welcome to chess class this will program will show you basic chess moves copyright william j...

Welcome to Chess Class This will program will show you basic Chess moves Copyright William J Capehart

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No, SorryGo back and review!Copyright William J CapehartGoes back to rook8The Pawn

Push play to watch videoBack to quizCopyright William J Capehart 27The Knight

Choose another piecePush play to watch videoCopyright William J Capeharthttp://files.tested.com/photos/2013/04/03/47194-knight_teaser.jpghttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fchess.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FFile%3AChancellor_Piece.png&h=0&w=0&tbnid=hn26_6Ai8eFsQM&zoom=1&tbnh=257&tbnw=196&docid=rX4q1FtS5N45JM&tbm=isch&ei=yxzIU8uyOIyfyAT2p4DoBg&ved=0CAUQsCUoAQ

24No, SorryGo back and review!Copyright William J CapehartGoes back to bishop6No, SorryGo back and review!Copyright William J CapehartGoes back to queen5The King

Choose another PiecePush play to watch videoCopyright William J Capeharthttps://www.google.com/search?q=king+chess&tbm=isch&ei=OQjIU8_WGcqQyASklIDABQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=AwNFQFSwS3VYhM%253A%3BwNOtlqyKyd8JEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fopenclipart.lynms.edu.hk%252Fclipart%252Fportablejim%252Fportablejim_Chess_tile_-_King.svg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fopenclipart.lynms.edu.hk%252Findex_340.html%3B1008%3B504


Click on any piece to learn about it!To win a chess game you must capture the opponents king.Click the smiley face to take the quizCopyright William J Capeharthttp://www.intuitor.com/chess/images/Chess_Board.jpg2Question SixHow far can the king move each move?As far as he needs to if he is threatened.As far as he can go in a straight line.One square in any direction, unless hes going into his castle.As far as he needs to go to allow him to get in his castle.

Yes, thats right! Go back to the board and try some more!Copyright William J CapehartThe Rook also called the Castle

How to Castle Choose another piecePush play to watch videoBasic Rook MovesCopyright William J CapehartQuestion ThreeHow does a pawn attack another piece?It has to hop over the other piece.It must hit it head on.It must take the piece at an angle.A pawn can only take other pawns.Yes, thats right! Go to the next question!Copyright William J CapehartQuestion FourA Rook cannot move in which directionForwardsDiagonalBackwardsSideways

Yes, thats right! Go to the next question!Copyright William J CapehartThe Knight

Choose another piecePush play to watch videoCopyright William J Capeharthttp://files.tested.com/photos/2013/04/03/47194-knight_teaser.jpghttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fchess.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FFile%3AChancellor_Piece.png&h=0&w=0&tbnid=hn26_6Ai8eFsQM&zoom=1&tbnh=257&tbnw=196&docid=rX4q1FtS5N45JM&tbm=isch&ei=yxzIU8uyOIyfyAT2p4DoBg&ved=0CAUQsCUoAQ