what is communication mix , and how should it be set

What is communication mix , and how should it be set ?

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: What is communication mix , and how should it be set

What is communication mix , and how should it be set ?

Page 2: What is communication mix , and how should it be set


Companies must allocate the budget

over these 7 modes of


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1.AdvertisingReaches geographically dispersed buyers !

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“Dramatising the brand attracts attention.


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“ The advertiser can

choose the aspects of the brand and

products to focus

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“ Providing discounts to

trigger quick sales.

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“ Compare the messages of

various competitors

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2.Sales Promotion Incorporating concessions,inducements,or contributions that give value to the customer to draw quick,stronger buyer response !

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3.Public Relations , PublicityHighly credible than ads !

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Ways to strengthen Public Relations and improve Publicity

◎ Via charitable donations

◎ Impress people by telling the story behind your company

◎ Via interactive seminars

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4 .Events and relationsGenerate significant impact !

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“Given their live, real-time

quality,events and experiences are more actively engaging for the


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5.Direct & Interactive marketingDirectly communicate with solicit response/dialogue to customers an prospects quickly

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6.Word to Mouth MarketingPeople trust others whom they know and respect

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“Word to Mouth marketing is the

main reason behind 20% - 50% of all purchasing decisions

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Factors in setting MarCom MixCommunications mix allocations vary between consumer and business markets

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Consumer MarketersTend to spend comparatively more on sales promotion,advertising

Type of Market

Business MarketersTend to spend more on personal selling

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Vary in cost effectiveness

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Thank you !

Hope you have learnt something out of this :)

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Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:◎ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival◎ Photographs by Unsplash & Death to the Stock Photo (

license)◎ Google Images

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Presentation design

◎ Created by : Harika Ganta , IIITD&M Kancheepuram◎ During an internship under :

Prof. Sameer Mathur , IIM Lucknow
