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Disability Inclusion Reference Committee Meeting Notes When: Thursday 20 September 2018 Where: Main meeting room, Golden City Support Services (upstairs), 48 Mundy St Time: 2pm to 5pm 1. Welcome a) Andy Barrett welcomed committee members, councillors and City staff. b) Andy completed an Acknowledgement of Country recognising the traditional land owners of the City of Greater Bendigo, the DjaDja Wurrung and Taungurung people. 2. Housekeeping a) Andy reminded members where the toilets were and that afternoon tea break will be at 3:15pm. 3. Who is here and who is not Chairperson Andy Barrett Who is here a) Andrew Barrett, Juanita Miller, Tiffany Kenny, Andrew Smith, Bruce Duncan, Bernadette Wright, Andrew Smith, Daniel Reid, Alison Musk, Vinnie Mammoliti, Jarrod Stephens, Michael Leechman, Paul Evans, Jan Pagliaro, Cr George Flack, Colleen Travers, Teresa Iacono Who is not b) Mayor Cr Margaret O’Rourke c) Trevor Budge

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Page 1: Welcome [] · Web viewDisability Inclusion Reference Committee Meeting Notes When: Thursday 20 September 2018 Where: Main meeting room, Golden City Support Services (upstairs), 48

Disability Inclusion Reference Committee

Meeting Notes

When: Thursday 20 September 2018

Where: Main meeting room, Golden City Support Services (upstairs), 48 Mundy St

Time: 2pm to 5pm

1. Welcome

a) Andy Barrett welcomed committee members, councillors and City staff.

b) Andy completed an Acknowledgement of Country recognising the traditional land owners of the City of Greater Bendigo, the DjaDja Wurrung and Taungurung people.

2. Housekeeping

a) Andy reminded members where the toilets were and that afternoon tea break will be at 3:15pm.

3. Who is here and who is not

Chairperson Andy BarrettWho is here a) Andrew Barrett, Juanita Miller, Tiffany Kenny, Andrew Smith,

Bruce Duncan, Bernadette Wright, Andrew Smith, Daniel Reid, Alison Musk, Vinnie Mammoliti, Jarrod Stephens, Michael Leechman, Paul Evans, Jan Pagliaro, Cr George Flack, Colleen Travers, Teresa Iacono

Who is not b) Mayor Cr Margaret O’Rourkec) Trevor Budged) Andy Walkere) Bridget Scilinif) Nikki Williams

City support staff at meeting

David Williamson and Daniel Rees

a) Andy welcomed new City placement student Tiffany Kenny to her first meeting.

Page 2: Welcome [] · Web viewDisability Inclusion Reference Committee Meeting Notes When: Thursday 20 September 2018 Where: Main meeting room, Golden City Support Services (upstairs), 48

4. Group photo

a) Community members at the meeting congregated for a group photo.

5. Nominations for Chair Person and Executive Group

a) Andy Barrett and Vinnie Mammoliti nominated themselves for chair person.

b) Bridget Scilini nominated herself for Deputy Chair Person.

c) Juanita Miller nominated herself to be an Executive Group member.

6. Review the Terms of Reference

a) The committee discussed potential changes to the Terms of Reference.

b) It was agreed that changes to the Terms of Reference shall include:

i. change the month for electing office bearers to November

ii. under section 3.4 d), expand on the definition

iii. under section 1.1, mention the working groups

iv. under section 1.2 c), add links, years and ‘other acts’

v. in the Appendix change wording from ‘Council Plan’ to ‘Community Plan’.

c) The committee also decided to start the next meeting at 1pm as a trial.

d) Suggestion to get evacuation plan from Golden City Support Services, and potentially consider alternate meeting room.

Action Action No. Responsible personGet evacuation plan from Golden City Support Services for meeting room, alternatively find new meeting room

81 Daniel Rees

Draft changes to the Terms of Reference and share with the Committee

82 Daniel Rees

7. October Forum Update

a) Daniel updated the committee on the details of the October DIRC forum.

b) The committee decided to name the forum:

i. Informing Bendigo – Inclusion Advocacy Empowerment

Page 3: Welcome [] · Web viewDisability Inclusion Reference Committee Meeting Notes When: Thursday 20 September 2018 Where: Main meeting room, Golden City Support Services (upstairs), 48

Action Action No. Responsible personDaniel Rees to send out email with roles that need to be filled at the forum.

83 Daniel Rees

8. Correspondence from Community to DIRC & Information Sharing

a) A letter from the Victorian Disability Advisory Council was discussed by the committee.

b) The committee decided to take a tour of the Eaglehawk Play Space in the second week of the school holidays.

c) The committee decided to either run an event or do a media release for International Day of People with Disabilities.

d) The committee approved the draft letter to the Public Space Design Team.

e) The committee decided not to collect Mini Coles products for targeted distribution.

f) The committee asked that advocacy training for committee members is explored further.

Action Action No. Responsible personSend a subscription link to the committee for the Victorian Disability Advisory Council’s email list.

84 Daniel Rees

Arrange a tour of the Eaglehawk Play Space for the second week of school holidays. Committee member to invite young people with disabilities to test equipment.

85 Committee

Explore possibility of being involved in International Day of People with Disabilities.

86 Working Groups

Explore VALiD advocacy training further and also consider RIAC as an alternative training provider.

87 Daniel Rees

Page 4: Welcome [] · Web viewDisability Inclusion Reference Committee Meeting Notes When: Thursday 20 September 2018 Where: Main meeting room, Golden City Support Services (upstairs), 48

9. Election of Office Bearers

a) The committee decided to postpone the vote until the November meeting due to new members not being familiar with the nominees.

10.Confirm Minutes of Previous Meeting

a) Andy Barrett suggested that the resignation of Dr Noela Foreman should be added to the previous minutes.

11.Updates on actions from previous meetings (See Rolling List of actions)

12.Finish of Meeting

a) Andy thanked the committee members and guests for attending the meeting.

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Rolling list of actions

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Action Action No. Responsible person Date

listedComments / date completed

Ann-Maree to email Leah Sertori to request meeting time to discuss possible new award category for accessibility in businesses.

14 Daniel Rees 19/01/17 Steven Abbott, Manager Community Partnerships received an email from Leah Sertori saying that Be Bendigo would be happy to work with the City on including a new category of business accessibility in the Bendigo Business Awards. They will need the award to be sponsored to the value of $6600 inc GST.

The Committee now need to decide how it can obtain these funds.


Be Bendigo were invited to March Meeting.

Jason Tayeh was unwell and unable to attend the meeting.

The committee would like to ask him about Diversity in the judging panel. Vinnie and Ann-Maree will catch up with Jayson Tayeh outside of the DIRC meeting. Dan Rees to follow up and arrange meeting.

Find out more information from 13 Cabs, Uber and Shebah to invite them to future meetings.

45 Daniel Rees and Andy Barrett.

16/11/17 Andy Barrett provided email update 24 July.

Dan sent out to DIRC.


Arrange for DIRC members to tour the Gurri Wanyarra Swimming Centre before

50 Daniel Rees & Andy Walker

Daniel Rees

18/01/18 Tour will occur either week before or week after public opening.

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it opens.DIRC members to advocate to Centro Lansell to make changes to their public toilets.

51 Access Committee 18/01/18 It was put to DIRC members to advocate. This issue can be looked at by the Accessible Greater Bendigo working group. Dan to find out more information from Ian Trapnell.

Daniel Rees to set up meetings for each working group.

52 Daniel Rees 15/03/18

Jolie will send the email with the Planning Scheme review attachment to the DIRC.

53 Daniel Rees 15/03/18 Daniel Rees to send out slide show presentation to DIRC.

Sent out 18/9


Letter of support for Goldfields Library project to be written offering support of Daniel Giles as Committee member should they be successful in obtaining grant.

55 Daniel Rees 15/03/18 Contact John Willis.

Library made a grant application to run the project and were unsuccessful.


Andrew Barrett to send the hybrid car information onto Jolie Middleton. Jolie to pass on to the relevant officer at the City for comment.

56 Andrew BarrettDaniel Rees

15/03/18 Daniel Rees to find out if Jolie sent to anyone.

Invite the Vulnerable to Resilient Team to a future DIRC meeting.

57 Daniel Rees 15/03/18 Dan invited Vulnerable to Resilient Team. They will attend October Forum instead.


Arrange an excursion to trial different tactile surfaces and provide recommendation to City

58 Daniel Rees, Andrew Smith and Vinnie Mammoliti to follow up

17/05/18 It is slightly easier to detect plastic and rubber TGSI’s than ceramic and stainless steel.

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Andrew Smith was present at the excursion and received Vinnie’s feedback


Arrange a visit to the new Garden for the Future for DIRC members to discuss accessibility with Aaron Lindsey.

61 Daniel Rees 17/05/18 Visit completed on 12 July. Follow up to send letter with feedback to Aaron Lindsey.

Letter has been sent to Aaron Lindsey.


The City’s disability inclusion team will add investigation of the Lake Weeroona Tram Stop accessibility to their projects list.

62 Daniel Rees & Jarrod Stephens

17/05/18 Daniel and Jarrod to take a trip on the tram to assess accessibility.

Arrange a meeting for DIRC members to discuss the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme Review with Morgan James.

63 Daniel Rees, Vinnie Mammoliti and Andrew Barrett.

17/05/18 Daniel to email out invitation to DIRC.

Send email to DIRC members about opportunity to be Safe Cities Forum representative.

65 Daniel Rees 17/05/18 Daniel to email this opportunity out to the committee. Also email out ITLUS opportunity.

Universal Funding is reconciled and the DIRC are made aware of what items funding is spent on.

66 Cr Margaret O’Rourke


Dan to send Margaret feedback the DIRC provided Bendigo Health after Bendigo hospital

67 Cr Margaret O’Rourke and Daniel Rees

19/07/18 Dan sent feedback to Margaret.

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visit. DIRC to then consider writing a letter of response to Exemplar Health.

City also considering sending letter.

Will wait for Margaret’s feedback.

Write a letter to Aaron Lindsay and the Public Space Design Team providing feedback on the accessibility of the Garden of the Future.

68 Daniel Rees and Vinnie Mammoliti

19/07/18 Letter drafted and has been sent to DIRC for feedback.

Dan has sent letter to Aaron Lindsey.


Share information on the International Initiative Conference and Exchange in Washington, 2019. Explore possibility of a DIRC member attending. Follow up with funding applications if necessary.

69 Ann-Marie Davis and Daniel Rees

Margaret O’Rourke

19/07/18 Complete.

Attendance to Washington still for DIRC to consider. Can this be funded by council budget?

Explore the possibility of the DIRC becoming a member of the International Initiative for Disability Leadership (IIDL).

70 Ann-Marie Davis 19/07/18 Ann-Marie awaiting response.

Confirm process a community member can take if they have experienced an access issue.

71 Nikki Williams & Daniel Rees

19/07/18 Process confirmed to contact customer service and will be directed accordingly.


Arrange an Inclusive Towns presentation at a future DIRC meeting or informal meeting.

72 Daniel Rees 19/07/18 Alison to attend informal meeting in October or DIRC meeting in November.

Liaise with Be Bendigo to broadly advocate to

73 Daniel Rees 19/07/18 Could this be a working group action?

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businesses to become more accessible.Contact Katherine Bolitho as board member of Bendigo Tourism to find ways of advertising accessible businesses.

74 Ann-Marie Davis and Daniel Rees

19/07/18 Follow up with IT.

Arrange meeting with Meg Irwin to discuss how DIRC can assist Communication Access Network.

75 Daniel Rees 19/07/18 Dan has met with Meg. Meg to attend a future DIRC meeting, likely November.

Set up network meeting with employment agencies to discuss possibility of employment agencies forum.

76 Colleen Travers 19/07/18 This came from feedback from the May forum that recruitment processes need to be improved for PWAD. Alternate methods of interviews and job share arrangements need to be considered.

Colleen and Daniel met on 2 October to discuss how to arrange this. Thought it is a better option to do a consultation instead of a forum.

Colleen forming list on potential invitees.

Ensure Intereach have a focus on strengths of people with a disability not their weaknesses.

77 Daniel Rees and Bridget Scilini


Advocate for suitable disabled parking at events that are not ran by the City of Greater Bendigo. There was a suggestion that this could be done by writing

78 Daniel Rees 19/07/18 CoGB currently liaising with White Night to improve access for future events.

Inclusive Communities to will be point of contact for

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letters to event committees.

events, will include DIRC where possible.


Consider changing the date of the next DIRC forum to October or November. Have a discussion with the Resilient Communities Team to see if they could still be involved. Get feedback from DIRC members on potential new date.

79 Daniel Rees 19/07/18 Date changed to October 25.


Send DIRC members information about the Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference.

80 Daniel Rees 19/07/18 Complete