work completion sheet

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Post on 24-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Work Completion sheet

Week 26-30 July1 Six Sigma Awareness Training & Assessment, Feedback2 Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training & Assessment, Feedback3 XTB – total 13 FTE have been released in 2010 Check with Rajinder4 financial sign off/ approvals for CTP 4 FTE release…

5 Capacity Project (OC10 & TS2)

6 Capacity Project (ITR, I1 & CEP3)

Week 2 - 6 August1 Seat Utilization - IT

2 Reduction in IT FTE cost

3 phone to Nagendra for MINITAB4 Six Sigma Project Discussion with Ashish Sharma-XIS5 E-policy Capacity Utilization

6 SSYB Re-Test 7 Case studies for Nagendra8 YB Projects Mail Drafting ANIL9 Sent mail for feedback on 4th Aug by Anil

Week 9 - 13 August1 XIPS Salary Rationalisation from Devanjan Majumdar2 XTB Salary Rationalisation from Deepak Khumbat3 Project Identification Workshop with Anil4 Cost Optimatization in HR - Nidhi5 Increasing the efficiency of Full & Final Settlement Process - Neha Arora6 Accuracy Improvement in CMS (XCS) - SSYB Project - Ajit Sehrawat7 Meeting with XIS nishant on Friday, 13

Week 16 - 20 August1 send six sigma awareness nomination mail2 Facilities & Corporate Services Audit4 Salary Rationalisation discussion with IT5 Salary Rationalisation discussion with XPS - Devanjan Majumdar67 MINITAB Licence issue completion

8 Training time reduction discussion ----------Anil sent mail on this9 Seat Utilization of XPS

10 Meeting with XPS nilanjan11 Elimination of wasteful spreadsheets - XTB Kapil

Week 23 - 27 August1 Six Sigma guidelines discussion with Anil2 Six Sigma Awareness Trng @ 1PM on 235 Book slot for Harsh And Pawan on Tuesday.

7 Process Xcellence Audit8 Information Security Audit

10 SEND six sigma YB training nomination mail 11 To Reduce Top Three Corrections - Ranjan Malik XIS12 Call with Prashant on EPIPLEX

XIS – 8 FTE release effective from 1st Jan 2010 discussed with Nishant


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Week 30 August - 3 Sep1 Meeting with Anil & Manish.2 MiniTab Licenses user info. ticket clousre.3 Send VOC of SS training 4 Send mail that YBs have to complete the project within this year/ wave

Week 6 - 10 Sep1 Meeting with Devanjan and Rajinder2 Meeting with Anu Thomas

3 Meeting with ISW guys - Ajay, Ruchika, Faisal

4 CAPA for PX NCs5 Meeting with Zabir gilani guys6 Metro Project discuss with Ganesh7 send nomination mail for six sigma awareness training

Week 13 - 17 Sep1 RE Estimation project- Meeting with Manoj

2 Make presentation for Srikantan Husur3 Take data for Metro Project4 Call with Nagendra5 Data for Nagendra6 feedback analysis n attandance sheet prep.

Week 11 - 15 Oct1 Start weekly recurring meeting with all Project Leaders2 Schedule Awareness training - 21 Oct103 Schedule YB training for identified projects lead - 26 Oct104 Metro project 5 Send F&CS verification Audit report Oct 2010

Week 25 - 29 Oct1 Wed-Friday-Venkat Visit2 Plan meeting with Anil and Manish3 Plan meeting for BPO4 plan meeting for ITO5 Send bimonthly project progress report to all manager cc to project lead.6 Send individual mails to project leads cc to managers in case of amber, red status7 Automation project with James Louis1 Identify BIG BB projects for 20112 Copy Ajay Hasija in Training mails.3 Check 2009 projects for 2010 benefits which are approved by Finace Team and we've the sign-off pages4 Discuss trainings alignments with HR training teams- Smitha.5 Made ISSue Tracker for ITO/ BPS.6 Discuss 2009 Benefits with Rajinder.1 Discuss RE project with Harsh Tayal2 Xidea discuss with Rajinder3 Optimize Telephone Cost Wave 3 Project4 Capture Metro Saving Data Metrics and inform Venkat.5 New Kaizen - Data Cards ITO Production ( Jai Prakash)

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28th July done29th July done30th July done30th July doneApproved doneApproved done

Approved doneApproved doneon 2nd Aug doneNew Project doneApproved doneon 4nd Aug doneSent done3-Aug done4-Aug done


New Project done Not a SSYB ProjectNew Project doneNew Project done Approved by Champion


16-Aug done19-Aug doneRamashwar doneNew Project doneNew Project doneStandalone copy used done with my copyMeeting with Nishant on 20 @12.45 doneDevanjan Majumdar done signed off pending

doneNew Project done


New Project donedone

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Tuesday doneMonday donewednesday doneMonday done

Tuesday doneASAPBecoz of CWG after 14 oct doneASAP DoneSat donesat done


Urgent donedone


Saved in Q:\3000 Lean Six Sigma\3400 Reports\Bi-Monthly Project Progress Reporting


Check 2009 projects for 2010 benefits which are approved by Finace Team and we've the sign-off pages donedonedonedonedonedone

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My Quality Profile

1-identification of project1 Six Sigma Project Initiatives 2-Trainings

23-project priotization

3 Kaizen Initiatives 4-monitoring on those project5-producing dashboards

4 Six Sigma / Kaizen Trainings

5 3-YB/ GB/ BB Trng

6 CAPA Initiatives7 Visual Mgmt Initiatives8 ISO27001 Internal Auditing


10 SAS 70 Type 1 & 2 Audits

ISO 9001 Internal / External Auditing as well as implementation

1-Kaizen Awareness session 2-Six Sigma Awareness session

Implementation of Best Practices or Replication of best projects

1.       Key Performance Indicators 2.       Kaizen or Kaizen Issue List3.       Reward and Recognition

Implementation of ISO 14001 or any other std. 4.       Shift and Leave Plan

5.       Resource Utilization 6.       Skill Matrix

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S. No. Tools Theory Practical Example General Example1 KANO Model2 COPQ3 Y = F(x)4 CAP Process5 Natural Variation-Bell Curve6 Project Identification7 Project Selection8 DMAIC Model

S. No. Tools Theory Practical Example General Example1 CTQ Tree Diagram2 Y = F(x)3 Project Charter4 SIPOC / COPIS / Flow Chart5 DPMO & Z-Value Calculation6 Run Chart7 Histogram8 Cause & Effect Diagram9 Pareto Chart

10 Scatter Plot11 Impact Control Matrix12 Control Chart

S. No. Tools Theory Practical Example General Example123456789


S. No. Tools Theory Practical Example General Example12

Imp. TOOL for identifying SS projects.
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Six Sigma Awareness

Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Six Sigma Green Belt

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Six Sigma Black Belt

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2 PM - 2.30 PM Anil & Mustafa FC13 PM - 4 PM XPS (Need to confirm) Managers S-24.30 PM - 5 PM Ajay Hasija G-35.30 PM - 6 PM Manish Sethi B-4

21-Dec-102 PM - 4 PM ITO - Production Managers T-14 PM - 5 PM ITO - Implementation Managers T-15 PM - 6 PM XTB Managers S-2

22-Dec-10 12 PM - 1 PM XIS Managers FC1

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BookedBookedBookednot confirm closing meetingBookedBookedBookedBooked

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2011Income 384886PE 17866HRA -80857Con. -7057LTA -40427Medical -11027LIC -26958PF -19406Taxable Income 217020Tax on Income 5702TDS 3785Bal. Tax 1917Feb Tax 958.5Mar Tax 958.5