who is the audeince for my film?

Audience BY Dominic Beharry

Upload: quantumdominic

Post on 10-Aug-2015




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AudienceBY Dominic Beharry

To find my film audience, I will find 3 similar films to mine and look into the reviews and audience those films have. Doing this will also give me an idea of how people enjoy films and why they enjoy areas of that film.My three similar films are…

Drums along Kingdom of Tomb the Mohawk Heaven Raider

This film is about American Revolution and Native Americans etc. this is a very similar film to my synopsis because it is based in the exact same time period. And another it may not of been placed in the same place exactly, (Boston, New York) area it is similar in the respect Native Americans are in a war against Americans. This is not a major plotline in my synopsis but it is touched on and a side story if you will, as part of Connors life, being a Native American himself. The comments from the film suggest it’s a good film, and its accurate one comment quotes “live free or Die” I think this is a good summary of the times in the American revolution.

This film is not based in the same place or time period as my synopsis but it is similar, because the assassins creed memory line started in the crusades. The origin of Templars and assassins. Therefore this film is similar because its based in the same time as the mythology of the Creed and the action is a lot similar to. The use of weapons will hopefully be repeated in my synopsis and film. The comments suggest this is a accurate film to history, they portray the main character as honoured and righteous man. Of course in assassins creed mythology he is a Templar, bearing the red cross, and in my film the Templars are hunting the assassins, so maybe they areRighteous in their own eyes, but are villains none the less.

This is films is similar because the action and assassinating adventuring and exploring and travelling is all similar to my synopsis. They both adventure to places with scenic value. They both have action with the hero/heroine kicking ass. In Tomb Raider they find treasures, in my synopsis they find a treasures with powers called a piece of Eden, it is a sphere with power and it is an important object of the assassins creed mythology. The comments suggest this is a good film, and it is important to note this film was based on a series of video games. As is my Synopsis which makes it Very similar indeed.

My synopsis is based on a game, and I can also get a lot of information about the audience from reviews and comments on the games trailer. The comments talk about my character Connor and how he is a motivated a strong character. They also discuss whether it is a good game or not. Those who like the game are my audience, those who do not will probably not like my film but I can aim to impress those members of the audience as well.