what's good about the right and the left and what's wrong

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  • 8/3/2019 What's Good About the Right and the Left and What's Wrong


    JANUARY 15, 2012, 9:00 PM

    What the Right Gets Right


    With the competitors for the Republican presidential nomination engaged in an intriguing and

    unexpected debate overthe dangers of capitalisms creative destruction,this is the appropriate

    moment to explore the question: What does the right get right?

    What insights, principles, and analyses does this movement have to offer that liberals and

    Democrats might want to take into account?

    I recently posed a question to conservative think tanks: If given a free hand, how would

    conservatives deal with the unemployed, those dependent on government benefits (food stamps,

    Medicaid), and, more generally, those who are losers in the new economy those hurt by

    corporate restructuring, globalization and declining manufacturing employment?

    The Heritage Foundation, rather than answer the question, sent me links to the following

    papers: Extended Unemployment Insurance Payments Do Not Benefit the Economy, A Free

    Enterprise Prescription: Unleashing Entrepreneurs to Create Jobs, Confronting the

    Unsustainable Growth of Welfare Entitlements: Principles of Reform and the Next Steps , and

    An Effective Washington Jobs Program: Do Less Harm.

    A conservative policy intellectual from a different think tank sent me an email suggesting that I

    read Paul Ryans budget proposal, The Path to Prosperity: Restoring Americas Promise.

    All the answers evaded the question posed and, in my view, amounted to ideological pap.

    I decided it might be better to ask liberals what they liked about conservatism. I submitted a

    new question to a small group of academics and activists on the left: what does the right get


    The answers they gave describing the strengths the right has were illuminating and help to

    explain why the Republican Party has won seven of the last eleven presidential elections;

    controlled the Senate from 1981 to 1987 and from 1995 to 2007; and controlled the House from

    1996 to 2006 and 2011 to 2013.

    Andy Stern, former president of the Service Employees International Union (one of our eras few

    highly successful labor organizations) and now a senior fellow at Columbia Universitys

    Richman Center, made five points about conservatives in an email to me:

    They appreciate more instinctively the need for fiscal balance.

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    They understand peoples more innate belief in hard work and individual responsibility and see

    government as too often lacking that understanding.

    They are more suspicious from a philosophical point of view of big government as an answer to

    many issues and are suspicious of Wall Street institutionally and not just their high salaries, and

    bad practices.

    They respect the need for private sector economic growth (although their prescription is


    They are more pro-small business.

    Gary Jacobson, a political scientist at the University of California at San Diego, is the author of

    A Divider, Not a Uniter, a harsh critique ofthe presidency of George W. Bush, whom Jacobson

    treats as a conservative apostate. Genuine conservatism, in Jacobsons view, has a number of


    It recognizes the importance of material incentives in shaping behavior, and the difficulty in

    keepingbureaucracies under control and responsive to citizens.

    It is skeptical of the application of social science theories to real world problems and cognizant

    of human fallibility/corruptibility.

    It places a high value on liberty/autonomy.

    It places a similarly high value on good parenting.

    It acknowledges the superiority of market systems for encouraging efficient use of resources.

    Jonathan Haidt, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, is a liberal Democrat

    who has spent much of the past decade exploring the competitive strengths of conservatism. In

    his new book, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion,

    which will be published in March, Haidt makes several points. Conservatives, he argues, are

    closer to traditional ideas of liberty like the right to be left alone, and they often resent liberal

    programs that use government to infringe on their liberties in order to protect the groups that

    liberals care most about.

    Everyone gets angry when people take more than they deserve. But conservatives care more,

    Haidt writes. And social conservatives favor a vision of society in which the basic social unit is

    the family, rather than the individual, and in which order, hierarchy, and tradition are highly


    Whats more, conservatives

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    detect threats to moral capital that liberals cannot perceive. They do not oppose change of all

    kinds (such as the Internet), but they fight back ferociously when they believe that change will

    damage the institutions and traditions that provide our moral exoskeletons (such as the family).

    Preserving those institutions and traditions is their most sacred value.

    Haidt is sharply critical of some aspects of liberalism. Liberals determination to help victims

    often leads them to push for changes that weaken groups, traditions, institutions, and moral

    capital. For example, the urge to help the inner-city poor led to welfare programs in the 1960s

    that reduced the value of marriage, increased out-of-wedlock births, and weakened African

    American families, he suggests. Its as though liberals are trying to help a subset of bees (which

    really does need help) even if doing so damages the hive.

    Haidt, Jacobson and Stern described the positive or flattering view ofconservatism; they were

    not asked about their opinions of conservatisms shortcomings.

    Much of the 2012 general election campaign will be taken up by the struggle between Obamaand Romney and, more broadly, between Democrats and Republicans to define

    conservatism and the Republican Party in either favorable or hostile terms.

    Two scholars, Philip E. Tetlock, professor of management and psychology at the University of

    Pennsylvanias Wharton School, and Gregory Mitchell, a professor of law at the University of

    Virginia, have done provocative and useful work analyzing the pluses and minuses of liberalism

    and conservatism.

    In Liberal and Conservative Approaches to Justice: Conflicting Psychological Portraits, Tetlock

    and Mitchell arguethat the liabilities of conservatism include the following:

    Conservatives are too prone to engage in zero-sum thinking (either I keep my money or the

    government takes it). They fail to appreciate the possibility of positive sum solutions to social


    Conservatives hold the laissez-faire minimal-state view that, although we have a moral

    obligation to refrain from hurting others, we have no obligation to help others. Conservatives

    cling to the comforting moral illusion that there is a sharp distinction between allowing people

    to suffer and making people suffer.

    Conservatives fail to recognize that even if each transaction in a free market meets theirstandards of fairness (exchanges between competent adults who have not been coerced or

    tricked into contracts), the cumulative results could be colossally unfair.

    Conservatives do not understand howprevalent situational constraints on achievement are and

    thus commit the fundamental attribution error when they hold the poor responsible for


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    Conservatives overgeneralize: From a few cases of poor persons who exploit the system, they

    draw sweeping conclusions about all poor persons.

    Chance happenings play a much greater role in success or failure than conservatives realize.

    People often do not control their own destinies.

    The tensions between good and bad conservatism have already surfaced in the controversy

    over the corporate acquisition practices of Bain Capital when Mitt Romney was C.E.O.

    BothRomney and the firmare proponents of capitalisms gale ofcreative destruction. The

    question is, has Bain produced enough creation to justify the destruction?

    The ideological war has begun in earnest, even a little early. It pits the right, seeking to depict a

    conservatism that is essentially good and a liberalism that is essentially bad, against a left

    attempting just the opposite. Looked at another way, the two sides are fighting over what the

    role of government in redistributing resources from the affluent to the needy should and

    shouldnt be.

    While neither Romney nor Obama fits comfortably into the role of doctrinaire standard bearer,

    they have both been shaped by political and economic pressures that have forced them into

    philosophical confrontation. Political campaigns, especially re-election campaigns, are highly

    ideological, and this one will be no exception as the nominees try to determine the direction the

    country will take over the next decade.

    Thomas B. Edsall, a professor of journalism at Columbia University, is the author of the book

    The Age of Austerity: How Scarcity Will Remake American Politics, which was published

    earlier this month.
