why you will fail to have great career larry smith

An Economist’s View On Careers Economist Larry Smith laid it out straight, “I’m an economist, I do dismalWHY YOU WILL FAIL TO HAVE A GREAT CAREER

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Post on 18-Aug-2015



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An Economist’s View On Careers

Economist Larry Smith laid it out straight, “I’m an economist, I do dismal”




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  “I’m not talking to those who want ‘good’ jobs, or ‘okay’ jobs.

I’m talking about those who truly want ‘GREAT’ jobs.”

Who is the Audience ?

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“Oh, people who want ‘good’ jobs will fail as well,”

“Because good jobs are disappearing. 


There are great jobs and great careers… and there are high stress, soul destroying

kinds of jobs…and nothing really in between.

So people looking for good jobs are going to fail.”

Stress JobsNothing in Between

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So if we’re doomed from at

least having a good career…

what’s stopping us from

having a “great” career?

Good Career

Great Career

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Pursuing your passions has become one of the biggest clichés of the universe, yet we ignore it and make excuses.

No matter how many times we are told to find your dream, your passion, we don’t find it.


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  But, Larry Smith already told us “good” careers aren’t possible so that won’t work.

Our first excuse, “Great careers for

most people are a matter of

luck.” I’ll do the right things, study the

right courses, and if I’m lucky I’ll have

a great career.  If not, at least I’ll have

a good career. 

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Excuse number two, “Yes, some people pursue passions but they’re geniuses.” We tell ourselves,

“I’m no Steve Jobs.  I don’t have the brains to carry out my passion.”  We tell ourselves we’re competent

But in 2012 competence doesn’t get you “great” jobs.

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Excuse number three, “I would do it…but I’m not weird.” 

Successful people as walking a fine line between madness and genius.  They are

a little crazy, mean, odd, quirky, strange, and different.   

But you…you’re normal.  So you can’t possibly be the next Mark Zuckerberg or Oprah Winfrey.

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Excuse number four, “Mommy and Daddy taught me that if I work really hard I’ll have a great career.” 

But does that honestly give you a great career?

Oh sure, the world will give you plenty of opportunities to work REALLY hard,  

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Excuse number five, “I have an interest.” 

“Marry me…you’re interesting?” 

Studying the major you picked, was it your passion…or did it just interest you?

Some of you will find your passion…but you still won’t do it.

Yes, some of you will find what you love and are

passionate about, but will drop it for your next


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You’ve just made yourself a hero no matter what happens.

You’ve given yourself the ultimate excuse for not having a

“great” career.

“I want to value human relationships over a great career…”

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 If you fail now, at least you were a good person

And you’ll pass on the same things to your children

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Your kid one day will come up to you and say, “Dad, Mom… I want to be a magician.”

“It’s risky…It doesn’t make much money…You’re good at math, you should try that.”

“But it’s my dream!”

What do you say?

“Look kid I had a dream too once but…”

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“I had a dream too once but… I was afraid to pursue it.”

“Look kid I had a dream too once…but then you were born.”

Will you say ……..

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Don’t you wish you could say, “I had a dream too son, go for it… just like I did.”

‘Do you really want to look at your spouse …your family and see jailors?

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But you won’t be able to say that because you didn’t.

And so the sins of the parents are visited on the children.

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Why will you seek refuge in human relationships as your excuse not to

find and pursue your passion?

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Because you’re afraid…to pursue it

to look ridiculous….to try…..to fail.

You know why……….

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“Great friend.  Great spouse.  Great parent.  Is

that not a package…not who you are…can you

be one without the other?


“But you’re afraid, and that’s why you will not have a

great career”

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Sameer Mathur Marketing Professor 2009 – 2013

Ph.D. and M.S. (Marketing) 2003 – 2009

Marketing Professor 2013 – Indian Institute of Management, LucknowAbhishek SinghIndian Institute of Management, Lucknow MBA Student