wheeled loaders, hydraulic attachments, tyres and traction chain focus

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Wheeled Loaders,HydraulicAttachments, Tyres& Traction Chains

April 2012


PF issue-21 [April 2012] 16/4/12 17:59 Page 1

Wheeled loaders have become a familiar sightin the UK waste and recycling industry. Yetwaste operators have consistently struggled tomaintain uptime due to dust clogging up theirmachinery. Until now that is. More and morecustomers are now turning to Bell Equipment,whose loaders are making heads turn.

The UK waste and recycling industry provides aninvaluable service in keeping our nations clean andgreen.

Yet the end result belies the harsh and dusty workingconditions experienced across the sector. This isparticularly true of indoor recycling plants.

While the human operators protect themselves from dustyatmospheres with face masks and goggles, wheeledloader manufacturers have mostly failed to provide theperfect solution in preventing airborne debris frombuilding up in engines and cooling systems.

The problem causes expensive downtime and excessivemachine maintenance.

But, in 2009, Bell Equipment introduced its six-strongrange of wheeled loaders to the UK, and customers havebeen increasingly impressed; not only by the higher-than-average standard specifications and power but by theirability to keep on working in the very harshest of wastehandling environments.

The secret lies primarily in Bell's unique QuadCoolcooling system, which keeps the internal mechanics cleanand operational, whatever type of environment theloaders are operating in.

New West Gypsum Recycling, based in Avonmouth,Bristol, is a prime example of where Bell loaders haveshone.

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The company, which operates from anindustrial estate in St Andrews Road,provides the harshest test for anymachinery. Its core task involves breakingup used or damaged plasterboard andturning it to calcium sulphate powder,which is then delivered to Lafarge tomake new plasterboard.

The operation, which processes between500 and 1,000 tonnes of material perweek, takes place inside a shed that isconstantly shrouded in a cloud of whitedust.

In 2010, New West Gypsum trialled aBell loader when it was looking to replacean existing machine from anothermanufacturer. The trial went well and theplant now operates two Bell L1506Ewheeled loaders.

Bob Curd, UK operations manager forNew West Gypsum Recycling, said: “Ourworking environment would challenge anymachine, but we've noticed a hugedifference with the Bells due to theQuadCool system. We've certainly seen areduction in downtime.”

“Whereas we were continually having toblow out our previous loaders, we couldnow get away with doing it every otherday if we had to. They're fantasticmachines.”

The story is similar at Premier Waste, inPerry Barr, Birmingham, which operatesone of the largest indoor recyclingfacilities in the country. Premier Wastesegregates virtually all types ofconstruction, demolition and municipalwaste, including plastics, wood, metals,soils and aggregates.

Mark Jones, of Premier Waste, said hewas immediately interested in looking at aBell loader when he first came acrossthem at the 2010 Hillhead exhibition. Hetrialled a demo machine and purchased anew L1706E with high-tip bucket.

Mr Jones said: “It's got great build qualityand many people commented on howrobust it looked. It is all-singing-and-dancing - the fact it came with all theadded extras as standard was also veryimportant.

After performing 6,000 hours of servicein around 12 months, Premier Waste hasnow traded-in the original machine for anew L1706E plus a slightly smallerL1506E”.

“Other loaders we've operated have had problems with fansclogging up due to the working environment,” said Mr Jones.“But as soon as I saw the QuadCool system on Bell's loaders Irealised it was possible to overcome this problem”.

“We would generally need to clean our other machines three orfour times a day, but with the QuadCool we now do it once aday at the end of each shift. We probably don't even need to doit that often. We've definitely saved on downtime.”

The QuadCool system was designed by John Deere, whichmanufactures Bell's loaders in the US to UK specifications. It wasinitially designed to counter the airborne debris common in theUS agricultural market.

QuadCool places the wide-core radiator, transmission, axle,hydraulic and air-to-air coolers in a separate compartment to theengine. The individual mounting of wide-core radiators on Bell'sloader range eliminates debris collection in between radiators,which is common in other manufacturers' machines.

With the E-Series loaders, steel access panels have fine meshscreens to filter cooling air as it enters the QuadCool system. Theholes in the screen are substantially smaller than the wide-coreradiators, so any debris drawn in passes straight through thesystem, thus extending intervals between cleaning - andincreasing up-time.

Included “as standard” in the QuadCool system is the automaticreversing fan and a proportional fan speed, which operatesindependently to the engine.

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It is a system which has not failed toimpress a growing number of Bellcustomers in the waste and recyclingsector, many of whom were unfamiliarwith the strong reputation Bell hadalready established with its articulateddump trucks.

Industry leader Görrel purchased 12 Bellloaders in 2011 following a successfuldemo at a wood recycling plant inManchester.

Mike Haskell, general manager of Görrel,said: “The extremely dusty environmentwas intentionally chosen to really put theBell machines through their paces.

Other loaders operating on that particularsite have experienced severe overheatingproblems due to the airborne debrisclogging up the system, leading to a lotof downtime for cleaning andmaintenance.

The Bell L1706E loader that was trialledperformed impressively and was stillspotlessly clean after the end of thedemo.”

Other Bell loaders have been purchasedby the likes of Tom Waste Solutions inScotland, Slough Heat & Power (Scottish& Southern Energy), Earthline andBrewsters Waste Management in EastLondon.

Without exception, every one of them hasbeen impressed with the Bells and,particularly, with the way the QuadCoolsystem overcomes the problems of debrisbuild-up in indoor applications.

Brewsters Waste Management bought its L1806E loader from Bellafter having a larger L2106E machine on hire from Görrel.

Part-owner Steven Brewster said: “It's a beautiful machine - and forthe price and the extras you'd have to be silly not to look at it. Thereversing fan works perfectly. With the machines we've had beforewe would need to blow them out every other day; but even afterhaving the Bell machine for three weeks, it still didn't need it.That's pretty impressive when, apart from a coal mine, I don'tthink you can get a harsher, dustier environment than this.”

Slough Heat & Power, a subsidiary of Scottish & Southern Energy,purchased three new Bell L1806E loaders to work in its woodchipand waste-derived fuel processing sites, once again after triallinga machine on site.

John Watson, national fuel manager (waste and biomass) for SSE,said: “The Bell machines have proved to be much better atworking in our environment than any other machine on the market.There are few harsher conditions that a wheeled loader canoperate in.”

He added: “If you look at what is available in the market place atthe moment, and if I had to replace the machines today, I wouldmore than likely replace them with Bells.”

As Bell ventures deeper into the waste and recycling market, it isfinding that its loaders, which range from the L1204E up to theL2606E, are having an even more positive effect on customeroperations and efficiencies than it ever imagined when it launchedthe new loaders.

Neville Paynter, managing director of Bell Equipment UK, said:“The machines are genuinely well-designed, robust and reliable,and from the outset we decided to offer the highest standard specon the market. Yet it is the QuadCool system which has made thereally big difference in the waste and recycling industry. It'sfantastic to receive such positive endorsements from some of thebiggest players in the sector.”

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process of retreading earthmover and mining tyres will always generate'waste', what Kal Tire have indentified and reacted upon is that thisdiscarded material (primarily rubber compound 'crumb' buffed from thetyres prior to retreading or repair) may have a secondary use.

Hysteresis testing has been introduced for a trial period to determine if thereclaimed materials can be reused, together with other raw materials andcompounds, in the manufacturing process.

As Wayne Cornell said "This initiative again highlights Kal Tire's continualcommitment towards recycling and environmental efficiency - after all,'retreading is recycling'."

Tyre Repairs

The global nature of the Kal Tire Mining Tire Group is such that thetransfer of manufacturing or service principles, together with products andsupplies, has opened many new avenues for process improvements.

Large tyre injuries have always been a concern - the side wall or treaddamage that exposes or breaks large areas of the tyres infrastructure hasalways been a major health and safety issue.

Perhaps more prevalent in the North American mining environment,Canadian tyre repair component specialists have started a 'major injuries'training programme for Kal Tire's UK repair technicians and a number oftyres will be out on trial shortly. "If these larger repairs prove successfulthen again, we will be giving our customer the chance to extend their tyrelife, at a fraction of the replacement cost" said Wayne Cornell.

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Kal Tire UKprove it takesmore than justrubber toproduce qualityretreadearthmover tyresRetread manufacturing at Kal Tire MiningTire Group's UK plant has shown thatdespite global raw material costsincreasing and a major shortage of goodcasings to retread, a quality product willalways be in demand, with more than1.3 million pounds of rubber compoundused and in excess of 3,000 tyresproduced over the past 12 months.Whilst the actual manufacturing output hasshown the results for the year, it is theinfrastructure that has been put in place overthe past three years, the initiatives introducedand adhered to and the performance of themanufacturing team, that have all contributedto the outstanding results.


The manufacturing facility, located at KalTire's UK head office, near Alfreton,Derbyshire, houses state of the art retreadingmachinery. New mould matrixs, satisfycustomer demand for different tyre size treadpatterns plus a refurbished semi automatictyre builder to work alongside the recentlypurchased fully automated builder, take thevalue of the equipment to in excess of£4million.

"We have a continual improvementprogramme in the factories" said UK andGhana Manufacturing Manager WayneCornell "and we will continue to look andfind ways to improve the efficiency andeffectiveness of the whole process".

LEAN Initiative

Introduced 3 years ago into the Alfretonfactory following research and developmentby UK Managing Director Darren Flint, theLEAN initiative has made a significantcontribution to performance since then.

The core components of the initiative centrearound the '5 S's philosophy' - sort, set inorder, shine, standardise and sustain. DarrenFlint added "We are delighted with the waythe manufacturing team have taken theinitiative on to improve many aspects of thefactory. The bottom line is simple - reduce allforms of 'waste' be that material waste, effort,energy, time etc. - it is a case of recognisingwhere there is waste, and doing somethingabout it".

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At Intermat, Doosan InfracoreConstruction Equipment is launching thenew generation DL300-3, DL350-3,DL420-3, DL450-3 and DL550-3 largewheel loaders. Powered by Scania SCRdiesel engines meeting the Stage IIIB EUemissions regulations, the new largewheel loaders combine high enginepower output with new ZF transmissionsand several other features to minimise fuelconsumption and provide exceptionalperformance, ease of handling,serviceability, durability and significantlyenhanced operator comfort.With bucket capacities ranging from 3.0to 5.5 m3, the new Doosan large wheelloaders are intended to meet a widerange of material-handling needs fromloading and transporting granularmaterial (such as sand and gravel) toindustrial, mining and quarryingapplications.The DL300-3 and DL350-3 wheel loadersare driven by the 9-litre Scania DC09SCR 5-cylinder diesel engine delivering amaximum power output of 202 kW at1800 rpm, whilst the DL420-3, DL450-3and DL550-3 models are powered by thelarger 13-litre Scania DC13 SCR 6-cylinder diesel engine delivering 'best inclass' power and engine torque, withmaximum power outputs of 264, 264and 283 kW at 1800 rpm, respectively.Lower Fuel Consumption

Many of the features of the newgeneration large wheel loadershave been developed tooptimize fuel efficiency. SCRtechnology reduces fuelconsumption by about 10%compared to similar sizemachines with EGRtechnology. Resale isalso better as it is easyto reset to Stage IIengines for use inemerging markets.

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Doosan NewGenerationLarge WheelLoaders

The new large wheel loaders have three engine working modes:ECO, NORMAL and POWER, to adapt the machine to differentapplications, with different engine speeds and gear stepsaccording to the working mode engaged. With the 'Power-Up'function, the operator can manually adjust to the next highestworking mode by applying a full stroke of the accelerator pedal.With this function, the operator can travel in moderate NORMALmode and switch to POWER mode when it is really needed,such as when taking material from a pile. This capability helps toreduce fuel consumption. The ECO Bar provides informationabout fuel consumption in relation to machine performance inreal-time, allowing the operator to select the driving profile forthe best fuel efficiency.The operator can set a password for machine start. If Auto Idleis activated, engine speed goes down about 200 rpm after 10seconds if there is no machine movement. Auto Idle is ideal forapplications with long waiting times, such as truck loading.Thanks to Auto Idle, fuel consumption is reduced by up to 8%. All new generation Doosan large wheel loaders are equippedwith load-sensing controlled, variable hydraulic piston pumps,improving performance and reducing fuel consumption. Withload sensing, the hydraulic pumps receive a signal from theMCV informing how much oil is needed. This helps to save onengine performance. With the clutch cut-off system engaged, the driver is able todisconnect the transmission from the engine by operating thebrake pedal, to have 100% engine performance for thehydraulic system. As a result, movements are faster, breakoutforce is maximized and fuel consumption is reduced.All new generation Doosan large wheel loaders are equippedwith a torque-converter-cut-off (TCCO) system which, whenactivated, is switched on automatically. This provides a directmechanical connection between the engine and transmissionwithout loss of power and torque by the torque converter. Testsshow that fuel consumption is up to 10% lower with increasedtraction compared with conventional systems. In contrast to thedrive systems on other machines, the TCCO can be engaged

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even in 2nd to 5th gear, not just in thehighest gear. This makes the TCCO moreefficient.New ZF 5-gear transmission

The new ZF 5-gear transmission improvesthe transfer of power from the engine tothe wheels and contributes significantly tothe overall reduction in fuel consumption.The change from four to five gearsprovides better response andacceleration, especially on slopes.Engine speed variation is less thanks tosmaller gear steps, and lower enginespeed throughout the whole drive rangereduces fuel consumption. Thanks tohigher shift quality, noise levels are lowerwhile driving performance andproductivity have been increased. A lock-up-clutch also helps to reduce fuelconsumption.New ZF limited slip Type II differentialaxles provide more durability and alonger lifetime. Rolling resistance for theaxles is also reduced, improving tractionand decreasing fuel consumption. As anoption, customers can choose ZF axleswith a hydraulic differential lock. Thisfunction is engaged via the operatorpedal or in automaticmode, depending on

the torque resistance in 1st and 2nd gear. The advantage of thehydraulic lock system is that it has less rolling resistancecompared to the limited slip system.The radiator fan is hydraulically driven and controlled by anECU. Changing the fan direction for cleaning the radiator canbe done manually from the cab, without having to switch off theengine. Fan reverse intervals (30 minutes to 2 hours) can be setvia the menu. High Operator Comfort

A new cab design features improvements both outside - such asbetter visibility due to a wider front glass section and anextended wiper blade area, better protection thanks to largermud guards, improved hand rail and step designs and a newroof cover - as well as inside - such as the new instrument panelwith integrated vehicle control unit (VCU). The control panel has been redesigned to allow the operator tochoose the information they want on the display. Using the MainMenu, the operator has access to several functions and machineinformation. Pressure, temperature and engine speed can bemonitored in real time. Detailed operating information isavailable via the Special Menu. The new wheel loaders will have Grammer seats, which arevertically as well as horizontally air suspended. This design,which cushions movements to the front and the rear, isrecommended by orthopedic consultants and is well accepted byoperators.

By relocating the reservoir for the wiper water to the outsideof the cab, space inside has been increased, providing

more foot room. The air conditioning system is regulatedautomatically by a temperature sensor.

To keep cans and food fresh, a new coolingcompartment is standard. There is also more storageroom behind the seat.

Durability and Serviceability

All Doosan new generation large wheel loadershave as standard the SKF Vogel Auto Lubricationsystem. This system increases operational hoursand extends the lifetime of the machine.

The lift arm has been strengthened with 10%thicker metal in the arm and the tilt lever.

An automatic front control system allowsthe operator to save one low and onehigh position. The boom raise 'kick out'function reduces cycle times and

increases operator comfort. 'Return to dig'positions can also be saved.

New kinematics and a larger cylinder on the liftarm have allowed the main pressure in the front

hydraulic system to be increased by up to 40 - 70 bar,depending on the machine size, with a corresponding

increase in breakout and lifting forces of up to 5%.A larger opening angle for the side door improves serviceability.A 90° swing-out fan with swing-out side doors provides easyaccess to the rear for cleaning the new one block radiator. Theoperator can set and monitor the time remaining to the nextservice. If the maintenance period is exceeded, a pop-upwarning will appear. Increased space in the engine compartmentensures that components such as filters, valves and batteries arewithin easy reach for service work. For more information about Doosan construction equipment,visit the website: www.doosanequipment.eu

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Geith, a world leader in the design andmanufacture of couplers and attachmentproducts for excavators, is launching newsafety-focused, automatic quick couplers fora range of excavator sizes. Thanks to theirquality, reliability, durability and lowmaintenance, Geith couplers are among thevery best in the industry.

The new QC35/40 hydraulic coupler isdesigned for use on mini-excavators from 2 to4 tonne in weight and expands the range ofGeith couplers to cover excavators from 2 to90 tonne.

These fully automatic couplers ensure a safechangeover of attachments without the needfor the operator to leave the excavator cab.A patented double pin locking system ensuresthat the coupler retains the attachment in asafe position even if there is a loss of power.

Clearly visible from the cab, the front safetylock is activated by a powerful spring andhydraulic cylinder. This design offers a clearadvantage over gravity systems, which isespecially important when working in verydifficult and dirty environments.

As safety is a core value at Geith, thecompany is participating in the ISO WorkingGroup aiming to create a new InternationalQuick Coupler Standard, which is scheduledfor publication in 2013. Since the newStandard is still under development, nocompany can claim to be compliant.However, Geith has ensured that all itscouplers comply fully with all current nationalstandards and safety regulations, and willcontinue to do so in the future.

The focus on safety has led to increasedcomplexity in some coupler systems,compromising on reliability and performance.By contrast, Geith has continued to focus ondeveloping the simplest, most reliable andsafest couplers with few moving parts and nogrease points so there is a limited need formaintenance.

Viby preparing forUK growthViby Attachment is using Hillhead as a further boost for arecord increase in UK market activity this year.The Danish attachment manufacturer has already seen UK salesincrease by more than thirty per cent in the first quarter of 2012compared with the same time last year, and it believes Hillheadwill help to reinforce this growth trend.

Andrew Little, UK sales manager for Viby, said: “During therecession many customers have understandably tightened theirpurse strings, and either delayed buying new equipment or boughtcheaper.

“The cheaper options, however, typically mean a compromise inquality. We've always had a reputation for high quality and, as aresult, we are now seeing a significant uplift in sales of ourproducts.

“Viby attachments are, unashamedly, built to last, so in the medium-to- long-term, will provide unrivalled value for money. I think ourcustomers recognise this.”

Viby will be showcasing a range of its attachments at Hillhead,both on its stand (B28) and in the quarry demo area.

Visitors will be able to see a selection of Viby's unique High-Tipand GP buckets for wheeled loaders, which have eachexperienced a major growth in interest from the UK waste &recycling markets as well as the traditional construction andearthmoving sectors.

Viby will also display a heavy duty rock bucket, one of which isalso likely to be working in the quarry demo area on one of itscustomers' excavators.

Volvo has also confirmed that it will be using a 3m3 Viby High-Tipbucket with Top Grab on a new L60G wheeled loader in the demoarea, and Bell will also be giving a Viby bucket a run-out on oneof its demo loaders.

Little said: “Hillhead is always an excellent exhibition, and it hasfallen at just the right time for us - when interest from UK customerswho recognise the value of durability is at an all-time high.”

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Geith LaunchesNew AutomaticCouplers atIntermat

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A trio of machines from CaseConstruction Equipment is helping toincrease productivity and reduce fuelcosts for one of the UK's leading woodprocessing and recycling specialists.Barnsley-based Case dealer WarwickWard has supplied two new Case 821F XR Waste Spec Wheel Loaders and aTX130-45 Waste Spec Telehandler to RPlevin & Sons for use in their Elkesleyprocessing plant in Nottinghamshire.

Elkesley is one of three sites that in totalcollect, process and distribute in excess of600,000 tonnes of wood a year, which isthen used to make biomass fuel,composite wood products and animalbedding.

The three machines are used to handlewood waste coming into the plant as wellas processed fibre stockpiled at the site.Working 2 shifts per day up to 6 days perweek in dry, dusty environments, themachines were chosen primarily for theirdurability, productivity and fuel efficiency.

The Case 821 FXR wheel loader is one ofthree F-Series loaders introduced last year.Equipped with a 6.7 litre Tier 4 interimcertified diesel engine, the F Seriesloaders offer increased horsepower andtorque output while selective catalyticreduction (SCR) technology ensures theymeet the latest emissions regulations.. Thehigh lift arm machines are fitted with 8m3

High Tip buckets.

Designed with the operators in mind the821F range is equipped with a spaciousoperator's cab, ensuring unobstructedviews to both edges of the bucket while awide window and sloping engine cover

ensure excellent visibility to the rear.

Ergonomically placed controls and a fully adjustable seat guarantees acomfortable, stress-free environment for the operator

The award-winning Case Joystick Steering system lets operators moveseamlessly between the joystick and the steering wheel for highproduction operations, while the Case PowerInch feature assists theoperator in tight loading areas, regardless of engine speed, providingfull power to the loader arms and bucket cylinders.

“The two 821F XR loading shovels are working two shifts from 6o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock at night over five days andsometimes six” says Dean Ashton, Group Engineering Director withPlevins.

“I look at having the least machines as possible and having them workas long as they can” he adds.

To find the right machines, Plevins undertook an exhaustive selectionprocess which eventually led to the company abandoning its previouspolicy of running a Volvo-only fleet. “We looked at every factor andcame to the conclusion that Case was our best option for fuel returns,loading capability, manoeuvrability and durability” says Mr Ashton.

Plevins quickly formed a close working relationship with local Casedealer Warwick Ward. “Wood recycling business is highlyspecialised”, explains Mr Ashton. “We went through the spec in detailwith Warwick Ward and they met that spec, met delivery times andhave been extremely supportive at all stages”.

“We expected the operators to be a bit of a stumbling block, havingused the same machines for past 20 years, but they were very quicklyon board” he adds. “They were impressed with the better visibility andoverall performance, especially when pushing the stockpiles andloading high sided vehicles”.

Another deciding factor for Plevins was the rear-mounted engine on theCase machines. “This meant the weight distribution was better and theydon't have to carry a big counterbalance weight” explains Mr Ashton.

Furthermore, with the cooling system positioned behind the cab, there isalso less risk of the engines overheating in the very dusty environment inwhich the machines work. “The cooling elements remain clear and theoperators don't have to keep stopping work to clean the radiators asthey did with the traditional machines” explains Mr Ashton.

In addition to the two 821 FXR shovels, Plevins has also taken deliveryof a new TX130-45 telescopic handler which will undertake generalduties about the site. Like the F-Series loaders, the TX range telehandlersare suitable for heavy duty applications, highly manoeuvrable andproductive. Its 13 m telescopic boom gives unrivalled lift height and,when equipped with a high tipping bucket, the TX130-45 is an idealgeneral materials handling machine.

“The telehandler is ideal for our bulk low-density material. We put alarge 4m3 bucket on it to deal with chipping operations and we canuse it for loading high-sided vehicles if ever one of the loading shovelswere unavailable” says Mr Ashton.

“On top of that we can use it for general use around the facility, eitherfor lifting with the forks or, with the rear hitch, pulling the fuel bowsersaround.”

Since taking delivery of the three vehicles late last year, Plevins hasnoticed a dramatic drop in fuel consumption at the site, says Mr Ashton:“We're using far less fuel with the new Case products than wetraditionally have.”

Lower fuel consumption not only saves money but also saves time.Capable of working longer on a single tankful, the Case machinesneed fewer interruptions for refuelling on a daily basis.

RecyclingSpecialist GoesFor Case

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Do you want to reduce operatingcosts, decrease downtime andincrease prodictivity? If yes noneed to look any further. RUDChains can help make this areality with their innovative tyreprotection chains and latesttechnological advances.

Profitable productivity is vital forcompanies in all sectors operatingin such turbulent economicclimates, ensuring a high level ofcompetitive advantage is achievedthrough the quality and price ofproducts. This concept mostcertainly applies to heavyindustries such as quarrying,materials handling and recycling toname a few.

Where loading and hauling is acentral component of an operation,optimizing plant availability is thekey to success, and this successdepends on skilled staff and arigorous maintenance schedulewith particular attention being paidto the tyres. A good plant managerwill make certain that both staffand machines are well protected,for without a full set of sound tyres,just as without a skilled operator, aloader or truck is simply anexpensive, idle lump of metal.

RUD a leading manufacturer of tyreprotection chains have workedalongside many heavy operatorsacross numerous industries such asquarrying, mining, recycling and

many more. They retain adedicated approach to providinga complete solution to thecompanies they work with. Theirmain objectives are to firstly reduceoperating costs, decreasedowntime and most importantlyincrease overall productivity.

A comprehensive installation andmaintenance programme is anessential factor in delivering longterm benefits from a tyre protectioninvestment. RUD offer a high levelof technical advice, support andservice for tyre protection projectsfrom start to finish and throughout.

Predominantly RUD provide aproduct specialist to determine achain design that meets your

specific needs and requirements ofyour working environment. Thecorrect selection of tyre protectionchains is determined by manyparameters which are mostly siteand application specific. Thesefactors would include issues likemachine travel speeds, distances,and abrasiveness of the surfaces.

RUD's tyre protection chains usecase hardened alloy chains linkedin patented designs to provide ahigh level of tyre protection andtraction qualities. As a marketleader in tyre protection chainsRUD have a high level of technicalknow - how and a comprehensiveproduct range.

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Tyre Protection Chains -Providing the UltimateAdvantages to yourOperating Process

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There are numerous benefits to usingRUD's top quality tyre protectionchains such as three wear levels toprovide a greater wear resistance,sharp edges on the outer surface toincrease traction and multiple linkdesigns to suit a wide range ofaggressive and low traction surfaces.The designs and benefits vary toeach project and specificrequirements.

RUD's innovative tyre protectionchains ensure that customers indemanding working environments canoperate effectively and safely.Working machines in areas with fireand hot slag conditions can be verydangerous and lead to loss ofequipment through burnt tyres. WithRUD's tyre protection chains they offerspecially developed hardened forgedwear links which guarantee optimaltyre protection in the use on hot andburning surfaces.

RUD pride themselves in being amarket leader in the tyre protectionchains market and also being at theforefront of the latest revolutionarytechnological innovations. RUD'slatest advanced innovation is TheChain Monitoring System (CMS).CMS is the first system of its kind toutilise the proven Radio FrequencyIdentification (RFID) technology in tyreprotection chain applications. TheCMS enables technicians toelectronically capture live service andperformance data on site. This thenallows the technicians to providevaluable tailored reporting resulting inefficient and quick decisions onoptimising machines.

Primarily the CMS providestechnicians and operators with a highlevel of reporting data helping themmaximise their tyre protection chainsthrough: increased safety and tractionfrom less tyre change outs, increasedmachine availability due to reduceddowntime, tyre damage and repair.The benefits are countless, one of themost important factors being thereduced operating expenses fromlower fuel burn and less tyrereplacements.

RUD offer standard and specialised applications to meet thespecific demands and requirements of your workingenvironments. As a leading manufacturer and innovativeproduct provider you can be confident in the decision thatRUD will deliver top quality products, unrivalled support andtechnical advice to help meet even the most demandingcircumstances.

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