what you learnt in school

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 What You Learnt in School


    Indian Education Society:

    What students are taught in India?

    INTRODUCTION: Well this isnt a brief explanation of information givenin PU books. The aim of this post is to focus on the knowledge and

    character built in students.

    Let us first understand, what education means.

    As per Swami Vivekananda,

    Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.

    Manifestation meaning something already present and is waiting to

    come out. That means the perfection is already present in man and

    what education does is it brings it out. For example, Isaac Newton

    discovered gravity. Now was this gravity sitting anywhere waiting for

    him to come? No the idea was already in his brain the apple just gave a

    knock to it. And that knock is what all students need.

    As per an American novelist,

    The whole object of education is...to develop the mind. The mind should be a

    thing that works. (Sherwood Anderson (18761941) American novelist and short

    story writer.)

    As per Albert Einstein,

    Sometimes one sees in the school simply the instrument for transferring a certain

    maximum quantity of knowledge to the growing generation. But that is not right.

    Knowledge is dead; the school however, serves the living. It should develop in the

    young individuals those qualities and capabilities which are of value for the

    welfare of the commonwealth. But that does not mean that individuality should

    be destroyed and the individual become a mere tool of the community, like a bee

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    or an ant. For a community of standardized individuals without personal

    originality and personal aims would be a poor community without possibilities for

    development. On the contrary, the aim must be the training of independently

    acting and thinking individuals, who, however, see in the service of the

    community their highest life problem.

    Real learning brings strength in character, makes one chaste, makes

    one stand on his own legs, introduces a sense of philanthropy, brings

    knowledge of living, gives courage of lion and above all makes one

    concentrate well at work.

    So at least now we have some idea of what is basic idea of education.

    Now let us look at our education system. No I am not going to impose acomplaint about someone or something. Just we are trying to observe

    to what extent have we fulfilling the idea.


    I remember the first day of my school. For the first time I was wearing a

    bag which had a Tiffin box, water bottle, a notebook and a pencil box

    and I knew nothing why and what was it meant for. As I entered into

    the school, what I heard was a loud drumbeat. I became terribly fearful

    because I didnt know why or what it was? I ran back to the gate but my

    parents had gone. The only person I could find was a watchman who

    scolded me and ran before me with his stick. You know what happened

    next, teacher scolded me and this was first lesson that I learnt in my

    school, Fear. Be fearful for not being disciplined; be fearful for not

    being good at studies and be fearful because nobody is going to

    understand you. In primary, most students learn because someone will

    scold them. If they cannot do well in studies teacher would call their

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    parents. In some houses, children even undergo physical afflict.

    Teachers as well as parents cannot understand why students are failing

    to do well at school. Teachers call parents if they score poorly and

    scold them and parents go home and scold the student. Some lowermiddle class people or even higher class sections use words indicating

    him as a dumb guy. Well their concern is not to insult him or something

    but is for the good. But what good does this do? Nothing. Absolutely

    nothing, he is just taught of the next lesson Inferiority. The student is

    said that his neighbors son studies in the same class but is Brighter

    and he cannot simply get passed in test. He is taught of low self-

    esteem. But all this does not end up here. The consequence of abovefactors plays a great impact and the first decision he makes is to choose

    his friends. But ultimately because he feels himself inferior he makes

    friends who are like him thus sinking himself more into the sea of


    If I tell truly, 90% students in secondary didnt know a word of what

    they had learnt in basic primary level. Most students in primary facefear of stage, teachers, ghosts, animals, principal, parents and school.

    They speak bad words without even knowing what it means. Some

    students are so below the balance line that they cant even bath by

    themselves. Several phobias are created here at this level. When the

    students must be taught of courage and strength they are taught to be

    in the cage of unwanted decisions, behavior and rules of guardians and

    teachers. They have to live a life which makes them jailed toys withouta fault of their own.

    They watch T.V. try coping superheroes and cartoon by the sense that

    one day they will become like them. Some even fall off terraces. But

    this idea is what gives the hope. They are weak but they dont want to

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    be the same always. If given chance they can improve. I dont say

    watching superheroes and jumping off terraces is good, but my idea is

    to give them just three thing courage, inspiration and love. Just this

    much would be enough and they will grow by themselves. You thinkyour child cannot do well?

    Well check out this link:


    Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for

    these gave only life, those the art of living well. (Aristotle, In Education)

    The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead.

    (Aristotle, In Education)

    Children at such level dont need tons of knowledge, not even tuitions

    and especially not your scolding. They need encouragement and love.

    Tell them the stories of brave kings; teach them moral values of

    panchatantra or similar tales and make them free. Teach them to praydaily to god. It will make him aware of reason to be good. Learning and

    knowledge doesnt light up in a persons head that doesnt have values.

    This is the time to give them moral values. I must tell you the

    knowledge that they gain in primary is of no importance only the values

    make difference. That sows the seed of good personality. I personally

    feel personality must always be given priority greater than the

    academics because once this gets disturbed; one will suffer later in life.

    You say they have low memory power, ask them the songs of any

    movie they have watched and they will be able to sing. So the question

    is not of memory power but of Interest and that will rise on the

    foundation of values. Did you see a doctor who doesnt have any mercy

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    or sympathy towards others? Their principle of work was these values,

    so they are a in that profession. And that is whats missing now; Values

    in students.

    You have a doubt. Can values give me salary? Well let me tell you I

    havent seen a single topper in entire 12 years of education in school

    who did not have good values. You need examples? Swami

    Vivekananda was merely a poor Sanyasin(Sage) but he travelled almost

    all of Europe and US and also opened the Ramkrishnamission in India

    andAdvaitaSociety in US. He became famous and will be remembered

    for many centuries. Even Chanakya is such an example who created a

    laborer a king and created Arthashastra. The history is full of great

    people who had nothing and became a history only because of their

    values. The importance of values can be felt even now. Dhirubhai

    Ambani, Tata, Bill Gates, Narayana Moorthi and many more are all

    standing on backbone of values. On a survey in top universities in US,

    most toppers of campus emphasized 88% importance must be given to

    personality improvement and 12% to information. If the information isthe only thing what education must give then Encyclopedias must be

    given all the PHD degrees.

    Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.-

    Albert Einstein

    Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more

    clever devil. (C.S.Lewis)

    "It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely

    uneducated." -- Alec Bourne, A Doctor's Creed

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    Knowledge is not information; this is what education makes you

    understand. You know what a student of 21st century wants not a job but a career.The one which he created and not the one imposed.


    Note that it is this period where a students mind starts taking shape.

    He enters adolescence and if he goes in wrong path, he may lead to bad

    individual. I have seen students using bad words most often during this

    time. It is this time when they get this habit. It is this time when they

    start finding ideals or influencing people. The problem comes when

    they choose the wrong ideals. Think about it, what if a child chooses a

    terrorist, thief or a murderer in news as his ideal? Dangerous isnt it?

    This single wrong step will have great impact in him. At least, it would

    become very difficult in later stages to detach that impact from his


    Second problem is his change in mindset about opposite sex. When I

    was in school (which is one of best schools in the city), the first love

    story that I heard was in 7th standard. In the same year I learnt about 4

    love stories in my batch. Would you believe it? And are you thinking

    your child cant do that? Let me tell you, making girlfriends or

    boyfriends is called being cool among students. If not now we will

    soon hear bigger problems to come. But question is why that is bad?

    Well it is bad not only because it ruins academics of students but also

    his character. Yes his character, in near future he thinks himself as a

    hero of a film and imitates exactly as if there were cameras around.

    Where did this problem come from? They aroused from T.V., from

    West, from love tales in text books and novels. Do you think all this will

    have only good impact on students? We have been accepting western

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    ideas like copy cats. We must understand that by wearing the coat of

    lion a donkey cannot become a lion. And dont you find problems in

    west? Ancient India emphasized on chastity in education.

    As per Swami Vivekananda,

    Do you see, simply by the observance of strict Brahmacharya (continence) all

    learning can be mastered in a very short time one has an unfailing memory

    of what one hears or knows but once. It is owing to this want of continence that

    everything is on the brink of ruin in our country.

    What we want are Western science coupled with Vedanta, Brahmacharya as the guiding motto,

    and also Shraddha and faith in ones own self. Knowledge should be acquired in that way,

    otherwise by educating yourself in the tol of a Pandit you will be only a human ape all your life.

    One should live fromhis very boyhood with one whose character is like a blazing fire and should

    have before him a living example of the highest teaching. Mere reading that it is a sin to tell a lie

    will be of no use.Every boy should be trained to practice absolute Brahmacharya, and then, andthen only, faith Shraddha will come.

    Not just in India, I see such problems even in US; Link:
