welcome to vendée

www.vendee-tourism.co.uk Collection 2017 Welcome to Vendée

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Collection 2017

Welcome to Vendée

Location map ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� p� 4-5

The two faces of the Vendée �������������������������������������������������������� p� 6-7

10 free good ideas in the Vendée ���������������������������������������������� p� 8-9

Vendée Markets ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� p� 10-11

A little bit of french ������������������������������������������������������������������������� p� 12-16

Tourist Offices ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� p� 17

Accommodations ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� p� 18-21

Restaurants ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� p� 22

Places of visits and leisure activities ��������������������������������������������� p� 23


Created May 2017�Brochure produced by Vendée Expansion - 33 rue de l’Atlantique - CS 80206 - 85005 LA ROCHE SUR YON Cedex Tel� 02 51 44 90 00 – Fax 02 51 62 36 73 - Public-private partnership (SAEM) with share capital of €3,037,045 - RCS La Roche sur Yon 546 650 169B - Registration N°: IM085130001 - info@vendee-tourisme�com - www�vendee-tourisme�com� All rights reserved, trademark, reproduction is prohibited� While the utmost care has been taken in creating this document, it may contain printing errors for which Vendée Expansion may not be held responsible� This document is not legally binding�Publishing Director: Eric GUILLOUX Intellectual PropertyVendée Expansion holds the rights to all the intellectual property relating to "Welcome to Vendée 2017" belonging to it or to which it owns the related user rights� You may not under any circumstances, reproduce, publish, transmit, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, the contents of "Welcome to Vendée 2017" without the prior written permission of Vendée Expansion�Any use whatsoever, without the prior permission of Vendée Expansion, for whatever reason, of all or part of "Welcome to Vendée 2017", may lead to appropriate legal action, in particular for counterfeiting� Photo credits: A� LAMOUREUX, S� BOURCIER, V� MERCIER�Design: Service Editions - Pôle Tourisme - Vendée Expansion Printing: Vincent Imprimeries - 26 avenue Charles Bedaux - 37040 TOURS cedex 1�Document printed with plant-based inks on environmentally-friendly paper - 10,000 copies�


D iscover this logo! It is intended for English-speaking people in western France, and may be of particular use when

organising your stay in Vendée�"C’est Beau Ici" is a campaign run by the regions of Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire� The aim is to give English-speaking tourists a dedicated network of tourism services (tourist offices, accommodation, restaurants, attractions, etc�) where you will be extremely welcome�Wherever you see this logo, you know that someone will be on hand to give you information in English, helping to make your holiday a real success�

For more information, go towww.vendee-tourism.co.uk

You’re always welcome to Vendée !

Welcometo Vendée

Nouvelle communeRives-de-l'Yon










































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(avril à septembre)

Le passagedu Gois

route praticable à basse mer



La Copechagnière

Nouvelle communeAubigny-les-Clouzeaux

Nouvelle communeDoix-lès-Fontaines

Nouvelle communeEssarts-en-Bocage

Nouvelle communeMontréverd

Nouvelle communeMouilleron-Saint-Germain

Nouvelle communeSèvremont

Nouvelle communeLes Achards

Nouvelle communeRives de l'Yon

Nouvelle communeAuchay sur Vendée

Nouvelle communeBellevigny

Location map


The two faces First, and best-known, are those long (140 km), sandy

beaches stretching as far as the eye can see, which

characterise the Vendée’s seaside resorts� These have

long been family favourites for their safety and for the great

variety of activities they offer�

Offshore lie the islands of Noirmoutier and Yeu� Their

whitewashed houses, coloured shutters and Mediterranean-

style vegetation add a touch of elegance, a special style so

dear to island-lovers�

The seaside is, of course, the place for yacht racing—in which

the Vendée Globe is the undisputed world leader (Arrivals in

winter 2016/2017 - Les Sables d’Olonne)� Surfers and kite-surfers

head for the "spots" around Saint Gilles Croix de Vie, site of

regular international championships�

The Vendée’s architecture ranges from Romanesque churches

and medieval castles to fishermen’s cottages and tiny

thatched farmhouses� The 12th-century abbeys of Maillezais

and Nieul sur l’Autise stand on the fringes of the tranquil "Venise Verte", or "Green Venice", a charming rural landscape in the

heart of Poitevin Marshes�

For those who prefer a world without cars, it’s easy to take to

simpler modes of transport such as a horse, a bike, or simply

one’s feet� Today, 1,800km of cycleways lead to every corner,

from Fontenay le Comte (Ville d’Art et d’Histoire) to Mervent

(legendary domain of the French fairy Mélusine), and from the

Poitevin marshes northward to the unmissable theme park of

the Puy du Fou®�

The gastronomic reputation of the Vendée rests on the fine

sea-salt known as "fleur de sel" and the delicate "Bonnotte" potato; on the delicious prune sweets called "min-mins"; on

"mogettes", the cooked white beans that often accompany

local ham; and on magnificent giant brioches� The picture

would not be complete without mentioning the wild sloes that

flavour the local aperitif Troussepinette, and of the vineyards

that produce the AOC wines of Brem, Vix, Mareuil, Pissotte and


The sea, the countryside and living heritage : it’s all of these that make the Vendée great!

For more information, go towww.vendee-tourism.co.uk6 7

of the Vendée

Saint Jean de Monts

Abbaye de Maillezais Promenade en barque - Marais Poitevin

Alex ThomsonVendée Globe 2016/2017

Play with the animals on Place Napoléon in La Roche sur Yon

Take the mythical Passage du Gois, the causeway linking the mainland to the Island of Noirmoutier at low tide

Discover the Vendée lifestyle strolling around our markets (see more pages 22-23)

Picnic under the sails of the Mont des Alouettes windmills (ask for the full list of picnic areas in your nearest Tourist Information Office)

8 9

10 free good ideas

in the Vendée

Collect clams on the big beach at Saint Jean de Monts

Pedal on La Vélodyssée, a cycling route that goes alongside the Vendée coastline

Roam the streets of Fontenay le Comte, a Town of Art and History, a jewel of the Renaissance

Put your trainers on and walk along the Marais Poitevin canals in the shade of pollarded ash trees

Admire our Petites Cités de Caractère (Little Towns of Character): Apremont, Mallièvre, Foussais Payré, Nieul sur l’Autise, Mouchamps, Faymoreau, Vouvant

Visit the Village des Artisans (Arts and Crafts Community) of Sallertaine, a former island in the Marais Breton Vendéen marshland

And the 11th because it’s you: sunbathe with your favourite book on Veillon beach!

Place Napoléon

ANGLESJuly and August: Wednesday and SundayLow season: Wednesday

BEAULIEU SOUS LA ROCHE Local produce market: Saturday 17th of June from 5pm of 10pm

BEAUVOIR SUR MER All year long: Friday14th of July & 15th of August: evening market from 5 pm

BOIS DE CENÉAll year long: small farmers’ market, Sunday

BOUIN All year long: Saturday

BREM SUR MER All year long: Tuesday & FridayEvening market: 19th of July and 9th of August from 7:30 pm

BRÉTIGNOLLES SUR MER All year long: church place, Thursday & SundayLes Halles: from April to September, from Monday to Sunday & from October to March, Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday

BRÉTIGNOLLES SUR MER - LA PARÉE July and August: MondayFrom 13th of July to 31th of August: night market on Thursdays

CHALLANS Main market: Tuesday, all year long All year long: Tuesday & from Friday to Sunday

CHAMP SAINT PÈRE All year long: Thursday morning

COËX All year long: Saturday

COMMEQUIERS All year long: local farmers’ markets, Wednesday & Saturday

LA GUÉRINIÈRE All year long: ThursdayFrom 15th of June to 15th of September: Sunday

L’ILE D’OLONNEAll year long: Friday

L’ILE D’YEU From April to All Saint’s: every day on Joinville’s harbor July and August: every day at Saint-Sauveur village

JARD SUR MER All year long: MondayJuly and August: Thursday evenings at the marina and "Gourmet Wednesdays" in the pedestrian street from 10�30 am to 1 pm

LA BARRE DE MONTS - FROMENTINE Car Park near the town hall: beginning of October to end of March, SaturdayPlace de la Gare: beginning of April to end of September, SaturdayLocal farmers’ market, fountain place: from early July to early September: every day from 5 pm to 8 pm

LA CHAPELLE-PALLUAU (LIEU-DIT L’ANJOURIERE)All year long: farm market, monthly, 1st Saturday

LA FAUTE SUR MER From April to the end of October: Thursday & SundayFrom November to the end of March: Sunday

LA GARNACHEAll year long: Thursday

LA TRANCHE SUR MER - LA GRIÈRE July & august: Wednesday Thursday: evening market

LA MOTHE ACHARD All year long: Fair on 1st Thursday of the month and Friday morning (except the day after the fair)

LA TRANCHE SUR MER - LA TERRIÈRE July and August: Sunday

LA TRANCHE SUR MER All year long: Tuesday & Saturday (Place de la Liberté) July and August: Thursday (in the covered market)

L’AIGUILLON SUR MER All year long: Tuesday & Friday

LE CHÂTEAU D’OLONNE Town center: all year long, SundayPironnière market: July and August, every day; Tuesday, Thursday &

Saturday from September to June

LE FENOUILLER All year long: Friday

LES SABLES D’OLONNE Halles Centrale: rue des Halles, all year long from Tuesday to Sunday; July and August: every day Arago Market, boulevard Arago: every dayLa Chaume market, place Maraud: all year long, Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday; July and August: from Tuesday to SundayCours Dupont: all year round on Wednesdays and Sundays

LONGEVILLE SUR MER All year long: FridayJuly & August: Monday & Friday

MOUTIERS LES MAUXFAITS All year long: Friday in the covered market

NOIRMOUTIER ISLANDBARBÂTREAll year long: WednesdayAll year long: FridayL’ÉPINE All year long: Saturday L’HERBAUDIÈRE From 20th of June to 12th of September: MondayNOIRMOUTIER EN L’ÎLEFrom 3rd of April to 25th of September: Tuesday & Sunday

NOTRE DAME DE MONTS From 13th of June to 11th of September, market place: SundayTill 12th June & from 20th of September, church place: SundayFrom 10th of July to 28th of August, church place: ThursdayFrom 28th of June to 6th of September: town hall place: Tuesday, local Flavors morning

OLONNE SUR MERAll year long: Monday

SAINT JULIEN DES LANDES21th of July: semi-nocturnal market

SAINT GILLES CROIX DE VIECôté Croix de Vie, all year long, Place Kergoustin: Wednesday & SaturdayCôté Saint Gilles, all year long, Place du vieux Port and Place du Marché aux Herbes: Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday

SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZAll year long, Place François Mitterrand: Thursday & Sunday morningAll year long, Sion sur l’Océan, place Vivi Burgaud: Tuesday & Friday morning

SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ - LES MOUETTESJuly & August, Avenue de la Pège: Monday morning, Wednesday & Saturday afternoon

SAINT JEAN DE MONTSJean Yole Market: all year long, Wednesday & SaturdayJean Yole Market - food market: every day from 1st April to 30th September & from 20th October to 5th NovemberIndoor beach market, avenue des Demoiselles: from Saturday 1st of July to 31st AugustJuly & August: Plage des Demoiselles Market - Avenue de la plage, Monday & Thursday mornings from Monday from 3rd July to Thursday 31st AugustNight Market - Avenue des Demoiselles: every evening from 8 pm to midnight from Saturday 1st July to Thursday 31st August

SAINT VINCENT SUR JARDJuly & August market: every day, SundayJuly & August: Friday, local produce market

SAINTE FOYFrom 9th July to 6th August: Sunday

TALMONT SAINT HILAIREFrom 6th April to 29th June: Place du Château, Thursday morning From 1st July to 26th August: Place du Château, Saturday morningFrom 1st July and then all year long: Les Halles, place du Payré, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morningFrom 5th July to 6th September, Port Bourgenay: Wednesday eveningFrom 9th July to 27th August, Port Bourgenay: Sunday morning

AIZENAYAll year long: SundaySaturday 5th of August: evening market "Des Arts et du Goût"

BELLEVIGNYBELLEVILLE SUR VIEAll year long: Wednesday2nd Sunday morning every month, farm marketSALIGNYMarch, April, May, June, September, October and November: last Sunday, farm market

LA ROCHE SUR YON Marché des halles: every day from Tuesday to Saturday Quartier du Bourg: Sunday

Quartier Les Jaulnières: SundayQuartier La Garenne: Wednesday & Saturday

LE POIRÉ SUR VIEAll year long: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday

L’HERBERGEMENTMonthly 1st Wednesday

SAINT DENIS LA CHEVASSEApril, May, June, September, October and November: 3rd Sunday morning, farm market

SAINT FLORENT DES BOISCar Park La Coulée Verte: all year long, FridayCountry market: on Sunday mornings every month – farmers and craftspeople

BENETAll year long: Monday

DAMVIXSunday 18th of June: small farmers’ market, all day long & the evening

FONTENAY LE COMTEAll year long: Thursday and Saturday

FOUSSAIS-PAYRÉAll year long: Wednesday every two weeks, every Wednesday from June to September

GRUESAll year long: Wednesday

LA CHÂTAIGNERAIESmall market: all year long, Saturday morningMonthly fair: 4th Monday of every month in the town centre

LUÇONAll year long: Wednesday & Saturday

MAILLÉJuly & August: Sunday

MAREUIL SUR LAYAll year long: Thursday

SAINT HILAIRE DES LOGESSmall market: all year long, Friday

SAINT JUIRE CHAMPGILLONAll year long: 2nd Sunday of each monthJuly & August: Sunday

SAINT MICHEL EN L’HERMAll year long: Thursday

SAINTE HERMINEAll year long: Friday

VOUVANTFrom 5th of June to 11th of September: Monday

BOURNEZEAUAll year long: Friday

CHAMBRETAUDAll year long: monthly 3rd Monday

CHANTONNAYAll year long: Tuesday & Saturday, Place de la LibertéOrganic market, sous les Halles, Place de la Liberté: every Thursday from 5 pm to 7�30 pm

LA VERRIEAll year long: Saturday

LES ESSARTSLocal market: twice a month, on Friday, from 4 pm to 8 pm

LES HERBIERSAll year long: Wednesday & SaturdayFarm market: Thursday 14th of July at Les Herbiers, 29th of July at Mouchamps Friday 12th of August: village market at Mouchamps

MALLIÈVRESunday 27th of August: local Produce and Arts and Crafts market

MONTAIGUAll year long: SaturdayFair: last Thursday on the month

MORTAGNE SUR SÈVREAll year long: Tuesday

MOUCHAMPSAll year long: Friday

POUZAUGESAll year long: Thursday & Saturday

SAINT URBAINLocal farmers’ market: 19th of June, 17th of July, 21st of August, 18th of September, 16th of October & 20th of November

SAINT LAURENT SUR SÈVREAll year long: Tuesday from 4:30 pm to 9 pm

SAINT MALO DU BOISSunday 16th of July: local farmers’ market

SAINT PHILBERT DE BOUAINEAll year long: Sunday, produce market

TIFFAUGESAll year long: monthly, 1st MondayThursday 10th of August: summer local farmers’ market from 7 pm

TREIZE SEPTIERSAll year long: monthly 2nd Wednesday

Vendée Markets

10 11

In France, farmers’ markets generally take place in the morning from 8 am to 1 pm� Evening markets display arts and crafts goods�





More local farmers’ markets : http://www.marches-producteurs.com

12 13

Whishing to try out your French while you’re in Vendée? This small guide is for you !

Talmont Saint Hilaire - Oyster farm

Good morning / good afternoon / helloBonjour

Good evening - Bonsoir

Do you speak English?Parlez-vous anglais ?

No - Non

Yes - Oui

Thank you - Merci

Please - S’il vous plait

I don’t understandJe ne comprends pas

Excuse me - Excusez-moi

Bye - Au revoir

I don’t know - Je ne sais pas

Free - Gratuit

Open / closed - Ouvert / fermé

What time is it?Quelle heure est-il ?

Exit - Sortie

Could you repeat please? Pouvez-vous répéter s’il vous plait ?

Could you speak more slowly, please? Pourriez-vous parler plus lentement, s’il vous plait ?

I’m looking for …Je cherche …

Could you give me a brochure about the area?Pouvez-vous me donner une brochure sur la région ?

Do you have a street map of the town?Est-ce que vous auriez un plan de la ville ?

I’m looking for the campsite … Where is it located?Je recherche le camping … Où est-il situé ?

Could I have the list of the town’s facilities?Pourrais-je avoir la liste des services de votre ville ?

Where can I find a doctor? A chemist?Où puis-je trouver un docteur ? Une pharmacie ?

I’ve been bitten/stung by … - J’ai été mordu/piqué par ���

Where are the toilets please? - Où sont les toilettes s’il vous plaît ?

Where can I get some money changed?Où puis-je changer de l’argent ?

I’m looking for a cashpoint - Je cherche un distributeur

Which beach allows dogs? - Quelle plage accepte les chiens ?

When is this shop open? - Quand est ouvert ce magasin ?

How much does it cost? - Combien ça coûte ?

Is this brochure free? - Cette brochure est-elle gratuite ?

Does anyone have an aspirin/a plaster, by any chance?Est-ce que quelqu’un aurait une aspirine/un pansement ?

Have you seen the weather forecast for tomorrow?Est-ce que vous avez vu la météo pour demain ?

How much is it to get in? - Combien coûte l’entrée ?

Do you take credit cards?Est-ce qu’on peut payer par carte bancaire ?

Do you have somewhere we could leave our bikes?Y a-t-il un endroit où laisser nos vélos ?

I’ve lost my … - J’ai perdu mon …

We’re leaving tomorrow - Nous partons demain

Have you got a WiFi or Internet connection?Avez-vous la WiFi ou Internet ?

How do I get online? - Qu’est-ce que je dois faire pour me connecter ?

Which way is it to …? - … , c’est par où ?

Where can I catch a bus to …? - Où est l’arrêt de bus pour aller … ?

Where can I find a petrol station?Où puis-je trouver une station service ?

I would like to buy a ticket - Je voudrais réserver un billet

My bag’s been stolen - On m’a volé mon sac

Can you help me? - Pourriez-vous m’aider ?

Do you sell stamps? - Vendez-vous des timbres ?


A little bit of french


Hot drink - Boisson chaude

Coffee - Café

Coffee with milk - Café crème

Cereals - Céréales

Hot chocolate - Chocolat chaud

Chocolate powder - Chocolat en poudre

Compote - Compote

Jam - Confiture

Croissant - Croissant

Cottage cheese - Fromage blanc

Pineapple juice - Jus d’ananas

Orange juice - Jus d’orange

Grapefruit juice - Jus de pamplemousse

Apple juice - Jus de pomme

Freshly squeezed orange juice - Orange pressé

Milk - Lait

Egg - Œuf

Boiled egg - Œuf à la coque

Scrambled egg - Œuf brouillé

Chocolate croissant - Pain au chocolat

Toasted bread - Pain grillé

Pound cake - Quatre-quarts

Fruit salad - Salade de fruits

Sugar - Sucre

Tea - Thé

Yoghurt - Yaourt

Brioche - Brioche

Plate - Assiette

Knife - Couteau

Lunch - Déjeuner

Dessert - Dessert

Dinner - Dîner

Sparkling water - Eau gazeuse

Still water - Eau plate

Mineral water - Eau minéral

Salt and pepper potsSalière et poivrière

Salted butter - Beurre salé

Beer - Bière

Pure sea salt - Fleur de sel

Traditional oil-and vinegar dressing for salads - Vinaigrette

Bread - Baguette/Pain

Pastries - Viennoiseries

The bill - L’addition

Takeaway - A emporter

Day’s specials - Plat du jour

I’d like to reserve a table for tomorrow eveningJe voudrais réserver une table pour demain soir


Cooking temperatureCuisson

Very rare - Bleu Rare - Saignant

Medium rare - Saignant-à-point Medium - À point

Well done - À point-bien cuit Very well done - Bien cuit

Agneau - Lamb

Canard / Canette - Duck

Caramel beurre salé Salted butter fudge

Chou - Cabbage

Crêpe Large, thin, wheat-flour pancake either sweet or savoury

Escargot - Snail

Farce / farci - Stuffing

FlanSweet or savoury custard tart

Fressure vendéen Pig’s liver, heart, lungs and spleen cooked in blood and served cold

Frites - French fries = US / chips = UK

Fromage - Cheese

Galette (de blé noir) Buck-wheat-flour pancake filled with cheese, meat or fish

Grenouille - Frog

Grillade Food which has been grilled

Jambon de Vendée Lightly-smoked raw ham

Légumes - Vegetables

Mojette / mogette Kind of haricot bean, a speciality of Vendée

Poulet - Chicken

Rillauds / rillons Bits of pork cooked in seasoned lard and preserved in jars

Rillettes Bits of pork or goose meat which are first prepared as rillauds, then pounded to a paste in a mortar and preserved in stoneware pot

Préfou - Garlic bread

Pommes de terre - Potatoes

Purée - Purée/mash


A little bit of french

14 15



Anguille - Eel

Bar - Sea bass

Barbue - Brill

Cabillaud - Cod

Calamar - Squid

Choucroute (de la mer / de l’Atlantique) Sauerkraut served with different types of fish

Encornet - Squid

Eperlan - Sea or river smelt

Estragon - Tarragon

Lieu jaune - Pollock

Lieu noir - Colley

Lotte - Monkfish

Loup de mer - Seabass

Merlan - Whiting

Merlu / Colin - Hake

Morue - Salt cod

Poisson - Fish

Raie - Skate

Rouget - Red mullet

Sandre - Pike-perch

Sardine - Sardine or pilchard

Saumon fumé - Smoked salmon

Sole - Dover sole

Thon - Tuna

Salicorne Glasswort

Araignée de mer - Spider crab

Bigorneau - Periwinkle

Bulots - Whelks

Coque - Seashell

Coquillage - Shellfish in general

Coquille Saint Jacques - Scallop

Crevette grise - Shrimp

Crevette rose - Prawn

Crustacés - Hellfish

Ecrevisse - Fresh water crayfish

Etrille - Velvet swimming crab

Huître - Oyster

Fine de claire - Type of cultivated oyster

Fruits de mer - Seafood

Gambas - King prawn

Homard - Lobster

Langouste - Spiny lobster

Langoustine - Scampi

Moule - Mussel

Mouclade Mussels cooked in a creamy sauce with tumeric and saffron

Moules à la marinière Mussels cooked in white wine, with shallots and herbs

Palourde - Clam

Tourteau - A type of large crab

Bureau d’information touristique de Brem sur Mer21 ter rue de l’Océan


tel� +33 (0)2 51 90 92 33


A personalized touch: welcome kit

Bureau d’information touristiquede Brétignolles sur Mer1 boulevard du Nord


tel� +33 (0)2 51 90 12 78


A personalized touch: welcome kit

Office de tourisme de La Tranche sur MerRue Jules Ferry


tel� +33 (0)2 51 30 33 96

www�latranchesurmer-tourisme�fr/en/A personalized touch: information kit in English and «Vue du ciel de La Tranche sur Mer» (Bird’s-eye view of La Tranche sur Mer) poster

Bureau d’information touristiquede Saint Gilles Croix de ViePlace de la Gare


tel� +33 (0)2 51 55 03 66


A personalized touch: welcome kit

Bureau d’information touristiquede Saint Hilaire de Riez21 place Gaston Pateau


tel� +33 (0)2 51 54 31 97


A personalized touch: welcome kit

Bureau d’information touristique de Saint Jean de MontsPalais des congrés - 67 Esplanade de la Mer


tel� +33 (0)2 72 78 80 80


A personalized touch: postcard with a local recipe «La Fionaïe» revisited and translated in English and personalized information meeting

Bureau d’information touristiquede Talmont Saint HilairePlace du Château


tel� +33 (0)2 51 90 65 10


A personalized touch: poster or postcard of the estuary

Tourist Offices

The tourism professionals in the Vendée region look forward to welcoming you… and each makes a welcoming gesture�

Olonne sur Mer

Camping La Loire Fleurie**60, chemin de la Jalonnière85300 LE PERRIER tel� +33 (0)2 44 36 63 47 www.camping-laloirefleurie.com

A personalized touch: welcome kit

Camping Aux Cœurs Vendéens****251, route de Notre Dame 85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 84 91 www�coeursvendeens�com/campsite-vendee-francehtml

A personalized touch: entertainment programme translated into English handed out on arrival, welcome booklet in english, sorting bags

Camping La Davière Plage***Chemin de la Davière85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 27 99 www�camping-daviereplage�com

A personalized touch: welcome kit

Camping La Forêt****190, chemin de la Rive85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 84 63 http://hpa-laforet�com/uk�

A personalized touch: welcome kit

Camping La Prairie****146, rue du Moulin Cassé85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 16 04 www�campingprairie�com/campsite-francevendee

A personalized touch: local speciality

Camping L’Abri des Pins****Route de Notre Dame85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 83 86www�abridespins�com/en/

A personalized touch: shopping bag, welcome booklet and entertainment programme translated in English

Camping Le Tropicana****Chemin des Bosses85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 62 98 www�le-tropicana�com/en/

A personalized touch: welcome booklet and entertainment programme translated in English

Camping Les Amiaux****223, route de Notre Dame85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 22 22 http://en�amiaux�fr

A personalized touch: welcome booklet in English, bilingual entertainment

Camping Les Places Dorées****Route de Notre Dame85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 59 02 93 www�placesdorees�com/en/

A personalized touch: welcome booklet and entertainment programme translated in English

Camping Plein Sud****246, route de Notre Dame85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 59 10 40 www�campingpleinsud�com/campsite-France

A personalized touch: welcome booklet in English and bilingual entertainments

Campings SIBLU : Le Bois Masson**** et Le Bois Dormant****149 - 168, rue des Sables85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 62 62 www�leboismasson�fr - www�leboisdormant�fr

A personalized touch: tea sachets and bottle of wine

Camping Le Bois Verdon***62 rue du Moulin Cassé85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTStel� +33 (0)2 51 58 10 61www�camping_leboisverdon�com

A personalized touch: Booklet in English - tea bag available

Loisirs 85 Acapulco Avenue des Epines85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTStel� +33 (0)2 28 11 63 18www�en�loisirs85�com

A personalized touch: welcome booklet and activities programm in English

Camping Le Domaine des Renardières***13 Chemin du Chêne Vert85270 NOTRE DAME DE RIEZ tel� +33 (0)2 51 55 14 17 www�camping-renardières�com

A personalized touch: appointment in English and welcome bag with documentation in English

Camping La Marzelle***13 chemin de la Marzelle à l’Oisson85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ tel� +33 (0)2 51 54 32 59 www�camping-lamarzelle�com

A personalized touch: keyring

Camping Les Alizés***22 chemin du Quart du Matelot - Les Becs85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ tel� +33 (0)2 28 11 42 90 www�campingalizes�com

A personalized touch: selective shorting bag

Camping Domaine des Salins****43 chemin du Quart du Matelot85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZtel� +33 (0)2 51 90 09 65 / +33 (0)2 51 33 05 05www�domainedessalins�com

A personalized touch: Sorting bag translated into English

Camping Yelloh! Village La Pomme de Pin****6 avenue des Becs - Les Mouettes85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZtel� +33 (0)2 51 58 21 26www�campingpommedepin�fr

A personalized touch: welcome kit and Library with books in English - Welcome drink in English

Camping Le Parc de la grève****5 rue des Sables85220 L’AIGUILLON SUR VIE tel� +33 (0)2 51 22 86 23 www�leparcdelagreve�com

A personalized touch: welcome drink and entertainment in English

Camping Chadotel La Trévillière****Route de Bellevue85470 BRÉTIGNOLLES SUR MER tel� +33 (0)2 51 33 94 04 www�chadotel�com

A personalized touch: host meetings in English and bilingual entertainment

Camping Le Chaponnet****16 rue du Chaponnet85470 BREM SUR MER tel� +33 (0)2 51 90 55 56 www�le-chaponnet�com

A personalized touch: welcome drink in English and bilingual entertainment

Camping Le Bel Air*****6, chemin de Bel Air85180 LE CHÂTEAU D’OLONNE tel� +33 (0)2 51 22 09 67 www�campingdubelair�com

A personalized touch: Cybèle pen, English TV channels and newspapers, bilingual entertainment, welcome drink only in July and August

Camping Le Petit Paris****41, rue du Petit Versailles85180 LE CHÂTEAU D’OLONNE tel� +33 (0)2 51 22 04 44 www�campingpetitparis�com

A personalized touch: pen and postcard

Camping Les Fosses Rouges**8, rue des Fosses Rouges85180 LE CHÂTEAU D’OLONNE tel� +33 (0)2 51 95 17 95 www�camping-lesfossesrouges�com/ang/menu�html

A personalized touch: a free game of miniature golf

Camping Yelloh! Village Le Littoral*****Le Porteau85440 TALMONT SAINT HILAIRE tel� +33 (0)2 51 22 04 64www�campinglelittoral�fr/

Camping Bel Air****2 route de Bel Air85460 L’AIGUILLON SUR MERtel� +33 (0)2 51 20 41 94http://belair�camp-atlantique�com/fr

A personalized touch: Bag (bottle of water + cleaning kit)

Camping La Dive****12, route de la Mer85580 SAINT MICHEL EN L’HERM tel� +33 (0)2 51 30 26 94 www�camping-la-dive�com/campsite-france-vendee�html

A personalized touch: welcome drink in English

Camping Les Mizottes****41 rue des Anciens Quais85580 SAINT MICHEL EN L’HERM tel� +33 (0)2 51 30 23 63 www�campinglesmizottes�fr

Camping naturiste Le Colombier****85210 SAINT MARTIN LARS EN SAINTE HERMINE tel� +33 (0)2 51 27 83 84 http://www�lecolombier-naturisme�com

A personalized touch: bilingual animation


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Hôtel Restaurant Le Robinson***28, boulevard Leclerc85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 59 20 20 https://www�logishotels�com/fr/hotel/hotel-le-robinson-484?partid=661

Hôtel Frédéric25 rue des Estivants85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ tel� +33 (0)2 51 54 30 20 www�hotel-frederic�com

A personalized touch: welcome gift

Hôtel Résidence Le Jardin des Iles58 rue de l’Océan85470 BREM SUR MER tel� +33 (0)2 51 90 50 52 www�jardindesiles�com

A personalized touch: English documentation

Hôtel Au Fil des Saisons***55 route de La Roche85400 LUÇON tel� +33 (0)2 51 56 11 32 http://www.aufildessaisons-vendee.fr/hotel.html

Chambres d’hôtes M. et Mme Danneels7, avenue des Azalées85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ tel� +33 (0)6 71 78 16 19 http://en�gites-de-france�com/holiday-rentals-Pays-de-la-Loire�html

A personalized touch: kettle and tea sachets in the room

Chambre d’hôtes Ciel d’Ouest48 Avenue du Docteur Potel85800 SAINT GILLES CROIX DE VIE tel� +33 (0)6 88 25 32 83 www�ancreame�fr

A personalized touch: welcome drink, electrical adaptaters, rental agreement in English

Chambres d’hôtes Le Manoir de l’EolièreL’Eolière85220 LANDEVIEILLE tel� +33 (0)2 51 33 69 83 www�manoir-eoliere�fr

A personalized touch: welcome gift and keyring

Chambre d’hôtes Mme Moreau Isabelle 18 rue des Sabelles85470 BREM SUR MER tel� +33 (0)2 51 20 75 27 http://chambreshotesbrem�free�fr

A personalized touch: welcome kit and drink, rental agreement in English, electrical adapters, kettle and toaster in the room

Chambres d’hôtes Fleur de Potager56, bis rue de la Croix Blanche85180 LE CHÂTEAU D’OLONNE tel� +33 (0)6 78 25 22 80 www.fleurdepotager.com

A personalized touch: rental agreement in English, welcome drink and tasting session in English, kettle in the room, electrical adapters

Gîte et chambres d’hôtes La Dagoterie692, rue de la Source85440 TALMONT SAINT HILAIRE tel� +33 (0)2 51 22 12 99 http://dagoterie�com/

A personalized touch: rental agreement in English, welcome drink and tasting session in English, kettle in the room, electrical adapters

Gîte meublé Océavilla158, rue des Ailes85440 TALMONT SAINT HILAIRE tel� +33 (0)6 31 13 82 13 www�oceavilla�com/en/

A personalized touch: rental agreement in English, Local products (1 to 2) as a gift, kettle in the room, electrical adapters

Chambres d’hôtes Basse Brenée85580 SAINT MICHEL EN L’HERM tel� +33 (0)2 51 30 24 09 www�basse-brenee�fr

A personalized touch: rental agreement in English, kettle in the room, electrical adapters, welcome gift

Le Gîte du Potier42, rue des Moulins85580 SAINT MICHEL EN L’HERM tel� +33 (0)2 51 28 47 01 www�legitedupotier�com

A personalized touch: welcome drink and tasting session in english, kettle in the room, electrical adapters,welcome gift

Gîte meublé La Villa Sereine***3 bis, rue Jean Jacques85460 L’AIGUILLON SUR MER tel� +33 (0)6 08 60 71 35

A personalized touch: rental agreement in English, welcome drink and tasting session in English, kettle in the room, electrical adapters, welcome gift

Les Gîtes Belle Vue (*** en cours de reclassement) 6 rue Galerne85450 PUYRAVAULT tel� +33 (0)5 46 00 91 32http://www�francehols�co�uk/

A personalized touch: welcome pot tasting in English, kettle in the rooms, welcome Gift and 2 free coffee pods

Chambres d’hôtes La Villa des Roses43 rue du Président de Gaulle85400 LUÇON tel� +33 (0)6 87 84 84 95http://www�villaroseslucon�com

A personalized touch: rental contract in English, kettle in rooms, electric adapters on request, english visit of the Center of Textile Art and Print of Mr and Mrs Embroidery and Art Holidays: http://textile-art-centre.com.fr /

Résidence Le Victoria162, avenue Valentin85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 28 11 66 11 http://le-victoria�fr/en/

A personalized touch: bottle of Vendée wine

Village Vacances Le Hameau de l’Océan****20 Chemin de la Parée Préneau85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ tel� +33 (0)2 51 55 92 00 www�vendee-en-vacances�com

A personalized touch: bottle of water and fruit juices out of season, on july and august bilingual welcome drink

Résidences Catherine12 rue des Estivants85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ tel� +33 (0)2 51 54 30 20 www�hotel-frederic�com

A personalized touch: welcome gift

Résidence Les Jardins du Château d’Olonne28, rue du Pré Étienne85180 LE CHÂTEAU D’OLONNE tel� +33 (0)2 51 23 63 67 www�oasisparcs�co�uk/lesjardins

A personalized touch: rental agreement in English, kettle in the room, electrical adapters, English TV channels


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Saint Jean de Monts

Restaurant Le Martinet9 rue des Jardins85230 BOUINtel� +33 (0)2 51 49 23 48www�restaurant-lemartinet�comA personalized touch: menus translated into English and vegetarian dishes

Restaurant Le Coliseum6, avenue de la Forêt85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 59 31 07 www�lecoliseum�com

A personalized touch: menus translated and welcome kit

Restaurant Le Mélanie41, rue du Général de Gaulle85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 59 81 08 www�pub-lemelanie�com

A personalized touch: english food and menus translated

Restaurant Le Quai des Dunes1, avenue de l’estacade85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 20 69 www�quaidesdunes�fr

A personalized touch: menus translated and welcome kit

Restaurant La Quich’notte200, route de Notre-Dame85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 62 64 www�restaurant-laquichnotte�fr

A personalized touch: menus translated and welcome kit

Restaurant La Langoust’inAvenue de la Forêt85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 26 51 26

A personalized touch: menus translated and welcome kit

Restaurant Chez Bastien9, avenue de la Forêt85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 01 60 www�chezbastien�fr

A personalized touch: menus translated and welcome kit

Restaurant La Piazza4, avenue de la Forêt85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 88 48 www�lapiazza�fr

A personalized touch: menus translated and welcome kit

Restaurant La Ferme de Mélusine147 bis route du Perrier85270 SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ tel� +33 (0)2 28 10 32 44

A personalized touch: pen and postcard, menus translated into English

Restaurant Le ParéoAvenue Maurice Perray85800 SAINT GILLES CROIX DE VIE tel� +33 (0)2 28 10 00 53

A personalized touch: menus translate into English and ponctually english newspapers

Restaurant L’Avano2 place Guy Kergoustin85800 SAINT GILLES CROIX DE VIE tel� +33 (0)2 51 55 50 06

A personalized touch: menus translated into English

Restaurant Les Chardons56, boulevard de Lattre de Tassigny85180 LE CHÂTEAU D’OLONNE tel� +33 (0)2 51 21 52 77 www�restaurant-leschardons�com

A personalized touch: menus translated into English, vegetarian dishes, tea time in July and August, service all day long: closed from 4 pm to 5 pm

La Route du Sel (canoes)49, rue de Verdun85300 SALLERTAINE tel� +33 (0)2 51 93 03 40www�laroutedusel�com

A personalized touch: welcome kit

La Base nautique (Nautic base)11, avenue de l’estacade85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 00 75 www�en�saint-jean-de-monts�com

A personalized touch: welcome kit

Explora Parc (a treep-top adventure course)Rue de la Parée Jésus85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)6 22 61 45 98www�exploraparc�com

A personalized touch: welcome kit

Le Golf 33, avenue des Pays de la Loire85160 SAINT JEAN DE MONTS tel� +33 (0)2 51 58 82 73 www�golfsaintjeandemonts�fr/en

A personalized touch: welcome kit

Piscine-école Comme un poisson dans l’eau (swimming-pool)Avenue Maurice Perray85800 SAINT GILLES CROIX DE VIE tel� +33 (0)6 12 43 93 39

West Aventure (karting, paintball, quad, BigAirBag)Le Patis Viaud - Rue du Point du Jour85220 SAINT RÉVÉRENDtel� +33 (0)2 51 54 66 93www�west-aventure�com

Canoë Vendée (canoes)Chemin de la Justice85220 LA CHAIZE GIRAUD tel� +33 (0)7 50 26 44 82 www�canoe-vendee�com

Keep Cool Surfing Rue du Gournail - Plage des Dunes 285470 BRÉTIGNOLLES SUR MER tel� +33 (0)6 61 47 59 37 www.keepcoolsurfing.com

Atlantic Lezard Surf SchoolPlage des Dunes 185470 BRÉTIGNOLLES SUR MER tel� +33 (0)6 83 61 13 07 www�lezardsurfschool�com

Octosup (surf school)La Chabossière - La Cabane85470 BREM SUR MER tel� +33 (0)6 62 81 27 24 www�octosup�fr

A personalized touch: English documentation

La Maison du Terroir (Products from the Vendée region)21 bis rue de l’Océan85470 BREM SUR MER tel� +33 (0)9 82 54 75 16 www�lamaisondesdelices�com

A personalized touch: English documentation

La Cave des Vignerons (wine)32 rue des Onizières85470 BREM SUR MER tel� +33 (0)6 14 21 79 16 www�trousseminette�com

A personalized touch: English documentation

Le Domaine Saint Nicolas (wine)11 rue des Vallées85470 BREM SUR MER tel� +33 (0)2 51 33 13 04 www�domainesaintnicolas�com

A personalized touch: English documentation

Le Château de Talmont (to discover life in the Middle Ages)Rue du château85440 TALMONT SAINT HILAIRE tel� +33 (0)2 51 90 27 43 www�chateaudetalmont�com

A personalized touch: postcard

Atlantic Wake Park (wakeboard, kneeboard, wakeskate, water skiing, Stand Up Paddle and aqua parc)3 allée du Banc Cantin85460 L’AIGUILLON SUR MER tel� +33 (0)6 76 27 55 04 http://www�atlanticwakepark�com

A personalized touch: wetsuit available for free

French Wine ToursLa Gauvrière85140 L’OIEtel� +33 (0)2 51 66 13 05www�french-wine-tours�com

22 23

Restaurants Places of visits and leisure activities

More adresses on the websitewww.vendee-tourism.co.uk

Vendée, the thrill of a new experience

info@vendee-tourisme�com - 00 33 2 51 47 88 20

ww w .vendee- tou r i sm.co .u k