wiltshire council budget book summary 2015-2016 · budget book 2015-2016 council 24 february 2015....

Wiltshire Council Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed Service Area 2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016 (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) Adult Social Care Operations Older People 50.491 6.219 (6.450) 0.000 50.260 Other Vulnerable Adults 9.664 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.664 Mental Health 19.780 0.081 0.000 0.000 19.861 Adult Care Commissioning, Safeguarding & Housing Resources, Strategy & Commissioning 4.013 0.008 0.000 0.000 4.021 Housing Services 4.742 0.038 (0.654) 0.000 4.126 Public Health & Public Protection Public Health Grant 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Other Public Health & Public Protection 3.331 0.127 (0.509) 0.000 2.949 Leisure 1.967 0.213 (0.600) (1.000) 0.580 Children's Social Care, Integrated Youth & Preventative Services Children's Social Care 31.144 1.283 (1.005) 0.000 31.422 0-25 Service: Disabled Children & Adults 12.753 0.275 (0.150) 0.000 12.878 Integrated Youth & Preventative Services 2.490 0.076 (0.403) 0.000 2.163 Learning Disability Learning Disability 38.702 3.139 0.000 0.000 41.841 Quality Assurance, Commissioning & Performance, School & Early Years Effectiveness School Effectiveness 2.364 0.076 (0.437) 0.000 2.003 Safeguarding 1.334 0.028 0.000 0.000 1.362 Funding Schools 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Commissioning and Performance 8.134 0.059 (0.698) 0.000 7.495 Economic Development & Planning Economy & Regeneration 4.384 0.066 (0.485) 0.000 3.965 Development Services 0.649 0.094 (0.500) 0.000 0.243 Highways & Transport Highways 15.327 0.085 (1.491) 0.000 13.921 Transport 18.184 0.023 (0.770) 0.000 17.437 Car Parking (5.941) 0.038 (0.200) 0.000 (6.103) Waste & Environment Waste 31.978 1.600 (1.443) 0.000 32.135 Environment Services 5.791 0.071 (1.232) 0.000 4.630 Communications, Community Area Boards, Libraries, Arts, Culture, Heritage Communications 1.645 0.030 (0.440) 0.000 1.235 Libraries, Arts, Culture, Heritage 5.656 0.136 (0.465) 0.000 5.327 Corporate Function & Procurement Corporate Function & Procurement 6.301 0.143 (1.136) 0.000 5.308 Finance Finance, Revenues & Benefits & Pensions 3.107 0.176 (0.615) 0.000 2.668 Revenues & Benefits - Subsidy 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Legal & Governance Legal & Governance 2.710 0.083 (0.440) 0.000 2.353 People & Business Services HR & Organisational Development 4.092 0.113 (1.000) 0.000 3.205 Business Services 3.663 0.060 (0.171) 0.000 3.552 Strategic Asset & Facilities Management 13.049 0.085 (0.855) 0.000 12.279 Information Services 11.946 0.035 (1.690) 0.000 10.291 Corporate Directors Corporate Directors 0.705 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.730 Members 1.848 0.158 0.000 0.000 2.006 Corporate Movement To/ From Reserves 0.000 0.957 0.000 0.000 0.957 Capital Financing 24.199 0.000 (1.000) 0.000 23.199 Restructure and Contingency 2.047 0.543 (1.073) 0.839 2.356 General Government Grants (22.483) 0.000 (0.400) (3.243) (26.126) Corporate Levys 8.243 0.547 0.000 0.000 8.790 Budget Requirement 328.009 16.690 (26.312) (3.404) 314.983 HRA Budget (1.322) 0.078 (0.253) 0.000 (1.497) WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015

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Page 1: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,

Wiltshire Council Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

Service Area 2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Adult Social Care Operations

Older People 50.491 6.219 (6.450) 0.000 50.260

Other Vulnerable Adults 9.664 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.664

Mental Health 19.780 0.081 0.000 0.000 19.861

Adult Care Commissioning, Safeguarding & Housing

Resources, Strategy & Commissioning 4.013 0.008 0.000 0.000 4.021

Housing Services 4.742 0.038 (0.654) 0.000 4.126

Public Health & Public Protection

Public Health Grant 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Other Public Health & Public Protection 3.331 0.127 (0.509) 0.000 2.949

Leisure 1.967 0.213 (0.600) (1.000) 0.580

Children's Social Care, Integrated Youth & Preventative


Children's Social Care 31.144 1.283 (1.005) 0.000 31.422

0-25 Service: Disabled Children & Adults 12.753 0.275 (0.150) 0.000 12.878

Integrated Youth & Preventative Services 2.490 0.076 (0.403) 0.000 2.163

Learning Disability

Learning Disability 38.702 3.139 0.000 0.000 41.841

Quality Assurance, Commissioning & Performance, School

& Early Years Effectiveness

School Effectiveness 2.364 0.076 (0.437) 0.000 2.003

Safeguarding 1.334 0.028 0.000 0.000 1.362

Funding Schools 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Commissioning and Performance 8.134 0.059 (0.698) 0.000 7.495

Economic Development & Planning

Economy & Regeneration 4.384 0.066 (0.485) 0.000 3.965

Development Services 0.649 0.094 (0.500) 0.000 0.243

Highways & Transport

Highways 15.327 0.085 (1.491) 0.000 13.921

Transport 18.184 0.023 (0.770) 0.000 17.437

Car Parking (5.941) 0.038 (0.200) 0.000 (6.103)

Waste & Environment

Waste 31.978 1.600 (1.443) 0.000 32.135

Environment Services 5.791 0.071 (1.232) 0.000 4.630

Communications, Community Area Boards, Libraries, Arts,

Culture, Heritage

Communications 1.645 0.030 (0.440) 0.000 1.235

Libraries, Arts, Culture, Heritage 5.656 0.136 (0.465) 0.000 5.327

Corporate Function & Procurement

Corporate Function & Procurement 6.301 0.143 (1.136) 0.000 5.308


Finance, Revenues & Benefits & Pensions 3.107 0.176 (0.615) 0.000 2.668

Revenues & Benefits - Subsidy 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Legal & Governance

Legal & Governance 2.710 0.083 (0.440) 0.000 2.353

People & Business Services

HR & Organisational Development 4.092 0.113 (1.000) 0.000 3.205

Business Services 3.663 0.060 (0.171) 0.000 3.552

Strategic Asset & Facilities Management 13.049 0.085 (0.855) 0.000 12.279

Information Services 11.946 0.035 (1.690) 0.000 10.291

Corporate Directors

Corporate Directors 0.705 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.730

Members 1.848 0.158 0.000 0.000 2.006


Movement To/ From Reserves 0.000 0.957 0.000 0.000 0.957

Capital Financing 24.199 0.000 (1.000) 0.000 23.199

Restructure and Contingency 2.047 0.543 (1.073) 0.839 2.356

General Government Grants (22.483) 0.000 (0.400) (3.243) (26.126)

Corporate Levys 8.243 0.547 0.000 0.000 8.790

Budget Requirement 328.009 16.690 (26.312) (3.404) 314.983

HRA Budget (1.322) 0.078 (0.253) 0.000 (1.497)


Council 24 February 2015

Page 2: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 144.075 5.132 (2.751) 0.000 146.456

Premises 18.501 0.000 (0.615) 0.000 17.886

Transport 6.525 0.000 (0.437) 0.000 6.088

Supplies and Services 110.070 7.601 (15.011) (0.161) 102.499

Contract Payments / Third Party 199.475 3.000 (3.844) 0.000 198.631

Transfer Payments and recharges 422.141 0.957 (1.220) 0.000 421.878

Gross Expenditure 900.787 16.690 (23.878) (0.161) 893.438

Gross Income (572.778) 0.000 (2.434) (3.243) (578.455)

Gross Income (572.778) 0.000 (2.434) (3.243) (578.455)

Net Base Budget 328.009 16.690 (26.312) (3.404) 314.983

HRA Budget (1.322) 0.078 (0.253) 0.000 (1.497)

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 3: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Adult Social Care Operations

SERVICE: Older People

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 9.067 0.219 9.286

Premises 0.002 0.002

Transport 0.313 0.313

Supplies and Services 1.575 6.000 (6.000) 1.575

Contract Payments / Third Party 46.933 (0.450) 46.483

Transfer Payments and Recharges 4.109 4.109

Gross Expenditure 61.999 6.219 (6.450) 0.000 61.768

Gross Income (11.508) (11.508)

Gross Income (11.508) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (11.508)

Net Base Budget 50.491 6.219 (6.450) 0.000 50.260

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.219

Costs associated with the application of the Care

Act (Carers assessments and support) over and

above the new burdens funding. Plus a forecast 5%

increase in demography, as well as an increase in

complexity of care needs as people live longer; as

well as contract inflation for providers of c1.8% 6.000

Total Growth 6.219

Breakdown of Savings

Review of Care packages to reduce and realign

costs in order that funding is provided from Health

were appropriate and care matches need (review

already underway) (0.250)

Target a reduction in spend with VCS/ Third Sector (0.100)

Community Services Integration (0.100) Contniued management of care packages to

ensure people are cared for in the most cost

effective way, usually at home, and that reviews

keep periods to appropriate lengths thus managing

increased caseload through reduced intervention

and care time as residents are rehabilitaed / re-

enabled quicker and thus maintaining costs within

the budget envelope. (6.000)

Total Savings (6.450)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 4: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Adult Social Care Operations

SERVICE: Older Vulnerable Adults

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 0.000 0.000

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.000 0.000

Supplies and Services 0.000 0.000

Contract Payments / Third Party 6.584 6.584

Transfer Payments and Recharges 3.667 3.667

Gross Expenditure 10.251 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.251

Gross Income (0.587) (0.587)

Gross Income (0.587) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.587)

Net Base Budget 9.664 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.664

Breakdown of Growth

Total Growth 0.000

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 5: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Adult Social Care Operations

SERVICE: Mental Health

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 3.048 0.081 3.129

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.148 0.148

Supplies and Services 1.654 1.654

Contract Payments / Third Party 17.929 17.929

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.200 0.200

Gross Expenditure 22.979 0.081 0.000 0.000 23.060

Gross Income (3.199) (3.199)

Gross Income (3.199) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (3.199)

Net Base Budget 19.780 0.081 0.000 0.000 19.861

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.081

Total Growth 0.081

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 6: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing, Adult Safeguarding

SERVICE: Resources, Strategy & Commissioning

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 1.880 0.008 1.888

Premises 0.003 0.003

Transport 0.059 0.059

Supplies and Services 0.049 0.049

Contract Payments / Third Party 2.442 2.442

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.008 0.008

Gross Expenditure 4.441 0.008 0.000 0.000 4.449

Gross Income (0.428) (0.428)

Gross Income (0.428) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.428)

Net Base Budget 4.013 0.008 0.000 0.000 4.021

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.008

Total Growth 0.008

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 7: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing, Adult Safeguarding

SERVICE: Housing Services

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 1.798 0.038 1.836

Premises 0.936 0.936

Transport 0.054 0.054

Supplies and Services 3.872 (0.100) 3.772

Contract Payments / Third Party 2.788 (0.554) 2.234

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.047) (0.047)

Gross Expenditure 9.401 0.038 (0.654) 0.000 8.785

Gross Income (4.659) (4.659)

Gross Income (4.659) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (4.659)

Net Base Budget 4.742 0.038 (0.654) 0.000 4.126

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.038

Total Growth 0.038

Breakdown of Savings

Terminate the C4 supported living contracts (0.354)

High Risk Offenders Accommodation reviewed (0.200) Further savings to come from efficiencies in

structures and process (0.100)

Total Savings (0.654)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 8: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Public Health & Public Protection

SERVICE: Public Health Grant

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 2.380 2.380

Premises 0.008 0.008

Transport 0.066 0.066

Supplies and Services 11.139 11.139

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.994 0.994

Gross Expenditure 14.587 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.587

Gross Income (14.587) (14.587)

Gross Income (14.587) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (14.587)

Net Base Budget 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Breakdown of Growth

Total Growth 0.000

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 9: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Public Health & Public Protection

SERVICE: Other Public Health & Public Protection

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 3.967 0.127 (0.474) 3.620

Premises 0.017 0.017

Transport 0.125 0.125

Supplies and Services 0.216 0.216

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.107) (0.107)

Gross Expenditure 4.218 0.127 (0.474) 0.000 3.871

Gross Income (0.887) (0.035) (0.922)

Gross Income (0.887) 0.000 (0.035) 0.000 (0.922)

Net Base Budget 3.331 0.127 (0.509) 0.000 2.949

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.127

Total Growth 0.127

Breakdown of Savings

Structural review (0.300)

Posts to be funded from Public Health budget (0.174)

Increase fees for pest control by 15% (0.035)

Total Savings (0.509)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 10: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Public Health & Public Protection

SERVICE: Leisure

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 5.262 0.213 5.475

Premises 0.113 0.113

Transport 0.045 0.045

Supplies and Services 1.056 (0.200) (1.000) (0.144)

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.754 (0.400) 0.354

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.200) (0.200)

Gross Expenditure 7.030 0.213 (0.600) (1.000) 5.643

Gross Income (5.063) (5.063)

Gross Income (5.063) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5.063)

Net Base Budget 1.967 0.213 (0.600) (1.000) 0.580

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.213

Total Growth 0.213

Breakdown of Savings

Leisure Services Renegotiate Leisure Contract

Places for People (0.400) To utilise Leisure Provision in drawing up and

delivering spending plans (0.200)

Total Savings (0.600)

Breakdown of Other

Support for improving the health of Wiltshire (1.000)

Total Breakdown of Other (1.000)


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 11: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Children's Social Care, Integrated Youth & Preventative Services

SERVICE: Children's Social Care

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 11.850 1.283 (0.106) 13.027

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.473 0.473

Supplies and Services 1.545 (0.112) 1.433

Contract Payments / Third Party 17.917 (0.603) 17.314

Transfer Payments and Recharges 1.094 1.094

Gross Expenditure 32.879 1.283 (0.821) 0.000 33.341

Gross Income (1.735) (0.184) (1.919)

Gross Income (1.735) 0.000 (0.184) 0.000 (1.919)

Net Base Budget 31.144 1.283 (1.005) 0.000 31.422

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.283

Additional social workers - reduction in case loads1.000

Total Growth 1.283

Breakdown of Savings

Target and focus supervised contact linked to

development of the foster service. (0.031) Improve pre-proceedings and Public Law Outline

timescales (0.128)

Synergies : Virtual School & Aspire House (0.084)

Development of the in house foster service (0.271) Reduce the placement costs for the Looked After

Children through earlier intervention (0.134) Management realignment and supplies and

services budgets (0.257)

Realign support to families budgets (0.100)

Total Savings (1.005)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 12: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Children's Social Care, Integrated Youth & Preventative Services

SERVICE: 0-25 Service: Disabled Children & Adults

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 7.308 0.275 7.583

Premises 0.004 0.004

Transport 0.192 0.192

Supplies and Services 20.619 (0.150) 20.469

Contract Payments / Third Party 7.587 7.587

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.308 0.308

Gross Expenditure 36.018 0.275 (0.150) 0.000 36.143

Gross Income (23.265) (23.265)

Gross Income (23.265) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (23.265)

Net Base Budget 12.753 0.275 (0.150) 0.000 12.878

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.275

Total Growth 0.275

Breakdown of Savings

Apply policy for award of SEN travel approved in

2014 (0.150)

Total Savings (0.150)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 13: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Children's Social Care, Integrated Youth & Preventative Services

SERVICE: Integrated Youth & Preventative Services

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 4.519 0.076 (0.234) 4.361

Premises 0.022 0.022

Transport 0.224 (0.008) 0.216

Supplies and Services 3.247 3.247

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.179 (0.161) 0.018

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.963) (0.963)

Gross Expenditure 7.228 0.076 (0.403) 0.000 6.901

Gross Income (4.738) (4.738)

Gross Income (4.738) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (4.738)

Net Base Budget 2.490 0.076 (0.403) 0.000 2.163

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.076

Total Growth 0.076

Breakdown of Savings

507B Review (0.210)

Early Help Management Review (0.165)

Early Help Reorganisation (0.028)

Total Savings (0.403)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 14: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Learning Disability

SERVICE: Learning Disability

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 5.181 0.139 5.320

Premises 0.019 0.019

Transport 0.098 0.098

Supplies and Services 0.277 0.277

Contract Payments / Third Party 33.351 3.000 36.351

Transfer Payments and Recharges 2.293 2.293

Gross Expenditure 41.219 3.139 0.000 0.000 44.358

Gross Income (2.517) (2.517)

Gross Income (2.517) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2.517)

Net Base Budget 38.702 3.139 0.000 0.000 41.841

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.139

Revised cradle to grave service 3.000

Total Growth 3.139

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 15: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Quality Assurance, Commissioning & Performance, School & Early Years Effectiveness

SERVICE: School Effectiveness

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 4.717 0.076 (0.131) 4.662

Premises 0.094 0.094

Transport 0.247 0.247

Supplies and Services 1.351 (0.176) 1.175

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.027 (0.100) (0.073)

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.334) (0.006) (0.340)

Gross Expenditure 6.102 0.076 (0.413) 0.000 5.765

Gross Income (3.738) (0.024) (3.762)

Gross Income (3.738) 0.000 (0.024) 0.000 (3.762)

Net Base Budget 2.364 0.076 (0.437) 0.000 2.003

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.076

Total Growth 0.076

Breakdown of Savings

Reduce Early Years Advisory Teacher budget (0.100) Review potential for savings within KS4

Engagement and other activity budgets (0.100) Delete vacant Senior School Improvement Advisor

post and re-shape team to provide leadership for

School Improvement Advisors (0.065) Review the provision of music services across the

county (0.149)

Education Centre at least cost neutral to the

Council (0.023)

Total Savings (0.437)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 16: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Quality Assurance, Commissioning & Performance, School & Early Years Effectiveness

SERVICE: Safeguarding

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 1.400 0.028 1.428

Premises 0.021 0.021

Transport 0.032 0.032

Supplies and Services 0.071 0.071

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.020 0.020

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.040) (0.040)

Gross Expenditure 1.504 0.028 0.000 0.000 1.532

Gross Income (0.170) (0.170)

Gross Income (0.170) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.170)

Net Base Budget 1.334 0.028 0.000 0.000 1.362

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.028

Total Growth 0.028

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 17: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Quality Assurance, Commissioning & Performance, School & Early Years Effectiveness

SERVICE: Funding Schools

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 0.818 0.818

Premises 0.285 0.285

Transport 0.000 0.000

Supplies and Services 7.234 7.234

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 270.825 270.825

Gross Expenditure 279.162 0.000 0.000 0.000 279.162

Gross Income (279.162) (279.162)

Gross Income (279.162) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (279.162)

Net Base Budget 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Breakdown of Growth

Total Growth 0.000

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 18: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Quality Assurance, Commissioning & Performance, School & Early Years Effectiveness

SERVICE: Commissioning & Performance

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 5.502 0.059 (0.096) 5.465

Premises 0.044 (0.023) 0.021

Transport 0.080 0.080

Supplies and Services 25.325 (0.159) 25.166

Contract Payments / Third Party 3.295 (0.420) 2.875

Transfer Payments and Recharges (1.815) (1.815)

Gross Expenditure 32.431 0.059 (0.698) 0.000 31.792

Gross Income (24.297) (24.297)

Gross Income (24.297) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (24.297)

Net Base Budget 8.134 0.059 (0.698) 0.000 7.495

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.059

Total Growth 0.059

Breakdown of Savings

Bring Bright Horizons contract for early years

training in house and re-shape Child Care Officer

Team and Early Years Advisory Teacher Team to

deliver training (0.100)

Children’s Centres – some in year savings

achievable through ending agreements for

photocopying and package for supporting good self-

assessment in preparation for Ofsted inspections (0.033)

Reduction in Children’s Trust budget due to running

fewer events and using free venues where possible (0.020) End contract with Bright Horizons for Graduate

Leader Fund and use early years staff to support

settings to collaborate and use new Early Years

Pupil Premium to pay for graduate input (0.300)

Reduce grants to voluntary and community sector (0.020) Review establishment in Commissioning &

Perfomance (0.040) Move out of Melksham house Personnel

Development Centre (PDC) (0.085)

Savings Target (0.100)

Total Savings (0.698)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: Alistair Cunningham

SERVICE AREA: Economy & Regeneration

SERVICE: Older People

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 2.825 0.066 2.891

Premises 0.321 0.321

Transport 0.069 0.069

Supplies and Services 1.966 (0.485) 1.481

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.032 0.032

Gross Expenditure 5.213 0.066 (0.485) 0.000 4.794

Gross Income (0.829) (0.829)

Gross Income (0.829) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.829)

Net Base Budget 4.384 0.066 (0.485) 0.000 3.965

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.066

Total Growth 0.066

Breakdown of Savings

Visit Wiltshire funding reduced (0.150)

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Funding reduced (0.085) Saving arising from new contract with Action For

Wiltshire (0.250)

Total Savings (0.485)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 20: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: Alistair Cunningham

SERVICE AREA: Economic Development and Planning

SERVICE: Development Services

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 4.882 0.094 4.976

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.130 0.130

Supplies and Services 0.303 0.303

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 5.315 0.094 0.000 0.000 5.409

Gross Income (4.666) (0.500) (5.166)

Gross Income (4.666) 0.000 (0.500) 0.000 (5.166)

Net Base Budget 0.649 0.094 (0.500) 0.000 0.243

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.094

Total Growth 0.094

Breakdown of Savings

Extra Planning Income (0.500)

Total Savings (0.500)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 21: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Highways & Transport

SERVICE: Highways

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 4.693 0.085 4.778

Premises 1.291 (0.360) 0.931

Transport 0.172 0.172

Supplies and Services 2.301 (0.775) 1.526

Contract Payments / Third Party 10.592 (0.274) 10.318

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.627) (0.627)

Gross Expenditure 18.422 0.085 (1.409) 0.000 17.098

Gross Income (3.095) (0.082) (3.177)

Gross Income (3.095) 0.000 (0.082) 0.000 (3.177)

Net Base Budget 15.327 0.085 (1.491) 0.000 13.921

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.085

Total Growth 0.085

Breakdown of Savings

Revised street lighting maintenance, but maintaining appropriate

levels of safety (0.200) Revised Traffic signal maintenance, but appropriate levels of

safety (0.050)

Target road condition surveys to achieve efficiencies (0.025) Revise bridge maintenance, but maintaining appropriate levels of

safety (0.050) Turn off all appropriate street lighting midnight to 5.30am to

reduce energy costs (0.360)

Forecast 12% increase in Section 38 fee income (0.080)

Income Target (0.062)

Extra Road Funding from S106 (0.340)

Efficiencies in the road Safety Resource budget (0.024) Various minor changes to the level of service provision are

suggested to reflect the reduction in government grant. They are

as follows:

1. Standardise the specification of sweeping across the county

for Town/City areas, in line with the statutory requirement - £78k,

additional could be funded from alternative resources such as

Business Improvement District. Residential sweeping will be

similar with 30% - £63k saving.

2. Standardise charge for community and charitable event

sweeping - £28k. In line with the VCS changes.

3. Transfer the cleaning and securing of unmanned / attended

public conveniences to Town / Parish - £124k

4. Provision of cleaning services to pavilions to be transferred to

the community groups using the halls through hire agreement



Total Savings (1.491)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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Associate Director

Council 24 February 2015

Page 23: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Highways & Transport

SERVICE: Transport

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 1.045 0.023 1.068

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.027 0.027

Supplies and Services 1.360 (0.570) 0.790

Contract Payments / Third Party 18.576 (0.200) 18.376

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 21.008 0.023 (0.770) 0.000 20.261

Gross Income (2.824) (2.824)

Gross Income (2.824) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2.824)

Net Base Budget 18.184 0.023 (0.770) 0.000 17.437

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.023

Total Growth 0.023

Breakdown of Savings

Concessionary fares – withdraw companion passes

for new applicants (0.060) Concessionary fares – withdraw taxi vouchers for

wheelchair users (0.010) Real time passenger information – upgrade

technological platform, realising savings in

operating costs (0.070) Bus services – withdraw RUH & GWH hospital

Hopper service as government funding for this

scheme is no longer available (0.130) Complete review and transformation of Public

Transport in the County (0.500)

Total Savings (0.770)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 24: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Highways & Transport

SERVICE: Car Parking

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 1.201 0.038 1.239

Premises 0.196 (0.200) (0.004)

Transport 0.005 0.005

Supplies and Services 0.323 0.323

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 1.725 0.038 (0.200) 0.000 1.563

Gross Income (7.666) (7.666)

Gross Income (7.666) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (7.666)

Net Base Budget (5.941) 0.038 (0.200) 0.000 (6.103)

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.038

Total Growth 0.038

Breakdown of Savings

Reduce Car Parking Maintenance and Management (0.200)

Total Savings (0.200)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 25: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Waste & Environment


Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 6.479 0.157 6.636

Premises 0.097 0.097

Transport 0.037 0.037

Supplies and Services (0.533) 1.443 0.910

Contract Payments / Third Party 29.307 (0.643) 28.664

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 35.387 1.600 (0.643) 0.000 36.344

Gross Income (3.409) (0.800) (4.209)

Gross Income (3.409) 0.000 (0.800) 0.000 (4.209)

Net Base Budget 31.978 1.600 (1.443) 0.000 32.135

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.157

Waste demand and contract inflation 1.443

Total Growth 1.600

Breakdown of Savings

Charge for Garden Waste (0.800)

Household Recycling centre opening hours review (0.300)

Charge developers for new bins and boxes (0.280)

Harmonise charges to charities for waste collection (0.063)

Total Savings (1.443)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 26: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Waste & Environment

SERVICE: Environment Services

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 2.909 0.071 (0.342) 2.638

Premises 0.240 (0.032) 0.208

Transport 2.974 (0.429) 2.545

Supplies and Services 0.767 (0.320) 0.447

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.488 (0.039) 0.449

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 7.378 0.071 (1.162) 0.000 6.287

Gross Income (1.587) (0.070) (1.657)

Gross Income (1.587) 0.000 (0.070) 0.000 (1.657)

Net Base Budget 5.791 0.071 (1.232) 0.000 4.630

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.071

Total Growth 0.071

Breakdown of Savings

Restructure and delete vacant posts (0.291)

CCTV to be transferred I (0.162) Work with more volunteers, secure more grant

funding and establish different ways of working to

maintain rights of way and countryside (0.101)

Increase income farmers and community markets (0.066)

Review the provision of Fleet and remove inefficient

or ineffective fleet(0.362)

Environment service efficiencies to be foundI (0.250)

Total Savings (1.232)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 27: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Communications, Community Area Boards, Libraries, Arts, Culture, Heritage

SERVICE: Communications

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 1.102 0.030 1.132

Premises 0.008 0.008

Transport 0.010 0.010

Supplies and Services 0.705 (0.440) 0.265

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.100) (0.100)

Gross Expenditure 1.725 0.030 (0.440) 0.000 1.315

Gross Income (0.080) (0.080)

Gross Income (0.080) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.080)

Net Base Budget 1.645 0.030 (0.440) 0.000 1.235

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.030

Total Growth 0.030

Breakdown of Savings

Review structures and vacancies (0.056) Reduce central colour printing and stop all colour

printing on multi functional devices (MFDs). Limit

the use of MFDs to reduce the cost of printing as

we move to paperless (0.150) Your Wiltshire magazine – magazine to become

online only and available in public buildings (0.069)

Efficiencies from events budget (0.045)

Realign legacy budget and activities to appropriate

service area or to partners and reduce budget (0.120)

Total Savings (0.440)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 28: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Communications, Community Area Boards, Libraries, Arts, Culture, Heritage

SERVICE: Libraries, Arts, Culture, Heritage

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 6.151 0.136 (0.126) 6.161

Premises 0.177 0.177

Transport 0.113 0.113

Supplies and Services 1.223 (0.339) 0.884

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.008 0.008

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.409) (0.409)

Gross Expenditure 7.263 0.136 (0.465) 0.000 6.934

Gross Income (1.607) (1.607)

Gross Income (1.607) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (1.607)

Net Base Budget 5.656 0.136 (0.465) 0.000 5.327

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.136

Total Growth 0.136

Breakdown of Savings

Reduce City Hall subsidy (0.150)

Review art grants (0.089) Cease to provide free to access museum

conservation service (0.070)

Review mobile library services (0.020)

Review library operating costs (0.011)

Restructure Management & support services (0.025)

Savings Targets to be found (0.100)

Total Savings (0.465)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 29: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Corporate Function & Procurement

SERVICE: Corporate Function & Procurement

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 5.234 0.143 (0.637) 4.740

Premises 0.004 0.004

Transport 0.077 0.077

Supplies and Services 1.578 (0.221) 1.357

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.018 (0.139) (0.121)

Gross Expenditure 6.911 0.143 (0.997) 0.000 6.057

Gross Income (0.610) (0.139) (0.749)

Gross Income (0.610) 0.000 (0.139) 0.000 (0.749)

Net Base Budget 6.301 0.143 (1.136) 0.000 5.308

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.143

Total Growth 0.143

Breakdown of Savings

Review Voluntary Sector & Community sector

funding (0.171) Review Programme and Systems Thinking

Resource (0.965)

Total Savings (1.136)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE: Finance, Revenues & Benefits & Pensions

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 6.889 0.176 (0.425) 6.640

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.069 0.069

Supplies and Services 7.621 (0.100) 7.521

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.040 0.040

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.498 0.498

Gross Expenditure 15.117 0.176 (0.525) 0.000 14.768

Gross Income (12.010) (0.090) (12.100)

Gross Income (12.010) 0.000 (0.090) 0.000 (12.100)

Net Base Budget 3.107 0.176 (0.615) 0.000 2.668

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.176

Total Growth 0.176

Breakdown of Savings

Savings from efficiencies in new ways of working (0.300) Internal Audit contract reduction to reflect lower risk

and improved control environment (0.100) Remove vacant posts in Benefits and manage

agency costs (0.125) Increase charge to Pension Fund to reflect

additional time spent by AD (0.025)

Increase charge to HRA for finance (Revenue,

Benefits and Accountancy) time to support the fund (0.050)

Increase charges to schools for Accounting Finance (0.015)

Total Savings (0.615)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE: Revenues & Benefits - Subsidy

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 0.000 0.000

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.000 0.000

Supplies and Services 0.000 0.000

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 118.775 118.775

Gross Expenditure 118.775 0.000 0.000 0.000 118.775

Gross Income (118.775) (118.775)

Gross Income (118.775) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (118.775)

Net Base Budget 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Breakdown of Growth

Total Growth 0.000

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 32: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Legal & Governance

SERVICE: Legal & Governance

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 3.749 0.083 (0.060) 3.772

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.046 0.046

Supplies and Services 0.679 0.679

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.155 (0.075) 0.080

Gross Expenditure 4.629 0.083 (0.135) 0.000 4.577

Gross Income (1.919) (0.305) (2.224)

Gross Income (1.919) 0.000 (0.305) 0.000 (2.224)

Net Base Budget 2.710 0.083 (0.440) 0.000 2.353

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.083

Total Growth 0.083

Breakdown of Savings

Parish and town councils to pay for cost of their by

elections (0.030) Income generated from referenda, in particular,

neighbourhood planning - anticipate increase in

these over the next year (0.020)

Local Land Charges Searches Additional income to

be achieved from a combination of an increase in

search fees; increased efficiencies from systems

review currently underway; IT improvements; more

flexible working (0.100) Reduce agency costs by reallignment and

addressing recruitment and retention issues (0.060) Maximise charges to capital for work undertaken on

capital projects (0.075) Release capacity to generate income from work for

parish councils; academies; other public bodies;

LEP; HRA; pensions fund. Engage additional

lawyers from Development Control income enabling

all section 106 agreements to be dealt with in- (0.155)

Total Savings (0.440)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 33: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: People & Business Services

SERVICE: Human Resources & Organisational Development

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 5.400 0.113 5.513

Premises 0.065 0.065

Transport 0.073 0.073

Supplies and Services 0.547 (1.000) (0.453)

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.036 0.036

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.288) (0.288)

Gross Expenditure 5.833 0.113 (1.000) 0.000 4.946

Gross Income (1.741) (1.741)

Gross Income (1.741) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (1.741)

Net Base Budget 4.092 0.113 (1.000) 0.000 3.205

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.113

Total Growth 0.113

Breakdown of Savings

Recommissioning Learning & Development spend,

including councillor's, with more focus on e-learning

and development linked to the behaviours and core

competency framework only (1.000)

Total Savings (1.000)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE AREA: People & Business Services

SERVICE: Business Services

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 3.582 0.060 3.642

Premises 0.496 0.496

Transport 0.358 0.358

Supplies and Services 1.302 (0.116) 1.186

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.111) (0.111)

Gross Expenditure 5.627 0.060 (0.116) 0.000 5.571

Gross Income (1.964) (0.055) (2.019)

Gross Income (1.964) 0.000 (0.055) 0.000 (2.019)

Net Base Budget 3.663 0.060 (0.171) 0.000 3.552

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.060

Total Growth 0.060

Breakdown of Savings

Customer services transport, matials and catering

savings and memberships (0.016)

Extra Registration income (0.055) Reduced bad debt provision following the

centralisation and improved management of cash

and debt collection (0.100)

Total Savings (0.171)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE AREA: People & Business Services

SERVICE: Strategic Asset & Facilities Management

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 2.674 0.085 2.759

Premises 13.454 13.454

Transport 0.067 0.067

Supplies and Services 1.008 (0.755) 0.253

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.022 0.022

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.768) (0.768)

Gross Expenditure 16.457 0.085 (0.755) 0.000 15.787

Gross Income (3.408) (0.100) (3.508)

Gross Income (3.408) 0.000 (0.100) 0.000 (3.508)

Net Base Budget 13.049 0.085 (0.855) 0.000 12.279

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.085

Total Growth 0.085

Breakdown of Savings

Demolish East Wing (0.070)

Terminate Schools pooling scheme (0.150)

Building Closures Programme (0.085)

Investment Estate income (0.100) Improved efficencies in the cost of information &

physical storage (0.200) Further reductions in the repair and maintenance

programme with the removal / reprofile of none

essential work (0.250)

Total Savings (0.855)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE AREA: People & Business Services

SERVICE: Information Services

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 5.760 0.035 (0.120) 5.675

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.027 0.027

Supplies and Services 7.632 (1.520) 6.112

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges (0.003) (0.003)

Gross Expenditure 13.416 0.035 (1.640) 0.000 11.811

Gross Income (1.470) (0.050) (1.520)

Gross Income (1.470) 0.000 (0.050) 0.000 (1.520)

Net Base Budget 11.946 0.035 (1.690) 0.000 10.291

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.035

Total Growth 0.035

Breakdown of Savings

Reduce IT Service Desk Hours, in particular

weekends (0.120) Reduce provision of home office, including

councillor's, allowance package (0.610) Replace hardware given to 3rd parties with

Windows to Go (0.250) Review of software provision and curtail any further

requests (0.400)

Reduce MITEL on desks (0.010)

Sales of redundant IT items (0.050)

ICT efficiencies target to be found (0.250)

Total Savings (1.690)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE AREA: Corporate Directors

SERVICE: Corporate Directors

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 0.557 0.025 0.582

Premises 0.033 0.033

Transport 0.010 0.010

Supplies and Services 0.132 0.132

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 0.732 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.757

Gross Income (0.027) (0.027)

Gross Income (0.027) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.027)

Net Base Budget 0.705 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.730

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.025

Total Growth 0.025

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 38: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Corporate Directors

SERVICE: Members

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 0.000 0.000

Premises 0.021 0.021

Transport 0.105 0.105

Supplies and Services 1.722 0.158 1.880

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 1.848 0.158 0.000 0.000 2.006

Gross Income 0.000 0.000

Gross Income 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Net Base Budget 1.848 0.158 0.000 0.000 2.006

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.158

Total Growth 0.158

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE: Movement To/ From Reserves

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 0.000 0.000

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.000 0.000

Supplies and Services 0.000 0.000

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.957 0.957

Gross Expenditure 0.000 0.957 0.000 0.000 0.957

Gross Income 0.000 0.000

Gross Income 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Net Base Budget 0.000 0.957 0.000 0.000 0.957

Breakdown of Growth

Increase GF for volatility in demand for areas such

as Waste, LAC, Adults, etc 0.957

Total Growth 0.957

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE: Capital Financing

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 0.000 0.000

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.000 0.000

Supplies and Services 0.080 0.080

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 24.977 (1.000) 23.977

Gross Expenditure 25.057 0.000 (1.000) 0.000 24.057

Gross Income (0.858) (0.858)

Gross Income (0.858) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.858)

Net Base Budget 24.199 0.000 (1.000) 0.000 23.199

Breakdown of Growth

Total Growth 0.000

Breakdown of Savings

Captial Financing Saving (1.000)

Total Savings (1.000)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE: Restructure & Contingency

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 2.853 0.543 3.396

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.000 0.000

Supplies and Services (0.806) (1.073) 0.839 (1.040)

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 2.047 0.543 (1.073) 0.839 2.356

Gross Income 0.000 0.000

Gross Income 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Net Base Budget 2.047 0.543 (1.073) 0.839 2.356

Breakdown of Growth

Increase in redundancy provision 0.543

Total Growth 0.543

Breakdown of Savings

Reduce energy consumption at the History Centre (0.042) Saving on vehicle running costs by reducing mobile

fleet by two vehicles. (0.015) Campus developments and other transformation

opportunities - developing libraries as community

hubs. Gross savings difficult to quantify at present.

Savings shown for 2015 relate to Calne Hub, with

£10K invest save relocation costs (0.006)

Services and supplies to PP services (0.010)

Charging Partners for accomodation (0.200)

Income target (0.300) Central management of corporate contracts to reduce

agency spend and deliver other efficiencies (0.500)

Total Savings (1.073)

Breakdown of Other

Reduction in corporate savings 0.839

Total Breakdown of Other 0.839


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE: General Government Grants

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 0.000 0.000

Premises 0.000 0.000

Transport 0.000 0.000

Supplies and Services 0.921 (0.400) 0.521

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.000 0.000

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 0.921 0.000 (0.400) 0.000 0.521

Gross Income (23.404) (3.243) (26.647)

Gross Income (23.404) 0.000 0.000 (3.243) (26.647)

Net Base Budget (22.483) 0.000 (0.400) (3.243) (26.126)

Breakdown of Growth

Total Growth 0.000

Breakdown of Savings

Parish Council Local Council Tax Support (0.400)

Total Savings (0.400)

Breakdown of Other

Extra New Homes Bonus Grant (3.552)

Extra NHS funding for Social Care (0.303)

Reduction in Education Support Grant 0.612

Total Breakdown of Other (3.243)


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

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SERVICE: Corporate Levys

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 7.393 0.547 7.940

Premises 0.530 0.530

Transport 0.000 0.000

Supplies and Services 0.009 0.009

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.600 0.600

Transfer Payments and Recharges 0.000 0.000

Gross Expenditure 8.532 0.547 0.000 0.000 9.079

Gross Income (0.289) (0.289)

Gross Income (0.289) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.289)

Net Base Budget 8.243 0.547 0.000 0.000 8.790

Breakdown of Growth

Increase in penson back funding 0.547

Total Growth 0.547

Breakdown of Savings

Total Savings 0.000

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015

Page 44: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL BUDGET BOOK SUMMARY 2015-2016 · BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016 Council 24 February 2015. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: James Cawley SERVICE AREA: Adult Care Commissioning, Housing,


SERVICE AREA: Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

SERVICE: Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

Revised Growth & Savings & Other Proposed

2014-2015 Investment Efficiencies 2015-2016

(£m) (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)

Employees 2.925 0.078 3.003

Premises 4.385 4.385

Transport 0.146 0.146

Supplies and Services 1.454 1.454

Contract Payments / Third Party 0.013 0.013

Transfer Payments and Recharges 15.638 15.638

Gross Expenditure 24.561 0.078 0.000 0.000 24.639

Gross Income (25.883) (0.253) (26.136)

Gross Income (25.883) 0.000 (0.253) 0.000 (26.136)

Net Base Budget (1.322) 0.078 (0.253) 0.000 (1.497)

Breakdown of Growth

Pay Award 0.078

Total Growth 0.078

Breakdown of Savings

Rent Increase (0.253)

Total Savings (0.253)

Breakdown of Other

Total Breakdown of Other 0.000


Cabinet Member


Corporate Director


Associate Director

BUDGET BOOK 2015-2016

Council 24 February 2015