wmprsa media strategy for nonprofs

Media Relations Messaging for Nonprofits Tim Penning, PhD, APR GVSU School of Communications September 15, 2011

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Media RelationsMessaging for NonprofitsTim Penning, PhD, APRGVSU School of Communications

September 15, 2011

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Why Get Publicity?

What does publicity do for your nonprofit?

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Why Should Media Care?

Why would the news media write an article or air a story about your nonprofit organization?

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What is news?

Timely (old news is not news)

Proximity (more local = more newsworthy)

Impact (affect on news audiences)

Conflict (two or more sides is more interesting)

Novelty (unusual, new, unique)

Emotion (human interest, drama)

Prominence (celebrity, recognized, large presence)

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Finding/Generating News

Be a ‘reporter’ in your own organization (or client’s)

Get to know employees in all departments

Attend meetings, MBWA

Use internal publications

Pay attention to media, reporters, so you know what interests them, what they cover

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Media Relations Objectives

PR Purpose Behind Media RelationsOutcome– awareness, attitude, action?Specific publics to reach (audiences)What interests those publics (what’s news to them)?Which medium or media best reach those publics with that kind of news?Who is best messenger, spokesperson (who to quote) for that message and audience?

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PR/Media Intersection


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Media Relations & Persuasion

Media relations is persuasive because of third-party credibility.

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Making Media Relations Persuasive

Know characteristics of journalists and publics

Be or have a credible source for news interviews

Appeal to self-interest of publics

Be clear

Consider timing and context of news cycle

Appropriate blend of emotion and fact

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Barriers to News Coverage

Media gatekeepers

Marketing vs News (media are a business)

Narrowcasting (more media, smaller audiences)

Information overload (you compete with thousands)

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So, Media Strategies:

Select right media (rifle, not shotgun)

Frame news in interest of readers, not just organization

Be helpful to journalists

Consider timing as well as topic


(All the while keeping your PR objectives in mind)

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Journalists/PR Pros Conflicts

Journalists PR Pros

Biased reporting Hype, pseudo events

Sloppy, inaccurate Gimmicks and stunts

Sensationalize news to get readers/viewers

Spin, cover-up, hide truth

More concerned with conflict and process than public interest

Unhelpful, unknowledgeable, unavailable

More interested in ratings than news (market driven)

Think ad dollars can influence publicity

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Journalist = Gatekeeper

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PR Pro = Advocate

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Editorial Calendars

Themes and plans for future stories

Used to sell ads, but useful to pitch stories related to themes, special sections—more topical than timely

Usually used with long-lead publications

In TV think about ‘sweeps’ weeks

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Different for print, radio, TV

In print, different for daily, weekly, monthly (short vs long-lead time)

With online, news is 24/7

Remember, media compete and want to get story at same time so PR pros need to balance deadlines

Deadlines are deadlines—if you don’t respond they do story without you

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Handling mistakes

If you don’t like a negative story, keep in mind you need to maintain long-term relationship with reporters

If there is an error in FACT (ie not just that you didn’t want the story to run) then you can ask for a correction

Asking a reporter to kill a negative story means you lose all credibility with them

Use letters to editor, online forum to respond if necessary

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Editorial Board Meetings

Newspapers have editorial boards, made up of editor, publisher, editorial page editor, a few key reporters

Meeting with them is an opportunity to give input for an editorial, pitch an idea for editorial or article

Arrange by contacting editorial page editor

Have succinct points ready to make, and be prepared for questions

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Reaching Reporters

Email (but no attachments)


Fax (not as much anymore)

Mail – if need to send a sample or something

SMS, RSS—let them subscribe to YOU and your online newsroom

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Radio/TV JournalistsProducer—produces specific news programs and other shows. Often the one to book guests for interviews (not the on-air talent)

News director—the manager of the news division. Sometimes appropriate to pitch story if it’s big or requires special treatment, ie ‘sweeps’ idea. At radio often assigns other reporters.

Assignment editor—The key news decision maker at TV stations. They work at the assignment desk and review news releases and assign reporters and photographers.

Reporters—reporters have ‘beats’ and are often responsible for coming up with their own ideas. Beyond covering regular meetings etc, they appreciate news releases and story ideas from PR pros. If they get the story they will fight for it with the assignment editor.

Public service director—specifically for PSAs.

Promotions director/community affairs director—the PR person for the station. Good contact if you want to have a station be a media sponsor or partner in some other way. Not the contact for regular news.

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Print JournalistsEditor—could be a news contact but only if a small paper.

Managing editor—often handles day to day administration of paper and overview. Not necessarily a news contact unless a small paper.

Section editor—(eg: business editor, sports editor) they edit a specific section and could be the person to send story ideas to.\

Beat reporters—print media have more regular beats (broadcast most often are general assignment). So you can tailor a story to the correct beat reporter (business, religion, health etc) Beats can be very specific in some local markets, eg GR Press has furniture beat reporter.

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Special Opportunities:Print

Specific beats

Specific sections

Editorial calendar

Business journals


Minority media

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Special Opportunities:Broadcast

Beats, when they have them (politics, health, education locally)

Special segments (ex: Health segment as part of news show)

Talk shows (Ex: ‘Morning Show’ on WOOD; ‘Take Five’ on TV 13; also national programs)

Community relations, public affairs (Ex TV 8 ‘Connecting With Community’

Sweeps rating periods

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Special Opportunities:Online

Blogs (special treatment required)

Online sections of print/broadcast media

Online only publications (eg www.rapidgrowthmedia.com)

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News Conferences

THERE MUST BE ACTUAL NEWS—and probably really significant

Media are interested in visual (photo--op) and/or prominent speaker(s)

Time of day is a factoravailability of reporters around deadlines, newscasts

opportunity for ‘live’ broadcast

send advisory early

Location is a factormust be easily accessible for media

if locale is interesting, its more likely for coverage

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News Conferences

An orderly program of who speaks, when, about what is vital--should be done for news value, not just for egos or organizational objectives. Prepare speaking points

Equipment needed--mult box, mikes, etc

Be willing to take questions--anticipate what they might be and have answers ready

Have visuals--banners, backdrop, props, etc

Have materials on hand--media kit

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