why people don't read

Why people don’t Read BOOKS

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Post on 11-May-2015




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Why people don’t Read BOOKS

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We all know that we can gain knowledge by reading lots of books. If you already read lots of book you can definitely deal with all the trials that come in your everyday life. Books can also help people to be successful in their life. One good example is school; School provides books for every student to help them on their studies. Books can help people in so many different ways like if you want to know how to cook a certain dish, you can buy a cook book to know all the steps. If you are studying in college, your school surely provides a book for you course. Reading books can also helps every reader to forget about their problems. Novels are usually the type of book that entertains readers. You can search and gain the knowledge that you want in a book. Book sellers also post their best selling books online. Try to see them and maybe there is one that will suit your interest. There are still people who don’t read book, see the possible reasons below.

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Here are some Possible Reasons why People don’t Read Books

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Most people are very busy that’s why they don’t have time to read books especially if they have a job. What’s in their mind is, they just take a rest and sleep when they got home instead of reading books. For example, you are a hard working person and you are very dedicated in your job and you always want to be with your family after your work. The possible thing that you will do is you will choose to spend your spare time having fun with your family instead of spending time reading books.


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This is also one of the reasons why people don’t read books. Most people don’t have money for buying a new book to read. Especially to a person who don’t have a job or a source of earning money. Most people who don’t have budget for buying book think that they’ll just spend their money on personal reasons like spending the money on food, personal things or expenses in the house like electricity and water.


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You can find lots of information in the internet, if you want to know about a certain subject or topic, you can easily search it online. This is also one of the main reasons why people don’t read books. You can definitely see what you want in an instant by just surfing on the internet. Because of the technology we have nowadays, most people rely much on the internet because they just sit in front of their computer and in few clicks; they can find the answer that they want.


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There are people who read books because it’s their hobby. There are also people who just read books in times that they only want to know a certain thing but not often. Most people don’t read books because it is not really their hobby. Every person has their hobby that makes them happy or entertained like, playing sports, going out with friends, playing computer games or they just choose to watch television that reading books. Maybe people think that they’ll just spend their time doing things that they usually do than to read books especially if they want to do stuffs that involve a group activity.


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This is also one of the main reasons why people don’t read books. If a person has poor reading skills, they will surely have a hard time finishing or understanding a book. If they can absorb what they are reading, they will surely stop reading and focus their attention on things that will make them entertained or happy. Also, when a person usually encounter words that is hard to understand, they usually get discouraged and they think that they won’t be able to read properly because they are poor in vocabulary.

Reading Skills

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There are also some people who don’t read books because of their personal problems. When a person has a problem, they usually think of it every day. Their problem stocks in their mind and the possible thing that usually happen is they can’t focus on other things. For example, they have a family problem, even if they read books, they won’t be able to read properly and absorb everything they read because they keep on thinking about their problem.

Personal Problems

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There are lots of novels nowadays that already became a movie. It is also a reason why people don’t bother to read novels or books. Maybe they think that it is more enjoyable to watch the novel as a movie that to read it. One good example is the novel “Harry Potter” Most people don’t know that Harry Potter is first release as a novel before it became a movie. Maybe people also choose to watch the novel as a movie that to read its book because the book has no image and they are having a hard time visualizing the story.


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If you really want to read books, you should start now. If you just think of all those reasons, you won’t be able to start reading. Reading books is very important for every person. There are still lots of information that you don’t know which you cannot learn in school. If you want to start reading and you want an interesting book, I recommend Peter Andrew Sacco because he is a good author and his books are amazing and interesting.

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• You can still read books even if you have a work, you can spend 5 or 10 minutes reading on your break time. You don’t need to rush on finishing the book.

• If you don’t have enough money to buy a new book, you can go into a library and borrow books. You can also ask your friends if they have a book that you can borrow.

• Although internet is very reliable, you still need to have a book. What if there is a power shortage in your area?

• As mentioned above, books can help to forget your problems, try to set aside your problem and focus on your book.

• Most people choose to read the book of the novel that already became a movie, because sometimes, there are scenes in the book that wasn’t shown in the movie.

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