welcome to saint joseph’s...

we pray for the sick … Karina Hearne, Haydn Emerson, Sr Mary Murphy, Therése Williams, Joe Quinn, Dorothy Hansell, Trond Fermann, Malyq Kailahi, Mary Briggs, Angela Luisi, Grace Megna, Connie Papasidero, Marie Helson, Matthew Head, Yvonne Houghton, Rosina Rombola, Jobe Hunt, Fr Beltrame, Betty Soley, Jane Summut, Lisa Carn, Marie O’Connor, Tess Powell, Peter Obeid, Mason Watts (baby), Stephanie Vineburg, Samantha Reardon, Frank Driscoll, Nikea Coram, Harry Soley, Illaria Donebus, Kevin Auhl, Clare Taylor, Natalie, Emma Wallace, Gail Stopp & Family, Steven Neville, Rita Drew, Daisy Matavao, Margaret Hughes, Paul Hughes, Oscar Lucas, Michael Nardi, Megan Newman, Sr Mary Lawrence, Santo Celi, Kay Egan, Kathleen Dunne. (Names will remain on the list for your Prayers. Please contact the Parish Office if circumstances change) we pray for the deceased….. Joseph Senes (baby), Graham Bourke, Elisabetta Campisi (Ulladulla), Vincent Campisi Snr. We also remember…… Consecrated to Mary Help of Christians (Patroness of Australia) May 2011 Parish Priest: Fr Anthony Dunne Assistant Priest: Fr Damian Jellett Secretary: Tammy Werner Contact Details Address: PO Box 443, LEETON 2705 Ph: 02 6953 2099 Fax: 02 6953 7099 Email: [email protected] Office Hours Tuesday: 9.00am - 3.30pm Friday: 9:00am – 3:30pm Sunday Mass Times Saturday Vigil 6.00pm Sunday Yanco 8.00am Leeton 10.00am Weekday Mass Times LEETON Mon 9.00 am Wed 9:00 am Fri 9:15 am & 5.30pm YANCO Tue 9:00 am VILLA Thur 9.30 am ST MARY’S CHAPEL Sat 8.00am Sacrament of Penance Leeton Friday: 5:00pm - 5:20pm Saturday: 5:30pm - 5:50pm Or anytime, just ask Father Eucharistic Adoration St Joseph’s Church Wed 9:30am St Joseph’s Parish Council Members Robert Houghton (Chairperson), Seb Spina, Cliff West, Polly Greatz, Chris Walker, Beryl Garner, Marg Lewis, Tonetta Iannelli, Bruce Washington, Tony Reneker St Joseph’s School Principal: Mr Chris Walker - 69533248 St Francis College Principal: Mrs Brenda King- 69533622 THIS WEEK Welcome to Saint Joseph’s Leeton (Incorporating St Carthage’s Whitton) and Saint Patrick’s Yanco ROSTER THIS WEEK 8 th February NEXT WEEK 15 th February 6pm Commentator SAINT FRANCIS COLLEGE R. Houghton Readers S. Hughes & A. Stevens Offertory O & K O’Callaghan Extraordinary Ministers R. Steedman/B. King/ M. Lewis H. Ryall/ M. Moon/T.Turner Welcoming team St Joseph’s Parish Ladies Group B. Mulloy Music St Francis College Volunteers please 8.00am YANCO Commentator F. Hulme Beryl Coelli Readers M. Orel/Volunteer Sandra Watson/Volunteers 10.00am Commentator T. Fiumara St Joseph’s Primary Year 3 Readers L. MacAuley & V. Pages Offertory P. Salafia & Family Children’s liturgy Extraordinary Ministers K. Sullivan/K. Dowley/ M. McPhee C. Walker/B. Conroy/ P. Greatz Music A. Taylor & M. Damiani St Joseph’s Primary CLEANERS Clean between date rostered on & the next Sunday M. Hogan/B. Ahern/ B. Troy/E & P Edwards COUNTERS B. Aird/K. Ryall/ R. Steedman MEETINGS MON - 1.30pm St Joseph’s Parish Ladies Group TUE - Patronata Inca THUR - 1.45pm St Vincent de Paul FEAST DAYS MON - The Presentation of the Lord THUR - St Agatha FRI - St Paul Miki and companions

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we pray for the sick … Karina Hearne, Haydn Emerson, Sr Mary

Murphy, Therése Williams, Joe Quinn, Dorothy Hansell, Trond Fermann, Malyq Kailahi, Mary Briggs, Angela Luisi, Grace Megna, Connie Papasidero, Marie Helson, Matthew Head, Yvonne Houghton, Rosina Rombola, Jobe Hunt, Fr Beltrame, Betty Soley, Jane Summut, Lisa Carn, Marie O’Connor, Tess Powell, Peter Obeid, Mason Watts (baby), Stephanie Vineburg, Samantha Reardon, Frank Driscoll, Nikea Coram, Harry Soley, Illaria Donebus, Kevin Auhl, Clare Taylor, Natalie, Emma Wallace, Gail Stopp & Family, Steven Neville, Rita Drew, Daisy Matavao, Margaret Hughes, Paul Hughes, Oscar Lucas, Michael Nardi, Megan Newman, Sr Mary Lawrence, Santo Celi, Kay Egan, Kathleen Dunne.

(Names will remain on the list for your Prayers. Please contact the Parish Office if circumstances change)

we pray for the deceased….. Joseph Senes (baby), Graham

Bourke, Elisabetta Campisi (Ulladulla), Vincent Campisi Snr.

We also remember……

Consecrated to

Mary Help of Christians (Patroness of

Australia) May 2011

Parish Priest: Fr Anthony Dunne Assistant Priest: Fr Damian Jellett Secretary: Tammy Werner

Contact Details Address: PO Box 443, LEETON 2705 Ph: 02 6953 2099 Fax: 02 6953 7099 Email: [email protected]

Office Hours Tuesday: 9.00am - 3.30pm Friday: 9:00am – 3:30pm

Sunday Mass Times Saturday Vigil 6.00pm

Sunday Yanco 8.00am

Leeton 10.00am

Weekday Mass Times LEETON

Mon 9.00 am

Wed 9:00 am

Fri 9:15 am & 5.30pm


Tue 9:00 am


Thur 9.30 am


Sat 8.00am

Sacrament of Penance Leeton Friday: 5:00pm - 5:20pm

Saturday: 5:30pm - 5:50pm Or anytime, just ask Father

Eucharistic Adoration

St Joseph’s Church Wed 9:30am

St Joseph’s Parish Council Members

Robert Houghton (Chairperson), Seb Spina, Cliff West, Polly Greatz, Chris

Walker, Beryl Garner, Marg Lewis, Tonetta Iannelli, Bruce Washington, Tony Reneker

St Joseph’s School Principal: Mr Chris Walker - 69533248

St Francis College Principal: Mrs Brenda King- 69533622


Welcome to Saint Joseph’s Leeton

(Incorporating St Carthage’s Whitton)

and Saint Patrick’s Yanco


8th February NEXT WEEK 15th February




R. Houghton

Readers S. Hughes & A. Stevens

Offertory O & K O’Callaghan

Extraordinary Ministers R. Steedman/B. King/

M. Lewis

H. Ryall/

M. Moon/T.Turner

Welcoming team St Joseph’s Parish

Ladies Group B. Mulloy

Music St Francis College Volunteers please

8.00am YANCO

Commentator F. Hulme Beryl Coelli

Readers M. Orel/Volunteer Sandra Watson/Volunteers


Commentator T. Fiumara St Joseph’s

Primary Year 3 Readers L. MacAuley & V. Pages

Offertory P. Salafia & Family

Children’s liturgy

Extraordinary Ministers K. Sullivan/K. Dowley/

M. McPhee

C. Walker/B. Conroy/

P. Greatz

Music A. Taylor & M. Damiani St Joseph’s Primary


between date rostered on &

the next Sunday

M. Hogan/B. Ahern/

B. Troy/E & P Edwards

COUNTERS B. Aird/K. Ryall/

R. Steedman


MON - 1.30pm St Joseph’s Parish Ladies Group

TUE - Patronata Inca

THUR - 1.45pm St Vincent de Paul


MON - The Presentation of the Lord

THUR - St Agatha FRI - St Paul Miki and companions

WELCOME BACK all students, teachers and families to a

new school year. Hopefully everyone had a safe, enjoyable holiday season. May the new school year be filled with God’s grace and blessings.


Monday 2nd February 2015 at 1:30pm in the Blue Room. New

members are most welcome. Come along to pray and socialize

with other women from the Parish.

SRE TEACHERS: Classes will resume on the week beginning


February. Books can be collected from Tammy in the office

this Tuesday 3rd

Feb. Many Thanks.


Please see the side bar of bulletin for Mass and Holy

Hour time changes this week.

THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY: Is the church enjoying a rebirth in

France?; Don’t waste this golden penitential opportunity, says Pope; Family: it’s the place where we discover love; HSC achievers in 2014-special supplement; The future? Well, it ain’t what it used to be: Archbishop’s homily; Tens of thousands join the March of Life in Washington; Educators, former High Commissioner among Catholics in Australia Day Honours; Prelate helped Jewish families hide from Nazis; Vista: what’s on in your parish and diocese?


hours will resume THIS Tue 3rd Feb. Tuesday 9.00am - 3.30pm and Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm

YANCO CLEANING FEB: Coelli (T,B&W) & Sue Driscoll

PREPARATION FOR THE SECOND SYNOD ON THE FAMILY 2015 – Copies of the document entitled “The

Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and

Contemporary World. Lineamenta and 30 Questions” is available

on the back table of the church (in yellow) and also from the

office. On 9 December, the Synod Secretariate published the

Relatio Synodi from October 2014 which becomes the

“Lineamenta” for the 2015 Synod 4-25 October 2015. The

Synod Secretariate seeks, by 15 April 2015, responses from

Particular Churches, academic bodies, church and lay

organisations, and other ecclesial groups, so that they can be

studied prior to the issue of the “Instrumentum Laboris” for the

synod, which is to be published before the European summer.

Australian Diocesan responses to the questionnaire should be

forwarded to the General Secretariat by 15 February so that they

can be collated and referred to the Permanent Committee who

meet on 4 March. Information on how and where the responses

are to be forwarded will be provided by the Australian Catholic

Bishops Conference General Secretariat in due course but will

need to be forwarded to the Wagga Wagga Diocesan contact

person by 13 February 2015. Please see Fr Anthony for more

information. Thank-you.

CLEANING and COUNTING ROSTER The new rosters for 2015 are available at the back of the church. Unfortunately, there is one cleaning group which has been reduced to one person only. If you and one friend could help, please see Tammy in the office. Many thanks.


and join 1,000 young people (16-35 and the young at

heart, families welcome) experiencing Easter together in

2015. Witness the liturgy come alive and take part in

prayer, pilgrimage, drama, contemporary music and

personal sharing that will revive your faith. You'll never

forget it! 2-5 April 2015 in Appin, NSW. More info

at www.lttn.org.au

The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son of God born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

The Angelus V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. (Hail, Mary) V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. R. Be it done unto me according to thy word. (Hail, Mary) V. And the Word was made flesh. (all genuflect) R. And dwelt among us. (Hail, Mary) V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray. Pour forth, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts; that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ, thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by his Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of his Resurrection. Through the same Christ,

our Lord. Amen.

Baptism Baptised today into the family of God:

Patrick Looby