welcome to northern regional byrds

Welcome to Northern Regional BYRDS What does BYRDS stand for? British Young Rider Dressage Scheme. BYRDS was started in 1989 with the aim of bringing together young dressage riders and the families and friends who support them and has really grown since that time. Because there was a countrywide demand, British Dressage (BD) decided to expand the scheme based on their existing regional structure. It was initially for riders up to the age of 21 but now includes those up to the age of 25. Riders can join BYRDS at the age of 6 and those riders up to the age of 11 are known as “Fledglings”. Aims The aim of Northern Regional BYRDS is to provide top class coaching at our three 2/3 day camps, regional competitions, national competitions and regional training days. This can be accessed by all interested young people and is supplementary to any training they may already be having. It will provide them with pathways towards their eventual goal whether that is as a world class rider, International/National Pony, Junior or Young Rider, selection for regional teams, or as a capable, dedicated and happy horse person at any level, with a good understanding of their equine partners and a commitment to the welfare of the horse. Who can join Regional BYRDS? Anyone can! Riders are welcome from the age of 6 up to 25. We encourage everyone to come along and join in regional activities. If you can walk, trot and do some canter you can give it a go, oh and be brave enough to do some work without stirrups! We do not expect everyone to have a flash, fancy horse – cobs, Arabs, Welsh, Connemara’s, Shetlands and mixtures are all welcome. How do I join? Go to the British Dressage website – regional activities – Northern. In the BYRDS section there is a link to the registration form. Fill this in and send to the regions BYRDS Representative Leanne Howe. Leanne will send you an email to confirm receipt and that’s it, you’re a member! You do not have to be a member of British Dressage to join BYRDS and take part in regional training but if you want to be selected for regional teams you are required to be a full member of BD.

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How to join BYRDs Northern and whatt it offers


Page 1: Welcome to Northern Regional BYRDs

Welcometo Northern Regional BYRDS

What does BYRDS stand for?British Young Rider Dressage Scheme. BYRDS was started in 1989 with the aim of bringing together young dressage riders and the families and friends who support them and has really grown since that time. Because there was a countrywide demand, British Dressage (BD) decided to expand the scheme based on their existing regional structure. It was initially for riders up to the age of 21 but now includes those up to the age of 25. Riders can join BYRDS at the age of 6 and those riders up to the age of 11 are known as “Fledglings”.

Aims The aim of Northern Regional BYRDS is to provide top class coaching at our three 2/3 day camps, regional competitions, national competitions and regional training days. This can be accessed by all interested young people and is supplementary to any training they may already be having. It will provide them with pathways towards their eventual goal whether that is as a world class rider, International/National Pony, Junior or Young Rider, selection for regional teams, or as a capable, dedicated and happy horse person at any level, with a good understanding of their equine partners and a commitment to the welfare of the horse.

Who can join Regional BYRDS?Anyone can! Riders are welcome from the age of 6 up to 25. We encourage everyone to come along and join in regional activities. If you can walk, trot and do some canter you can give it a go, oh and be brave enough to do some work without stirrups! We do not expect everyone to have a flash, fancy horse – cobs, Arabs, Welsh, Connemara’s, Shetlands and mixtures are all welcome.

How do I join?Go to the British Dressage website – regional activities – Northern. In the BYRDS section there is a link to the registration form. Fill this in and send to the regions BYRDS Representative Leanne Howe. Leanne will send you an email to confirm receipt and that’s it, you’re a member!

You do not have to be a member of British Dressage to join BYRDS and take part in regional training but if you want to be selected for regional teams you are required to be a full member of BD.

Page 2: Welcome to Northern Regional BYRDs

Squads?Each member of BYRDS will be assessed either at one of the training camps or by one of the many BYRDS assessors in the region. Riders are continually assessed and may move up a level if the assessors agree. Riders are assessed on their riding skills, not by the level at which they are competing. To be considered for selection to represent the region, riders will be required to perform one of the Rider Tests at the squad level for which they are potentially being selected.The rider tests can be found on the BD website or from Leanne Howe.

Riders in each squad will be competing at different levels i.e.: Prelim, Novice, Elementary and may move up through the levels whilst remaining in their squad.

The region hosts an annual competition during May where riders have another opportunity to be assessed by using the rider tests.

Northern Regional BYRDS

What levels are there?

Fledglings – This group is for riders aged 6 – 11 years riding with the foundations of a basic position in walk, trot and canter.

C Squad – This is for any rider from the age of 11 to 25 riding with the foundations of a basic position and able to make corrections at walk, trot and canter.

B Squad – This is again for any rider aged between 11 and 25 with a basically correct position showing some depth and security at walk, trot and canter.

A Squad – Riders between the ages of 11 and 25 with the correct position with depth and security

Selection for Regional Teams:Each year there are up to four BYRDS competitions which each BD region sends teams to and riders are required from all levels of squads. Riders who wish to be selected must have attended at least one camp and one other mounted regional training day or National training day.

The BYRDS Inter Regional competition is held at the College EC, Bedford and rider’s competing at this competition will use the rider tests and the focus is on riders position, skill and inflluence the horse or ponies way of going.

The BYRDS Home International uses regular BD tests from Prelim through to Medium and FEI Team tests for Pony, Junior and Young Riders.

There is also the Sheepgate Under 25’s Championship show and this really is the showcase of British Dressage’s BYRDS riders. Riders can also qualify for this competition at regular BD shows – details can be found in the BD rule book.

There is also the opportunity to compete at Marlton, Ireland!





Ponies / Juniors / Young Riders 12-21 years

Standard: FEI Championship

NATIONAL TRAINING Ponies / Juniors / Young Riders

12-25 years Ponies standard: Elementary / Medium

Jnr & YR standard: Advanced Medium upwards Young horses: Showing future potential

NATIONAL TRAINING Ponies / Juniors / Young Riders

12-25 years Standard: AImed at young people in the dressage industry


Co-ordinator: Regional Development Officer or BYRDS Regional Representitive

Page 3: Welcome to Northern Regional BYRDs



Juniors / Young Riders

16 - 24 yrs

Advanced Medium level upwards


Becky Phillips (BEF)



Ponies/Juniors/Young Riders

12 - 21 years

Standard: FEI Championships


Karen Ryder /

Ann Morton / Sharon Weir


Ponies Riders

12 - 16 yearsPonies Standard: Elementary / Medium

Co-ordinators: Karen Ryder /

Ann Morton / Sharon Weir

Competition and Training Opportunities





18 - 25 years

Special criteria apply - young people

working on a career within dressage


Karen Ryder /

Ann Morton / Sharon Weir


BYRDS Home International, BYRDS Inter Regional6 – 25 yrs – regional selection policy applies – standard Prelim upwards – coordinator Leanne HoweSheepgate Under 25’s Championship6 – 25 years – Prelim – FEI – National qualifiers – Teams competitions – coordinator Leanne Howe

High Performance camps 16yrs – 25 yrs – national criteria – coordinator Karen RyderRegional Camps 6 yrs – 25 yrs – open to all levels of riders, horses and ponies – coordinator Leanne Howe

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Open to riders aged 12 - 25 years

Regional ‘B’ Squad Riders and above

Co-ordinators: Karen Ryder / Ann Morton / Sharon Weir

Open to riders aged 6 – 25 years

Co-ordinators: Sarah Huntridge / Leanne Howe

January 2012

Photography by Tim Rycroft

Produced by PCD Agency (www.pcdagency.com)

Regional BYRDS caters for a broad spectrum of riders however as riders progress in age and ability they still belong to BYRDS and the regions BYRDS Representative maintains communication with all riders.

If you would like to know more about Northern Regional BYRDS please do get in touch with either;

Leanne Howe, Regional BYRDS Representative – [email protected]

Sarah Huntridge, Regional Development Officer – [email protected]



What next?Keep an eye on the regional webpage on the BD site as this is where you will find the dates for regional camps, training days and competitions. These activities fill up very fast so you need to apply early but we do try to make sure everyone gets a place! www.britishdressage.co.uk

Lots of fun and training of course. The camps start on a Friday evening so everyone can get the horses and ponies settled and there is a meet and greet. On the Saturday and Sunday riders have lessons, test riding practice, lectures, demonstrations, games and the opportunity to watch lessons. Parents also get to chat to each other over coffee and cake.

What happens at the regional camps?

Other national and regional training opportunities