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Post on 07-May-2015



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Quench your thirst with these fluids that helps in Weight Loss. It is easy to make juicing recipes at home and so much healthier than soda or other sugary drinks!


  • 1.Weight Loss Drinks

2. Quench your thirst with these fluids that helps inWeight Loss. It is easy to make juicing recipes at home and so much healthier than soda or other sugary drinks! Diet with high fat, high sugar and high protein makes us gain weight. Fruits andVeggies are low in fat and calories. Fruits andVegetables helps in proper functioning of the body and maintains overall fitness. Juice intake is quite good for weight loss as it helps to lose weight in a very effective and nutritious way. So here are some of the Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss: 3. Honey-AloeVera Juice Ingredients: Aloe-Vera : 250 grams Honey : Some Lemon Juice : 1 cup Preparation: Wash and peel off the skin from AloeVera. Now cut it into pieces and extract the juice using a juice extractor. Add honey and lemon juice to it. Mix it well. Health Benefits: Aloe-Vera moisturizes your skin while honey is a great golden healer. Honey can improve the health in countless ways. Lemon juice being rich inVitamin C is essential for maintaining a fully functional immune system and aids digestion. 4. Orange Juice Yoghurt Drink Ingredients: 1 orange, honey, yogurt Preparation: Peel off the skin from the fresh orange.Take out the meat, stirring into juice. Now add yogurt and honey and mix well. Health Benefits: Orange is low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but rich in vital anti-oxidants.Yoghurt can improve digestive function of intestines and stomach, thereby preventing cell aging and make the skin white and healthy.While the benefits of honey go beyond its sweet taste. It has amazing medicinal effects and healing properties. 5. Orange Papaya Juicing Recipe Ingredients: 300 grams of orange , 100 grams of papaya, honey Preparation: Peel off the skin from the fresh orange. Take out the meat and cut it into small pieces and mix in a juicer. Now remove the skin and crumb from papaya, cut it into small pieces and put in juice extractor together with orange juice. Once its done, pour into a glass and add a cup of honey and mix well. Health Benefits: Papaya in Vitamin C content is apples 48 times. Regular consumption can flush out the liver & stomach toxins, relaxes the muscles , soften blood vessels, strengthen physical endowment of the health care effect. Orange in vitamin C & high Carotene content is very effective for dry skin. 6. Watermelon-Celery Juice Recipe Ingredients: Celery, Watermelon and honey. Preparation: Wash Celery and put it into boiling water. After boiling, cut into pieces and juice it. Take out the pulp from the watermelon , remove seeds and juice it. Now mix watermelon juice with celery juice and add a little honey for sweetness. Health Benefits: Celery is 95% water, very alkaline, and filled with fiber.The fiber is very good for weight loss. Also, Celery has blood pressure reducing properties. Watermelon is a valuable source of vitamin C and lycopene, which can help prevent cancer. In fact, most melons are rich in potassium, a nutrient that may help control blood pressure, regulate heart beat, and possibly prevent strokes. 7. Mango-honey Juice Recipe Ingredients: 2 or 3 mango, a small amount of honey. Preparation: Peel off the skin of mangoes and take out the flesh. Then cut them into blocks. Put these into a juice machine and then juice them. Pour the mango juice into a glass. Add honey and stir properly. Health Benefits: Each cup of mango juice adds more than feasible source of vitamin A & C to any diet. Mango juice also provides a good source of calcium and iron. Iron helps the body eliminate free radicals, while calcium assists with the formation of healthy teeth and bones. 8. Apple, Kiwi & Pineapple Juice Recipe Ingredients: 2 Kiwi, half a pineapple, one Apple, some honey Preparation: Wash the fruits and remove the skin. Now cut the fruits into pieces, put them in the blender and add 250cc of water with the fruit nectar. Now blend well and after juicing, add honey as per sweetness is necessary. Health Benefits: All the three fruits are rich in vitamin C and fiber. They can help in bowel movements and remove wastes & toxins from the body.They have great detoxifying effect and also enhance immunity, natural skin beauty and is a slimming drink. 9. Spinach-Kale-Apple Juice Recipe Ingredients: Apple : 2 medium sized Spinach : 1 cup Kale : 2 leaves Parsley : One handful Preparation: Blend all the ingredients in a juicer, stir well and serve. Add a little honey for sweetness if necessary. Health Benefits: One of the main benefits of using Kale is that it provides large nutritional punch with one of the fewest calorie counts per cup of any other vegetable. While apples help in weight loss and is a preventive to various diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, asthma etc. Parsley adds color &aids digestion of the foods we eat & acts to prevent gas & bloating. The high grade content of iron in spinach makes it a great blood builder. 10. We would love to share more Juice Recipes for Weight Loss See here: http://pinterest.com/tryfoodlovers/weight-loss-drinks/ Presented by Food Lovers Diet