what is success

What Is Success ?

Upload: simon-byrne

Post on 22-Jun-2015



Leadership & Management

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What is Success it has many definitions money, wealth, power, influence but to me its much more than that- here is my interpretation of what success means not saying its wrong or right but see a lot of pain in world on people trying to achieve success but misses key pieces of puzzle what do you think ?


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What Is Success ?

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Definition Of Success

success səәkˈsɛs/ noun noun: success; plural noun: successes 1. 1.

the accomplishment of an (worthy) aim or purpose. ! 2. synonyms: 3. favourable outcome, successfulness, favourable

result, successful outcome, positive result,

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Process Of Elimination• One of these easiest and most effective methods of

establishing what actually something is.

• Is by way of eliminating all parameters than do not fit that model to leave a framework or foundation where we can build a clear and solid picture of success may be.

• Success is often banded within just WEALTH alone but that definition is far too vague and cannot define the meaning of complete success.

• We will aim to explore this key area further.

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First Let’s Look At What Success Is Not …

Success is NOT just about having money on it’s own. for example: Is a drug dealer, classed as successful

It’s NOT having money, but having poor health, a poor home-life, relationships, poor parenting or having a poor attitude and outlook on life.

It’s NOT being so money orientated that it comes above everything else in life.

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It’s NOT about pitching to everyone within a 3 foot radius about your Business or MLM Opportunity.

It’s NOT about pressurising your friends and family into your new business because they feel morally obliged and don’t want to see you fail.

It’s NOT about alienating your friends as you try to sell them every time you meet and they soon start to avoid you and invites to any form of social even suddenly stop.

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It’s NOT trying to look rich, but with no money in the bank to protect those you care about in times of emergency, but rather spending to try and keep up with the Jones’s, a sure road to financial ruin.

It’s NOT living on credit and finance to have all the material stuff, while your kids eat economy food or your not able to socialise or fuel the car for fear of overspending.

It’s NOT about neglecting your partner, family, friends, as your so busy, focused solely on money and personal greed.

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It’s NOT about hoarding your money or being so defensive of your wealth, knowledge, or talents that you isolate yourself away and become a social recluse.

I’s NOT about being afraid to reach out and touch someone in need, to help, but stop, in case they steal your idea or knowledge. Leading to a life of insecurity and doubt.

It’s NOT about ending up like Howard Hughes, Greta Garbo, or Doris Day who’s wealth and power became too much for them to bear and caused them to withdraw from the world stage.

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It’s NOT about spreading despair and disease through drugs, violence and prostitution, treating people as commodities or Dollar marks to exploit, with lies and personal gain your sole drivers.

It’s NOT about deceit and promiscuity, abusing peoples trust and being selfish to the point above all else.

It’s NOT about ridiculing someone for a lack of ability, intellect or physical traits, callously finding a weak link in their mental armour and exploiting it to your advantage.

It’s NOT about having no code, no morals or no ethics living life by impulse and self needs rather than the attainment of rewards and providing value & service.

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Success Is …About finding your passion and being fulfilled in what you do, with balance and harmony in making a difference in your own and other peoples lives.

About Passing on your knowledge and experience to make the most of your life in all areas, health , wealth, relationships, parenting, mentally, spiritually to enhance those lives you touch on a daily basis.

About making a commitment to strive to be better, to enhance, support, improve, grow, develop, and expand.

To have a desire for continued learning and development.

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It’s about reaching out and giving a damn about what you do, say and become, to lead by example to your kids, your partner, your family, to listen and make time for people, without ulterior motives.

It’s about uncompromising honesty and integrity.

To lend as hand, to smile or say hi, to show compassion and strength of character. To believe in yourself before you ask it of others. To protect those who are weak and those you love from the harm and the multitude of unscrupulous types.

It’s about being part of the Human race, getting involved in life. We as Humans are very clever but also SO incredibly complicated and self destructive by nature.

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As we now speed into 21st Century with huge resources of information and knowledge at our finger tips, along with great talents and technological advances available today.

We know how to do almost everything but still struggle daily with life’s simple disciplines.

We rob, rape, kill, abuse etc and yet cannot manage to get along with people, lose weight, show self control, maintain good health, finances or relationships.

We struggle to connect with others, our kids, our parents, our thoughts, goals and desires.

Despite all the wisdom of the ages...

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In spite of All the great minds gone before us..

We still are regressing rather than progressing, the laws and keystone information handed down through teachings, books, breakthroughs and inventions.

Great men such as Benjamin Franklin , Linus Pauli,

Abraham Lincoln, Aristotle, Einstein,

Newton, Plato,Da Vinci, etc.

All learnable skills and talents to anyone with a will to learn but our problems are routed through our thoughts, and preconceptions and formed opinions and false ideas.

We can be compared to the old lady sat in front of the fire, waiting for heat without putting any material in to fuel the flames, to the farmer who yearns for harvest but never sowed the seeds to grow the crop.


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It’s Time To ChangeIt’s time for change, if we change our focus and stopped trying to re-inventing the wheel and really use the knowledge already given through the generations

If we did, we would quickly see there are no new fundamentals.

There are no new antiques,

no new universal laws,

more knowledge or information is not the key its implementation and ACTION

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We need to reach out and interact more, to become a better breed, starting with the person in the mirror, to come out of our bubble existence, to escape from our insecurities and ever increasing, cocooned environments.

To break free of the Apathy of settling for less than our full potential. To command respect from each other.

To be bold and strong and stand tall for what you believe in and not be held down by others,

not your boss , the government ,

your thoughts or self limiting beliefs.

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Start TodayDecide to step up, reach and grab hold of it.

YOU decide your future,

not the government ,

not your boss,

you decide how clever, how skilled , how rich,

how strong, how healthy, etc it’s all there for you to seize and grow.

You stand against the winds, the seasons and time will come and go, but ultimately you set the sail on your own life.

The Fear of regret cuts far deeper than the fear of failing, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever” - Mahatma Gandhi.

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Take ActionThe one word that moves the world is “Action”

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum strong enough and I will move the world -Archimedes

Live Life as One Day Your Bright light Will Extinguish - So Make Every Today

We Become What We Think About - Earl Nightingale.

What you do speaks so loudly I cannot here what you say - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Make Your World A Better Place One Person At A Time

Will You Start Or Is It Just The End Of The Slide Show ?

Only You Can Decide