weight loss report - carey heart


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Most people make mistakes when losing weight! Here is my 3 top secrets to that amazing bikini beach body…


Page 1: Weight Loss Report - Carey Heart

Most People Make Mistakes when Losing Weight!

How many times have you tried to lose weight? Most importantly, how many times have you tried to lose weight and failed? Depressing, isn’t it? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one, many of us have tried and failed, all we need is a push in the right direction, and that is what I had done to me! So, instead of being selfish, I’ve decided to let you into my secret, I don’t want to be the only one feeling wonderful and fabulous! So here it is; my 3 top secrets to that amazing bikini beach body…

The three main mistakes people make when losing weight:

1. People DON’T work off more calories than they consume.

2. People DON’T use a combination of diet and exercise.

3. People DON’T set goals.

‘People DON’T work off more calories than they consume’, obvious, yes? NO! The amount of people that don’t know this is amazing! Think about it, if you don’t work off more calories than you’re consuming, how are you going to lose weight? Answer: You’re not. If you don’t work off more calories than you’re consuming then the calories are just going to accumulate, therefore, you will gain weight.

It doesn’t matter how many calories you consume (within reason) as long as you burn off more than you eat, you will lose weight.

Keep a food diary, believe me, it is so much easier to control what you eat and to be able to see what sort of food you are eating if you write it down, think of it as a blueprint for where you are going to start your amazing journey. You will be able to see the type of foods you need to cut back on, (notice how I say CUT BACK on, and not cut out?

This is because we are human, everyone needs a bit of comfort food now and again, just don’t go all out and finish that pack of cookies, that’s when all your hard work will go down the drain, and no one wants that!) also processed foods, take out, fried foods, these can be classed as a treat every once in a while. You will also be able to see the type of foods you need to introduce into your diet,

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fresh fruit and vegetables are a staple food that HAS to be introduced into your diet, without these you will not get the goodness you need to not only lose weight, but to lead a healthy diet, also include pulses and beans, and vitamins and minerals Low in fat milk is a must for healthy bones, and you definitely need healthy bones to work out with!

Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water a day, not only is water the best source of refreshment, it washes out all those nasty toxins from your body, also, water is free! What more can you ask for?!

Get a weight-loss buddy to write food diaries with, having someone who will watch what they eat with you is so motivational! You can even talk to them when you are having a bad day! Play a game with them, if you have a bad day food wise, ask them to give you an exercise to do to make up for that slip up, it also works vice-versa! If you really want to be a good weight-loss buddy, you might even do that extra exercise with them, not only are you helping them work out, you can motivate them!

Now that you have un-covered the first step to your new look, the rest is easy!

‘People DON’T use a combination of diet and exercise’. This is so true; people think that if they just eat right, they will lose weight. This is true to an extent, but what happens when you lose weight but don’t exercise? You don’t get toned, you stomach can become saggy, your arms become saggy and you don’t get the full benefit of losing that weight! So, how much exercise should we do?

Adults should do around 30 – 40 minutes of moderate exercise a day, 5 times a week (moderate means you should be sweating by the end of it!)

You don’t have to do the whole 30 – 40 minutes in one go, how cool is that?! You can spread it out over you day, so if you have a 9 – 5, ten minutes at lunch is perfect, the 20 minutes after work is fine.

If you suffer from obesity, or if you in serious need of weight loss because of a medical condition, you will need to do around 45 – 60 minutes of exercise 5 times a week.

Workout Tips:

Take the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator in work, or out shopping, this helps tone up instantly! You’re going to do this at least twice a day anyway!

Go Green! Walk to work! Not only are you getting some exercise and fresh air, you helping the environment too!

If you live too far to walk to work, take the bus and get off a couple of stops before you need

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to, easy huh?

Work out an exercise plan and stick it on your refrigerator along with your food diary, if you trip up one day with your eating, then you can see if you need to do just a little bit more exercise that day. It is a proven scientific fact that visual aids will help you lose weight. Think about those television programmes that show the person who wants to lose weight what they will look like in 5 years’ time if they carry on the way they are going? Big shock, huh?

O.k, so you’ve got the first 2 secrets uncovered, now for the final one!

‘People DON’T set goals’. Goals are a vital ingredient to the recipe of weight-loss! You don’t want to under work yourself, but more importantly, you don’t want to OVER work yourself! If you over work yourself you are in danger of harming yourself, whether it be eating too less, or pulling a muscle, goals are important!

Don’t set yourself impossible goals, if you do this you will feel defeated and there’s a high chance that you will stop trying to lose weight, or even swap to those pesky weight loss tablets, and no one wants to be dependent on pills!

Try setting yourself goals that are easy to reach, after a few months of weight loss, sure, why not set yourself higher targets, but you have to get the ball rolling first!

Personalize your goals:

Take into account how much you weigh, how much time you have on your hands, health concerns and your fitness levels.

Set realistic weight loss goals:

Aim to lose 1 – 2 lbs a week, it will be easier to lose the first 1 – 2lbs as your body is not used to you doing exercise and eating the right type of foods.

Even though it may be easy to lose the initial weight, don’t aim to lose more than 2lbs as your body is still adjusting.

Aim to lose 10% of your body weight, aiming to lose more than that will only disappoint you!

Set short term AND long term goals:

Short term goals consist of things like ‘Exercise regularly’, ‘Eat healthier’, where-as long term goals consist of things like ‘Lose 30Lbs’. Long term goals tend to motivate you more than the short term goals

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Pick a date to start:

Pick a date and STICK TO IT! Do NOT let this date pass you by for anything. Obviously you will have to take in account other commitments: work demands, vacations etc. But in that case, set your date when these commitments are not around.

Write down everything:

Like I said before, write down a food diary, and exercise plan. AGAIN to re-iterate ‘It is a proven scientific fact that visual aids will help you lose weight.’

Adjust your goals if needed:

If your weight loss goals are being easily met, e.g lose 1-2lbs, set your goals a little bit higher, but DO NOT set your goals to high.

If you are finding your goals hard to meet, then adjust your goals accordingly.

SO! Now you understand the importance of weight-loss you’ll approach it with a whole new POSITIVE attitude!

Most people simply aren’t aware of the basic rules of weight-loss; 1. Work off more calories than you consume. 2. Use a combination of diet and exercise. 3. Set goals. Now YOU know these three simple rules it will be easy to fit into that beautiful item of clothing you have hanging in the closet that has been staring at you since you purchased it!

Now get out there and lose that weight! Look forward to a whole new you that you KNEW existed!

Also read The Fast Metabolism Diet – Click Here

For More Healthy Diet Tips & Tricks Visit http://Diet-Help.org