white paper - jewel · 1.1 jewellery market 1.2 project basis 1.3 diamond market status quo 1.4...


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Page 1: WHITE PAPER - jewel · 1.1 jewellery market 1.2 project basis 1.3 diamond market status quo 1.4 blockchain project 1.5 standards and transparency: jedex 1.6 digital diamond certificate




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Jewel was made to dispense the limit between the exemplary trading market

and the Digital currency market. In view of three stages, Jewel enables you to

play out a wide range of budgetary exchanges with both fiat cash and digital

money. A change from fiat cash to crypto coins and the other way around still

introduces a specific trouble and this way the customary market with an

everyday turnover of 5 trillion US dollars and a multi-billion crypto advertise

are as yet isolated from one another. In such a manner, troubles are made for

fiat holders and other advanced resources.

Our undertaking enables our financial specialists to deal with their funds on

the same stage, which spares them from such issues. Beneath we portray in

more detail the items, our vision of the task, a few subtleties and approaches

to actualize.

In the present market diamonds are an unpredictable resource since they are

not compatible, so there is a major hole between worldwide money related

markets and the diamonds eco system. Dissimilar to different valuable

resources, it is hard to have a solitary advanced trademark, on the grounds

that most of the assertions in the diamonds eco system are private

understandings. Diamonds are themselves not equivalent to one another in

many qualities and the very idea of liquidity is hard to credit to these

diamonds. Furthermore, diamond exchanging from the earlier happens

utilizing fiat cash. For dealers these tasks are inaccessible and, in this manner,

there is no comparing on the web stage for making such exchanges.

Underneath we depict in detail our vision of how to beat a change from the

present circumstance in the diamond market to a future model of web based

exchanging with such a novel budgetary resource like Jewels.

On account of the Diamond Computerized Testament innovation, our Jedex

stage will eliminate the compatibility issue and accomplish full

straightforwardness of the market estimation of jewels. What more, we will

likewise give a Blockchain stage to jewel exchanging.

The articulations of buyer interest for jewels have started to move lately. At

first, diamonds were utilized just as Jewels, however at this point jewels have

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turned out to be significantly more frequently viewed as ventures and now the

interest for diamonds as speculations has risen to 5%. By 2015, the all-out

estimation of the diamonds biological community showcase was at that point

79 billion US Dollars. Till the present time diamonds stay only an elective sort

of venture. There are three primary factors that limit diamond exchanging.

1) Absence of a solitary cost since none of the diamonds can be considered

tradable because of the way there is an endless amount of attributes for every

individual jewel.

2) Absence of straightforward costs and certain gauges in the diamond eco


3) Absence of liquidity, which makes it practically difficult to move jewels at a

genuine market cost.

So as to the item can get a Diamonds Digital Certificate, it is important to

consider two viewpoints:

The change of a Diamond from a one of a kind advantage for a benefit that has

a definite showcase esteem, and the making of an exchanging stage that will

permit the exchange turnover with diamonds.

Therefore, our venture faces a few inquiries:

How to guarantee the straightforwardness of the estimation of jewels


How to compose reciprocal jewel exchange turnover?

How to guarantee the rule of compatibility of jewels?


The Jewel stage will be a one-stop-shop in its pith, in which it will be

conceivable to do any exchange with both fiat and digital currency. Buying,

stockpiling and dealing in any identical will be accessible to clients, and the

entire Jewel framework will be furnished with Jewel coin, which has a genuine

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market esteem. It is intended for two stages and based on Ethereum

framework. Jewel coin holders will have a few points of interest that are

portrayed in this report.


Progress of Diamonds to another advantage class

Diamond trade for Retail Clients

Market potential=350 billion US Dollars

Patented and protected algorithm officially accessible on the Site

Amazing Team - Ground-breaking results

Open organization financing


Such classification of benefits as diamonds dependably conveys a steady salary

to financial specialists and investors, and diamonds have an enduring worth,

which makes them an alluring resource for dealers. In states of the budgetary

market instability, valuable stones have a request of greatness progressively

steady costs, in spite of the fact that they bring less pay for specific

timeframes. Incidentally, today it is hard to move Diamonds at a reasonable

cost, since the cutting edge diamond ecosystem includes purchasing diamonds

from people by Jewels stores at a low cost and all assertions depend on the

B2B framework.

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In light of the Blockchain innovation, which includes a peer-peer network, the

Jewel venture includes opening jewels as a speculation, and furthermore takes

care of the issue of evaluating stones. The Blockchain innovation, settling many

bookkeeping issues, is as of now getting to be across the board all through the

world and is utilized in numerous vital businesses.

Jewel utilizes the Blockchain framework Ethereum for its needs, which utilizes

all programming dialects to actualize savvy contracts. The principle

undertaking of the Jewel framework is to take care of the issue of the hole

between the conventional diamond ecosystem and the advanced money

related markets. All global diamond holders who need to contribute or

exchange their diamond resources through the most straightforward exchange

procedure will be converged on the Jewel stage. The Jewel's establishments

are the Blockchain innovation, the protected innovation, the Jewel coin and

the Diamond Digital Certificate.


Jewel goes up against the most troublesome errand of the individuals who

keep the progress of diamonds into the class of money related resources,

Systematization of gemological information and the foundation of

transparency and consistency in the diamonds evaluation. The Jedex machine

learning calculation will utilize information on worldwide diamond stores, it

will almost certainly foresee the consequences of the appraisal and do a

factual examination of valuing. Utilizing Jewel. Financial specialists and brokers

will approach diagnostic information, on account of which they will probably

settle on educated choices when making speculations. The information

amassed by Jewel will consistently be broken down and utilized for the

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evaluating calculation. The Jedex anticipated diamond appraisal exactness of



A private proprietor or merchant who needs to arrange their possessions can

make a smart contract utilizing Jewel Diamond Digital Certificate. This

agreement is a budgetary offer for the clearance of diamonds. After

affirmation everything being correct, diamonds are returned to the overseer

with a GIA Endorsement.

Towards the finish of the endorsement, it is made and sent to the digital wallet

to the proprietor of Diamond – Smart Contract. Further, the proprietor can

alternatively list his contract at JEDEX Exchange or sell it himself.

At JEDEX Trading Exchange, purchasers unhesitatingly buy an affirmed

diamond which is affirmed by the GIA.

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Blocking Technology

The Diamond Digital Certificate creation is using the BLOCKCHAIN technology

At the underlying stage, a smart contract will be made, utilizing a

straightforward interface, which will contain all the data (gemological

information and extra data) about the basic resource, i.e, a diamond.

As indicated by our figuring’s, amid the Blockchain-based Jewel Ecosystem, the

diamond ecosystem will let in "Valuable contracts" as another kind of diamond


The finished diamond moves to the registration stage, to the gemological

research facility. In the research facility, subsequent to looking at the diamond,

a specific grouping is allotted to it, after which the lab records the diamond for

the Diamond Smart Contract utilizing the open Jewel platform. This report

incorporates the accompanying focuses: GIA ID enrolment wallet, exchange

history and their information, to make a system for compatibility.

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After the contract creation process, the diamond is sent to the overseer. Digital

Diamond exchanging will proceed until the valuable stone stops at the last

phase of its motivation, that is, it will either be a money related resource on

the JEDEX trade or be bought as an item.

All exchanges through the Jewel coin will have no commission;

Diamond source and exchanges are joined by documentation;

Exchanges will work dependably and rapidly and furthermore without the

investment of unapproved people;

The Blockchain innovation enables you to function as straightforwardly as

could be allowed, in light of the fact that everybody can gather and study

information just as to investigate. Merchants who need to buy diamond or

diamond subsidiaries dependent on the Jewel Smart understanding are

required to buy Jewel Coin for further exchange.

Instalment by Jewel coin enables the count to the accompanying providers:

gemological research center, watchman, protection, transport.

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For merchants, opening short positions can utilize Jewel coin to cover

insurance and acquired reserves. Merchants' portfolios can fill in as insurance,

to acquire the Jewel Coin credit. In the absolute first year, the Jewel's dynamic

clients are relied upon to develop, since the JEDEX Trade will open new

markets by extending its own exercises or authorized programming for

neighbourhood organizations.

After some time, the Jewel coins on the JEDEX Trade will grow to the diamond

ecosystem. An archive on the historical backdrop of diamond exchanging,

existing contracts and exchanges will be kept on a Blockchain, which will

permit full transparency. Diamond Savvy contracts will be at a bargain on the

Jewel trade or on the P2P premise. This thing will be a decentralized,

compatible exchanging stage where you can exchange expertly without much

learning in the diamond trade.

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Diamond supply

The Merchant who has the Diamond Smart Contract can arrange the physical

conveyance of the diamond. The conveyance procedure starts by changing the

status of the Diamond Smart Contract to "Delivery Process". When the

proprietor gets the stone, the Contract expect the status dropped by the

"intellectual contract".


Jewel is a straightforward and helpful market for dealers who need to put

resources into diamonds as new monetary resources. Jewel makes it

conceivable to manage money related demands in agreement with the current



Jewel chose to consolidate the Blockchain innovation and the JEDEX calculation

to make Category Trading. This choice was made because of the way that there

are deterrents to transforming diamonds into a benefit class — the failure to

make homogeneous items.

Jewel makes a milestone for every class. In its class, the diamond will get an

evaluation of the deviation from the exceptional imprint determined in

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Diamond Savvy. The JEDEX calculation permits checking deviations

from the Contract.

By the precedent beneath, you can see that JEDEX figuring’s give a sensible

market cost for a jewel.


Jewel will offer its clients the choice "SHARED Speculation". When the diamond

goes to the bartering, the proprietor of the stones can alternatively move them

as a solitary contract or under partial agreements. Along these lines, you can

make a few intellectual contracts that speak to a fractional responsibility for

fortified diamond.


To begin short exchanging exercises on the JEDEX trade, a merchant sends a

short move request. After endorsement of the request and if the offer/ask cost

is steady, the activity will be executed. Jewel will utilize the automatic filling of

the credit organization to rapidly affirm the demand.

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Endless supply of the short deal, the Credit Organization will give the Diamond

Smart Contract merchant against guarantee and obtained assets. Credit and

security expenses are held day by day.

Credits for merchants

The diamonds that are in storage can fill in as credit security. Clients can get a

Jewel COIN credit dependent on portfolio liquidity. The intrigue will be set as

indicated by the general loan fees.

Brokers will get from the Jewel full data about conceivable money related

offers without requiring learning about diamonds.

Coming up next are instances of a methodology where merchants pick either a

investment range or an investment category. JEDEX rating range from 0.599 to

0.0999 with a higher rating speaking to increasingly important ventures.

Moreover, the Jewel framework furnishes an evaluation of ventures alongside

the Jedex proposal through access to money related and gemological data.


We have assessed every single accessible task for fast deployment dependent

on the blockchain, as well as we have ordered a rundown of the most

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appropriate for us anticipates. As per the thought, Jewel stage should meet all

useful and non-practical necessities that may emerge from what has been

depicted previously.


The individual verification technique of every one of the parties concerned is

very imperative for the diamond trading platform to completely cooperate

with clients. For the diamond stage, request and the nonattendance of

mistakes (because of which there can be lost tokens) in smart contracts are

imperative. Concerning the non-useful necessities for Diamond, with

intangibility of the framework trustworthiness, its security, performing

multiple tasks execution, convenience and abnormal state of robotization are

very apparent.

Jewel's design is centred around status for change, material ness and

achievability of forms. Alteration suggests ordinary updates and coordination

of current frameworks in instances of changes in enactment. The Jewel

framework security is guaranteed by averting unapproved access to framework

support, while opening up every single money related open door for approved

clients. The Jewel framework security sets for itself such errands as honesty

and classification. A thorough examination of security frameworks is essential

for the fruitful improvement of our Jewel framework.

The blockchain innovation utilization infers an abnormal state of

mechanization when utilizing the application. The stage permits to guarantee

the synchronous execution of a substantial number of procedures showing its

adaptability and usefulness. The Jewel idea infers the simplicity of the

framework use, any client can very effectively stay away from mistakes when

exchanging diamonds.

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All together not to sit around idly, we considered all the present rapid

deployment systems and came to a conclusion that Civic is the most

reasonable solution because of its effortlessness and usefulness, as it just

requires a cell phone number and client email address amid the recognizable

proof procedure. That is, the client, in contrast to Home (Estonia), isn't obliged

to reveal all his own information.

This makes it conceivable to maintain a strategic distance from undesirable

government mediations. Recognizable proof when utilizing the Civic system

still has various impediments as experience demonstrates the significance of

the verifying client indicating real close to home information. In this manner,

relationship with other existing administrations is conceivable in Civic system.

Regardless of existing deficiencies, the Ethereum standard applies to Smart

Contracts, despite the fact that much of the time it isn't appropriate for such

applications as it doesn't reflect proof of exchanges.

Also, it very well may be hacked because of absence of safety efforts. Hence,

for Smart Contracts, a framework utilizing the check of directed exchanges

with price details (PoS) might be considered as a productive solution. A

reasonable precedent is the Qtum framework, which is as of now effectively

utilizing PoS. There are a few restricted frameworks to assess the Smart

Contracts. The Securify 11 framework plays out the official confirmation of

Ethereum Smart Contracts as a beta adaptation. We can likewise make

reference to such frameworks as Populus13 and Leave framework12, however

despite everything they appear to be unsound for formal assessment.

Probably the most recent scientific productions mirror the issue to compose

the protected Smart Contracts. To test and break down utilitarian rightness

and security, Strength utilizes the interpretation of Smart Contract codes into a

practical programming language. Because of this, the quantity of mistakes is

diminished because of the disappointments and blunders of coding and

cryptography related with Etherium are influenced. Based on the blockchain

for mass information, there is the Interplanetary Record Framework (IPFS),

which is an open source convention. IPFS addresses these blocks by hyperlinks

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as a demonstrate for block storage with elite datasets. Truth be

told, one PC stores numerous connects to hinders that are disseminated on a

few different PCs. Information for blockchain applications is put away on these

PCs as unchanging connections.

An appropriate possibility to process the diamond trading information is

BigChainDB, which is basically a decentralized database with blockchain

attributes. This database can be used to make and move advanced resources,

track dependably finished exchanges and actualize decentralized control. For

the Jewel framework, its attributes play an essential job for other blockchain-

like frameworks, for example, Ethereum, Qtum or IPFS.


Jewel Finance is a cryptographic

wallet that exists to coordinate

blockchain innovation into

customary online ventures.

Regarding change from traditional

financial balances to cryptographic

wallets, there has been an

inclination to increment

cryptographic money turnover. Be

that as it may, digital money

utilization still does not refute the

need to utilize fiat cash. New

financial specialists ought to put

resources into huge and stable

cryptographic forms of money, for

example, Bitcoin and Ethereum, and

after that purchase another digital

currency for this crypt money. This

is a mind boggling and costly process. Notwithstanding the abovementioned,

there are financial specialists who utilize both digital currency and customary

fiat cash. Jewel Fund suggests a helpful and straightforward wallet that makes

it simple to perform activities with both fiat cash and numerous crypto

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conversions (Jewel, Bitcoin, Ethereum and so on.), too as an

innovative trade point that permits you to move fiat cash into cryptographic

money and vice versa. Jewel coin holders can likewise make exchanges at a

large portion of the commission per exchange. These trades can be made

anyplace on the planet to pay for any item. Moreover, Jewel's wallet

is universal to the point that any methods will be tradable and make all

exchanges with fiat and crypto money so transparent that the client won't feel

the limits of the change to utilization of a specific cash.


Jewel Finance is a stage that performs quick and basic blockchain exchanges

around the world. Present day speculators comprehend that the eventual

future of the budgetary market is digital money, yet not every one of them are

educated and sufficiently experienced to maintain a strategic distance from

botches. Jewel Account will enable them to maintain a strategic distance from

these oversights and they can effectively and rapidly deal with their fiat and


Jewel Account can be utilized for the accompanying activities:

- To trade fiat cash for digital currency and the other way around;

- To change over digital currency to fiat cash and pull back it;

- To purchase fiat and digital currency;

- To keep fiat and digital currency;

- To make instalments with fiat and digital currency;

- To trade fiat and digital money;

- To pay half less commission utilizing Jewel coin


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In the advanced world, there are worldwide powers looking to bring diamonds

into the money market. Such forces center on monetary contracts or B2B

markets. The diamonds change from a class of merchandise into a class of

budgetary resources and hypertrophies the volume of ventures, in light of the

fact that just 5% of the diamonds bought are considered as speculations. The

worldwide diamond exchanging market is evaluated at $ 90 billion.

Contrasted with the worldwide gold market (700 billion), ventures into gold

are a lot higher (about 80%). By moving monetary hindrances, diamonds can

be transformed into the most alluring resources for speculators, on account of

which the venture advertise in diamonds can develop to $ 350 billion with a

80% - 20% proportion.


Jewel Venture was made by a gathering of experts in the Web circle, diamond

industry, monetary innovators and online marketing specialists. Financing was

given by TechFinancials.Inc. Holding 92% of the Jewel venture holdings through

a credit and value speculation.

An accomplished group of TechFinancials.Inc, one of the pioneers being

developed of budgetary exchanging advancements, together with the

Jewelpay created and made the Jewel exchanging innovation.

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2017 Company founded





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We present the Jewel trading platform, which will exchange diamonds from

the class of merchandise to the class of monetary resources. In this paper, we

have attempted to clarify the status quo, which demonstrates the fundamental

elements hindering the utilization of diamonds as money related resources.

In spite of the way that each stone is extraordinary, the fundamental obstacle

is the absence of transparency, liquidity of exchanges and moreover these

understandings are generally private exchanges. Be that as it may after the

dispatch of Jewel, this issue will be tackled and the market for interest in

diamonds will begin to grow very rapidly. As per our estimates, it can come to

a capitalization of $ 350 billion.

We attempted to set out our vision of the long haul points of view of the

ecosystem of diamonds utilizing the blockchain innovation upheld the data

with models that likewise use advanced payment systems.

To guarantee value, consistency and straightforwardness of diamonds in

economic situations, pointers are controlled by Jedex which considers a few

elements, for example, information on worldwide diamond stores, costs for

them, and so forth. As of now, Jedex is accessible for 0.3, 0.5 and 1 carat round


Guaranteeing uniform trade brought the issue of diamonds compatibility, yet

creation of Smart Contract utilizing the Jedex calculation diminishes this issue

to zero.

We trust that within a reasonable time-frame, new trading mechanisms which

will be founded on the standards of blockchains will be created. These

mechanisms will permit to achieve the most extreme transparency in trade

agreements that are important to diamonds. By exchanging Jewel Smart

agreements to the Jewel or P2P stage, all exchanges will be put away in the

blockchain, so the two-way diamond deals procedure will achieve an unheard

of level.

Regardless of the way that Jewel has positive parts of its deployment, it merits

recalling that Jewel is a decentralized stage structure with an unpredictable

business design.