wellness plan kelsey

My Health & Wellness Plan

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My Health & Wellness Plan

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What is Health & Wellness? Health  and  Wellness  is  a  term  generally  used  to  mean  a  healthy  state  of  complete  physical,  mental  and  social  well-­‐being  and  not  just  the  absence  of  disease.  Many  teens  over  look  the  importance  of  a  healthy,  well  balanced  lifestyle.      It  is  important  to  think  of  things  we  can  do  to  keep  our  bodies  healthy  and  find  ways  to  enjoy  life.  Life  is  not  always  easy,  finding  ways  to  deal  with  the  changes  in  our  bodies  and  mind  and  to  learn  how  to  cope  with  the  difficulCes  that  arise  in  our  lives  will  help  us  to  be  happy,  healthy  and  have  a  sense  of  balance  in  our  lives.    

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Physical Activity

My  wellness  plan  to  maintain  my  physical  wellness  is:  •  Find  acCviCes  I  like  to  do.  (  try  a  variety)  •  Do  more  than  one  physical  acCvity  so  I  don’t  get  bored.    •  Find  acCviCes  I  can  do  on  my  own,  with  a  friend  or  a  group.    •  Make  Cme.  (make  sure  I  make  doing  a  physical  acCvity  a  priority)  •  Listen  to  my  body,  if  it  needs  a  break  I  should  honor  that.  Tired  and  over  used  muscles  can  be  at  risk  of  injury  when  pushed  too  far.  

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A Healthy Eating Plan Ea#ng  healthy  means  geKng  the  right  balance  of  nutrients  your  body  needs  to  perform  every  day.    

My  wellness  plan  to  maintain  healthy  eaCng  habits  is:    •  Learn  to  cook  healthy  meals  on  my  own  or  with  friends  or  family.  •  Help  shop  for  healthy  foods.  •  Think  ahead  (don’t  grab  unhealthy  foods  because  I  am  in  a  hurry)  •  Choose  healthy  food  over  fast  food  •  Eat  a  healthy  breakfast  daily.  (don’t  skip  meals)  •  Eat  healthy  instead  of  dieCng.  

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Emotional Wellness Emo#onal  Wellness  is  the  ability  to  be  aware  of  and  accept  our  feelings,  rather  than  deny  them,  have  an  opCmisCc  approach  to  life,  and  enjoy  life  despite  its  occasional  disappointments  and  frustraCons.

My  wellness  plan  to  maintain  my  emoConal  wellness  is:    •  Laugh,  find  humour  in  your  life.    •  IdenCfy  my  unseNled  emoCons  and  accept  them  for  what  they  are.    Learn  healthy  ways  to  cope  with  my  emoCons.  •  Try  to  remember  to  change  the  things  I  can  and  let  go  of  those  things  that  I  can  not  control.  •  Maintain  healthy  relaConships;  improve  or  end  difficult  or  unhealthy  relaConships.  •  Learn  what  are  my  negaCve  emoConal  triggers  maybe  and  try  to  avoid  them.  •  Talk  about  it.  •  Have  fun  in  life.  Take  some  Cme  away  from  and  school  work  or  my  job  and  just  enjoy  life.  •  Be  Social:  Have  fun  with  friends  and  family.  

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A Healthy Brain and Mind

My  wellness  plan  to  maintain  a  healthy  mind  is:    •  Get  plenty  of  mental  exercise:  Such  as  thinking  through  problems  or  avoiding  the  calculator  for  simple  arithmeCc.  •  Challenge  my  brain:  Learning  and  experiencing  new  things  is  a  great  way  to  challenge  your  brain.  Learn  Art,  Dance,  Music,  or  Chess.  Whatever  you  may  enjoy.  •  Have  hobbies  that  use  my  mind.  •  Relax  my  brain  and  mind  by  pracCcing  meditaCon  or  yoga.  •  Get  enough  sleep.      

When  it  comes  to  keeping  healthy  and  fit,  living  a  mentally  acCve  life  is  as  important  as  regular  physical  exercise.  Just  as  your  muscles  grow  stronger  with  use,  mental  exercise  keeps  your  mental  skills  and  memory  in  tone.  

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Social Wellness Social  Wellness  refers  to  one's  ability  to  interact  with  people  around  them.  It  involves  using  good  communicaCons  skills,  having  meaningful  relaConships,  respecCng  yourself  and  others,  and  creaCng  a  support  system  that  includes  family  members  and  friends.  

My  wellness  plan  for  Social  Wellness  is:    •  Spend  Cme  with  people  or  friends  that  respect  and/or  support  me.  •  Get  to  know  people  that  like  to  do  things  that  I  like  to  do.  •  Enjoy  spending  Cme  with  people  that  like  to  have  fun  and  be  posiCve.  •  Be  a  friend  to  others.  •  Don’t  give  into  peer  pressure.  •  Don’t  ignore  bullying  and  ask  for  help  if  I  need  help  with  a  bully.  

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Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking Mood  altering  substances,  such  as  drugs,  alcohol  and  cigareNes,  can  decrease  our  funcConing,  lower  our  moCvaCon,  and  impair  our  cogniCve  processes.  They  alter  our  emoCons,  which  impairs  our  thinking  by  reducing  focus,  aNenCon,  memory,  and  our  ability  to  execute  plans.  Smoking  is  one  of  the  leading  causes  of  over  a  dozen  cancers,  including  lung,  oral,  stomach,  and  liver  cancer.  Not  to  menCon  it  stains  our  fingers,  teeth  and  hair,  and  leaves  us  with  foul-­‐smelling  breath!  

My  wellness  plan  for  drugs,  alcohol  and  smoking:  •  Don’t  give  in  to  peer  pressure  •  ModeraCon  •  Don’t  glamourize  drinking,  drugs,  or  smoking  •  Stay  away  from  parCes  or  situaCons  where  I  may  feel  pressure  to  do  drugs  or  drink  •  Find  other  ways  to  rebel  or  relax  

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Sexually transmitted diseases Sexually  transmiNed  diseases  (STDs)  are  infecCous  diseases  that  spread  from  person  to  person  through  inCmate  contact.  STDs  can  affect  guys  and  girls  of  all  ages  and  backgrounds  who  are  having  sex  —  it  doesn't  maNer  if  they're  rich  or  poor  

My  Wellness  Plan  for  STD’s:    •  PracCce  safe  sex  •  Talk  to  my  doctor  before  I  have  sex  •  Be  comfortable  saying  no  to  sex  •  Talk  to  my  partner  before  sex  •  Limit  sexual  partners    •  Mutual  monogamy  (agree  with  my  boyfriend  to  only  have  sex  with  each  other)  

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Reflection Responses: What I learned....  •  Stay  away  or  limit  drugs  and  alcohol.      •  Eat  healthy  –  limit  junk  food.    •  Exercise  –  Do  aerobic  acCviCes  o`en  and  weight  training.  

•  Use  my  mind  –  Find  work  or  hobbies  that  use  my  mind.  Challenge  myself.  

•  To  build  and  stay  in  healthy  relaConships  and  don't  give  into  pressure  to  conform.  SomeCmes  I  may  have  disagreements  with  friends  but  if  I’m  not  treated  with  respect  by  them  then  I  should  not  put  up  with  it.  No  one  has  to  put  up  with  a  bully.  

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