what’s new in process technology september 2013


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4 Alwaysintouch Adaptingmobiledevicestoindustrial applications

14 Hotproductsonline

8 Newproducts

28 Improvepneumaticsperformance Throughfiltrationsystemdesign

38 AsIseeit TCO:understandingitsroleinprocess automation


The FS Functional Safety Series instruments

from Moore Industries assist safety engi-

neers with implementing Safety Instrumented

Systems (SIS) to prevent or warn of unsafe

process conditions. They are designed and

built to IEC 61508 standards for functional

safety, with independent verification from exida.

These instruments also meet the same high

standards of reliability and durability found

in all Moore Industries products.

The latest additions are the SSX and SST

Safety Isolators and Splitters, which provide

reliable isolation and signal conversion for

signals associated with an SIS while passing

along valuable HART data. The SIL 3 capable

SSX and SST family protects safety systems by

isolating an SIS from basic process control or

monitoring systems so that disconnections or

other failures don’t impact the safety system.

The Moore Industries FS Functional Safety

Series also offers two other products. The

SIL 3 capable STA Safety Trip Alarm is a

single loop logic solver that warns and acts

on potentially hazardous process conditions,

while the SRM Safety Relay Module is a

SIL 2 capable relay repeater model that ac-

cepts a single contact closure input from a

logic solver trip output and provides three

additional alarm relay contacts.

For more information on the FS Functional Safety

Series, visit www.miinet.com/safetyseries.

Moore Industries Pacific Inc www.miinet.com/au



Fredrik Alfredsson, Jonas Bronmark, Elina Vartiainen, Magnus Larsson and Petter Dahlstedt, ABB




Thepotentialbenefitsofusingmo-biledevicesinindustrialenviron-ments are many. Mobile devicescouldallowpeople toworkmore

independently; there could be fewer er-rors as personnel access information ontheir mobile devices rather than relyingon other people or one’s own memory;systems could be updated on the spot;and decision-makers could be contacteddirectlyanytime.Mobilitycouldconsiderablyincreasetheefficiencyoffieldworkersasthey could access real-time informationaway from their work stations or controlrooms,enablinggreaterindependence.Andyet, despite the obvious gains to be had,mobile devices in industrial settings arenot being utilised to their fullest.

Today, mobile devices are an essentialpart of people’s daily activities, enablingthem to keep in contact through calling,texting,emailingandsocialmedia.Mobiledevices are also used to create media(including photos and videos) that canbe shared with others. Moreover, mobiledevicesaremorethanjustcommunicationdevices:theycanbeusedasamusicplayer,a navigationdeviceor a gamingplatform,enabling a very powerful combination oftechnologythatcanbeleveragedforindus-trialautomation.Theinteractiontechniquespeople use to control mobile devices (forexample, touch, voice and gestures) havealso evolved at a fast pace during recentyears.Forexample,theintroductionofwell-designed, touch-enabled devices changedthe smartphone market completely, andvoicerecognition(forexample,SiriontheiPhone)andgesturerecognitionarefinallyat an acceptable level. Thesepossibilitiesenableefficientinteractionbetweentheuserand the mobile device even in situationswherehand/eyeinteractionisnotpossible.

Challenges for mobile devicesThe challenges of introducing mobile de-vices in industrial environments includenetworkcapability,currentworkpractices,IT infrastructure, environment and safetyequipment.

Network capabilityAn industrialplantmaynothavethenec-essary network infrastructure for mobileconnectivity. This might be quite obviousin an underground mine, where the rockmakes it very difficult to build a networkthatwouldprovidegoodsignalstrength.Yetopen-pitminesmightnothavegoodmobilenetwork coverage either since they areoftenlocatedinsparselypopulatedremoteareas, which therefore have no need forcommercialorproprietarymobilenetworks.

Current work practicesInmanyplantsradiophones(walkie-talkies)arestillanimportantmeansofcommunica-tionbetweenworkers.Factoriesareoftendivided intomanyareasthatusedifferentradio frequencies for communication toprevent information overload. In somefactories workers carry both a mobiledevice and a radio phone, as the mobiledevice has not been able to replace thefunctionality that radio offers.

IT infrastructureIndustrial IT systems usually contain alarge amount of legacy software as theyhave been developed over several dec-ades,and itmightbedifficult to integratemobile devices into the existing processsystems.Forexample,themobilesolutionsintroducedbycustomersmightnotbespe-cifically designed for mobile devices butrathercopiedfromadesktopenvironment.IndustrialprocessesalsorequireextremelysecureITsystems,whichexternalpersonsare not able to access. Companies are


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concerned about utilising mobile devicesas they could introduce more complexityand risks into their IT systems. The ITdepartment might value system securitymorethanprovidingmobilesolutionsthatcould improve efficiency. Understandingthis trade-off is crucial when designingmobilesolutionsforindustrialautomation.

EnvironmentThe multitude of different industrial en-vironments also affects mobile deviceuse. Some have impurities such as dustor dirt which can affect the touch capa-bilities. Other environments might havelargetemperaturevariationsaffectingthebattery function and possibly making themobiledeviceworkslowerandwithlongerresponsetimes.Othersmighthavehumid-ity. Light conditions can also differ, thusimpactingthecolourschemeand lightinginthedevicetoachievethebestcontrast.

Safety equipmentIndustrialenvironmentsrequirepersonneltowearprotectivegear.Thetypeofgearcan vary based on the safety level ofthe process but, in general, safety boots,vests,helmets,gloves,earprotectionandsafety glasses are commonlyused.Oftenprotective gear is mandatory in certainareas;forexample,whenmovingintunnelsinside a mine or walking around a plant.Yet today’s workers spend less time indangerousareas,astheymoreoftenstayincontrolroomsorotherofficelocations.Therefore, safety equipment is becomingless of a challenge in certain areas.

Assessing needsIdentifyingandunderstandingthespecificneeds for mobile devices in industrialenvironmentsisessentialwhendesigning

mobile solutions to createmoreefficientoperators and field workers.

Research has shown that, for mostorganisations,ruggedmobiledevicesarenotwantedinlocationswherespark-freeequipment is not a requirement (as, forexample, in oil or gas platforms). Usersprefer to replace broken or lost deviceswith new ones rather than pay extra forruggedoptions.Userswantwell-designedbackupsolutionsthatwillkeepthedevicecontent safe in case of an accident. Thebackup solutions would automaticallysave the content of the mobile device toa secure server to prevent informationfrom getting lost in case of an accident.

And, of course, securitymust beveryhigh since any break-in to the systemcould be disastrous. Yet the level of se-curity should not affect the availabilityofthesystem:there isnouseformobilesolutions if the information cannot beaccessed when required.

Anotherimportantcriterionisthatthemobile device should fit into a pocket;otherwise, the device might stay on theworkdeskandnotbecarriedalongduringassignments at the plant.

Theabilitytotypewithafullkeyboardisnotconsideredanissuesincethemobiledevice isnotmeant to replaceadesktopcomputer - it is just a tool when a fieldworker is on the move. In many cases,remote workstations for the automationsystemcanbeinstalledatstrategicplacesaround the plant for workers to accesstheprocessautomationsystemremotely.Thesestationshaveakeyboardandabigscreenandcanbeusedwhenthecapabili-ties of a mobile device are not enough.Learning to cope with certain limitationsof smartphones - for example, the need

to charge the phone daily - is also notconsideredanissuesincethephonecouldbechargedbetweenone’sshiftstogetherwith other equipment that also needs tobe charged - eg, lamps. Thus, specialdevices with extended battery durabilitymight not be necessary.

Currentmobiledevicesthathavebeenspecifically designed for industrial envi-ronmentsdonotincludethelatestavailableinteractiontechnologiessuchasmultitask-ing or multitouch, nor are they equippedwithsensorsformeasuringtheorientation(gyro, accelerometer), proximity of otherobjectsandlightconditions.However,thelatestsmartphones inconsumermarketsoffer these capabilities and a superioruser experience. Workers in industrialsettings have the same expectations ofmobiledeviceswhenusedasaworktool.

Themainadvantageofamobiledevicein an industrial setting is the real-timeaccess to all information, independentof the worker‘s location. The informa-tion includes the process data as wellas manuals, blueprints and descriptions.Up-to-date information is vital for ac-cessing process information. Today, thisis accomplished by communicating viaradio or phone with the operator in thecontrol room.

Foramobilesolutiontowork,itisim-portantthateveryoneisincludedinmobilecommunication.Allpersonnelshouldhaveamobiledeviceinordertobereachable.Otherwise,othercommunicationmethodsareneeded,whichinturnaddcomplexityto the communication. In an ideal case,people could contact anyone at the plantaccordingto,forexample,theiravailability,responsibility area or expertise withoutneedingtoknowtheactualphonenumber.

Figure 1: Mobile devices like the Apple iPad are being used efficiently in industrial settings.








Thecommunicationmethod(forexample,phoneorvideocall,textmessagesorchat-ting)couldalsobechosenaccordingtotheworktaskandavailabilityofparticipants.This could minimise the operators beingoverloaded as they could answer someof the questions asynchronously. Mobiledevices would also enable private com-munication, which is not possible withradio phones.

Attimespersonnelinindustrialsettingsuse their work or even private mobiledevices to take pictures or videos of is-suesencounteredfordocumentationortoconsult with their colleagues. However,theydonothaveanysupportforthistaskfromthesystemortoolsprovidedbytheiremployer.Therefore,industrialmobilede-vices need to make it possible to collectand share information about the statusof the industrial process more directly.

Application developmentTherapiddevelopmentofwebandmobileapplications is very different from thetraditional release cycle normally usedforindustrialsystems.Mobileapplicationshave adopted a release cycle of weeksand months, adding new functionalityand features as they are updated. ThemobileappAngryBirds,forexample,hasconstantly been adding more levels andnew characters into the gameplay sinceit was released in late 2009. SimilarlytheFacebookapplicationforiOShasalsoconstantlybeenadding functionalityovertime instead of releasing a version thatdoeseveryrequestedfeaturefromdayone.

Such a method for software develop-ment (ie, adding functionality in smallbutfrequent instalments) isnecessary inthe mobile domain as the hardware and

software is shifting so rapidly. That is,thetop-of-the-linehardwaretodaywillbeconsideredoldandreplacedbysomethingelse tomorrow. These quick softwarerelease cycles are something that theindustrial sectorwill have to adapt tobyreleasing updates as frequently as anyotherappsforthemobiledevicesinsteadofreleasing ‘superversions‘that includeeveryrequestedfeaturebutwiththepriceof a very long development phase.

Furthermore, with a shift towardquick development cycles it is possibleto develop and release software for theindustrythatsolvesthemostcritical-usecases, where mobile solutions will makeahugeimpact.Continuousupdatestotheindustry applications will then improveand add requested features. Also, ‘rapidprototyping‘andmobileappdevelopmenton mobile devices is inexpensive today,which makes the smartphone platformsattractive for industrial domains as well.

What lies aheadThe continuous progress in mobile tech-nologies related to user experience andinteraction techniques raises the needto allow existing HMIs to evolve so thatpersonnelcanusethesetechniqueswheninteracting with plant systems. FutureHMIsshouldutilisethebestpartsofthesenew inventions (includingdepth sensing,gestures, voice control and new displaytechnologies)andenableuserstointeractwithsystemsmoreefficientlyandsafely.

Research shows that with custom-madeappsforwell-understoodscenariosand use cases, mobile device usage inindustrial automation can be taken to acompletelynew level.Newdevelopmentssuchasaugmentedreality,picoprojectors

andsensorsfordetectingtheenvironmentcanmakemobiledevicesevenmorepow-erful in several ways. Augmented realityshows a liveview of the reality through,for example, a camera view of a mobiledevice. The view is then augmented bycomputer-generated content (graphics).Augmented reality could benefit, for ex-ample, maintenance engineers to showmore equipment-related information. Forinstance, the system could visualise im-portant information related to a device(such as the liquid level in a tank).

Pico projectors are small, handheldprojectors that can project full-size im-ages onto any surface. When these areattachedtomobiledevices (somemobiledevicesalreadyincludeone,forexample,Samsung Beam), any surface can beused as a display. Then, a maintenanceengineer could use his pico projector toproject, for example, instructions relatedto maintenance work directly on top ofthe device that needs repair.

Mobiledevicesalreadyincludesensorssuchasagyroscopeandaccelerometertodetecttheorientationofthedevice.Inthefuture,mobiledeviceswillprobablyincludemore sensors such as infrared camerasor smell detectors to record data aboutthe environment. This information couldbe used to check if there are abnormalgasesintheairorifsomeequipmenthasoverheated. The gyro and accelerometercouldbeused todetectwhere themain-tenanceengineerispointing,andidentifythe device in question to give him moreinformation related to the device.

ABB Australia Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U790

Figure 2: Control systems can be supplemented by mobile device usage. Figure 3: Example of a control system on a mobile device.




PNEUMATIC CONTROL VALVESThe ASCO Numatics 503 Series of pneu-

matic directional control valves with ultra-

high flow ratings is designed for automation

and piloting applications across a wide range

of automotive and tyre, food and beverage,

pharmaceutical, packaging equipment, and

general machinery applications.

The valve line is available in either spool-and-sleeve or rubber seal mod-

els, and proprietary or ISO versions to meet a wide variety of applications.

The series valves are designed to complement the ASCO Numatics’ G3

fieldbus electronics. When assembled together, original equipment manufac-

turers can leverage assemblies that combine ultra-high flow rates with ease

of use, plus fieldbus technology that provides configurability, flexibility and

cost-effective I/O and distribution architecture.

The 503 Series is available in dual 3- and 4-way solenoid air pilot actu-

ated valves. The series valves are available with manifold or individual base

mountings, proprietary or ISO 15407.

Available ports are 1/4″, 3/8″, 8 mm, 10 mm, push-in, NPTF and G tap.

Operating pressure range is from vacuum to 8 bar, and pilot pressure range

is from 2 to 8 bar. Ambient operating temperature range is -10 to 50°C.

Ascomation Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U624

REMOTE I/O MODULEThe LB remote I/O system is designed for minimal

wiring. Zone 2/Division 2 field mounting, in addition to

a single bus line between the remote I/O system and

the control room, is said to drastically reduce wiring

requirements. Another advantage is that, because

of its compact size, it can be used in systems with

little free space .

The universal LB7x04A module can be used as

an analog input for supplying 2-wire transmitters,

an analog output for operating proportional valves, I/P

converters or on-site displays, a digital input for reading contacts,

or a digital output for operating valves and sensors or LEDs. Each of

the four channels can be parameterised independently of one another

when using the module in this way. The status of each channel can be

read from an LED. The module status is indicated by additional LEDs.

When the universal module is exchanged, the replacement module al-

ways takes on the parameter settings of the original module, preventing

errors when replacing modules.

Pepperl+Fuchs (Aust) Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U835


highly suited to take measurements

without CAD data. In developing the

software, the focus was on simple,

intuitive operation and a short learning

phase. This means that even users with

minimal background knowledge of 3D

measurement technology can achieve

very good measuring results within a

short period of time.

The software is available in two ver-

sions: a Basic version, and a Pro version

with an extended range of functions.

The Basic version of CAM2 SmartIn-

spect has a clear and self-explanatory

user interface, as well as very usable

functions. For example, helpful im-

ages can be added to the features to

be measured, so that even untrained

personnel can handle the programs

very easily.

In the Pro version of CAM2 SmartIn-

spect, the 3D live view functions as a

visual interface to present the recorded

dimensions to optimum effect. Another

feature includes measuring length and

angle in combination.

The automatic feature-recognition

function makes the measuring process

faster, as it assists the user significantly

in processing a measuring sequence

with few clicks, and automatically sug-

gests to the user a range of functions

and commands which might be needed

during the measuring process.

The combination of CAM2 SmartIn-

spect and the FaroArm or the FARO

Gage can be used in all sectors that

require excellent manufacturing and

product quality. Its flexibility and user-

friendliness enables the CAM2 SmartIn-

spect to support a range of applications;

from incoming goods inspection, initial

sample inspection, to various inspection

needs in manufacturing.



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OBSTACLE-AWARE LEVEL INSTRUMENTSThe Micropilot FMR5x family of non-contact level measurement instru-

ments now offer multi-echo tracking, which allows the instruments to

remain accurate when a tank with obstacles is being filled and emptied.

The traditional disadvantage relating to radar measurement has always

been the need to ‘map out’ obstacles in a tank such as heating coils

or agitators that provide their own echo response and may be mistaken

for the actual process level. This is achieved by evaluating the echo

response of an empty tank, identifying the response that relates to the

bottom of the tank and then recording a static suppression ‘map’ over

the echo responses caused by these obstacles. Then, only the signals

that range above the map will be evaluated, the obstacles will be ignored.

When a tank is being filled or emptied, however, and the level reaches

the obstacle, it too can range below the suppression map, meaning

that the level signal is also ignored, causing jumping and erroneous

level measurements.

Multi-echo tracking helps alleviate this problem by independently mark-

ing all measured signals - not only the level signal. It is a self-learning

feature that follows the marked signals at all times and is constantly

building a history of their behaviour.

Multiple echoes are identified in the evaluation both above the level

surface and below the level surface in oil-based media. This parallel

evaluation adds security on the measurement determination as direct

and indirect techniques are employed to derive the level.

Endress+Hauser Australia Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U915


The Futek PFT510 miniature pressure sensor is a

general pressure solution for a variety of applications.

Purposefully designed with a flat, flush-mount dia-

phragm, the model avoids clogging at the installation

port. With a measuring range of 15 to 700 bar, this

20 mm sensor solution uses strain gauge technology,

is suitable for OEM integration, and is compatible

with the comopany’s entire line of instrumentation.

The combination of the PT510 with Futek’s USB

solutions offers users the ability to create a system to

monitor up to 16 channels side-to-side. In addition,

using the linearisation feature within Sensit Test and

Measurement software, users can expect an improved

overall performance and accuracy of the system by

point-to-point linearisation. The platform may also be

used by quality inspectors or auditing teams to log

data and perform further analysis.

Metromatics Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U783

STAINLESS STEEL KEYBOARD WITH TOUCHPADThe PM-102-SS NEMA 4X is an IP66 specification panel-mount

stainless steel industrial keyboard from iKey, and features 101

stainless steel keys that include 12 function keys and a numeric

keypad, a stainless steel bezel and integrated touchpad.

The durable device is completely sealed and designed to meet

NEMA 4X and IP66 specifications and can operate in temperatures

ranging from -20 to +60°C. The bezel measures 449.6 x 229.1 x

40.0 mm. Rear stud mounting bolts are provided for panel mount-

ing. Stainless steel is known for its longevity, corrosion resistance

and ability to retain strength in extreme temperatures. It is also

low maintenance and easy to clean. These characteristics make

stainless steel an good material for keyboards used in industrial

and food-processing applications.

The industrial keyboard is available with PS/2 or USB interface

cables and is compatible with all Windows operating systems.

Interworld Electronics and Computer Industries

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U869

OPC SERVER FOR WITSMatrikonOPC has released its OPC Server for Well Site Information Transfer

Specification (WITS) which provides open data connectivity to well-site data

systems using WITS-compliant devices. Areas in which WITS-based data is

common at a well site include geology, drilling, cementing, drill stem testing,

electronic data recorders (EDRs) that capture logging while drilling (LWD) and

measurement while drilling (MWD) data.

With OPC Server for WITS, end users gain direct access to WITS data via

any OPC-enabled application, making it easier to share and work with key

data on site and with the rest of the enterprise.

Key features of the OPC server include: support for communications through

TCP/IP, UDP and/or serial channels; simultaneous support for WITS Level

0-compliant active and passive devices; read and write access to available

data points; and full compliance with OPC DA 1.0, 2.0a and 3.0 specifications.


Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U793

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©2013 Honeywell International, Inc. All right reserved.


RUGGED DAQ SYSTEMThe NI cDAQ-9188XT is a rugged,

8-slot NI CompactDAQ ethernet

chassis that is designed for dis-

tributed or remote measurements in

extreme environments. The device

can withstand temperatures from

-40 to 70°C, 50 g shock and 5 g vi-

bration. Engineers in the automotive,

military and aerospace industries

have used it to successfully acquire

data and avoid costly repeat tests.

In addition, the chassis is the

first in the NI CompactDAQ platform to offer an onboard watchdog with defined

safe states to help protect tests and equipment. The platform includes 10 chas-

sis options, three buses and over 50 C Series modules with a wide range of

connectivity and I/O. The platform also has native integration with NI LabVIEW

system design software, which provides signal-processing libraries and user-

interface controls designed for data visualisation.

The NI CompactDAQ platform also now supports the LabVIEW Electrical Power

Suite. With this toolkit, NI CompactDAQ users can integrate power-analysis func-

tions such as energy, frequency, voltage unbalance and event detection into their

monitoring systems.

National Instruments Australia

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U862

REMOTE I/O MODULEThe Artila Electronics RIO-2010 web-

based remote I/O control module is

designed for simple, stable performance,

making remote control of I/O straight-

forward and dependable.

It is ethernet ready and equipped

with eight relays, 16 opto-isolated

digital inputs and a 1-wire interface for

digital temperature sensor connection.

The built-in web server allows users to

access the I/O and remotely control

the RIO-2010 relay using standard web


Using the standard Modbus TCP

protocol, the module can be easily

integrated into SCADA and industrial

automation systems. The module also

comes with an RS485 serial interface for

applications that require Modbus RTU/

ASCII. The built-in web server allows

users to customise their own webpage

using standard web-editing tools and

AJAX dynamic page technology.

Micromax Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U805



5100 series industrial WLAN access points

with a cluster management function. This

makes it easier to configure and manage ac-

cess points (APs) in small and medium-sized

WLAN networks.

A web browser is used to configure the net-

work via the web interface of any AP. Next, the

AP independently transfers the settings such as the network name (SSID), WLAN encryption and quality

of service to the other APs in the WLAN network, or cluster, which can contain up to 20 access points.

This access point supports the new high-speed IEEE 802.11n WLAN standard on the 2.4 and 5 GHz

bands at up to 300 Mbps. Additionally, the MIMO (multiple input multiple output) technology with three

antennas improves the reliability, range and speed of wireless communications, especially in industrial


Phoenix Contact Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U728



MICROWAVE LEVEL-LIMIT SENSORWhether in bulk solids or liquids,

the VEGAMIP 61 microwave

barrier is designed to detect the

limit level with absolute certainty

in very rough process condi-

tions. The sensor is insensitive to dirt, dust and build-up.

It is especially adapted to the requirements and needs of

the bulk solids industry.

The measurement is non-contact and the sensor itself has

no direct contact with the medium. This is advantageous

particularly for abrasive media or very high temperatures.

In such cases, the sensor can simply measure from the

outside, through a microwave-permeable window, such as

ceramic or plastic.

Also, when used for level detection of liquids or object

detection, the microwave barrier offers many advantages

over other measuring principles.

The device can be used both as maximum and minimum

level sensor, and fits in VEGA’s plics concept, offering all

the advantages of a modular system. Housings of plastic,

aluminium or stainless steel as well as different antenna

systems and process fittings are at the user’s disposal,

making it possible to configure the sensor to meet exact


VEGA Australia Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U865

SYSTEM-WIDE AUTOMATION DEVELOPMENT SOFTWAREABB has launched an engineering development tool suite for

industrial automation projects. Automation Builder provides an

integrated development environment for control and motion

systems based on PLCs, safety PLCs, robotics, motion control

and related automation components.

Combining all of the tools required for configuring, program-

ming, debugging and maintaining automation projects from

a common intuitive interface, Automation Builder addresses

the largest single cost element of most of today’s industrial

automation projects: software.

Automation Builder builds on the company’s Control Builder

Plus tool for programming PLCs. This provides PLC development

resources in the form of the standards-compliant CoDeSys IEC

61131-3 development environment and the Panel Builder tool

for creating HMIs. These are now complemented by tools for

configuring and programming the latest generation of safety

PLCs, and the RobotStudio tool for simulating and program-

ming industrial robot applications, as well as Mint WorkBench

and pre-built and tested libraries for controlling drives, and

other devices connected via fieldbuses, networks or the web.

The suite integrates all these capabilities into a single envi-

ronment served by common data and intuitive user interface.

This provides data consistency that eliminates the need to enter

data multiple times. It also avoids the programming effort and

issues associated with exchanging data between the control-

ler and all of the various devices in the automation system.

These devices include servomotor drives, robot arms, operator

panels and I/O. Third-party devices can also be interfaced into

the environment.

ABB Australia Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U357




The addition of the EtherNet/IP communication

functionality is a firmware upgrade option to existing

PSS4000 PLC devices.

Pilz Australia Industrial Automation LP



The cRIO-9068 software-designed controller has been

completely redesigned but maintains full NI LabVIEW

and I/O compatibility with the CompactRIO platform.

National Instruments Australia



The compact and cost-effective XZR200

oxygen analyser is capable of measuring

percentage oxygen to better than 1% of span.

AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty Ltd




The ALMEMO 710 touch-screen data logger

from Ahlborn can connect to and evaluate

all new (D7) as well as existing sensors.

Bestech Australia Pty Ltd



The BXT ML2 surge arrestor modules provide optimal

protection for measuring and control circuits, bus systems,

alarm systems and telecommunications.





SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLYThe FEAS SNT15024-K switch mode power

supply is designed to withstand inadvertent

polarity reversal while also providing an output

that is protected from short circuit conditions.

Constructed within an industrial IP69-rated

aluminium casing and with its electronic system

completely sealed by a durable resin, the power

supply is designed for applications that must operate

under the harshest of environmental conditions. Despite

its compact dimensions, this FEAS power supply is said to

conform to the highest level of EMC standards, providing

fault-free operation within applications prone to the effects of

radio signal disturbances.

Device protection includes an adjustable fuse mode feature

to provide a safe shutdown in overload conditions. Shutdown

on overtemperature is followed by an automatic restart, while

a standby function allows the unit to turn off when not in use.

Output voltage is 24 VDC at up to 25 A, with an operating

temperature range of -40 to +70°C.

Automated Control Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U837

DUAL AVERAGING MASS FLOW METERThe ST102A air/gas thermal mass flow meter from Fluid Compo-

nents International (FCI) features a dual-element averaging system,

improving installation repeatability and accuracy for larger-diameter

pipes and ducts.

Flow measurement applications involving line sizes 300 mm or

greater can realise improved installation accuracy and repeatability

by averaging the flow rates of two elements. Distorted, swirling and

non-repeatable flow profiles can result in decreased accuracy of

single point meters. It is often impractical or impossible to provide the

required straight run for a fully developed flow profile in large lines.

The Model ST102A flow meter has transmitter electronics that

average the input from two independent flow elements into a single

output. Each flow element can be independently configured for in-

sertion length and process connection to allow installation flexibility.

One flow element can be integral with the flow transmitter, or both

can be configured as remote for easier access and visibility to the

digital display/optical four-button user interface. The flow transmit-

ter also provides independent information for each flow element,

saving time when performing service checks.

The flow meter can be calibrated to measure virtually any pro-

cess gas, including moist gas, mixed composition gases and dirty

gases. The basic insertion style air/gas meter features a thermal

flow sensing element that measures flow from 0.07 to 305 NMPS

with accuracy of ±0.75% of reading, ±0.5% of full scale. Designed

for rugged industrial processes and plants, the flow meter is suit-

able for service up to 454°C.

AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U901

PRESSURE SENSORThe Model S-20 pressure sensor has been designed for a wide range of applications and

demanding measuring requirements. It offers continuous measuring ranges between 0-0.4

and 0-1600 bar, which can be combined with all common output signals, process connec-

tions and electrical connections.

As an option, the model S-20 is available with different accuracy classes (0.125, 0.25 and

0.5% BFSL), extended temperature ranges and customer-specific pin assignments. Even under

the most adverse conditions, the pressure transmitter is claimed to deliver accurate results.

WIKA Australia

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U623


Rotorkintelligentelectricvalveactuatorsandtwo-wiredigitalcontrolsystemshavebeenspecifiedforamajorplantupgradeat the Caltex Kurnell site in Sydney, Australia. The upgradeprojectisconvertingtheexistingrefinerysiteintoanimportterminalforthestorageanddistributionofpetrol,diesel, jetfuelandfueloil.

Alargeproportionofthe300actuatorsinvolvedareRotork’slatest IQ3 units, the third generation of its non-intrusiveintelligentelectricactuatorproductrange.Alltheactuatorswillbemonitoredandcontrolledby10hot-standbyRotorkPakscanP3busnetworks.Designedspecificallyfortheremoteoperationofvalveactuatorsandthespaciousenvironmentsassociatedwith tank farms, Pakscanprovides the link betweenactuatorsinthefieldandthehostcontrolsystem.

Manyoftheactuatorswillbe supplied on new valveswhile a number are beingretrofitted by Rotork SiteServ ices Austra l ia ontoexistinghand-operatedvalveinstal lat ions. Retrofitt ingareas include the terminalberths, where IQ3 actuatorsare being used to motorisethe double block and bleedmanifold valves. Rotork’sre t ro f i t respons ib i l i t i esencompass surveying andmeasuringtheon-sitevalves,sizingandinstallingthenewactuatorsandassistingwiththeintegrationandcommissioningofthePakscannetworksthroughoutthesite.

Launched in 2012, the IQ3 has introduced new levels offunctionalityandassetmanagementabilitiesforvalveactuation.AdvancedIQdataloggingandcommunicationcapabilitieshavebeenincreasedinresponsetotheendusers’desiretoaccessmoredata,bothinthefieldandinthecontrolroom.

Thelarge,toughenedglass,wide-angleindicationwindowisthefocusofattentionfornon-intrusive,two-waywirelesscommunication and multifunctional indication. The windowprovidespositionalandwarningiconinformation,whileactuatorset-upandoperatingmenusalongwithdetaileddiagnosticandoperational data screens are clearly displayed in dot matrix





Intelligent valve actuators for Caltex terminal upgrade

format. Diagnostic screens show the valve torque and usageprofilesalongwithservice logs, facilitating real-timeanalysisdirectlyattheactuator.

AhandheldsettingtoolwithBluetoothwirelesstechnologyalsoenablesthedatafromtheactuatorstobetransferredtoaPCforanalysisusingRotorkInsight2diagnosticsoftware.Valvemaintenance requirements can be identified and anticipated,eliminating unplanned interruptions or over-cautious plannedmaintenanceoutages.

The IP68 watertight and temporarily submersible double-sealed enclosure is universal to all actuators, includingthose with explosion-proof certification, ensuring long-term

reliable performance in themostchallengingenvironments.

The Pakscan P3 digi ta lcontrol system is capable ofmonitoringandcontrollingupto240actuatorswithoutrepeaterson a single highway with alengthofupto20km.Pakscancombines high reliability andefficiencywithlowmaintenancecosts,incorporatingsecurefieldcommunications with in-builtnetworkredundancytomaintaincontrol even in the event ofequipmentorcablefailure.

At the P3 master station,current s ta tus and a larmindication is updated whendata has changed, providingreal-time status indication of

every actuator on the network. Information includes torqueprofilingtoprovideanaccurateindicationofvalveperformance.Reprogramming of individual actuator parameters can beperformedatthemasterstationorremotelyviathehostserialnetworkorviaethernet.


Rotork Australia

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U803

w w w . s i p o s . c o m

78 Dickson Avenue, Artarmon NSW 2064 Telephone: +61 2 8437 4300, Facsimile: +61 2 8437 4333 [email protected]

Cerebral Strategy

Avoid a brainless blueprint

Planning to modernise without SIPOS makes no sense. Optimise your upgrade with our advanced electric actua-tors. This is intelligent forethought that will increase the flexibility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your plant.

Talk to us – we have the actuators with smart heads.


INDUSTRIAL COMPUTERMicromax has announced the Artila Electronics Matrix-516,

the new generation of its ARM-based box computers.

Artila’s Matrix-516 industrial box computer is a small form

factor, Linux-ready computing platform that offers reliable,

24/7 unattended control at low-power consumption levels.

The box computer is suitable for a variety of industrial

applications, including intelligent transportation systems,

building automation, energy-saving systems and factory

automation. It ensures high performance with a 400 MHz

Atmel AT91SAM9G20 CPU, 64 MB SDRAM and 128 MB

NAND Flash. It is adaptable, offering multiple I/O inter-

faces, including two LAN ports, eight isolated RS485

serial ports, two USB hosts, a microSD and 21 GPIOs.

The box computer offers easy development of C or

C++ programs or web-based applications such as

SQLite+ and PHP.

The box computer includes a fail-safe design and a

Linux environment that is highly scalable and configu-

rable. It includes a Data Flash with a backup Linux file

system, which provides system recovery and start-up if

necessary. For portable control, the box computer has

a pre-installed Linux OS, allowing users convenient op-

eration via telnet or transfer files using FTP. Advanced

customisation is also available upon request.

Micromax Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U836

PUSH-IN TERMINALS FOR UP TO 95 mm²The PT Power 95 high current terminals from Phoenix Contact make it

possible to easily connect and wire rigid or flexible ferruled conductors

up to 95 mm² directly and without the need for tools.

As soon as the conductor is inserted, the contact springs open

automatically. With lower insertion forces, it is now easier to plug in

a conductor and establish a contact. The high contact forces exceed

those stipulated by the relevant standards and ensure that high-quality,

reliable conductor contacts are established. All it takes to remove a

conductor is to press the release button that can be actuated with

a standard screwdriver. This transfers the force to the inner contact

springs and opens them to their maximum extent. The orange colour of

the button clearly identifies it as an actuating element, thus preventing

mistakes from being made.

The PT Power 95 range of high current terminals rated at 232 A

and 1500 V includes several terminal types. These include universal

terminals with and without test sockets, a protective earth terminal

that automatically contacts the mounting rail when

mounting, preassembled terminal blocks, and

flange terminal blocks for direct mounting without

mounting rails.

The fully insulated AGK pick-off terminals with

optional snap-on technology facilitate voltage

tapping for two 16 mm² conductors. Multi-pin

insertion bridges are available for simple potential

distribution. Large labelling materials and testing

accessories from the Clipline complete terminal

block system line round out the product range.

Phoenix Contact Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U530


COOLING WATER PUMPSSpecially designed for pumping large quantities of critical cooling water within fossil and nuclear power-generation applications, the

CUP-CVP, concrete volute pump, from ClydeUnion Pumps offers high performance and efficiency, while providing high plant availability.

Power used in the generation of electricity reduces the overall power plant efficiency. Reducing the power consumed for major

applications such as cooling water pumps therefore offers significant sustained increases in plant efficiency and profitability. Avail-

ability of the cooling water pump is also critical to plant running times and production capacity.

The pump is designed to provide higher flow rates than conventional vertical bowl pump designs, thus reducing the number of

pumps required. Its design operates at higher efficiencies and experiences minimal wear during operation due to its low running

speed, said to result in exceptionally high reliability and availability approaching 100%. The pump has been shown to exhibit no

noticeable deterioration in efficiency over 100,000 hours of operation in power-generation applications, with a minimum service life

of 10 to 12 years between internal maintenance inspections.

The pump can be provided for flow rates up to 120,000 m3/hr and delivery heads up to 50 m. Once installed, the design in-

corporates a packed gland with a pneumatically operated inflatable seal (to prevent flooding when the packing is replaced) and a

removable inner cartridge for ease of maintenance. Journal bearings are oil-bath lubricated and tilting pad thrust bearings are used

to improve reliability and increase bearing life. An efficient, balanced impeller reduces thrust loads and increases stability.

SPX Flow Technology Australia Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U266


AirLINE Quick: High quality,

cost effective, fast delivery

Meet AirLINE Quick. AirLINE Quick has internalised all pneumatic air channels, and integrated primary and secondary components to deliver one single complete pneumatic (or electro-pneumatic) valve bank on a stainless steel adapter plate. Unlimited modularity in valves, functions, feedbacks, I/O, and accessories, is offered, with local assembly from Bürkert’s ISO 9001 Sydney Systemhaus. The stainless steel plate mounts directly into a cabinet, effectively minimising labour for cost effectiveness and fast delivery.

Same day turn-around (on lower-quantity orders) is common.

Last year Bürkert shipped around 600 panels, and this year with AirLINE Quick it could easily be thousands. Call us, and get your valve banks served up on a plate, or mounted in a cabinet, ready to go.

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CSIRO helps smelters cut energy consumption

Largesmeltersinelectricity-intensivemetal-winningindustriescan use as much power as a medium-sized city, so findingways to reduce their energy requirement is a high priority.The Australian research agency CSIRO, in partnership withindustry players, is assessing and testing new electricalconnectionsystemsinabidtohelpsmelterscuttheirelectricityconsumptionandassociatedemissions.

Toassistindustrypartnersinthedesignandtestingprocessofnewelectricalconnectionsystems,CSIROneededtodevelopa simulation capability that could examine the sophisticatedphysics involved in the electrical supply infrastructures oflarge-scalefacilitiesandassesstheimpactofpossiblechanges.However, because it is both costly and difficult to test newconfigurationsinafunctioningfa c i l i t y , e n g i n e e rs u s e dsimulation tools to determinewhethernewdesignswillworkandhowtocalculatethepowersavingstheywilldelivertotheoperation.

“Modelling and simulationarekeytoolsforfutureprocessanddesignimprovementtohelpourindustryimproveelectricalenergyefficiency,”saidCSIROResearch Consultant DavidMolenaar. “An opportunityex i s t e d t o h a r n e s s t h einfrastructure of CSIRO todevelopanew,more-advancedmodellingsolution.”

Essential features of thesolution included the ability to assess the performance ofelectricalconnectionswithrespecttoenergyefficiencyinlargeelectricalsystemsbasedonthegoverningphysicsthatisofafullycoupledthermal-electrical-mechanicalnature.

TheCSIROteamspent12monthsconductingacomprehensivebenchmarkstudythatexaminedallsuitabletoolsavailableonthemarket.PerformedinpartnershipwithSwinburneUniversity(Melbourne),thebenchmarkingprocessincorporatedasimplecontact problem and a more complex real-world problem.After assessing three potential providers, CSIRO decided toadopttheDassaultSystèmes3DExperiencePlatformwiththeSimulia Abaqus finite element analysis (FEA) application forrealisticsimulation, through itspartnerSimuserv,aproviderofsimulationconsultingservices.

“ThedecisiontoadoptSimuliawasbasedon itsabilitytosolvethefullycoupledthermal-electrical-mechanicalequationsand to achieve convergence in highly nonlinear problems,includingcomplexcontactscenarios,”saidCSIROteammemberDrDayalanGunasegaram.“Wealsolikeditsabilitytoscaleandrunonourhigh-performancecomputingplatform.”

Otheradvantages includedtheabilityoftheapplicationtosupportsubroutinesthatcanbeusedbyCSIROclientsintheirowninstallationsoftheSimuliacode.Thiswouldallowtheteam


Once the decision to proceed was made, the CSIRO teamfocused on installing the code on the organisation’s high-performancecomputing(HPC)architecture.Thisfacilityincludesa 146 compute node CPU cluster that resides within CSIRO’sHPC facility.The facilityalso incorporatesaGPUclusterwith172,032-streaming processor cores on 384 GPUs, which wasranked183rdintheworld(inNovember2012).Thisvastcomputingcapability, together with the efficient parallel performance ofSimulia, allows CSIRO to deliver solutions to clients in shorttimeframesevenwhencomputationallyintensiveworkisrequired.

With its 3DExperience technology now in place, theCSIRO team has the ability toundertake detailed studies ofindustrial electrical systemsand infrastructures. “We arenowreceivingcalls fromclientsaround the world who are keento work with us to find moreenergy-efficient solutions fortheir operat ions,” Molenaarsaid. “With Abaqus on our HPCarchitecture,wecandeliververyaccurateresultstoourclientsincommerciallyrelevanttimeframesthat we simply could not haveachievedbefore.”

The new capabilities meetthe overall objectives of CSIRO.While it increases the efficiencyof the Australian industry, the


With the Simulia-based infrastructure, CSIRO’s clients areabletogainamuchclearerviewoftheirenergyinfrastructure’sperformance and make more informed decisions aboutpotentialchanges.TheCSIROteamworkstocalculatepossibleperformanceimprovementsandcostreductionsforeachproject.The end result is improved energy efficiency and a reducedenvironmentalfootprint.

BasedonitssuccesswiththeSimuliaapplicationtodate,theCSIROteamisplanningtoextenditsusageduringthenextfewyears.Thenetworkednatureofthesoftwarewillallowittobeused more broadly within the organisation to run a variety ofcomputationallyintensivesimulations.Asclientdemandfortheservices continues to grow, CSIRO anticipates the size of theteamwillalsoincrease.

“ByharnessingtoolssuchasSimuliaAbaqus,weareabletocompeteonaworldstage.ThesupportofDassaultSystèmeshasbeenintegraltothesuccessoftheimplementationprojectandthevaluethatisnowbeingdeliveredtoourclients,”heconcluded.CSIRO Head OfficeContact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U615

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MULTI-FIBRE ETHERNET SWITCHESThe Moxa EDS-210A series are 10-port industrial unmanaged switches that can deliver gigabit speed and

multiple fibre connections for high-bandwidth data convergence and long-haul data transport for small-scale and widely

distributed edge applications, such as factory floor automation and IP surveillance uplinks for ITS networking.

The series offers two types of port combinations for flexible network connectivity. The EDS-210A-1GTX-1GSFP-4SFP

supports up to 2 gigabit uplinks (combination of a gigabit fibre and a gigabit copper port), four 100BaseSFP, and four

100BaseTX ports. The EDS-210A-1GSFP-1SFP consists of a gigabit copper, a 100BaseF and eight 100BaseTX copper ports.

The EDS-210A series is suitable for high-speed industrial applications that require flexible fibre/copper port

combinations, such as ITS surveillance systems that require gigabit ports for uplink to control rooms,

and fast ethernet ports for edge-level connectivity, such as IP cameras and field devices. The flexible

connectivity options are also suitable for factory automation networks that require data transmission

using a mix of fibre and copper media.

For industrial-grade reliability, the EDS-210A series switches provide 12/24/48 VDC redundant dual-

power input, high-level EMI/EMC shielding, and two operating temperature range options: -10 to 60°C

and -40 to 75°C. Power and port-status LED displays on the front panel allow quick troubleshooting

to reduce system downtime. The EDS-210A series switches can be easily installed on any DIN rail or

distribution box in harsh industrial environments.

Madison Technologies

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U526


Process Industry Transportation Security Systems

Wind Energy Photovoltaics Communications

DEHN AustraliaEMAIL: [email protected]: www.dehn.com.auTEL: +61 (03) 8414 8277PO Box 290, South Melbourne, VIC 3205 AustraliaDistributors throughout Australia and New Zealand



able industrial videoscope is a

compact and lightweight instrument (weighing 2.7 kg), with

good portability and functionality. The large 6.5″ VGA monitor

produces high image clarity, which allows for more accurate

detection of very small defects. The device is capable of still

image and movie recording with storage to a USB flash drive,

and can be easily operated by users with any level of experience.

The IPLEX LT is a rugged and durable instrument that provides

advanced inspections allowing smooth, uninterrupted operation

in almost any environment including rain, sand, dust, high tem-

peratures and explosive atmospheres. The stand-alone monitor

can be convenient for group viewing sessions and training.

Applications include inspection of heat exchangers, turbines,

gearboxes, automotive parts and aircraft. It also features a

removable Li-ion battery and is IP55 compliant.


Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U436

PANEL PCThe iEi IOVU-430S is a cost-

effective industrial panel PC

integrating a 4.3″ screen with

projected capacitor multitouch

functionality. The screen offers a comfortable brightness (400 cd/m2)

and a wide screen resolution of 480 x 272 pixels.

The panel PC is powered by an XScaleR PXA270 416 MHz RISC

processor. It includes 128 MB DDR2 RAM, one 1 GB SD card with a

pre-installed Windows CE 5.0 image, and a large number of connectivity

options including a LAN port, an RS232/422/485 serial port, a USB 1.1

port, a CANbus 2.0B port and six digital I/O channels.

The panel PC has an IP65 front design, fanless cooling system, panel

or wall mounting, VESA 50 support, an extended operating temperature

range (0 to 50°C) and 12-36 VDC voltage input. The device has been

designed for 24/7 operation. For software developers, all SDK are

provided for Windows CE 5.0.

The panel PC has been designed as a HMI solution for factory

automation or machine automation, point of information or transport


ICP Electronics Australia Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U866



DUAL-INPUT FLOW RATE/TOTALISERSThe Precision Digital ProVu PD6262 and

PD6363 dual-input flow rate/totalisers

feature independent programming of

inputs, including separate selection of

input type and scaling.

The PD6262 panel meter sup-

ports dual analog inputs of 0-20 mA,

4-20 mA, 0-5 V, 1-5 V or ±10 V. The

PD6363 panel meter supports dual

pulse inputs, including square wave,

open collector, NPN, PNP, TTL or

switch contact signals. Both meters

provide integrated math functions for

rate or total flow calculations: addition,

difference, summation, multiplication,

division, min/max, weighted average,

ratio and concentration.

The PD6262 and PD6363 feature

rugged NEMA 4X front panels, and

the optional SunBright display can be

read even in direct sunlight, smoke, fog,

dust or at a distance. The meters are

designed for quick and easy display

of local or remote information in a

variety of flow applications, such as

municipal water measurement, waste-

water treatment or chemical mixing. For

hazardous areas, such as oil and gas

production, the meters are also avail-

able as explosion-proof, IP68, NEMA

4X ProtEX-MAX models.

The ProVu flow rate/totalisers feature

bright red LED displays. The upper

display is 15 mm high and shows a

full six digits. With the total overflow

feature, up to nine digits of total flow

can be displayed. The lower display

is 12 mm.

The PD6262 and PD6363 are UL

and CUL listed and are CE certified

for high noise and RF immunity. The

explosion-proof models, ProtEX-MAX

PD8-6262 and PD8-6363, provide

IP68, NEMA 4X enclosures, SafeTouch

through-glass button programming and

Modbus RS485 serial communications


Precision Digital Corporation


UPDATED DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMNational Instruments has released NI LabVIEW 2013, the latest version of its system design

software for engineers and scientists. With LabVIEW 2013, NI integrated the latest and most

innovative technologies into the software while reducing design complexity from basic meas-

urements to full test platforms.

Upgraded LabVIEW 2013 benefits include native support for the newest hardware from

vendors like ARM and Xilinx, including the Xilinx Zynq All Programmable system on a chip

used in high-performance systems; enhanced application reliability and quality for complex

applications through a suite of code management, documentation and review tools, including

a new Subversion plug-in from Viewpoint Systems; streamlined deployment technologies for

developers who want to deliver professional applications to users, including a new tool from

Wirebird Labs; and the ability to deliver systems on the latest mobile platforms for iOS and

Android that enable dashboards for remote monitor-

ing and system control.

These updated capabilities are delivered through

the familiar LabVIEW programming paradigm, elimi-

nating developer need for expensive new toolchains

or the acquisition of OS- or hardware-specific

training or talent.

LabVIEW 2013 emphasises the incorporation of

ongoing user feedback through the inclusion of more

than 100 additional features and improvements in

the LabVIEW editor. Additionally, NI introduced an

in-product storefront for the LabVIEW Tools Network, a community of LabVIEW software add-

ons that recently surpassed two million product downloads. Customers with an active service

contract will benefit from an expanded library of online training resources from the use of real-

time targets to programming for FPGAs and even object-oriented programming.

National Instruments Australia

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U833

COLOUR SENSORThe latest colour sensor from Wenglor provides colour recognition even with changes

in distance and is capable of evaluating up to three colours simultaneously.

A small spot and a large working range are made possible due to single-lens

optics. All sensor settings can be selected by means of teach-in, as well as via the

RS232 interface. Values generated by the sensor can be read out via the interface

or digital switching outputs.

The colour sensor is equipped with two digital inputs; three switching outputs

and an RS232 port for reading out RGB, XYZ and HSL colour values.

The intensity of the emitted light can be increased in order to detect dark ob-

jects. With a spot diameter of 3 mm and a working range of 30-40 mm, complex

detection tasks can be implemented in a simple, uncomplicated fashion.

The graphic display allows for easy, intuitive use with multilingual menu prompt-

ing. Additional password protection offers security against unauthorised access.

Supply voltage is 10-30 V, and current consumption at 24 V is less than 80 mA.

Switching frequency is 1.8 kHz, and response time is 300 µs.

Treotham Automation Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U625



INFRARED LINE SCANNER AND THERMAL IMAGING SYSTEMThe Ircon ScanIR3 Series infrared line scanners and thermal imaging system includes a choice of eight models that provide

accurate, real-time thermal imaging in a wide variety of industrial applications, including continuous sheet and web-based

processes, as well as discrete manufacturing.

Combined with Ircon ScanView Pro software, the ScanIR3 scanner is designed for reliability and continuous operation in

harsh industrial environments. Its robust housing incorporates standard water cooling and air purge, and features built-in

laser sighting. A processor box provides universal I/O capabilities in the field without the need for an external computer.

Unlike point sensors that measure a single point, the line scanner measures multiple temperature points across a scan

line. Its motorised mirror scans at rates up to 150 lines per second, allowing rapid detection of temperature non-uniformities

and hot spots. Rotating optics collect infrared radiation at 1024 points within a 90° field of view, and

industry-leading optical resolution (up to 200:1) enables detection of smaller temperature anomalies.

The ScanView Pro software allows custom configuration of ScanIR3 operating parameters, and

display of thermal images and temperature profiles on a standard PC. The software includes fea-

tures to subdivide thermal images from the ScanIR3 line scanner into portions of specific interest.

The ScanIR3 line scanner is offered with an optional high-temperature enclosure

system designed to protect the scanner from exposure to ambient tempera-

tures up to 1090°C. The line scanner can then operate in high-temperature

processes, such as in manufacturing steel and other metals, as well as

glass and other minerals.

AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U799


THROUGHFILTRATIONSYSTEMDESIGNScott Minato and Barbara Pontisso, Numatics, Inc


© iStockphoto.com




In an ideal world, industrial air or gas supply lines would be free of particulate, water, oil and othercontaminants. Intherealworld,however,supply linestypicallydeliversomecontaminantsalongwiththeairor gas theyweredesigned to carry.


Figure 1: Air flows from the inside to the outside of a filter element through progressively larger openings in the media. As contaminants move through the element, solid particles are trapped and liquids are formed into large droplets.

Left unchecked, contaminants in an industrial air or gassupply will cause efficiency losses, maintenance head-achesandtheprematurefailureofpneumaticcomponents.

Cleaning up an air or gas supply can be as easy asinstallingafiltrationsystem.Thesesystemsemployoneormorefilters to remove contaminants before they reach the pneumaticequipment. What’s not so easy is selecting the right type offiltration system for a particular application.

In part, the difficulty comes from the different filtration re-quirementsacrossindustries.Foodandbeverage,semiconductorand automotive plants, for example, all have different filtrationneeds based on their specific pneumatic systems and operatingenvironments.

And in part, the difficulty in choosing the right filtration ap-proach involves differences in the filters themselves. Not allfiltrationtechnologiesarecreatedequalintermsoftheirintrinsicperformancecharacteristicsandsuitabilitytoagivenapplication.Choosing the wrong filter or applying it incorrectly can actuallydo greater harm than good.

Totailorfiltrationsystemstothejobathand,it’simportanttounderstand not only the capabilities of different filter elementsbut also how to combine them in series.

Filter typesEffectiveairfiltrationstartswithanunderstandingofthedifferenttypes of filter media and what they can do. The most commontypes used in industrial settings include water separators, par-ticulate filters, coalescing filters and adsorbing filters.

Water separatorsWater or moisture can quickly damage pneumatic components,causing valves and cylinders to stick. Water separators use thecentrifugalforcesgeneratedbyaninternalspinningmechanismtoremovelargequantitiesofwaterandwater-bornecontaminants.Whiletypicallyusedtoremovebulkliquidsandlargewater-bornesolids, water separators also protect other filter elements fromlarge liquid loads that could shorten filter life.

Particulate filtersLargeparticlessuchasrust,debrisanddesiccantdustcanwearoutpneumaticcomponentsprematurely.Thesecontaminantsareoften generated by old carbon steel pipes, compressor intakesand desiccant air dryers. The best particulate filters featurepleated designs to maximise the surface area available to trapdirt particles.Particulate filters areoftenused to achieveup toa 3-micron particle removal in dry systems.

Coalescing filtersCoalescing filters are the next line of defence in an air filtra-tionsystemandcandoagood jobremovingwater,oil, rustandothercontaminantsfromtheairsupply.Thedesignofcoalescingfiltersdiffersfrommanufacturertomanufacturer.TheNumaticsDelta Series coalescing filter elements, for example, consistof a porousnetworkof borosilicate glass fibres.As airmovesthroughthefilterelement,solidparticlesaretrappedandliquidsare formed into droplets that drain away.

Coalescingfilterscomeindifferentgrades.Coarsecoalescersareoftenusedformainlineplantfiltration,whilefinecoalescersare used for applications such as paint spraying, robotics andpneumatictools.Theultrafinecoalescerismainlyapoint-of-usefilter specified for critical processes such as semiconductorpackaging and instrumentation.

Adsorbing filtersAsafinalstepincertainapplications,anadsorbingfiltermaybeaddedtoremoveoilandhydrocarbonvapourfromthecompressedair stream. This type of filter is used immediately downstreamfrom a coalescing element. Because optimum adsorption takesplaceatlowertemperatures,it’sbesttoinstallthefilterascloseto thepointofuseaspossible.Adsorbing filtersareoftenusedforbreathingairpreparationaswellasfoodanddrugapplicationsthat have direct product contact with exhaust air.

Filter design and constructionWhile these common filter types are sometimes referred togenerically, keep in mind that there are substantial quality andperformancedifferencesbetweenfiltersfromdifferentsources-eveniftheyhavethesamenominalfiltrationspecification.Thesedifferencesoftenboildowntodesignandmanufacturingmethods.

Coalescing filters are a prime example of why design andmanufacturingmatters.Commoditycoalescingelementstypicallyemploy a mechanically wound filter media, but quality and per-formancecanbedramatically improvedbyemployingavacuum-formedfiltermediacomposedofglassfibresandanepoxybinder.

Thismanufacturingdifferenceisnottrivial.Thevacuum-formeddesign traps contaminants through the entire cross-section ofthe filter. The result is a lower pressure drop and more capac-ity than a comparable wrapped filter that traps contaminantsprimarily on the surface and quickly clogs as a result. Filterswith thevacuum-formeddesignhave an initial pressure dropofjust 1.5 psi in a dry condition at rated flow - far lower than atypical wrapped filter.


Figure 2: Typical contaminant size in microns (µm).

Figure 3: At left, a 228x magnification of a borosilicate glass fibre coa-lescing filter shows a new 0.01-micron filter element. At right, a 40x magnification shows a filter element that has trapped various metal, oil and hydrocarbon contaminants.


Vacuum forming also allows the customisation of filter ele-mentrecipestoachievedesiredfiltrationlevels.Filterengineerscan tweak the vacuum-forming process to an extensive rangeof gradient densities to form coalescing elements ranging from0.01 to 1 micron.

Construction differences apply to other filter types too. TheNumaticsDeltaSeries adsorbing filters, for example, consist offineactivatedcharcoalimpregnatedonpolyester.Theseactivatedcarbon particles have a strong affinity tovapour and are highlyefficient due to the extensive surface area present.

Effective filter combinationsMost filtrationsystemsrequiremultiple filterelements,workingtogether to remove the full spectrum of particulate sizes andcompositions capable of harming downstream components. Thespecificcombination,orseries,of filterswillvarydependingonthe application’s air quality requirements.

Food and beverage or semiconductor applications, for exam-ple, may require three different filters, including ones capableofremovingsubmicronparticles.Otherssuchasmainlineplantfiltrationmay require just acoarseparticulate filter.Hereareafewexamplesoffiltercombinationsusedinvariousapplications:

• Blow moulding: 3-micron particulate filter; 0.01-micron finecoalescer; vapour adsorber.

• Electronics: 3-micronparticulate filter; 1-microncoarsecoa-lescer; 0.01-micron ultrafine coalescer.

• Food packaging: 3-micron particulate filter; 0.01-micron finecoalescer; vapour adsorber.

• Pneumatic control systems: 3-micron particulate filter;0.01-micron fine coalescer.

• Process air: 1-micron coarse coalescer; 0.01-micron finecoalescer; vapour adsorber.

• Semiconductor packaging:3-micronparticulatefilter;0.01-mi-cron fine coalescer; vapour adsorber.Bearinmindthatcombinationsoffiltersdonotalwaysrequire

separate products. In some cases, different filter elements canbecombined,savingspaceandsimplifyingtheorderingprocess.Numatics Delta Series coalescing filters, for instance, have apleated 3-micron pre-filter available as an option, which caneliminate the need for a separate coarse particulate filter. Thistwo-in-one approach saves both space and money because theprefilter can share the same housing with the coalescing filter.

Filtration is part of a systemToo many machine builders and installers fail to consider airfiltration.Oriftheydo, it’s justanafterthought.Filtration’sbig-gestbenefits,however,comewhentheair filterandpneumaticcomponentsworktogetherasasystem.Onlythenwillthefilteroffer the maximum protection against contaminants while pre-serving pneumatic efficiency.

Matching the filtration technologies with specific pneumaticsystem can be daunting. So it’s helpful to seek out an experi-enced filtration supplier who can help strike the right balancebetween air quality and pneumatic system performance.

Industry spotlight: Proper filtration solves mouldy bread dilemmaFood and beverage processing requires compressed airfiltration to protect not just the pneumatics but also theproduct. Recently, a large commercial baker discoveredthat air filtration is an important ingredient in its breadmaking operation.

When trying to reduce unacceptable mould levels in thecompressed air lines at the plant, the baker’s process en-gineers discovered that the compressed air used to inflatebread bags and blow away the grains after the slicingprocess was also injecting mould spores drawn in by thecompressor.A5-micron filterhadbeen installedontheairsupply,butthisleveloffiltrationdoesnotstopmouldspores.

Tosolvetheproblem,aseriesofthreefilterswereaddedtothecompressedairsupply-aparticulatefiltertoremovewater and large particles, a 0.01-micron coalescing filterto eliminate the spores and other ultrafine particulate, andavapour-adsorbing filter to removeanyoil orhydrocarbonvapour.

After adding these filters, lab tests confirmed that themould spore count has been significantly reduced, extend-ing the bread’s shelf life. This three-filter solution is nowbeing evaluated as a standard for all machines across thecompany’s global baking facilities.

Ascomation Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U904






CAPS cuts Kilcoy’s costs

The Kilcoy Pastoral Company (Kilcoy) has drastically reducedenergyexpenditureinitsfacilitiesinQueenslandbyrefurbishingexistingplantandinstallingnewcompressorequipmentsuppliedbyCompressedAirandPowerSolutionsAustralia(CAPS).

Kilcoywasformedin1953tosupplylocalbutchersand,sincethat time, has grown to be one of the largest integrated beefprocessorsinAustralia.Eachyear,morethan260,000headofcattlepassthroughthecompany’sfacilitylocated100kilometresnorth-westofBrisbane.

KilcoysellsmeattothedomesticAustralianmarketandalsosuppliesitsprocessedbeefto20internationalmarkets,throughitsaccreditationwithAUS-MEATasanapprovedexporter.Thecompanyisalsoamajoremployer intheregionofSouth-EastQueenslandaroundthetownwhichgavethecompanyitsname.

In2011,afullenergyauditoftheKilcoyplantwasconductedbyEnergyEfficiencyServices(EES), a business division ofCAPS Australia. Compressedair is responsible for 10-15%of industrial electricity usenationwide. Analysis of theaudit results indicated therewere considerable savingsto be made by ensuring thecompressedairsystemswereenergyefficient.

According to John Pears,Queensland Sales Engineerfor CAPS, an Ingersoll RandNirvanaR160ne-Acompressorwas selected to achieve thisobjective.Thesystemsuppliesthecompressedairforthemeatprocessors,pumpsandtools,inadditiontothepackaginglines.

The Nirvana R160ne-A compressor features a variablespeed drive coupled with a controller with easily adjustableoperatingparameters,onboarddiagnosticsandabuilt-inenergysavings calculator. The unit also utilises a coolant curtain toreduce energy consumption by injecting atomised oil into thecompressedairstream,significantlyloweringtheenergyrequiredforcompression.

The Ingersoll Rand premium efficiency packages that aresuppliedwithNirvanacompressors allowcustomers toutilisethe full potential of VSD compressors through the use oftwo-stage airends. These deliver up to 15% more air than asingle-stagecompressorwhileconsumingthesameamountof


DeanGoode,KilcoyChiefExecutive,explainedthattheupgradeofitsaircompressorsystemwaspartoftheprocessor’songoingprogram to improve its performance and reduce plant carbonemissions.Thecommissioningofnewcompressors,alongwiththeinstallationofnewrefrigerateddryerandadditionalfiltrationsystems was the largest contributing factor in the company’senergycostsavings.“Eventhoughtheaverageplantcompressedairusagehasincreasedbyabout14%,therehasbeenanaverage

power reduction of 15% dueto the improved compressortechnology utilised,” Goodesaid.

“ We ’ re p ro u d o f o u rreputationandhaveworkedhardtoimproveoursustainability,”Goode added. “This upgradeis part of a continuing seriesof improvements aimed atd e l i ve r i n g wo r l d - c l a s senvironmentaloperations.”

QuentinStBaker,NationalManagerofEES,saidtheKilcoyupgradenotonlysubstantiallyboosts performance, but willalsohelptoimproveequipmentl i f e span and e l im ina te

production downtime. He estimated that the resulting aircompressorenergysavingswouldexceed40%andmaintenancecostswouldbereducedbyapproximately30%.


Kilcoy’sGoodesaidtheenergysavingsfromthecompressedair upgrade would probably recoup the company’s investmentwithinfouryears.

CAPS Australia Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U787



RUGGED RFID SYSTEMSSiemens is strengthening its RFID range in the UHF range with a range

of products including antennas, a mobile reader as well as heat-resistant,

compact data carriers in the Smart Label format, suitable for harsh environ-

ments including logistics, material handling and, increasingly, in production.

The Simatic RF640A antenna operates using circular polarisation, while

the Simatic RF642A uses linear polarisation - both with a dimension of

185 x 185 x 45 mm. Depending on the reader used, the range of these

antennas can be up to four metres. Meeting the requirements of protection

IP67 and designed for operating temperatures of -25 to +75°C, these

antennas are suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.

The Simatic RF680M mobile RFID reader includes a colour display with VGA resolution (640x480 pixels)

and an ergonomic keypad. With improved readability and single-handed operability due to the rearrange-

ment of keys, the reader has an increased transmit power (500 mW ERP), an improved CPU performance

(624 MHz) and expanded memory (1 GB Flash and 256 MB RAM). The programming interfaces allow the

customer to create their own RFID applications for the mobile reader, and can easily be integrated into

existing IT networks and infrastructures using the standard Windows CE operating system.

The Simatic RF680L Smart Label RFID data carrier can tolerate one hour at temperatures of up to

220°C or six hours at temperatures of up to 200°C, suitable for demanding industrial applications such

as painting lines and other high-temperature applications.

Siemens Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U635

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SCADA SOFTWARE UPDATEInduSoft Inc has released Service Pack 2 (SP2) for its

InduSoft Web Studio 7.1 software. SP2 provides native sup-

port of HTML5 screens and animation for multiple devices

and platforms, including Safari and Chrome browsers.

InduSoft Web Studio lets users create screens once

using the standard screen editor and then deploy these

screens across multiple operating systems, including iOS

and Android. Instead of waiting months for screens to

be developed for their device, InduSoft Web Studio 7.1

users can now instantly access screens on their various

handheld devices via the Studio Mobile Access interface.

Another important addition is the support of native

shapes such as lines, rectangles, polygons or ellipses.

Along with linked pictures, animations and active objects

such as buttons, check boxes and more, these features

render the screens for handheld devices to appear much

like those of on the larger displays commonly found on

PCs. SP2 also supports a wide range of images (BMP,

PNG, JPG, etc) and animation capabilities.

SP2 also provides built-in troubleshooting tools for the

native VBScript editor. These tools, such as breakpoints

and variable watch lists, make debugging much easier.

Breakpoints can be created for global procedures, script

tasks, graphic scripts and screen scripts. This lets users

debug a section of code and review the result, instead

of being forced to debug the entire code. Users can

also step through their VBScript code one line at a time

by using the Step Into, Step Over and Step Out tools.

Dominion Electronics

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U913

ALUMINIUM TWO-STAGE HELICAL BEVEL GEAR UNITSFor hygienically demanding applications, NORD Drivesystems sup-

plies aluminium two-stage helical bevel gear units in five sizes with

a maximum torque of 660 Nm that are easy to clean.

The washdown design is based on smooth inclined surfaces, and

has transitions with large radii without dead spaces and requires no

assembly covers. Cleaning liquids wash off easily and completely from

the surfaces, which also remain cooler than those of conventional

drives due to the special construction.

The design is suitable for use in the food industry and complies

with international guidelines and standards such as EHEDG, ANSI/

BISSC and ANSI/NSF. If required, the gear units

can be fitted with double shaft seals. They can

be ordered as open or closed frame versions

with hollow or solid shafts.

Designed according to the

proven Unicase principle,

the housings are torsion

resistant and withstand high

mechanical stress. With the

optional NSD tupH surface treatment, they

become highly resistant to corrosion as well as

acids and alkaline solutions.

NORD’s NSD tupH sealed surface conversion system is not a

coating, which means that no layers can peel. Instead, the process

transforms surfaces with up to seven times the hardness of the base

aluminium material. Thereby, the housings acquire robustness and

durability qualities that are similar to stainless steel versions, while

remaining lighter and more economic.

In addition to food industry processes, the gear units are also

suited to conveyor systems and hoists, especially in applications

where geared motors have to be moved and their light weight

becomes essential. All gear units can be combined with suitable

smooth-surface motors from NORD or other manufacturers.

NORD Drivesystems (Aust) Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U872

SEPTEMBER 2013 - WHAT'S NEW IN PROCESS TECHNOLOGY 35www.ProcessOnline.com.au


GAS ANALYSER CALIBRATION RIGThe Michell Instruments PCR portable calibration rig

is a mobile gas blender using premium mass flow

controllers housed in a tough transport case that can

be used for gas analyser calibration with a large variety

of applications and analysers. It can mix two or three

gases from air, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, meth-

ane and hydrogen, and is easily controllable so that

the perfect blend can be achieved for the application.

Provided the user has the appropriate gas cylinders

available, it is possible to ‘factory’ calibrate an analyser

such as the company’s XTP601. For example,

an analyser range of 0-10% O2 in N2 could be

calibrated with synthetic air and N2.

A field calibration of an analyser can be car-

ried out in under one hour including set-up time.

For a complete factory calibration, with multiple

calibration points (to change the range/back-

ground/both), four hours would be all that

is required. These timescales represent

a minimal downtime compared to the

alternative of sending the instrument

away for calibration.

Although the unit is designed for field

calibrations, it can also be used in a laboratory to

mimic changing process gases for research work.

AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U487

PRESSURE SENSORWIKA now offers updated options with its O-10

OEM pressure transmitter. Under the model

designation O-10 (5), the instrument is avail-

able with a five-fold overpressure safety and

resistance to condensation.

The overload capacity is mainly aimed at

applications in the market segments of water

supply and irrigation systems. It protects

the pressure sensor from possible damage

from the water-hammer effect that fast-switching

valves can cause.

In the near future, the O-10 pressure sensor will

also be available with a condensation-resistant housing. This

prevents the formation of condensation in the instrument, which

can occur where there is a distinct difference between the fluid

and the ambient temperature.

These options increase the durability, and thus the service

life, of the O-10 pressure sensor in critical applications.

WIKA Australia

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U636



ETHERNET CONFIGURATION TOOLMoxa’s MXconfig is a software utility for

configuring and deploying industrial network

devices. It can be used with a wide range of

Moxa industrial ethernet switches, and sup-

ports a broad range of features well suited

for industrial applications, including fast group

configuration and deployment, link sequence

detection, configuration overview and docu-

mentation, and user-privilege settings.

By being able to deploy the same con-

figuration settings, including IP addresses,

redundancy protocols and VLAN settings,

across multiple Moxa switches,

MXconfig significantly saves set-up time and

eliminates the inevitable configuration errors

that arise when configuration is done manually.

Configuration duplication is also available for

users to easily copy the configuration from one

device to a large number of other devices.

To ensure network availability while configur-

ing VLAN or redundancy settings, MXconfig

supports link sequence detection, which allows

users to prioritise devices according to physi-

cal distance, ensuring that each device will

be configured completely and in the proper

order. Configuration files can also be batch

exported or one-to-all imported for future

backup or quick reinstallation.

MXconfig provides three levels of privilege

security - Admin, Supervisor, and Operator -

giving users the ability to set and manage

critical functions that can have a large impact

on network performance, such as general

network settings, VLAN settings, redundancy

protocols, and factory defaults, with the added

versatility significantly enhancing management

flexibility and security.

For more details and to download the MX-

config software for free, visit Moxa’s website at


Madison Technologies

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U227

COMPRESSORSIngersoll Rand has expanded its contact-cooled rotary screw air compressor

line with the R-Series 55-75 kW range. The range is available with either fixed-

speed or Nirvana variable-speed drives at capacities up to 3.23-13.56 m3/min.

The R-Series machines are equipped with the Xe-Series controller, which

features a high-resolution colour LCD. The monitor provides immediate access

to all vital compressor data and settings. The controller also permits remote

control of the compressor from any PC, tablet or smartphone via the

internet and can send automatic email notifications of

trips and warnings to designated personnel.

The integrated Total Air System (TAS) dryer and filtra-

tion option provides clean, dry air in a single package,

reducing installation costs while allowing single-point

maintenance and monitoring for the whole system. The

Total Air System option comes with refrigerated dryer

technology and a high efficiency coalescing filter to deliver

ISO Class 1-4-2 quality air. The TAS option also uses a

3-in-1 heat exchanger, which improves energy efficiency and

lowers operating cost when compared to traditional stand-alone dryers.

Progressive Adaptive Control (PAC) protection is an integrated, intelligent

system that monitors filtration, ambient temperature and other parameters and

adapts the operation of the compressor in order to reduce energy consumption,

lower noise and increase uptime. V-Shield technology is a configuration using

stainless steel pipes, durable metal-flex hoses and a vibration isolation system

to eliminate possible leaks. Sequential cooling uses a centrifugal blower, which

uses much quieter cooling fans to consume less energy.

CAPS Australia Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U265

RUGGED IPAD CASE AND KEYBOARDThe iKey StreetCase is designed to instantly transform an

iPad into a rugged laptop. With the click of a button, an

iPad easily locks into the durable ABS polycarbonate

case, giving the user the protection of an industrial-

grade solution at a fraction of the cost. When closed,

the StreetCase fully shields the iPad from drops, vibration

and extreme temperatures. The case can even be submersed in water without

causing harm to the tablet.

The product has an integrated Bluetooth-compatible keyboard that is completely

sealed to withstand the elements. With three levels of red LED backlight, it can

always be seen clearly, even during night use. The keyboard has a micro USB

charging port built into the case, and can be used for two months on a single

charge. Along with a fully QWERTY layout, the product includes iPad-specific hot

keys for media controls, search function, home screen and locking.

Designed with corporate and government users in mind, the product has an

integrated VESA pattern on the bottom, which easily fits into existing vehicle

mounts. It is also available with an optional quick-release mount that allows the

user to go from in-vehicle use to the field in seconds.

The product has adjustable internal rails that can be locked into multiple viewing

angles. In addition, the case can be locked to prevent theft of the iPad. When in

the field, it can easily be carried with the robust handle or optional shoulder strap.

Interworld Electronics and Computer Industries

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U791



LARGE GUIDE TROUGHThe ‘guidefast’ guiding trough from igus has been devel-

oped especially for a lateral mounting to standard carriers

of industry and hall cranes, and the modular design and

a reduced number of components significantly reduce the

installation time.

The modular design simplifies the work of the installer

with every step including the use of special brackets that

are mounted via screw/thread or welding bolts, which al-

lows simple vertical fine-adjustment. The static cables can

be directly fixed to the integrated strain relief of the bracket

- considerably simplifying electrification and additional fix-

ings (eg, cable clips or hose clamps become redundant).

The energy chain is directly inserted into the guiding

trough including cables, and through the cable supply, the

installer can easily connect feeds wherever the situation re-

quires it. The use of prefabricated bore patterns accelerates

the installation since time-consuming measuring, drilling or

cutting is now unnecessary.

The trough is available in different materials such as

galvanised steel, stainless steel or black powdered steel


Treotham Automation Pty Ltd

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U528

REGULATORThe Rotork Fairchild Model 11 is a regulator

which offers high accuracy for applications

with very low output pressure ranges.

Available in five different ranges, the

regulator provides sensitivity of 0.05″

of water column (1.25 mm WC) for easy

setting and high repeatability.

The model delivers 24 SCFM (28 L/s) flow

capacity and is said to be well equipped to handle

difficult applications such as leak detection systems,

tank blanketing, air and gas sampling systems, analytical

equipment, test stands, and soil and sample testing.

Where envelope size must be minimised the regulator is a

suitable solution, as its diaphragm diameter is engineered for

optimum performance in a compact package. Tamper proof,

screw or standard knob actuation alternatives provide versatil-

ity and ease of use and with nitrile or optional fluorocarbon

elastomers, the regulator is suitable for many environments.

Rotork Australia

Contact info and more items like this at wf.net.au/U804

38 WHAT'S NEW IN PROCESS TECHNOLOGY - SEPTEMBER 2013 www.ProcessOnline.com.au


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Contact the editor

Garry Mahoney is the pacif ic director of Honeywell Process Solutions. He has over 35 years of experience in engineering, with a specific focus on instrumentation and process automation.

Garry joined Honeywell Process Solutions in 1981 and has held a variety of positions during this time, from support to project delivery and business development.


I f you are an operator in the resources industry, it is undeniable that the cost of doing business in Australia and New

Zealand is rising. A higher price for labour, more taxes and greater regulation have all increased the cost of extracting resources from the ground. At Honeywell, we know that many of our clients are facing tighter budgets, with a need to return operating costs to levels seen before the global fi-nancial crisis.

For businesses, staying ahead in this environment clearly means doing more with less. It’s a careful balance; you must adopt strategies to drive down costs but at the same time increase yields and meet the rapid pace of market pressures. As a result, operators are not only looking to increase the efficiency of their production process, but also reduce the long-term total cost of ownership (TCO) of automation assets.

A concept first coined by the IT industry more than 20 years ago, TCO has become more important than ever for industrial organisations of all sizes. But unlike with traditional IT systems, determining TCO in the process automation field has unique requirements. It must account for long and variable life cycles, necessary reliability, platform switching costs, possible disruption to operations when changes are made, and the costs of training staff so users can be proficient with new equipment. It needs to consider risks and efficiencies in process applications, the value of flexibility and scalability, and also align with strategic process project goals.

For plant owners, it’s just as important to recognise what TCO doesn’t do as it is to understand its primary function. TCO does not calculate the overall value of a technological purchase, or return on invest-ment. Rather, it shows manufacturers how much they can expect to spend during an

automation asset’s full life cycle. It only looks at the cost side of the equation.

In order to avoid complications brought about by shorter life cycles, plants need an approach to TCO which closely aligns the automation life span with that of plant process assets. Focusing on product life cycle issues, for instance, can help users utilise legacy control hardware and software alongside newer distributed control systems.

By looking at the total value of ownership (TVO), plant owners can incorporate total benefits attained (TBA) such as increases in throughput, yield and productivity and balance this with the total cost of owner-ship (TVO = TBA – TCO). And by evaluating TCO in relation to TBA and TVO, users can migrate legacy control assets at their own pace. Additionally, facilities can remain with certain platforms for longer periods of time.

In many ways, TCO has become just as critical to plant operations as having the right instrumentation, process control system, advanced process control applications and manufacturing execution systems to create an interconnected facility that brings the right information to the right people. Maximising the life cycles of all these systems is the most important factor to lowering TCO and truly impacting the bottom line.


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