wi i just andlanous allis - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vrp33/data/0170.pdf ·...

r t- uI < u 1 < u L- LrrT f f J W N J 1ft1 1 + 1 or a 1 tJ a r- And Y J KEEP OUT THE FLIES bugs by using screen doors and windows Wi I will furnish them cheap Nice Fresh Groceries I Always on hand and cor ¬ rect prices guaranteed Trade with u- sWLWalden I4 r L SHORT LOCALS I t John can you keep uit7 Good side meat 9 cts per lb ADAMS SULLIVAN i Ask Roy Wilson what business I had up at Oak Hill last week r SVAItfTEDFour gentlemj oard ors central location njpe family Call at BEE office for otffticulars irJJ Some of our yoijjff men are havln a hard time ke lug up L E MqEuen8 for raisins and currants lily b cents a pack age Monday I ht will be regular drlli a night for K Earlington military members are requestei to be onjjpid promptly u cash and get goods cheat I dams Sullivans r Several of the farmers living along the line are commenting favorably on the excellent condition of Hop kins county roads I You can get good flour at 70 cts for 26 pound sack at Adams Sullivans y s Miss Margaret and Catherine Vlc i Ji toryiWho have been ill a few days are now able to be out I applew i f L B Waltz and a party of friends from Evansville were out Sunday ti spending the day on Loch Mary They made some nice catches r x For Sale fr1One house and lot on Railroad street 4 rooms water garden and rstable Consideration 1600 cash Apply to this office tf J Vinson Morgan was in town Moq day with a nice sack of ginseng for woodss near a good price and if it could be col ¬ netted in sufficient quantities there = would be money in digging it r A lesson in Health R ¬ impuritiesfrom ImpossibleFoleys kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease It strengthens the whole system Sold by Jno X Taylor J M Victory who has been in Hot Springs for several days on the reportedI re ¬ turn about June 18th to St Louis where Mrs Victory will meet him L and they will attend the big fair L Genuine silk umbrellas at 0 wrP Smiths Madisonvlle from 100 to 500 l Henry Bourland who lost his cow I some time in February was for ¬ tunate in finding her Monday near athe Daniel Boone mine She strayed from home and had been taken care of since February by a farmer living sin that neighborhood New trimmed hats The hats fprs lime t Dlenty left yet Come for a bar- gain w < L E MoEum i i One of the most depressing feel y I j wings man can experience is to hang 7 t a three pound bass get him out of tljb water and then let him escape rJudge Cowell gave an open air concert at his residence Tuesday night with his excellent grapho phone Quite a number of his friends were present and enjoyed i the music very much LOST One gold watch in black- s steel case with Hampton ovemcnt Finder will return to this mce and I receive reward s t k- t 4w- i I Wonder how Joint is keeping up Leo Herb who was formerly em- ployed by the I C R B at Norton ville has been transferred to Padu- cah where he will work for the same company as caller Just received a handsome lot of Ladies Muslin Underwear at U P Smiths Madisonville Ky Mrs James Head who has been ill for a long time is still in a ser- ious condition Tailor made skirts in all grades at 0 P Smiths Madisonvilli Ky James Maloney who has been on the sick list for several days Is again able to be out You cart get any package cof- fee 2 for 25 cents at Adams c Sullivansf Dr T D RenfrowW Hfclin and W G Barter leftMonday for Eumsey on Green jfflver where they will spend a w fishing Attention Mem of Earlington Company You ordered to report at the ani Friday night May 271904 >> oclock for the purpose of hold > ng an election for Colonel of the 8r Infantry Be promptPAUL P PRICE Captain Commanding You Know What You are Taking When you take Groves Tasteles Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle show ing that it Is simply Iron and Qui nine In a tasteless form No cure on pay 60c Harry Simons was out fishing one day last week and like so many other fisherman have done In the past made a water haul Remember we handle the Selt Royal Blue Shoes atS50 0 P SMITH Madisonville Ky Dont forget the old fashioned spelling bee that will soon take place at the new school building The school children will spell against the citizens and all who ex- pect to participate should be looking over the spelling book There Is more Catarrh in this sec Lion of the country than all other diseases put together and until the last tew years was supposed to be Incurable For a great many years loctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and- y constantly falling to cure with local treatment pronounced it In- curable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitu- tional cure on the market It is ta- ken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbo system They offer one hundred lollars for any case It falls to cure Send fer circulars and testimonials F J CHENEY d Co Toledo O Sold by druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for con- stipation Little Pete Davis while out hunt- Ing one day last week killed a squir- rel with white legs and no tail It was exhibited to some Earllugton eople who claim it was the first quirrel of this kind that they had ever Been The jury in the Woodruff case passed through here Wednesday to- look at the land said to be damaged by copperas water from the mines Lace curtains from 50c to 500 per pair at0 P Smiths Madi onville Ky The following party will leave for lumsey on Green river Saturday for a two weeks hunting and fishing trip Jno Devney Dan Donahue V D Caveness Henry Rodgers Jim Ligon Peckhause and Shean Try our stripped Bacon 10 cts per pound ADAMS SULLIVAN Miss Willie Wmstead formerly of his city but lately of Louisville has ccepted a position with the Singer Sewing Machine Company at Mad sonville as bookkeeper A Revelation If you will make inquiry it will be a revelation to you how many sue umb to kidney or bladder troubles in one form or another If the pa- tient is not beyond medical aid Fo Cure will cure It disappointsSold Taylor Mr J S Montague of the Nation al Biscuit Companys Evansville ranch was here Saturday and with tbe assistance of Mrs Kate Withers and Mrs J B Ltndle made a house to house canvass thoroughly samp- ling the town The people of Earl ngton were more than pleased with tbe superiority of the line of goods handled by the National Biscuit Company and Mr Montague is a splendid representative of this well known firm I f 1 ift d c f g 1111 Ltwo l + PERSONALS fI Joseph Mothershead spent Sunday in Nashville Mrs Ed Brodie of Outline Ky visited relatives here last week Mrs Walter Wright Wand moths Mrs Salmon spent a few days In St Louis last week DG Wilson was in Earlingto last week- Mrs Green and Miss Edna Ovei all visited in this city last week Dr B E Gianini of Nashvilli Tenn who has been visiting friend here for several days went to Prov- idence last week to visit the famil < f his uncle F P Gianini Mr McLeod and Frank McGar have returned from Hot Springs Ark after several weeks visit Mr Thomas Trehern who has been to St Petersburg Fla on ac count of his health has returno greatly Improved- Mr and Mrs Ben Fields who hav been visiting relatives here sevqra da stleft Sunday for St Louis where Mr Fields is employed by the Simmons Hardware Company Mr McCary of Nashville Tenn who is traveling inlio interest of the Southern Soda Works of tills- city was here this weekon business RN Clark of this city was In Dawson Sunday Mrs EL Wise was in Madison ville Monday shopping Foreman T W Dill and family spent Sunday in Dawson Mrs JJ Sullivan was In Madison rule Monday Thomas Peyton and Leonard Goodloe two of Earlington baseball boys attended the game between Dawson and Princeton Sunday Leonard catching for the former Mrs Elmer Lynn visited friends in Madisonville Monday Mr Mike Cam of Mortons Gap made a business trip to Madison pllle Monday- N I Toombs the genial traveling man of Evansville spent Sunday J1E reV C Lacy of Hopkiusvllle was here Monday Misses Clara Gentry and Mollie Itodghlll visited in Madisonville Sunday Elmo Shaver was in Madisbnvlile Monday J R Rash of this city made a business trip to Madisonville Moti oroday Col E G Sebree of Henderson Is attending court at Madisonville ibis week Lee Jackson of Madisonville was sere Monday on buslnes L D Huff made a quick trip to ladlsonville Monday fly Lane of this place was in ladisonvllle Monday Roy Prathet went to Slaughters Monday to visit homefolks Mrs Jennie Moore and grand aughters Elizabeth and Margaret Kemp were In Madisonville Sunday Mrs E A Chatten Is visiting in lopkinsville this week Miss Kate Chatten is visiting her aunt Mrs Gilmour in Dawson this weekMrr J E Coil is spending the reek in Madisonville with her nother Mrs Joe Ferguson Fred Cates who is superintendent of masonry for the L 8 N of Nash llle Tenn was In Madison vlllo Monday Mrs I 0 Castleberry and little laughter Bessie of Winchester are in Madisonville visiting her mother Irs Sarah Bainbridge Mrs J R Evans and daughter hiss LiUie were in Madisonville londay shopping Mrs Elizabeth MoEuen spent Sun lay with friends in Madisonville Mr and Mrs J R Rash wor- shipped In Madisonville Sunday Mrs Edward Brodie of Guthrie visited relatives at this place and laughters last week returning Sunday Mrs and Miss Wood of Evans vllJeInd the mother and sister of our popular railroad agent W B Vood visited Mrs Jno B Atkm son Tuesday Mr Ben Lacey Miss Sadie Stokes Mr Thurman Rudd and Miss Char- lie Davis were in Hanson Sunday Misses Blanche Edmondson and Uohie Stone two chaining young ladles of this city visited in the ountry Sunday 1 i Mr Lee Oldham was in Madison vllJe Saturday shopping Mesdames Harmon Davenport and T Pd Renfrow were in Madisonville aturday Grover Long was in Madisonville Sunday visiting friends Frank Devylder did not Roto ladisonvllle Sunday night as usual from some cause fit J t 1It btM iIl rLikeI Thisthe iky Cornea of health andlanous doesforthestom V O Xdentdyspepllc allIs troublesandslightly or overburdened disorders Kodol 1 supplies the natural 1 Juices of digestion and I does tho work of the IIV stomach relaxing the 111 nervous tension while I the Inflamed muscles I and membranes of that organ aro allowed to rest and heal It cures Indigestion flatulence palpitation of tho heart nervous dyspepsia and all stomach troubles by cleansing purifying and strengthening tho glands membranes of the atom ¬ ach and digestive organs Ml DyscpsiCiIre roar Dealer Can Sapply You Bottles onlJ100 Slo holdlne 2H tea tho trlalalze which sells for SOc imuta by Eo ODIWITT < co CBICAOO For sale by John X Taylor Ed Cnnsler of Madisonville was hero Tuesday Polk Blair of this cityvisited homofolks In Keysburg Sunday and MondayArthur Barnett was in Madison ¬ ville Sunday night visiting friends Henry Cowand who has been clerking in the St Bernard Mining Companys store at this place left this week for his home in North Carolina where he will remain until he fully recovers his health Dr E A Chatten is ins Chicago this week Mr Jno Wolfgang visited friends In Henderson a few days this week Miss Allen visited friends in Unlontown this week returning home Tuesday Mrs Mary and Misses Lillian and Hazel Long Mrs Burkeholder and little daughter were the guests of Mrs Day this week An Open Letter From the Chapin S C News Early In the spring my wlfo and I were taken with diarrhoea pains and so Severe were the pains that we prescribedfor give any relief A friend who had a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Chol ¬ era and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each of us a dose and wo at once felt the effects I procured a bottle and before using the entire contents we were entirely cured It is a wonderful remedy and should be found In every household H O Bailey Editor This remedy is for sale by St Ber- nard ¬ Drug Store Earlington Ben- T Robinson Mortons Gap f x Taylor Earlington E L Wise aid Mr and Mrs E M Orr who are fishing at the Bum sey locks on Green river are having an excellent time and catching quite a number of nice fish N I Toombs who has a reputation of being a mod- erately ¬ truthful man reports that ho was at Bumsey ono day last week when one of the party hung a fine largo bass and Ed Wise jumped in the river up to his shoulders with the landing net and landed the fish This bass was weighed on its own scales You can buy White Swan Flour by the barrel at 000 Meal at 75c per bushel Exchange Flour 550 per barrel Ex ¬ change Flour per sack 24 lbs 70c White Swan 24 lb sack 80c at Adams Sullivans We defy competition on goods for Cash Elmer Orr and wife and E L Wise and Dock Nichols of color returned from Kumsey Tuesday night where they have been catch ¬ ing a lot of nice fish They brought back a sixteen pound cat and sever ¬ al nice rock bass and other game w f fishGeo Toy has rented ground from Wm Bradley near this place and will put in a large crop of corn Ho and a force of laborers began cutting sprouts and building fences Wed nesday Cross Poor pian 1 He cant help it Its his liver He needs a liver pill Ayers Pills Want your moustache or beard a beautttui brown or rift black Use Buckinghams Dye fsOctf of druesliti or R t Hall Co JJMhti NH f v r4 Yl t tfi rh DELKER BUGGY 3Xc Best and Most Durable Buggy Made for the Price Get one now and be in time for the foot washing at Flat Creek the first Sunday in June For sale by J R MILLS SON Madisonville Kentucky v MsY Ultl MMWMWMWMWMd 0 0 i I 0- i FOR bit J HOME ENTERTAINMENT S l tli bit f 49 AND FOR bit = 4 Music Loving Peoble S 4 THE t1ONOGRAPH HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALED 5 49 ri 49 In Quality or Price bit JJ FOR SALE ATo 49 Pratt s Book and Jewelry Store 1 17 South Main Street Hadlsonvlllc Kentucky = 1 A 1 It wwwmmwrmmW Dealer WATCHMAKER OF 14 REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY DONE DONT FAIL TO BRINQJME W G BARTER Time I t Oxford d Lend us your feet and we will fit them most comfortable most exacting lady I AH the new shapes two and three straps Gibson Ties Louis XV Extra Special Old Y KyrrtirtirrrrrrrrHrrrrr Prices 100 to S300 a II ita of Dulin Madieonville ringy ty 9 MONEY SAVERS TO omun a god nts ofn f 1 A Hot ofin fl r But Sory Oflutt UptoDate handsome 1800 Soda an expert dispenser and will be lip with the most delicious for art purposes druggists sundries lA it TONIC or that tired feeling 0 k- edy OF SORY ice f1 i DRUG 3e STORE ON tilE CORNER w to UI qd ntr 1 g fiE THOMPSON Madisonville e d fi I FURNITUF J- t E- i UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY rI- a ji

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Post on 29-Mar-2018




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Page 1: Wi I Just andlanous allIs - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7z610vrp33/data/0170.pdf · and prescribed local remedies and- ... Sewing Machine Company at Mad sonville as bookkeeper

r t-

uI< u 1 < u


LrrT f f J WN J1ft1 1 + 1 or a 1





bugs by using screen

doors and windows WiI

will furnish them cheap

Nice Fresh Groceries

I Always on hand and cor ¬

rect prices guaranteed

Trade with u-





John can you keep uit7

Good side meat 9 cts per lbADAMS SULLIVAN


Ask Roy Wilson what businessI had up at Oak Hill last week


SVAItfTEDFour gentlemj oardors central location njpe familyCall at BEE office for otffticulars

irJJSome of our yoijjff men are havln

a hard time ke lug up

L E MqEuen8 for raisins andcurrants lily b cents a package

Monday I ht will be regular drllia

night for K Earlington militarymembers are requestei

to be onjjpid promptlyu

cash and get goods cheatI dams Sullivans

rSeveral of the farmers living along

the line are commenting favorablyon the excellent condition of Hopkins county roads

I You can get good flour at 70cts for 26 pound sack at Adams

Sullivansy s Miss Margaret and Catherine Vlc

iJitoryiWho have been ill a few daysare now able to be out


L B Waltz and a party of friendsfrom Evansville were out Sundayti spending the day on Loch MaryThey made some nice catches

r xFor Sale

fr1One house and lot on Railroadstreet 4 rooms water garden and

rstable Consideration 1600 cashApply to this office tf


Vinson Morgan was in town Moqday with a nice sack of ginseng forwoodssneara good price and if it could be col¬

netted in sufficient quantities there= would be money in digging it


A lesson in HealthR ¬impuritiesfrom

ImpossibleFoleyskidneys and will positively cure allforms of kidney and bladder diseaseIt strengthens the whole system

Sold by Jno X Taylor

J M Victory who has been inHot Springs for several days on thereportedIre ¬

turn about June 18th to St Louiswhere Mrs Victory will meet him

L and they will attend the big fairL

Genuine silk umbrellas at 0wrP Smiths Madisonvlle from100 to 500

lHenry Bourland who lost his cow

I some time in February was for ¬

tunate in finding her Monday near

athe Daniel Boone mine She strayedfrom home and had been taken careof since February by a farmer living

sin that neighborhood

New trimmed hats The hatsfprslimet Dlenty left yet Come for a bar-gain

w <

L E MoEumi i

One of the most depressing feely

I j wings man can experience is to hang

7 t a three pound bass get him out oftljb water and then let him escape

rJudge Cowell gave an open airconcert at his residence Tuesdaynight with his excellent grapho

phone Quite a number of hisfriends were present and enjoyed

i the music very much

LOST One gold watch in black-s

steel case with Hampton ovemcntFinder will return to this mce and

I receive reward

st k-




I Wonder how Joint is keeping up

Leo Herb who was formerly em-

ployed by the I C R B at Nortonville has been transferred to Padu-

cah where he will work for the samecompany as caller

Just received a handsome lotof Ladies Muslin Underwear atU P Smiths Madisonville Ky

Mrs James Head who has beenill for a long time is still in a ser-

ious condition

Tailor made skirts in all gradesat 0 P Smiths MadisonvilliKy

James Maloney who has been onthe sick list for several days Is

again able to be out

You cart get any package cof-

fee 2 for 25 cents at Adams c

SullivansfDr T D RenfrowW Hfclin

and W G Barter leftMonday forEumsey on Green jfflver wherethey will spend a w fishing

Attention Mem of

Earlington Company

You ordered to report at theani Friday night May 271904

> > oclock for the purpose of hold> ng an election for Colonel of the 8rInfantry Be promptPAUL

P PRICECaptain Commanding

You Know What You are TakingWhen you take Groves TastelesChill Tonic because the formula Isplainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply Iron and Quinine In a tasteless form No cureon pay 60c

Harry Simons was out fishing oneday last week and like so manyother fisherman have done In thepast made a water haul

Remember we handle the SeltRoyal Blue Shoes atS50 0 PSMITH Madisonville Ky

Dont forget the old fashionedspelling bee that will soon takeplace at the new school buildingThe school children will spellagainst the citizens and all who ex-

pect to participate should be lookingover the spelling book

There Is more Catarrh in this secLion of the country than all otherdiseases put together and until thelast tew years was supposed to beIncurable For a great many yearsloctors pronounced it a local diseaseand prescribed local remedies and-

y constantly falling to cure withlocal treatment pronounced it In-

curable Science has proven catarrhto be a constitutional disease andtherefore requires constitutionaltreatment Halls Catarrh Curemanufactured by F J Cheney CoToledo Ohio is the only constitu-

tional cure on the market It is ta-

ken internally in doses from 10 dropsto a teaspoonful It acts directly ontbe blood and mucous surfaces oftbo system They offer one hundredlollars for any case It falls to cureSend fer circulars and testimonials

F J CHENEY d Co Toledo OSold by druggists 75cTake Halls Family Pills for con-


Little Pete Davis while out hunt-Ing one day last week killed a squir-

rel with white legs and no tail Itwas exhibited to some Earllugton

eople who claim it was the firstquirrel of this kind that they had

ever Been

The jury in the Woodruff casepassed through here Wednesday to-

look at the land said to be damagedby copperas water from the mines

Lace curtains from 50c to 500per pair at 0 P Smiths Madionville Ky

The following party will leave forlumsey on Green river Saturday

for a two weeks hunting and fishingtrip Jno Devney Dan DonahueV D Caveness Henry Rodgers

Jim Ligon Peckhause and Shean

Try our stripped Bacon 10 ctsper pound


Miss Willie Wmstead formerly ofhis city but lately of Louisville has

ccepted a position with the SingerSewing Machine Company at Madsonville as bookkeeper

A RevelationIf you will make inquiry it will be

a revelation to you how many sueumb to kidney or bladder troubles

in one form or another If the pa-

tient is not beyond medical aid FoCure will cure It

disappointsSold Taylor

Mr J S Montague of the National Biscuit Companys Evansvilleranch was here Saturday and with

tbe assistance of Mrs Kate Withersand Mrs J B Ltndle made a houseto house canvass thoroughly samp-ling the town The people of Earlngton were more than pleased withtbe superiority of the line of goodshandled by the National BiscuitCompany and Mr Montague is a

splendid representative of this wellknown firm




iftd c



Ltwo l

+ PERSONALS fIJoseph Mothershead spent Sunday

in NashvilleMrs Ed Brodie of Outline Ky

visited relatives here last week

Mrs Walter Wright Wand mothsMrs Salmon spent a few days InSt Louis last week

D G Wilson was in Earlingtolast week-

Mrs Green and Miss Edna Oveiall visited in this city last week

Dr B E Gianini of NashvilliTenn who has been visiting friendhere for several days went to Prov-idence last week to visit the famil< f his uncle F P Gianini

Mr McLeod and Frank McGarhave returned from Hot SpringsArk after several weeks visit

Mr Thomas Trehern who hasbeen to St Petersburg Fla on account of his health has returnogreatly Improved-

Mr and Mrs Ben Fields who havbeen visiting relatives here sevqrada stleft Sunday for St Louiswhere Mr Fields is employed by theSimmons Hardware Company

Mr McCary of Nashville Tennwho is traveling inlio interest ofthe Southern Soda Works of tills-

city was here this weekon businessR N Clark of this city was In

Dawson SundayMrs E L Wise was in Madison

ville Monday shoppingForeman T W Dill and family

spent Sunday in DawsonMrs J J Sullivan was In Madison

rule MondayThomas Peyton and Leonard

Goodloe two of Earlington baseballboys attended the game betweenDawson and Princeton SundayLeonard catching for the former

Mrs Elmer Lynn visited friendsin Madisonville Monday

Mr Mike Cam of Mortons Gapmade a business trip to Madisonpllle Monday-

N I Toombs the genial travelingman of Evansville spent SundayJ1E


C Lacy of Hopkiusvllle washere Monday

Misses Clara Gentry and MollieItodghlll visited in MadisonvilleSunday

Elmo Shaver was in MadisbnvlileMonday

J R Rash of this city made abusiness trip to Madisonville MotiorodayCol E G Sebree of HendersonIs attending court at Madisonvilleibis week

Lee Jackson of Madisonville wassere Monday on buslnes

L D Huff made a quick trip toladlsonville Monday

fly Lane of this place was inladisonvllle Monday

Roy Prathet went to SlaughtersMonday to visit homefolks

Mrs Jennie Moore and grandaughters Elizabeth and MargaretKemp were In Madisonville Sunday

Mrs E A Chatten Is visiting inlopkinsville this week

Miss Kate Chatten is visiting heraunt Mrs Gilmour in Dawson this


J E Coil is spending thereek in Madisonville with her

nother Mrs Joe FergusonFred Cates who is superintendent

of masonry for the L 8 N of Nashllle Tenn was In Madison vlllo

MondayMrs I 0 Castleberry and little

laughter Bessie of Winchester arein Madisonville visiting her motherIrs Sarah BainbridgeMrs J R Evans and daughter

hiss LiUie were in Madisonvillelonday shopping

Mrs Elizabeth MoEuen spent Sunlay with friends in MadisonvilleMr and Mrs J R Rash wor-

shipped In Madisonville SundayMrs Edward Brodie of Guthrie

visited relatives at this place andlaughters last week returningSunday

Mrs and Miss Wood of EvansvllJeInd the mother and sister ofour popular railroad agent W BVood visited Mrs Jno B Atkm

son TuesdayMr Ben Lacey Miss Sadie Stokes

Mr Thurman Rudd and Miss Char-lie Davis were in Hanson Sunday

Misses Blanche Edmondson andUohie Stone two chaining youngladles of this city visited in theountry Sunday 1


Mr Lee Oldham was in MadisonvllJe Saturday shopping

Mesdames Harmon Davenport andT Pd Renfrow were in Madisonvilleaturday

Grover Long was in MadisonvilleSunday visiting friendsFrank Devylder did not Roto

ladisonvllle Sunday night as usualfrom some cause


t 1It btM iIl

rLikeIThisthe iky Cornea

of health

andlanousdoesforthestom V O XdentdyspepllcallIstroublesandslightlyor overburdened disorders

Kodol 1supplies the natural 1

Juices of digestion and I

does tho work of the IIV

stomach relaxing the 111

nervous tension while I

the Inflamed muscles I

and membranes of thatorgan aro allowed torest and heal It curesIndigestion flatulencepalpitation of tho heartnervous dyspepsia andall stomach troubles bycleansing purifying andstrengthening tho glandsmembranes of the atom ¬

ach and digestive organs

Ml DyscpsiCiIreroar Dealer Can Sapply You

Bottles onlJ100 Slo holdlne 2H teatho trlalalze which sells for SOcimuta by Eo ODIWITT < co CBICAOO

For sale by John X Taylor

Ed Cnnsler of Madisonville washero Tuesday

Polk Blair of this cityvisitedhomofolks In Keysburg Sunday andMondayArthur

Barnett was in Madison ¬

ville Sunday night visiting friendsHenry Cowand who has been

clerking in the St Bernard MiningCompanys store at this place leftthis week for his home in NorthCarolina where he will remain untilhe fully recovers his health

Dr E A Chatten is ins Chicagothis week

Mr Jno Wolfgang visited friendsIn Henderson a few days this week

Miss Allen visited friends inUnlontown this week returninghome Tuesday

Mrs Mary and Misses Lillian andHazel Long Mrs Burkeholder andlittle daughter were the guests ofMrs Day this week

An Open LetterFrom the Chapin S C News

Early In the spring my wlfo and Iwere taken with diarrhoea pains andso Severe were the pains that weprescribedforgive any relief A friend who had abottle of Chamberlains Colic Chol ¬

era and Diarrhoea Remedy on handgave each of us a dose and wo atonce felt the effects I procured abottle and before using the entirecontents we were entirely cured Itis a wonderful remedy and should befound In every household H OBailey Editor

This remedy is for sale by St Ber-nard


Drug Store Earlington Ben-T Robinson Mortons Gap f xTaylor Earlington

E L Wise aid Mr and Mrs EM Orr who are fishing at the Bumsey locks on Green river are havingan excellent time and catching quitea number of nice fish N I Toombswho has a reputation of being a mod-


truthful man reports that howas at Bumsey ono day last weekwhen one of the party hung a finelargo bass and Ed Wise jumped inthe river up to his shoulders withthe landing net and landed the fishThis bass was weighed on its ownscales

You can buy White SwanFlour by the barrel at 000Meal at 75c per bushel ExchangeFlour 550 per barrel Ex ¬

change Flour per sack 24 lbs 70cWhite Swan 24 lb sack 80c atAdams Sullivans We defycompetition on goods for Cash

Elmer Orr and wife and E LWise and Dock Nichols of colorreturned from Kumsey Tuesdaynight where they have been catch ¬

ing a lot of nice fish They broughtback a sixteen pound cat and sever ¬

al nice rock bass and other gamew ffishGeo

Toy has rented ground fromWm Bradley near this place andwill put in a large crop of corn Hoand a force of laborers began cuttingsprouts and building fences Wednesday

CrossPoor pian 1 He cant help itIts his liver He needs aliver pill Ayers Pills

Want your moustache or beard abeautttui brown or rift black Use

Buckinghams DyefsOctf of druesliti or R t Hall Co JJMhti NH


r4 Yl


3Xc Best and Most Durable Buggy Made for the Price

Get one now and be in time for the foot washing at Flat Creek the

first Sunday in June For sale by

J R MILLS SONMadisonville Kentucky v


00i I 0-

i FOR bit


tli bit f49 AND FOR bit

=4 Music Loving Peoble S


49 ri49 In Quality or Price bit

JJ FOR SALEATo49 Pratt s Book and Jewelry Store1 17 South Main Street Hadlsonvlllc Kentucky =

1 A 1 It

wwwmmwrmmW Dealer








Lend us your feetand we will fit themmost comfortablemost exacting lady


AH the new shapestwo and three strapsGibson Ties Louis XV

Extra Special OldY

KyrrtirtirrrrrrrrHrrrrrPrices 100 to S300 a






a godnts




A Hot ofinfl


But Sory Oflutt UptoDatehandsome 1800 Sodaan expert dispenser and will belip with the most delicious

for art purposesdruggists sundries lA itTONIC or that tired feeling 0 k-

edyOFSORY ice f1 iDRUG






fiE THOMPSONMadisonville







