where does search fit in the digital marketing mix? mnsearch keynote 2014

#MnSummit @leeodden Where Does Search Fit In the Digital Marketing Mix? @LeeOdden TopRankMarke7ng.com Image: Shu>erstock

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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How search marketers can break free of silos through a more strategic, customer focused and multi-channel approach to digital marketing. Keynote presentation by TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden at the first MnSearch Summit conference in Minneapolis, 2014.


Page 1: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Where Does Search Fit In the Digital Marketing Mix?

@LeeOdden  TopRankMarke7ng.com  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 2: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Page 3: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Be  the  Best  Answer  

Brand  Poll:  Search  &  Digital  Marke7ng  

How  Prac77oners  Can  Posi7on  for  Growth  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 4: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

CMOs  predict  that  digital  will  account  for  more  than  75%  of  their  marke7ng  budget  over  the  next  five  years.    

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Source:  Accenture  Interac7ve  –  CMO’s  Time  for  Digital  Transforma7on  

do  not  believe  their  company  will  be  ready.  


Page 5: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

This  is  a  HUGE  opportunity  for  those  with  strategic  search  &  digital  marke7ng  skills  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 6: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Customer  Friendly    Not  just      “Search    friendly”  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 7: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Op7mize  for  Experiences  

Page 8: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

Hey  Facebook  &  Twi>er,  any  sugges7ons  for  kid-­‐friendly  things  to  do  in  New  York?    

Bronx  Zoo  FAO  Schwartz  Metropolitan  Museum  of  Art  Yankees  Game  Subway  Helicopter  over  Manha>an  

Image:  Lee  Odden  

Page 9: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

It  Worked!  Experience  Achieved  

And  Shared  Image:  Lee  Odden  

Page 10: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Be  the  Best  Answer  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

What  is  the  best  approach  to  digital  marke7ng?  

Page 11: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Sadly,  No.  

Image:  allthingsbacon.blogspot.com  

Page 12: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Nor  Ki>ens  

All  together  now:    Awww  

Page 13: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Search  Has  Been  &  Is  An  Effec7ve  Channel  

Infographic:  retailsolu7onsonline.com  

Page 14: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Quality Over Quantity Customer Centric & Accessible

Page 15: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Image:  think  with  Google  

Page 16: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Customer  Journey:  Retail  

Image:  think  with  Google  

Page 17: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Customer  Journey:  B2B  

Image:  think  with  Google  

Page 18: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

82%  of  US  digital  buyers  preferred  to  research  

products  from  mul7channel  retailers  

on  the  internet    eMarketer  June  2014  

Compared  to  13%  who  prefer  shopping  in-­‐store  Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 19: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

A  mul7channel  customer  is  worth  2X  as  much  as  a  customer  that  shops  in  

one  channel.  Econsultancy  Digital  Transforma7on  Roundtable  5/2014  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 20: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Think:  What  Ques7ons  Do  Your  Customers  Need  Answered  In  

What  Channels  In  Order  to  Buy?    

awareness interest consideration purchase advocacy

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 21: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Content  Answers  Buyer  Ques7ons  

Logicalis  –  HP  VAR,  used  emails,  microsite,  ebook,  &  custom  messaging  from  sales  teams.    Results:  Nearly  $8  million  in  new  pipeline  business  was  closed.  

SunGard  IT  opera7ons  support  –  humorous  videos  empathizing  with  IT  pros  during  the  holidays  (cheats,  tricks  &  7ps  to  survive).  Audience  consump7on  pa>erns  informed  promo7ons:  email,  social,  PR,  paid  media.    Results:  3,000+  leads  in  first  3  days.  CTAs  to  download  whitepaper  at  end  of  videos  –  87%  CTR.  

Case  Studies:  C2C  B2B  Killer  Content  Awards  via  toprankblog.com  

Page 22: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Content  Delivers  Massive  ROI  

Optum  -­‐  Advertorials,  display  ads,  email,  direct  mail  and  a  campaign  website.      Results:  •  23.5  lead  to  conversion  rate  •  475%  increase  in  website  traffic  •  2,500+  resource  downloads  •  $52  million  in  contract  value  of  new  business    

Xerox  partnered,  with  Forbes  to  create  a  digital  magazine  offering  business  7ps.      Results:  70%  of  target  companies  interacted  Added  20,000  new  contacts  1,000+  scheduled  appointments  $1.3  Billion  in  pipeline  revenue  

Case  Studies:  C2C  B2B  Killer  Content  Awards  via  toprankblog.com  

Page 23: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

What  Do  These  Content  Marke7ng  Case  Studies  Have  in  Common?  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 24: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Search  Wasn’t  The  Reason  For  Crea7on  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

It  Was  Customers  

Page 25: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

 This  is  the  shiu  in  perspec7ve  about  search,  content  &  digital  that’s  impera7ve.    

Page 26: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Understand  How  Buyers  Discover,  Consume  and  Act  on  Informa7on  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 27: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Then  Become  “The  Best  Answer”  in  Every  Channel  Your  Customers  Are  Present  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 28: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Brand  Poll:  Search  &  Digital  MarkeDng  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 29: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

How  do  you  define  digital  marke7ng  in  2014?    

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 30: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Digital  Marke7ng  IS  Marke7ng  

“We  are  all  digital  marketers.  Every  tac7c  in  marke7ng  today  has  an  element  of  digital.”  

Tami  Cannizzaro  @tamicann  Vice  President  of  Marke7ng  IBM  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 31: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Digital  Marke7ng:  Media  &  Influence  

“Digital  MarkeDng  is  any  way  that  we,  as  marketers,  influence  users.  Free  or  paid,  across  all  available  technologies  and  plaworms.”  

Simon  HeselDne  @SimonHesel7ne  

Senior  Director,  Organic  Audience  Development  AOL  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 32: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Digital  Marke7ng  Creates  Experiences  

“Digital  MarkeDng  is  the  way  in  which  an  experience  comes  to  life,  across  channels  and  in  all  channels.  It  helps  us  provide  customers  the  value  and  u7lity  they  are  looking  for  at  the  right  7me  and  in  the  right  place.”  Kevin  Green  

@KevinMGreen  Execu7ve  Director,  Marke7ng  Dell  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 33: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Where  does  search  markeDng  fit    

in  the  future  of  digital?  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 34: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Search  Marke7ng  Informs  Content  

“Search  is  a  powerful  integraDon  play.  Marketers  are  u7lizing  search  volume  as  a  data  point  for  ac7va7on  plans  and  factoring  in  SEO  opportuni7es  as  they  create  content.”  

Amy  Lamparske      @amylamparske  Director,  Digital  &  Social  Media  General  Mills  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 35: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Search  Marke7ng:  Chief  Editor  

“Organic  search  is  trying  to  hold  us  accountable  for  creaDng  beTer  content  -­‐  and  it  might  be  working.    Search  holds  a  cri7cal  role  in  the  future  of  digital  because  our  success  as  content  marketers  boils  down  to:    1)  Can  they  find  it?      2)  Did  they  read  it?”  

Ryan  Arnholt  @ArbenAngstrom  Director,  Digital  Marke7ng  Optum  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 36: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Op7mize  For  Search  Apps  

Rachael  Marret    SVP,  Customer  Engagement  Carlson  Rezidor  Hotel  Group  

“In  the  future  world  of  intelligent  apps  that  proac7vely  and  intui7vely  search  for  informa7on  on  behalf  of  consumers,  organic  search  will  become  increasingly  crucial.”  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 37: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Source:  Gartner  Digital  Marke7ng  Transit  Map  

The  Role  of  Search  in  Digital  Marke7ng  

Page 38: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Source:  Gartner  Digital  Marke7ng  Transit  Map  

Digital  Marke7ng  is  More  Than  Search  

Page 39: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

How  Prac77oners  Can  Posi7on  for  Growth  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 40: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Audience Targeting

Cross Channel Integration

Adaptable, Optimizable

Highly Measurable

Promise  of  Digital  Marke7ng  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 41: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Digital  Marke7ng  Skills  

The  2015  Digital  MarkeDng  Rule  Book.  Change  or  Perish.  kaushik.net/avinash/2015-­‐digital-­‐marke7ng-­‐rule-­‐book/  

Avinash  Kaushik    @avinash  Digital  Marke7ng  Evangelist  Google  

“You  can  no  longer  be  good  at  just  one  thing,  or  two.  It  is  a  10-­‐thing  world  now.”  

Photo  credit:  Lee  Odden  

Page 42: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Digital  Marke7ng  Skills  for  SEM  &  SEO  

Segmenta7on  Buy  Cycle  Stories    Content  Planning  Crea7on,  Cura7on  Amplifica7on  Measurement  

Unified    Strategy  Goals  


If You’re Not Growing, You’re Dying

Page 43: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

But  What  About…  

Photo  source:  glass-­‐apps.org  

Page 44: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

An  Internet  of  Things  

Image  source:  mashable.com  

Page 45: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Image:  recode.net  

Page 46: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Feeling  Lucky?  

Photo  source:  recode.net  

Page 47: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Source:  theguardian.com  

Page 48: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

And  Google  Drones  

Image  source:  +JoshuaBerg  

Page 49: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Image  source:  mashable.com  

Page 50: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

I  can  haz  all  ur  dataz  

Image  source:  countercurrentnews.com  

Page 51: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

THIS  SHOULD  BE  YOUR  FOCUS:  Smartphones  Now  #1  Screen,  Bea7ng  TV  

Source:  Millward  Brown  via  Marke7ng  Land  

Page 52: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Op7mize  for  Mul7  Device  Experience  

“It's  mobile-­‐first  for  us  now  -­‐  if  it  doesn't  work  on  mobile,  we  don't  publish  it.”  Jennifer  Lashua,  Intel  

Image:  Chitra  Tatachar  

Page 53: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Create  Signals  of  Credibility  Wherever  Your  Customers  Are  

Your  Brand  =  XYZ  







Social  Networks  

Content  Marke7ng   Industry  Media  &  News  



XYZ  Local  

Page 54: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Community  >  300K  


Twitter Facebook YouTube

Flickr LinkedIn


White Papers Google+






Social Creation & Curation

Guest Posts Events eBooks Pinterest


Page 55: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014
Page 56: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Par7cipa7on  Marke7ng  

ObjecDves:  •  Promote  the  Event  •  Promote  Speakers  •  Create  a  Resource  for  

all  Marketers  •  Create  Rela7onships  

Page 57: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

What  Does  This  Mean  for  SEO?  

Content  Marke7ng  Rocks  

Content  Marke7ng  eBook  

Content  Marke7ng  Tips  

Content  Marke7ng  World  

Content  Marke7ng  Experts  

Content  Marke7ng  Influencers  

Content  Marke7ng  Conference  

Content  Marketers  

Content  Marke7ng  Influencers  

“Content    MarkeDng”  

Page 58: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

What  Does  This  Mean  for  Social?  

Content  Marke7ng    Rocks  

Content  Marke7ng    eBook  

Content  Marke7ng    Tips  

Content  Marke7ng    World  

Content  Marke7ng    Experts  

Content  Marke7ng    Influencers  

Content  Marke7ng    Conference  

Content  Marketers  

Content  Marke7ng  Influencers  

“Content  MarkeDng”  

Page 59: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Measuring  Digital  Marke7ng  

Attract Engage


Convert Reach  Search  Visibility  Social  Network  Visibility  Views  &  Impressions  Traffic  by  Source  Traffic  by  Segment  Content  Distribu7on  Media  &  Blog  Placements  Brand  +  Affinity  Brand  Sen7ment  

Content  ConsumpDon  Page  Views  Click  Through  Rate  Social  Network  Size  Social  Interac7ons  Content  Interac7ons  Comments,  Shares  Time  on  Site,  Content  Paths  Through  Site    

Form  Data  Captured  Newsle>er  Subscrip7ons  Demo  &  Trial  Requests  Contact  Us  Orders  -­‐  Order  Volume  -­‐  Order  Frequency  -­‐  Length  of  Sales  Cycle  -­‐  Revenue  Per  Order  

awareness consideration purchase retention advocacy

Page 60: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

The  opportuni7es  with  a  strategic  view  of  digital  marke7ng  and  search  are  endless.  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 61: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

We  Can  Do  This!  

Image:  knowyourmeme.com  

Page 62: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

3  Key  Takeaways  

OpDmize  for  buyers:  Focus  on  being  the  best  answer  wherever  customers  are  looking.    




OpDmize  experiences:  Use  search  marke7ng  exper7se  to  improve  digital  results.    OpDmize  experDse:  Start  developing  strategic  digital  marke7ng  skills  NOW  &  break  free  of  search  as  a  single  channel.  

Page 63: Where Does Search Fit in the Digital Marketing Mix? MnSearch Keynote 2014

#MnSummit     @leeodden  

Thank  You!  

Advisory,  Speaking,  Press:  Marke7ngBlog.com  @LeeOdden    [email protected]    Digital  MarkeDng  ConsulDng:  TopRankMarke7ng.com  @TopRank  [email protected]