wfbc news - wake forest university

WFBC News ... A NF\X'SJ .ETIT~R OF \Y./. \KE FOREST BAPTIST Cf lURCl I PO Box 7326, Winston-Salem, C 27109 June 9, 2004 336- 7 58-5297 NOTES FROM THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR Susan Parker As you read the newsletter this week, just know that Richard is enjoying the first few days of his vacation. Please call the church office or my direct line if you need as istance in his absen e. I will be leaving for Baptist Youth Camp after worship on June 27, and during that week anyone needing assistance should contact the office and/or Jean Batten. Preaching Scltetlule In Richard s absen e, we have a number of guest preachers lined up for morning and evening services. I will be preaching both services on June 13, but beginning on the 201h the schedule will be: June 20: Tim Auman - morning Susan Parker - evening June 27: Tom Jackson - morning Carol Penick- evening July 4: Steve Boyd - morning Susan Parker - evening Special Bible Study I will be offering a Summer Bible Study on Wednesday evening beginning on June 16 at 7:00 p.m. Though all are welcome, the study will be geared toward those who have not previously completed one of Ri chard's Bible Study cycles. After laying some initial groundwork, we will move into a study of Genesis. The class will be held m the Balcony Room and guides will be available for tho e unfamiliar with that location. flnandal Update Through May Y-T-D Budget Income $90,685 Y-T-D Budget Expenditures $101,895 Y-T-D Deficit.. (Sl1,210) Endowment Fund $285,349 SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS Marjorie Angell wa recently profiled in Key Notes, the newsletter of the Winston-Salem Symphony Association and the Encore Society. Jn addition to information about Marjorie's mu ical training and h r family, she was remembered for having completed her 4811i year in the Win ton-Salem Symphony. Congratulations are due Ron Caviness who retired - again! - as principal of the Lowrance Middle School. MARK YOUR CALENDARS There will be a church-wide potluck supper m the picnic area on June 20 at 5:30. Please bring yard chairs, too! Following the potluck, all are invited to attend the evcmng worship service which will begin at 7:00. CLASS NOTES Margaret Griffith, member of the Reid Staton Bible Clas , recently sent the following to the church office concerning the class' former teacher, Dr. David miley. Not long ago as l wa~ doing what we called ow daily Bible readings. 1 rediscovered verses quoted by Dr. David Smiley i11 a message at Wake Forest Baptist Church 011 July .J, 1987. For more than 25 years, Dr. Smiley taught the church's Reid Staton Bihl, Class with simultaneous radio broadcast. First of the texts came ji-0111 2 Corinthians 5:_ /: "Christ was without sin but for our sakes, God made him lo share sin i11 order that in him we might share the righteousness of God. " 'This, "said Smiley, "is the gospel in essence. " Another passage. 1 Corinthians 3:21 22fimher interprets .. the gospel in essence. " Paul, writer of letters to the Corinthians, addresses the church at Corinth. "No one should boast about what he can do ... everything belongs to you Paul. Apollos. and Peter - this world. life i11 the future and death all these belong to you, and belong to Christ. and Christ belongs to God." Following Smiley's two Bible passages in my notes is a 11011-Bihle reference - a favorite teaching technique of Smiley- illustrationsfront secular literature or history to make vivid the Bible message. 111 this instance, Smiley lifts us up with the beautifullv /11m111ous "Marshes of Glynn, "bv l ifh century Southern poet Sidney Lanier "As the marsh hen secretly builds on the water-sod, behold I will build me a nest on the greatness of God ... But so many roots as the marsh-gr tss s1211ds in the sod l will heartily lay me a-ho/ti on the greatness of God." Yes, Paul had written to the Corinthian church, "You belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God .. and so we can say, "Jn Christ i11 God's righteousness I have found me a nest I will I 1y me 11-hold on the greatness of God." The Reid Staton Bible Class has adjourned or the summer and will reconvene on September 19. The study topic will be the Platonic dialogue enutled "Timaeus," followed later tn the semester by a discussion of Origen's "On First Prin iples." All an; welcome to join the class in the fall. Please contact Mark Drusdow (msdrusdO\\ £!.'!flad.rr.-:2111) for further information. THANK You Dear Church Ft1111i(v, Thank _1·011 for the many ways you reached out to I Iarold and me during m)' recovery. The cards and c 11/s, visits and ca. seroles a/11\'ere 1·1siblc way· ym1 showed us you really ('{lrt!d. r know t!tisjl.!lt ltke (/ re- nm, so ! 'I! try to mend wt!!/ and be the gm:r (f casserole.~for a 11 ltile. 11w11ky again for all your lov '. rnre, and prayers. Carol Penick

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PO Box 7326, Winston-Salem, C 27109 June 9, 2004 336- 7 58-5297


As you read the newsletter this week, just know that Richard is enjoying the first few days of his vacation. Please call the church office or my direct line if you need as istance in his absen e. I will be leaving for Baptist Youth Camp after worship on June 27, and during that week anyone needing assistance should contact the office and/or Jean Batten.

Preaching Scltetlule In Richard s absen e, we have a number of guest

preachers lined up for morning and evening services. I will be preaching both services on June 13, but beginning on the 201h the schedule will be:

June 20: Tim Auman - morning Susan Parker - evening

June 27: Tom Jackson - morning Carol Penick- evening

July 4: Steve Boyd - morning Susan Parker - evening

Special Bible Study I will be offering a Summer Bible Study on

Wednesday evening beginning on June 16 at 7:00 p.m. Though all are welcome, the study will be geared toward those who have not previously completed one of Ri chard's Bible Study cycles. After laying some initial groundwork, we will move into a study of Genesis. The class will be held m the Balcony Room and guides will be available for tho e unfamiliar with that location.

flnandal Update Through May

Y-T-D Budget Income $90,685 Y-T-D Budget Expenditures $101,895 Y-T-D Deficit.. (Sl1,210) Endowment Fund $285,349


Marjorie Angell wa recently profiled in Key Notes, the newsletter of the Winston-Salem Symphony Association and the Encore Society. Jn addition to information about Marjorie's mu ical training and h r family, she was remembered for having completed her 4811i year in the Win ton-Salem Symphony.

Congratulations are due Ron Caviness who retired - again! - as principal of the Lowrance Middle School.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS There will be a church-wide potluck supper

m the picnic area on June 20 at 5:30. Please bring yard chairs, too! Following the potluck, all are invited to attend the evcmng worship service which will begin at 7:00.

CLASS NOTES Margaret Griffith, member of the Reid Staton

Bible Clas , recently sent the following to the church office concerning the class' former teacher, Dr. David miley.

Not long ago as l wa~ doing what we called ow daily Bible readings. 1 rediscovered verses quoted by Dr. David Smiley i11 a message at Wake Forest Baptist Church 011 July .J, 1987. For more than 25 years, Dr. Smiley taught the church's Reid Staton Bihl, Class with simultaneous radio broadcast. First of the texts came ji-0111 2 Corinthians 5:_ /: "Christ was without sin but for our sakes, God made him lo share sin i11 order that in him we might share the righteousness of God. " 'This, "said Smiley, "is the gospel in essence. "

Another passage. 1 Corinthians 3:21 22fimher interprets .. the gospel in essence. " Paul, writer of letters to the Corinthians, addresses the church at Corinth. "No one should boast about what he can do ... everything belongs to you Paul. Apollos. and Peter - this world. life i11 the future and death all these belong to you, and belong to Christ. and Christ belongs to God."

Following Smiley's two Bible passages in my notes is a 11011-Bihle reference - a favorite teaching technique of Smiley- illustrationsfront secular literature or history to make vivid the Bible message. 111 this instance, Smiley lifts us up with the beautifullv /11m111ous "Marshes of Glynn, "bv l ifh century Southern poet Sidney Lanier

"As the marsh hen secretly builds on the water-sod, behold I will build me a nest on the greatness of God ... But so many roots as the marsh-gr tss s1211ds in the sod l will heartily lay me a-ho/ti on the greatness of God."

Yes, Paul had written to the Corinthian church, "You belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God .. and so we can say, "Jn Christ i11 God's righteousness I have found me a nest I will I 1y me 11-hold on the greatness of God."

The Reid Staton Bible Class has adjourned or the summer and will reconvene on September 19. The study topic will be the Platonic dialogue enutled "Timaeus," followed later tn the semester by a discussion of Origen's "On First Prin iples." All an; welcome to join the class in the fall. Please contact Mark Drusdow (msdrusdO\\ £!.'!flad.rr.-:2111) for further information.


Dear Church Ft1111i(v, Thank _1·011 for the many ways you reached out to

I Iarold and me during m)' recovery. The cards and c 11/s, visits and ca. seroles a/11\'ere 1·1siblc way· ym1 showed us you really ('{lrt!d. r know t!tisjl.!lt ltke (/ re­ nm, so ! 'I! try to mend wt!!/ and be the gm:r (f casserole.~for a 11 ltile.

11w11ky again for all your lov '. rnre, and prayers.

Carol Penick

Page 2: WFBC News - Wake Forest University

Wake Forest Baptist Church PO Box 7326 Winston-Salem, NC 27 I 09-7326

Church Office - 336-758-5297 Suite 108, Wingate Hall Wch Site: \\\\\I \\;1kd<)r1,·~1h<1p e-mail address: wfbci!!_ \\ Iu.cdu

Richard Groves, Pastor"···"'"""· .- 758-5119 e-mail address: rgrovcs@wfu,edu

Susan Parker. Associate Pastor 758-5014 e-mail address: scparkcr02;a

le-an Blackwood. Director of l\lu~ic ~~- 758-4022 e-mail address: black wood l 940(

Linda Engle. Financial Secretary 758-6055 e-mail address: \:ngldm(t1Jwfu.cdu

Betty Huff, Administrative Secretary 758-5297 e-mail address: httffi)t.8...~ fu.Jo..ili1

Matt llill. Sexton


ANNE MARIE GOSLAK, originally from PA, first came to NC on a golf scholarship Lo Wake Forest University. She has worked in the Triad as a golf instructor for more than l 3 years, teaching over l 0,000 students from all over the nation. Currently. Anne Marie teaches out of Oak Valley Golf Clu in Advance, 1C and is pursuing her dream to play on the LPG/\. Iler hobbies include reading, fishing.

he is tin ii led to be an aunt lo Ethan and and Tac Kwon Do. Elizabeth Green.

JEAN ADAMS JARVIS is currently employed with Seirncns - Westinghouse Power where she has worked for 31 years. She also serves on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee as an inspector of nur ing homes in Forsyth County, and i a former member of the speakers

bureau with the Triad ll1:1p[c•r nf •l1c 1'.!711ri!!!~!'·~ Association. Her interests are gardening (especially flowers) and most outdoor activities. She also enjoys music and has sung at several of the evernng worship services.

BARBARA LEONARD is a life-long resident of Lexington, NC. She received her adult high school diploma from Davison County Community College in 1989. Barbara is the proud mother of Travis Leonard, age 16. Currently she is a bu: driver for Lexington City 'chools.

She has a passion for singing and has been in several choirs as a soprano. Barbara enjoys the outdoors, watching sports and currently holds a green bell in Tang Soo Do, a Korean form or karate.


Mary Dyer is a patient in cute Care Room 119 at the Stiehl Center.

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Sunday, J1111e 13 7:00 Board of Deacons 7:00 Contemporary Worship Service

Tuesday, June 15 9:00 Staff Mtg.; l 0:00, Worship Planning 7:00 Outreach/Student Ministries Cmrc,

Wednesday, Ju11e 16 7:00 Summer Bible Study (Balcony Rm.)

Thursday, June 17 12:00 Girls in Action Luncheon

Sunday, June 20 - FATHERS DAY 5:30 Church-wide Potluck Supper 7:00 Contemporary Worship Service

Momlay, June 21 7:00 Women's Spirituality Group

Tuesday, Ju11e 22 9:00 Staff Mtg.; 10:00, Worship Planning


n°11r Richard:

f am writing vou, and through you. the congregation u_, ,. "·- ,.-orcs1 Bapust Church, l•J 11 elcome nm as tb« m:we'l member of the North Carolina Council of Churches. You join twenty-four judicatories of fifteen churclies/denominattons and six other Baptist congregations which together make up the NC Council. 1 've know n of WFBC since my eurlie. t days in North Carolina, for Lu Leake a'as on rite Christian Life Council when I went to work there. So it is especiallv gratifying' to me personally to welcome you now as part of the North Carolina Council 's ministryfor Christian wholeness oiulforjustice, compassion. and peace.

IVe will welcome your participation. Richard, und that of one other person from WFBC 011 our House of Delegates. You will also begin to rccem> regular newsletters and other mailings that go to 011r member congregauons and judicatories and to the bishops and other heads of our member bodies. We will also he glad to have meml. er. of WFBC plug i11 with the work of our various program committees. where a lot of the Council's work gets done. I 11 ill enclose a pamphlet \\ ith brief 1J1for111atio11 on those committees

Again, welcome. and thanks [orjoining with uv. I lookfonmrd to 111w1y years of shared 1111111.1try 1111h all of you

Peace to you, (signed) J. George Rl!ed £H'c11ti1•e {)irector

(Copies of the brocli11re mentioned 111 the feller are avmlahle in the church <4]ice.)