whole energy body balance foundation workshop

Did you know that more than 60% of dogs suffer from back pain, and that they are so good at hiding it that 95% of their owners don’t even know that they are hurting? It’s true. I’ve been tending to dogs and cats for 19 years, with a strong focus on helping pets with back and body pain for the last 15 years. I’ve been helping pets with sore backs and body pain for so long I’ve created the Whole Energy Body Balance (WEBB) technique specifically to heal pain and tension from pet’s spines and bodies. I’ve freed hundreds of dogs from this silent suffering. And now you have the opportunity to learn how to perform WEBB sessions! With all of that experience, I can only tell if a dog is in pain by simply looking at them about half of the time. The rest of the time, I need to gently feel into their bodies with my hands before they tell me that it hurts. You should see the stunned look of surprise and disbelief I see on the faces of the owners of

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Did you know that more than 60% of dogs suffer from back pain, and that they are so good at hiding it that 95% of their owners dont even know that they are hurting?

Its true. Ive been tending to dogs and cats for 19 years, with a strong focus on helping pets with back and body pain for the last 15 years. Ive been helping pets with sore backs and body pain for so long Ive created the Whole Energy Body Balance (WEBB) technique specifically to heal pain and tension from pets spines and bodies.

Ive freed hundreds of dogs from this silent suffering. And now you have the opportunity to learn how to perform WEBB sessions!

With all of that experience, I can only tell if a dog is in pain by simply looking at them about half of the time. The rest of the time, I need to gently feel into their bodies with my hands before they tell me that it hurts.

You should see the stunned look of surprise and disbelief I see on the faces of the owners of these pets, when I tell them Your dog has back pain.

They usually say something like this Really? No, she cant be in pain, she is crazy for chasing that ball, I tell you. But he never makes a sound or cries out, so how on earth can he be in pain? You must be joking, surely But she seems totally OK to me, are you sure?

The thing is this: Dogs do not vocalise pain, unless they are in agony. Also, if there is a ball to play with, or an agility course to run though, or a person to run with, your dog will ignore pain. I know of one top-flight agility dog from the USA one of his trainers thought he could see the slightest hesitation to one side with a certain exercise, so small he thought he was almost imagining it.

They went and had scans, just to be safe. He had a serious soft tissue injury, bad enough that he needed 6 months rest for it to heal, and hed been competing at the highest level while carrying this injury. Whats more, nobody noticed a thing wrong in his movement during his performances.

Chances are, your dog is hurting, and you dont even know it.

If it was easy to release pain and tension from your pets body, would you want to learn how to?

Who is Dr Edward, anyhow? And why is he such a great teacher?

Dr Edward is a holistic small animal veterinarian who graduated from the University of Queensland with honors in 1995. He worked in mixed practice for two years, and has been working with dogs and cats ever since (thats 17 years worth of experience). Dr Edward grew up on a cattle property, and has been working with animals all of his life. He has a way of making the workshop seem simple and easy to grasp for his students.

Dr Edward is now based in Uki, and has a holistic home visit practice. Heres what some of his clients have to say about Dr Edward, The Healing Vet.

I could not believe the difference - after your visit and massage session he was back to his old self again. Even though we know that he mightn't have long in this world but it is nice to have him around for a little bit longer, thanks to you. Jocelyn Noy

Rosie loved you the moment you came into our home even offering you her favourite toy straight away and I hope your replacement is just as awesome as you are. Andrea Thompson

Dr Ed was a breath of fresh air, such a caring, calm man and our dogs instantly loved him. Jan Davenport & Brian Leak

What we like best about Dr Edward is his unhurried, kind, patient and understanding manner. Its just like having our own Dr Harry! The Turners

Ten months ago our beautiful dog Benson (12) was really struggling with arthritis. The benefits of the massage (WEBB) that Dr Edward does on Benson are incredible, leaving him relaxed, happy, and even playful and cheeky, wanting Dr Edward to keep going with the massage he loves so much. Thanks to Dr Edwards professional and loving care to our beautiful boy we now get to enjoy him in a much more relaxed and happier state of mind. Thanks Dr Edward, Youre one in a million Darlene Howden

You can learn how to heal your pet with Dr Edward!

Dr Edwards hands on Whole Energy Body Balance (WEBB) sessions are easy to learn and great for your pets health and well-being. Youll be surprised at how quickly your hands wake up and feel how to do the work, and at the difference in your dogs after the sessions. Dr Edward will provide you with detailed, easy to read notes (the wisdom of fifteen years), and lead you through hands on exercises that will have you confidently performing sessions in no time.

Each WEBB session is an intuitive, flexible combination of hands on massage/bodywork and subtle energy healing. The WEBB sessions are deeply effective on many levels an everyday, powerfully healing treat for you and your pets. So what differences are you likely to see in your pets after WEBB sessions?

Reduced anxiety I saw a whippet years ago who had a very severe separation anxiety. He would freak out to the point of self-harm when left alone. Two weeks of daily use of the deep pressure technique you will learn in the workshop, and he was much better about being on his own. His owners said they saw at least a 10-20% improvement. More able to focus and learn This work helps your dogs get in touch with and activate their parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). The calmer and more present they are, the easier it is for them to connect with you, and to learn new things.

More playful I worked with an ex-racing greyhound a year or so ago. He was about 13 years old, had a long racing career, and won a big pile of money. He had a lot of pain in his body! After about the fourth WEBB session, Benny rediscovered the puppyhood he never had. He started playing with toys for the first time in his life. In fact, Benny was the one who taught me just how profoundly this work helps dogs on an emotional level.

Better movement in the show ring When you release the tensions of life, play and stress from your dogs body, they will be able to able to extend and flow more freely. You will notice that their movement is stronger, flows better, and catches the eye of the judges.

Deeper connection with human guardians Thats you! Yes, this work builds trust, and deepens your connection with your dogs more than you can imagine. Youll find that youre closer, and that your dogs love you even more. And if you compete, this will shine through in your results together.

Increased vitality and well being When old traumas, be they physical, mental, emotional etc. are released, this means that your dog then has more energy available to run through their system. Youll notice that their coat is shinier, and that subtle glow of good health will bloom brighter, the more you share these sessions with them.

Quicker recovery from surgery and injury The WEBB work releases tension and energy blocks from your pets body. This accelerates the healing process. Your pet will also release patterns of tension from old injuries such things as play accidents when young and silly, falls, or even serious ones like being run over by a car.

Reduced pain If your pet has painful conditions like arthritis, ongoing sessions will help to keep their body moving freely and more comfortably. Also any old patterns of tension that subtly hamper your pet will let go, allowing greater comfort and ease.

Increased athletic ability Most dogs, especially performance athletes, are carrying old tensions from past injuries, silently. As you unlock and release these patterns of tension or holding from their body, youll notice that they suddenly do things more easily. I treated one agility dog who suddenly stopped knocking down jumps after having sessions.

Simply happier pets! this is the one thing clients tell me when I ask what theyve noticed after their pet has had WEBB sessions. They tell me, over and again, that their pet is simply happier, or back to their old self or more playful.

Anyone with a pair of hands and a loving heart can learn this!

You may be wondering what it actually is that youll be doing during the workshop. Dr Edward will be teaching you the foundation, the very core of what Whole Energy Body Balancing is, and does. Youll discover how Dr Edward learned how to do this sort of work. (Hint: Youll be getting a HUGE head start compared to him.) And then youll learn how to do it yourself.

And heres what the foundation Whole Energy Body Balnce workshop will give you

A new awareness of your self, your energetic boundaries, and your connection to the earth and all living things.

A new (or enhanced, if you already do energy healing) ability to connect with and direct healing energy with your mind and imagination.

Be able to perform the 5 minute deep pressure massage technique.

A new appreciation of your intuitive senses, and how best to use them.

Be able to do hands on energy healing with your pets.

Have an understanding of, and a practical ability to be able to assess your patients body youll know how to find out where any tension or energy blockages are.

Youll know what the craniosacral system is, and youll be able to work with it to open up a healthy movement and energy flow through this vitally important system.

All the questions you need to ask to truly get it.

And finally, youll perform your very first WEBB session while at the workshop, with expert assistance from Dr Edward.

This workshop can be a beautiful gift for your own pets, and it can also be the first step towards completing the WEBB practitioner training. The first Practitioner training will begin late 2015/early 2016, and the WEBB foundation workshop is a prerequisite.

Heres what students whove already attended the workshop said

I did this workshop last year - I loved it! Highly recommended!

"Thanks for what you allowed me (and others) to learn through the workshop. I have been reading through the notes again this morning and it strikes me that it has taken many years of you reading, experiencing, testing, practising etc ... and we were given the benefit of all this knowledge in one session."

"I really appreciated and enjoyed the relatively informal structure of the day. The information really made sense & was easy to understand & the practical demonstrations were very helpful"

"Clear and concise; good hand-outs to refer to when we are home."

"Today's workshop was really practical and informative. There was plenty of opportunity to practice on our dogs & ask questions. I really enjoyed today, and learned lots."

Practical application of experience & opportunity to fine tune physical interpretation."

"I liked that I learned to calm myself and connect with my inner peace."

Dr Edwards guarantee to you (for peace of mind)

If youre not happy that youve got good value at the end of the workshop, Dr Edward will refund you the full amount youve paid, plus an extra $10 for your trouble. So if you dont like it, you get your money back, no questions asked.

The tuition fee is $140 or $110 concession (thats to pay for Dr Edwards time, admin, organising, notes etc.). There will be a venue hire fee in addition to that, to be shared amongst all the people who attend. (Between $10-$30, payable in cash on the day.)

The workshop at Townsville will be $180 or $140 concession (the extra fee is to cover airfares, accommodation, living expenses etc.)

It will be more than helpful if you can bring at least one dog to practice with. You can bring several if you wish. Please contact Dr Edward if your dog is anxious or aggressive with lots of other dogs around, and he will help you decide if its best to bring them or not.

Please arrive at 9:30 for a 10:00 start, we should be wrapped up by around 5:00pm. If you have any questions at all, email Dr Edward on [email protected] or phone him on (0428) 278 630

Pay for the WEBB workshop 19th July 2015 at Tailwaggers

Pay for the WEBB workshop 16th August 2015 at Townsville