win over clients

Win Over Clients— Ask Powerful Questions @theChrisDo

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Win Over Clients— Ask Powerful Questions


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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Anybody here love their clients? Maybe a more relevant question is anybody here have clients that love them? Let’s change that.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign


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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

What are you worth?

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$ XX /hr.

©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Are you getting: $50, $75, $100 and hour? Over $100? How about $500? Congrats. Now, would you be shocked if I told you, I have clients who are happy to pay me more than $1000 an hour? How is that possible? What am I doing differently that makes me more valuable?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

1x 10x 100x

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Why can some designers charge 10 or even 100 times more than another designer?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

What makes them more valuable?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Any ideas? Is it the quality of the work they do, the experience they have, number of awards, staff or size of their studio? What do you think it is? I’ll tell you why a little later, but here’s a hint: the answer is in the question.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

What would you charge to create this symbol?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Why can design icons like Michael Bierut or Paul Rand charge six figures for a logo?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

You could draw this. You know how to use illustrator right? So it’s not a matter of technical skill.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Amateurs vs. Experts.

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15©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Doc, I have a pain in my eye.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Imagine this—You go to see a doctor. Upon entering the room, the doctor asks you, “What seems to be the problem?” You tell him, you are experiencing pain in your eye. He nods, asks a few more questions. Then, he writes a prescription. His prognosis? Get a new wardrobe—your style is all wrong. Your clothes don’t fit you and frankly, they look cheap. BTW, he says, “I happen to sell clothes.” What’s your feeling about this doctor? Offended? Annoyed? You’d be right in wanting a second opinion.

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Amateurs give advice.

©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Is this a practice you’ve been guilty of as a freelancer orbusiness owner?As creatives on the service side, we tend to not have many opportunities to be clients. Therefore, we can overlook what it might feel like when someone talks to us this way. Getting “unsolicited advice” from someone can be downright aggravating. The problem is, we don’t like being told what to do, especially from an uninformed point of view. Amateurs give advice.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

So what do experts do?

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Experts diagnose.

©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Experts ask questions. Lots of them.They run tests. They eliminate variables. They look at your history and behavior. Only after careful observation and diagnosis do they form a hypothesis. Then they take measured steps to test and validate. Asking smart questions is what makes them an expert.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Slow down. #premature

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

In design culture our tendency is to move fast. Get it done. Go go go. Slow down.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Thales624 – 546 BC

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Let’s go back a couple thousand years to Greek philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer, Thales. When asked, “What’s the most difficult thing in life?”, Thales responded, “To know yourself.”

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Self Actualization

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs







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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

What the easiest? Give advice.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Do you know what makes some people more valuable?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

The answer—

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Your value is determined by the quality of the questions you ask.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

So what are good questions to ask? Good question.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Low vs. High value questions

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Quantitative, fact based questions are important for getting the job done, but tend to be lower value questions.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

What does it look like? When is it due? Who is the target market?What is the budget?



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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Qualitative questions tend to be higher value.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

How did you come up with this idea? How do you want peopleto feel? How will you judge if this is successful?



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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

High value questions surface “purpose”. They tend to cause people to be more reflective. You are helping people, companies or organizations to know themselves.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Why is this important? Why do you believe this to be true? Why did you start this company?



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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

How valuable is this? The world’s largest management consulting firms are paid tens of millions to tell companies “why they started”.

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Purpose Beliefs Design

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Steve Jobs “Think Different” internal meeting.Sept. 23, 1997 Watch the video

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Ask questions to surface deeper meaning.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

What can you discover if you ask deeper questions? You can help align a company around a shared purpose which serves as a decisional filter to govern all decisions. Here’s an example.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

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From vendor to advisor to fiduciary.

©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

What can you discover if you ask deeper questions? You can help align a company and its people around a shared purpose— which serves as a decisional filter to govern actions, new initiatives, investments, hiring practices, marketing efforts.

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Win Clients?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Stop selling. Start closing.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

When you say it, you are selling. No one likes being sold to. In fact, we instinctively resist and distrust those that sell to us. When they say it, you are closing. If you help a client realize the problem and solution, you don’t have to convince or persuade.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

You could spend the next couple of years meeting with clients, experiment with questions and make adjustments as you go. I’ve done exactly that, and have come to the realization that there are 3 “golden questions” you can ask in almost any meeting. Here they are—

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

3 Golden Questions

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

1. What are you trying to accomplish?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

2. What’s getting in the way of you achieving this goal?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

3. Why do you believe this to be the case?

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

The next part is the hardest part.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Be 100% present.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Surrenderyour ego.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Act as if.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Stay in the diagnostic phase for as long as possible.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Talk to strangers.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Be aninteresting person. Be interestedin people.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

What can you discover if you ask deeper questions? You can help align a company and its people around a shared purpose— which serves as a decisional filter to govern actions.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

One final story

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Meet Carrie

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Carrie is someone I’ve been coaching. I had a simple exercise for her— find a client that you don’t want to work with. Maybe, it’s someone who can’t afford your services or has a project you’re not really interested in. Instead of trying to sell your client, try your best to help them. Serve them without benefitting yourself in the process.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

The very next day, Carrie sent me a text exchange she had with her client. The results were pretty incredible. Carrie had helped her client win a piece of new business, something which her client hadn’t been able to do for months!

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

How was this possible? Carrie acted in a selfless way and was in service of her client. How did that make Carrie feel? Well, for the first time in a long time, she felt like an expert, in control, happy, and… valuable.

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign


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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign


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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign

Win Without Pitching Manifesto by Blair Ennsbuy on Amazon

Brand Flip by Marty Neumeier buy on Amazon

Zag by Marty Neumeier buy on Amazon

Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh buy on Amazon


Start With Why by Simon Sinek buy on Amazon

Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D. buy on Amazon

Value Proposition Design by Alexander Osterwalder buy on Amazon

Slide:ology by Nancy Duarte buy on Amazon

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©2016 Chris Do @theChrisDo #BizOfDesign


#TheFuturIsHere #WinClients