instructional design plan communication kelsey …...instructional plan template | slide 1...

Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1 Instructional Design Plan communication Kelsey Unified School District S.T. Steiner, Master’s of Education CUR 524 University of Phoenix (online) September 7, 2008

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Instructional Design Plancommunication

Kelsey Unified School DistrictS.T. Steiner, Master’s of Education

CUR 524

University of Phoenix (online)

September 7, 2008

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Introduction – Page A

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� A survey of a 5th grade classroom at Kelsey Unified Elementary School

to evaluate the needs of the students in order to accommodate their learning

with an instructional design plan for computers to enhance instruction and

promote development of interpersonal communication skills, while connecting

teachers to their students, students to students, teachers to parents,

and parents to each other

� Initiatives will promote web-based learning in the classroom providing

students with computers with an internet provider and an email account,

while also providing parents with training on the educational use

of the internet, word processing skills, and email protocol

� Assessments will establish that all initiatives are conducive to student learning

and promote a sense of community that respects racial diversity

and that is supported by higher education

Introduction – Page b

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Four Points of Investigation

� No cooperative team building experience in the classroom

� Inadequate communications amongst teachers, students, and parents

� Discipline and attendance issues

� High teacher to student ratio

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Qualitative/Quantitative Needs

� Qualitative Need – teachers observe antisocial and withdrawn personality

traits in students and do not plan curriculum that works on such needs

� Quantitative Need – most students are average at best in school achievement

with rare exceptions

� Learning styles are in question

� Delivery mode of instruction is in question

� Paper homework is in question

� Students seem to have no computer influence in learning

the classroom material or completing homework

� School seems to be blaming parents for anything

that is not working well with the students

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Type of Need

� Educational Normative Need

� Individual students and class are below expectations since Kindergarten

� Educational Felt Need

� Teachers seeking change with written notices, whereby the communication

method is antiquated – teachers do not seem to know the parents socially,

students do not know each other, parents do not know each other,

and teachers tend to only discuss student disappointments,

rather than ongoing achievements, causing parents to withdraw

their involvement with the school and to maintain negative attitudes

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Selected Need

� Educational Felt Need

� Teachers seeking change with written notices; whereby the communication

method is antiquated – teachers do not seem to know the parents socially,

students do not know each other, parents do not know each other,

and teachers tend to only discuss student disappointments,

rather than ongoing achievements, causing parents to withdraw

their involvement with the school and to maintain negative attitudes

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An educational Need – Surveyed

� Educational Felt Need

� Teacher to student communication

� Student to student communication

� Teacher to parent communication

� Parent to parent communication

� An instructional design plan that will address the issue of communication

of teachers, students, and parents in order to raise levels of interest in students’

learning and motivation for achievement at school and beyond, and to provide

a supportive community whereby each is an equal member in the process to change

the academic environment for the 5th graders, and to change the academic

environment, comprehensively, for K-12 learners at Kelsey Unified School District

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design of instruction

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Needs Assessment

� The learning problem is that there lacks communication at school

� Teachers are not communicating properly with students; students

are not communicating with other students, teachers do not seem

to know the parents and parents do not know each other

� The classroom of 5th graders seems teacher-centered

� Teachers assign individual work and not teamwork activities,

and individual work is not being completed properly or at all

� To remedy the problem, students should work in pairs or in teams

to learn, research, write, and present their work, which may be

paper-based or digital via a laptop – students will learn about

each other and will develop school-related friendships, while learning

educational technology that greatly enhances their knowledge and skills

� Laptop access at home with parental involvement, will connect students,

parents, and subsequently teachers to parents

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Needs Assessment

� The learning problem is that there lacks communication at school

and that there is a diverse ethnic representation in the 5th grade classroom,

that is not being addressed

� 6 – African American Students

� 3 – Asian Students

� 7 – Latino Students

� 4 – Native American Students

� 13 – Caucasian Students

� The classroom of 5th graders should study the cultures represented and feel proud

� The National Communication Association [NCA] sponsors

a service-learning initiative that encourages respect for racial diversity

and combats prejudice in communities in America known as –

� Communicating Common Ground

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Needs Assessment

� The learning problem is that there lacks communication at school

and that there is a diverse ethnic representation in the 5th grade classroom,

that is not being addressed

� Communicating Common Ground unites college students, faculty,

and community groups in providing multicultural education to elementary

and high school students. The initiative promotes –

� Community service

� Theater activities

� Dialogue

� . . . . . Which educate on racial diversity and develop students’

interpersonal communication skills

� Through service-learning, the initiative creates a better balanced

learning experience for the students and creates common,

shared educational experiences that are carefully designed

and planned with community support

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Needs Assessment

� The learning problem is that there lacks communication at school

� A University of Wisconsin at Green Bay award-winning initiative

encourages at-risk youths to graduate from high school and pursue

a college education; the program known as –

� Phuture Phoenix

� 5th graders are divided into groups on Phuture Phoenix Day

and matched with two UWGB role models, which begins

with an extensive tour of the university and who then enroll

in special learning events.

� The role models visit the 5th grade the next week to reconnect

� Role models make additional visits to the school, in an effort

to show 5th graders that attending university is an attainable goal

� Role models benefit with practical experience in K-12 education

� The program is entirely funded by donations of the Green Bay

and Northeastern Wisconsin communities

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Needs Assessment

� The learning problem is that there lacks communication at school

� Community School District 8 in New York’s Bronx launched –

� Project HomeBase8TM

� The initiative places a new Apple iMac computer into the home

of every 5th grader, with an internet provider and an email account,

while providing parents with training on the educational use

of the internet, word processing skills, and email protocol

� The initiative plans to use digital technology as an effective

teaching and learning tool

� CSD8 is home for countless students of African-American

and Latino ancestry, including Secretary of State Colin Powell

� Project HomeBase8TM takes into account the integral role of family

� A technology learning specialist conducts computer workshops

for parents and works directly in classrooms with teachers and students

� The purpose is to provide quality web-based learning activities

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The goal of instruction

� The goal of instruction is . . . . .

� to create a cooperative team learning experience for every student,

of every ethnic origin, embracing multicultural education

� to promote interpersonal communication skills that help students

make friendships and stay social in school and at home, developing

confident personality traits

� to provide necessary laptops for web-based learning activities and assignments

� to provide computers at home to enhance communication, especially of teachers

to parents, students to students, and parents to parents in an effort to increase

interest, students’ motivation in their schoolwork, parental involvement,

and to serve as a valuable support group for parents to stay connected to school

and to each other

� to reduce discipline infractions and increase attendance

� to balance the needs of a classroom of high teacher to student ratio,

through the use of web resources and computerized instruction, to make sure

that each student is reached equally and is assessed immediately and effectively

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achievement-based objectives

� The objective is that students form friendship circles of mixed ethnicity

to complete web-based assignments in class and at home, communicating

via their computers and assessed in a one-month timeframe for an

85% accuracy of assignments and assessed via student journals,

the happiness of students who worked in the friendship circles,

with ongoing positive parental feedback

� Students trust their role models both from the UWGB program, teachers,

and parents, in an effort to increase self-esteem of students, making schoolwork

achievable and interviewing role models for an assessment of the communication

� Parents of the 5th grade class form a trusting support group, communicating

via their computers and via phone to plan study dates for the children

and to know each other on a personal level, to better the chances

of improving the children’s confidence and willingness to work at school

and at home, and conducting a survey to assess parental impressions

of their children’s progress and happiness at school

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Assessing Learning outcomes

� Teacher, student and parent surveys to evaluate whether students feel

comfortable at school, are socially connected, feel capable of making

standards for all curricular content, and are motivated by the new technology

� Teacher focus groups to determine if teachers are creating lessons

that promote multicultural education and if students are in fact learning

� Monthly review of curricular material learned

� Yearly review of standardized tests

� Community observations by the Kelsey Unified Community College

and community sponsors to make sure that the educational use of technology

and peer support is indeed working

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Students’ characteristics

� 5th grade class at Kelsey Unified Elementary School

� 6 – African American Students

� 3 – Asian Students

� 7 – Latino Students

� 4 – Native American Students

� 13 – Caucasian Students

� 16 girls and 17 boys = 33 students

� Students struggle with discipline, attendance, and racial diversity issues

� Students’ parents work

� Students are average at best in academics

� None of the students own a computer or work on a computer at school

� There is no known information on the students’ learning styles

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� 5th grade class at Kelsey Unified Elementary School

conducting initiatives of the NCA Communicating Common Ground,

the UWGB Phuture Phoenix, and the Community School District 8

Project HomeBase8TM

� Students will work collaboratively at school and at home

making use of technology resources including web-based

lessons, activities and websites to make the academic

standards for all curricular content, to ensure

development of interpersonal communication skills,

and to maintain respect for racial diversity

Learning context

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Delivery modality

� Teachers will present a web lesson via a laptop and a projector and students

will work in pairs at their laptops to search the web for answers to questions

in the lesson, and will write their answers on paper to later present to the

class to further class discussion, and will post answers at the teacher’s web folder

� Teachers will develop web folders for students to post their homework

that reviews lessons taught in class; grading can be immediate as in the case

of quizzes or upon teacher review as in the case of written essays

� Teachers will maintain a website of student portfolios of work,

whereby students can choose their best work for their portfolios;

portfolios can be accessed by teachers and parents

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Instructional strategies

� The use of a computer for schoolwork and communication will be the key

of instruction. Teachers will teach about how to access a web-browser, such

as Internet Explorer, and how to use a search engine, such as Yahoo, in order

to research topics for class. Teachers will provide specific web addresses,

but will also ask students to use the search engine to find more information

� Students will learn how to save information on their C:\ drive, specifically

in their personal folder, to be accessed at any time, with a security password,

and students will transfer their stored documents via a USB stick in order

to continue their work at their computer at home.

� Students will register for an email account at Yahoo in order to communicate

with classmates and will practice sending and receiving email in a class workshop.

Parents will also have an email account that teachers can use to communicate

directly with parents who are at work or at home

� Teachers, parents and students will be trained on scheduling software

to stay current on due dates and scheduling changes

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Instructional strategies

� Teachers will develop a class website that is secure for students

to review class lessons

� Teachers will instruct students how to access the class website that they can

use to post individual work, pair work or teamwork for class review and discussion

� Students will learn about .jpg files and how they can be included in a document

in order to add graphics and art to their documents, and students will learn

how to create their own .jpg files using a digital camera that will be provided

by the school

� Teachers will present their lessons via a laptop and projector with lessons

that are visually appealing with color and graphics. Students will then get help

with their laptop training as the teacher circulates in the classroom to help students

individually. Students will work in pairs to help each other learn the skills,

and parents will assist at home to help students master the skills

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Instructional strategies

� Bloom’s Taxonomy will be integrated into the 5th grade lessons

� Students will receive the information via the teacher’s laptop and projector

� Students will then work on their laptops to find answers to questions

� As students are actively involved in their learning, they will retain

more information and will value their learning

� Students will present their answers to the class for class discussion,

will post to the teacher’s folder, and will learn about the information

that has been collected by the class that is collaboratively structured

at the class website

� Students will value the exercise and will share with their friends and family

what they have learned in class, making communication a fundamental

skill learned and exercised to bring students closer in friendship, to involve

parents and to make teachers accountable for their students’ work

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Instructional strategies

� Bloom’s Taxonomy will be integrated into the 5th grade lessons

� Students will become active learners and will no longer be bored,

therefore being more peaceful at school and more content at home

� Students will feel more in control of their learning and will see

immediate documentation of their work and their contributions to class,

feeling more valued and included at school

� As students find common ground with their assignments,

pair work, and teamwork, the racial divide will no longer be an issue

and students will form friendships based on mutual respect for each other

and their progress in school

� Students will look forward to school days with mutual friends

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Implementation plan

� Kelsey Unified School District will initiate Communicating Common Ground

to teach the promise of multicultural education and the value of serving

the community in an effort to bridge the racial divide and teach responsibility

for self and others

� The Kelsey Unified Community College will initiate Phuture Phoenix,

in order to educate the Kelsey Unified School District’s Elementary

and High School students the value of a college education

and the ability to realize their educational dreams

� Kelsey Unified School District will initiate Project HomeBase8TM

in order to equip schools and families with computers to promote

communication and web-based learning in the school community

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Implementation plan

� Teachers will use the website – sites for teachers – to learn about lesson plans

and will search the web for additional information, such as information

about specific ethnic holidays

� Cinco de Mayo

� Kwanzaa

� El Día de los Muertos

� St. Patrick’s Day

� Ramadan


� Thanksgiving


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Implementation plan

� The plan will be implemented in a one-month timeframe by the 5th grade

teacher whose feedback will be necessary by administration to make sure

that the initiatives are working for the students

� One-month testing will ensure that the programs work, that students

are enthusiastic about school and communicating with school friends,

and that parents are actively involved in their children’s learning,

while maintaining good rapport with teachers

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Instructional resources

� Classroom laptops

� Home computers

� LCD Projector

� Internet

� Search Engine

� Class website

� Individual digital folders

� Individual digital portfolios

� Individual email account

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Formative assessments

� Review standardized test scores of 4th graders beginning 5th grade

and then later assess standardized test scores of the 5th graders to see

if the scores reflect notable improvement, resulting from improved

communications and technology

� Document opinions and feelings of 5th grade students and their parents

via paper surveys, and additional communication via phone, to generate

a good response rate

� Interview teachers and students at Kelsey Unified Community College

and their awareness of community support for the Kelsey Unified

School District

� Interview community officials and community entities on their willingness

to provide support in order to provide laptop computers for students

in the classroom and at home via the educational initiative branded by CSD8

� Interview administrative officials on their willingness to support

the instructional design plan

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Summative assessments

� Review records of classroom attendance and discipline infractions

and collect new data to see if there has been change resulting

from the new instructional design plan

� Conduct pre-implementation surveys of teachers, students, and parents

to identify reasons why classroom attendance is low and why discipline

infractions are an issue

� Conduct post-implementation surveys of teachers, students, and parents

to evaluate if attendance has increased and if the discipline issues

have been resolved

� Conduct interviews with parents to know if parents are encouraged

by the communication plan, if they see improvement in their children’s

attitudes toward school, if they feel included as a member of the

school community, and if they believe that they share an equal role

in the education of their children

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Summative assessments

� Evaluate monthly assessments of knowledge of curricular content

� Evaluate end of year assessments of knowledge of curricular content

� Interview teachers and students at the community college to assess

if they feel their contribution to the elementary and high school students,

acting as role models, has had a positive effect on the communications

with their students and whether they have gained experience in the process

� Interview community officials and community entities if they would be

willing to continue their financial support of the Kelsey Unified School District,

in an effort to increase technology offerings for the students and to help

in reducing the teacher to student ratio

� Evaluate research findings of the plan with national education associations

to consider if Kelsey Unified School District could serve as an example

for other school districts, offering expertise and data generated from the plan

that promotes multicultural education, and respect for racial diversity

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� It is clear the objectives of the instructional design plan and it is necessary

that administrative officials be informed of each process of the plan –

its implementation and assessment. The results make known that the plan works

in favor of the students’ educational growth at Kelsey Unified Elementary School

and that future designs should continue to include community support,

and should include all grade levels. Reaching students early through multicultural

education certainly increases the chances of such students pursuing their college

education, and yet the demographics are changing with increased numbers of parents

working, and multiethnic representation, which requires schools to accommodate

students and parents, and to ensure that communication exists and that

communication positively affects students’ academic, emotional and social

development at school and at home. Teachers must also be current on curricular

needs and the use of technology in the classroom. Administrative officials should

continue to support teachers’ professional development.

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Ann Althouse – The Robert W. & Irma M. Arthur-Bascom Professor of Law

at the University of Wisconsin Law School

via Althouse blog – Digital PhotoArt

Drake, J., Morreale, S. (2001, June). June 30th deadline for students

to participate in NCA’s communicating common ground. Spectra. 37(6), 13.

Josephs J. (2001, Winter). The bronx school district’s quest to harness

the educational potential of digital technology. Education. 122(2), 257-261.

Lossie, C. (2002, February). Partners in NCA’s communicating common ground

gather in Atlanta. Spectra. 38(2), 6.

National Communication Association. Communicating Common Ground

Shepard, C., Vespia, K. M., Fitzpatrick, C., Kaufman, T. U., Tabers-Kwak, L.,

Furlong, D. (2007, November). Inspiring students to create the future.

Phi Delta Kappan. 89(3), 200-203.

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Día de los Muertos

Copyright ©2005

St. Patrick’s Day

Copyright ©1996-2008 A&E Television Networks

The holy month of Ramadan


First Thanksgiving


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