what happens when you quit smoking

Download What Happens When You Quit Smoking

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Upload: jazzman71

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Health & Medicine

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What Happens
When You Quit Smoking?

Chronological Health Benefits

Your body begins to heal itself just minutes after You Quit Smoking.

When You Quit Smoking...

Your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure DropJust 20 Minutes after You Quit.

When You Quit Smoking...

The Carbon MonoxideLevel in Your BloodDrops to Normal12 Hours After You Quit.

When You Quit Smoking...

-Circulation Improves-Lung Function Increases2 Weeks to 3 monthsAfter You Quit.

When You Quit Smoking...

Cilia Regain Normal Function inLungs, Increasing the Ability to Handle Mucus, Clean the Lungs, and Reduce the Risk of Infection,1 to 9 Months After You Quit.

When You Quit Smoking...

The Excess Risk ofCoronary Heart Disease is Half that of a Smoker's1 Year After Quitting.

When You Quit Smoking...

Your Stroke Risk ReducedTo that of a Non-Smoker.5 to 15 YearsAfter Quitting.

Just 10 Years
After You Quit

The Lung Cancer DeathRate is Half That of Someone Who ContinuesTo Smoke

And . . .

15 YearsAfter You Quit . . .

When You Quit Smoking...

The Risk of CoronaryHeart Disease . . .Is the SameAs a Non-Smoker.

When You Quit Smoking...

You GetYour Life Back!

Quit SmokingToday!

Click on the Link Below the Video.


Life is too Short. . .