but, lie had no taste for the Anmerican pieces, nor the discilined and determi ned troop)s under Thompson--anct as lie had no notonm to advance at such hazard. lie remained where he wvas until Sir Peter Parker received his discomifltue. M r. Woodward was now near sixty years of age, and as cam p exposure wvas too severe for him at that time of life, lie reluctantly reaignied lisa captaIncy, and retired to his reAidence in Falirnold, intending, wvith others hearty in the cause, to preserve order and keep the Tories ini check, In this servIce hie was o)f great use. IIls name was a terror to all evil doers, and the dry bones of the Trories shook at the ver'y name of Woodward. Mr. Woodivard, thouigh niot a scholar, was a highly gifted and even ettlghtened man on all public "hir. iIe wvas the only moan P iair'dthat took a newspaper in say. lie Was one of' the earliest digo plmteri, and otto of the most ** flI. fb iwd him. quietly nhis p4 (tUE, ~e ateiv itsope ww his acoutomno nto ht34 srwards, jmo .4. Q #P0On neighbors he went in pursuit, found 1< them and commenced an attack upon them. A smart skirmish ensued, the (I honest party rushed ahead ; the thieves t stood their ground with desperate re-1| olution. In the melee Woodward fell r mortally wounde-. He had lived long c enough'tbr a right honorable taime and I the porformance of the mostimportant a dutis of life; but the regret was, that h such a uitun should faull by the bandit's q hand. Ills death, and especially by t such moans, was a sadness to h1i' d friends and family for years. t A Suhscituina. ( 8OUT11 CAJOL.XN4 COLE.b (3I Il 0 Organi$atIon--Th~ Facul/y--Ariculi,re and n TMechaulce. The lon. Win. Porcher Milek, Presi- y dent of the State College has -trnished by request a full description of the in- o titution with its faculties and its aims. v The faculty conesits- of himself as g roaident and, toessor of English terature, Dr. Woodrow (leidol- I org) of Geology, liineralogy, "oolo, o gv and Botany. Major Bonj. Sloan e (West Point) Mathematics and Natur- o al Philosophy, and Prof. Wm. Burnoy a (Heidelberg) Chomistry and Expert. b mental Agriculture. Foretmat of the fa farms, G. W. Connors; of the shops, g Jesse Jones. Instruction is given in the Ancient g and Modern Languages by licensed o instructors. tI Ancient Languages-Professor Von g Fingerlin. Modern Languages-Prof. u J. C. Faber M. )., (Tubin en.) I Practical Instruction will be given in 0 the Departments of Agriculture and al Mechanics under the supervision of the., t Foremen of the Farm and Shops. 6 Tuition i'ee, except in the Depart- u ment of Languages, where students pay such fees as may be agreed on tl with the Instructors. v Each student is required to pay an annual fee to the college of $10, to be' expended on repairs. Good, cheerful 0: and well ventilated bedrooms will be ci furnished free of rent to such students as desire to reside in the college build- t ings, Board can be had at. excellent licens" c ed1 boarding houses for from $12 to L $15 per month. In messes from $8 to l $9. The climate of Columbia is unsur- passed for healthfulness and iumuni- A< ty fromi-epidenic diseases. Of Mr. Miles we will say what, he could not say of himself, that he is a C gentleman of ability and far more than ordinary. culture, Before the war he made one of the best mayors the city b of Charleston ever had. and he repre'- b sented with honor the Charleston Dis- c trict in the Federal and Confederate el Congresses. ie is fully master of his o department, and his executive ability i has already been proven. lie thus speaks of the qualifications & of his associates: Of Prof. Woodrow it would be 8 enough that Prof. Joseph LeConte g pronounced him "quite as comtpetbut a to fill his chair as he (Prof. LeConte) was.?' (This was when Prot', L.. after holding the matter under advise- l mont for some time, declined to leave a his high and liberally remunerated po- n sition inl the University of California, eo and comne to us-uncertain as to whoth- p er our State really was in earnest, as ti are all her.Southern sisters, in the do- 0 sire and intention to build up the State si institution ofelearning.) Prof. Wood- v row has enjoyed all the advantages of g the best German Universities, is an eu- tf thusiastic student of scieinc'e, and wide- si ly known for his extensive acquire- o ments In those special branches 1upon1 ei which he leetures. Prof. Sloan Is a distinguished gradu- h~ ate of WVest Point, where lie took veryv i hligh rank--among the first in his class ei -and has heeni a successful pro fessor n: in one of our sister colleges. hi Piof, Buirney, with uncomnmon zeal F in the proscention of' chemical research- a; es, has had the fullest training uinder a1 the most celebrated German pr'ofes- 1,1 8sors, and has been (in Itself a high n testimoniial) a Fellow of the Johns i Hopkins University, n., Of Pr~of. Faber, as anm Instructor ini n mioderni languages, it would lbe super- b filuous for me to speak, so wiely and ei favorably is lie known as an adniirable sl and sulccessfIuh teachecr-piarticularly of e- German and Fr.ench. L P'rif. Fingerlhin, a graduate of a Rb- M man college, has the hIghest endorse- 1 ments as a competent instruictor, in both ancient and modern languages," and testimonials from many of our 0 best eitIens, in wvhose finmilies he hius ti given insti'uetiomh , l For enabling our stildonts to acqir practic~al acquiintanice w ith 1)1andn anid faraming, and the mlethlods of cult 1 v'ating our staple crops, we have ani aumple ar'ea of land, where Mr. Con-h nors-ottr fi'mner, an experienced as anid skilled agihultuist.-gives his !' uitiivided attention to field amnd gar- den~i operatins. ilere the lectures 01)O Agrionitural Chenuistry ar'e supp)le- "' mented and silluistrated by (lie test and comIpar'ison) of variotus 'fertilizers onm growving erops. Wei do niot propolse li to rmake ouri Ifarm ani "'experimlenitalh farm," as that tefmin Is usualy t der'- E' stood, I. e., its a collectlon of' little minute squaires of ground, whore eni- rious8 and( faneiiful Xexperimnents are* to be made ; such as Liebitt might have made in pots of earthm in his laboi'atory. PU We will, rather, aim to teach ot'rL young men0), who pr'opose to follow v p)lantolg or farming as a meana of' liv'e- h lihood, the most approved anid success- full methods of raising remm)unrative fl er6ps~as well hi the pre par'ation of' the soil (oftenm half1 the bath) and best. usne of farmning imnplemenitm hn all stages di of lihe crops (f'ronm seediug to harvest- tl1 lng and~,repariung for market)-as In lit the eupplyling of all the requisites of thi platit daod. TIhere is a dawn of a v N~EW Eu.A £8 TLU AtcCUt-TWII: t of our 8tate. Ouir gifted and dlist in- m ynse flo eitizeni, Dri. St. Jumloin n m R vel,hasdemionstr'ated by r'ei ait* is ed triajs, that sixty or s.evemvr hu,shus < of Oata--unmI other -grat priopmortlin- a ately-..and fromi tour to five tomns of i hav inay bo raised on one acre of landti (by ~noper tratumnt an ani apphlca- tAt I ) tiWi"o meBa)s expenive furtil' is wh) er without such tres tnmnt cie A pplicaton, hardly a tenth of aueli w V1eldce1'ld be had, "*Iermuda f.Waa' qi of be d,Wined to wr a rvohu.. 5 te in . wetmnrel 542 it . ughly accliuated, indestructible b% vintetr frosts .or summer sttus nstl roughts, requiring but moderate caro > nurse it into a hxuriantgrowth, wit'h tliich "Timothy" cawmot colpar. 'The lnrked success which has attended its ulturo, on a large scale, by Governor ligood-one of out most enlightenet nd educated and, at the sate, time, ractical farmors--has long taken thuis nestion of Bermnda Grass hay out of to hands of the experiunenter and the otnain of theory. And in this cotn-e- on 1 may be permitted to add that overnor IIigood as chairman ex icio of our Boar( of Trustee,, takes ot only a deep interest in our tiartisns lporations, but kindly aids the fare- tin of the trin with contiunal' prac- cal advice and suggestions. I trust. ot will pardon me for dwelling at Ach length on afrrieultural feature in nr institution, butt it seerms to mhe 'orthv of the extended notice I aivo ivelt it. Whet I tell you that Mr. Jesse Jotnes our nestet mechanie, and haa ebargo f the work shop, where. under hi+ ro, the student learns the use of alt rdinary tools and how to hsandle then ud how to plan and construct farm utildings and to make alit rep:air ining implements &c., and where radttady, a practical acqusitttanlre ith engines, mills. and , machinery, nerally, may be acquired; from your ivn knowledge of Mr. Jones, as a loroughly skilled and unusually int- nious mechanic and macltinit, you ust be convinced that, in this depart- ent, not loss than in thte agricultural, tt young men have exceHent advant- es extended to them, especially to oso who desire to master so much of mnechanies as may prove practically ieful to them as plasters or farmeri. When outr people shall have become orougbly awakened to the necessity providing THE MEANS OF EDUCATION 'the highest grade to the poorest assers ot her citizens---free of expense so thalt there can never more he even we excuse for the cry that the cllego at Columbia is "an atristo- 'atic insitution," "the rich man's col- ge," &c., &c., then we may see our ogislature, in imitation of the Legij. tures of our sister States of the South, aking provision herself, in addition the Congressional aid by which we e at present solely supported, for eu- ging the scope of instruction il) our ails, and mtaking the College of South irolina an instittitton of .high and beral culture, of which her peoplo ty justly by proud, and ft" which un >rn generations of her aons will be -ateiul. Perhaps I on-Aht not to con- tdo this conmunicationt without ame allusion to what, I am told, is an istacle in our way. i refer to what considered the hostility, or at least tposition, to "a State' College," od e part (if the local colleges of ott Late. I trust, that thim,Is,'if not alto- 3tbor an et"roneous.at any rato an ex- rgerated view. Why should any it. tintion oftsound learning i.0K wlt"rI JEALOCSY Don any new sister coming to her side a coadjutor in the great task of pop- iLl'r enli"htennent? Is there not room inugh tor us all to work in our al ropricte spheres? indeed, I think ere is room enough and to spare, nr young men are strowIng sp in aI dy detelont state of intellhstual d- lopment and tmental training for tlo reat ditties of life. The proporotin o tem who go to colleges at all is very nall. I repeat, there is room for all u colleges. Let there be only a gen. ous rivalry amtong us to) Fee hme uob each of tus can do towards stimtu- tinig the yotth of' ir State to the de-. re for, and the pursuit of, that"'hiarh 'euations," wiuthout wvhich a people ust Inevitab)ly retrograde, not only or' if there be one thing in the preFent to of the wvorld more certain thatn other, it is that mind ritlex ntot only o forces of the social and politicl orld, but, to ani even greaiter e'xtent, 0 forces of Nature. Show mse the~ tulon where the intelligenen ('h the ass of the p.eole is most4 deveo(peid 'training, i. C., wvhere thsoroutgh edu.1 Ltion is mrost dliffusted, and I will o0w youI a nation mno't adlvan.'cd in ren miaterial wealth and parosperite,. etus UJLTIPLY OUR SolIKOLS IAND COLL.E(ts, on, say I. Wn cannot have t.oo any of theni. In edhuentionu the aph- 'ismn of "T1oo much of a goodl thiing" 'es1 not~ holdb Who would oppose se building ot'a newv chuteuh on thec Lea that thereo wero ''churches enioug". ready"? is the plea anty stronger~ it e catse of coleges-espeelally int a ate whtere the young men are*a grow. g up int so genteral a st-ate oaf Illter. ~y? Noa I let us edtu'ate-edalte~-v.. coltmmon schoiol, it pri vaite schloolt'. high schools, in normal schools, in sllege.s, ian tuiversitieA- every w her, Incatte I Anad especially let our~ othier, the State, extenad to the psoas t haoy on her soil such advantage.. the way of edtucatlon its mar emnabin m) to comtlle( inti a profslo:cut. or thhic career, ini anty lurtslt. ad inm eryv way, with thme richsest ands rsoutd- .' t in thte latnd I And now,.if I have trespaissed tun. thy upont yotur patliece, I crave your1 ' trdotn and 1indulgence, far Ihn sak~e caf o great cause of' "Staie Edlucatiou by e St ate,"~which I have so muh at Iiart. I amn, with hight regaird, veryv faith. 113' yours, W. PouucaEu lItLE.. A StuaNc;l. Monrc.40r.- A stane oed of mnotgage was put caa rcecord ins e regisatcr's 011icc att Charslotte, N. (.., st week. A.ccorcinug to the term.n' ot' is mor*tgage Chas'. I)idenoveri, atc in. VSy hinself and ail tight aned ti he to tmself to another, to h'av.e andc to h'.ld rever, to secure a debhie Issna es the ortgageo. VTe deed wa, duly ' i used, sign ted ansd seahedi. Dadenover' a maaried mait, ad, tiva'rfoare, tun- r the lawst' of Northt CaMroli, ibfor tman entn conuvey any real estate s wife huas to give tier signaiture ereto, anowledging bteficre a no- ary puiblic or aga 1atrate, althoutgh it doub4hif ItheI obuject n* ,it fl uc has araer of'. prop,erty. IUldenuove'na ify wvaiyes all of herrightA, t ithes antd dtts to himt ns tatvor, , ' t' " g ~A antI signed the d.eed of contev- 1'.: aund acknaowledge'ri the~sam" n itli l '1 rmc hein-ei b.ais um,t w.

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Page 1: WEEKLY EDITION. WINNSBORO, S. C., WEDNESDAY MO(IG€¦ · esr prodie two1unt even three crops in the samle vear" on the salmie land, and an estinate ofthe autiunitofthese crops is

MV. 5. NO, .19.


W1OUtJITJS 'OIt: 11ARMLRS,MIorace Greeley in the Country to ItoracoGreeley in Town--Sonie Capital Ideas andSuggestions.

Geo. HI. MlcMaster', Esq.:" DEAR Sin: During hours of idleness

I have addressed you several letters on

ugricultural subject s-appropriately Ithink addressed to you as the cityvountet'part of my non de plamc,Horace Greeley, for, my friend, 1opine we both are better faurmiers intheory than In practice, and perhapswe can, when in the mood, rival

; Greeley In theorizing. Yet, hopingsome practical farmers inay tako athint occasIonally, and profit by theunme, I write again ; and the burdenof ny tong is

IRItG ATFION.'he very limited rainfall for several

years past, and the increased aridnessof our acreage soils, should admonishis that we lmust 14)ok to some sourceof supply other thnua descending rain-water ior all, and especially summercrops, to increase the productivenessof our soils.Such a supply can come only from

reserve reservoirs or runilttg streamsby means of irrigations, or in plainEnglish, watering crops. With a sut-ficient water supply all crops can bedoubled and even tripled on the samesoil..This is no new humbug, no patent

idea of the present day, and we maybe excused in refei-ring to what is andhas been done by irrigation in othercountries. The average rainfall ofJapan is greater than it is in our own

State, and yet in this highly civilizedand best of cultivated countries, irri-gation has been practised for a thou-sand or two years past.

in that country the land is the prop-erty of the Crown, so also is tIhe rightto all water; and while all of theJapanese farmers are tenants at will of''the Crown, yet they are not the serf;,rag-tag-and-bolh-tail and to-be-looked-lovn-on, as in our own enlightenedland, but rank high in caste, and con-prise one of the three castes which can,in English language, be styled gen-teel. What a commentary on our owncivilization. where scai'celv anivonewill tim that. can help it. ''he guv-ertmnettt of Japan sees that the fitrinerdoes his whole duty andi makes theidmostolehis land ly.If energetic andskilled, he is Speedily promoted to bet-ter lanis. If slothiin and unskilted,;his promotion ldowIn hill to a poureirfarm. In this kingdom all water isutilized for the general benefit. Notdepending alone ou the daily supplyfrom running streatus, iunmmeitse reset'-voirs are constructed in higher places-' to supply the defitienhcy ill tlites ofdi'ought at lower grades. ''hie waterof every available atream is utilized;and while these sl reatns gen';rallyreach the sea by their ma ural otllets,yet they travel the rieater port ion of'the way in artifit"iaI chaumels cu'it forthe purpose oi' irrigatioin. The Japai-esr prodie two 1unt even three cropsin the samle vear" on the salmie land,and an estinate of the autiunit of thesecrops is fabulous. Their rice lanuds ofsutuiiner produce wheat as a wilitercrop; and so expert are they as faum-

.cr's that t.hey' have succeeded ini d wart-lng the wheat, stalk to suchb an extent.that it never oince reaches eighit to

- ' fourteen inches in height. Th'ley iam.for' grainl andi niot thr stra w. 'Somie-what of the smenfi sy'stemn is in vogue inChina. So much ter the pro(gress ofaigriculture by means of~irr&gationm inthe East, thle cradile of' nat ions, andwe might add thue origin of muany ohfthe arts and sciences and of impr'evednErcletitre.I' llIRRIGATION IN OT1IPR LANIDS.The richu vall1ey or a!lluviadl)bott.omf

of' the Nile lhas b'een irrigatedl since thmedlays of' Joseph and his brethre.n, andb)ut for such app)licationi of water tothe soil It could not sup)port its in:habitants. Irrigation is prmactised initaly, France, Germany, and even inlidolenit Spain.On onur Westernt contlient. if we

* credit, the hiistorian, the Peruviansa, atthe time of the conquest. had umallegreat progress In irrigation. hndeed

- If we take all accounts as true (vide* ~ Prescott?s conuquest of' Peru and Mexi..

a ~co) they had at mlore aLdvanced sysatem* of' agriculture in mmany respects than-was to be seen on our continent at the

beginning of the pJresenlt cenutnr'.v Like Japan the soil was the p)rop.rivof' the Crown'm, but was anniualhy divid-.ed and allotted-the otne part' ihr the

use of thme gods and their otliciatinagprIiests; (itoo second part for thle utse of'the Inca ar' d his noble kindred, andthe other par't f'or the working-bees.the people1, by w om all three patswere cultivatedh. Tihe linca race claimWanud seprat rce, addutes e

descendntsfo soeJpnsadventnu'er wuho had crossed the Pac ileandI brought withI him the polity o,f hisown government anud itroduted the

4 ~system of amgricult.ure f'romn the Eastwvith such mnodi fiettions ais adaptedi it

-to the diffeorent chime aund face of' thecotutry. Waiter in Pert, was the

proert ofthe Crown, and was coni-voenconduits of stone unmder-

ground. Thus large areas oh !anid, oniwhich rain never fell, wereo nuaulefrultful. To what amount ohf prtodet-lvenmess 1)01 acre these lands had attain-ed we are untable to say. Th'Iey nmust,* ~however, have beenm ext remelhv fertile,us umore than two year's' s'upply o'grain was found in the public SIOre-:* Imhouses at the time of' thet conquest.(TIhe greatest crop over grownu in thelUinitedt States would not atibrd overfouri to six moniths extra supptlv-hencethme average Peruvian crop must havebeen1 fltty 1)er cent, greater than ours.)o~great was this reserve utur'e, that. ittoomte prodigal SpanIaurds, who were

all consumers and not pr'oduieris, sev--eral years to dissIpate. iu limited

sections ral fell andl less attention

property of the Crown, and certainbeds %ere allotted to the use of thefarmers of particular localities. Thiscountry was cultivated by hand-labQr--having no draft animals. Its iml-tense productive powers were due toirrigation, good cultivation and fertili-zation.On our part of the continent the

civilized Aztecs had made considera.ble progress in the science of irriga-tion, and the ruins of their canals andditches nay be traced id Mexico,Lower Calitornia and Texas. Thesehave been incorrectly referred to, asthe more modern work of the Jesuits,perhaps ftlow the fiact that they, dur-Ing their" suorenacy, encouraged theuse of the developed resources theyfound existing on their first entranceinto the counitrv.The mtuclh-ab'used Mormons, banish-

ed from the Western States, soughtrefuge in the arid and rainless SaltLake valley ; and, using a smallamnunt of engineering brains, coin-Strncted cals and ditches, and con-verted I his desert. into a fruitful gardcn,yiebling iiiniense crops of gr.un andcovered wit Ii a rich sward of t"-rassIhat su.ttains imlnmense herds of thelinest cattle. We can but look on theirlgricullu'iral succq:ss wit h amazement.BIy nwu;.. of l-rigationl alone they canlive and support their rapidly increas-illg.populatmun.

''hc people of some of the adjoiningStates have taken pattern after theMoruons, and alrcady thousands ofneces im some of those States, oncebarren from want of rainfall, havebeen inade fertile by means of irritra-tion. (See recent. Reports of the De-pat meats of Agriculture.) In severalof the reports referred to, are graphicdecriptions of canals cut for the purposeof conveying water ilfteen to twenty-five miles in length. Some of theseconvey creeks and are the property ofincorporated water colpanties, whosell the water to the farmers on theirlinies at, so much per foot of vent open-ings.Streams of water have in those same

States been conveyed a similar dis-tanlce over hills and ravines for sluicemining, that is to be used in \washingdown'bills to obtain gold. Now, wereequivalent alnounts of water conveyedand used for farming purposes, theprofits arising therefrom would farexceed the returns from the goldwashinfs. When the gold is waselidout and the hill washed down, thework is (one. But the stream, 'niceconducted for farn purposes, will payits dividend till the endl of.time.

" In our own State little has been donein the way ot irrigation. except oni therice lands pwincipally of the tide belt.These are flowed by the rise and fallof the tide, regulated by trunks, andtie writer has otui been surprisedthat tiese lands were not winter crop-tied with oats, sown as Soon as therice crop was removed. By the freeUse of tertilizers and water these wii-ter crops would be as profitable as therice crop.

Fine natural advantages exist toirrirmte mnu:h of the Count.ry from thetide belt to the foot oftle ftlle; and

MANY $'rn.AMS IN 'ilits Itsi:raflord a never-tiailing supply of water.The cost of' constructing water mainlswould be comparatively little in thisrer.ion.

rroml the foot of the falls to the foot,of the mhountains there are tliousanidsof' acres that can be overflowed. Thecoinstruct(ionI of mains is here morecost ly. and requires more engineering.skill. From the turbid streams of thehigh lahds we would not oly get wa-ter to increase production but thiswaler woulid hold in solution, mineralaund1 vdu((etale mat1I er, ScIryintg to eni-rich thle lands. Then water of this beltw<miId ts be miore vaulu:able thaun thatof' the maiddle, but perhaps not morevaluable than that, of tihe tide region.To take upl a streamni aind di'vert It

fromin its chnaninel on an extensive senaleis tihe work of tihe enIginleer. But thereis one0 miethiod that does no.t requir'e avas:tiamuniit of engimneestiIar skin. Weknuow tIromi praictical experieince thnat,the minis should( Inot havei' a fall ofover onec to touir inches per' mile. Atthme hieml of such hmain should( be acarefully constructed lock or gate toregulate thne amiotunit of water flowlinginto it. Suchn inins should be wviderat her thann (tech). IInuve over-iainkwvastes of' rock or wood1 to thrIow off'accumiulating surpluhIs rain: water at,proper (list ances.

Fr~iom Ih macin* s, b)ranuch mnai ns and1(service ditches must be constructed,and1( the latter arr'annged to throw outth.e water as desirett.

'Tie water' can be supplied ini twowayls, eit tber b)y b)roadcast flooding-~whiich if dlone should be0 expedmitioutslyexecuted and over at olnc-oirb'slu:icinhg or' nruninig I brough f'urrows.Them latter lan wiouild perhapws be timechneaiest and best for' miost purl1poses.T1hec mtainms antd seirvice dlitchnes, on1Ceconist rcted. the levels of' the launds tobe flowed canl he0 deterined, stankedand mairked, and once (101e prlopertlyit. is arrranmged foreveri, antd iIthotut

them'inr cost. Such 'would be the'pocess of'a geneirai system of irriga-tion whlich nreachned beyonid te lanidsat' a single l)'prpietor-whichi Is notlikely soon, if ever', to lie priactised

Everiy tarmn, thiottgh, of a few hiuni-dred acrecs lias on it a limited amuntnoh' handC, perhnaps f'rom 2 to 10 11er cent.,that can be irr'iga ted, tand such11 cain 1)0done by lie prmoprietori at 110 gr'eatoutlay of' money or labom'. B~y the use0of' a smatllI stn'eam of wauter antd goodimanum'ing, Drm. Pmarker made in thmesmuu'bs of' Columnbia 212 bushmels ofcorni on otne acre. Many of oumr readershave seen this land.Now, ever'y onme-hior'se farm in our

cou,ntrv ought to prlodumce at least 150bushlels of com'n. Suypiose by tine useof' a little brains, a little manium'e

AND A LITTlLE nuIANCH,this canm lhe (1one onl two acres of land.Sulppose it cani be (done, wvould it mnotbe wvell to try it? Suppose the sanmesmaiill tuuoiint of h)ra1ins, Ilnalnur amudbranch wounld pr'oduce two bales of'clottoni oi 0one acere. it cain be (done--why not try it? Or if' the same stmallquaintity ol' the same things wouldpr'oduice 100 bushels of. oats on 0oneacre, which they will, why not tryv it?In other words a fall water Supplywill double and treble your bestof'ona.TIhe cash paid for commeircial tor*JJam(.'y I: u'j o:'e county in~a yaror t.w9,w',uh! dcv If'n and tn(niL a ftc.r w,e

ter supply the county contains. Thecash paid fo1' brendstufls front abroadwould each year irrigate land enoughto produce your breudstufti forever.So would the money you send to theNorthwest for bacon do the samething. Good cultivation, fertilization,and where nature has riven it, awater supply, would make an acrenot worth $10, but $300 to $500.This country of ours, as regardsclimate, healtfh and natural fertility, is

one of the most favored on the fhce ofthe earth. It has been dreadfullyabused and much worn. Even now itis easier to go to work and improve itand enrich it than it. is to emigrate inquest of the rich virgin and sickly soilsof the Southwest with their precariouscrops. it is trute our tarming has beenhaphazard, but we are over, we hope,with the chaotic period of experiment,reconstruction and readjustment. Themass of our people must subsist byagriculture. And more, all iiprove-nents must be made by the white race;and the whit.e man, who cultivates hisowln lands with his own hands aidedby his children, had best contract hisoperations, improve his lands, use hisbrains aid convert his small ttrm int.oa productive paraidise: leaving t henegro, with his little bull or old mule,to browse on the broom sedge ridges,the skinner and the curse as he is toany country.SUPERVISION BY THE STATE ICDIIA-

TION COMMI1SSIONE.1TInconclusion, we have an Agricul-

tural Bureau, and should have underit a State engineer, whose peculiarprovince should be to supervise, undersuitable statutes, enacted for the pur-pose, the development of streams into'1water powers, and see that such de-velopment is not a perpetual barrier tothe passage of fish in all cases, andthat it does not ba' improved naviga-tion. Indeed all the powers on thelarge streams should, by statute, be sodeveloped that the canals or waterways constructed to convey water topropel machinery, should at the slmetime admit the passage of boats aroundthe rapids-of course, such boats pay-ing suitable tolls. And it is to behoped that. under the present impul-sive idea of rushing into the iatu-fteturing business, the Legislaturewill not recklessly grant. charters tosuch incorporations unless it be undersome restrictions looking to the futuredevelopment of such streams as publicwater ways. Such engineer shouldalso have chilarge, in a general way, ocall minor streams, so as to protect thegeneral interest of a community illthese water ways, and such will espe-cially be the case should these minorstreams become valuable for the pur-poSCS of irrigation.Water amid water wa.ys will in fit-

ture be valuable:1st. For purposes of vavigation.2nd. To propel machinerv.3rd. And the most important of all,

for purposes of irrigation, and if thesovereign, the State, has not alreadygrante( to individuals and lost con-trol of the same, s onic general statutesshould be eiaeted dellning the rquita-ble rights of il citizens, aid lavingdown general rules for the use of thesame.We quit by asking, Why could not

the State Agricultural Society offer apremium ofOne hundred dollars for greatest

number of acres irrigated and plantedin grain of any kind, other than rice,in 1882.

Fifty dollars for the best acre ofcorn produced by imcans of irrigationin 1882.Twenty-five dollars for" the best acre

of oats produced in the same' waty ill1882.Contestants for p)riz.es to sub)mit

dliagramus from actuatl sur'Vv of thelandst irr'igatedl, wvith the nziethod ofsuipplyinig water, &c.

Re~spectfully,hhin.ce GRIEE,EY.

BnIowN's GEolunes.-Thle ininiIgsto-day weriie decidedly 0on the side of'Mr. Brown. 'fhe debate Is getting tobe known ats "Briowni's Geor*gics,'- forthe piolitics of' his State anmd tilelimnitatiololl OtMassachusetts polities aretile chief topics of' his frequent speechl-es. lie cer'talinly had the best of thledebate to-day. and11 worried tile Rep)ub-licans by causing to be read for thirlbenefit sharp citicismns inade by Re-puIblicani papers onl tile presen)t contest.General Hawley did a clever thingfrom his point (If view ill readling andcotnmteniting on Mr. Browvn's specech at.the Ch'icago Conventlion of 1868, butthe Georgia Seniator respIondedl in thebest efTirt hie huis yet made. lie show-edl that he p)art.ed comlpany' with thleDemnocratic party of' hlis Statte becauseupl to 1872 it hi irtuamlly refused toaccept the r'esults ofthe war'. lie rec-turned to it when It hadc (done4 so inlgoodl faith. lIe dedned himiseif as a"natural Demlocrat," and not as ai'Boturbon," such as TIoambs couldbe considered. Tihe Democrae.v herep)resenitedl accep)ted thle nelw condi-tionis and( moved with them. It wouldresist, however, atll attempts to a rain

ator Br'own made(1 Is own pr al Ionboth elear' and1( conisitent, anid he es-tablished himself still more as ii r-lina Centary leader.-Bioston Globe Cor-recspondulec, Atpril 23.

A Dna,MM31's FIRS'T Tr.-ACleveland mncehanlt deter'minedl to sen1dhis soil foi' a tr'ip Onl tile r'oad ini the ini-terest of tile house. Thle y oung nmnwas rather averse to going. b it hisfather's persuasonus were allI-powernuland( he went.. lie wvas out some tendays, and 01n1118 ret urn his5 father' anx-lotusly inIqired, "Well, my boy, didyoul get many or'ders?" "Yes, father,"answered tihe new-fledged dlrulmmer;'J got quite a nmuinber.' ''Good I" oX-clained te (elIghted fatheor, "I knewy'ou wvouild stucceedh." 'The y'ounIg mangrinined and answered: '"Well[, thefIrst order I got was in Squlashbog. 1went ito a main's stor'e there andI hesaid 'git out?' hIn Bungviill I got my

seonOrder. This time It was 'skip!j'My third order was 'chase yotuself'r'ound.' My next order was 'scoot,'

and-' But the old gentleman hastily

arose aind, kickinig hisa hopeftal's sam-plo-ease across the office, sternly com-OIanlded the 'oung man~to go out sadhelp Jhn:joe. tlubtruck.

--rG*v~"~eda s tb rea

e s

1 STORYI OF ZT'lE lR1.LATOlB.flow They Checked the Flood of Crime

thutt wasOverwheltning South Caroliain Colonial Tines -A Leaf from the ills-tory of Old Fairfeld.

( rom tho Carolna Times, Oct.. 1, 1857.1.lJfe8r8. .Editors: Fromi a mann=script history of Fairfleld District (thework of the'late Philip Edward Peiar-son of Matagorda, Texas,) I tale theliberty of sendling you the aicuunt,w hich will be found below, of the Reg-ulation, one of the most importantevents of the colonial history of SouthCarolina-an event which caused muchbloodshed at the Lime, and came nearproducing civil war, but which uiti-mately resulted in rreat good to thesettlers of the Interior, inasmuch, asit led to the establishment of courts ofjustice, the restoration of peace andquiet., and the pr,UteCtionl of privateproperty. Mr. 'earson was a nativeof Fairileld Distriot, an eminent law-yer, anl for many years Solicitor ofthe \lidd.le Circuit.' le took great in-terest in evervthing connected withithe colonial and revolutiontary historyof South Carolina, and his memorywas a perfect storehouse of facts, inci-dents and anecdotes, relating to thoseiperiods, as well as the earl adminis-itration of justice and the practice ofhis profession. With the history ofhisown district, even to the ninutest par-tictlar, he was perfectly familiar;hcnce, no mnan was better qualified towrite the record he has left behind himthall himself. Of the "Regulation,"he says:

syThis capital event in the colonialhistory of South Carolina, originatedin Fai'tield. 'The causes and impor-tant result will app ar in the sequel. Afellow by the name of Brown was ar-rested on a stolen horse neart the mouthof Little River. How. he should bedisposed of was a question. 'I homiiatWoodward, Barnaby Pope and Vil-liani McGraw, were sent for to settlethe dificulty. They arrived in ,'oodtime-there was the stolen horse, therethe shrinking of'ender. These mostworthy citizens appeared slow in theirresoltes. At length Billy McGraw,wearied with delay,. arose and address-ed the bystanders, '' We are," said he,"ii a fix, with ; majorit.y of' the whitepopulation in the colony, and a greatdeal of property inl hilan(, and that fastand11 accunular ing, we have no courtswith jurisdiction to hear and punishthe graver oftiences. Evil doers aretaking advantage of our awkward sit-cation and swarming in the country,and so it is, that 10 citizen can call hislife or his property his own. Depre-dations are daily atnd nightly commlit-ted. The thieves are bande'd together.If a thief is -arrested and forwardedunler guard to Charleston, 140 milesdistance, they waylay the guard, killoil' several anld ar"'est the priSonler.Shoul<( the guard 'arrive in Charlestonwith the prisoner, the witnesses haveto utinti court at.great inlconv'%elience-they, too, are often waylaid and shotby the thieves-.so that a conviction ofoue of the gang lnev((r hals anid nleverwill be eflected. -My 'voice is for apreseniwtand immiedjite remledy. I pro-pose as ia ptnishinent for the manBrown, 75 lashes, on the bare back,well laid on. McGraw's speech, de-livered with his peculiar warmth, andemphasis, and his motion prevailed1om. con. Brown wts forthwith taik-en up aind received the keen reward ofhis iniquity.

''his event was a signal for the fel-ons to consolidate and concert theirmilitary movements. They were d-termined to vindicate the ri'ght to plitu.der at the rifle's mouth. They tookthe nane ofXModerators and f'ormedunder' the comm3Iandl of' John Muts-grove. Tihe frieeholders, and1 hQnestpor'tionl of' the comntlity, were not1behind themi in preparatrtiohn.Tef'ormned undera a numbner of' mlilitair'leaders, and1( took the aprIopriate nam'eilofRegulator's, TJhe following extractis f'rom tihe Newherry Sentine/:

"Johlm Muisgrove (Col. A lisgr-ove, aslie as well as his brother Edwvard wascalled,) lived on the Sahida. Of himI have no0 personal knowledge, nor (doI know the pr'ecise sp)ot where hie liv-ed1. At his place the Regulators anid8eofilites, in 1704, met. In battle ar'ruv.Happily, however, no battle occurredl,WVhen, however, all expected a bloodycontest, Generaal Alatt hew Rlichardsoni,of' tihe iigh 111i1l<. commtiisslined by~thegovernior' to l)re~vnt extremhuitles, r'odeuip. Hie was a man11 bJorn for' authoity,and3( was thme uniiven-ailly beloved of themliddle and1( up1 coutrtiy. What a bless-ling to a1 peopile is such a personii ge,endo,wedl withI something like (didmieaulthIority, w'hose pre%seceiC can stifkemtultituides with awe,C and1( whose voicecan the raiginag t.umiult, of human pas1-sions. Ati his suggestilo i, flags wIiereexchngedl, and they agreed to separ'ateandh petitionh he Governior tfor' re'dIress of givances. T1his was done,anhd after thle great delay oflive year's, the Circuit Courit Actof 17619 waIs passed, brhlaging just icehona e o the people. 'J his quieted a Idlomiestmc dlibsensions. AltLnough ntoactuiah ba1tle was fought between theReoguilator's anid Sotfi lites, I have al-ways understood ther-e was soelirinig. Tfhe fbolng amiteing antce-dote shows that mnust have been theea-ge. A r-ather0 indy genithemnan wholived onl the Beaveram, jolined thme1tegulators, and talked a graeat dealabout the fighting lhe would (10. Ast 3e parties were ne0arinlg one anotheri,guns wer-e fired. Hie took the alairm,fled, auid weaing a hong-tailed coat,with a 1lead inkstand in the sklirt pock-et, as he jumpihed a gulley it flew npand( struck him on the back of timehead1( ; lie fell forwvard, exclaiming: "Iam shot, I am a dead1( man, quartersgentlemen, qur-ter's, gentlemen I'"The man Seofil, who wasV9 made a colo-nelh by Lor-d Chiarles Giremnville Mon-.tague. Governor of' tile province, and(Is calledl Scoveil in Ramuioey's history,inust' have been a grecat scounidrel, fitonly to commnand thieves and disorder-ly persons, wihth which, as might beexpected, theo upper counitr' withoutany coutnere than arleston,abounded, and tosuphpress which ther-egultiitoni was instl utedi. For I haveheard it irelated b 'one (whose memoryI t)OeOer foun34ti fut.) thast 9atter the.'Ciricuit Court Act #eri'

u,'Moi wus trg tNnet -; f r

ainchckene ' WhL t stae

wandered ofi, to give some particularfof the Regulation or matters growinuout of it, was a tory colonel in theRevolution. The otil yknown act o1his cominand, was the encampment ofhis forces on a knoll beyond the saw.mill at lobo's mills on Buchriver, andhis precipitate flight thence, on hear.lug a falso report, that the Whigs nn.der Casey were about attacking. Ileintist have been a man of considerablesubstance. For many years after theRevolution, a large number of horsescalled "Iieretics," were wild in thestone-hills, and were said to be of hisstock turned loose in the range.At the pacific termination of theneetin fat Musgrove's, Gen. Itiehard-son ordorcd, in nalnuce of his in-structions, that the ringleaders of theRegulators should be arrested and putin irons. The order was obeyed.Joseph Kirkland, Thomas Woodwardl,Barnabr Pope, William McGraw,Moses kirkland, William Kirkland,Philip Pearson and many others. Wereimmediately taken into custody andhandcuffed. The prisanera were Fair-field men, and as soon as they weremarched east of Broad River, all werereleased unconditionally but Wood.ward, .Pope and McGraw. Wood-ward, Pope and McGraw, the chiefsinners, were conveyed under a strongguard to Charleston. On ah riving atthe city, ther were conducted to theoffice of Sir 1~gerton Leigh, the Attor-nev General of the province. Theprisoners were no sooner in his pres-ence than he began to pitch like a mad.man. "flow dare you follows to takethe law into your own hands, and con-trary to all law, to whip his Majesty'ssubjects?--a stop must be put to thesevile proceedings." Woodward saidMcGraw looked like a chafed -lionPope like a philosopher, and "I," saiibe, "felt as if I were in a very badscrape." After Sir Egerton had fhm-ed off his wrath, he directed his clerkto take the recognizances of the pris-oners, to appear at the court in Charleston at the next term, but - withoutsecurity. On the council books, itappears, that next year an apnlicationwas made by the persons concernel inthe arrest and conveyance ofthese per-sons to town, but. the application wasrejected on the ground that Wood-ward, Pope and McGraw were verywell able to pay their own costs. Thusended the Regulation, which oncethreatened all the horrors of a civilcontest.Thus ends Mr. Pearson's account of

the Regulation. Dr. Ramsey in hishistory of South Carolina, Vol. 1, page211, 212, 213, 214, gives substantially,the same account, though not so fullor minute.While upon the subject of the Regu-lation, the writer will remark, that

when a boy at school in Winnsboro,he well remembers a noble old oak,that stood on the public square, just infront of the elegant mansion of DavidAiken, Esq., called the Liberty tree.To this tree, it was said, the Itegulatorsand Whigs ->f the Revolution, for theywere the same party, were in the hab-it of binding the horse thieves andTories, and inflicting the sentence oftheir courts. This tree blew down Ina storm about 1828 or '29, and was asubject of as n'uch regret to the citi-zens of the District, as was the loss ofthe charter oak of Connecticut a fewyears ago. As Mr. Woodward wasone of the chief actors in, if not thevery soul of the Regulation, I willclose by furnishing his biography, asgiven by Mr. Pearson, in the manu-script referred to. He says:Thomas Woodward removed with a

large family~from Virginia and settlediln Faii1ek about the year Sixty-flye.With a fund of common sense rar'elvequaled, indomitable energy andlmeans abuIndant to make his way inthe world, lhe was not long in Iturninghis wild lodge into a iinost comfortableresidence. lHe was going on to ac-quire real estate rapllidly when theRtevolittionary storm was ready toburst upon our shoros. Carolina, ovenin those early times, had provided anorganization adapted t.o the exigencyof thle occasRion. Thle State deterineid,without loss of time, to raise threereghnents, to meet the enemy at thewater's edge, one of which was a Regdment of Rangers to be0 conmmanded byCol. William ThomTpson, commonlycalled ol dainger, and1( Mr. Wood-ward, comml)issionIed as cap)taini, wasauthorized to enilist a company for thisserv'ice. WVar was not yet openly pro-claimed, bitt there wvas as hard fight-ing as If every ceremony had beenmp)unictillousNly tone through with, andmnore inight he exp)ected speedlly.Thompson's corps wvas fill and whenSir Peter Parker made his attack ufponCharleston, lhe wvas ordered with hisregiment amnd all other tm'oops aboutthe city. to guard and defenid that shail'low strait which separa'os lSullivani'sIsland from Long Island. Tlhe artil-lery was nmounted on sand heaps, andourm troops wer'e as well p)t'Otected as5circministancees wotild allow) by hastilyconstructed field works.The object of the British General

was to pass5 over to Sulllvani's Island,and fall with his whole strength uponthe rear of F~ort Moultrie, but, lie hadno taste for the Anmerican pieces, northe discilined and determined troop)sunder Thompson--anct as lie had nonotonm to advance at such hazard. lieremained where he wvas until Sir PeterParker received his discomifltue. Mr.Woodward was now near sixty yearsof age, and as camp exposure wvas toosevere for him at that time of life, liereluctantly reaignied lisa captaIncy, andretired to his reAidence in Falirnold,intending, wvith others hearty in thecause, to preserve order and keep theTories ini check, In this servIce hiewas o)f great use. IIls name was aterror to all evil doers, and the drybones of the Trories shook at the ver'ynameof Woodward. Mr. Woodivard,

thouigh niot a scholar, was a highlygifted and even ettlghtened man on all

public "hir. iIe wvas the only moan

P iair'dthat took a newspaper in

say. lie Was one of' the earliestdigo plmteri, and otto of the most

** flI. fbiwd him. quietly

nhis p4 (tUE, ~e ateivitsopeww his acoutomno

nto ht34 srwards, jmo.4. Q #P0On

neighbors he went in pursuit, found 1<them and commenced an attack uponthem. A smart skirmish ensued, the (Ihonest party rushed ahead ; the thieves tstood their ground with desperate re-1|olution. In the melee Woodward fell rmortally wounde-. He had lived long cenough'tbr a right honorable taime and Ithe porformance of the mostimportant adutis of life; but the regret was, that hsuch a uitun should faull by the bandit's qhand. Ills death, and especially by tsuch moans, was a sadness to h1i' dfriends and family for years. t

A Suhscituina. (


Organi$atIon--Th~ Facul/y--Ariculi,re and nTMechaulce.

The lon. Win. Porcher Milek, Presi- ydent of the State College has -trnishedby request a full description of the in- otitution with its faculties and its aims. vThe faculty conesits- of himself as groaident and, toessor of Englishterature, Dr. Woodrow (leidol- Iorg) of Geology, liineralogy, "oolo, o

gv and Botany. Major Bonj. Sloan e(West Point) Mathematics and Natur- oal Philosophy, and Prof. Wm. Burnoy a(Heidelberg) Chomistry and Expert. bmental Agriculture. Foretmat of the fafarms, G. W. Connors; of the shops, gJesse Jones.

Instruction is given in the Ancient gand Modern Languages by licensed oinstructors. tIAncient Languages-Professor Von gFingerlin. Modern Languages-Prof. u

J. C. Faber M. )., (Tubin en.) IPractical Instruction will be given in 0

the Departments of Agriculture and alMechanics under the supervision of the., tForemen of the Farm and Shops. 6Tuition i'ee, except in the Depart- u

ment of Languages, where studentspay such fees as may be agreed on tlwith the Instructors. vEach student is required to pay an

annual fee to the college of $10, to be'expended on repairs. Good, cheerful 0:and well ventilated bedrooms will be cifurnished free of rent to such studentsas desire to reside in the college build- tings,Board can be had at. excellent licens" ced1 boarding houses for from $12 to L$15 per month. In messes from $8 to l

$9.The climate of Columbia is unsur-

passed for healthfulness and iumuni- A<ty fromi-epidenic diseases.Of Mr. Miles we will say what, he

could not say of himself, that he is a Cgentleman of ability and far more thanordinary. culture, Before the war hemade one of the best mayors the city bof Charleston ever had. and he repre'- bsented with honor the Charleston Dis- ctrict in the Federal and Confederate elCongresses. ie is fully master of his odepartment, and his executive ability ihas already been proven.lie thus speaks of the qualifications &

of his associates:Of Prof. Woodrow it would be 8

enough that Prof. Joseph LeConte gpronounced him "quite as comtpetbut a

to fill his chair as he (Prof. LeConte)was.?' (This was when Prot', L..after holding the matter under advise- lmont for some time, declined to leave ahis high and liberally remunerated po- nsition inl the University of California, eoand comne to us-uncertain as to whoth- per our State really was in earnest, as tiare all her.Southern sisters, in the do- 0sire and intention to build up the State siinstitution ofelearning.) Prof. Wood- vrow has enjoyed all the advantages of gthe best German Universities, is an eu- tfthusiastic student of scieinc'e, and wide- sily known for his extensive acquire- oments In those special branches 1upon1 eiwhich he leetures.

Prof. Sloan Is a distinguished gradu- h~ate of WVest Point, where lie took veryv ihligh rank--among the first in his class ei-and has heeni a successful pro fessor n:in one of our sister colleges. hiPiof, Buirney, with uncomnmon zeal Fin the proscention of' chemical research- a;es, has had the fullest training uinder a1the most celebrated German pr'ofes- 1,18sors, and has been (in Itself a high ntestimoniial) a Fellow of the Johns iHopkins University, n.,Of Pr~of. Faber, as anm Instructor ini nmioderni languages, it would lbe super- bfiluous for me to speak, so wiely and ei

favorably is lie known as an adniirable sland sulccessfIuh teachecr-piarticularly of e-German and Fr.ench. LP'rif. Fingerlhin, a graduate of a Rb- Mman college, has the hIghest endorse- 1ments as a competent instruictor, inboth ancient and modern languages,"and testimonials from many of our 0best eitIens, in wvhose finmilies he hius tigiven insti'uetiomh


For enabling our stildonts to acqirpractic~al acquiintanice w ith 1)1andnanid faraming, and the mlethlods of cult 1v'ating our staple crops, we have aniaumple ar'ea of land, where Mr. Con-hnors-ottr fi'mner, an experienced as

anid skilled agihultuist.-gives his !'uitiivided attention to field amnd gar-den~i operatins. ilere the lectures 01)OAgrionitural Chenuistry ar'e supp)le- "'

mented andsilluistrated by (lie test andcomIpar'ison) of variotus 'fertilizers onmgrowving erops. Wei do niot propolse lito rmake ouri Ifarm ani "'experimlenitalhfarm," as that tefmin Is usualy t der'- E'stood, I. e., its a collectlon of' littleminute squaires of ground, whore eni-rious8 and( faneiiful Xexperimnents are* tobe made ; such as Liebitt might havemade in pots ofearthm in his laboi'atory. PUWe will, rather, aim to teach ot'rLyoung men0), who pr'opose to followvp)lantolg or farming as a meana of' liv'e- hlihood, the most approved anid success-full methods of raising remm)unrative fler6ps~as well hi the pre par'ation of'the soil (oftenm half1 the bath) and best.usne offarmning imnplemenitm hn all stages diof lihe crops (f'ronm seediug to harvest- tl1lng and~,repariung for market)-as In litthe eupplyling of all the requisites of thiplatit daod.

TIhere is a dawn of a v

N~EW Eu.A £8 TLU AtcCUt-TWII: tof our 8tate. Ouir gifted and dlist in- mynse flo eitizeni, Dri. St. Jumloin nm

R vel,hasdemionstr'ated by r'ei ait* ised triajs, that sixty or s.evemvr hu,shus <of Oata--unmI other -grat priopmortlin- aately-..and fromi tour to five tomns of ihav inay bo raised on one acre of landti(by~noper tratumnt an ani apphlca- tAtI )tiWi"o meBa)s expenive furtil' iswh)er without such tres tnmnt cie

Applicaton, hardly a tenth of aueli wV1eldce1'ld be had, "*Iermuda f.Waa' qiof be d,Wined to wr a rvohu.. 5

tein . wetmnrel 542 it .

ughly accliuated, indestructible b%vintetr frosts .or summer sttus nstlroughts, requiring but moderate caro> nurse it into a hxuriantgrowth, wit'htliich "Timothy" cawmot colpar. 'Thelnrked success which has attended itsulturo, on a large scale, by Governorligood-one of out most enlightenetnd educated and, at the sate, time,ractical farmors--has long taken thuisnestion of Bermnda Grass hay out oftohands of the experiunenter and the

otnain of theory. And in this cotn-e-on 1 may be permitted to add thatovernor IIigood as chairman exicio of our Boar( of Trustee,, takes

ot only a deep interest in our tiartisnslporations, but kindly aids the fare-tin of the trin with contiunal' prac-

cal advice and suggestions. I trust.ot will pardon me for dwelling atAch length on afrrieultural feature innr institution, butt it seerms to mhe'orthv of the extended notice I aivoivelt it.Whet I tell you that Mr. Jesse Jotnesour nestet mechanie, and haa ebargof the work shop, where. under hi+

ro, the student learns the use of altrdinary tools and how to hsandle thenud how to plan and construct farmutildings and to make alit rep:airining implements &c., and whereradttady, a practical acqusitttanlreith engines, mills. and , machinery,nerally, may be acquired; from yourivn knowledge of Mr. Jones, as aloroughly skilled and unusually int-nious mechanic and macltinit, youust be convinced that, in this depart-ent, not loss than in thte agricultural,

tt young men have exceHent advant-es extended to them, especially tooso who desire to master so much ofmnechanies as may prove practicallyieful to them as plasters or farmeri.When outr people shall have becomeorougbly awakened to the necessityproviding

THE MEANS OF EDUCATION'the highest grade to the poorestassers ot her citizens---free of expenseso thalt there can never more he evenwe excuse for the cry that the

cllego at Columbia is "an atristo-'atic insitution," "the rich man's col-ge," &c., &c., then we may see ourogislature, in imitation of the Legij.tures ofour sister States ofthe South,aking provision herself, in additionthe Congressional aid by which wee at present solely supported, for eu-ging the scope of instruction il) ourails, and mtaking the College of Southirolina an instittitton of.high and

beral culture, of which her peoploty justly by proud, and ft" which un>rn generations of her aons will be-ateiul. Perhaps I on-Aht not to con-tdo this conmunicationt withoutame allusion to what, I am told, is anistacle in our way. i refer to whatconsidered the hostility, or at leasttposition, to "a State' College," ode part (if the local colleges of ottLate. I trust, that thim,Is,'if not alto-3tbor an et"roneous.at any rato an ex-rgerated view. Why should any it.tintion oftsound learning

i.0K wlt"rI JEALOCSYDon any new sister coming to her sidea coadjutor in the great task of pop-

iLl'r enli"htennent? Is there not roominugh tor us all to work in our alropricte spheres? indeed, I thinkere is room enough and to spare,nr young men are strowIng sp in aI

dydetelont state of intellhstual d-lopment and tmental training for tloreat ditties of life. The proporotin o

tem who go to colleges at all is verynall. I repeat, there is room for allu colleges. Let there be only a gen.ous rivalry amtong us to) Fee hmeuob each of tuscan do towards stimtu-tinig the yotth of' ir State to the de-.re for, and the pursuit of, that"'hiarh'euations," wiuthout wvhich a peopleust Inevitab)ly retrograde, not only

or' if there be one thing in the preFentto of the wvorld more certain thatn

other, it is that mind ritlex ntot onlyo forces of the social and politiclorld, but, to ani even greaiter e'xtent,0 forces of Nature. Show mse the~tulon where the intelligenen ('h the

ass of the p.eole is most4 deveo(peid'training, i. C., wvhere thsoroutgh edu.1Ltion is mrost dliffusted, and I willo0w youI a nation mno't adlvan.'cd inren miaterial wealth and parosperite,.etusUJLTIPLY OUR SolIKOLS IAND COLL.E(ts,

on, say I. Wn cannot have t.ooany of theni. In edhuentionu the aph-'ismn of "T1oo much of a goodl thiing"'es1 not~ holdb Who would opposese building ot'a newv chuteuh on thecLea that thereo wero ''churches enioug".ready"? is the plea anty stronger~ ite catse of coleges-espeelally int aate whtere the young men are*a grow.g up int so genteral a st-ate oaf Illter.~y? Noa I let us edtu'ate-edalte~-v..coltmmon schoiol, it pri vaite schloolt'.high schools, in normal schools, insllege.s, ian tuiversitieA- every w her,Incatte I Anad especially let our~othier, the State, extenad to the psoast haoy on her soil such advantage..the way of edtucatlon its mar emnabinm) to comtlle( inti aprofslo:cut.orthhic career, ini anty lurtslt. ad inmeryv way, with thme richsestands rsoutd- .'t in thte latnd IAnd now,.if I have trespaissed tun.thy upont yotur patliece, I crave your1 '

trdotn and 1indulgence, far Ihn sak~e cafo great cause of' "Staie Edlucatiou bye State,"~which I have so muh atIiart.I amn, with hight regaird, veryv faith.113' yours, W. PouucaEu lItLE..

A StuaNc;l. Monrc.40r.- A staneoed of mnotgage was put caa rcecord inse regisatcr's 011icc att Charslotte, N. (..,st week. A.ccorcinug to the term.n' ot'is mor*tgage Chas'. I)idenoveri, atc in.

VSy hinself and ail tight aned ti he totmself to another, to h'av.e andc to h'.ldrever, to secure a debhieIssna es theortgageo. VTe deed wa, duly ' iused, signted ansd seahedi. Dadenover'a maaried mait, ad, tiva'rfoare, tun-r the lawst' of Northt CaMroli, ibfortman entn conuvey any real estates wife huas to give tier signaitureereto, anowledging bteficre a no-ary puiblic or aga 1atrate, althoutgh itdoub4hifItheI obuject n*,itfl uc hasaraer of'. prop,erty. IUldenuove'naify wvaiyes all of herrightA, tithes antddtts to himt ns tatvor, , ' t' " g

~A antI signed the d.eed of contev-

1'.: aund acknaowledge'ri the~sam" n itlil'1 rmchein-eib.ais um,t w.