pieter heerema with no way back halfway through the vendée...

A"er 60 days at sea, Pieter Heerema aboard No Way Back has just passed the halfway mark of the Vendée Globe. A strategic point for the Dutch navigator who is parHcipaHng for the first Hme in this solo, non-stop and unassisted sailing race around the world. As many of his compeHtors, Pieter Heerema has experienced many technical issues over the past two months aboard his latest generaHon Imoca including a recurring autopilot problem. Also, he has had to face difficult and complicated weather condiHons. Currently 17th in the provisional general ranking but moHvated by the Dutch enthusiasm that his challenge arises, Pieter conHnues his race with the same objecHve he had on departure: to full bring this round the world sailing race. Pieter, what is your state of mind halfway through the Vendée Globe? "I'm ready for the second half of the race, both physically and mentally. From a compe99on point of view, during the 60 days of racing, I have rarely been in contact with my compe9tors and my various technical concerns have forced me to make major detours and slowdowns. Today I am sailing at 60% of No Way Back’s poten9al but I s9ll do not dare to push her to her maximum. The autopilot is now working again but the problems have s9ll not been fully resolved. For me, the Vendée Globe has become a journey around the world on an uncomfortable and difficult racing boat. I do not forget my goal to return to Les Sables d'Olonne. I will calmly con9nue this challenge, try to circumvent complicated and muscular weather condi9ons, avoid taking unnecessary risks, no maPer if it means to make detours or to slow down again." Over these 60 days of racing, could you tell what have been the most difficult and happiest Hmes? "During the first two weeks, I suffered from a severe back injury that put me in a lot of pain and already at that early phase I lost contact with the fleet. Then technical issues followed each other up quickly (rudder, hydrofoil, communica9on system, autopilot ...). By taking part in the Vendée Globe I knew that I would have many problems to solve. I knew the adage but for me "a problem a day" is out of fashion and should no longer exist. It kind of accepts bad prepara9on and bad quality of work by contractors and installers of equipment. Fortunately, there are also calm moments aboard No Way Back and the Dutch enthusiasm and messages of support really touch me. I get many encouragement messages. In Holland, people have become very much interested in the Vendée Globe. I hope that my par9cipa9on will eventually lead to more solo sailing projects and to more future par9cipants from the Netherlands in this race. I'm not sure I'll be back in 4 years as a compe9tor but maybe as a support or coach for a young Dutch skipper." Is this enthusiasm that moHvated you to conHnue the adventure? "Yes, my country’s enthusiasm was decisive to con9nue in the Vendée Globe. A\er Cape Leeuwin, I hesitated and wanted to stop but then I radically swung into a new perspec9ve. The one of finishing the race. No maPer how many days it will take. Today I do not care anymore, I am in the back of the fleet and baPle with the oldest Imoca of the fleet. but i have a severely crippled boat. It's a shame because No Way Back is an excellent boat, it was superbly built at Persico in Italy, the new foils are fantas9c and my sail set is ideal for my prac9ce. My worry is really the electronics on board." Did you follow your compeHtors’ races? "Not all of them. I looked at those who were not too far from me. Some tracks are surprising. Some9mes I'm surprised to see that some compe9tors deliberately choose to go through strong lows with all the risk of breaking or stopping that includes. When you are a rookie in the Vendée Globe, in my point of view, the first objec9ve is to finish. On a second or third par9cipa9on, you can come for a result and for speed. Anyway, that's what I try to do." How went the end of year celebraHons aboard No Way Back? "I have not had much 9me for it since the beginning of the adventure. For now, I have not watched a single movie, listened to music or read a book. Life on board is very intense and dedicated to the smooth running of the boat. For the holiday season, I had planned "improved" meals with special foods. Unfortunately, my New Year's meal leaked so I had to throw it away. For the Christmas meal, it is necessary to have calm weather to prepare it so it s9ll waits in its containers for the right 9me to be eaten. Fortunately, my daughter had offered me Danish herring which I enjoyed very much. It was wonderful. I had my wife and family on the phone and wished them a great 9me. And for my employees I had prepared a special Christmas and New Year video." Pieter Heerema with No Way Back halfway through the Vendée Globe Pieter Heerema and the whole No Way Back Sailing Team thank you for your interest in this project and wish you a wonderful happy new year and favourable winds in all your projects. To follow the evoluAon of the Dutch skipper and his Imoca 60 No Way Back, go to the cartography available on the No Way Back website and on the Facebook page: WWW.NOWAYBACKSAILING.COM FACEBOOK: NOWAYBACKSAILING Photography: Jacques Vapillon

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Page 1: Pieter Heerema with No Way Back halfway through the Vendée ...nowaybacksailing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/persbericht-1.pdf · me, the Vendée Globe has become a journey around

A"er60daysatsea,PieterHeeremaaboardNoWayBackhas justpassedthehalfwaymarkoftheVendéeGlobe.Astrategicpointforthe Dutch navigator who is parHcipaHng for the first Hme in thissolo, non-stop and unassisted sailing race around the world. Asmany of his compeHtors, Pieter Heerema has experienced manytechnical issues over the past two months aboard his latestgeneraHon Imoca includinga recurringautopilotproblem.Also,hehas had to face difficult and complicated weather condiHons.Currently17th in theprovisionalgeneral rankingbutmoHvatedbytheDutchenthusiasmthathischallengearises,PieterconHnueshisracewiththesameobjecHvehehadondeparture:tofullbringthisroundtheworldsailingrace.Pieter, what is your state of mind halfway through the VendéeGlobe? "I'm ready for the second half of the race, both physically andmentally. From a compe99on point of view, during the 60 days ofracing, I have rarely been in contact with my compe9tors and myvarioustechnicalconcernshaveforcedmetomakemajordetoursandslowdowns.TodayIamsailingat60%ofNoWayBack’spoten9albutIs9ll do not dare to push her to hermaximum. The autopilot is nowworkingagainbuttheproblemshaves9llnotbeenfullyresolved.Forme,theVendéeGlobehasbecomeajourneyaroundtheworldonanuncomfortable and difficult racing boat. I do not forgetmy goal toreturntoLesSablesd'Olonne.Iwillcalmlycon9nuethischallenge,tryto circumvent complicated and muscular weather condi9ons, avoidtakingunnecessaryrisks,nomaPerifitmeanstomakedetoursortoslowdownagain."Over these 60 days of racing, could you tell what have been themostdifficultandhappiestHmes?

"Duringthefirsttwoweeks,IsufferedfromaseverebackinjurythatputmeinalotofpainandalreadyatthatearlyphaseI lostcontactwith the fleet. Then technical issues followed each other up quickly(rudder,hydrofoil,communica9onsystem,autopilot...).BytakingpartintheVendéeGlobeIknewthatIwouldhavemanyproblemstosolve.Iknewtheadagebutforme"aproblemaday"isoutoffashionandshould no longer exist. It kind of accepts bad prepara9on andbad quality of work by contractors and installers of equipment.Fortunately, therearealsocalmmomentsaboardNoWayBackandtheDutchenthusiasmandmessagesofsupportreallytouchme.Igetmanyencouragementmessages.InHolland,peoplehavebecomeverymuchinterestedintheVendéeGlobe.Ihopethatmypar9cipa9onwilleventually lead to more solo sailing projects and to more futurepar9cipantsfromtheNetherlandsinthisrace.I'mnotsureI'llbebackin 4 years as a compe9tor but maybe as a support or coach for ayoungDutchskipper."


"Yes,mycountry’senthusiasmwasdecisivetocon9nueintheVendéeGlobe.A\erCapeLeeuwin,IhesitatedandwantedtostopbutthenIradicallyswungintoanewperspec9ve.Theoneoffinishingtherace.NomaPerhowmanydaysitwilltake.TodayIdonotcareanymore,Iaminthebackofthefleet and baPle with the oldest Imoca of the

fleet.butihaveaseverelycrippledboat.It'sashamebecauseNoWayBackisanexcellentboat, itwassuperblybuiltatPersicoinItaly,thenew foils are fantas9c andmy sail set is ideal for my prac9ce. Myworryisreallytheelectronicsonboard."DidyoufollowyourcompeHtors’races?

"Not all of them. I looked at thosewhowere not too far fromme.Sometracksaresurprising.Some9mesI'msurprisedtoseethatsomecompe9torsdeliberatelychoosetogothroughstronglowswithalltheriskofbreakingor stopping that includes.Whenyouarea rookie intheVendéeGlobe, inmypointofview,thefirstobjec9ve istofinish.Onasecondorthirdpar9cipa9on,youcancomeforaresultandforspeed.Anyway,that'swhatItrytodo." HowwenttheendofyearcelebraHonsaboardNoWayBack? "Ihavenothadmuch9meforitsincethebeginningoftheadventure.Fornow,Ihavenotwatchedasinglemovie,listenedtomusicorreada book. Life on board is very intense and dedicated to the smoothrunningoftheboat.Fortheholidayseason,Ihadplanned"improved"mealswith special foods.Unfortunately,myNewYear'smeal leakedso Ihad to throw itaway.For theChristmasmeal, it isnecessary tohave calmweather toprepare it so it s9llwaits in its containers fortheright9metobeeaten.Fortunately,mydaughterhadofferedmeDanishherringwhichIenjoyedverymuch.Itwaswonderful.Ihadmywife and family on the phone and wished them a great 9me. Andformyemployees I hadprepareda special ChristmasandNewYearvideo."

Pieter Heerema with No Way Back halfway through the Vendée Globe

PieterHeeremaandthewholeNoWayBackSailingTeamthankyouforyourinterestinthisprojectandwishyouawonderfulhappynewyearandfavourablewindsinallyourprojects. TofollowtheevoluAonoftheDutchskipperandhisImoca60NoWayBack,gotothecartographyavailableontheNoWayBackwebsiteandontheFacebookpage:WWW.NOWAYBACKSAILING.COM FACEBOOK:NOWAYBACKSAILING

Photography: Jacques Vapillon