where did all that stimulus money actually go?


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Post on 28-Mar-2015




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More than two years after the fact, President Obama’s partisan $800 billion “stimulus” bill is still as controversial as it was when it was first signed into law in February 2009. The bottom line is that there is little evidence to support that the Obama stimulus plan was anything but a lesson in how to waste almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer funds. So, where did the money go?


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Where Did All That Stimulus Money Actually Go?

A Look Back

More than two years after the fact, President Obama’s partisan $800 billion “stimulus” bill is still as

controversial as it was when it was first signed into law in February 2009. Millions of Americans

have written it off as an abject failure. Millions more continue to wait for the jobs they were

promised by their President. As you recall, the bill was rushed through the legislative process

without real bipartisan support, and little debate or consideration of any kind. Questions asking

how the plan would actually work and succeed were largely pushed aside. The Obama

Administration told the American people that if the stimulus bill was signed into law, unemployment

wouldn’t go above 8 percent. As it turns out, last month was the first time the unemployment rate

was under 9 percent since April of 2009. The bottom line is that there is little evidence to support

that the Obama stimulus plan was anything but a lesson in how to waste almost a trillion dollars in

taxpayer funds.

So, where did the money go?

The Basics

For starters, the Obama Administration’s stimulus website, www.recovery.gov, is about as easy to

navigate as the icebergs of the North Atlantic. For obvious reasons, providing user-friendly

information is not in the administration’s best interests. This practice has become typical inside our

federal government, regardless of who is in charge. At any rate, here are the basics, as far as we can


The $787 billion stimulus bill was divided into three main parts in terms of how the money is being

spent. $288 billion is being spent on “tax benefits”; $224 billion is being spent on “entitlements”;

and $275 billion is being spent on “contracts, grants, and loans.” To date, the following percentage

of funds in the three areas has been spent:

• $259.9 billion out of $288 billion (90 percent) of the funds dedicated to “tax benefits” have

been spent.

• $184.4 billion out of $224 billion (82 percent) of the funds dedicated for “entitlements” have

been spent.

• $180.5 billion out of $275 billion (66 percent) of the funds dedicated for “contracts, grants,

and loans” have been spent.

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• $624.8 billion out of $787 billion (79 percent) in total stimulus funds have been spent. (*92

percent of the $787 billion has been “made available.”)

$512 Billion In Stimulus Funds Not Subject To Tight Reporting Requirements

What these basic statistics amount to is that only 35 percent of all stimulus funds ($275 billion out of

$787 billion) were actually appropriated for the “contract, grants, and loans” that were supposed to

help with job creation. Also, while this $275 billion was subject to so-called “tight” reporting

requirements, the other $512 billion for “tax benefits” and “entitlements” was not!

According to OMBWatch.org, “About one-third of Recovery Act spending, the discretionary funding

(“contracts, grants, and loans”), is subject to the tight reporting requirements and provides monetary

resources for infrastructure, research, green energy, and other projects…The other two-thirds of

Recovery Act spending include entitlement spending and tax expenditures. Entitlements are direct

payments to people, such as unemployment insurance, COBRA health insurance benefits, and one-

time Social Security payments; tax expenditures are the tax credits and deductions authorized by the

act…Congress exempted these entitlement payments and tax cuts from the Recovery Act reporting

requirements largely for privacy reasons.”

For example, according to The New York Times, the Internal Revenue Service has no way of knowing

if billions in tax benefits available through the stimulus are being rightfully claimed: “Thousands of

American taxpayers incorrectly claimed more than $500 million in tax benefits under the Obama

administration’s tax break for first-time home buyers, a government watchdog report said…That

finding was one part of a report by the inspector general for tax administration that said the Internal

Revenue Service does not know whether the majority of the $312 billion in tax breaks available

through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are being claimed legitimately. The report

said that for businesses and individual taxpayers claiming tax relief under the 2009 act, ‘the IRS is

unable to verify eligibility for the majority of Recovery Act benefits at the time a tax return is


Congressional Reports On Stimulus Waste

When the Democrats were in control of Congress over the past two years and conducting no

oversight, thankfully Senator Coburn released three reports (June 2009, December 2009, and August

2010) highlighting 300 wasteful stimulus projects or expenditures worth more than $11 billion. In

our opinion, it’s abundantly clear that the necessary safeguards to limit the misuse of stimulus funds

were not built into the legislation. This is what happens when our leaders make rushed decisions

with unprecedented amounts of taxpayer dollars.

Stimulus Spending Per Congressional District

Citizens United recently completed a study analyzing stimulus spending by congressional district

based upon information provided on www.recovery.gov. For the purposes of this study, we

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included the District of Columbia as a congressional district because it received substantial stimulus

funds. Here is a summary of the findings.

• More than $255 billion has been sent to congressional districts for “contract, grants, and


• 48 out of 436 (11 percent) congressional districts received $1 billion or more. 5 of these 48

districts are statewide districts.

• Of the 100 congressional districts that received the most stimulus money, 76 of those seats

are currently held by Democrats or were held by Democrats at the time of the stimulus


• Average funds received per congressional district: more than $589 million.

• More than $169 billion in stimulus funds went to Democrat districts for an average of $655

million per district.

• More than $87 billion in stimulus funds went to Republican districts for an average of $494

million per district.

• Most funds received: $5,431,143,598 to Rep. Doris Matsui’s district (D-CA, 5th district).

• Least funds received: $36,034,679 to Rep. Anthony Weiner’s district (D-NY, 9th district).

Important New Legislation To Refund Unspent Stimulus Funds

Scores of fiscally conservative Americans believe it would be a smart idea to return the more than

$160 billion in unspent stimulus funds. Regardless of the outrageous trillion dollar figures we’ve

become accustomed to during the Obama Era, $160 billion is still a huge amount of money and it is

worth going after and should be put toward deficit reduction. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Rep.

Sean Duffy (R-WI) recently introduced legislation aiming to do exactly that.


President Obama’s stimulus plan has failed and his ultra-partisan approach in passing the legislation

set the tone for his presidency. Looking at the staggering amounts of taxpayer funds each

congressional district received for so few positive results is a disgrace. The mainstream media’s

refusal to thoroughly investigate the stimulus bill is shameful. Going forward, it is critically

important for the Congress to stop payment on the unspent stimulus money so all is not lost. The

Republican House of Representatives must also conduct vigorous oversight to find out what went

wrong to ensure that this never happens again.

Below is a chart that lays out stimulus spending by Congressional district.

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District Member Stimulus Funds Awarded

AL-1 Bonner (R) $441,835,057

AL-2 Bright (D)/Roby (R) $518,590,799

AL-3 Rogers (R) $669,431,280

AL-4 Aderholt (R) $271,898,699

AL-5 Griffith (R)/Brooks (R) $376,820,100

AL-6 Bachus (R) $488,050,662

AL-7 Davis (D)/Sewell (D) $689,332,835

AK-AL Young (R) $2,167,003,623

AZ-1 Kirkpatrick (D)/Gosar (R) $782,788,942

AZ-2 Franks (R) $260,009,593

AZ-3 Shadegg (R)/Quayle (R) $139,371,910

AZ-4 Pastor (D) $1,850,301,158

AZ-5 Mitchell (D)/ Schweikert (R) $502,531,370

AZ-6 Flake (R) $277,384,796

AZ-7 Grijalva (D) $2,404,116,762

AZ-8 Giffords (D) $215,219,756

AR-1 Berry (D)/Crawford (R) $473,141,481

AR-2 Snyder (D)/Griffin (R) $918,351,607

AR-3 Boozman (R)/Womack (R) $473,963,459

AR-4 Ross (D) $457,370,786

CA-1 Thompson (D) $610,206,367

CA-2 Herger (R) $694,268,844

CA-3 Lungren (R) $354,449,929

CA-4 McClintock (R) $336,096,424

CA-5 Matsui (D) $5,431,143,598

CA-6 Woolsey (D) $265,525,967

CA-7 George Miller (D) $363,146,326

CA-8 Pelosi (D) $1,383,448,115

CA-9 Lee (D) $2,327,708,541

CA-10 Garamendi (D) $256,854,676

CA-11 McNerney (D) $161,441,841

CA-12 Speier (D) $252,611,626

CA-13 Stark (D) $494,374,765

CA-14 Eshoo (D) $884,810,233

CA-15 Honda (D) $155,622,324

CA-16 Lofgren (D) $353,823,996

CA-17 Farr (D) $314,076,921

CA-18 Cardoza (D) $580,895,606

CA-19 Radanovich (R)/Denham (R) $181,775,784

CA-20 Costa (D) $565,317,623

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CA-21 Nunes (R) $347,272,100

CA-22 McCarthy (R) $470,031,531

CA-23 Capps (D) $697,621,132

CA-24 Gallegly (R) $294,101,706

CA-25 McKeon (R) $252,067,860

CA-26 Dreier (R) $178,977,994

CA-27 Sherman (D) $94,757,387

CA-28 Berman (D) $44,216,357

CA-29 Schiff (D) $429,129,270

CA-30 Waxman (D) $401,697,536

CA-31 Becerra (D) $251,634,582

CA-32 Chu (D) $391,945,709

CA-33 Watson (D)/Bass (D) $301,733,031

CA-34 Roybal-Allard (D) $2,455,371,659

CA-35 Waters (D) $122,153,549

CA-36 Harman (D)/Open $293,865,408

CA-37 Richardson (D) $247,496,326

CA-38 Napolitano (D) $203,820,720

CA-39 Linda Sanchez (D) $107,239,360

CA-40 Royce (R) $217,776,610

CA-41 Lewis (R) $189,041,881

CA-42 Gary Miller (R) $278,760,248

CA-43 Baca (D) $636,351,494

CA-44 Calvert (R) $344,653,855

CA-45 Bono Mack (R) $210,344,554

CA-46 Rohrabacher (R) $1,301,998,459

CA-47 Loretta Sanchez (D) $247,770,698

CA-48 Campbell (R) $431,746,546

CA-49 Issa (R) $670,356,009

CA-50 Bilbray (R) $228,823,554

CA-51 Filner (D) $257,878,528

CA-52 Hunter (R) $291,954,115

CA-53 Davis (D) $1,208,084,650

CO-1 DeGette (D) $1,511,577,803

CO-2 Polis (D) $694,807,008

CO-3 Salazar (D)/Tipton (R) $486,525,403

CO-4 Markey (D)/Gardner (R) $998,328,932

CO-5 Lamborn (R) $303,321,925

CO-6 Coffman (R) $769,895,801

CO-7 Perlmutter (D) $715,526,822

CT-1 Larson (D) $862,366,008

CT-2 Courtney (D) $398,304,353

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CT-3 DeLauro (D) $587,639,586

CT-4 Himes (D) $313,364,817

CT-5 Murphy (D) $320,005,764

DE-AL Castle (R)/Carney (D) $969,136,165

DC-AL Holmes-Norton (D) $4,932,019,255

FL-1 Miller (R) $409,293,826

FL-2 Boyd (D)/Southerland (R) $2,164,861,686

FL-3 Brown (D) $720,258,191

FL-4 Crenshaw (R) $403,376,488

FL-5 Brown-Waite (R)/Nugent (R) $310,645,859

FL-6 Stearns (R) $543,119,255

FL-7 Mica (R) $355,072,245

FL-8 Grayson (D)/Webster (R) $403,642,621

FL-9 Bilirakis (R) $88,100,607

FL-10 Young (R) $252,119,708

FL-11 Castor (D) $750,068,738

FL-12 Putnam (R)/Ross (R) $256,323,324

FL-13 Buchanan (R) $265,111,811

FL-14 Mack (R) $366,504,236

FL-15 Posey (R) $393,288,900

FL-16 Rooney (R) $260,199,498

FL-17 Meek (D)/Wilson (D) $348,706,233

FL-18 Ros-Lehtinen (R) $1,119,271,331

FL-19 Wexler/Deutch (D) $117,470,751

FL-20 Wasserman-Schultz (D) $407,543,964

FL-21 L. Diaz-Balart (R)/M. Diaz-Balart (R) $224,367,246

FL-22 Klein (D)/West (R) $355,799,898

FL-23 Hastings (D) $390,478,692

FL-24 Kosmas (D)/Adams (R) $179,129,427

FL-25 M. Diaz-Balart (R)/Rivera (R) $93,968,767

GA-1 Kingston (R) $446,877,392

GA-2 Bishop (D) $566,220,649

GA-3 Westmoreland (R) $307,588,911

GA-4 Johnson (D) $328,142,482

GA-5 Lewis (D) $2,087,897,412

GA-6 Price (R) $196,319,376

GA-7 Linder (R)/Woodall (R) $342,036,842

GA-8 Marshall (D)/Scott (R) $482,169,491

GA-9 Deal (R)/Graves (R) $314,983,405

GA-10 Broun (R) $611,341,651

GA-11 Gingrey (R) $472,134,703

GA-12 Barrow (D) $412,056,084

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GA-13 Scott (D) $149,162,681

HI-1 Abercrombie(D)/Djou (R)/Hanabusa (D) $1,061,200,976

HI-2 Hirono (D) $416,045,939

ID-1 Minnick (D)/Labrador (R) $570,652,363

ID-2 Simpson (R) $1,191,429,034

IL-1 Rush (D) $293,934,361

IL-2 Jackson (D) $346,070,822

IL-3 Lipinski (D) $131,350,597

IL-4 Gutierrez (D) $227,807,139

IL-5 Quigley (D) $70,773,705

IL-6 Roskam (R) $224,301,148

IL-7 Davis (D) $2,736,086,543

IL-8 Bean (D)/Walsh (R) $216,347,870

IL-9 Schakowsky (D) $184,620,442

IL-10 Kirk (R)/Dold (R) $236,284,234

IL-11 Halvorson (D)/Kinzinger (R) $464,544,443

IL-12 Costello (D) $620,784,472

IL-13 Biggert (R) $386,206,376

IL-14 Foster (D)/Hultgren (R) $435,304,817

IL-15 Johnson (R) $569,069,736

IL-16 Manzullo (R) $317,449,089

IL-17 Hare (D)/Schilling (R) $638,718,632

IL-18 Schock (R) $2,774,671,392

IL-19 Shimkus (R) $601,429,948

IN-1 Visclosky (D) $388,820,842

IN-2 Donnelly (D) $440,928,594

IN-3 Souder (R)/ Stutzman (R) $338,154,247

IN-4 Buyer (R)/ Rokita (R) $510,876,274

IN-5 Burton (R) $282,641,906

IN-6 Pence (R) $413,741,946

IN-7 Carson (D) $1,403,325,384

IN-8 Ellsworth (D)/ Buschon (R) $326,038,548

IN-9 Hill (D)/ Young (R) $453,485,346

IA-1 Braley (D) $272,185,049

IA-2 Loebsack (D) $497,859,815

IA-3 Boswell (D) $582,783,129

IA-4 Latham (R) $393,834,180

IA-5 King (R) $433,798,938

KS-1 Moran (R)/Huelskamp (R) $529,445,306

KS-2 Jenkins (R) $869,987,081

KS-3 Moore (D)/Yoder (R) $711,987,667

KS-4 Tiahrt (R)/Pompeo (R) $323,272,423

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KY-1 Whitfield (R) $725,990,596

KY-2 Guthrie (R) $400,320,165

KY-3 Yarmuth (D) $403,334,914

KY-4 Davis (R) $299,694,369

KY-5 Rogers (R) $668,720,304

KY-6 Chandler (D) $1,005,795,831

LA-1 Scalise (R) $351,037,145

LA-2 Cao (R)/Richmond (D) $568,885,618

LA-3 Melancon (D)/Landry (R) $351,759,842

LA-4 Fleming (R) $347,911,224

LA-5 Alexander (R) $382,672,039

LA-6 Cassidy (R) $1,022,572,331

LA-7 Boustany (R) $374,049,490

ME-1 Pingree (D) $762,129,785

ME-2 Michaud (D) $659,187,484

MD-1 Kratovil (D)/Harris (R) $432,121,802

MD-2 Ruppersberger (D) $209,548,536

MD-3 Sarbanes (D) $939,710,134

MD-4 Edwards (D) $314,374,241

MD-5 Hoyer (D) $641,558,335

MD-6 Bartlett (R) $535,559,844

MD-7 Cummings (D) $1,790,307,646

MD-8 Van Hollen (D) $1,183,212,217

MA-1 Olver (D) $716,778,974

MA-2 Neal (D) $347,666,905

MA-3 McGovern (D) $427,352,030

MA-4 Frank (D) $408,385,017

MA-5 Tsongas (D) $569,640,023

MA-6 Tierney (D) $434,445,905

MA-7 Markey (D) $432,774,696

MA-8 Capuano (D) $2,090,099,550

MA-9 Lynch (D) $1,091,311,083

MA-10 Delahunt (D)/Keating (D) $520,906,397

MI-1 Stupak (D)/Benishek (R) $494,735,476

MI-2 Hoekstra (R)/Huizenga (R) $289,429,348

MI-3 Ehlers (R)/Amash (R) $277,741,259

MI-4 Camp (R) $511,576,535

MI-5 Kildee (D) $496,961,890

MI-6 Upton (R) $357,188,580

MI-7 Schauer (D)/Walberg (R) $333,177,715

MI-8 Rogers (R) $1,937,484,879

MI-9 Peters (D) $600,201,059

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MI-10 Miller (R) $175,373,148

MI-11 McCotter (R) $447,368,874

MI-12 Levin (D) $381,195,161

MI-13 Kilpatrick (D)/Clarke (D) $772,101,190

MI-14 Conyers (D) $445,078,519

MI-15 Dingell (D) $935,969,373

MN-1 Walz (D) $413,180,951

MN-2 Kline (R) $311,598,579

MN-3 Paulsen (R) $293,332,110

MN-4 McCollum (D) $877,751,696

MN-5 Ellison (D) $887,385,912

MN-6 Bachmann (R) $232,871,654

MN-7 Peterson (D) $485,335,602

MN-8 Oberstar (D)/Cravaak (R) $580,053,748

MS-1 Childers (D)/Nunnelee (R) $695,803,187

MS-2 Thompson (D) $927,454,287

MS-3 Harper (R) $528,069,290

MS-4 Taylor (D)/Palazzo (R) $548,115,791

MO-1 Clay (D) $862,649,590

MO-2 Akin (R) $295,911,248

MO-3 Carnahan (D) $259,856,889

MO-4 Skelton (D)/Hartzler (R) $719,440,847

MO-5 Cleaver (D) $665,965,786

MO-6 Graves (R) $504,728,445

MO-7 Blunt (R)/Long (R) $385,462,534

MO-8 Emerson (R) $502,787,295

MO-9 Luetkemeyer (R) $614,863,997

MT-AL Rehberg (R) $1,528,495,267

NE-1 Fortenberry (R) $553,081,790

NE-2 Terry (R) $431,890,487

NE-3 Smith (R) $401,410,423

NV-1 Berkley (D) $660,436,189

NV-2 Heller (R) $993,988,066

NV-3 Titus (D)/Heck (R) $291,877,431

NH-1 Shea-Porter (D)/Guinta (R) $367,288,475

NH-2 Hodes (D)/Bass (R) $616,333,234

NJ-1 Andrews (D) $481,204,787

NJ-2 LoBiondo (R) $529,505,717

NJ-3 Adler (D)/Runyan (R) $218,943,499

NJ-4 Smith (R) $541,347,703

NJ-5 Garrett (R) $119,029,528

NJ-6 Pallone (D) $401,269,592

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NJ-7 Lance (R) $115,607,845

NJ-8 Pascrell (D) $320,365,695

NJ-9 Rothman (D) $250,233,224

NJ-10 Payne (D) $939,226,496

NJ-11 Frelinghuysen (R) $215,548,235

NJ-12 Holt (D) $560,404,195

NJ-13 Sires (D) $819,402,496

NM-1 Heinrich (D) $573,673,786

NM-2 Teague (D)/Pearce (R) $775,687,518

NM-3 Lujan (D) $1,285,411,595

NY-1 Bishop (D) $679,633,830

NY-2 Israel (D) $311,042,114

NY-3 King (R) $207,728,601

NY-4 McCarthy (D) $225,788,081

NY-5 Ackerman (D) $49,674,233

NY-6 Meeks (D) $56,841,595

NY-7 Crowley (D) $76,915,221

NY-8 Nadler (D) $2,991,130,373

NY-9 Weiner (D) $36,034,679

NY-10 Towns (D) $126,594,891

NY-11 Clarke (D) $147,425,926

NY-12 Velazquez (D) $129,507,285

NY-13 McMahon (D)/Grimm (R) $351,795,756

NY-14 Maloney (D) $2,053,673,101

NY-15 Rangel (D) $402,998,450

NY-16 Serrano (D) $217,842,863

NY-17 Engel (D) $227,317,320

NY-18 Lowey (D) $278,866,075

NY-19 Hall (D)/Hayworth (R) $305,934,845

NY-20 Murphy (D)/Gibson (R) $421,435,048

NY-21 Tonko (D) $2,904,109,933

NY-22 Hinchey (D) $558,467,900

NY-23 Owens (D) $551,835,795

NY-24 Arcuri (D)/Hanna (R) $325,075,320

NY-25 Maffei (D)/Buerkle (R) $416,409,399

NY-26 Lee (R)/Open $371,252,624

NY-27 Higgins (D) $385,361,145

NY-28 Slaughter (D) $507,039,266

NY-29 Massa/Reed (R) $340,164,816

NC-1 Butterfield (D) $595,847,429

NC-2 Etheridge (D)/Ellmers(R) $591,372,176

NC-3 Jones (R) $393,629,102

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NC-4 Price (D) $1,176,842,450

NC-5 Foxx (R) $350,229,943

NC-6 Coble (R) $218,896,350

NC-7 McIntyre (D) $472,115,091

NC-8 Kissell (D) $266,296,288

NC-9 Myrick (R) $206,982,176

NC-10 McHenry (R) $238,929,991

NC-11 Shuler (D) $445,449,947

NC-12 Watt (D) $600,208,751

NC-13 Miller (D) $1,584,196,460

ND-AL Pomeroy (D)/Berg(R) $1,069,200,355

OH-1 Driehaus (D)/Chabot (R) $583,863,810

OH-2 Schmidt (R) $562,941,477

OH-3 Turner (R) $366,763,130

OH-4 Jordan (R) $282,681,752

OH-5 Latta (R) $299,289,927

OH-6 Wilson (D)/Johnson (R) $359,796,573

OH-7 Austria (R) $379,511,267

OH-8 Boehner (R) $255,744,021

OH-9 Kaptur (D) $394,321,646

OH-10 Kucinich (D) $153,507,404

OH-11 Fudge (D) $1,024,069,129

OH-12 Tiberi (R) $287,564,069

OH-13 Sutton (D) $451,875,816

OH-14 LaTourette (R) $246,693,884

OH-15 Kilroy (D)/Stivers(R) $1,866,566,199

OH-16 Boccieri (D)/Renacci (R) $221,706,661

OH-17 Ryan (D) $342,023,175

OH-18 Space (D)/Gibbs (R) $522,081,582

OK-1 Sullivan (R) $484,769,222

OK-2 Boren (D) $799,693,376

OK-3 Lucas (R) $612,742,376

OK-4 Cole (R) $570,307,679

OK-5 Fallin (R)/Lankford (R) $737,305,212

OR-1 Wu (D) $741,890,608

OR-2 Walden (R) $636,191,321

OR-3 Blumenauer (D) $517,801,583

OR-4 DeFazio (D) $537,385,654

OR-5 Schrader (D) $796,761,845

PA-1 Brady (D) $743,561,519

PA-2 Fattah (D) $1,418,029,190

PA-3 Dahlkemper (D)/Kelly (R) $315,639,841

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PA-4 Altmire (D) $255,102,768

PA-5 Thompson (R) $443,672,619

PA-6 Gerlach (R) $253,884,818

PA-7 Sestak (D)/Meehan (R) $360,107,651

PA-8 Patrick Murphy (D)/Fitzpatrick (R) $158,534,878

PA-9 Shuster (R) $322,380,143

PA-10 Carney (D)/Marino (R) $399,892,218

PA-11 Kanjorski (D)/Barletta (R) $415,961,304

PA-12 Murtha/Critz (D) $404,983,754

PA-13 Schwartz (D) $164,777,535

PA-14 Doyle (D) $924,313,294

PA-15 Dent (R) $632,849,967

PA-16 Pitts (R) $323,588,605

PA-17 Holden (D) $1,132,144,798

PA-18 Tim Murphy (R) $215,352,980

PA-19 Platts (R) $605,265,374

RI-1 Kennedy (D)/Cicilline (D) $428,881,438

RI-2 Langevin (D) $731,182,015

SC-1 Brown (R)/Scott (R) $467,941,093

SC-2 Wilson (R) $373,522,128

SC-3 Barrett (R)/Duncan (R) $2,009,651,114

SC-4 Inglis (R)/Gowdy (R) $385,270,532

SC-5 Spratt (D)/Mulvaney (R) $422,543,631

SC-6 Clyburn (D) $1,010,371,183

SD-AL Herseth Sandlin (D)/ Noem(R) $1,421,067,911

TN-1 Roe (R) $495,154,239

TN-2 Duncan (R) $680,686,966

TN-3 Wamp (R)/Fleischmann (R) $1,463,845,401

TN-4 Davis (D)/DesJarlais $474,813,628

TN-5 Cooper (D) $1,089,681,524

TN-6 Gordon (D)/Black (R) $461,612,802

TN-7 Blackburn (R) $236,863,325

TN-8 Tanner (D)/Fincher (R) $441,684,467

TN-9 Cohen (D) $584,719,560

TX-1 Gohmert (R) $333,607,700

TX-2 Poe (R) $208,105,852

TX-3 Johnson (R) $207,348,790

TX-4 Hall (R) $314,553,869

TX-5 Hensarling (R) $198,457,369

TX-6 Barton (R) $371,947,970

TX-7 Culberson (R) $681,237,544

TX-8 Brady (R) $400,278,031

Page 13: Where Did All That Stimulus Money Actually Go?

TX-9 Al Green (D) $200,693,584

TX-10 McCaul (R) $886,203,858

TX-11 Conaway (R) $605,210,917

TX-12 Granger (R) $513,428,944

TX-13 Thornberry (R) $358,240,467

TX-14 Paul (R) $553,975,161

TX-15 Hinojosa (D) $702,724,099

TX-16 Reyes (D) $688,053,025

TX-17 Edwards (D)/Flores (R) $454,867,708

TX-18 Jackson Lee (D) $1,085,266,247

TX-19 Neugebauer (R) $403,992,542

TX-20 Gonzalez (D) $606,659,089

TX-21 Smith (R) $996,886,775

TX-22 Olson (R) $622,217,883

TX-23 Rodriguez (D)/Canseco (R) $343,003,952

TX-24 Marchant (R) $463,566,578

TX-25 Doggett (D) $573,144,708

TX-26 Burgess (R) $284,531,064

TX-27 Ortiz (D)/Farenthold (R) $633,670,202

TX-28 Cuellar (D) $633,641,493

TX-29 Gene Green (D) $310,170,375

TX-30 Bernice Johnson (D) $730,692,713

TX-31 Carter (R) $1,140,461,271

TX-32 Sessions (R) $174,186,494

UT-1 Bishop (R) $886,489,869

UT-2 Matheson (D) $967,188,756

UT-3 Chaffetz (R) $416,144,247

VT-AL Welch (D) $991,000,445

VA-1 Wittman (R) $430,292,166

VA-2 Nye (D)/Rigell (R) $336,622,815

VA-3 Scott (D) $1,163,115,343

VA-4 Forbes (R) $390,436,633

VA-5 Perriello (D)/Hurt (R) $379,572,089

VA-6 Goodlatte (R) $431,509,126

VA-7 Cantor (R) $226,821,637

VA-8 Moran (D) $800,473,110

VA-9 Boucher (D)/Griffith (R) $697,272,914

VA-10 Wolf (R) $723,939,950

VA-11 Connolly (D) $509,992,741

WA-1 Inslee (D) $279,539,475

WA-2 Larsen (D) $440,363,464

WA-3 Baird (D)/Herrera Beutler(R) $985,295,322

Page 14: Where Did All That Stimulus Money Actually Go?

WA-4 Hastings (R) $2,373,950,960

WA-5 McMorris Rodgers (R) $664,132,191

WA-6 Dicks (D) $462,300,876

WA-7 McDermott (D) $1,331,099,975

WA-8 Reichert (R) $197,131,250

WA-9 Smith (D) $593,841,955

WV-1 Mollohan (D)/McKinley (R) $527,146,830

WV-2 Moore Capito (R) $792,208,056

WV-3 Rahall (D) $457,779,414

WI-1 Ryan (R) $353,892,421

WI-2 Baldwin (D) $804,409,184

WI-3 Kind (D) $438,612,808

WI-4 Moore (D) $619,912,362

WI-5 Sensenbrenner (R) $530,725,713

WI-6 Petri (R) $428,068,953

WI-7 Obey (D)/Duffy (R) $496,864,186

WI-8 Kagen (D)/Ribble (R) $415,928,117

WY-AL Lummis (R) $655,778,349



436 Districts (D.C. included) $256,996,553,145

*Bold/Italics Indicates Districts That Have Received At Least $1 Billion in Stimulus Funds.