what does the corruption mean.doc


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Post on 10-May-2017




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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

The honorable the judges

The honorable my teacher

And honorable the audiences.

First, thanks to Allah SWT who has given us blessing and mercies, so we can be here together in healthy condition. Salawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, because of his struggle now we walk on the right way. I would like say thank you very much for the MC and the judges to give me an opportunity to deliver this English speech.

Now, I would like to introduce my self. My name is Dian Anggraini. I sit ini grade 8 of SMPIT Al-Bina

Ladies and gentlemen, in this happy moment, I would like to tell you about.. Corruption.

Corruption is not a strange word for us to hear. It is worth that many media tells about the cases of corruption which is happened in our country. As a matter of fact, what does the corruption mean? According to the Indonesian Dictionary , corruption is the misappropriation or manipulation to the state finances or company finances and so on for private, another man or group purposes.

From that definition, it’s already clear that corruption can take advantage the person and harmful many people anywhere and anytime. But why the corruption is growing like mushroom in our country?

For the examples, Hambalang case which is dragging many names of high officials. The case of SKK migas, Century gates, Wisma Atlit and so on. According to the survey result, Indonesia is the 4th rank position as the most corruption country in the world. It’s funny, in this case, the chief of constitution court (Akil Mohtar ) has entangled corruption case whereas Mahfud MD said that Indonesia include in the big ten of the best constitution court in the world.

Ladies and gentlemen

In this time I will tell you about some causes why corruption grows like mushroom in Indonesia :

1. Lack of honesty

What a pity! This country is lack of honesty. It is not need to say so far. The simple instance is when the student cheat in the exam. In studying, they are not honest, how about they get work later?

2. The light punishment

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I think, if the corruptors who took the people’s money so much and just got the punishment as long as several years in the jail and fined, it is not comparable with the suffering of the people. If they got the light punishment, how does the corruptor will be wary? And feel not they would not like to come back again.

3. Everything is easy with money

If we have money just to bribing the Trunkey and we will get a luxury cell. If we have money to pay the judge and punishment will be lightened. Ironic.

4. Greed

If we see, corruption cases are done by the people who have a high position. And their salary is big, but why they still do corruption? Maybe because they are not grateful. So, the point is we should be grateful for what God gave to us. So we can avoided of greedy..

The judges don’t be indiscriminate people who do corruption. We can be a corruptor, too. Keep calm. I will not report your to KPK. Listen, corruption is not just about money. But also about time. Time corruption make inefficient in work and unstatisfactory results. For example, the student come late to school. If that, I included one of the corruptor. Hahaha

Ladies and gentlemen.

Why corruption in Indonesia is so identical with country administrators? Because weak of control. It’s sad when states officials so selfish to make their self rich whereas people are so poor and miserable. The question, can the corruption cases can be eliminated? The answer is between yes or no.

Ladies and gentlemen

It need a strong commitment from people and government especially law enforcement to eliminated corruption in Indonesia. In my opinion as student, i will tell you some ways to eliminate corruption.

1. Appropriate punishment

As I said before, the punishment for corruptors in Indonesia are maybe not expressly enough. Maybe the punishment is cut their hands like Akil Mochtar said or hang them at Monas like Anas Urbaningrum said. According to you, what the appropriate punishment for corruptors?

2. Give anti-corruption education

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For corruption will not occur in the future, we must give education for young generation about corruption. Because they are the next nation’s. Honestly anti-corruption education in Indonesia to apply in character education in Indonesian education curriculum.

Ladies and gentlemen

In this closing speech, lets pray to corruption in Indonesia can be eliminated, soon. Amin! Maybe it’s enough, thank you very much for your attention. . I hope this speech will be benefit for us. Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah. Wassalamu alaikum wr.wb.

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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

The honorable the judges

The honorable my teachers

The honorable loving my friends

The honorable ladies and gentlemen

First of all, we must give thanks to Allah SWT who has given to us opportunity to stand here until today. Salawat and salam to our prophet, Muhammad SAW who changed the darkness to the lightness. Now, I would like to introduce my self. My name is Chusnul Arsyah, I sit in 7 grade of SMPIT AL Bina.

Today, I will deliver my speech about smoking entitled “ Smoking is bad habits in our lives”

My friends,

As we know, smoking is one part of daily activities of majority Indonesian society. Most smokers know the dangers of smoking but they never tried to stop smoking. Because of that, as the young generation we must be convinced that smoking is bad habits in life. Why smoking is bad habits in our lives? There are three factors, among others :

1. Contain poison substances

2. Causing diseases such as cancer

3. Expensive

Ladies and gentlemen,

The first factor is contain poison substance. We should not consume cigarettes because it is not good for health. I’m sure you know many substances in cigarette is dangerous. For the example, nicotine substance. The substance is very dangerous and can cause various diseases. Not only dangerous for the smoker, it is also dangerous for us if we near the smoker. So,if there is a smoker near you, say to him or her for stubbed him or her cigarette for a moment with good polite.

Ladies and gentlemen,

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Next, I will talk about the second factor. It is smoking cause various disease like cancer, disorders of pregnancy, fetal disorders and the others. One of the factor many Indonesian people who died were smoking. And the majority is a student. Many student who died because of smoking and drugs. It was very disappointed. One of the young generation died with wrong way. Smoking is also produce behavioral effects that are bad for the smokers. And so many the negative effect of smoking.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The last, cigarette is expensive. Did you know? Cigarette price is 7 to 10 thousand rupiah or more for one pack. Can you imagine a student or a smoker spent his money to buy a pack of cigarettes every day and calculated every week, every month and every year?. If one day for buy a pack of cigarette is 10 thousand, so in a week he spent 70 thousand, in a month he spent 300 thousand and in a year he spent 3.650.000. It just one pack for a day, if 2,3 or more packs a day?? So many money for smoking. This is cause a family got economic crisis and s student can not use his pocket money for school.

Smoking is not positive activity for us as young generation. So guys, from now, let we say “ Go studying stop smoking”. And be the best student for our family, school and our country.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I think that’s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I hope this speech will be benefit for us and exactly for me.

Once again, thank you very much.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb