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Page 1: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American


Page 2: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American

WELCOME | “In His Likeness”1 John 3:2 | “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be:but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.”

Welcome to God’s most precious plant: the woman. He built us in His image and when He comes again, we want Him to see a reflection of Himself in us. We’re hoping that as you fellowship with us this weekend, you will be drawn closer to Him and you will have a desire to be just like Him.

It is my prayer that when you leave this retreat, you will be able to say, “Surely I have been with the Lord.” Let this be a renewal of your relationship with the Most High God through the preaching of His Word, the seminars, visiting the Prayer Room, and fellowship with each other. May God bless.

BIENVENIDA | “En Su Semejanza”1 Juan 3:2 | “Muy amados, ahora somos hijos de Dios, y aun no es manifestado lo que hemos de ser; pero sabemos que si él apareciere, seremos semejantes a él, porque le veremos como él es.”

Bienvenido a la planta más preciosa de Dios: la mujer. Él nos edificó a Su imagen y cuando Él venga de nuevo, queremos que Él vea un reflejo de Sí mismo en nosotros. Esperamos que a medida que ustedes entren en comunión con nosotros este fin de semana, sean atraídos más cerca de Él y tengan el deseo de ser como Él.

Es mi oración que cuando salgas de este retiro, puedas decir: “Seguramente he estado con el Señor”. Permita que esto sea una renovación de su relación con el Dios Altísimo a través de la predicación de Su Palabra, los seminarios, visitando la Sala de Oración y el compañerismo entre ellos. Que Dios les bendiga.

Carmen Fuentes-GriffithWomen’s Ministries DirectorSouthwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Page 3: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American

Women’s Ministries in the Southwestern Union| Ministerio de Damas en la Unión del Suroeste

Toshia CartmanArkansas-Louisiana Conference, DirectorConference: [email protected]

Ana AlvarezArkansas-Louisiana ConferenceHispanic DirectorConference: [email protected]

Julia ShiresOklahoma Conference, DirectorConference: [email protected]

Anysia ArchibaldSouthwest Region Conference, DirectorConference: [email protected]

Ana AcostaSouthwest Region ConferenceHispanic DirectorConference: [email protected]

Sandy ReyesTexas Conference, DirectorConference: 817-790-2255, Ext. [email protected]

Roxanne SmythTexico Conference, DirectorConference: [email protected]


Page 4: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American


Speakers| OradorasElizabeth Talbot At the feet of Jesus! That’s where Elizabeth wants to be, and she has devoted her life to the study of the Scriptures! Elizabeth Talbot is the Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American Division. She was born in Argentina to Adventist missionary parents. She holds a bachelor’s degree in music education, a master’s degree in corporate psychology, a master’s degree in biblical studies and a Ph.D. in biblilcal studies. Elizabeth is married to Patrick Talbot, a Marriage and Family Therapist. Elizabeth’s

main identity is her passion about the good news of Jesus Christ: “It’s like fire in my bones” she says, and she means it!¡A los pies de Jesús! ¡Ahí es donde Elizabeth quiere estar, y ha dedicado su vida al estudio de las Escrituras! Elizabeth Talbot es la oradora/directora de Jesús101 Biblical Institute, un ministerio de medios de la División Norteamericana. Ella nació en Argentina de padres misioneros adventistas. Ella tiene una licenciatura en educación musical, una maestría en psicología corporativa, una maestría en estudios bíblicos y un doctorado en estudios bíblicos. Elizabeth está casada con Patrick Talbot, un terapeuta matrimonial y familiar. La principal identidad de Elizabeth es su pasión por las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo: “Es como fuego en mis huesos”, dice, ¡y lo dice en serio!

Shirley Benton is co-founder of WOMEN OF LIKE FAITH, (WOLF), an organization that ministers to women, regardless of religious affiliation. Addressed are their social, physical and spiritual needs. Women are encouraged and empowered to make a difference as the love of Christ is shared with them.Shirley es cofundadora de WOMEN OF LIKE FAITH, (WOLF), una organización que ministra a las mujeres, independientemente de su afiliación religiosa. Se abordan sus necesidades sociales, físicas y espirituales. Las mujeres son animadas y empoderadas para marcar la diferencia a medida que el amor de Cristo se comparte con ellas.

Janice L. Ford a retired high school English educator whose teaching career has spanned 34 years. She is a graduate of Oakwood University (1976) with a B.A. in English. Later she obtained a M.Ed. from the University of North Texas (1994) with an emphasis in curriculum and instruction. She is married to Elder Durandel L. Ford, Sr. Together, they have two adult children and four grandchildren. She has been the President of the Southwest Region Conference Shepherdess Club – “Sisters in Ministry” for more than 20 years.

Janice es una educadora retirada de inglés de la escuela secundaria cuya carrera docente ha abarcado 34 años. Ella es una graduada de la Universidad de Oakwood (1976) con una Licenciatura en inglés. Obtuvo una Maestría de la Universidad del Norte de Texas (1994) con énfasis en currículo e instrucción. Está casada con el Pastor Durandel L. Ford, Sr. Tienen dos hijos adultos y cuatro nietos. Ella ha sido presidenta del Club Shepherdess de la Conferencia de la Región del Sudoeste – “Hermanas en el Ministerio” por más de 20 años.

Page 5: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American


Betty (Lidia) Borges At age 16, Betty went to study at the Adventist school in Costa Rica. At that time, it was known as the CADES. A young man named Juan Borges came from Chicago, USA, to study theology, whom she later married. They have two children and four grandchildren. God blessed them greatly and she is thankful for the privilege of being the wife of Pastor Juan Borges. In her spare time she loves making floral arrangements, knitting, and making crafts. She collects dolls from different countries.

A los 16 años, Betty fue a estudiar al colegio Adventista de Costa Rica. En ese tiempo, era conocido como el CADES. Allí llegó un joven de la ciudad de Chicago, USA, a estudiar teología, Juan Borges, con quien se casó. Tienen dos hijos y cuatro nietos. Dios les ha bendecido grandemente y le agradece por el privilegio de ser la esposa del Pastor Juan Borges. En sus ratos libres le encanta hacer arreglos florales, tejer, y hacer manualidades. Colecciona muñecas de diferentes países.

Carla Baker has been the North American Division Women’s Ministries Director since 2005. She previously served as the WM Director for the Southwestern Union Conference. A graduate of Andrews University with a degree in English, she has developed resources for local church women’s ministries. An ordained church elder, Carla is active in her home church in Maryland and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren.Carla ha sido la directora del Ministerio de la Mujer de la División Norteamericana

desde el 2005. Anteriormente, se desempeñó como directora de Ministerio de la Mujer para la Unión de Sudoeste. Graduada de la Universidad de Andrews con un título en inglés, ha desarrollado recursos para ministerios de mujeres para las iglesias locales. Siendo anciana ordenada de la iglesia, Carla es activa en su iglesia local en Maryland y le gusta pasar tiempo con sus nietos.

Erica Jones currently serves as the Assistant Director of Women’s Ministries for the North American Division. Her primary ministry and passion is mentoring teen girls and developing resources that address the real issues they face. One of Erica’s greatest desires is to empower young women to have the tools to make wise choices, recognizing that the choices they make today can have lasting effects on their futures. Erica lives in Howard County, Maryland, where she enjoys walking, reading, spending time with her family (which includes a dog, a cat, and two horses), and co-managing a regional animal rescue.

Erica Jones actualmente se desempeña como subdirectora de Ministerio de la Mujer para la División Norteamericana. Su ministerio principal y pasión es guiar a las niñas adolescentes y desarrollar recursos que aborden los problemas reales que enfrentan. Uno de los mayores deseos de Erica es capacitar a las jóvencitas para que tengan las herramientas para tomar decisiones sabias, reconociendo que las decisiones que toman hoy pueden tener efectos duraderos en su futuro. Erica vive en el condado de Howard, Maryland, donde le gusta caminar, leer, pasar tiempo con su familia (que incluye un perro, un gato y dos caballos) y administra un rescate regional de animales.

Page 6: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American


Presenters and Seminars | Presentadoras y Seminarios

Shirley Benton: Morning Manna | Maná Matutino (Frisco 6)This will be a time of early communion and praise with the Lord. Come and begin your day with God.Este será un tiempo de comunión temprana y alabanza con el Señor. Ven y comienza tu día con Dios.

Sara Bullón: Life’s Counsels | Consejos de la Vida (Frisco 2)When we accept counsel on how to live our lives, we find ourselves even more in tune with God. We will glorify God when we learn how to handle life’s challenges.Cuando aceptamos consejos sobre cómo vivir nuestras vidas, nos encontramos aún más en sintonía con Dios. Glorificaremos a Dios cuando aprendemos a manejar los desafíos de la vida.

Sonia Canó: The Sabbath a Delight | El Sábado una Delicia (Frisco 3)We have such a wonderful and blessed enjoyment when we learn how to make the Sabbath a delight with our family. Come and learn of many activities that we can participate in with our family that will make the Sabbath a day that we look forward to.Tenemos un gozo maravilloso y bendito cuando aprendemos cómo hacer que el sábado sea

una delicia para nuestra familia. Venga y aprenda de muchas actividades en las que podemos participar con nuestra familia que harán del día de reposo, el día que esperamos con ansias.

Carmen Esposito: Through the Valley of Loss and At Peace with Others |A Traves del Valle de la Muerte y En Paz Con Todos (Frisco 5)Losing a loved one is one of life’s most difficult experiences. Weeks and months that follow such a loss can be overwhelming. We need to understand the process of mourning, the seven stages of grief, and how you can help lessen the pain of a grieving person. God’s Spirit, the Comforter,

walks with us every step of the way and will guide us toward healing, true peace, and renewed hope for the future. The second phase of the seminar will deal with human relationships and how to live in peace with all.Perder a un ser querido es una de las experiences mas difíciles en la vida. Las semanas y meses que siguen tal pérdida pueden ser abrumadores. Necesitamos entender el proceso de luto, las siete etapas del duelo, y cómo usted puede ayudar a aliviar el dolor de una persona afligida. El Espiritu Santo, el Consolador, camina con nosotros cada paso del sendero y nos conduce hasta que alcanzamos sanidad, paz verdadera y una esperanza renovada hacia el futuro. La segunda parte del seminario será sobre las relaciones humanas y como vivir en paz con todos.

Diana Jaworski: Keys for Success and Creative and Encouraging Ideas for Your Next Presentation | Llaves para el Éxito e Ideas Creativas e Inspiradoras para su Próxima Presentación (Frisco 7)This seminar will guide us in learning the seven keys of encouragement for our own personal success. God’s Word will help us to see that God wants us to be successful. There will be a

review of creative and inspired activities that can be implemented in our churches.

Page 7: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American

Este seminario nos guiará en el aprendizaje de las siete claves de estímulo para nuestro propio éxito personal. La Palabra de Dios nos ayudará a ver que Dios quiere que seamos éxitosas. Habrá una revisión de las actividades creativas e inspiradas que pueden ser implementadas en nuestras iglesias.

Wilma Lee: One Size Does Not Fit All and Spiritual Gifts Inventory |Un Tamaño No Sirve Para Todas e Inventario de Dones Espirituales (Frisco 8)Today’s woman spends far too much time and energy trying to keep up with what’s trending. God has created us in His image. We cannot allow the world to define us. Only our Creator can do that!

La mujer de hoy en día gasta demasiado tiempo y energía tratando de mantenerse al día con lo que está de moda. Dios nos ha creado a Su imagen. No podemos permitir que el mundo nos defina. ¡Solo nuestro Creador puede hacer eso!

Carla Wright: The Prayer of Salvation and Examples of Personal Beliefs |La Oración de Salvación y Ejemplos de Creencias Personales (Frisco 4)This seminar will encourage, equip, and empower women. You will discover the prayer of salvation and review examples of personal beliefs that can be regarded as true or false. Este seminario alentará, equipará y capacitará a las mujeres. Descubrirá la oración de

salvación y revisará ejemplos de creencias personales que pueden considerarse verdaderas o falsas.

Dr. H. Jean Wright: Spiritual Depression | Depresión Espiritual (Frisco 6)Wellness is a conscious, deliberate process that requires being aware of and making choices for a more satisfying lifestyle. Stress is virtually unavoidable. It’s not always bad; it comes down to how you handle it. El bienestar es un proceso consciente y deliberado que requiere estar consciente y tomar

decisiones para un estilo de vida más satisfactorio. El estrés es virtualmente inevitable. No siempre es malo; se trata de cómo lo manejas.

Melody Radde: Domestic Violence and Abuse (Frisco 9)(Seminar will be presented only in English | El seminario se presentará solamente en Ingles).Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied. Noticing and acknowledging the warning signs and symptoms of domestic violence and abuse is the first step to ending it. How can we further help?


Page 8: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American


Retreat Schedule| Horario del RetiroFriday, August 10 | Viernes, 10 de agosto6:50 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.General Session | Sesión General Frisco 6

Worship in Praise | Adoración y Alabanza ................................. Praise Invocation | Invocación .................................................................. Wilma Lee............................................................................................................. Sonia CanóWorship in Song | Alabanza .......................................................... Cheryl Foster

Welcome & Announcements .......................................................... Carla BakerBienvenida & Anuncios ................................................................... Carmen Fuentes-Griffith

Scripture & Intercessory Prayer.................................................... Shirley BentonEscritura | Oración Intercesora .................................................... Nelva Chacón

Worship in Song | Música Especial .............................................. PraiseIntroduction of Speaker | Introducción de la Oradora ............. Vivian Johnson............................................................................................................. Hazel Marroquin

Worship in Song | Música Especial .............................................. Carla Wright

Message | Mensaje .......................................................................... Pastor Elizabeth Talbot Translation | Traducción ............................................................... Pastor Eduardo Canales

Benediction | Bendición ................................................................. Praise

Sabbath, August 11 | Sábado, 11 de agosto

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.Morning Manna ............................................................................... Shirley BentonEl Maná Matutino (Traducido) ...................................................... Leslie Soupet

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9:15 - 10:30 a.m.Seminars | Seminarios

Frisco 2: Sara Bullón ..........................................................“Consejos de la Vida” (Español)Frisco 3: Sonia Canó ...........................................................“El Sábado una Delicia” (Español)Frisco 4: Carla Wright ....................................................... “The Prayer of Salvation”............................................................................................... and “Examples of Personal Beliefs” ............................................................................................... (English)Frisco 5: Carmen Esposito ................................................“Through the Valley of Loss”................................................................................................and “At Peace with All” (English)Frisco 6: Dr. H. Jean Wright ..............................................“Spiritual Depression” (English)Frisco 7: Diana Jaworski ...................................................“Ideas Creativas e Inspiradoras................................................................................................para su Próxima Presentación” ................................................................................................(Español)Frisco 8: Wilma Lee ............................................................“Un Tamaño No Sirve Para Todos”................................................................................................Traducción en español: Lorena MarinFrisco 9: Melody Radde .....................................................“Domestic Violence and Abuse” ............................................................................................................ (English)

10:50 - 12:30 a.m.Divine Worship | Culto Divino Frisco 6

Worship in Praise | Adoración y Alabanza ................................. Praise Invocation | Invocación .................................................................. Rose Carr............................................................................................................. Ana Acosta

Welcome & Announcements .......................................................... Carmen Fuentes-GriffithBienvenida & Anuncios ................................................................... Alessandra DeMoraes

Worship in Song | Música Especial .............................................. Ysis España

Scripture & Intercessory Prayer.................................................... Anysia ArchibaldEscritura & Oración Intercesora ................................................... Sandy Reyes

Page 10: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American


Worship in Song | Música Especial .............................................. Carla WrightIntroduction of Speaker | Introducción de la Oradora ............. Carla Baker............................................................................................................. Ana Alvarez

Special Music | Música Especial .................................................. Praise

Message | Mensaje .......................................................................... Elizabeth TalbotTranslation | Traducción ............................................................... Ysis España

Benediction | Bendición ................................................................. Praise

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.Lunch | Almuerzo

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.Fellowship, Exhibits, Rest, Prayer Room | Compañerismo, Exhibiciones, Descanso, Cuarto de Oración

3:00 - 4:30 p.m.Seminars | Seminarios

Frisco 2: Sara Bullón ..........................................................“Counsels for Life”................................................................................................English translation: Leslie SoupetFrisco 3: Sonia Canó ...........................................................“The Sabbath a Delight” (English)Frisco 4: Carla Wright ....................................................... “La Oración de Salvación” y ............................................................................................... “Ejemplos de Creencias Personales”............................................................................................... Traducción en Español: Lorena MarinFrisco 5: Carmen Esposito ................................................“En Paz con Todos” y “Atravesando................................................................................................el Valle del Dolor” (Español)Frisco 6: Dr. H. Jean Wright ..............................................“Depresión Espiritual” (English)................................................................................................Traducción en Español: Pastor Van ArchiboldFrisco 7: Diana Jaworski ...................................................“Creative and Inspirational Ideas for................................................................................................Your Next Presentation” (English)Frisco 8: Wilma Lee ............................................................“One Size Does Not Fit All” (English)Frisco 9: Melody Radde .....................................................“Domestic Violence and Abuse” ................................................................................................(English)

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4:30 - 5:30 p.m.Fellowship, Exhibits, Rest, Prayer Room | Compañerismo, Exhibiciones, Descanso, Cuarto de Oración

5:30 - 6:30 p.m.Dinner | Cena

7:00 - 8:30 p.m.Anointing and Testimony Service | Servicio de Unción y TestimonioOfficiating: Shirley Benton | Translation: Leslie SoupetTheme Song ...................................................................................... PraisePartners in Prayer | Oración en ParejaSpecial Music | Música Especial .................................................. Carla WrightHealing Testimony | Testimonio .................................................. Janice FordSpecial Music | Música Especial .................................................. PraiseHealing Testimony | Testimonio .................................................. Betty BorgesSpecial Music | Música Especial .................................................. TrinityAnointing Service | Servicio de Unción ....................................... Shirley Benton

After the service, time for fellowship, exhibitions, Photo Booth, visiting the Prayer Room and rest. Bright and early to Morning Manna at 8:30 a.m. with Shirley Benton.Después del servicio, tiempo para compañerismo, exhibiciones, cabina de fotos, visitar el Cuarto de Oración y descanso. Ven y únanse a nosotros a las 8:30 a.m. para Maná Matutina con Shirley Benton.

Sunday, August 12 | Domingo, 12 de agosto8:30 - 9:30 a.m.Morning Manna ............................................................................... Shirley BentonEl Maná Matutino (Traducido) ...................................................... Leslie Soupet

9:45 - 11:00 a.m.Communion | Servicio de Comunión .......................................... Elizabeth TalbotTranslation | Traducción ............................................................... Ysis España

Worship in Song | Música Especial .............................................. Praise

Page 12: WELCOME | “In His Likeness”cdn.southwesternadventist.org/wp-content/uploads/... · Speaker/Director for the Jesus101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American

Prayer | Oración ............................................................................. Suzanna Facundo............................................................................................................. Marline Del ValleMessage in Song | Música Especial ..........................................Carla Wright Message | Mensaje .....................................................................Elizabeth Talbot Ordinance of Humility | Servicio de HumildadPartaking of the Emblems | Participar de los Emblemas ............Elizabeth TalbotBenediction | Bendición ................................................................. Elizabeth Talbot

Teen Schedule| Horario AdolescenteOfficiating: Erica JonesLocation | Citation, Comanche, Gallant Fox (Rooms located upstairs)

Friday EveningTeens will join the women for the opening session at 6:50 p.m. 7:30 p.m. ................................................................................. Opening Seminar

(Teens will separate for their opening seminar.)

Sabbath Morning8:00 a.m. .................................................................................Teens may join the women ................................................................................................. for Morning Manna.

9:15 - 10:30 a.m. .................................................................... Teen Seminar

10:50 - 12:30 a.m. .................................................................. Divine Service: ................................................................................................. Teens included with women

1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ...................................................................... Lunch with the women

2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ...................................................................... Fellowship, Exhibits, Rest ................................................................................................. and Prayer Room

3:00 - 4:30 p.m. ...................................................................... Teen Seminar4:30 - 5:30 p.m. ...................................................................... Fellowship, Exhibits, Rest ................................................................................................. and Prayer Room

5:30 - 6:45 p.m. ...................................................................... Dinner

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. ...................................................................... Anointing Service

8:30 - 10:00 p.m. ................................................................... Teen Activity