weiss school annual fund 2015-2016


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Post on 23-Jul-2016




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With your contribution, we can sustain and continue to build a truly remarkable educational program that inspires and challenges our students. Our goal this year is to raise $350,000 since tuition covers approximately 85% of the cost of your child’s education. We would like to see a 100% participation rate with a suggested minimum donation of $1,500 per family; however, we kindly ask that families donate to the best of their ability.

I want to express my gratitude in advance for your support of The Weiss School and look forward to a successful Annual Fund.

TThank you for investing in our phenomenal students!

We are all in! Are you? 

Dear Weiss School Family,

The 2015/2016 School Year has opened up with great enthusiasm from our students, staff, and families. With the addition of our new programming and exemplary educators, our Centers of Excellence strategy continues to elevate The Weiss School from excellent to exceptional. These outstanding opportunities are a direct reflection of your support of the Annual Fund.

Annual Fund 2015-2016


Head of School

Please detach and submit this form to

The Weiss School

Please make your tax deductible pledge by October 31st

The Weiss School is a not-for-profit organization. Unlike public and charter schools, The Weiss School receives no government funding. Your contribution supports the people and programs that make Weiss an extraordinary school. This translates into talented teachers, advanced technology, small classes, guest speakers and a rigorigorous curriculum that accomodates differentiation. To keep tuition as affordable as possible, we fundraise.

Tuition covers only 85% of the cost of your child’s education. With your generous donation, we can truly make a difference in the lives of every student and teacher at The Weiss School.

Everyone is asked to make a pledge or gift by October 31st. Pledges can easily be managed as a monthly payment, and we ask that all donations and pledges be fulfilled by May 15, 2016.

We’re ALL IN! Are you?

Heroes Needed...

Music Suite $50,000

Piano Lab $15,000

Primary Music Room $15,000

VVisual & Performing Arts Salon $15,000

Sponsor one of the following suites at The Weiss School and you, your business or family name will be prominently featured at the room’s entrance.

Chamber of Commerce's Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA)

Weiss school team granted $1,500 to launch startup

Scripps Spelling Bee 2nd Place

Regional National History BEEFour student Finalists

22nd Place

The Weiss School Hosts 1st Annual Debate Competition100+ students participated from Palm Beach County

5 Weiss School students placed 1st

National Debate Tournament for the National Junior Forensic League

Top 6th grader in the Nation for Congressional Debate

Duke TIP (Duke TIP (Talent Identification Program)40 nominees

The Johns Hopkins Center forTalented Youth Search

56 nominees

Florida State Science & Engineering Fair4th place in Zoology

Honorable Mention in Botany

MAD Scientists Fair

Taekwondo 2015 Sunshine State Games5 first time competitors won Gold

12 Gold12 Gold2 Silver3 Bronze

Taekwondo 2015 Winter Games 1st Place Red Belt Division in Pairs

2nd Place in 7 & Younger Pairs1st Place in 2 Team Competitions

The The Weiss School’s Master Marika Powell was presented with a “Best School Champion” award by

Grandmaster Joo-Yul OH

National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) 12 members

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) 23 members


To those who contributed time and talent throughout the year, we offer our heartfelt thanks. The dedication, commitment, and hours of volunteering for special projects and school events to benefit our children is truly remarkable. Together we have built an amazing school community!

We want to express our gratitude to all our families who supported the school last year. In particular, we want to recognize these families for their generous donations:

To learn more, visit our website www.WeissSchool.org‘Like’ us on Facebook www.facebook.com/TheWeissSchool‘Follow’ us on Twitter www.twitter.com/WeissSchool

The Weiss School depends on the support and generosity of our parents, alumni, faculty, grandparents, and parents of alumni, as well as corporations and friends to continue our commitment to provide exceptional educational opportunities for gifted students.

We are a not-for-profit organization and your donation is tax deductible.

With your generous donation, we can truly make a difference in the lives of every student and teacher at Weiss.