what is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one of the traits of a totalitaria n state?

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What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?. What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?. What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?. What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?. What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one of the traits of a

totalitarian state?

Page 2: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one of the traits of a

totalitarian state?

Page 3: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one of the traits of a

totalitarian state?

Page 4: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one of the traits of a

totalitarian state?

Page 5: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one of the traits of a

totalitarian state?

Page 6: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one of the traits of a

totalitarian state?

Page 7: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Who replaced Lenin as leader

of the Soviet Union in 1924?

Page 8: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What were Stalin’s strategies to improve

the production of Soviet factories


Page 9: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What effect did the “Five-Year Plans” have on

Soviet industrial production?

Page 10: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was a gulag?

Page 11: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What do historians call Stalin’s elimination of

effective military, communist party, and government officials

during the late 1930s?

Page 12: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was the name of the Soviet

Union’s secret police force?

Page 13: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What organization did Stalin completely ban,

even going so far as dynamiting its meeting


Page 14: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one reason the Russian people

tolerated communist rule for so long?

Page 15: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one reason the Russian people

tolerated communist rule for so long?

Page 16: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is one reason the Russian people

tolerated communist rule for so long?

Page 17: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What do we call extreme nationalism which

glorifies violence, the military, discipline, and a

“state-before-self” attitude?

Page 18: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Who became the Fascist leader of

Italy in 1922?

Page 19: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What were Mussolini’s most dedicated

followers, the ones who enforced state policies,

known as?

Page 20: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was the assigned role of

women in Fascist Italy?

Page 21: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What organization were Italian boys

expected to join in order to learn

military discipline?

Page 22: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

How did the German Weimar Republic attempt to pay off

Germany’s debts from WWI?

Page 23: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What problem did the overprinting of

German money cause during the 1920s?

Page 24: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What do we call fascism which is

focused on a belief in racial superiority and


Page 25: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

•Who is this man?

Page 26: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What do we call Hitler’s attempt to

seize power in Munich in 1923?

Page 27: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was the outcome of the

Beer Hall Putsch?

Page 28: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was the central theme of

Hitler’s book Mein Kampf?

Page 29: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What term did Hitler incorrectly use to describe the German “master race” of tall, blond-haired, blue-

eyed “supermen”?

Page 30: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

How did Hitler become

Chancellor of Germany in 1933?

Page 31: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was the name of Hitler’s

secret police force?

Page 32: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What did Hitler begin rebuilding, in direct violation of

the Treaty of Versailles?

Page 33: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What do we call the series of 29 laws passed in 1935 to limit the rights of

German Jews?

Page 34: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

The Nuremberg Laws redefined Jews from

being a religious denomination to being


Page 35: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What professions were German Jews not

allowed to practice after 1935?

Page 36: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is the English name for “Kristallnacht,” an

attack instigated by the Gestapo against Jewish

neighborhoods and businesses in Germany ?

Page 37: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Where did the Nazis begin sending “undesirables” and “enemies of the state” such as Jews, the disabled, and


Page 38: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

The Nationalists and Communists fought a

civil war between 1927 and 1949 in what


Page 39: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Chiang Kai-shek was the leader of which

group of Chinese during the civil war?

Page 40: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Mao Zedong was the leader of which

group of Chinese during the civil war?

Page 41: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was Japan’s motivation for the

Manchurian invasion?

Page 42: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What do we call the slaughter of over 200,000

unarmed Chinese civilians by Japanese

troops in December of 1937?

Page 43: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

When the League of Nations criticized Japan’s actions in

Manchuria, how did Japan respond?

Page 44: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What group essentially took control of Japan’s government over the course of the 1930s?

Page 45: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What independent African country

did Italy invade in 1935?

Page 46: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

After Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie addressed the League of Nations with an impassioned plea

for action after his country was overrun by the Italians, what action did the League take?

Page 47: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Why did the Allies (Britain, France, the US) take no action to stop German

aggression before the fall of 1939?

Page 48: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Why did the Allies (Britain, France, the US) take no action to stop

German aggression before the fall of 1939?

Page 49: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Why did the Allies (Britain, France, the US) take no action to stop

German aggression before the fall of 1939?

Page 50: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Why did the Allies (Britain, France, the US) take no action to stop

German aggression before the fall of 1939?

Page 51: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Why did the Allies (Britain, France, the US) take no action to stop

German aggression before the fall of 1939?

Page 52: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Why did the Allies (Britain, France, the US) take no action to stop

German aggression before the fall of 1939?

Page 53: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Who’s civil war did Germany use to test new

military weapons and tactics in preparing for


Page 54: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What country was annexed to

Germany by the Anschluss?

Page 55: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What term did the Nazis use to describe their need for more “living room” for the German

people, land they planned to take from the Slavic peoples of Poland

and Russia?

Page 56: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Britain pressured Czechoslovakia into

surrendering the German-speaking Sudetenland to the Germans after what


Page 57: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What term means to give someone what

they want in order to avoid a conflict?

Page 58: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Who did Germany sign a non-aggression pact with

in 1939, only to break the pact less than 2 years


Page 59: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What country did Germany and the Soviet Union jointly invade in September 1939, an event which prompted Britain and France to

declare war on Germany?

Page 60: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was the name of Germany’s new military tactic of striking with tremendous

speed and force, with the intention of knocking out your enemy before they can react

to your attack?

Page 61: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

• This photo was taken shortly after the surrender of which country?

Page 62: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Some of the heaviest fighting of the early war took place between the Germans and British in

what non-European region?

Page 63: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

How did the US react to Japan’s invasion of French Indochina and the Dutch East Indies?

Page 64: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Who was Prime Minister of Great

Britain throughout the majority of


Page 65: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

How was most of the fighting done during the Battle

of Britain?

Page 66: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

After giving up on invading Britain, Germany focused on terror-

bombing civilian targets with the hopes of weakening British

morale. What do we call this period of attacks?

Page 67: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was the strategy used by Soviet forces

after the Nazis invaded in 1941?

Page 68: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What city saw the bloodiest battle in human history, with possibly as many as 3 million casualties, and is the largest example of modern urban


Page 69: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Where did Japan attack on

December 7, 1941?

Page 70: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What did the Japanese fail to destroy in their

attack at Pearl Harbor, an error that would

ultimately cost them the war?

Page 71: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What do we call the abuse of American and Filipino

prisoners of war (POWs) by Japanese soldiers after the capture of the Philippines?

Page 72: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is the general term for the Nazis’ plan to exterminate

the Jews and other “undesirables” through the use

of death camps and forced labor?

Page 73: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

At least how many people died in the

concentration camps?

Page 74: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Roughly, how many of the victims of the

Holocaust were Jewish?

Page 75: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What group was detained by the US government in “internment

camps” for the entire duration of WWII due to fears of potential

sabotage and espionage?

Page 76: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What group of people had to assume the role

of factory workers in the US following the outbreak of war?

Page 77: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What do we call the US strategy of fighting for only strategically

important islands in the Pacific, rather than trying to take back

every island one at a time?

Page 78: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is the better known name for the

invasion of Normandy by Allied troops on June 6,


Page 79: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What action did Hitler take just

before the surrender of Germany to the


Page 80: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What were Japanese pilots who carried out suicide attacks against

US warships called?

Page 81: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What new weapon was developed by

the Manhattan Project?

Page 82: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

Who made the decision to use atomic

weapons against Japan?

Page 83: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What Japanese city was the first to have an atomic bomb dropped on it on

August 6, 1945, killing over 70,000 people instantly?

Page 84: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What was the second Japanese city to have an

atomic bomb dropped on it on August 9, 1945, killing

over 40,000 people?

Page 85: What is one of the traits of a totalitarian state?

What is this poster an example of?