who said... here is a shocking game.... first, a verse.... 1jn 4:20 if someone says, “i love...

Who Said... Here is a shocking game...

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Who Said...

Here is a shocking game...

Page 2: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

First, a verse....

1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one not loving his brother whom he has seen, how is he able to love Elohim whom he has not seen?

1Jn 4:21 And we have this command from Him, that the one loving Elohim should love his brother too.

Page 3: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

“What shall we (redacted) do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews? … First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn…. Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed… Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them…

Page 4: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb… Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews…Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them…

Page 5: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Seventh, I recommend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow, as was imposed on the children of Adam… “ etc.

Page 6: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

65,000 word screed titled 'On the Jews and Their Lies'

Written by a German

Page 7: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Written by a respected theologian...

Page 8: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Martin Luther

Published, 1543

Page 9: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Another quote, different speaker:

“Their [the Jews] rotten and unbending stiffneckedness deserves that they be

oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without

the pity of anyone.”

Page 10: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Swiss Theologian

Chased all the Jews out of his city...

Page 11: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Excerpt from “Ad Quaelstiones et Objecta Juaei Cuiusdam Responsio,” by John Calvin; The Jew in Christian Theology, Gerhard Falk, McFarland and Company, Inc., Jefferson, NC

and London, 1931.

Father of 'Reformed Theology' and al Presbyterian denominations...

Page 12: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

[How can Christians dare] have the slightest converse [with Jews], most miserable of all men [Homily 4:1]…[who are] lustful, rapacious, greedy, perfidious bandits….Inveterate murderers, destroyers, men possessed by the devil [whom] debauchery and drunkenness have given them the manners of the pig and the lusty goat. They know only one thing, to satisfy their gullets, get drunk, to kill and maim one another… They are impure and impious… (1:4).

Page 13: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

…they have surpassed the ferocity of wild beasts, for they murder their offspring and immolate them to the devil (1:6). …[The synagogue is a place of] shame and ridicule 91:3) …the domicile of the devil, as is also the soul of the Jews (1:4, 6); [their houses of worship] an assembly of criminals … a den of thieves … a cavern of devils, an abyss of perdition (1:2, 6:6) … [their rites are] criminal and impure; [their religion] a disease (3:1). [The Jews are corrupt because of their] odious assassination of Christ 96:4)

Page 14: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

… no expiation possible, no indulgence, no pardon (6:2). [Why Christians must hate Jews:] he who can never love Christ enough will never have done fighting against those [Jews] who hate Him (7:1). Flee, then, their assemblies, flee their houses, and far from venerating the synagogue because of the books it contains, hold it in hatred and aversion for the same reason (1:5). … I hate the synagogue precisely because it has the law and the prophets … I hate the Jews also because they outrage the law.

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John Chrysostom349-407

Conferred sainthood by Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Chruches.

Page 16: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one


Go read and research....

Lots more!

Page 17: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

The point?

Theology is not formed in a vacuum, nor can a person's theological position be isolated from his/her prejudices, particularly as it concerns the Jews.

Page 18: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Jer 16:19 O יהוה, my strength and my stronghold and my refuge, in the day of distress the gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “Our fathers have inherited only falsehood, futility, and there is no value in them.”1 Footnote: 1See Ps. 147:19, Isa. 2:3, Isa. 60:2-3, John 4:22, Rom. 2:20, Rom. 3:2, Rom. 9:4.

Page 19: Who Said... Here is a shocking game.... First, a verse.... 1Jn 4:20 If someone says, “I love Elohim,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For the one

Beware doctrines that are informed by


The LION of the Tribe of JUDAH (JEW-D'uh!!) is
