welcome [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf central square...

WWW.BPR-CONSULTATION.LONDON CGI of proposed view of the approach on Eccleston Bridge WELCOME The scheme proposes the remodelling and enhancement of the Colonnade Walk on Buckingham Palace Road to provide improved public realm and retail units. On the ground floor, the scheme will reconfigure and improve Central Square with a new office entrance. The scheme will also provide new facilities for the Bulleid Way bus station off Bulleid Way. Proposals also include the creation of two and a half additional office storeys in a modern roof extension. Gaw Capital is looking to submit a planning application to Westminster City Council in August 2017 for the remodelling and enhancement of 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road. Gaw Capital owns the building on-site and is a fund management company, which focuses on real estate markets. Specialising in adding strategic value to under-utilised sites through redesign and repositioning. Gaw Capital achieves significant results in property and development projects across a broad range of sectors. Morrow + Lorraine is an award-winning architecture practice working across refurbishment, new build and interiors in Central London and throughout the UK. Gerald Eve is a property consultancy based in the UK. It provides independent, intelligent and relevant advice based on detailed market knowledge and sector understanding. BBUK is a chartered landscape practice registered with the Landscape Institute. It has taken on a wide range of projects ranging from Streetscape Design Guidance, Public Parks and Open Spaces through to private gardens for individual and commercial clients. Buro Four is the project manager on the scheme, providing direction, management and consultancy services to high-profile property and construction clients. Established in 1985, it has grown over the past 27 years, with offices in London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Leeds, Manchester and Abu Dhabi. Comm Comm UK is a specialist planning, licensing and construction consultancy with expertise and experience of advising and implementing consultation and communications programmes. Comm Comm UK has been appointed to lead communications with the local community and stakeholders on behalf of the applicant. Peter Dann has been appointed as the structural engineer and is an award- winning engineering consultancy specialising in structural and civil design. Mecserve is the mechanical and electrical consultant, providing engineering solutions for the construction industry. Leslie Clark is the cost consultant, providing quantity surveying, project management and CDM consultancy services. Welcome to Gaw Capital’s public exhibition about the remodelling and enhancement of 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road THE TEAM

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Page 1: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely


CGI of proposed view of the approach on Eccleston Bridge


The scheme proposes the remodelling and enhancement of the Colonnade Walk on Buckingham Palace Road to provide improved public realm and retail units. On the ground floor, the scheme will reconfigure and improve Central Square with a new office entrance. The scheme will also provide new facilities for the Bulleid Way bus station off Bulleid Way. Proposals also include the creation of two and a half additional office storeys in a modern roof extension.

Gaw Capital is looking to submit a planning application to Westminster City Council in August 2017 for the remodelling and enhancement of 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road.

Gaw Capital owns the building on-site and is a fund management company, which focuses on real estate markets. Specialising in adding strategic value to under-utilised sites through redesign and repositioning. Gaw Capital achieves significant results in property and development projects across a broad range of sectors.

Morrow + Lorraine is an award-winning architecture practice working across refurbishment, new build and interiors in Central London and throughout the UK.

Gerald Eve is a property consultancy based in the UK. It provides independent, intelligent and relevant advice based on detailed market knowledge and sector understanding.

BBUK is a chartered landscape practice registered with the Landscape Institute. It has taken on a wide range of projects ranging from Streetscape Design Guidance, Public Parks and Open Spaces through to private gardens for individual and commercial clients.

Buro Four is the project manager on the scheme, providing direction, management and consultancy services to high-profile property and construction clients. Established in 1985, it has grown over the past 27 years, with offices in London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Leeds, Manchester and Abu Dhabi.

Comm Comm UK is a specialist planning, licensing and construction consultancy with expertise and experience of advising and implementing consultation and communications programmes. Comm Comm UK has been appointed to lead communications with the local community and stakeholders on behalf of the applicant.

Peter Dann has been appointed as the structural engineer and is an award-winning engineering consultancy specialising in structural and civil design.

Mecserve is the mechanical and electrical consultant, providing engineering solutions for the construction industry.

Leslie Clark is the cost consultant, providing quantity surveying, project management and CDM consultancy services.

Welcome to Gaw Capital’s public exhibition about the remodelling and enhancement of 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road


Page 2: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely

Historic photograph of the site looking north from Buckingham Palace Road showing the colonnade with solid

masonry panels between the remaining sections of stone


The site is made up of the enitre building at 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road, including the stone Colonnade archways, the glass canopy walkway and set-back retail units. On the ground floor, the site extends into Central Square and through to Bulleid Way and includes the bus station. Offices are located in the main building, which is six storeys and is accessed from Colonnade Walk.

The site sits within the Victoria Opportunity Area and BID, which have been established to encourage regeneration and growth. The building on-site is not listed, nor is the site within a Conservation Area although it is close to the Belgravia Conservation Area and the Pimlico

Conservation Area, which include a number of listed buildings.

Buckingham Palace Road is an important thoroughfare used every day by thousands of passengers.

Redevelopment of this site is necessary to improve spatial planning and movement in this highly-accessible location. Crossrail 2 is proposed nearby, with two entrances planned to lead onto Buckingham Palace Road.

The proposed station would see an additional 30 trains per hour through Victoria’s tunnels and bring up to 24,000 more passengers through in peak hours.

Due to its location and the current condition of the site, it is clear that redevelopment here is crucial to provide better facilities for the increase in workers and visitors.

The site is located in Victoria, in-between four major transport hubs; Victoria mainline and underground stations, connecting passengers to Victoria coach station and Bulleid Way bus station.

Map showing site boundary with nearby conservation areas and transport hubs


Page 3: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely


EXISTING SITEIn its current form, the site is unwelcoming and difficult to navigate. The design of the building and related features are cluttered and they do not integrate well with the surrounding environment.


Page 4: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely



Our vision is to create a useable and active space, which will deliver both outstanding new office and retail space. We believe that current public realm areas are cluttered, unwelcoming and difficult to navigate.

The proposals are for a two and a half-storey set-back roof extension, which will provide up to 760 additional

jobs in new high-quality office space as well as the remodelling and enhancement of the ground floor public realm. Improved public facilities will be accessible for Bulleid Way bus station users.

Specific details of the proposals include:

For the first time, the entire building is under a single ownership, enabling a masterplan for the whole site that creates opportunities for enhanced and extended retail and office space.


• The scheme proposes to remodel and enhance the publicrealm on-site, opening up the currently covered Colonnade Walk, creating a bright and welcoming area lined with shops, restaurants and hard and soft landscaping

• The majority of pedestrians approach the site from Victoriastation to the north and are greeted by the heavy stone archway. This feature is a significant obstacle to pedestrian movement at what is a busy and congested junction. The proposal is to remove the archway and connecting glass canopy, opening up the public realm to create an inviting and bright approach to the buildings

• The pedestrian walkway through the Colonnade Walk willbe widened to create a better sense of space for workers and pedestrians. Street furniture, as well as hard and soft landscaping, will be integrated to create an attractive and active ground floor environment. We are working with BBUK on landscaping plans for the site

• Materials used throughout the scheme complement both theexisting structure as well as buildings in the surrounding area. A weathered steel is proposed to line parts of the Colonnade

• The current office entrance on the ground floor will beextended forward and widened to improve visibility.


• The existing retail floorspace is disjointed and providesa poor retail offer that appears uninviting. The shops are positioned behind a row of heavy columns and they do not meet modern requirements

• The proposals will extend the shop frontages, increasingvisibility and floorspace

• There will be fewer retail units than currently on-site,however, they will be larger and more flexible, attracting a mix of high-quality A1-A4 units

• Street furniture will be introduced and there is the potentialfor external seating as well as hard and soft landscaping

• The shop fronts will have a clear identity, using materials thatcomplement the existing building. Steel columns and beams will be used to frame the building and echo the exposed steel grid of the façade above.

CGI of proposed view of the approach on Eccleston Bridge

CGI of proposed view along Colonnade Walk


Page 5: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely



• The open square is located in the heart of the developmentand is extremely underused due to the lack of legibility and poor way-finding

• The scheme proposes to revitalise and remodel this spacethrough the introduction of a new office entrance for the new office upper floors

• The new space will provide an opportunity for new publicart. Landscaping is also proposed for Central Square.


• Bulleid Way can currently be accessed through CentralSquare as well as along Eccleston Bridge and Elizabeth Bridge. The proposals will close the access through Central Square

• New bus facilities, including a reception area and ancillaryfacilities, will be created on Bulleid Way. Access to the bus station will continue to be maintained from Eccleston Bridge and Elizabeth Bridge.


• Additional office space will be provided on-site througha two and a half-storey roof extension. The Victoria Area Planning Brief recognises the scope for additional height within the vicinity

• The proposed extension will be articulated by a modern andfinely detailed glass structure, completing the base, middle and top architectural approach

• Cladding details have been incorporated that echo therhythm and architectural language of the exposed grid of the existing façade

• The roof extension will be accessed via the new officeentrance in Central Square. Lifts will take workers straight to the sixth floor where they arrive in the Sky Lobby

• The extension will be set-back from street level andintegrated with a mezzanine and roof terrace, which will create outside space for new workers.

CGI of proposed street view of the stone screen by Colonnade Walk looking from Buckingham Palace Road

PROPOSALSCGI of proposed Central Square


Page 6: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely



• By enhancing the public realm and pedestrianenvironment around the site, the proposals will benefit residents, workers and visitors

• The proposals will vastly improve the usability of thesite and improve the character of the area

• The opportunity to improve spatial planning is key toallowing smooth connections in this congested urban context

• Refining and upgrading the retail offer will createa more inviting and active ground level environment, boosting Westminster’s economy and supporting local businesses

• There is an opportunity to improve facilities for coachtravellers with a new reception and ancillary facilities.


Proposed elevation with ground floor office bays Proposed elevation with ground floor retail bays


Page 7: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely






Page 8: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely


ELEVATIONSProposed elevation of the site from Buckingham Palace Road

Proposed elevation of the site from Eccleston Bridge

Proposed elevation of the site from Bulleid Way

Proposed elevation of the site from Elizabeth Bridge


Page 9: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely



Proposed Ground Floor Retail Plan

Proposed Level 6 Office Floor Plan


Page 10: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely



Proposed Level 7 Office Floor Plan

Proposed Level 6 Mezzanine Floor Plan


Page 11: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely


Landscape Floor Plan for Proposed Ground Floor Public Realm

LANDSCAPINGHard and soft landscaping is proposed throughout the site, including within Colonnade Walk, Central Square and the new office terraces on the proposed roof extension. This results in a brighter, more welcoming approach to the site.


Page 12: WELCOME [bpr-consultation.london]bpr-consultation.london/assets/bpr_boards_final.pdf CENTRAL SQUARE • The open square is located in the heart of the development and is extremely


CGI of proposed view of the approach on Eccleston Bridge


Gaw Capital will require the construction contractor to be part of the Considerate Constructors Scheme, which ensures the impact of building works on local communities is minimised in terms of noise, traffic, access and hours of operation. The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a national initiative set-up by the construction industry to improve its image. Construction sites and companies registered with the Scheme are monitored against a Code of Considerate Practice.

Following approval of the planning application, a Construction Management Plan would be drafted and consulted on with the local community before works start on-site.



JUNE/JULY 2017Public exhibition events

AUGUST 2017Submission of planning application

MID 2018Works expected to start on-site

If you have any questions, please contact:

Jessica Stewart 020 7125 [email protected]

For more information regarding the scheme, please visit our consultation website:
