work in progress

OBJECTIVES There are several objectives which must be met to fully achieve this brief, some of which rely on other objectives being completed before. To identify the style and image of the overall model in reference to the intended game theme, for this objective the designer will need to look at other games of a similar genre and design a character which is best suited for this game. The final decision will be decided by the company to see if they like it or not. To create a working 3D model, this will be used in the game and for promotional material. The model will have to be functional as a working model so the detail cannot be too high but at the same time be usable on the promotional model. The modeller might have to create a high quality model and then export a lower poly count version for the game engine. To research into different methods of creating fabrics to try and achieve a realistic look for the character. The fabric will need to be created with a low poly-count and be usable in the games engine. After testing several methods of creating fabrics the modeller will need to integrate the chosen method with the model. To finish the model, it will need to be rigged and tested with the fabrics by rendering a sequence of the mesh in motion and exported into the games engine to ensure there are no faults.

Upload: samluk

Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Work In Progress


There are several objectives which must be met to fully achieve this brief, some of which rely on

other objectives being completed before.

To identify the style and image of the overall model in reference to the intended game theme, for

this objective the designer will need to look at other games of a similar genre and design a character

which is best suited for this game. The final decision will be decided by the company to see if they

like it or not.

To create a working 3D model, this will be used in the game and for promotional material. The

model will have to be functional as a working model so the detail cannot be too high but at the same

time be usable on the promotional model. The modeller might have to create a high quality model

and then export a lower poly count version for the game engine.

To research into different methods of creating fabrics to try and achieve a realistic look for the

character. The fabric will need to be created with a low poly-count and be usable in the games


After testing several methods of creating fabrics the modeller will need to integrate the chosen

method with the model.

To finish the model, it will need to be rigged and tested with the fabrics by rendering a sequence of

the mesh in motion and exported into the games engine to ensure there are no faults.

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Roles and Tasks

Client Services: Client services will be liaising with the client to understand what is needed to meet the brief. As well

as managing the team to ensure they meet the scheduled deadlines the client services will need to

provide both the creative team and the client, feedback to guarantee that the project is progressing

in the correct speed and direction.


This constant supply of information will be carried out using a blog which is maintained by the client

services. The client can view updates and changes by logging onto the blog and viewing the new

posts. This method was chosen because it was a simple method of organising work and with the aid

of new video and slideshow uploading sites the blog can show a range of media to the client in one

place. The client can also upload different media types to provide the team with better examples of

what they are looking for.

This method has also given the client an opportunity not only to privatise the work in progress but

also show the work to other parties easily. If the client wants to get an opinion from an external

party they can either send them the password or even just publish the post and this will allow the

public to view the work. This can provide the client services and the client with new feedback and a

very basic, yet effect, market test.


The blog is hosted on a MediaTemple server. This server has been installed with the Wordpress PHP

and this is used as a basic content management system. Wordpress was chosen for its simple yet

effect layout and was considered the easiest method when taking into account that the client may

not have had in-depth knowledge of using a blog or a content management system.

Current Tasks

1. Contacting the client.

2. Updating the blog

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Video Production: The video production team will take the animation sequences produced in 3D studio max and the

images produced by the 2D team and combine them in Adobe Premiere Pro to produce a version of

the trailer. They will have the last deadline and their team depends entirely on the 2D/3D

department producing the work on time.


The animations produced by 3D studio Max will be either .mov or .avi files which can both be

imported into Premiere Pro. The team will use the materials supplied to produce a semi finished

version of the trailer. This version will then be exported to After-effects where colour adjustments

and other effects will be applied.


This department will only be using Premiere Pro and After-effects.

Current Tasks

1. Preparing for production of the trailer

3D department The modelling department will create the models needed to produce the trailer. The modellers will

need to work with the client services to ensure the models created match the needs of the client

and depict the theme they want.

The models will also need to be rigged to make the production of the trailer easier as well as

providing the client with a .bip rigged model which they will use as a test for the production of the



The team will produce a rough 2D design of the character which will be shown to the client and only

when the client is happy with the concept ideas will the team start making the low poly model. Once

the low poly model is created the 3D modeller will use” UVW unwrap” to create easy to edit UVW

maps, for the character artist to use in Zbrush and Photoshop. Once the UVW maps are created the

low poly models are exported to Zbrush where the model is give fine 3D detail as well as basic

texturing. When the model has been textured and edited a UVW with the texture and maps of the

“normal bumps” are exported along with the mesh, these are combined in 3D studio max.

The environment will take on a similar route but with lower polygons and little, if any Zbrush editing.

This is to keep the polygon count down as well as reducing file size especially because the later

stages will require cloth simulations.

The cloth simulations were suggested to help create an extra layer of detail, to try and improve the

games image and hopefully increase sales. The method chose by the research team was using the

cloth modifier with a mixture of garment maker and preserving vertices.

This method will involve the model to be rigged and mapped before simulating cloths. The creation

of the realist coat will be created by drawing the coats “panels” with the line tool. The panels

represent the patches of cloth which would be sewed together, if it was to be made by hand. The

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combination of cloth modifier and garment maker will simulate a life like material which will then be

“sewn” together.


The majority of the models will be created in 3D studio max; this includes the environment, the

models and the miscellaneous items needed for the environment. 3D studio max will be used to rig

the models as well but only to produce the low polygon models. Extra detail will be created using

Zbush and the use of “UVW mapping” and “bump maps”. This will keep the polygon countdown

which will benefit both the trailer production and the in-game model.

Current Tasks

1. Finish modelling the hands

2. UVW map the model

3. Rig the model

4. Apply the coat to the model

5. Model the coin

6. Carry on creating the animation sequences

2D Department This department is tasked with creating all 2D materials from textures to posters. Their ability to

meet deadlines relies heavily on the productivity of the 3D team. They will need to create textures

for all the models and cannot do so until the UVW maps have been created and a similar situation

for the environments.

While the models are being created the team will be creating rough ideas for the posters and the 2D

work required for the trailer.


The team’s main task is to create the texture maps for the 3D models. This will be created by using

Zbrush and Photoshop to edit the UVW maps. The Maps are created inside 3D studio max and

exported to Zbrush and then the texture maps are re-touched in Photoshop. The files will need to be

flipped vertically as well to match the 3D studio co-ordinates.

As well as the 3D textures, the team will create the 2D promotional materials such as the images

needed for the web site or posters and demo case covers. This will be done by looking at the current

theme and design work, which is consistent with the games brand.


The 2D team will create promotional material using:


For bitmap images which require high quality changes such as colour changes and blurs. Photoshop

will also be the main program for the UVW edits and the promotional materials.


Used for vector images, this will be used for creating the logo, title scenes for use in video

production and some website images.

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Documents and other word heavy pieces will be created in InDesign. Most of the work will be for

editing the documents created for the project over all and not so much as the product itself.


Used by the 3D team to create the “bump” maps and the 2D team to create basic textures on the

UVW maps. These will be edited later in Photoshop to produce a high quality map with more detail.

Current Tasks

1. Create rough designs of the Posters

2. Create rough designs for the Logo

3. Receive and edit the UVW maps

4. Create the text for the trailer

Current Evaluation

Client Services: The department has been able to meet most of its targets by keeping the blog up to date. There

have been problems with uploading work to Wordpress, which might be caused by a server name

change but we have created a work around by uploading the work on other sites such as Flickr and

Slideshare. The new method of uploading is more reliable and it offers a wider range of functions as

well, such as viewing presentations online. The Wordpress blog has also given the client and me a

new method of testing and reviewing work , by publishing it online. This will be useful near

completion of the task when we require feedback.

The second part of the client services team is to keep the deadlines and to notify the client when

work is behind on schedule. This hasn’t been done to standard and needs improvement. There has

been no contact with the client and we need to notify them of the current changes with the project.

Video Production: There has been some video work created which was mainly for the story board. This was very basic

work which could have been made into something more impressive and complex but due to the

time scale and overall benefit to the project was minimal, it wasn’t given extra.

Within the next week the 2D department will be finishing the text scenes which mean that the video

production team can start editing and adding effects to the text in preparation for the 3D animation.

This will mainly take place in After-effects which will export clips ready to combine in Premiere Pro.

2D Department: There has been some good 2D work for the story board which helped show the idea for the trailer.

The Vector art was a new skill for the department and found that the rough style of drawing was a

quick alternative to drawing and scanning by hand.

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There hasn’t been much 2D rough work produced for the Promotional material yet, which needs to

be done within two weeks. The Video Production team has also been informed that the 2D

department has a 1 week dead line for the trailer text scenes. After that they can start producing

rough ideas for the posters.

3D Department: This department has been the main reason why a lot of the work has been pushed back and

rescheduled. They are having trouble coping with the about of tasks they have to do in such a short

period of time. Due to a bad initial build of the 3D model they have had to re-create the hands of the

model so that the biped can control the fingers better. This process of creating new hands is the

reason why there hasn’t been much progression with the coat model and a lack of progress with the

other models and environment. The re-work has meant that new UVW’s need to be made as well

which will push even more deadlines back.

Aware that time is running low, the team has done some further research into the creation of

materials and is currently looking into different methods of creating the coat. For example instead of

using garment maker, which hasn’t been very successful they are considering using the basic cloth

modifier so that they can render out poses for the 2D team and then focus on the garment maker at

a later date.

The team scheduled a day in the blue room, and used some of the equipment to get a better

understanding and to consider weather it would speed up the process for them but realised that

with the lack of man power the 3D team would rely on external parties to help with the blue screen

filming so decided to stick with key framing in 3D studio max.

Overall The progress is slow and certain aspects of the original brief have had to be re-examined such as the

creation of a .BVH rigged model. Lack of communication with the client and unable to find much

information on how to create .BVH models has resulted in this objective being put aside for now as

well as other game/model related objectives, such as exporting the realistic coat into a games


The coat simulations have worked but only on a basic level but I am confident that with more time

the coat will start to look more realistic.

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The lack of time is a result in over estimating the team’s abilities and taking on too much on my own.

This is why I have had to look over my objectives and re-asses if they are possible within the time
