work shop snkpenknt leaber the weatheover r · «/•• tni mrs. vlnrrnt shay. bnrrnn avenur,...

Work Shop In Colonia Is Banned (.ninplninl of INnghhorn ItringH (ourl Killing lo I nil M<»(lrl-Makin<i WOOnBRIDGE- Recorder Ar- ihur Hrown today ruled thework^ L,,|) of M. Munn Pattison, 43, Piriutecv. TiV mrTOTrtP'rtri'CfSRtf o'Hills Rond, was beliiK operated i tl violation of the Township Zon- ,,,:> Ordinance and Mr. Pattison v.;i.s ordered In cense operations at mice. Mi. Patnsmi's neifihbjirs pre- viously ciinplained to Building In- ,.,,,: tor William Allpaicr that Hie )1( ,|.,r fnnn Ihc machinery used by ii:,nii (•(in.'itilutrd n nuisance 11 nd was in violation of I he Town- i ZnniiiM ordinance which bars jii:n lulu 1 .shop. 1 ; from "A" rcsldrn- I |,c ImildiiH 1 . inspector invesli- . l( , and found Mr. Pallison was l; ,iiiilarliirini, T scale models of [i.piised industrial plants and , ami larre discs in which lime ihem He iilso found that, ; 111,•. 11if- ColiiiiLi urcliiU'; 1 ! ein- j, :cvcral men. i.'iihni' the wcirlishop was in li.itinii of (he ordinance, Mr. .iii'i ordered all openitions Mi. Piillison refused, in 1 Section It ot the z.onini! mi 1 pcrmils a reiiislered •ri lo hiive his oflicc in his iciiiii'dlcss of zone, ( nmplaiiit Signed i le.Mill, Mr. AMsaler sinned plami iiisainst Mr. P'attisnn i liianni: was held Tuesday limn Inline. Recorder Brown. ml Mi ' Whiliikcr. Mr. Path- mxi door neighbors, testified ;>i nines I he noise from the IIIIVII machines ivas iin- Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHER OVER THE WEEK-END (By wire from V. 8. Weather Bureau, Wuhlnrton) VOI,. XXXIX llll'l'.'il :l. SIT,mil Nn I'liis: ;)» Mall, N J, TIIHI1SDAY, AUOtlKT L»R, 1!M7 VV,iiMllirl.|»i>. N. .1 PRICK FIVE CENTS -iir.-fl, WnoiihrlclllK, N. .1 1 Neu^Address: London, Eng. Ex-Teacher \School Population Increase Held in Jailj/s Anticipated by Nicklas New JrrMy. cloudy andcool to- day and tonight. Friday, mostly sunru with warmtr In the In- terior. OutlMk tor Saturday, rrnrrally fair with about nor- New Platfj Consider! Avenel Sit< Nationally known' FM)i. : Considering 96 • A C t0* Plot; Zoning C d II|II-I| «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17 Hartincton Rnad, Chiswick, l,nn- don. Mr. iind M M . Shav wore mar- ried In England where the former was .1 Navy liai- son nfllrer and (he latter was In the British naval service. Mr. Shay is the son of Mrs. Irene Shay, sec- retary tii Supcr- visinc Principal Victor C. Nicklas. ly on Sunday, \ . : fa .,,1,1 fel III GoingA wayOver Week-End? If So, Please Play It Safe III-I hcai in;: test jimmy for over lioiir:.. Unorder Brown 1T- i'd decision and announced he ;d in .peci. the premises him- i- t i n l a v , ;icciimpanied by Mr. aie!. Wei oidcr Brown visited I'.iiti'.cin hunu- and found the i. ,liii|i was mil in operation. TUT, at Ills request the arclli- .lulled of the electric and planers and the recorder ded Lhey were noisy and a aliee loIlle neighbors. I'l'order Hrnwn said he had i in contact with several liable aichuects and each in- ned himHint such a shopwas a pint of an architect's office." Township Girls Enter NJC Sept. 22 \\ I' loin \\ oixllirid^c and ITOIII krushcy Arc i I'i r * I - Y <• a r <llass Hrninl Traffir h l)tu\ ,Sr» Kxtru (.(luliun Is I in iH>rali i?f > or Else! WOODBRIDOE - Police Chief Genriip E KculitiK today issued an appeal to Township residents to drive carefully over the Labor Day week-end to help prevent acci- dents, Reeord-breakinc traffic is ex- pected in the Township, Chief Keatinu said, due lothe fact that. the week-end is the last .summer holiday for the majority of people. "We can keep the Township free of accidents over the week- end if we keep a few rules," lie continued. "First see to it that your hcadliuhts arc in nood .condition and always chance to the lower beam when meeting another car. That's what you want the other fellow to do. And be sure to slow down at sundown. Any ninht speed over 40 is courting sui- cide or manslaughter. Don't drive if you are tired and if you have had a few drinks, don't drive. "And last but not least, remem- ber the traffic officer who stops you for speeding Isn't a perverse per- son who enjoys putting his foot on your running board and writing out a ticket. He has a job to do— the job of keeping you alive." 3 Township Posts In Lesion Parade . r )2-ypar-old Man, Former Vocational Attache, Accused bv Parent* WOODBRIDOE—Lionel P, Ca- pers, 52. n former tracher fit the Middlesex County Vocational School, Perth Amboy, who resides at the tf.M.C.A.. 182 Jefferson Street. Perth Amboy, has been lodxed in the county jail in lieu of $10,000 ball to awsit action of the Grand Jury on a^pomplaint of ImpairinK the morals of » minor. Capers, it is understood, taught English at theschool But his con- tract was not renewed thlx year. He was arrested Tuesday by Cap- tain John R. - Egan Rnd Patrol Driver Closindo Zuccaro on the complain^of the father of a young local boy. The youngster was one of his former pupils. Chief Oeorj?e E. Keating said that Capers, evidently n hiRhly educated and intelligent man. ad- mitted his guilt In the case. The police head also said that other similar complaints against Capers may be made by parents of boys residing in nearby communities. Sunn tubs at 7,1 ('•nulv School lioost Forecast, Wilh In Protiwf for DR. VV. I.. BARRETT To fake Part In Giant National Convention March on Saturday WOODBRIDGE Woodbridae Post. Fords Post and Colonia Post, Fine Assessed OnWomen'sCharge Gulyas, 22, Arrested On Complaint Lodged by Township Residents Services Tomorrow For-Dr. Barrett, 75 Practicing Dentist Here 2!) Years; Prominent Professional W O r k e r | three districts that boasts n kmd- WOODBRIDOE—A fine of $25 and their auxil-! was imposed u n John Oulyas, 22. participate in the Le-! 10 ° Second Street, by Recorder Ar- New York City, other posts and iaries will Klon parade in Saturday, with auxiliaries in Middlesex County. Middlesex County will be the third in line in the New Jersey contingent, which will be the 33rd group in the line of march. Assem- bly time will be at 1 P, M., between Madison Avenue and Fourth Ave- nue on East 31st Street. Headquarters for the Township contingent will bethe Hotel Penn- sylvania, 7th Avenue and 33rd :\V HHI'NSWICK -- Three •'.lln'idne ::iii.'. and one from hi v are ainoim the 375 stu- .nlmii H'd Ibis year to 'the I in im i ill New Jersey i" i Im Women, Rutgers Uni- :i'. They will bei;in their stud- M'|i!eiiil)('r 2'2. I.- Woodbridge .students are (nil rude Mary Franke, .•hier of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar •mi , l.ois Jean Raison,, daUfill- nl Mr. and Mrs. Elrion L. on Miss Anita Margaret Minpe, daughter of Mr. and Conrad F. Srhrimpe! Mi.•'•• Hiliei Hose Kovncs, daunh- >i Mi and Mrs William Ko- |>e . Keasbey, also will at tend the !;••::i- llus year. rhe N ,|. c , Class of 1951. in- i;di-.s -.His from all 2\ counties Neu .lei.M v, mid also has repre- ni;dives tioin Virginia, Connec- . NI. Miissiichusctis, Pcnnsylva- li Cahlnrniii. New Hampshire ln<l New York [ouiity Democrats I o Sponsor Picnic MKW BRUNSWICK - A, large '"alum nl Woodbridue Demo- :1 ii. enpericd lo attend a picnic 11it day sponsored by the Mid- 1 v County Democrats at John- • I'iirk. River Road,(this place. :'<IIIIHIK1 A. Hayes, county solici- is ehujjnian and he will be ••led byWmbers of the Board l'Yeolinidyi'rs and volunteers "n ivety^ui t of the county. ^ coi'ti^iK to present plans there •• be/plt'iiiy of music and re- •Nniiiits. Games have been '"dulj'd lor young and old, and •'ddition there will be trottinB 1 and a baseball same. The 111 v Con i mil tec estimates that "«'d oi 10,000 will be on hand. '.v J, LtiFarr Day ('*'«'«/ for Sept, 14th \ r II I ml to He Formed In Port Hoadinn Tonight PORT READING—Plans to or- ganize a Ladies' Auxiliary of Port Readnm Memorial Post,, Veterans of Foremn Wars, will be made a'. a meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock at Columbus Hall. Eligible to join 1 the auxiliary are mothers, wives, daughters of vet- erans who served overseas during World Wars 1 and II and ex- servicewomen. thur Brown on a complaint of being disorderly. Gulyas was ar- rested by Patrolmen Joseph Sipos and Elmer Krysko on complaints of Claire Wineear, 157 Sherry Street, Woodbridge, and Theresa Degenhardt, 51Hillcrest Avenue, Iselin. In other police blotter reports this week it was noted that a car owned by Robert Gillis, 111 High Street, which was reported stolen Monday from in front pf Palko's tavern, was recovered a few hours Street. Woodbridge Post an-1 i at ei ; by Patrolman "Daniel Pftn- nounccs that two rooms have been engaged in the hotel for use by all Township Legion units. A large number of Township Legionnaires are expected to at- tend the business sessions of the 29th annual convention which will today at Madison Square Garden. Dorothy Haborah to Wed A. E. Johmen Sept. 14 WOODBRIDGE — Miss Dorothy Haborak. Alden Street, was guest of honor at a surprise miscella- neous shower given by her mother, Mrs. John Haborak. Apprqximate- ly 60 guests were' present. Miss Haborak will become the bride of August E. Johnsen, son of Lars Johnsen, East Orange, Sep- tember 14. coni, Crampton Avenue. Two hub caps were stolen off a car owned by Millard Munn, Am- boy Avenue and Grove Avenue while it was parked over the week- end on Grove Avenue, alongside his store. Joseph Lello, Route 35, report- er to Desk Sergeant Carl Sund- quist yesterday that 'a driver of car took a long-handled shovel from the rear of his tavern and drove off with it. Lello gave the authorities the car's license num- ber. The annual Lucy J. '''•'i''" "ay will be held Beptem- '•'•ii the clubhouse,Cliff Road. "I'lhiii; lo plans made at a meet- (| l the Sowarai Republican 11111 In. 1 ,, Tuesday. I Mi. Walter Wyckolf lias been I'oinieti chairman of the hospi- l "V eominmee and Mrs. William '''"••"'I will be in charge of en- IlllltS T() uogj) "VHNKL The Board oi Elders conduct thi' 10 A. M. service 1111 t'1'csu.iyeriaii Church next '*"*• A meeting of all officers workers of the church will be ["I "uxi Thursday at 8 P. M., at " '-'lurch. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS INOTE: Contributions to this column must be in this office no later than TUESDAY NOON of each week, Events listed here ar" broadcast daily at 7:111) A. M., on the "Around the Counties .With Your Weekly Newspapers" program over New Brunswick radio station WCTC, 1450 on your dial.) AUGUST 30--25th anniversary of Iselin Fire Co. No. 1. Parade at 2 P. M. Prom-am and picnic to follow at' flrehouse grounds on Green Street. , SEPTEMBER 1 -Labor Day. 2 -lvlet'tmn of Colonia Post. 'J48, American Legion.'at Post club- house, Colonia, 8 P. M. ;t Schools of Township re-open. Meeting of SJewarai Men's Clifc at Scwaren Republican Club clubhouse. 4 Meeting of committee of Relief for Poland Drive at INDE- PENDENT-LEADER recreation room. 18 Green Street. 4-6 -Carnival at School Street grounds as part of the60th An- niversary Celebartion of WoodbrldRe Fire Company No. 1, 5-Charity Fund card party sponsored by Sewaren Republican Club at clubhouse. ' I 6—Fiftieth Anmvers«ry Celebration of Woodbridge Pire Com- pany No, 1. Parade jat 2 P. M., Block DaJicejat 9 P, M. 1 -third Ward Republican Club picnic and dun*, Maple Tree Farm, Railway Avenue, Avenel, from 1 to 9[P. M. 9 Openlm: Pall meeting of Woodbridse Lions Club atMiddle- Meetinii of Builders' Circle of | Methodist Church, Wood- bridse, at home of Mrs. Fraiik McGanah, 8 East Oreen Street, Woodbridse. U-Meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary Division 8, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Columbian Club, 8 P. M. 12 -Meeting of Sewaren History Club at Republican Club club- house, Sewaren. 13 -tjquare Dance sponsored by Sewareji Girls Club at Sewaten Republican Club, Cliff Road. ' Commodore John Barry Dinner-Dance sponsored by Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies' Auxiliary at Essqx House, Newark. 14-Elks' annual clambake at Varudy's Grove, Fords. Tickets available at Elks' Home, Perth Amboy. 18—(Meeting ,of Sewaren Bupper Club at St. John^ Church * parish 'house, Sewaren. Meeting of Colonia Post, 248, American Legion at Post Club- house, Colonia, 8 P. M. n_OpeninH meeting of the Evening Republican Club of iselin at the home oi _Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Rapacloll, n-r-Qet-together narty sponsored by Woodbridge Lions Club. 20 -Installation of officers of Colonitt Post, 248, American Legion, and Colonia Unit, 248, American Legion Auxiliary, ai Post clubhouse, Colonia, 8 P. M. OCTOBER 28- Annual show sponsored byWoodbridge Local, No. 38, Patool- men's Benevolent Association at Woodbridge High School Auditorium. WOODBmnOF,-- An iiiHTase of .ipi'iyximiilply 170 in the urnde! •ichiml piipulnlUiiai and a possible | •di'.iht decifiisr In the eninllmen 1 in the HIKII predicted jts the IPSII'I of repiVts Riibinitled by the various principals tn Supev- visini! Principal Victor C. Nicklas At the dose of the school year in June, there were 1,328 students enrolled m theHIRII School. When -school reopens next Wednesdny it. is p eitu-ted fhat there will bo ap- proMiiiiitely 1,200 realstrred. Mi Nickln.-, sal.I the sltRht decrease WHS anticipated due lo the ^uct I hat ihc cniollmciit In the upper mades in the various grammar schools have decreased during the p«,si three or four years and more over. D . John P. LOBO, principal. has announced that fewer O.I. students me expected. Lelaml Reynolds, principal at School No 1. expects to have nn enrollment of 450 to 460 when school reopens. This In in contrast to 421 pupils on March 7 last. The expected increase is due In part to the establishment of a kindergar- ten and the steady increase of the number of children born \n Wood- bririKc proper during the war years. £ r( ;f| Cops Close Pool Room Zurcaro Pormit Held Dp Ponding Police ' Probe After WOODBRIDOE AlthOUflt * week's delay In the passage of the" ;hd-W-ltti&<S Av plant which would have employed 2.000. n Pennsylvania Railroad of* cial informed The INDEPBlND- KNT-LEADKR this week hi* com- pany is now negotiating with in* other well-known corporation. At Monday nleht's adjourned mertinp of the Township Com- mittee an ordinance, authorizing a change of Zoning of 96 acnw Of land alonfi the railroad In Increa&c In Colonln Colonia School is one of the WOODBRIDGE—Funeral .serv- ices for Dr. William Z. Barrett. 75. 135 Green Street, will be held to- morrow afternoon, 2 o'clock at, the Grclner Funeral Home. 44 Green Street. Rev. Earl Hnimum De- vanny, pastor of theFirst Presby- terian Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Cloverleaf Park Cemetery. Dr. Barrett, who has been a practicing dentist and civic worker ergarten. The enrollment there Is expected to increase from 141 tto 170. Strawberry Hill School had 170 pupils; Hopelawn, 246 mid Sc- t waren 145, last June. The enroll- ment in all three schools is ex- pected to remain approximately the same. With the establishment of a kindergarten in Avehel the school population in that district is ex- pected to jump to approximately PORT READINO Recorder Arthur Brown has suspended the pool room license of Richard Zuc- rari). 31, 99 Birch Street, for his premises located on Tappen Street, pending further invesliRH- tlon by the police department. Zuccaro was arrested Saturday night for an alleged violation of thr Township pool room ordinance after his place of business was visited byDetective- Sgt. Pied Linn and Pntrolmen John GovelitB, El- meV Krysko and Joseph Sipos and Patrol Driver Joseph Grady. The Township ordinance states that all pool room doors must be kept open while customers are within. The police found the door locked and it was some time before they gained admittance. Booked as materal witnesses and later civen suspended sentences were Pat Fratterolo. 33. 30 THppen Street; Edward Sekclnski. 27, 60 Third Street; John Prenclpe,, 24, 14 First Street, all of Port Read- ing; Anthony Minnucci, 39, and Pasquale Minnucci, 44. both of 8 Lillian Terrace, Woodbridge and Mike D'Alesslo, 36, Greenbrook Avenue, Keasbey. ln Woodbridpe since 1923. died j 360 fnom 334. Due to the inbrca^ed Thieves Ransack 2 Colonia Homes Neubergs, Petersons On Vacation Return Today To Check Items Stolen COLONIA—The homes of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neuberg, Do- ver Road, .were entered and ran- sacked last night, but police will be unable to list articles stolen until sometime today when a member of each family returns from vacation to make a check. The Petersons are vacationing in Maine and the Neubergs are at their summer home .in Mana- squan. William H. Peterson, Jr., Plain- fleld, discovered his patents' home had been entered when he arrived here yesterday evening, A window 'had been broken. A routine house ohcok by Pa- dolmen Nels Lauritzen and Al- lert Martin resulted in the dls- Bvery that the Neuberg home had been entered. The thieves had orced a screen door, broken a window in the regular door and reached in for a key attached to string. This is the fourth time the Neubprg home has been en- tered. Tuesday morning at the Railway Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. The local dentist was apparently in Rood health on July 12. when he celebrated his 75th birthday, At that time his family held open houBe in honor of the occasion and friends came "from far and near to wish him well. A native of New London. Ohio, Dr. Barrett attended Temple Uni- versity, Philadelphia, and has been an active member of the Temple University Alumni Association. His wife, Bessie Z. Yules Barrett died four years aeo. He is survived by three daush- ,ers, Mrs. Charles 'Riley. Buffalo, N. Y.. Mrs. William Bowen, Wood- bririRe; Mr. 1 :. Theodore Pusscll, Balboa, Canal Zone; five' sons, Fred Z. and James A., Wood- bridge; William H. and Bertram! S., Rahway and Manning N., New Brunswick. He is also survived by 11 grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. Elder in Church Dr. Barrett was a past president of the Middlesex County Dental Society, a trustee of the New Jer- sey , Dental Society, New Jersey delegate to the American Dental Association, past president of the Woodbridse Rotary Club, past president oMhe Woodbridge Busi- nessmen's Association, anelder of the First Presbyterian Church and president of the Men's Brother- hood of the church. buildiiiR activities in that .section of the Township the Board of Edu- cation is now planning a new school for Avenel to be built as soon as funds are available. One of the surprises is the re- port from Keasbey. Since the eatly 1030's the school population has Steadily decr.e.&a«d due, to the aban- I (Continued on Page 61 School Buses Inspected By Qundl, Dr. Lowery WOODBRIDGE—Dr. M. L. Low- ery, county superintendent of schools and the Board of Educa- tion's transportation committee, headed by Adolph Quadt. have in- spected and approved all the Township school buses and all is In readiness fo; the reopening of the schools next Wednesday morning. All the buses will run on the same schedule used for the school year 1946-47, Mr. Quadt said. from business and B residential, in U«ht industry, was finally Im- proved Thr railroad, which oWns Ihc land, had made application for the change and the hewing WHS scheduled for AiiKtist 18. At Hint time, protests from a small Avenel deleRatlon brought about a delay In passage of the measure. The next day. a PrnnsylvMiia Railroad spokesman told an IN- DEPENDENT - LEADER reporter that "in nil probability" the Town- ship had lost the phnit, because the corporation had demanded a derision on AuRust 10. 'Somewhat Smaller' The same spokesman said this week that the new prospect Is "a somewhat smaller concern than Ihc llrst corporation but la na- tionally known, and in all proba- bility would take most of the tract if it decides to build in Avenel." At Monday's session, D. B. Lenny. Industrial agent, and Frank Hasson, industrial representative, represented the Pennsylvania Railroad. An even smaller Avenel delcKiitlon than attended the Au- gust 18 session was on hand. Albeit Aymer. the first speaker, told of the establishment of a cork factory in Hillside which, he said, came into the town under the Eulse of light industry and has "been a nuisance ever since." When Mayor August F. Greiner asked if the factory had not been built In a heavy industry zone, Mr. Aymer resented the interruption and asked the mayor to refrain from "sarcastic remarks." The mayor In turn declared that In his capacity as chairman he had the Sept 6 Parade to be Profitable For Winners in Various Classes $2.63 6-Months Earning On Merck Common Stock RAHWAY—Merck & Co,, Inc., manufacturing chemists, reports for the six months ended June 30, 1947; consolidated net Income of $3,103,097, after all deductions and estimated taxes on tnijome. After the payment of preferred divi- dends, this amounted to $3.63 per share on the 1,100,000 shares of common stock outstanding. For (he like period of 194(1, net in- come amounted to $3,513,544. Con- solidated net sales for [he six months amounted to $34,900,612 as compared with. $30,740,285 for the firs thalf of 1946. TO WED IN OCTOBER COLONIA—Mr. and Mi's. James Black, Patricia Avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Batrice, to August De Vico, son of Mrs. Anna De Vlco, Plainneld. The wedding will take place Ootober 18 at St. CecelU'a Church, Sullivan Publicity Head for COP Unit • AVENEL —Edward J. Sullivan has been named publicity chair- man for the annual dinner-dance sponsored by the Younn Republi- cans of Middlesex County, accord- ing to an announcement today by Arnold S. Graham; of Perth Am- boy, county Young GOP chairman. The dinner dance, at which the Young Republicans will be hosts to Republican party leaders and wprjters, is tentatively set for Sat- urday, October 25, at The Pines, Mjettichen. A resident of Commercial Ave- nue, Mr. Sullivan is active in the Third Ward's regular Republican organization. A reporter for a Hudson County newspaper, lie was formerly employed by newspapers and wire services in New York and Newark. 107 ftoys and Girls See Came inN. Y. WOODBRIDGE—One hundred and seven boys and girls, including 1Q Soap Box Derby winners, ac- companied by 12 playground su- pervisors, made a trip to New York Monday under th« sponsor- ship of the Recreation Committee. The highlight of the day for the youngsters was attendance at the Qiants-Cubs game which the lat- ter won 9-7 The boys and girls cheered lustily when the Cubs hit four home runs and. Marshall and Thompson hit two tor the QianU. Several Cash Prizes to Be Awarded; $300 h Due Senior Company WOODBRIDGE — An outstand- ing list of cash prizes, to be award- to the winners In the various classes at Woodbridge Fire Com- pany No. 1 Golden JuBllce parade, Saturday, September 6, was an- nounced today by Fred F, Zehrer, chairman of the prizes and awards committee. The following cash, awards will be made: 'The oldest company in linetveri- lied by charter), $300, for winner If coming from a point more than 150 miles from Wood,brldge—or, $200 to the winner If the distance is less than 160 miles; company coming from the most distant iioint, must havje, at least twenty men in line, $200; company with the largest nuntbfer of men in line i must wear regulation fireman's uniformi, $200; oldest piece of fire apparatus irmist submit, creden- tials), $100; beat band in line, judged for music, appearance and marching, $76; best drum corps in line, Judged for music, appearance and marching, $75; best-appear- ing company in regulation fire- man's uniform (must have at least twenty men in line), $50; best-appearing Ladles' Auxiliary, $50; Ladles' Auxiliary with largest number In ltner^SO; oldest fire- man in line (walking ar ridingi, (Continued on Pugq 6) Relief for Poland Drive Aides Named Disiavage, Committee to Have Dinner-Meeting, Map Plans, Sept. 4th WOODBRITJGE—Albert A. Dis- cavage, chairman of the Relief for Poland drive, today announced his committee which will begin work immediataly after Labor, Day. The committee members are Frank Andrews, treasurer; Ulryk Eichbaum, Joseph Janas, George Kovak, Rev. Earl Hannum Dev- anny, Rabbi Samuel Newberger, Hugh B. Qulgley, Victor C. Nick- las, James G. Catano, A. J. Sabo and Miss Ruth Wolk. A dinner meeting of the com- mittee will be held next Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in the recrea- tion room in The INDEPENDENT- LEADER, 18 Green Street, at which time the plan to raise money and collect food and cloth- ing for the needy of Poland, will be discussed. , In iiainliiK his .committee today Mr. Discavage said; "The Ameri- can Relief for Poland has been doing a good job of getting relief into the hands of those of all faiths in Poland who are in need. The organization operates without (Continued on Page 6) right to nsk questions and would continue to do so if he felt it necessary. Questioned by another AVenel '. resident as to the type of Indus- . try which would locate on the tract, Mr. Lenny said he "was not in the position to reveal the iden- tity of the firm," "As a'matter of fact," he con- tinued, "we have two types of industry Interested. Both would build modem plants, No firm ( would locate In Woodbridge unless it planned tolive up to all restric- tions because it is well known WoodbridRe Township has strict regulations." Theodore Ruth, one of the staunchest objectors at the first meetinK. declared the "local paper made it appear we were trying to deprive the Township of industry, but wf are only trying to protect, our property." ' Asks About Junkyard Mr, Ruth then asked if a junk- yard could locate at the site if the ordinance was passed and wai in- formed by Mayor Greiner a Junk- yard could locate on the property now due to the fact it is considered a business, and the property is par- tially zoned as a business area. Committeeman William Oery, Third Ward, then stated he had the the be Iselin Fire Co. is 25 Years Old Saturday; Gala Party Scheduled ISELIN Arrangements have been completed for tlie 25th anni- versary celebration of Iselin Fire Company No. 1 Saturday and with a little cooperation from the weatherman the affair should be a complete success. The prograin calls for a parade at 2 P, M., to be followed by a short speaking program at the flre- house on Green Street, The party will conclude with an "open house" witjji frge refreshments and enter- tainment for all the guests. The following organizations have indicated they will be represented in the parade: Avenel Pire Com- pany, Colonia Fire Company, Fords Fire Company, Hopelawn Pire Company', Iselin Chemical Hoek and ,Ladder Company, Protection Fire'Company of Keasbey, Wood- bridge Fiie Company, Port Read- ing Fire Company, Menlo Park Fire Company, H. K. Fire Company, Henry Street, fiwitaa. Township, Oak Tree Fire Company and Perth Amboy Fire Company. Also,' Woodbridge Emergency Squad, St, John's First Aid Squad asked for a continuation of hearing because he felt all residents of Avenel should given a chance to be heard. "I have been assured since Jhen," he continued, "that only a high type of industry would be lo- cated on the property and it defi- nitely would not be a detriment to the community." Committeeman Herbert B. Ran- kin, Mr. Gery's colleague from the •Third Ward, explained his stand in favor of the change as follows: "After a lot of thought on the matter and considering all phases .J Including geographical conditions, the change of zoning of this!par- ticular tract wou d not deprejeiate properties in the •vicinity oneliota. In fact, it woald enhance prop- erty values. If, as was said at the lasjt meeting, the plant does come here and employ a large number , of people ii woqld be a line thing j Hot only for Avenel but for the " Township as a lyhole. Would Provide Jobs " "Most of us are working now, but we can remember the days of 1930 to 1936 when many were without jobs. A large number, of new people moved into tlie Town-. ship just before and during the | Fords; Avenel-Colonia First Aiffj Squad, Menlo Park Emergency Squad, Iselin Post, 2636. Veterans Post, Catholic War Veterans and the Iselin Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops. Committee Membeis [The committee in chaige con- sists of general committee and refreshments, Ronald Qsborne, chairman, Walter Sohnle and Fred German: parade, Lester Bahr; program, Richard Shohfl; journal, George .Hill, chairman, Alvln En- Held, WlUlam Whalen, Robert Mil- ler; decorations, Clarence Bowen; publicity, Orrln D. Berry; 26-year, presentations, Daniel Reynolds. According to the committee's plant, the pomade to be led by a group of Towaabip Bollce officers war and we would like to keep' them here;and we want to be able to give them jobs. ( A lot of you us^ Woodbridge for residential purposes and work elsewhere, but you don't know how long your jobs may last. You may need a job soon and such a plant may be able to give it to you. "I can recall a re-zonlng hearing In the first ward when many ob- jected to a plastic plant. Today,: many of the folks who objected are now workltif at the plant and are happy About it. You must re- member our toning ordinance controls tne, type pf plant that can] come In. We h»ve a few unde$lH able plants here, but they were I tt bf 6) , befoif the aon'tnf nance waa pawed and'"

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Page 1: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17

Work ShopIn ColoniaIs Banned(.ninplninl of INnghhorn

ItringH (our l Killingl o I nil M<»(lrl-Makin<i

WOOnBRIDGE- Recorder Ar-ihur Hrown today ruled the work^L,,|) of M. Munn Pattison, 43,Piriutecv. TiV mrTOTrtP'rtri'CfSRtfo'Hills Rond, was beliiK operateditl violation of the Township Zon-,,,:> Ordinance and Mr. Pattisonv.;i.s ordered In cense operations atmice.

Mi. Patnsmi's neifihbjirs pre-viously ciinplained to Building In-,.,,,: tor William Allpaicr that Hie)1(,|.,r fnnn Ihc machinery used by

ii:,nii (•(in.'itilutrd n nuisance11 nd was in violation of I he Town-

i ZnniiiM ordinance which barsjii:n lulu1 .shop.1; from "A" rcsldrn-

I |,c ImildiiH1. inspector invesli-. l ( , and found Mr. Pallison wasl;,iiiilarliirini,T scale models of[i.piised industrial plants and

, ami larre discs in whichlime ihem He iilso found that,

• • ; 1 1 1 , • . 11if- C o l i i i i L i u r c l i i U ' ; 1 ! e i n -

j, :cvcral men.i.'iihni' the wcirlishop was inli.itinii of (he ordinance, Mr.

.iii'i ordered all openitionsMi. Piillison refused,

in1 Section It ot the z.onini!mi1 pcrmils a reiiislered•ri lo hiive his oflicc in his

iciiiii'dlcss of zone,( nmplaiiit Signed

i le.Mill, Mr. AMsaler sinnedplami iiisainst Mr. P'attisnn

i l i ianni: was held Tuesdaylimn In l ine . Recorder Mi ' Whiliikcr. Mr. P a t h -mxi door neighbors, testified;>i nines I he noise from the

I I I I V I I machines ivas iin-

Snkpenknt • leaberTHE WEATHER

OVERTHE WEEK-END(By wire from V. 8. Weather

Bureau, Wuhlnrton)

VOI,. XXXIXllll'l'.'il :l. SIT,mil


;)»Mall ,


VV,iiMllirl.|»i>. N. .1

PRICK FIVE CENTS-iir.-fl, WnoiihrlclllK, N. .1


Neu^Address: London, Eng. Ex-Teacher \School Population IncreaseHeld in Jailj/s Anticipated by Nicklas

New JrrMy. cloudy and cool to-

day and tonight. Friday, mostly

sunru with warmtr In the In-

terior. OutlMk tor Saturday,

rrnrrally fair with about nor-

New PlatfjConsider!Avenel Sit<Nationally known' FM)i.:

Considering 96 • A C t0*Plot; Zoning C d

I I | I I - I |

«/•• tni Mrs.Vlnrrnt S h a y .Bnrrnn Avenur,called yesterdayfor KiiRhuid tomakr thrir homrin London. Theiraddress will he 17Hartincton Rnad,Chiswick, l,nn-don.

Mr. iind MM.Shav wore mar-ried In Englandwhere the formerwas .1 Navy liai-son nfllrer and(he latter was Inthe British navalservice. Mr. Shayis the son of Mrs.Irene Shay, sec-retary tii Supcr-visinc PrincipalVictor C. Nicklas.

ly on Sunday,

\ . :fa .,,1,1



GoingA wayOver Week-End?If So, Please Play It Safe

III-I hcai in;: test jimmy for overlioiir:.. U n o r d e r Brown 1T-

i'd decision and announced he;d in .peci. the premises h im-

i- t inlav, ;icciimpanied by Mr.aie!. Wei oidcr Brown visitedI'.iiti'.cin hunu- and found the

i. ,liii|i was mil in operation.T U T , at Ills request the arcll i-

.lulled of the electricand planers and the recorder

ded Lhey were noisy and aaliee lo Ille neighbors.I'l'order Hrnwn said he hadi in contact with severalliable aichuects and each in-ned him Hint such a shop wasa pint of an architect's office."

Township GirlsEnter NJC Sept. 22

\\ I' loin \\ oixllirid^c and

ITOIII krushcy Arc

i I' i r * I - Y <• a r <llass

Hrninl Traffir h l)tu\

,Sr» Kxtru (.(luliun Is

I in iH>rali i?f > — or Else!

WOODBRIDOE - Police ChiefGenriip E KculitiK today issued anappeal to Township residents todrive carefully over the Labor Dayweek-end to help prevent acci-dents,

Reeord-breakinc traffic is ex-pected in the Township, ChiefKeatinu said, due lo the fact that.the week-end is the last .summerholiday for the majority of people.

"We can keep the Townshipfree of accidents over the week-end if we keep a few rules,"lie continued. "First see to itthat your hcadliuhts arc in nood

.condition and always chanceto the lower beam when meetinganother car. That's what you wantthe other fellow to do. And be sureto slow down at sundown. Anyninht speed over 40 is courting sui-cide or manslaughter. Don't driveif you are tired and if you havehad a few drinks, don't drive.

"And last but not least, remem-ber the traffic officer who stops youfor speeding Isn't a perverse per-son who enjoys putting his footon your running board and writingout a ticket. He has a job to do—the job of keeping you alive."

3 Township PostsIn Lesion Parade

.r)2-ypar-old Man, FormerVocational A t t a c h e ,Accused bv Parent*

WOODBRIDOE—Lionel P, Ca-pers, 52. n former tracher fit theMiddlesex C o u n t y VocationalSchool, Perth Amboy, who residesat the tf.M.C.A.. 182 JeffersonStreet. Perth Amboy, has beenlodxed in the county jail in lieuof $10,000 ball to awsit action ofthe Grand Jury on a^pomplaint ofImpairinK the morals of » minor.

Capers, it is understood, taughtEnglish at the school But his con-tract was not renewed thlx year.He was arrested Tuesday by Cap-tain John R. - Egan Rnd PatrolDriver Closindo Zuccaro on thecomplain^of the father of a younglocal boy. The youngster was oneof his former pupils.

Chief Oeorj?e E. Keating saidthat Capers, evidently n hiRhlyeducated and intelligent man. ad-mitted his guilt In the case. Thepolice head also said that othersimilar complaints against Capersmay be made by parents of boysresiding in nearby communities.

Sunn tubs at 7,1 ('•nulv School lioostForecast, WilhIn Protiwf for


To fake Part In GiantNational ConventionMarch on SaturdayWOODBRIDGE — Woodbridae

Post. Fords Post and Colonia Post,

Fine AssessedOnWomen'sChargeGulyas, 22, Arrested On

Complaint Lodged byTownship Residents

Services TomorrowFor-Dr. Barrett, 75Practicing Dentist Here

2!) Years; ProminentProfessional W O r k e r | three districts that boasts n kmd-

WOODBRIDOE—A fine of $25and their aux i l - ! w a s imposed u P° n J o h n Oulyas, 22.

participate in the Le-! 10° Second Street, by Recorder Ar-New York City,other posts and

iaries willKlon parade inSaturday, withauxiliaries in Middlesex County.

Middlesex County will be thethird in line in the New Jerseycontingent, which will be the 33rdgroup in the line of march. Assem-bly time will be at 1 P, M., betweenMadison Avenue and Fourth Ave-nue on East 31st Street.

Headquarters for the Townshipcontingent will be the Hotel Penn-sylvania, 7th Avenue and 33rd

:\V HHI'NSWICK - - Three•'.lln'idne ::iii.'. and one fromhi v are ainoim the 375 s tu -

.nlmii H'd Ibis year to ' theI in im i ill New Jerseyi" i Im Women, Rutgers Uni-:i'. They will bei;in their s tud-M'| i !e i i i l ) ( 'r 2'2.

I.- Woodbridge .students are(nil rude Mary Franke,

.•hier of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar•mi , l.ois Jean Raison,, daUfill-nl Mr. and Mrs. Elrion L.on Miss Anita MargaretMinpe, daughter of Mr. and

Conrad F. Srhrimpe!Mi.•'•• Hiliei Hose Kovncs, daunh-

>i Mi and Mrs William Ko-|>e . Keasbey, also will at tend the

!;••::i- l l u s y e a r .

rhe N ,|. c , Class of 1951. in-i;di-.s -.His from all 2\ countiesNeu .lei.M v, mid also has repre-

ni;dives tioin Virginia, Connec-. NI. Miissiichusctis, Pcnnsylva-

li Cahlnrniii. New Hampshireln<l New York

[ouiity DemocratsI o Sponsor Picnic

MKW BRUNSWICK - A, large'"alum nl Woodbridue Demo-:1 ii. enpericd lo attend a picnic11 it day sponsored by the Mid-

1 v County Democrats at John-• I'iirk. River Road,(this place.:'<IIIIHIK1 A. Hayes, county solici-

is ehujjnian and he will be••led by Wmbers of the Board

l'Yeolinidyi'rs and volunteers"n ivety^ui t of the county.^ coi'ti iK to present plans there•• be/plt'iiiy of music and re-•Nniiiits. Games have been

'"dulj'd lor young and old, and•'ddition there will be trottinB

1 and a baseball same. The111 v Con i mil tec estimates that"«'d oi 10,000 will be on hand.

'.v J, LtiFarr Day('*'«'«/ for Sept, 14th

\ r II I ml to He FormedIn Port Hoadinn Tonight

PORT READING—Plans to or-ganize a Ladies' Auxiliary of PortReadnm Memorial Post,, Veteransof Foremn Wars, will be made a'.a meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clockat Columbus Hall.

Eligible to join1 the auxiliary aremothers, wives, daughters of vet-erans who served overseas duringWorld Wars 1 and II and ex-servicewomen. •

thur Brown on a complaint ofbeing disorderly. Gulyas was ar-rested by Patrolmen Joseph Siposand Elmer Krysko on complaintsof Claire Wineear, 157 SherryStreet, Woodbridge, and TheresaDegenhardt, 51 Hillcrest Avenue,Iselin.

In other police blotter reportsthis week it was noted that a carowned by Robert Gillis, 111 HighStreet, which was reported stolenMonday from in front pf Palko'stavern, was recovered a few hours

Street. Woodbridge Post an-1 iatei ; by Patrolman "Daniel Pftn-nounccs that two rooms have beenengaged in the hotel for use by allTownship Legion units.

A large number of TownshipLegionnaires are expected to at-tend the business sessions of the29th annual convention which will

today at Madison SquareGarden.

Dorothy Haborah to WedA. E. Johmen Sept. 14

WOODBRIDGE — Miss DorothyHaborak. Alden Street, was guestof honor at a surprise miscella-neous shower given by her mother,Mrs. John Haborak. Apprqximate-ly 60 guests were' present.

Miss Haborak will become thebride of August E. Johnsen, son ofLars Johnsen, East Orange, Sep-tember 14.

coni, Crampton Avenue.Two hub caps were stolen off a

car owned by Millard Munn, Am-boy Avenue and Grove Avenuewhile it was parked over the week-end on Grove Avenue, alongsidehis store.

Joseph Lello, Route 35, report-er to Desk Sergeant Carl Sund-quist yesterday that 'a driver ofcar took a long-handled shovelfrom the rear of his tavern anddrove off with it. Lello gave theauthorities the car's license num-ber.

The annual Lucy J.'''•'i''" "ay will be held Beptem-'•'•ii the clubhouse,Cliff Road.

"I'lhiii; lo plans made at a meet-(|l the Sowarai Republican

11111 In.1,, Tuesday.I Mi. Walter Wyckolf lias been

I'oinieti chairman of the hospi-l"V eominmee and Mrs. William'''"••"'I will be in charge of en-

Ill l l tS T() uog j )"VHNKL The Board oi Elders

conduct thi' 10 A. M. service1111 t'1'csu.iyeriaii Church next'*"*• A meeting of all officersworkers of the church will be

["I "uxi Thursday at 8 P. M., at" '-'lurch.

CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTSI N O T E : Contributions to this column must be in this office

no later than TUESDAY NOON of each week, Events listedhere ar" broadcast daily at 7:111) A. M., on the "Around theCounties .With Your Weekly Newspapers" program over NewBrunswick radio station WCTC, 1450 on your dial.)

AUGUST30--25th anniversary of Iselin Fire Co. No. 1. Parade at 2 P. M.

Prom-am and picnic to follow at ' flrehouse grounds onGreen Street. ,

SEPTEMBER1 -Labor Day.2 -lvlet'tmn of Colonia Post. 'J48, American Legion.'at Post club-

house, Colonia, 8 P. M.;t Schools of Township re-open.

Meeting of SJewarai Men's Clifc at Scwaren Republican Clubclubhouse.

4 Meeting of committee of Relief for Poland Drive at INDE-PENDENT-LEADER recreation room. 18 Green Street.

4-6 -Carnival at School Street grounds as part of the 60th An-niversary Celebartion of WoodbrldRe Fire Company No. 1,

5-Charity Fund card party sponsored by Sewaren RepublicanClub at clubhouse. ' I

6—Fiftieth Anmvers«ry Celebration of Woodbridge Pire Com-pany No, 1. Parade jat 2 P. M., Block DaJicejat 9 P, M.

1 - third Ward Republican Club picnic and dun*, Maple TreeFarm, Railway Avenue, Avenel, from 1 to 9[P. M.

9 Openlm: Pall meeting of Woodbridse Lions Club atMiddle-

Meetinii of Builders' Circle of | Methodist Church, Wood-bridse, at home of Mrs. Fraiik McGanah, 8 East OreenStreet, Woodbridse.

U-Meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary Division 8, Ancient Order ofHibernians, Columbian Club, 8 P. M.

12 -Meeting of Sewaren History Club at Republican Club club-house, Sewaren.

13 -tjquare Dance sponsored by Sewareji Girls Club at SewatenRepublican Club, Cliff Road. '

Commodore John Barry Dinner-Dance sponsored by AncientOrder of Hibernians and Ladies' Auxiliary at Essqx House,Newark.

14-Elks' annual clambake at Varudy's Grove, Fords. Tickets •available at Elks' Home, Perth Amboy.

18—(Meeting ,of Sewaren Bupper Club at St. John^ Church* parish 'house, Sewaren.

Meeting of Colonia Post, 248, American Legion at Post Club-house, Colonia, 8 P. M.

n_OpeninH meeting of the Evening Republican Club of iselinat the home oi _Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Rapacloll,

n-r-Qet-together narty sponsored by Woodbridge Lions Club.20 -Installation of officers of Colonitt Post, 248, American

Legion, and Colonia Unit, 248, American Legion Auxiliary,ai Post clubhouse, Colonia, 8 P. M.

OCTOBER28- Annual show sponsored by Woodbridge Local, No. 38, Patool-

men's Benevolent Association at Woodbridge High SchoolAuditorium.

WOODBmnOF,-- An iiiHTase of.ipi'iyximiilply 170 in the urnde!•ichiml piipulnlUiiai and a possible |•di'.iht decifiisr In the eninllmen1

in the HIKII predicted jtsthe IPSII'I of repiVts Riibinitled bythe various principals tn Supev-visini! Principal Victor C. Nicklas

At the dose of the school yearin June, there were 1,328 studentsenrolled m the HIRII School. When-school reopens next Wednesdny p eitu-ted fhat there will bo ap-proMiiiiitely 1,200 realstrred. MiNickln.-, sal.I the sltRht decreaseWHS anticipated due lo the ^uctI hat ihc cniollmciit In the uppermades in the various grammarschools have decreased during thep«,si three or four years and moreover. D . John P. LOBO, principal.has announced that fewer O.I.students me expected.

Lelaml Reynolds, principal atSchool No 1. expects to have nnenrollment of 450 to 460 whenschool reopens. This In in contrastto 421 pupils on March 7 last. Theexpected increase is due In part tothe establishment of a kindergar-ten and the steady increase of thenumber of children born \n Wood-bririKc proper during the war years.

£r(;f| Cops ClosePool RoomZurcaro Pormit Held Dp

PondingPolice '

Probe After

WOODBRIDOE — AlthOUflt *week's delay In the passage of t h e "


plant which would have employed2.000. n Pennsylvania Railroad of*cial informed The INDEPBlND-KNT-LEADKR this week hi* com-pany is now negotiating with i n *other well-known corporation.

At Monday nleht's adjournedmertinp of the Township Com-mittee an ordinance, authorizinga change of Zoning of 96 acnw Ofland alonfi the railroad In

Increa&c In ColonlnColonia School is one ofthe

WOODBRIDGE—Funeral .serv-ices for Dr. William Z. Barrett. 75.135 Green Street, will be held to-morrow afternoon, 2 o'clock at, theGrclner Funeral Home. 44 GreenStreet. Rev. Earl Hnimum De-vanny, pastor of the First Presby-terian Church will officiate. Burialwill be in the Cloverleaf ParkCemetery.

Dr. Barrett, who has been apracticing dentist and civic worker

ergarten. The enrollment there Isexpected to increase from 141 tto170.

Strawberry Hill School had 170pupils; Hopelawn, 246 mid Sc-t

waren 145, last June. The enroll-ment in all three schools is ex-pected to remain approximatelythe same.

With the establishment of akindergarten in Avehel the schoolpopulation in that district is ex-pected to jump to approximately

PORT READINO — RecorderArthur Brown has suspended thepool room license of Richard Zuc-rari). 31, 99 Birch Street, for hispremises located on TappenStreet, pending further invesliRH-tlon by the police department.

Zuccaro was arrested Saturdaynight for an alleged violation ofthr Township pool room ordinanceafter his place of business wasvisited by Detective- Sgt. Pied Linnand Pntrolmen John GovelitB, El-meV Krysko and Joseph Sipos andPatrol Driver Joseph Grady. TheTownship ordinance states that allpool room doors must be kept openwhile customers are within. Thepolice found the door locked andit was some time before theygained admittance.

Booked as materal witnesses andlater civen suspended sentenceswere Pat Fratterolo. 33. 30 THppenStreet; Edward Sekclnski. 27, 60Third Street; John Prenclpe,, 24,14 First Street, all of Port Read-ing; Anthony Minnucci, 39, andPasquale Minnucci, 44. both of 8Lillian Terrace, Woodbridge andMike D'Alesslo, 36, GreenbrookAvenue, Keasbey.

ln Woodbridpe since 1923. died j 360 fnom 334. Due to the inbrca^ed

Thieves Ransack2 Colonia HomesNeubergs, Petersons On

Vacation Return TodayTo Check Items Stolen

COLONIA—The homes of Mr.and Mrs. William H. Peterson andMr. and Mrs. Louis Neuberg, Do-ver Road, .were entered and ran-sacked last night, but police willbe unable to list articles stolenuntil sometime today when amember of each family returnsfrom vacation to make a check.

The Petersons are vacationingin Maine and the Neubergs are attheir summer home .in Mana-squan.

William H. Peterson, Jr., Plain-fleld, discovered his patents' homehad been entered when he arrivedhere yesterday evening, A window'had been broken.

A routine house ohcok by Pa-dolmen Nels Lauritzen and Al-lert Martin resulted in the dls-Bvery that the Neuberg home had

been entered. The thieves hadorced a screen door, broken a

window in the regular door andreached in for a key attached to

string. This is the fourth timethe Neubprg home has been en-tered.

Tuesday morning at the RailwayMemorial Hospital after a briefillness.

The local dentist was apparentlyin Rood health on July 12. whenhe celebrated his 75th birthday,At that time his family held openhouBe in honor of the occasion andfriends came "from far and near towish him well.

A native of New London. Ohio,Dr. Barrett attended Temple Uni-versity, Philadelphia, and has beenan active member of the TempleUniversity Alumni Association.His wife, Bessie Z. Yules Barrettdied four years aeo.

He is survived by three daush-,ers, Mrs. Charles 'Riley. Buffalo,N. Y.. Mrs. William Bowen, Wood-bririRe; Mr.1:. Theodore Pusscll,Balboa, Canal Zone; five' sons,Fred Z. and James A., Wood-bridge; William H. and Bertram!S., Rahway and Manning N., NewBrunswick. He is also survived by11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Elder in ChurchDr. Barrett was a past president

of the Middlesex County DentalSociety, a trustee of the New Jer-sey , Dental Society, New Jerseydelegate to the American DentalAssociation, past president of theWoodbridse Rotary Club, pastpresident oMhe Woodbridge Busi-nessmen's Association, an elder ofthe First Presbyterian Church andpresident of the Men's Brother-hood of the church.

buildiiiR activities in that .sectionof the Township the Board of Edu-cation is now planning a newschool for Avenel to be built assoon as funds are available.

One of the surprises is the re-port from Keasbey. Since the eatly1030's the school population hasSteadily decr.e.&a«d due, to the aban-

I —(Continued on Page 61

School Buses InspectedBy Qundl, Dr. Lowery

WOODBRIDGE—Dr. M. L. Low-ery, county superintendent ofschools and the Board of Educa-tion's transportation committee,headed by Adolph Quadt. have in-spected and approved all theTownship school buses and all is Inreadiness fo; the reopening of theschools next Wednesday morning.

All the buses will run on thesame schedule used for the schoolyear 1946-47, Mr. Quadt said.

from business and B residential,in U«ht industry, was finally Im-proved Thr railroad, which oWnsIhc land, had made applicationfor the change and the hewingWHS scheduled for AiiKtist 18. AtHint time, protests from a smallAvenel deleRatlon brought abouta delay In passage of the measure.The next day. a PrnnsylvMiiaRailroad spokesman told an IN-DEPENDENT - LEADER reporterthat "in nil probability" the Town-ship had lost the phnit, becausethe corporation had demanded aderision on AuRust 10.

'Somewhat Smaller'The same spokesman said this

week that the new prospect Is "asomewhat smaller concern thanIhc llrst corporation but la na-tionally known, and in all proba-bility would take most of the tractif it decides to build in Avenel."

At Monday's session, D. B.Lenny. Industrial agent, and FrankHasson, industrial representative,represented the PennsylvaniaRailroad. An even smaller AveneldelcKiitlon than attended the Au-gust 18 session was on hand.

Albeit Aymer. the first speaker,told of the establishment of acork factory in Hillside which, hesaid, came into the town underthe Eulse of light industry and has"been a nuisance ever since."When Mayor August F. Greinerasked if the factory had not beenbuilt In a heavy industry zone, Mr.Aymer resented the interruptionand asked the mayor to refrainfrom "sarcastic remarks." Themayor In turn declared that In hiscapacity as chairman he had the

Sept 6 Parade to be ProfitableFor Winners in Various Classes

$2.63 6-Months EarningOn Merck Common Stock

RAHWAY—Merck & Co,, Inc.,manufacturing chemists, reportsfor the six months ended June 30,1947; consolidated net Income of$3,103,097, after all deductions andestimated taxes on tnijome. Afterthe payment of preferred divi-dends, this amounted to $3.63 pershare on the 1,100,000 shares ofcommon stock outstanding. For(he like period of 194(1, net in-come amounted to $3,513,544. Con-solidated net sales for [he sixmonths amounted to $34,900,612as compared with. $30,740,285 forthe firs thalf of 1946.


Black, Patricia Avenue, announcethe engagement of their daughter,Batrice, to August De Vico, son ofMrs. Anna De Vlco, Plainneld. Thewedding will take place Ootober 18at St. CecelU'a Church,

Sullivan PublicityHead for COP Unit• AVENEL —Edward J. Sullivanhas been named publicity chair-man for the annual dinner-dancesponsored by the Younn Republi-cans of Middlesex County, accord-ing to an announcement today byArnold S. Graham; of Perth Am-boy, county Young GOP chairman.

The dinner dance, at which theYoung Republicans will be hoststo Republican party leaders andwprjters, is tentatively set for Sat-urday, October 25, at The Pines,Mjettichen.

A resident of Commercial Ave-nue, Mr. Sullivan is active in theThird Ward's regular Republicanorganization. A reporter for aHudson County newspaper, lie wasformerly employed by newspapersand wire services in New York andNewark.

107 ftoys and Girls SeeCame in N. Y.

WOODBRIDGE—One hundredand seven boys and girls, including1Q Soap Box Derby winners, ac-companied by 12 playground su-pervisors, made a trip to NewYork Monday under th« sponsor-ship of the Recreation Committee.

The highlight of the day for theyoungsters was attendance at theQiants-Cubs game which the lat-ter won 9-7 The boys and girlscheered lustily when the Cubs hitfour home runs and. Marshall andThompson hit two tor the QianU.

Several Cash Prizes toBe Awarded; $300 hDue Senior CompanyWOODBRIDGE — An outstand-

ing list of cash prizes, to be award-to the winners In the variousclasses at Woodbridge Fire Com-pany No. 1 Golden JuBllce parade,Saturday, September 6, was an-nounced today by Fred F, Zehrer,chairman of the prizes and awardscommittee.

The following cash, awards willbe made:

'The oldest company in linetveri-lied by charter), $300, for winnerIf coming from a point more than150 miles from Wood,brldge—or,$200 to the winner If the distanceis less than 160 miles; companycoming from the most distantiioint, must havje, at least twentymen in line, $200; company withthe largest nuntbfer of men in linei must wear regulation fireman'suniformi, $200; oldest piece of fireapparatus irmist submit, creden-tials), $100; beat band in line,judged for music, appearance andmarching, $76; best drum corps inline, Judged for music, appearanceand marching, $75; best-appear-ing company in regulation fire-man's uniform (must have atleast twenty men in line), $50;best-appearing Ladles' Auxiliary,$50; Ladles' Auxiliary with largestnumber In ltner^SO; oldest fire-man in line (walking ar ridingi,

(Continued on Pugq 6)

Relief for PolandDrive Aides NamedDisiavage, Committee to

Have Dinner-Meeting,Map Plans, Sept. 4thWOODBRITJGE—Albert A. Dis-

cavage, chairman of the Relief forPoland drive, today announced hiscommittee which will begin workimmediataly after Labor, Day.

The committee members areFrank Andrews, treasurer; UlrykEichbaum, Joseph Janas, GeorgeKovak, Rev. Earl Hannum Dev-anny, Rabbi Samuel Newberger,Hugh B. Qulgley, Victor C. Nick-las, James G. Catano, A. J. Saboand Miss Ruth Wolk.

A dinner meeting of the com-mittee will be held next Thursdayevening at 7 o'clock in the recrea-tion room in The INDEPENDENT-LEADER, 18 Green Street, atwhich time the plan to raisemoney and collect food and cloth-ing for the needy of Poland, willbe discussed., In iiainliiK his .committee today

Mr. Discavage said; "The Ameri-can Relief for Poland has beendoing a good job of getting reliefinto the hands of those of allfaiths in Poland who are in need.The organization operates without

(Continued on Page 6)

right to nsk questions and wouldcontinue to do so if he felt itnecessary.

Questioned by another AVenel '.resident as to the type of Indus- .try which would locate on thetract, Mr. Lenny said he "was notin the position to reveal the iden-tity of the firm,"

"As a 'matter of fact," he con-tinued, "we have two types ofindustry Interested. Both wouldbuild modem plants, No firm (

would locate In Woodbridge unlessit planned to live up to all restric-tions because it is well knownWoodbridRe Township has strictregulations."

Theodore Ruth, one of thestaunchest objectors at the firstmeetinK. declared the "local papermade it appear we were trying todeprive the Township of industry,but wf are only trying to protect,our property." '

Asks About JunkyardMr, Ruth then asked if a junk-

yard could locate at the site if theordinance was passed and wai in-formed by Mayor Greiner a Junk-yard could locate on the propertynow due to the fact it is considereda business, and the property is par-tially zoned as a business area.

Committeeman William Oery,Third Ward, then stated he had


Iselin Fire Co. is 25 Years OldSaturday; Gala Party Scheduled

ISELIN — Arrangements havebeen completed for tlie 25th anni-versary celebration of Iselin FireCompany No. 1 Saturday and witha little cooperation from theweatherman the affair should be acomplete success.

The prograin calls for a paradeat 2 P, M., to be followed by ashort speaking program at the flre-house on Green Street, The partywill conclude with an "open house"witjji frge refreshments and enter-tainment for all the guests.

The following organizations haveindicated they will be representedin the parade: Avenel Pire Com-pany, Colonia Fire Company, FordsFire Company, Hopelawn PireCompany', Iselin Chemical Hoekand ,Ladder Company, ProtectionFire'Company of Keasbey, Wood-bridge Fiie Company, Port Read-ing Fire Company, Menlo Park FireCompany, H. K. Fire Company,Henry Street, fiwitaa. Township,

Oak Tree Fire Company andPerth Amboy Fire Company.

Also,' Woodbridge EmergencySquad, St, John's First Aid Squad

asked for a continuation ofhearing because he felt allresidents of Avenel shouldgiven a chance to be heard.

"I have been assured sinceJhen," he continued, "that only ahigh type of industry would be lo-cated on the property and it defi-nitely would not be a detriment tothe community."

Committeeman Herbert B. Ran-kin, Mr. Gery's colleague from the•Third Ward, explained his standin favor of the change as follows:

"After a lot of thought on thematter and considering all phases .JIncluding geographical conditions,the change of zoning of this!par-ticular tract wou d not deprejeiateproperties in the •vicinity oneliota.In fact, it woald enhance prop-erty values. If, as was said at thelasjt meeting, the plant does comehere and employ a large number ,of people ii woqld be a line thing jHot only for Avenel but for the "Township as a lyhole.• Would Provide Jobs" "Most of us are working now,but we can remember the days of1930 to 1936 when many werewithout jobs. A large number, ofnew people moved into tlie Town-.ship just before and during the |

Fords; Avenel-Colonia First AiffjSquad, Menlo Park EmergencySquad, Iselin Post, 2636. VeteransPost, Catholic War Veterans andthe Iselin Boy Scout and GirlScout troops.

Committee Membeis[The committee in chaige con-

sists of general committee andrefreshments, Ronald Qsborne,chairman, Walter Sohnle and FredGerman: parade, Lester Bahr;program, Richard Shohfl; journal,George .Hill, chairman, Alvln En-Held, WlUlam Whalen, Robert Mil-ler; decorations, Clarence Bowen;publicity, Orrln D. Berry; 26-year,presentations, Daniel Reynolds.

According to the committee'splant, the pomade to be led by agroup of Towaabip Bollce officers

war and we would like to keep'them here;and we want to be ableto give them jobs. (A lot of youus^ Woodbridge for residentialpurposes and work elsewhere, butyou don't know how long yourjobs may last. You may need a jobsoon and such a plant may be ableto give it to you.

"I can recall a re-zonlng hearingIn the first ward when many ob-jected to a plastic plant. Today,:many of the folks who objectedare now workltif at the plant andare happy About it. You must re-member our toning ordinancecontrols tne, type pf plant that can]come In. We h»ve a few unde$lHable plants here, but they were I

t t b f

6) ,

befoif the aon'tnfnance waa pawed a n d ' "

Page 2: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17

v M;K T W O

Brick Made Out ot Waste is Now | OBITUARIESPossible Due to Rutgers' Study


NKV: B iM'NKWlfK. All: 28 Ainn jo' i ' i '" ' ibi i t ion 'o America 'sIjuikinu; mi.usuy w«>. made knowntoday ifl :m Miii'iimr'inent IH1 Or

""Joiiti H K"rrrtjf.' it!ffi'\nf of thi'New .Ids,'. (Yi.imnN ResearchStation, i ! the dewlupmeiu nf uprocess I'.IJ niiiKinj1 building bnck1-

i i n ' i i l i


1 dis- ires for Stephen Tot ll. ,W. SfiB:-,;i'v CTHKII'II Avenue, were held Riiitir-

>!ay afternoon n< tin1 Urcmrr Fif-•iheil', llMv!-;il ft^W. 44 (fieHl Si 1 eel, Mid

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; In Style...In Season


I/A»TV \\'curing

! !\«**MI lor the




S< hoo! Occasion

Varsity Jiukels. l» schtivl col-

ors—blue ami wrjite. All sizes,


PRICE'SMen's Store



vllic Hungarian Reformedl i i i r ch S t l i n n ] .Slii i n H i i r m l w:i«

i ilir Cloverleaf Park Cemetery.Mr T'Mh was ii member uf

Cuinp. Woodmen nfand the niikoc/i »o-

nety He is survived by Ins widow.Milui Sznbn Tulli. twti (liiiiMbit'i's.Mi:, John Hornyuk. Mrs Stephen B. Hullnck.Ti 'tenville. S. I , tun I'raiulrh;!-liicn. MniMrti'i't. and Stephen(inmyiik. and a brother. Jnvpli,in Hungary.


ISEI.IN - Mrs. t.,ucV' I.1 Kane,wife of Dennis Kane. Pershini"Avenue, tiled Saturday at herlinme. She was n communicant of'St. Cerelia's Clnirrh.

Besides her husband. Mrs Kaneis survived l)v fmit children. Mane.Helen. Alma and Leo; flve sisters.Mrs. .John Newark: Mrs.Tlirmas Renter. Mrs. John Cotnp-ton and 'Mrs Ward Ferunsoti,I'ninn, and Mrs. Leslie Bedford. ,

. iind two brothers, John

• ; i : K ' i ' - t , ' . , - : i i i : i i . a : I"/ ' - - p i / r i a l

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a r c L ' K i i i n d i i t i d ! i : ; \ c i ! w i l h a p l u s -

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a r i i i t h r u v i t l e t l a n d M i n i m k i l n s

• W i H ' l i r n i i r i i c i l t h e i l y a s h i s a

v i a I K s n . i i y .n i l*!" , i i i u i r l u 1 s l u t ; i s

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I in- ! l \ a s i : . w h i c i i liii.-- p i i u c d a

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indiistna: a:.Ms hud t.ri'.sented t I \ , n ( | Willmm Tntschler. both of Irna 'd i pinbicli l tn i lu lus t ry u l i -

' ii;t' K u ' ' r: > i !c \c lopnic l i l . It

,i • be i : : !!•-; i! lor fill a n d m d u s -

n •• i i .n. . been paynii . to h a v e It

,r,i!i''i . lUav. \ I H I I V i»in^ nf b o t hr. ,i-h aiiii Ma:: have ix-ni ( lumped

l 'n : H e r s and m-rans

I): Knclii: . ' i iul tha t t h e clevel-

i.iiniii of tiic n c « b in k may fur -

•.!•: : l :e cnn i rn ; of >mnke n u i s a n c e

•. mdi i s i ry since t l ir wash 1 p r o d -

• ••• c an nnw !«• put to use He also

1'iiiteii on; t h a t tlic new p r o d u c t

v. i'r. help rase the curreiibuild'.in1 materials.

short nae

I-.'ii '2Wi yea; ^ i l i lrmu t h e M i d -

,i A:.M'- ')i(• n.vri r i a - s e v p ra : ' -

: •aiiy >i)e.<klli::. v-eie mil a l lowed

t.i ' i r h : i tn:iiv a '.viir u c c . m l m ^ tn

:: .e fc'ncy-'loyaeiiia Bi i i . i i inica. T h e

une eX'i-ptioii wen ' tnwiisni r i i who

auv.'iui 1 i supply m i l i t a r y u n i t s to

tile i i .cni Imti.- in r e t u r n for free

iiriiTs. M o q nf ' l ie finlnint; was

none by a r m e d kn i ' i ! ; - - on h n r s c -

Funeral services were heldWednesday from the Greinrr Fu-noral H«w. Woodbikige, and at jSt. Cecelia's Chiirrh. Burial was :

in -Si. Oertmde's Cemetery, Co-lonm

The phmp 'hermwieally sealed " -conies from the use of the "seal<:f Hermes," the pa^an nod. which ,alchemists placed on their vessels,according to the EncyclopaediaBntanuiea. Hermes was the re-puted inventor of the arts andsciences, and alchemists- calledtheir work the "hermetic ait."

The Egyptians, acfordinn to theEncyclopaedia Britannica, believedthat the human spirit after dentilwas capable nf travelim: on land o lu,. |1a lf millionbut required assistance across ll1-'* • than iri 1945waters of the Nile. Thus, they:buried with their dcild a mode!bout called a "Spirit Ship" to as-sist the soul across the Aitler.

Guinea pigs will feed continu-ously as long as food is offered tothem, according to the Encyclo-paedia Bikannica.

With an estimated 2,175,000marriages in the United Stateslast year, a new record wasreached here, according to theEncyclopaedia Britannica 1947Book of the Year. This is over

more marriages

KIWI- III (» II \ \ ! \ ( ; -

\i . \v H i i r s s w i i K iii. .irn-liiilKs lli::hl,mil I'.irU. vctemnnrws|nt]iprinan anil HHiiil>er ofthe RuU/i 'S l'i)i\Ti-sily racuityfor M) >Ti»r> liu^ IKM-II promiitmlto a full prdfos^or in the Schoolof .1 Hiirnnlism.

A cruduate tif Itutsers l'hivfi-slty. Pnifcssiir .lenninss hasworked for the New BrunsuitkHome News. Kli7ahoth llnilyJournal. Rahivny Record. \>«Brunswick Sunday Times andNewark EvcninR Npivs. He hasakotauffht jmtrnnlism at -Ottfg-ian ('nurt ( (illc^e. Author ofmany articles nn Ne« JerseyHistory. I'rofpssni- .Tennings haswritten three honks. "The Politi-cal Knrcc nf the New JerseyPress." "The New Jersey I'ressAssotiation. 1R57 - ifllT and"Problems in Editorial Adminis-tration." He is currently at workon a bibliography of New Jerseynewspapers, a project sponsoredby the Ruteers Research Coun-cil.

He is a member of the Rnt-Sers Club of New Brunswick. NewJersey and New York folkloresocieties. American Associationof Teachers of Journalism andKappa Tau Alpha, national hon-orary journalistic fraternity.

Government to restore tiiihtcontrols over .steel exports Octo-ber 1.

A t ' i i l ' s T ::s, 1947

Republicans Plan3rd Ward Outing

AVKNKL, Charles Siessel, vet-eran Republican figure in Avenel.luis been mimed general chairmanfni the anmml picnic and dance•Ahull will mnrk the opening nfihe Third Waul Republican oi-::a!!!:'fl!l!inV ' 'n tnps ' l i 'n In re-elect

M a y o r Ai i tus l F O r e i n e r a n d

I-' Kunki i i . ' i ' t was unnoi incr r l t n -

i i . i \

Third Wind GOP leaders willmeet lonmlit :\i Mr. Siessel's home..ii Blirnet Street for the secondin n series of weekly plannmumeetinp', preparatory to the picnic

An estimated 800 residents oftin Third Ward -from Avenel.F'nrt heading and the northernend of \Voodbi'idHe—are expectedin nup.nd Ihe picnic and dance,

j.scheduled for September 7 ati Maple Tree Frm, Railway Avenue,'Avenel. Mayor Gieiner and Com-mitteeman0lankm will be tutestsof honor.

Gnmes are scheduled from 1 to |4 P. M.. dancing from'5 to B. and \refreshments will be served all 'day.

oervlnt; with Mr. Siessel on the ,Keneral committee are: George jLuffbarry and Catherine Taggart.'

•music: Mrs. Freidu Grode. Mrs. jFrank Cenegy and Alfred ShatTer, \

\ games; Fred Kalita and Stanley jBrookfield. hospitality; Edward1

J. Sullivan, publicity, and Frank!Cenejty and James O'Brien, tickets. •

The ward's committcemen and jwomen and the presidents and >vice-presidents of the district

• clubs of t.he ward are expected toannounce further committee ap-pointments at tonight's meeting.'slated to begin at 8 o'clock. i


Picnic (huirmtin

( I I A l i i , I - S I K S S K l .

MiNM'-'UM'i " a 1 ' h e first s t a t e

in i!i!' r i i ! : i n in e s t a b l i s h 11 s l . a t e -

siippnited college lor women, nr-corflini1. l!' the Kncvclopaedin Bri-tannica. The institution wasfounded in 1H84.

!New Books Listed\ i Port Reading

I'Mirt READINfi Several newmclmllni: a complete set.liearini'.s before the Jointice Investiisai.inn ot Pearl

Alack, Imve been ac-iiuiH'd by the Port Rending FreeI'tiiiii. library and have beenI 'll. .'.I in eh di lat ion.

( I ' l i n viviuini's- includft: "Cnm-of til!'J'uWliC W « n

t ine Repair." " T h e U. War. 1041-45"; "V. S, and

!i:il> i!i:ti)-4ti." " G e r m a n y Sur-ieiidcv.s Uncondit ionally." "TheKml ol ihe War in the Pacific,"•"Kafiin a Report on Scip.nne a tWi-.i

Also, The Elizabeth GouKKeReiHlf-r. "Madman's Memory.""Mis Mike." "^Pavilion of Wom-hi." •Summer Stranger." "TheChequer" Board." "B F.'s Daugh-ter, " "The Walls of Jericho," "Ly-dia Bailey." "The Tin Flute,"KinKsblood Royal."

l l i n h .


;.n(il in

Kroe^ers to ^;lriifttli Annivrrsnr

PORTREADINd ;,,,John Kroeuer, .Seven! , • ,observe their fiHIh . l i ; f . ,versary Monday.

Both Mr. and "Mi:, K,, „born In GeTrrtniTy ard >lied In Hoboken. .Six •!..,born of the mania' , -,.Wi.':h!mnn. Jersey ;•Elizabetli Jnne.s A,,.

IdaFischer, New Briiir vlate Herman Knurring. Then- an- II • ,and eight i.'reat i.r.iwtt

i Before his retireiui'i,I KrT was employed iI Enuiumrnl C'ol-|«n., t,and later by tiic I' ,.fining Co., Cartel ii

Mr, and Mrs, Km,jsidfd in Poii Riaili,,.I 37 years.

J i n n a t . i k i : . p . ,o f t l i r P . i k l - l i i l i A , p.

Studies of animals indicate thatthe urea ter their mental capaci-ties the more sleep they require,according to the EncyclopaediaBritannnica.


YOUR 35c BACK! 1 I ' M : | . l ( M - » ' i l ' I ' l l , - K > ' : n ; s r n vv-,

I . K K I ' I . Y T n k i l l I I , y i . l l n n i M

i ; i : . \ i - | | n i ; , . | T I - : - n l . H I u n y . I n m


Rouft sees U. S., Soviet jengaged in a war of psychology. I

• lili'iihul. 11 I ' K N E T C A T K S .Miii'i. i l . - ims . tnVTav t t

II \ \ I.Ml III V S




Juit call


F«r Tour FftvorlU

Wlnii • Llquori A Beer

P. A. 4-2356


I N I t n p i M l l / l i i K f \ r v n i l v n , u . I ,

f u l f i l » h i r I III I I H - 4 1 1 1 1 1 c u c i n f \\\\ ,

1 1 1 V I , I T \ D I M I I . I \ \ l I t s , t , u .

I h i i lk ( l l t t l « m ,

3-DAY T '& DE! IV

( AIX P. A.

4 1616 MILTON'S \M t-


Japan is allowed to use sold andgems to spur her economy.





\ CANDY TABLETS' Take off those fatly1 bulges. Have a slim, sty!| Ish figure by following

Die S m plan.


SIYL Cnndy Tablets will help you toreduce Like otT f;it. SimplyfollowUhe directions STYLIS Uie NHWVitamin and Mineral Candy Tablet

33 day supply, $2.2$AT

MITTUCH'S"The Better Drus Store "









Pauline YaiHzrnski Fedor,I'rup.



M0TI here s«i easyway to y'vs children medicinesDi'i i ' l i lrci.d ^.ivitii;' j . i n , 1 1 ii! ;i!re;i riiedieiiics v h e n n e e d e d , T r y

t h e hiMiicniiatliic mid" . " ! ' ": I'.1. l h i i u | i i i ! t ' y a u s e d for h i s o w n

j ia t i i ' i i t s , ^ i n a l l , su;:i;ry--i:\- ' . i!!j; ln ' i l ' j ls , e a s y to y i v i ' - c l i i l d r e n

tajrf them gladly to riiit'.ve 1 '.inn.1 ailments, such ai bed wetting,teethiiiK, .simple fevers, riilds. Vvidvly uKtd over ll(i years. Nohnbit-ium'-iii'i IU'III;.-, Ask yijur dru;;^ist ior coinnlifii: list.


FREE ' in f.n- l-'Clil': u'|iy "f Fl-pacP't, "Iliiine

nf Ci'Miriun Ailmuiita of Children and Adults."





Woodbridge Lumber Co.RAHWAY AVENUE, WOODBR1DCE, N. j /


Everything for (lirls and BoysFrom Head to Toe

Now's the time t<> trel Miss and .luniiir set tor schnulL

Send them off in smart , prar t ica l clothes dcsiniu'd lioth

for comt'drt and ^ood [onks. Our stocks art* now replete

with everylhiiiK they will n<-rd fur school wear .
















Because of the Labor Day Holidky we will be open all Day Wed. Sept 3


Friday* Until 9 P. M

Saturdays Until 6 P. M.

• | 7,'j't Vour Rack To )



Needs (ti


„ .m'-'f

Page 3: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17


'ravens-Pfeiffer Wedding HeldIt Bride's Home Here, Aug. 20JVOODBNIDOK Miss Roslyn>i In PfcilTcr, dnughlrr of Mr.1 Mrs John Pfelfler, Prospect•rt, beciimp the bride of Wil-n Stewart. Cravens, Jr., son ofMid Mrs, William S. Cravens,

mfly, August 20. The ceremonyiwjtoawd . nl the JXeittevby 'lev. Earl Hnnnum Pe-

nny, past or or the First Presby-•iMi Church. Mrs. W. C. Leeson,nl of the bride, played the wed-IC music.

[ijven In marrlaRe by her father.i bride wore a «own of heavylilc satin styled with a fitteddire mid full skirt extending[o a long train. Her flngertlp-li;lli veil was attiKlied Lo a|prt heart crown and she carried

il bouquet, of whil.(i gladi-UKI oi'niiKe blossoms.Annfibelle Baker, as maidii, wore :i gown of lavenderv. matching hut and car*

j ,in arm bouquet of yellowilu c.'; and lavender dclphin-Jolui Hapstak served (is the.• I'IIIIin'-•; bes l m a n .

in i heir re turn from n wed-tnp Ihrough New England

('.uiad:!. Mr. and Mrs. Cra -•.MII resiili' lemporiirily with

II KII-1:. iwrcliLv For tfiiveling.


ROOFINGAll Work (iuaraiitrril

ARNOLD P. SCHMIDTI d Wiiodhridcc 8-nii()5

inillii iilcc Avc. and 10 Street

loin' i!i:.\»iN<;. N. .i.

the bride selected a blue velvetdress and black accessories.

Mrs. Cravens is a uraduate ofWoodbrldne High School, and thebridegroom attended MetuchenHigh School. He served in theNavy for 39 months during thewar.

• ii i

Clubwomen HoldI Final Card Party! AVENEL--The Woman's Olub of| Avcnel held its 15th and final cardparty of the summer series at the

I home of Mrs. John Clcerl, FairviewAvenue, Colonia, with Mrs. R. O.Perier as co-hostess,

Non-player prizes were won byMrs. Harold Van Ness, Mrs. JamesCrawford, Mrs. Frank Barth. Mrs.Eugene Mauarnol. Mrs. WarrenCline, Mrs. Harold Grausam andMrs., Harold Hanson. Door prizeswere won by Mrs. Raymond Grlb-ble. Mrs. Edmund GlendlnnlnE,Mrs. George Leyonmark, Mrs.James McHuRh, Mrs. HermanLampe and Miss Alberta Steuber.

Prizes at the tables were award-ed tot Mrs. Edward Parker, Mrs.John Mcdvitz, Mrs. William Falk-enstern and Mrs. GlendinnlnR.Others present were Mrs. WiHardRankin. Mrs. Arvid Winquist, Mrs.Clifton Myer, Mrs. George MYoz,Mis. Alex Tarcz, Mrs. Earl VanNote and Mrs. William Ryan.

The club will open the fall sea-son September 17 at the Avenelschnolhoouse with Mrs, EdmundCWrndinniiiK conducting the open-ing session.

Dorothy SilakoskiIs Bride of Hilt

WOODBRIDOE- Al a double-ring ceremony performed at a can-dlelight service at the First Con-jgregational Church Siitirday.MIss'Dorothy Pauline Silakoski' dauRh-1ter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Si-lakoski, Henley Street, became the!

Recent Bride

and 'Mrs.*•William Wilt. MooreAvenue. Rev. Donald (). Press, pas-tor, performed the ceremony1.

The bride wore <i white volvenijvgown of princess style with a highneckline, long sleeves and a skirt,extending into a short train. Her,fingertip length illusion veil wasattached to a beaded crown andshe carried a colonial bouquet ofJ

white roses. !Mrs. Jorgen Lund, aw matron of

honor, wns atttired in a gown of!powder blue irtfTeta with a wreathof blue flowers in her hair which •was attached to a short veil ofpowder blue.

Jorgen Lund served ns the bride-Broom's bets man and AnthonySilakoski. cousin of the bride, wasthe usher,

Upon their return from theirwedding trip to the, Poconos Mr.and Mrs. Hilt will reside with hisparents temporarily. For traveling

; the bride wore a suit of dusty rose1 gabardine with white accessories1

and » corsage.of .vdiite roses,Mrs. Hill is a graduate of Wood-

bridge High School and St. Mich-ael's School of Nursing in Newark.The bridegroom attended Wood-bridge High School and served forthree years in the U. S. CoastGuard in World War II.



— 2 0 Al TOM ATM'. LAUNDERALLS —Wash, Rinse and Damp Dry Your Clothes.

Your Blankets, Bedspreads, Work Clothes, Etc.II You Wish. You May Take V«ur Clothes Home

Itcady to Iron by Using Our Extractor

iO4 Amboy Avenue, Perth Amboy, N. J.Hours X A. M. to 8 I'. M. — Saturday to 5 P. M. •

1'. A. 4-3244


CHICAGO—Stranded at a down-town hotel, after a pickpocketrobbed them of $200, C h a r l e sWashbrun and his family wereenabled to continue their rtip toButte. Mont., when a strangerhearing of their plight, loanedthem $100 and, later, a youngcouple appeared at the hotel andthrust $100 into Mrs. Washburn'shands despite her protests..

The rust mint was probably es-tablished in Lydia. a district ofAsia Minor, towards the end of theHth century B. C, according to theEncyclopaedia Britannica. Herethe coining of gold, silver and elec-trum. an alloy of gold and silver,was carried on.


Charity Fund Card FeteScheduled September 5

SEWAREN—The Sewaren Club,Inc.. held a card party Friday atits clubhouse, with Mrs. WalterWyckoff and Mrs. Serena Carpen-ter as hostesses. Special prizeswere won by Mrs. John Melderand Mrs. H; B. Rankin.

Tliere'were ten tables In'pinyand high scores were made byMrs. Benjamin Trelder, Mrs. AnnaYoung, Brony Krysko, Mrs. Jean-ette Randolph, Mrs. Melder, HarryHalsey, Mrs. Anna Houck, J. H,Thomson, Mr, and Mrs. GeorgeLutTbarry, Michael Quinn, MissAlma Counterman In pinochle;Mrs. A. W. Mack, Mrs. B. Krysko,Marilyn Counterman, Mrs, Ade-laide Crowley In bunco: Mrs, CarlKrogh, Mrs, Harper A. Sloan, Mr.and Mrs. Rankin and Mrs. AlbertF. Sofleld in contract. The nextcard party will be for the charityfund, with Mrs. Sofleld and Mrs.W. F. Burns as hostesses, Septem-

! bcr 5.

Mrs. Tafcz Is HostessI At Auxiliary Affair: AVENEL —Mrs. Alex Tares,Minna Avenue, was hostess at herhome at raids to friends and mem-

of the Ladies' Auxiliary ofCo. 1. High scores were made

Mrs. tWrothy GmiMles. Lin-den: Mrs, William Tomka, ClarkTownship: Mrs. Frank Wanca,Mrs, Madeline Szulay, John K|u-benspies and Alex Tarrz, Jr. Door

were won by Mrs. OwenRoll and Mrs. George Mroz,

Non-players' prize went to Mrs.Joseph Pet ins. Others presentwere Mrs. Emily Heazle. Linden;Mrs. John Klubenspies. Mrs. Ed-ward Alder. Mrs. James Willard,-Clark Township: Mrs. CharlesSie.wl. Mrs. Harold Hanson, MrsCharles Kcwa. Mrs. WilllRm Hof-ge-siiiiR, Mrs, Charles Mezera, Mrs

rjje Kiifus. Mrs. Curl Swetlto.Mrs. James McHugh, Mrs. JohnMrdvitz. Mrs. R. G. Perier andMiss Florence Tarcz.

Eloise Hartmannfeds C F. White

BURIAL FLAOSThe Veterans Administration

has distributed about 200,000American flags for funeral pur-poses to the next-of-kln of de-ceased war veterans, service menand ex-service men. The agencyhas been providing the burial flagswhich cost about 4,SO each tonext-of-kin without charge since1943. After the funeral, ca'ch'flaR

Wood brldgtf Notes

ISEUN-MIss Eloise DtsbrowHartmann, daughter of Rev. andMrs Henry M. Hurtmann. 36 Cor-reja Avenue, became the bride ofCharles Francis White, son of Mr.*nd Mia* Thomas J. White. West-hampton. L. L. Saturday Inparlor of the Central PreibyterlanChurch, Summit. Rev, Henry D.Hartmann, assistant pastor andbrother of the bride, performed theceremony.

Given In marriage by her fatherthe bride wore a (town of whitecrepe de chine. Hertullc veil wasarranged from a cap of heirloomlace and she carried a bouquet ofwhite roses and gardenias.

As her .sister's maid of honor.Miss Grace rtartmann was attiredin turquoise crepe dc chine andcarried R bouquet of pink roses.Thomas J. White. Jr.. served ashis brother's best man and Charlesnnd Edward Apple-wen, cousins ofthe Bridegroom, ushered.

The bride Is a graduate of NewYork State College for Teachers.Mr. White Is a irraduatc of FortSchuyler Maritime Academy and l«now studyinR at Polytechnic In-stitute, Brooklyn. He served as anofficer In Naval eiiRineerlnR duringthe war.

—MlM Ortce Turner, Jer«yCity, has returned home afterspending a week with Mr. and


—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lunafamily, HiUcrest Avenue, spent Iweekend with relatives In

The Senoir Choir of the iMrs. Julius Urban, Rahway Ave-1 Church of Iselln, Presbyterian,

hld h l thi eknu*.

—Mr. and Mrs, accrue Wright.Cutter Lane, have returned home

not hold a rehearsal this week.—Miss Betty Wohlert, Corr

Avenue, spent Sunday onIsland.

becomes the property of the rela-tives lo whom it was presented.


Mrs. Vincent J. "Catalaho anddautWr. Margaret. Green Street,have returned home after a six-week visit with the former'sbrother, Rev. William P. Leahy,Lemmon. 8. D.

James West/all and daughters,rfaxtne and Jullanne. Sidney,Neb., are the guests of Mr. andMrs. Stephen Elek. West MainStreet.

—Miss. Elizabeth Lanpan andMiss Mary Magyar, Second Street,are Vacationing In Miami Beach,Fla.

—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Park-itrorn and daughter, Gall. Mar-,ool Drive, have returned from atwo-week tour of NlaRara Falls.Thousand Islands and Canada.

—Mr. and (Mrs. John Morris.Columbus Avenue, are spending

their vacation at Prince Edward |sland and Nova Scotia.

Rev. and Mrs. Donald O. Press '

New York Sunday.


| will of Thomas R. Brannan. 82.: was filed recently, It was discovered that he ha,d bequeathed to five

Only 908 airports are to be built ()f his tennanls the homes they


' 3 3 9 Washington Street, Perth Am-! b o y ' annouicfs Hie cngaeement of: h i s dftUfihtef. Mary, to R. L. Fiene.: S o u t l 1 P a r k D r l v e - The weddingj i s scheduled to take place, inI October.

or improved with the assistance ofthe Government in the year end-

rented from him In a development he had built in Edgemere

next June 30. Estimated cost i Four received their homes out'of the Federal Government is $66,-; right, while the fifth received570,000. Local sponsors will pro-vide $70,235,000. '

residence rent free for his naturallife.



(iKT K i l l DKTAILS


Shari Jewelers."27 Fulton St.. Woodbridgc

( WondbriclKe 8-1223( Viilhurlii ' il I I I I I IMII Dlnd 'Hui lor

' « • . . . - • . . . — . ..-^. . _ _

BEERHv the Case

2.40 bottles


We Specialize in


MAC'SLiquor Store ,

250 Amboy Ave.Woodbridge

I'll.mi- WiHHllirlilisr N-DN .H

'i'li'r DurlKcr - HIIIIIIK - I'llxnvr



The Easy and Modern Way

Lessons on all instrumentsby associate staff of expertteachers at your home orstudio.










. 13.00



Eddie's Music Center & School of Music357 STATE STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J.

PHONE P. A. 4-1230

—Rev and Mrs. Henry Hartmtijlan dadughter. Grace, Correja * "nue are vacationing in CorlnlN. Y.

and dauRhter, DenlSe, have rfl«tturned from a motor trip through.New Enaland. ' I

-Miss Anna L. Johnson, Greew;Street. Is vacationing at Canden-jsis In the Pocono Mountains. . '


Antltiimrra thp llprnlnic nf n

DOG AND CAT HOSPITALmm XI. (.rnrnr Aie, V\rur!

,\i>nr rliivrrltiif t'ln-le





204 Smith Street Perth Amboy, N. J.


-By Kajaee

KAYNE'fi HANDSOME SLACKSIn (iiil>ur<line, Corduroy, and Woul f

WKLL TAILORED SHIRTS AND BLOUSES tuid awide assortment of shorts * *

IHJllE WOOL SWEATERS ' "I'ullovi'is, Cardigans, nnd Sleeveless Sweaters





U Pays to Shop In Woodbridge


Wi<lo selection of OVERALLS and JODHPURS

IMPORTANT ACCESSORIES-Haiidsome Neckties,Belts, Suspenders, Sox.

• ^ -



Jerkin Sets, sizes 3 to 6x, $5.00.I . 18.98 Value)


GABARDINE RAINCOATS-Uned *nd A l i n e d -Red, Blue, Tan; i izes3tol4 From

$o .98


Wide assortment of gay umbrellas fra«h $2.98

CHARMrNG COTTON FROCKS from $1.98For bis and little slatcr-deslgned bjf Kate Grccnway & Cinderella

Fine iiiHferwear by Gibbs *.Naa»rcth in all styles.


s^f l fJ l l^^

Page 4: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17


CAMERA TOPICS- by T. T. Holdon

M I l ' H U M • * < ) ! I t T l t t ' K I t ' I I I - s

l . i i I N t p i i n n - - l i k f i h i - - - p i i ( I ( i i . i i ' l n , - . I i n i i n ( i i i i v n i i i

n i | M ! i I ' . I ' . I ' - I M i- i i , ( I i i i n l i - i ~ t . 1 M < 1 i n i ; " I I I " . u i i i i u l S r e -

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men: iinrl '1.11e l l i ' O i M i

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s l u ' , 1 T i n ! l V i i : - ! H p i p i M c h . U4?r .

i n u i . i r l v : .!' ' i n : i l l y p u p p i e s m i l !

c . i l . i". ' ' !->•.•;> v . i i l r c a u i e i . i

h . i i ' . i i v . p i . i ' l . ' i i - . i , | a ' ; i b ( i i i 1 c u i l i i

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. . . i t :i p i e : ,. :• i ; ! , i : c r i , , ! i . ' i i K ' . I M I I I -

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I ' , i x I I . i M ) U ) ; u v e y o l i

; y l i e i ' i l u l U ( i f I l i o v e -

i i i i " h i l l i u n i n i ' t U i n t o r

HIi(••• -precis n e c e s s a r y

. in imal ' s movt ' ini ' i i l- . .

i r.iii in . c u r e t h e a m -

ill! "--I.ilkili'..1.'" Move

i n e ' e n i ! In imiol 'e t h e

'.vnn'i c i i n c c n l r a i e lii.'.

.in you a n d y"oui

ea l l l e ra . Gi ' -c liilll l i m e i o net Used

In y.mi' ]) ir- i ' i ici ' so i h a l h e v i l !

forcpt aboir ymi and ':n about lii^play.

AnllHT l1' cniqiie is par-ticularly UM'i'ul lor more '•fo-msil11

Ijorlrail.s i)( a pet in to MM up you!'Clinei'a Miii IIMUUII" brloi'e asturdy lable. ( let all linaised :uuisul to shoot " before pnl l inu Ilieanimal on me lablc. Then f-luioifast when you see the picture youare afler.

Some one ilie animal knows ishandy to Maud on; of nnii'.e bc-•hide the lable lo [:• •••]) him (iniet.If t ins pnvisn has a piece of food01' toy Ilie aniiua1 likes, il ii easierto keep the pet'.-J all.'iHinii when1

you wan t it and away from thepliiiLoiraijIiiT. Make sure yourIjiiek^.ruuntl is .-.miple. and thaiyiiur assistant 's . inns or handsdon't show in Hie plinloi'.raph area.

Kithcv of Ihi'M' nietliods can re-sult in woiulevf.u! pel pictures ityiju have the patience iind in-nenuiiy t.o si'lrci ,iusl thi' riiilit,moment for your picture and ifyou avoid b o i h n n r the siibjei.ltoy niakilii! the catneru's presencenoticeable am! l 'n>itr unduly wiliitlie niechanii 's nf p icmre I akin •Ijefore \oir.-'l.

Germans Flee laborIn Reich Russ Zone

Thousands Entering U. S, Rrea,' OiiJcials Report.

F.RANKFUHT. GKRMANY. - •Anu/i'Jcanottici.ils report that thou-sands uf CiiM'iuan.f ale I'liti'i'mu theU, S, zinie from the Suviet zone ofthe lieich. Thi1 dlvrmans claim tliuVare llcuini; ii'oin lalior in Soviuf-cjioryti'd uranium mines and a newrti;isliatiiin ordi-r lY»r vuttrans. ' '

A'i American .i:))ukesinaii raid (he ]llii: sian.'; were ivjj.a)icd imi'Vatu)^

1 n 1liitchblendu mines near OljeaSclciu-ma in S.ixnny mi a Il-liour basis, jUranium is dnivrcij from pjlth-blende, i

At least 2,01)0 Gonv.ans crossedfrom HIP Soviet, in tin,- U. B. uuiie •Widi'iu: AnieiR'an pi'i'iniaiimi dui'-iiu; a UMi-wuel; period, a report toFrankfurt said. Tlie inllux is con- j

(.hvckvrvd (lutniicr

Von can't liliimr her for liiiKci-IIH'. on tlii' wav lu M'IMKII in thisdress. It's an uttiaelivi' Itlaek undwliite check wiili white collarand red bow. .lust the lliinif forearly fall sclmoi rtays becausethe Kimhinution of Avisoo spunin yon witli wuiil nwkes a fabricthat is warm, lightweight andserviceable.

The. majority of arrivals from j9axui y luM Aiocnfan and German ;|(Aliti; Is all males m tliat state be-tween Hi and UU have been orderedto register for work in the mines.

Tlie mine .shafts, 3,000 feet deep,Wtrc reported to lie in the Krxge-bit'tie "Mountains of Oro," n pie-wlir si>a ari'a noted fur its radio-native waters.

Some arrivals told Gorman po-lice women were registered furmine wiirU. • < <•

The pitchblende is reported taken- to KusHia. Sumo arrivals claimed

that as many as a million Germans,were involved Jn the operations.

The Gcnhaui claim a clay's ab-sence from wo|k means the loss ofthree days' fond rations. Longer ab-sences bring jail sentencus. 5>

A photostatic copy of a Sovietzone registration card carried by a •foiiner naval technician showedthat Vfcterans were given threedays to report for registration.

I'Vilure lo report cuuld be pun-islied by 150-mark fines or sixweeks In prison.

Making Applos Firm .Calcium chlnride may be. used to

make slices of apples linn so thatthey will retain their shape whenbakud In pics.


Variable Shortening

CI1ISC01.093 lb.


IVORY SOAPFor dishes, laundry and bath

IVOJU SOAPFor dishes, laundry and bald

IVORY SNOWFor your fine fabrics

large O l


Safer ill Work TonyAccidents ocedr in 'Amerlcat,

home« «t Uio rate oi one every 6tt) »t «orl


bath size

BLU-WH1TE FLAKESBlues/whila you wash



m\j | J 1 J * ' V n i i r . U P , p l i i v s I m - t In « o r e s of l a m o i i s

i p i a l i U l e - l e d t i i N n r i t e s , ( , i • in I m a lot o r

a l i t t l e .••• u u f r e 1 •• • n n I . l l l l . l e i e t v ) i l ' i ( e

a s n i n u | i i 'i c a t A M '

I [| n J 10 i -an £ in* M \ f*

Icn . i b . t i nc ] I T O Z * d " A ' ^ r ^tPv

r<tlllJllO ftlllll'tf Hunii eoican.'Sr

|||<'('V.i Er.irdt 18nz ran, | lor i , K

Nf'Clnr Heafl'i Delight 12 oi, can 2 'or 21c

1 Jllin* F a n c ' 18 oi can 3 'or 2*)c

A'l jr icolS A&P Br.ind-Unpeelod Halve) 30oj.can31c

Ajwl^SSUCC AiPfFancy 20 oi can 15c

f'/PUIh'x'rry SnUPt'DronndafyorOceanSpray ISoi c»'i2tK

Drl MoiU<> Peaches . , . ?9orc.n29c

Del M(«ite Fruil Cocklail . 30oi.can3()c

firulH'frwil Sei'tilMIS A&P Brand 20oicanl5e

Bai ' l l e t t P e a r S HunlsFancy 29oicar>39c

S l i n s w e c t l ' r i l lU '9 Med. Sin « 2lb.pkg.37f

P r e s e r v e s *nn Page-Apricol, Peach, Plum lib. |ar2.TC

Apple BlltteT While Houst 2Boi iar 23c

P r e m i u m C n w k e r s Nabisco M6oipkg23c

Salty T h i n P r e t z e l s CriiP«< 6ox pkgl]c

Sweet M i x e d P i c k l e s LanS'i

'Dill Pickles , u n 3 ; . ^

Ann Page Salad Dressing .

Ann Pa^e Mayonnaise . *

K e t e l l U p ' Pride ol.Farm

Deerfield Asparagus Cutsp«an u^oz canl9c

G a r d e i l P c a S Libby's or Del Monlo 20oi.can21c

Green Giant Peas New Pad i7Oi.canl9c

M&M Candy Coated Chocolate 9^ Pk9.29c

Gulden's Mustard . . . . BKoiiarLic

(llui'idgc Hamhurgers . , . Woz.can43c

Slrillfi BeflllS" lona Brand 19 01 can 3 lor 29c

S w ( ' P l P f t t S lona Brand 20 oi can 3 for 2 9 e

Lihhy's Deep Brown Beans uoz c»nlie

Ann Page Beans . . . i6oz can2for23c

Evaporated Milk white Hom. iaii can 2 for 23c

Oi^r O w n Tea Bags • • . pkg°i50 37c

Nectar T e a Bags . . . . pks oi 48 39c

qt. iar 2 9 c

. jjljar3'lc

, pt jar 39c

Moi bol. 19c




Sugar Cured


'.2oz.ca45c12 oi, can 43c


Kirkmait's Borax Soap


DAIRY nnmwHere's the place tu save u» daity foods andsliill t'njoy sweeter milk, fresher eggs, betterlmllcr than any you've tasted in many a triptn tlie farm itself. Here, too, you'll, Ijnd ailthe cheese you like, as well. (

s o o < i

ROMH ib 4 7 C



Cllt't'ScI F.ncyiSlic8d

lit Crtosss Food

Mel-O-BH American

G r a t e d Cheese Borden'i American

B a b y G on das Mild v/iicomin

G r u y e r e C h e e s e N«ti»'« pko. oi 6 port. 43c /

C r e a m C h e e s e f«gi« or PMII. 3oz.pkg 2 i o i 2 9 ° ;

F a r m e r ' s C h e e s e Ff«h 6 oz. pkg 19c

C o t t a g e C h e e s e Freih-Breakstoni 8oi.cupl4c

Pabf i t -Et t - American or Pirrunlo I 6W".pkg.23c

P u r e L a r d • • « • • • • • ">-21c \

N u t l e y M a r g a r i n e • ( .. « • . ib.84« \

.Cheese S p r e a d s 8ord»r>'j-R»iiih or Pim»ni9 5oi. |ar22c

S n a p p y C h e e s e sheifoid Jorrotiific

H e a v y Cream * . . < . Hpintcont 3 2 "

F r e s h Milk Homogenized quari cont. 2 for 41<:

'.St.,. •*<'"*mKl*\?«. ; . w


LABOR DAYPlease shop earlylor your holiday needs.

FINK IRISH SEAFOODY o u ' l l p . . 1 L. | i " i ' u i i ' I " - i nUiT f u r i . in" l i n o f i v - l i f i f l i . I t ' si i l . l r a r t i M - l v ]11 " i i . i t i i in l w r ' l l | i i p ' | i a r i ' y m i r p u r . l i . i - . ' j i i - 1 r i ^ l i tt.> p u p i i i t u p a n , " W n c.r l . i . . i l . r .

Fresh Fillet of Flounder . . it 49c

Frcsl l M a c k e r e l Popular Favorite lb ]*>P

FrC^ll F l o u n d e r s Nourishing, Economical Ib 27?

F r e s h W h i t i n g Tasty «rf Thiiiiy ib. 15c

I'S .HI I'Bbminfirm:n MO.VKI1 AT \&P /T?-,


A^V I"\|MMH kniiw lir«i whrrr they grow lies!

- . ilie iiii.l, juicy friiils nml frcsli, tender

\("'flnli|i"i MIII liml in sin'h iiioiipy-suvini;

tnillliltii!'"* "I yi.ili AXI'. (.nhii" see — mill

ymi II nirree.

Bart l r t t Poars ™<«™ win9 2 27v

H o m y d n v Melons c t ° ; r MV

California Oranges %vl"lyni 1 (^^

Golden Sweet Corn c™™ 6 " 1 7 ,

F r e s l l T o m a t O e S Home Grown 2 lb> I,")''

S t r i n g B e a n s Homecrown 2^> IT

T/lltin RrnTlS Home Grown 2 lbs I ."V

u s No 1Grade

Long Island

v lb «> -

' b 3 a •>• ) ' •

EjIJJ Plant Home Grown

Green Peppers Hom. Gr

Table Celery c s»

Large Sugar Sweet Bunches.



under14 lbs.

Conk your bird Friday or Saturday — servo it cold and(lelicinus any time over thn week cud. That's tlio wav tosave work mi the lud'uluy. And mile our [nice fnV tin:turkeys — thai s the wav tu we niont.'V,.tin).

awim^.^'J^^MJ: ^ki i'rtiii^'i'^"''.-

esc hn

AT A&P THERE'S ONLY ( M QUALITY—HHiH... ONE P R I C E - M W !l iams s^re'i:°^ *-73e l»oi l« i IMHISC Steak A

Prime llibs of Beef (».»f Sirloin .SteakC l n c k e l l S Broiling and Frying—Sizes imder 4 lbs. Ib. '19c '


Fo\V' l for Fricassee, Summer Salads-Sues 4 Ibl. & over Ib. 'Lie

Roasting Chickens 4 lbs. and over , ib 53c

t Long Island's Finest Ib. 3 3 c

Chuck Roast or Steak for« in ib 55c

Top Roiitid Steak „ . , . . . ib 85c

Boneless Chyck Pot Roast NP Far Added ib 75c

Top Sirloin Roast ,N° Fat Added ib 85c


Chopped Bee f F^INY Ground ib I1).-

S h o u l d e r s of L a m b Cr'osi cm-whoi. ib !•"•;

|;oitt L a m h C h o p s . . • • • . . ib i\lk

Ley or R u m p of V e a l , • • a , • ib 5;")I ' o r k C h o p s ' " Shoulder and Hip Cull , lb ,")2i'

S m o k e d Beef T o n g u e ' s • *> l l ' i :

S l i c e d BaCOll Sunnyli«W-Sus»r-Cur«d; Ib T1)*;

Skinless Frankfurters ,.. , J . it

Val Reierve- In licensed Stores Only Plus DepOiil-6 cp. bolllo

B e e r Pius DeP 1-2 oz bot 3 tor 25«- C o c a - C o l a . /

Yubn Club-29 01. bottles.. Plus O e p g s i l - 1 2 oz, bottles

It's ronstcr-frosli . . . it's ground whim < \ ^

yoy buy . . . it comes in a blenj fur w * '•

you —• mild, medium ()r strung. Nut

convinced? Taste it once — you will

be forever.

CIGHT O'CLOCK 211For those who preler a mild and mellow blend

RED CHICLE . 2For those who like a rich and full-bodied colfte

BOKAll . , . 2For those who like a vigorous, winey flavor

Heverauos PiusDen. 2'orl9c 1 epsi-Cola . .


Atf.UUH N18A^P's master bakers are, merry mak-ers when it cuiiies to pleasing every-body - - mill everybody's purse, —•with light, delightful breads, rolls an lcakes.

S a n d w i c h B r e a d w«rv«i 2001 loat 1 .>••

D e s s e r t L a y e r s m oiiwoSinchiayeiv.'J.i1'

P o u n d C a k e Gold, Marble oi kef) Silvtr 10 os cut l!1'1'

Coeonuut Layer Cake • • • «cli»l)i:

. . « • "ch 5lBanana Bar Cake

Marvel White Br«ad 2 01. W « 21«» !•">

Page 5: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17


Avenel items JM>


i , A', i

linli:.i in.'i

Mr.- Ch;ii'lcs .>''. arc parctus of ni Hiitilrclny ill, P e r t h

ri; i i H n s p i l u ] . Mr.v

Mil' Fiirinc Moi'i'iict'

]wr-Mi's. Joseph

l KiiTft.. are theiiiKlifci1 b u m

Memorial Hospital.n is I he former Vinlsi

lumcrl I-I ti'• '••' i i i - 1 ! i : > p

K:tner H.iljli-Thr l-ive

Mi'.v lUibiiiAvcnu". Mni

M- :iml

,! Union. Fla.. lifterireiii.v Mi uncl Mrs,Fiflii Avenue.Jolly Club met, withGic ' i i . LiviiiMston


„:, An::. '

William Gery,.Vl.inh.i:i:iii Avenue , h a v e r r t u m p d

l r m i p :if;r-:' wic.iti:>niilr? nt Gullfoicl

i ' u rk mid viMiinu limit1 son a n d

i (liiii;.i:!i i - i n - i ; u \ , M r . a n d Mrs . Eu-

" ^ u a w f l W . T i r n l n n .

nr-,1 of Mr , a n d Mi - j T'1(* Kosuiy Soc ie ty lieiri ;i ca rd

W i m c l b n d w Avpini". i l ' -H'ly i't Hi. A n d r e w ' s C h u r c h last

,i W e h e ' . Irviiii!i;iri 11':'.l' |1; ' " t i i Mr-. Eii var ; l BalOer umi

valesciiiK nl hrl Home on Avrin iStreet, after bflriH hospitalized inNewark.

•-Mr. and Mrs. John Britt anddaughter, Be^y., Rahway wereguests at a barbecue at, the homeal Mr. and Mm. Emile Arnold.Woodbrtdge Avenue.

—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stromand daughter, dura. Clinton P|fue.spent Saturday at Laurence Har-bor.

—Mr. and Mrs. Afjion Pinko:'?.-*and son, Joseph, have returned to

H . n r v Uieii l . New York Cii.v.

:-;nnd:iy mic s l s of M r . n:id

W:i l ier ! i l r um. C'InUnn Pin ' •,

s - i . K m | T l l o b b s l i i ; \\<-

Sarah Ann's(Hooking Class

their home. Drmnves! Avenue af-ter speiKtmi! iI'll days with M' nndMis Piuii Tntti mid dliili'htPiIrene, in YoHllRStuwn. O.

Mi^ ,huly Perinr. student nurseat St. Barmibus Hospital, Newark,is now affiliated with MedisniCrnlet Jersey Citv

Mrs, Arthur Anderson. Brook-lyn, was the Kuest of hev brother-in-law und sister. Mr. and Mw.Carl Swetlti. Hyatt Street.

• -Mr. *nd Mrs. Edward T, Mur-ray und eliiUlivn. Dover, were

week-tod uiieMr an ft Mr1-Hill ne i l S ' : e i 1

Mi .mil ?

a n d i lalU' l l ler

IliU'e el l lu l l ed

•• , i f h r


v. B'.iirl Vnti NoteMadi.ion Aven»ie.nmbr after a t'w<>

weeks viinit'on .it Leonardo Reach.Mr and Mrs Clifton M\vr.

Avrnel Hlrret have returned from,1 moinr trip through New Yo'pk.New England States and Cflnn:lii

Mr and Mrs Williiim Ryanend son. Chase Avenue visitedrelativist in Elizabeth Sunday

O u i U v K o r h . KM, wlu> l e e e n l -

!v B in i lnn lw! fi">m t l tp Nnvv F >

t! l emn Sehiiol i ' visit nn: \\'.- i>;i:

e l l t s . M l . a m i Mr-- ()UM.ii Kii. i\.

Park AvenueMr nnd Mrs. Emtle Arnnlcl

nnd dautfliter. Joan, have retimedtii their home on Wnodbndxe Ave-nue after a two weeks' motor tupllirmitfh New England.

Mi «nri Mrs Chnrlcs Kfv.innri son. Ernest, Livingston Ave-nue, spent the week at the summeren: tilt;? of Mr. Hiid MYs, Charles

Mirrtlk. at Oullford M,u',

\!••« Kunene M:«i!rtriMil HarkAvciie nnd Mrs Wlllium Enclish.We.: Pliiliidflphin. li.ive returni'dafter wsitmi; the former's son-in-law alild dnil'shtpr. Mr mid MrsPaul Brrinlneer. San DiPnu. C:ilThey aisii stopper) oil at GrandCanyon. Yrllowntmie Park imfllitl'.er piiinw of In t err it •

.-Mis* Mildred Jolinson, of thr.Bronx and Miss Lillttin Anderson,Brodklyn, W P P «uest; of Mi and

Cail RKi'tliv Hyatt Stl.'•i' wret: nnd

Mr1., .IWtn AnftCker. CAvenur i> i-'invKlevitig »thflfce itfter belhtf a vtiriiicftl .tiem »! St Elizabeths Hospit

-Pupils enrolling at AVIrtiipi"Sfhn'il for the first time. indUi^um those enterinn kindergarMBnit' equpsted by the princlptt,Mi^ Andrew U Dpsmond. to ip*iieai a! the school for reKistratiWnext Tueflrtay. September 2, 1»-t.veotl !> 30 and 11 A M .

II ,. (|iiestion whieli disturbswomen is. "What, ahull we

tut1 dinner'1" This is because1

, women do n|)t. consider the(inn of foods us \hey do many

Mimes, Ktieh as seleetion of,.... |.|e. II is every housewife'sII ,ee thai her fiimily eats theluiifl fur heiillh und slreiv/ih.

I'M Item SaladHi let I uee, crisp, shredded

iiuon. slicedb diced beef, shreddedup shredded carrots

• HI> riven pepper, shredded!ta;:e cheese dressinuice lei I uee and onion in salad

Arrange shredded dried beefcircle ill the center, then ririi>Hint around the beef, leavingMI of lettuce. Garnish withi pepper. Al the table tossrottiiec ehese dressing.

Cultiise (hrese Dressingup Krelieh drcssiii!1,up rullai'e cheeseiali, pepper 'cayenneii (is]>ooii Worcestershire uiiucr

niiliiiie mi'.rediintf, and beata fork unt i l well blended.

; helnrr servilll1.

IVim.itd S a l a d

C ueeied t o n m t m ' s (Mil i n to t h i r d s

and pepperI'I Ii tilling -Coiiihine one cup

iin'd tuna lish or salmon withtalilrspoiins maviinnaise,

Tv.o tenspoons lemon juice, dash•line. Mix well.

lillim: Combine threeupped hard-hoiled e :;»s. threeble>pimns mnyonriaise. '.| cupopped olives, one teaspoonnoti .mice. :,alt and pepper. Mix(11Spi uil'.le slices of tomato withIt and pepper. Spread fish fillin"

In1 bottom of slice of eachni.ilu. ('over with middle sliced ipreiwl with es« lilliim. Re-

top sli;:, . , ;n pash in theHer and insert a s l u e of slulledVc Chill Well and serve on sah'd'CM:-,

Hairi Omelet With I'eas,,,,!_, stablespoons water

'epper, sailcup cooked hum chopped finetablespoons bu t te rcups cooked mven peasteaspoon simar . .cup medium whi te sauce

Jea! the e;:e,. add the pepper.t and hiim. Mix the butter in,omelet pan. pour in the ome-iuut cook over slow heat. As thei tu re coks, life tlie eclties withpaluhi and u p the pan. nenily.

Id and turn into a hot plat ter .|Ve the peas hot , seasont-d and

ed with the whi te .sauce. Pour

,nd the omelet to serve.

Mr iiini Mr., .loiin Elsen-' i ' : -.'i1 PMd rl.iliiiT-n. Soinervllle,".".• 'iii.d i,, !'up.,i,s of Mr. and".I., 4i i i ,u1 Bie.-.rh, Clinton Plnre.

- Me;, o ! '.i .S.'lmiidtineyprVii • H n v S hiiii'ltmi'.vtH'.have re-inrMi'd i • ih'-ii liniiie in the Bronxlifter v^.i'iii". Mr. anil M:-s. Elmer

|Di'a"iis, D.'liliH'est Avenue.' Mrs. W.irren Cliiip. Park Ave-

iiuiv lias returned home after visit-tiV! her Min-in-law and datlRhtpr,

•Mr. .uid Mrs. Edward Wldmer,Hamden. fKinn.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleoi-Re Leyon-

niark mid diiMphlers, Chase Ave-

nue, wer" .Sunday Ktiests of Mr.

and Mrs. Henry McEvoy, Brook-

Mr, and Mrs. J ames O'Brien

and •. ins. Homes; cad Avenue, have

reiii ' i icd home sifter spending a

v 'k 'ATh ida t ives in Middletown,

N. Y.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Parker;ir.d son, Park Avenue, have re-turned lamie after varalioruiiK atAtl.ini.i" City and Camden.

Mr. and Mrs. Char les Quln-;er Bunieti Slreet . have returned!••) iheii1 fonnei home in Shorts-Ville. N. V.

Mi. and Mrs. William Hofge-;;I!IH. Mr;. Wadeline S/,iilay, Prankli;anr|;iM'i. St. George Avenueand Miy, K a t h r r i n e Coughlin,1,'nhniniid. S, [., have returnedfvoni a several-day motor boat••iiii'-e up the Hudson.

.VIis. n.ivid (irossmiin is con-


Seed Cmh For

Call George Buck and

he'll arrange it for you

fight away! You can get

$25 to $250, or more,

today. Phone: ,

WO. 8-1848



[.-• ; : , .i i : a t , : : ' , ' . ; m i M e . Ha



Estimate. ,.'{6 MuntliK 'To Pay Thru FUA

(!oni|»l<'l<' Biirntr ServiceFuel Oil Suj)|)lic<l



Ictiichen a-0:- llsthnateK Cheerliilly flivfn


GCIKTUI Roofing Contractor

enulrs on All Makes of KoofK Attic Conyetted Into Roonw

nt Tar Hoots, Asbestos Siding, *Siding, AsDhult Sliinirle I'"'1"! I'uVclics & Gararev


Lenders and Guttersor GalvuhUed

Home Insulation

(imeral Repairs

Made u( Home

All Work Guawnteed





Oranges Juicy California 5-55'Enjoy the richer juice of famous Ca'ifornio oranges now. At all Acmes!

Honeydews 49c

, Grapes 'Jffi, 2 lbs. 25cLima Beans Po

F;L 2 »*. 15c

Tomatoes K " 3 «*Sweets * » £ 3 n». 25c

Celery "Uf«« WhHtSulki, each 12c

Yellow Corn a 6 •« W-Tender, fresh!_Spread_it liberaUy_vfith_LoucHa prize butter.

Potatoes A 10 a 35<Sound, mealy, famous Jersey quality! Featured at all Acmes.

— """ ' " * ^ ^ ! S ,

* Open Every Friday Until 9 P.J. (.• Closed All Day labor Day

For Dessert Tonight Serve

You SaveEvery DayAt Your

—- . _ friendly


leese-Food 2 ' ^ 83cMarvelous flavor. Slices, spreads ond melts easily.

•Dairycrest Ice CreamActual laboratory tesiV prove Dairycrest richer, creamier than the tfkeeps ice cream firm for 1 Vi hours, Handy refr igw^cartonsi ips_

Beets S - l~£lh' Applesaucep 2 p 29cAsparagus S ' . C ^ . . 29c Ideal Apple Sauce „ WeCl, : - - . D Cl.n*ood Frtnch i ! „ Antirfttc Choi" U " P T- /VC

Mott Apple Juice IV". 17cA p p l e J u i c e ^ S T ^ I ^ c

Margarine 37cgGood Luck<Ma7in;, 40cBactfnSE 2i:b.:79cAged Cheddar «>• 67c

Swiss Cheese ib 65cMuenster ib 45cSnappyCheese

Siring Beans STST217cFarmdale Beans " 1 1 4 c

s :X d 31°; 29c3-oi. package I OL

*• 49cMild


* Hickory Smoked Cheese Links!iX33c* Sliced Colored American i lb 47c* Kraft Colored American PJCal'e 28c* Pabstett Pimento °»Standard^" 23c

String Beans «:X 3 1Sweet Peas S I 'S . , . -19cEarly June Peas 32!:; 29cPork&BeansS21t:23cPork&Beans: ( tJl"23cBeenie Weenie Van,lq:piJ 9cBeef Hashclarid9! c r , « , 25c

Halv« 30-01. can, Standard Unpeelod 77r

Holvei 29-OJ. can *• ' w


Ssgrtientf con • ** v

Grape Juice A5C°..FrL«,. 25cM C P 2 ! ; : i 3 c

brapetruit BCranberry Sauce 0 [ ; ; : r 23cPotato Chips £ l k


Swift's PREM„ . • < " * . . - • - ••••

Fresh Killed Grade AA

Frying' Chickens12-ox.

can 35c

U p to 4 lbs. Serve adelicious golden |fnedchicken dinned

Campbell TomatoSOUP

Fancy Fowl •>• 43<\ ., •__ inr r, thtfv fricassee.

just tVie thing <°r a tbsty

Veal Legs






esh Pork Loins

53cthe spot!

ib. 63c

Gulden's Mustard ; , r t 14c

h£ Prime


Ro.spRibs 'of

l• Smoked Cala HamsHams ib.

ib. 53cJ5c

Peanut'Butterlea Bags " I J T ?T ASCO Orange P«ko« T 1 «ICO 4-01, package L I »

Apple Buffer o l t N v r k ?3cWaxtexWAXPAPER,«-,,.i.)9cCondensed Milk " S ^ i i cPenn-RadMZ.l$2,49;t

A Blend for Every Taste!

Ideal CoffeeUnmatchable forr i t h f l a v o r .Vacuum packed.

Ib. 45cFine So. Amer-ican coffee ex-pertly blended:

Ib.bag 39c

W'increst Coffee

& 37c

2 Mb.bagi


A lighter blendw i t h vigorous ^taste.

2 Mb,ban»

Lemon JuiceSalad Dressing " " t j . , HePrune Juice l uNrb . , , , . 25cTomato Juice "US 3 nZ 25clibby lomato Juice If 27cV-8 Cocktail 1B;r 14cHunt's lomato Sauce I t 5cV-8 Tomato Catsup'I0;. 24c

Evaporated Mi l kFarm dare

Brand - 23cGlenwood Grapefruit

/. JU ICESweetenedUnsweeUm

or J lS-o>«d ^J can


Dill PicklesSweet Pickles .*.«. iar


8-ai. jar


Cide,r Vinegar A"Q::!;tlQr 19c

Pickle Chips'Stuffed Olives

Ginger Ale ROY bllZGinger Ale ' i J i LCashewsKEMPS iam,«Mixed NutsKIMPS tPeanuts 8...Krispy Crackers suTpl,. 2$cFigNewlonsMAllsco^.24cEdujcatoj1 Crax 1.24cMayonnaise H o m d * - O l . i« 22c



* bmoKea Cottage^Hamburger M e a t _ _ _


Skinless FranksBologna

Slicedor Piet


Meat Loaves^

Supreme Enriched BreadBiggest bread value'on the market! It tastes better, toasts better, and stays fresh longer. Why pay more? Try a loaf!


quartbottlei 25c

Ball Zinc-TopMASON ARS:pintidozen

F / S MCoiSjpab ft. 29c

yTJiish ib- 29cib.15c

r/• ^ —

Owned and OoeKiT&fByThe American Stems Company



with without

Page 6: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17

PACE SIXAT'crsT :.!*. I'M',


Sept. 6 Parade/row Pact 1)

have born boili in New .In -si;, find must hnvr hnd nil liisMMVII'P iinif pill in with a NewJnsey company THUS! submit ctt-

Lawrence Sul:. WesF r e d S u t l e r . Atr .hrib o t h of Coini i i . i en ' - iyod a . it r i p S u n d a y Mi n-ie!ie/"b ' . i ' . '(S»y o n l y o u ^ M ;;r.i>e . .mir e n c e d rew H bl. ink f

D e B l o e k e r » u < l e n t ; \ .1 n u n *'.a p p r e c i a t e s <io::^ d e s m b e s" p l a i n C a r r l e ^ m " - . t iwne i s nf j)r

w h o all<><\ t h e m ; > vim .it ',.ua n d s e t I n n : M: H I HI ICKC: W : . ' >


l'aradr Two Mllm LonrTlir parade mil bo two miles

lnnc ami imt-of-town Hiriifes willniiikr tin1 nn«: decisions

In addition :n the .SO fhr com-panies listed IRS! week, the follow-iin: wilt n!so participate IselinChemical Honk and Ladder C»

Pt. Reading Couple Wed 58 Years

Henry Street

- f..

"Too mum fiibelnfc dcs> I'-I was <T;IS-:;Idoe lut by .iVras not sc:,the drivfiowners f;idoc to runmiuht havefor life Tisuch Hcrjdt.dop con-re

•- ;tr.;l<\ 'I !•.

>tne: p e l - . in

w.i . - l l" :

ii.s ; he

.,: .'in;.o n n i


! l.inse TI;e

FtrrF A- H Fire Co .Hiiiii.m Township *

Cfiuifvfj Biornsnn ..:rrriary of:hp Wcidbntlae Fxempt Firemen'sAssociation, requests all mfmberslo participate m the pnradr inunifnim Ewr.ipts will rot walk -as they have have been L".vi;.\! 'Oride on the 1rr trucks.

Meanwhile all arrangementshave ben tcompleted for the car-nival which will oten the 50th an-nivr-.-.ary cf'.ebifttini: next Thurs-

\-. to proven:i ,i;-(- for you;

i l i

Reeommended:Tile 25th .

File Co, Nn :rude will b'lowed by a ;>prounds on f iIin streets l;,ithe occasioi.of the Iseli:.ciatinn. wh:c

nf IseiinA pa-

c: -,v. vS.ilui'ii

.i-\\ ,w •: P M . f . i i -

tiii' ,ii the fliehmisecon St:ee: The Ise-i' been decorated forliiou^h :l)e courtesyBu-inps'.inen's Asso-; by Hie way, is an

up-aiid-r.oni.n.; outfit . . . The 50thannlwisnry • -li-bralion nf Wood-E.idiie F u r Company No, 1. A

Ki'nunds. A p.irade will be held on!September 6 at 2 P. M . followed by I j ' J u

a block dance ,ii the carnival at1

niuln. • . . T:;e charity Fund cardparly >.ponsi;:ed by (he SrwarenRepublican C ;i!i September 5. . . .The Third W.iirt Republican Club

vicinity With the erection of some

boundary lines, it is now an-imputed that the enrollment willincrease 10—from 95 to 105.

Port Reading school expects 194pupils as asainst 189 for the last

„ , school year. However, with thepicnic September < j u Maple Tree i ( . n n s t , . u c t l 0 I 1 n , n,e new State Vet-

l'.s project between Sewaren

m.urticd :dny There"" will be several rides. | -including the chair o'planr, Vene-tian swings, pony rides, miniaturetram rides an/I kiddies' chair o'plane Thr enrnivnl will be openThursday, Friday and Saturdaymerit*, and on Saturday afternoonfnr the convenience of the chil-dren t

The finale of the Jubilee eele-bratinn will be a block dance, mu-sic to br furnished by a ten-piece

'orchestra, at which the prizes to: parade winners will be awarded.

School Population(Continutd from Paqt 1)

c a r n i v a l wii ; br held S e p t e m b e r 4 j f l n n m r n t ,,f b l . l r k f . , r t o ] , c s l n t h , l t

to I) i nc lu s ive n i h e S c h o o l S t r e e t j

Mr. and Mrs. JnlinKrufner, SovtnthStrerl . Pnrl Read-ing . u tin »ill ret-rbrate their 5XtliwrdriitiK iinnlver-u\r\ mi l.ahorl>nv. The Knir-Eci'- li;ivf horniTsiclrnK of HieTow nsliip for thrjiiivt :!7 yr.irs.Iliilli wrre horn

t h e leadfriif^1u rinr; new Him.

is now p l a y -D i t m a ' . T h e a t r e . P e r t h

SILVER SCREEN David Innu i i r i i ' i ' |1(

t h e i r br ief 111111:11,,-,.how shr arrives .,brutal decision in '.„lems bv lethal m,"Possessed" a llmu,me motion pieim

wide and ir,


loiin C r a w f o r d ' s !>inlily a r t i n i -

i1 p u l l , i v , i l of ;\ ( In i iReiouskVi•111:111. d , i m : e r o u s l y ln love , n n dVnn Hrflin's suavely cynical per-formance as her co-star and tlrn-j1-'niiittic foil, am firmly bnlsteved by j ' n r s o n l 1 ' t.inirthe generally outslamlltiK produc-tinn accorded Warner Bros.' stlr-

iur. new film drama. "Possessed,"liich opened nt the Dltmas The-re, Perth Amboy, last Crawford's rare virtuosityi an actress was never more ap-

IWll" : I ' :


II, :



NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J •-WCTC, 1450 on your rud;.i dialannounces the following prom-ams

A-- > o o n , h O h v i a Dv H i i v i l i . i n i i

l i n i i - l i e > " T i l e S n a k e P i t . " s h e a i m

hei husband Marcus Oooctru'h.plan to build a home m Rappa-haimock. Va.. where his forebears.••oitied. Olivia, who has never at-i ended eollece. plans to takeclasses at nearby William andMary CoiieRe.

Susan Peters, promisins yartless who was so severely m-.Hiied in A hunting accident onJanuary 1. 1945. that she lias

. never walked since, makes her re-turn to the screen in "The Smunf the Ram," at Columbia. The

Farm. . . . The Kik.s' Clambakeat Vmady's Gm\e, Fords, Septem-ber H and tin' square dance spon-

the Sewiiren Ci()P club September13. . . . The County Democratirpicnii- Saturil.iy m New Bums-Wick. . . .

Here and There:Quite a gan:; from the Knijihts

of Columbus is plauninu to attendthe John Bnny Day banquet inNewark. . . . Jim Tuner. I am told,is brinumi; Hewers to "Artie"aEain, . . HIM: Bcruie McCloskeymiddle-misled it last Smurduy. . . .And that must have been a super-dupcr party I lie boys nave forJohnny Korczowski Tuesday niRht

and Port Readinc the school popu-lation undoubtedly increase

taht will be of special interest tothe lltscners in this area.

In a special Labor Day broad- leading character is a wheel-chair-

School No 7, Fords, predicts thatit will en;oll 390 pupils, an in-creasc of 19, while the rcsistia-tion at School No, 11, Woodbndpe.;iccm ditm lo Mrs, Frank EdRar.will jump approximately 30 fromH50 to 680.

Drop in FordsA drop in enrollment, is the pic-

ture for School No. 14, Fords. Atthe end of the school year, therewere 201 pupils. Now between 185and 190 are expected to nppear

[ fo; registration. This is due, inpart, to the fact that there havebeen no builclina activities in the

Johnny is leavmu to lake up his j area in recent years and most ofthe homes in the vicinity are occu-puieci by "old-timers/'

The establishment o'f a kinder-garten in School No. 15, Iselin,accounts for the prediction of anincrease of enrollment for thatinstitution. In June the flaure was388 and the registration next weekis expected to bring the flfture upto between 355 and 360.

new chines as head coach at theWilhamsljui!!. Va.. Hteh School,Lots of luck, John. . . .

Newsettes-:Painters and carpenters are busy

these days St. James'Church a brmht, new appearance.. , . And the painters are wovkinRlike beavers to gel the interiordecorating at the Woodbridsc Fire-house finished before the crowds !M(JW 1 l d l l tarrive on Saturday to help the fire [company celebrate its golden jubi- (Continued jrom Paqe 1)lee. . . . Beanie Minkler and Hen- : nothing we can do about it. I wantrietta Crowe, so I hear, expect lo j you to know that as long as I.amset a definite date before manyi a committeeman I will see to itdays are past. . . . I also hear that t r i a l t h e zoning ordinance is en-Henrietta's brother, William, plans i forced."to say T do" next month. . . . ' T o p r o t e c t Traffic

' " • When questions arose regardingRumbling Around: traffic conditions, the Mayor prom-

That was a cute little number ' s e d l h a t before a building per-IsawGcnrcie lAveneli Flynn with i m l t l s granted that plans wouldlast week. And talking aboutAvenel reminds, me that Jacques(Jackie1 Berthoas will take as his

have to be approved and all en-trances would be on Railway Ave-nue and not on the side streets,

bride on September 6. Miss Jac- i which willquelme Boyer. The wedding will; officially.take place at St. Vincent De PaulChurch. 23rd Street and Sixth Ave-

be dead-end streets

nue, New York. . . . Maybe the re-turn of school days will mean theend of those horrible turned-upjeans and J u i Dills the girls wort

•this summer. If 1 hey only knewwhat they look like! . . . The Max-well Logans are vacationing inNashville, Tenh.. where they are

1 visiting Mr, Logan's brother, . . .

Last But Not Least:'Pete Dunn chaperoned 25 Rirls

io Coney Island iast. Sunday. , . '.Mrs. Frieda Grode is ever so happythat her son, after being hospital!ized so IOIIK. is about to be dis-

After the hearing was closed,all members of the committeevoted in the affirmative to pass themeasured

cast the local units of the A. F. oiL. and the C. I. 0. will join forcesto celebrate Labor Day. The" pro-m-am will feature music, inter-views and local talent, and will beheard from 2:00 to 3:00 P. M.

On Labor flay twin.will bring traffic bulletins from theState Police informing its listenersof traffic .and road conditions.These will "be presented through-.out the evening, as soon as theyarc received.

Sunday afternoon, August 31. at2:30 o'clock, Johnson Park will be,the scene of the Middlesex CountyBicycle Sweepstakes sponsored bythe Middlesex County Board ofFreeholders. A delayed wire rec-ord broadcast of the afternoon's'events will be presented at 7: l>0P. M. . ;

For a relaxing Sunday afternoonlisten to the very entertainingSouth River Variety hour at 1:00o'clock,

To continue to make Sunday aday of pleasure be sure to hear thewonderfully relaxing and delight-ful music of the Family HomeHour . . , a must for all loversof good music.

The U. N. Radio Review is pre-sented every evening, Tuesdaythrough Saturday, and brings theprevious day's activities to you, inthe comfort of your home, bymeans of delayed wire recorder,These programs are heard at 7:45P. M. and are ol prime interestto all.

Each Thursday at. 12:45 P. II.I WCTC brings you the Farm Edi-

with another of his interviews,ach week he selects a person we1!nown in local agriculture and in-erviews him.

Again on Tuesday WCTC williresent the Rutgers University'orum on the Constitutional Con-entlon. These forums, heardtorn 8:05 to 8:30 P. M., oflerVCTC listeners the opportunity toer the latest developmer. s asresented as discussion questions.

bound woman who wrecked heifamily by possessive dominations

Ned Sparks, who has been of!the screen 1 voluntarily 1 for morethan four years, will be seenin "Magic Town," which star?

The only thing that persuaded hiivto come back to Hollywood wa>the fact that his Boston bull, whiclhas been his companion for fifteeryoars. needs to winter in a warm-er climate

Phyllis Caivert. young Briti.slactress now in Hollywood, has con.fessed that her ambition is to pla\in a comedy with BHIK Crosbyher favorite actor.

I .inr.i I ' , in( .1 lit< 11111 :i I'i 17. i-- interill -lie s.n •. ii iieltillC

higher leammi;. M'lectnl to,i|i|'<N'r in t In- Miss America1'agfanl in Atlantic City thisSeptember, ••he-. IS anil in hersrrnnd ,i< Salinas iCal.iJunior Collesi' in tier hometown. Shr want* tn K« to theI 'n ivmitv nf California lint ifa fellow from llollvwontl ( •alone with a hii; hit moviecontract . . . well . , .

Kyle MacDonncll. form1',1',inri Broadway Wau.UHendrix. who lias iu>' nude .< filmwith BiiiB Crosby: da l e Riibhms.Tcenlly ii Cop.icabaiu sunii'lie.s-:

J ean Simmons, an importationrom Enaland: and HrlemrCii; it r.1 former model.

When Ruben Hu 11;• 11 rcmi ;.•••script of "Time Out of Mum," M"discovered that he was ;n porw.iyii New England pian:si aiul com-poser. For six weeks 111 advance ofshooUliR. Hutton studied piano.)ften practicing four or five hour -

daily. When you see him on tin-screen, however. Hutton WJWJC do-niK the job himself.

,.y ri:ullii!i ' Departmentip ilie prospective prices andcs ot inajnr farm and food

as follows: Meat anda seasonal decline in

I all. buf the n mount will bemoderate" if consumer in-stay IIILII.

Fit it Cfiaiiis -dependent on the\wathiM'. H weather is faorable»; ices will probably decline till.1

fall and winier. but may averagehigher llian last year.

Dairy Products Further in-iTeay'i dnriiu: fall and winter, butmay average hiuher than last,year.

Dairy Prodticis — Further in-ciea:es diirini: fall and winter, bunot to peak ol a year auo.

t'g'!> a less - than - usual in-errasi expected.

Wheaf Prospects for a smalCHin crop tend to strengthenwheat prices despite record crop

I'ats and Oils—Larger prgduction loiTca.'.i.

Fruits and Vegetables — Belhwla:-! year's prices. Fruit productoinlamer. A inorc rapid decline thaiusual in prices of most r"bmmercial truck crops grown for freslmarket this, summer. Potato pricewill average higher than last yeafor the next few months.

J. Arthur Rank, British anxious to get JoarFontaine for a picture in EnglandSo far, she has refused to go unless her husband, Bill Dozier, filmexecuitve. can go with her and herefuses to fo just to "tag along."He'll go when and if he can soon a job for his studio, Universal-International.

Among the new faces to be seenon the screen, one might mention


ISELIN THEATREOak Tree Road Iselin, N. J.

Met. G-l?.^

rktfv, •.jilllnhl.'. \im•I I I \T M i l \ \ I I 'II

M illi IIin-Hin I IcU

:!' null

i l l : 1 11.11. l \ l l . - i UKTI II VI I I I ' l l , . - . • , , ! , , i

W I l l l . l u l l 11 n i l m i l l

M . ' i r m i r r l I . i n i 1 s r i >

l ' l n » ' • p i 1 . i n l M ' l i i l i . , 1 M i i i r l *

••('lll'.l i:\\ Kli Di'iniK M

.linn' \ \ > i i i t l i i

"Dlt li THAI ^ "S DII.KMM \"W 11 li It it In Ii I I . ril mill

Ivn? r h r l s i d i i l i v r


T l M ' M l l l ) , M i - i l n r s i l n . 1 , * i - | i l , ^" \ M W I I I I , IN I" t i l l s "

W i l l i l i r i i r i i i . S u r i i l r( u n . I f l . l l l i l l l x

— \ l » n —

"ii tm> nun,i.ii ii \ I H I M :AN II I) I.11!. ^iti-f't'^ Mini

charged from thf service. Pvt.Albert Pochek, son of Mrs. A. Po-chek, is how m Texas for 13 weeksof basic training m the Armyj AirCorps. He is a graduate of ' theMiddlesex C o u n t y VocationalSchool, Perth Amboy. . . . If youwant to hear about the true insand outs of Woodbridge Townshippolitics, they tell me the place togo is Sam Hodes1 tavern in Fordslate Monday nights. . . . And if youplan to travel bv ear over this holi-day week-end, lake it easy, won'tyou?

Iselin Fire Co.(Continued jrow Paqe 1)

will use the following line ofmarch: Starting at Bloomfiek:Avenue and Green Street, up GreeuStreet to Oak Tree &oad, to Cor-reja Avenue, left to Harding Ave-nue as far as Middlesex Avenue,left to Button Place, right to DowAvenue, past the Servicemen':Memorial to Green Street andthen back to the flrehouse onGreen Street.

To add to the festivities, the Ise-lin Businessmen's Association idecorating the Iselin streets wit!bunting and flags.

Relief For Poland(Continued Worn Faq* 1)

interference by the Polish Government and the distribution andcontrol is under the exclusive supervision of American representaUvea ii> Poland."



A complete cleaning, pressing and

alteration ftrvicetor the entire family.


Open every daf Monday through Friday from 9 A. 7 P. M. Saturday from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.




PHONE P. A. 4-1BD7



Marlene JamesDietrich Stewart




(onljnuuus from 1:011 I*. M,Matinees—Four Cartoons

h Ih

Matinee. I'Jilfi - EveniiiK. 6:45Saturday.-., Sundays and

s, < ontiniKius

M)U T I I R l ' SATURDAYI'i'Klt.v ( unnninss, Victor.M.uilii', Ethel Rarrymnre

"MOSS ROSE"l'at O'lirien - Ann .Jeffreys

"RIFF-RAFF"Saltinla.v Matinee—3 Cartoons


Continuous Monday, La bur DayJoan Fontaine in

"IVY"Don Amcclie

Catherine McLeod"THAT'S MY MAN"


F.nol FlynnBarbara Stanwyck

'CRYWOLF"I'dii.iiu;! t l ' l l i icn - Ella Rainc;


to n,m,.

A u s l " a l l i i wi i | .,States oftrr of em

$10,2^fi fnuiKl .;,after death nf an ::

11 ei",i-"W.w«...|,,,,^, •Jm,,—-j

[cwell who has the misfortune tnill in love with Dnvid SutlnnVan Hefllni. a mini whose con-Iderablc charm is matched onlyythe chameleeon-likp complexion

if his romnntic interests.How Louise cnduiT,s the p:iin

if-his frank rebufls and, seemuuiiv'covered, marries her wealthy

Tnployev iRiiymnnd Massev. only,0 find herself helplessly bound to

FORDSFORDS, N. J. - r . A. 4-<t34S

I TlirilSDAV, lltlDAV ANDSATl!RI)AY. W'(: 2R. 3 . lill

"CHEYENNE"Dennis MorRan - .lane Wyniaii


Jane Withers - James l,vdoiiSKI.KCTKI) SHOUTS


Al'G. 31 ami SKIT. I

"FIESTA"Esther Williams

It i car do

"BACKLASH"Jean UORCIS - Richard Travis






\\\M \n\\



"LOST HONEYMOON"Franehot Tone - Ann Richards


Register for the first piece ofthe Mareuerite silverware setto be ffiven away. A differentpiece to follow, every Tuesdayand Wednesday from now on.It is "beautiful — it is worth-while—it is (ruaranteed.


August Fur Sale

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • • • • *




1 -

J -





Kitchen Under Able Management of

SWAN CHONGOpen Daily—Serving Luncljes. Dinners, Seafood and

1 j Sandwiches




• 1• t


P. A.

TODAYThru Wednesday, Sept. 3rd

. . . This year fura cost

less than you think.

Embassy Furs WoodbridgeJ 93 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE

T i .

Hillside Veteran of World War Charles Koos. Hi1., i>;.:.II was born in Germany, coming smile wreathed his this country as an infant. The , "I cun see I've >•"•fortunes of war took him back to plenty fast to keep u|ihis native land. Now he has but fellows," he remark"! •one leg. He lost the other in the didn't have time t .:town where he first saw the light breaking cercnionieof day. . , . Faulty timepieces don'tprovide much excuse for tardyPlainfield patrolmen. Captain Pat-rick Murray, in charge of uni-formed police, an expert at repair-ing watches, enjoys bringing hiscoppers up to the minute. . . .Plainfield Lodge of Elks hasamong its membership five policechiefs, representing Watchung,Scotch Plains, Mountainside,North Plainfield and Fanwood.Chief C. J. McCarthy of SouthPlainfleld was also active until hisrecent death.


TODAY TIIRl ' SATl'RDAVJoan ('.4'LHELI) - William HOI.DEN in

"DEAR RUTH" 'I ' l u s ( i i ' o i c e M O N T G O M E R Y - N a n c y f i U I I I ) in


SUNDAY THRU TUESDAYTwo Bid Technicolor Films


This l!ov H()(,i:i{S in



Fashionable dwelling on S.(Renter Street, South Orancchouses the offices of a. fatherand two sum, all physicians.They specialize in differentbranches of medicine. . . , Achain of supermarkets in thisarea \vhich formerly urecdwomen not to ride their chil-dren in shi>ii]>iuK carts now hasa "babies division" containingcarts with seats attached fur in-fants, , , , This is Amcrka: Awell dressed young couple,mimehinj; hungrily on hotdoKS,

I step out of a Springfield frank-furter emporium and into H highpriced limousine while a uni-formed chauffeur stands at at-tention. . , . Omission of the


"It 's Hire tn kmiu th.iiapproves of our |x>li<•» -, 1ley told me, "but, in tinstance, he was snuu: ,much credit. We like infast in the matter nf rt-iniKoos at Hallway, hut urhave been completely *twnit hadn ' t been for ni\ -favorite golf partner I mller. the builder. Kred'- 11

cally a member of nnThe way he jumped 1 I>I•emergency you'll think ii.actually one »f the limllnone likes to play inure llnKaUler, but when thin -to be done, he's Minfrilini-miracle man,"

Kddiv winked."He usually licit'. I n<l

lie Rriniied "tli.n's »*,such a booster fur linn

"That ' s not so," < iuii'totted, "Feed's nn IJU-II •'the links anymore tliwhere else. We pl.n ,1even tc.wne, It's a li.ilii-way."

J o h n K. Beer, puj, for lliu Ni 'who's known Fred and 1years , says that t 'h.i; ••ediie on the Newark In,.


conjunction "a,,d" from cr«de.y X b ^ f l S r o ^ s '- • roadside sign, on a side ""J W «vp slioki.s.

^ 1 PERTH AMBOYI'hinir I*. A. 4-Ui.M


Ann Snllieipi Harry Nelson1 m

' TMll l ! COVI.K MAISli: "

Dennis O'KeMfe - M.nieiMcDniUli) in


SUNDAY AMI MONDAY, AU(iUST 3IST AND SEi'T. 1STI*.)1! t'invi'll - Evelvn Keyes - I,eo ,1. (Jolilt in


Sliirli'* '1'rinpli' - William (lartian inMISS AVNIF UOONKY"

TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, ll l t l j tSDAV, SKI'T. !. i, I



iie Furde*'Wi'lMl Produtliom*

road between C>lifon HI

leadk.) Rabbits U n for Sale." ]Vmhold u^ t l i l ) (. „;„!* " * U h e way, Inheritfi hii ii'1-1

Charles Koos, Si1.," of Loch Ar- turs from his father t.:bor, still takes a deep interest tf \ Hilton and raced HIInot un active part in the manuye- ' Speedway. Fred's l't-al:\ment of Koos Bros., nationally i'i the sport now but 1known home furnishinK.s mart when he wasiuut Iron' •When he leinned that flames hud 1 Jersey country clubs. !•:•wiped out the handsome Rahway ' leader in the NAC's •.)»•'showroom, he phoned Charley and 1 even there, at the dn-i'Eddie Koos: I he'll lake up the c.udLcl

"Chin up. Fire can raze a build- \lers i m i m l s t a i l l l l i n l ll!l

my, but if you keep punchinu, itcan't destroy a business. Remem-ber, a Koos never quits under fire."

A few days later the elder Kooshustled up from the shore withdetailed plans for a ground break-iiiu rt h

KaUler's enthusiasm 1''beautiful sliuwrouin

on the old K'undersUndali

knoivs that -biU'k i"erected a urehousr m

1 •-- and (Charley lia\<- IH


"They're swell, Daed Charley, "but— omment-

"Let's look out over Llie» site,".sueijfstt'd Eddie

Koos pcre and nls sped from theKoos temporary showrooirt at Lin-den to the Rahway plot on theLincoln Highway where, instead ofcharred, desolate ground, theyfound meat activity. A largecruwtJ of "sidewalk superintend-ents" wutched a 50-ton bulldozer.sewerul steam showls and doaansof craiumen at work, A new brickwall had beuiln to list

friends ever since. I'Mtheir families have !»•'"to Florida tojethi'i f i ' 1 'ter. Charley'* dauslil 'i 'and Fred's dauK«t«-r. Ambe 7 this autumn .n»i 'great ciiuma, too.

If you'll draw up » <'I'll tell you, amonsi " l h l

how a moturist fniin"There'll be an imp"11-1

nounuement, too, tur t'»' (

who are active in woiucI nations.

Page 7: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17

• + ' • .


FORDS NEWS Snbepenbent - Icabcr FORDS NEWS

ViU HoldDriveAid

Annual MoneyKnrly in Sept.. The St. John's First

liiiid of Folds will initiate Its

I fund drive on September

squad has set a $3,500 quota,is l.o br used for the main-

cf> ot Mir ambulance and theildiiii!. The squad needs thismc-y so tliat it will' be able to

n its present high standardre throughout the forth-yenr.a i.he past year, St. John'?

fSi AUI Hqunri has answered ar:i,n:c ol one cull a day, increas-

iii.iiiiteiiiincc expenses as welI he work of the squad's volun.r

jfiii' mirk of the squad is en.voluntary iind without cost.

uiTuiuzatioii is supported b;•oniribiitions of its these men have never reI oi failed to answer a calli hey have Riven transfusion?

i.n, ;nid transportation to thb|ilc they HIT pledged to serve,ATII behooves those served totnimtr whatever they r.aiv},o its,31,11; one life saved is well•tii 1 he amount contributed toin its s.ivim;. These men have

|rd many

How'sYour Health?

)y Dr. Sophia Brunton

Fords Delegates Attend Lions F i t e - N i t eConvention In San Francisco rY0 Feature

FORDS—-Representatives of the | perial Communism." He warned'ords Lions Club, Mr. and Mrsjhls.

Oeorpe Kovak, Mr. andaid Uunham, and Mr, and Mrs.

Samuel Katz, were received backn Fords by a welcoming crowd ofabout fifty people on their returnrom San Francisco, Cal,, where

LI ley attended the Internationaljions Club convention.

While Rlad to be back- In Fords,:hese three Lions and their wiveswere rapturous in their descriptionof their trip.

Proceeding to California by aroundabout routeivia the LehlghValley, Santa Fe, Southern Pacific.Northern Pacific, Burlington, andNew York Central Railroads, thedelegate's Itinerary covered thestates of New Jersey, Pcnnsyt-vanla, New York, Illinois, Mis-souri, Kansas. New Mexico andCalifornia, on their way lo theconvention, and on the way back,the states of Oregon, Washington,Wyoming and Montana.

Stopping at America's most fa-mous scenic spots, the Lionsyiewed the Finger Lakes, GrandCanycn, the movie colony inHollywood, San Fernando Valley,Sylvan Griffith Park, .YosfmiteNational Park, Multnomah Palls,the Bonnerville Dam, Ranier Na-tional Park, Grand Coulee Dam,and Bcartooth Lake.

Welcomed in 'FriscoSan Francisco really threw out

:he welcome mat to the Lions, fiiv-ine parades and festivals in theirhonor, The San Francisco DailyExaminer described the festivitiesin the following manner:

"The Lions break loose on Mar-ket Street today.

'Monarchs of all they survey,they'll swoosh up that thoroush-


that Americans snou1

emnly reflect that only we of theAmericas stand as a solid bulwarkbetween that (Soviet) blight anddecent human life."

Attend DiscussionsIn addition to addresses by

other prominent figures, includingCarl Spaatz, commanding general,Army Air Forces, who discussed"Cooperation for Control of theAir," the Lions attended a panelof discussions dealing with suchtimely topics as the United Na-toions, postwar economics, youth,home-town betterment, education,and community health and wel-fare.

At all the cities and towns inwhich they stopped the Lions were

I greeted by a group of fellow-mem-1 bers who showed them what sightstheir Community had to offer.

It is interesting to note that thedelegation from Fords wa» ttwlargest sent by ariy Single chapterin New Jersey.

v lilt SOPHIA BR11NSONItiiiKWorm nf the Feet

hii.vonn of the feet. Is a verytiiium and annoying com-

espwially in the summerso many people frequent

Immim; pools and bathing re-II is also a serious problem

>• children sleep in dormitories• uroupcd together in orphan-•ir other institutions. Num-'f them walk barefooted over

lloors and use the same bath-


John Zwolinski, 11 CommercialAvenue, have anonunced the mar-riage of their daughter, Dorothyto Paul J. Suba. son of Mr. andMrs. Stephen Suba, 501 Sayre Ave-nue. The ceremony took place inOur Lady of Peace R. C. Church,Fords.

Last Event In AmateurBoxing Series to BeOffered This EveningFORDS—"The Our Lady of

PCRCC Church will hold the last ofits series of amateur boxing eventstonight on the church grounds.

With fourteen bout1! promised,the fans can expect a long and•exciting evening.

Boys from all over the state arexpected to participate'in tonight'sbouts, with a large crowd presentto cheer them on.

Joe Markle, the Spotswoodmauler,'has been asked to returnand Is matched with Joe Sylvester,a highly-touted amfttsw.

Hairy Morfty and Willie Lau-rent!, the boys who gave thec rowdsuch a big thrill at the first flte-nite, and who were kept fromflfihting the last time by an infec-tion In Willie's ear, will return to-nieht to give the fans anotherslam-bang, do-or-die match.

Watch this page next week foraction photos and the completestory of the event.

Hopelawn is Scene of Township Soap Box Derby;Out-Of-Iown Boy Takes Home First Place Honors

'morning, to open the Lions Inter-national Convention.

" 'Caned in special trains, planesand automobiles on their trekhere, they'll take over with a roar—representing 335,000 Lions in6,300 clubs in eighteen countries.

"As they continued flocking inhere yesterday, witli their families—er, lionesses and cubs—snowed-under registration officials hastilyrevised the estimated attendancefigures.

"Where 15,000 delegates were


Hansen of Fords, and Mr. and

PrC'Sailing Party JirivenDenmark-Bound Family

! FORDS—A pre-salllng party was1 held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.i John Frlis, Holllster Street, In hon-or of their son and dauRhter-ln-Mrs.George Neilson of Westflcld , M| ^ H N1 , a n d

left Sunday for a lour 0. the New 'England States.

,._7"~Z^ i.SON BORN |

KEASBEY—Mr, and Mrs. GeorgeButth of 312 Smith Street are theparents of a son born at thePerth Amboy General Hospital.


and daughter Olsa, Lillian Street,have returned home after spend-inj> two weeks visiting in New-bui-Kh, N. Y.

SLICK CHICKS TO MEEToriginally expected, that figure has I FORDS—The Slick Chicks willbeen upped to 'from 16,000 to 18,- i meet tonight at the home of000.' Miss Bernicc Magyar on Lincoln

"Today's parade starts at 10:30 (Street.A. M, from the Embarcadero. up

sonBorgc, of Padborg, Denmark, Mr.and Mrs. Nielson, who visited theFrflu family fnr H mnnthj sailedfor Denmark.

Those present were Mr. and MrsOtto Skovboe, Mr. and Mrs. Vlad-mir Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. HansAndersen and children, Greta andPreben, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jor-gensen of Perth Amboy; Mr. andMrs. E. C. Leesen of Colonla; Mrand Mrs. Ovc Nau of South Am-boy: Mr. and Mrs. Stehen Ellisand Mr. and Mrs. Joel Leeson ofWoodbridpe; Mr. and Mrs. Rich-ard Mathlasen. Miss Nina Mathla-sen, Mr. and Mrs. Anton A,ndersenand Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christof-fersen, all of this place.

disease, which is alsol«n as Htliletes' foot, is serious

ulccted. It is caused from ar small parasite, of which there

I several varieties, each of whichan especial affinity for cer-iwrls of the body. For ax-

pic barber's itch attacks the(ry part of men's faces. It isveye.d by unclean razors thatMint been .sterilized after shav-an infected customer, or by theof contaminated cloths or im-nents.

ere is another germ that at-Ks the hairy portions of the

such as the scalp and underarms. However, ringworm is

| confined to the hairy portionslie body, it is often found on

I palms of the hands and theof the feet. It will even ap-

• on the toe nails as well as theer nails.hi1 .symptoms arc redness, itch-

thickening of the skin, andliiiK. When it attacks the scalp,I hairs break and fall out. Pus

ooze out of the openingsIind the hair folicles which

and forms very! unsightly., The scalp may become in-

ed with this disease through|g infected combs and brushes,

and other articles of dressetimcs .convey the Infection,pie who arc careful to wear

Iheir own slippers at swim-Is, and who do not walk

[it barefooted, are not apt torait athletes' foot. The germ

to linger about sWlmmitiGjh and to thrive on damp boards

Unprotected feet acquirenfrction very readily, and un-pi'omptty and eilectively treat-ass it on to 'others,you tee a reddish spot orfoot, which appears pale ii

center, but red and scaly onledges, you had better pain'ith iodine, let it wrW, then

it with collodion which iible. It will prqbabfy heaIlly. Iodine is. an old butverfctivc remedy for curing ring

The treatment is the samifdiflerent parts of the bodyever, infected hairy region,Ud be .shaved before applyiniemedy.

Other cure for ringworm 1it with gasoline whic

a.n equal amount of teIjloridc, a non - Inflammable

« fluid for clothes. Ocare. must be taken t

if gasoline away frommd be careful not to gei

canine fluid into the eyes,and also preventativ

jhjetes' foot is a powder conhydroxquinollne, sodiui:

lute, boric gcid, and alumifilicate. The druggist will ml:'er which rub K between anHeath the,toesV-flee that '

every fold of the skin. Uswashing and drying th

inorouifhly. Faithful useethod none has cleared u.»' foot in many institution

jthf treatment, WM proper

arkef Street to Fulton and a cityall reviewing stand. It will be alorful review of what is in store

ir San Francisco durinK the four-ay conclave.

Gala. Occasion"There will be eye-filling cos-

umes, bands, zany antics andcarnival spirit. Units in the line' march will Rive day and nightipeat performances, in hotel Kib-es and the streets, during theiray here."Splashes of color were already

loticeable in the streets yesterday,here were Texas Lions in Wild

Vest garb, California-Nevada]Lions in Spanish caballero regalia,'lorida Lions in Semmole Indianostumes, and Kentucky Lions inockey outfits.

"There were Lions on the looserom every state In the Union,rom Canada, Hawaii and Latinmerica."The convention, Lions Inter-

ational's thirtieth, will formallypen at Civic Auditorium at 2:30, M. today."While attending the convention,

he Fords Lions heard an addressy R. H. Markham, foreign cor-espondent and Balkan expert for


meet tonight at the clubrooms at7:30 o'clock.

BACK FROM N. V.FORDS—Miss. Lorraine Laurit-

zen has returned home afterspending a month with her sisterarid brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.L. R. Hoyt, of Mt. Pleasant, N. Y.


Hornsby Street, has returned homefrom a vacation in Canada.


man Dickson.. 13 Lee street, helda card party,at th*ir home.

The following guests were piescnt: Mr. and Mrs. Ruben SminkJersey City; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grey, Nixon; Mr, and MrsNorman Sabrec and Mr. and MrsPeter Wiuff. Perth Amboy; MissMary Owens. Tresrose, Pa.; amMiss Norma and June Ann Dickson, Hopelawn.


Wargo, 161 Winchester Road, haveannounced the birth of ft son bornat St. Peter's Hospital, New Bruns-wick.


KEWANEE, 111.—Authough Dr.John Edward Trekell, 89, has prac-ticed medicine for 84 years he hasnever driven an automobile. Thedoctor used a horse- and -buggy formany years, but has alwaysshunned an antomoblle. One rea-

,he • Christian Scien.ce Monitor. ; s o n he gives is that his wife1 diedKir. Markham spoke on the sub- j of injuries suffered In an automo-lect, "Present World Drive of Im-1 bile accident many years ago.


York City, and Muriel Pringle,Washington D. C, spent last week-end with their aunt and uncle,Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Olsen, NewBrunswick Avenue,

SON BORNFORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Albert

Perry, 71 Dunbar Avenue, are theparents of a' son born at the .PerthAmboy General Hospital.

DAUGHTER ARRIVESFORDS—Mr. and Mrs.I l l _ _ . "«« TT

LesterMiller. 66 Hamilton Avenue, Arcthe parents of a daughter, btfrnat the Perth Amboy General Hos-pital.


Koyen Street, is vacationing inthe White Mountains of NewHampshire.

Fords American Legion Installs New Officers

HOPELAWN — At left, topphoto shows Mlehael fitr»ko ofFords »nd Arthur Notchy ofllopelawn starting down thewooden ramp In the secondheat of the day. Htrako wonthis on* ind came on to lakesecond place In the Claw "A''ieml-finals atalnst Richardllitrdish of Sewaren and James/.wry nf Woodbridfe.

The renter photo depictsRichard Hardish, Scwaren en-try, Mnillnc happily over histrophy with his dad and well-wisher* In the background.Richard won the Class "A"final event.

Ijflwer cut shows Larry Tar 'kas on the inside lane nosingout Daniel Kasha. Larry wasrunnrr-up In this year's Car-trrrt Soap Boi Derby, and Danwas sent to Akron In IHt torepresent the Cixlcret Pressand the Economy Garaft. Theresult nf this race was disputed,and ihe heat waft re-run, withFurkas once more the winner.A request for a third race wasdenied. As may be plainly seenIn this picture, the finish linewas slanted to prevent the in-side from having too treat anadvantage from the sharp turnIn the hacKfrouTi8.- ~ ~

Local and CarteretBoys Vie for Prhes <HOPELAWN—The WoodMdft

Township Soap Box Derby wairuBoff hc:e Saturday in /he hot tunbefore a crowd of 1,000.

The races were run in tournfr-ment style with three claawi •A," ball bearing; "B," non-bafl-

benrlng: and "C." out of town «on-testants—participating.

The winner in the final heat be-tween the victors In the threeclasses was Monty Misdom, theboy who made such a fine showingIn the Carteret derby several Week*ago. -

The road had been recently re-surfaced, making these races fasterthan they have been in the part.The enr on the inside lane sMHWdto the spMvators to have a verydefinite advantage due to thescharp turn near the finish like,even though the officials had slant-ed the finish line to compensatefor It. The time trial records boreout \he official's opinion that nocar was at a disadvantage whenit was discovered that every driverthat won had made a better runin the trials than his opponent.

A minor tragedy occurred lie-fore the races began when LouisKasha, who had made a goodshowing in the Carteret derby Mdhad high hopes of winning thisone, swerved beyond the finish lineto avoid hitting a pedestrian andbroke his axle. It. was too late tomake repairs, and he was dis-qualified.

Too LateTwo other contestants, William


FORDS—Pictured above from left to right areWalter H. Lybeok, ex-adjutant; Alex Klsh, exuoramuniJer; J. P. Hnan, »er«ettnt-»i-»mw; B«r-tolo Dl Mattel), ohaplfcin; Benjamin Suuihlne,

finance officer; Vincent Schmidt, second We*der; Tbanuu Anderson, senior vise 0O«-

Md John N*nr, ooquwuutor,


Half of this story will never be.old. For the man who lived it was10m over in China 3 months agojorn fully grown, yuu understand—and he died here in New Yorkinly last night, on the San Moritz

Roof. The half I know began thelight that man was born, when aapanese bomb wa.s dropped on a

Canton street and lurid flamesblotted The Dean out forever. Orso I thought, during the monthsif hospital fhat followed ;for me

and during the long trip backhome./Then just before dinner lastlight .Celia Brandon came tum-

bling into .my apartment like awoman gone'mad and I could tcli-by the shinjfe in her eyes that TheDean was still alive.

'Jim! Oh, Jim," aha Hasped,when she was able at last to makewords, "I've found him—alive!

"But," sjie added, "there's some-hint' not quite right about him

Jim. Oh, he knew me, of courseHe kissed me and| seemed to knowwhat he was talking about when liemade a date for tonight at ,theSan Moritz Roof. But Ihelp feeling," she said, "that) hedidn't really know me. That he waslooking at me—and I know itsounds crazy as the devil—throughthe eyes of another man."

"Maybe he is another man," Isaid. "Maybe The Deans changedsince I last set eyes on liim." Ihad long since told her about thatAbout the Jap air raid and the hotflame that had come between uswhen that bomb burst and aboutthe living* Hell I had been throughduring the weeks when I hadfought for my sight, thinking thaihe might still bv. back behind thatflame, burning.

"But something dreadful hashappened |o him, Jim," she said,"he thinks he's you—don't you seewhat I'm getting at. Jim?1

"Holy sttioke!""That," she went, on, "is. why I

want you to come with me to theSan MoriU. Now, Jim. I thoughtyou might be able to help. Just be-ing there, I mean." • >

Celia WHS strangely quiet as Ihelped her out o£ the cab in frontof the San Moritz a few minuteslater, She said not a word as * eclassed the floor to a table In the-far oprn#r oi th« Roof and he got,

' • • u«. H« was In "

•veiling clothes and looked muchthe same. With a bit more grey inlis hair, perhaps.

"What the Hell's the idea," Isaid, "of using my name?" •

"Your name?" he snapped, "Idon't get it, guy. And besides,who—" •

I thought you two knew eachother," Celia said quickly comingbetween us. "This is Tony Martin,"she told the big man. "Tonywrites stories for the magazines,About flying, darling, ana Tm sureyou can help." 1

'Help?' There was that odd fleckin the big man's eyes. "Well, listen,.juy; I could tell you enough to filli whole book. Things about TheDean, for instance.",

"You mean^" I. gasped,-"Deanriiumas?" :

"That's right!""But I thought—""That he crashed?" His laughter

wa.s not a nlie thing to hear. Notrecognizing me had been bad.enough, I thought. But this busi-ness about thinking himself eome->ne else whom he could talk aboutind worship. Celia,was dead rightSomething Hellish had got intothis man we both knew so well andloved iso much.

Tliat just goes to show howlittle !you know! about flying," hesaid. "Listen, guy I The Dean didn'tcrash. Maybe that's what the pa-per printed. But that little businessup'there in the Quebec bush—iiwas just Inked to make a lot o:people think The Dean was deadJust a stunt, I mean, to get thiworld's best pursuit pilot out of th'picture for a while so they coulduse him in China, 'He was In Canton the last I heard. And do youknow what he was doing?" j

"What?" . I"Making planes. Or rather, as

sembllng them," he replied."But what happened at the

last?" I asked him. "How longit since you saw The Peart?"

He was silent a moment. Thenhe-looked.straight at me and »<no longer had those hostile fleck,ttl his eytjs. "TJutf's u p thing th*puisles me," tie salcf. "All I knowis that we had. six Ptjmttt jobs tofinish up in a hurry, W? wereworking in an old ww»hou» nearth i f t tb

g an ld ww»hou»the river front. ot> tbe westoTIftut TliJtaftM

•rs and check up on some otheriperations around town. He asked

me to give him my identification

f w w d William Mtlnrtisfci,both of Carteret, were disqualifiedwhen they arrived too late to par-ticipate In their scheduled heats,The truck that had been trans-porting them from Carteret brokedown on the way to the track.

In class "A." the first heat waswon by Joseph Outwein of Fordsover Ralph Trataglione of Wood-bridge; the second by MichaelStrako, Fords, over Arthur tfotchyof Hopelawn; in the third heat,Emil Nehila of Hopelawn defeatedJoseph Qoode, Woodbrtdge. Thefourth wa,; won by Richard Hard-ish. tx Hcwuren entry, over Ray El-liott of lselin; while in the fifthheat, Richard Kluszsa, HoT elawn,wa.s defeated by the youngest'boyin the derby—eight-year-old Rich-Hid Strako of Fords. The sixthand last preliminary heat in thisdivision was won by James Zsory,who defeated Ted Kostu.

in the" "B" division, ThomasWeber of Woodbridge defeatedRonald Outwein of fords, whilethe third entry In the division,Donald Drost of Woodbridge, drewa bye. *.

The "C" class races featured theioys who had raced 'in the Car-etet Derby, Larry Farkas, Car-eret, defeated Daniel Kasha, also

of Carteret, ,and William Murraydefeated by Monty Misdom, bothof • Carteret.

Race Ii CloseIn the seml-flnals, class "A," •

Michael Strako, Richard Hardish, |and James Zsory ran a very close

ard to get him through the picketnes outside that warehouse be-iause he'd forgotten his own. Then

hurried out. I stood in the door-way .for about a minute, watchingilm, while a adding Jap planewished by overhead. I could hearhe bomb coming. Down and down

and down. The last thing I sawbefore that bomb struck was TheDean. One minute he waa wavingat me, and the next the flame wasbetween us . . ."

He rose to* his feet, a strangeook in his eyes, and'suddenly hishead crashed dowlh on the table.

"Heavens1" Celfa exclaimed, "He's—dead. Jim, for Qqd'ilake do something! Help himi"

I did. I picked the big man upand carried him out of that place,where the swintt music and the gayhatter of the dancers seemetj odd-

ly at variance With this Htll the bigman and I him known over theresnd which had been brought vivid-

race, with Richard Hardish pok-ing his nose across the finish lineto win by a slight margin.

In class "B," Thomas Weber de-feated Donald Drost, and the class"C" laurels were taken by MqntyMisdom, who beat Larry Parkas.

The three class winners thencompeted for first place, withMonty Misdom the winner.

The last race of the day was aspecial event brought about bythe protest ol Daniel Kasha, whowas defeated by Larry FarkEfc.Farka? won again, and the request

?other race, with Kasha in'iide lane, TOB denied by the

ly to life again while he spoke."Such il case," said trie doctor

who attenldcd him a moment laterin a room on the floor below, "}snot unknown, When a man sus-tains shell shock something snapsin his brain. He is highly suggest-ible. Likely to become someoneelse entirely, just us an insane per-son will think he is Napoleon orGeorge Washington. Oftar he. be-comes the last person he has seenwhile himself. In this case," thedoctor explained, "it was you, Gll-chrlst. Look! He had your identi-fication card in his pocket."

"Yes!" I said. "I remempex hand-ing it to.lrtm that night in-CantonBut is there no cure?"

"Sometimes," declared the doc-tor, "another severe shook willbring the victim hack. Like meet-ing the man, he thought he waswhile. •.. But he's ooming to now,1

he added, "You'd better stand byboth of you."

The Dean stirred drowst)y andhis eyes opened, Then, as if thiwhole thing had* been stftged merely to prove the doctor h»d dlagnosed correctly, the minute thebig man caught sight of me ther

t th b d i d h tg g sight of me there

at the bedside, he «&t up suddenly,"Cfflchit!" h fi ljf lstM CW


Prisses awarded to the winners"were as follows: three trophies..donated by iMayor Greiner, the Ii V o o d b r i d g e INDEPENDENT-IEADER, and Levin's Sportingoods Store; $5,00 donated by the

Voodbridge Lumber do., and10.00 donated by the Woodbridge

Hardware Co. This last prize wusised to transport the winners of-it least one heat to the N. Y.

Giants baseball game on August 25.Do Eicellent Job

Tljie officials, Miss Jean Gir-iud, Henry Schmidt, Joseph "Kur-

sinsky, Walter Manaker, Tuliouccaro, William Breen, Tony

Danlele, Adrian Fedor, FrankRock, Margaret Hunt, MargaretCoffee, Stephen Kager and JoalDuftey are to be congratulated oa|the smooth way in which the raceswere' run.

Members of the WoodbridsalTownship pqlice and St. John's!and tflie- Woodbvldge EmergencySquad Were on hand to keep orderjassist the officials, and Uke careof any injuries that might havqoccurred.

"Around!" I said. "How abou»|you?"

He ran a hand bftck throug!his hair, chudkllng in a way thatpld us he was himself again and :could heat Cftlia sobbing on thother side et th,e bed. "That's it!1

he said. VI knpw I'rti back tn N dYork, Jmt looking out the windoattbber a thing that'stH*t Unburst pi

But I can't

Page 8: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17

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Page 9: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17



\ « i u r o r wMii'n i. TO \OTKHK,. , , n l : i i i . - i > n i l h I ' n i v h i o i i

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T ' . | , I l l l l ' " . \ T n u i l l i l l l l l 4 . . . N e w . l l M ' -

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[ I I . i l . K S K N ' ' I i l ' N T V I I I I A I ! D I I I ' '

II.KCTIONS.I'.v M n K l l I f ! W I T H .

* 'IIM 11-411:1 Tl

y M . T I ' l l : .1. K I K I . I . I O Y , S i v r H n i T

w i i o i i i t i i n i i . i : .

rul II \ IMH I'l I.I. IIITN- tlllll.

h t i n . i . M i l l . I s A l i l i ' l l l i n l l i l , A v p i l i - I

| 1 I . | . . I I ' I I . i ' l i : I V l i ' S . f i l l I M M W I I I ' ! 1 S l l ' i ' f l

r i r i H ' i i r M , I T S i ' n i , w s M i l l

. i : , l u ; i n l I , I7H ' ' r o w s M i l l

\ l I h i l f .1 . , 1 C l l t i l n n I ' l f l l ' l ' ,

IS t t ' l ' l i t ' i ' , S ! S l t ' i t l l c n A v t ' i i i

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I,,!,,. KnmW A , ; Kim Mlrpi't,lnS''pt) .'.. I If Hlllft'Mt

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nhnl M,, WiialilnKti.ilMlllil

lii, \V:i!<liliiKlf)ii Avn-

iln I ' , l l c i i rgo S t r e e t ,

is Irvlntv Kti-Hct, l'firi

Inliii. fi'i N P W s t r p f t

,il( Mvrilc M., ('. (Vilnr Street ,V.-ncl

M a r t i n .1..Alejf i inler ,

dak Tree ItnnilWlllnw Street,

M : I I - V , -l ' i I ' l ' - i i w

lli'IIy . M i . l i i u - I , . I r , ,




Vhlin. i i in ,|

C Paul Street, Konix:l'.' HollKlug Stl-CI'l

iMi Sit'ir i y i l t '

' • m a i l . ,V v . -n , . I

I''', l lcs t


i : * ; , . , :;:: n.-n v n m

•uAKft'WnkiU-Uar ' M ^ V l

r|(':: Mn\\\ s t reni i | iut i i i A V f lHi « , 1.1 n n i i r i l ,

flKMir. M i i r v , I I I l . ' c n l A v e n h . .i i H t i m - l f l i . l . : m \ . M v s l Ic A v > ' i u i i ':im\, M i i r K u r r i , : . . U m M i i i m A v e n u e» * M . A i „ v ; , ; i i i i r i i u i i i A v m i i i o

A l n i i r n , T l i H i s n . •»11H A 1 , | , . M U u n d

• T l n i n i : i a .J., \[\\ A | , i , . | i K n . n lM " l i r , I ' l i i r n , I M I I i ' r i ' i ' A V M I I U . N 4 . h uM n r l . i n , . I n c i ' i i h , 2-,S r , , l u m l , i V

M u n h : i i H I ' V , A i i n n , B | S m l t l i K t i f p tV, AimnMllillllU.., Tlw.niii Ian. ,,|n Avemio

Wiiinllnnil Ave-n s r y . S t i ' i i l i e i , ,

n u e , K i n - d a

e i n e t l i , t . a i l l K l i u i , ffln S l i p | - r y N l r e i i

N i i v u k , S l i ^ a n , i n | | i , y A y e l l i l e

K n l l i i - y n M , ]l>:i l

. . I n l i i i , . I r . , : l i . ' l i e y , S | r , . ( . i

I'ilKllir, I'l'tl'l1, INiUi' l l AvellllBI'antln, AM,.-, i'er«liinK- AvenueI elnllelnn, r|,;illi-H |, , | lug,!,,)!- \Ve-

l l l l l ' . h'lit 11 MI'l'liTM'Hi, t'iiiliei-lne. 71 Isnyen .SIriM-lI'ell-I... Mil l ie, I I I ' , . | , . |HI, , | Stn-elI'ntls, .liimes, T r i l l hy I'l.ii' Mil l ie, T l l n i t y I ' l m ' ,

I ' m - k a l i , S i i i i i n , . | . ::s'.( t.~i• • i~i• I - I

l : i


l . u i l n k ,I I I . W I T M.. I \2 l ; 1 , s t r . - i -

. I n x e p l i , 1ST | . ' | , I | | , | I I i ; , - , ,v .HI

lioinnii, sieve, Kim; (;,.(,rRl.

Ann.. .1 . I I ; m | : , I K Avi, IH11In


• l . - n , K i l i e l I . , Klmwnml Ave-

11. I I IIIIK, S u m m i t A v i T i n nn, l i ln , S u m m i t A v t - m i t i

f l i i , K l i / .Ml i c lh , III W u n l c n S t r p Hf l . r . I ' r . m k I1., II W u n l c n Htrr-i-t

IIIH. 1, W i i l d T .1 , 11 l i n k S t r c i ' ln-i

A v e n u ef a i l l e , A | l . l l i : i , . I S i k i i l i w

• M i t c l i , . I n l i i i I-;., Hi N , . W

A v i i n n .

Tl ia le r , Tt-Hsle, lleniMi-n Avi-niieI " H i . - l u l l i i H . , .11! i l n r i l e n A v e n u e

I n i i l a H i i , M u r y . M m A v e n n , ,T n i i i i i s . i i i , S t a n l e y , I-"I;• I A v e n i u .I Di l i , I . I I I I I H . I r.n S l r a w l i e r r y 11111

T y l e r , l l e i l i e i l . ill'.l I ' r i i s p e i 1 S t r e e t

V'aiR", .lu.ii-pli, IIII; smith HI reel

WiiliUur. .Kllzahelh, iilu ««(„ KliwtWrhtuT, I'nn.lllle.Tlll.ler kua.l

V.n'knll.-k, .Inliti, |;ii |;:,|K,.|eV.Weniii'

Zan/iiliii-l, JW A., r,r, MuxwHI Averme/.(•ln-i'i-, liniiiiM, i) Crete Streety.ilnlili-iman Helen, !i,. |.-nlton Street

I.-I.. K/JN/-1T

POLIOWhile a total of 1,955 cases of

infantile paralysis has been re-ported up to August 2 of thisyear, compared with 5,450 fpr thesame period last year, officials ofthe U. S. Public Health Serviceurge the public to observe the usualprecautions during Die rest of the"polio season" which runs fromJune through September.

v •-1 • > • I 1

. J I . H . - I I I I . L'U!) M : i i n S t r e e t ,

t . M : i I I I 1 L 1 , 1MI M c i i ' M M l i v S l r i ' i ' t, < i>Tl null1 , liltfi Linili 'ii

l y .

cr, IMilhi hf... Avi'iii'lI T , M r s . P . , i l l *

... . W i ' l i i ' lK l t m - r 11,, s 1,11-inK-tnii

CHI IMilKc'Inlr Avi>

f d a Ii> A v c

i ' i I ' . , r . ' i l 1 ' i i e s t n u t SI r e e l ,l : l ' l > # 1l i a i n , V V I ' I I K I ' W I M I I I A v i ' l l l l f

I r i - l l e . T.'i I M K U S t l l - e l

MIII.V I., a n MiLiviicy s n - i c t

:i:n Amliny Avcniu-I

t'. AlllMI M., C i i i r i - j ; l A\- | 'MII | .

, M i k e , S l l - i ' i ' l

tlllK-1, l . i r i r l , i l l l l l i l - i l Avi>lllll>lit i l l . l ' ' r l n l : i I!., .',;.T H : i r i ' n | i

fc V . . | i l l e

( z i i i , V i n l . ' i , I I L i l l i a n T e r r a , iU i n - n i f , Mill K i n i f i l tnriL, ' !, 1 ' i i n l s



Phone Woodbridge 8-1232



WOOOBRIDGE, N. J..I)Anynhrrr


Vacation in FallCan Be Memorable,Stule Offers Pleasures!

In . Mum -•- Directions iDuring SetpemUer |

TRENTON-A varied scheduleof special events to augment the!SeptrflflVP^ vacation season atJersey's mountain, lake andshove resorts was outlined ttodayby the New Jersey Council. De-partment of Economic Develop-ment. (

Quoting from Its "New Jersey I1947 Date Book," the Councilpointed out that September lmurks the opening of the annttajweek-loiiR Miss America BeautyContest in Atlantic City. The samedate heralds the openiiiK ofttheNew Jersey autumn oyster sen-son with salty fresh oysters beini!harvested from beds in New Jer-sey waters.

September 1, too, is the openingclay for the autumn fishing sea-son in New Jersey for brook, brownand rainbow trout. The seasoncontinues through September 30.

Hunting season for rail, clsipper.•marsh and mud hen and gallinulesopens September 1 and continuesthrough November 30.

Big Boat EventsThe Labor Day week-end will

find sailing and boating enthusi-asts treatedfto tfhampinship eventsin New Jersey waters. The Mon-mouth Boat Club at Red Bankwill hold its closing all class sail-ing refjatta on Labor Day on theShrewsbury River.

The same day the Ocean CityYacht Club will sponsor the an-nual national championship speedboat races for inboard and out-

Y M'Gl'PTT 2R, 10(7

Romeo Lores Juliet On tir


Larry Clinton, left, fumed composer, is intcrvicwd n>» the radioby Jinx Fiilkcnliurii ;iml Tr\ Mrl'i-ury iiliimt Clinton's lutest hitcomposition "ROMEO M)\T:s JUUKT." An original nui&Irnl lovestory with elRht son* hits "HOMKO LOVKS .IliI.IKT1' is iippr;u-1ns; first as a Rainbow Record Album, to be followed by Rrnudwayand Hollywood porlltictions.

Handsome Egerts, SafefromRaid,Now Thrill New Jersey Autoists

TVf.iny travelers on New Jersey | Harbor. Parties of Len to fifty oroads hnve noticed recently Hit- more birds flap silently in from thhandsome- white herons or enretswhere the road passes a marshor lake. These birds that were al-most exterminated 35 years UKOfor tj>e sake of the filmy whiteplumes or aiurettes which the bird.-.

'47 BABY CROPof babies for

board boatsNNThe pointed out that j wore as their uptiau dress,

while Labor Day ordinarily marksthe end of the traditional vacationseason in New Jersey, the firstMonday in September ushers inthe season of the year at whichvacationing is most enjoyable.

The full golden days of Septem-ber find New Jersey's mountain,lake and seashore^ resorts at theh>loveliest. Ocean bathing is delight-

1947. even eclipsing lastyeaTsTIIgh™of 3,440.000, is beinR predicted.The prediction is supported by thefact that there were about 1,572,-000 births up to he end of increase of 456,000 over the fig-ures for the corresponding periodof 1046.

FOND OF GERMANYThe United States shipped food-

stuffs valued at more than $61,-500.000 into the combined Anglo-American occupation zones duringJuly. These imports paid for byAmerican and British taxpayers,were eiuht per cent under the rec»ord monthly imports established inJune, but 50 per cent greater thanthe monthly averase for the firsthalf of this year.


old Jimmy Blake's cocker spanielwas killed by a train, he wroteto the president of the railroad—J. W. Davin of the New York,Chicago and St. Louis Railroadin Cleveland. Back came a per-sonal check' for a pedigreed cockerand a note from the President.

Sepia, a dark brown pigmentused by artists, is obtained fromthe "ink-sacs" of cuttlefish, ac-cording to the EncyclopaediaBritannics.

•fnl with pinVhrnwtsoft. beacTi and uniformly comfort-able ocean temperatures prevail-ing.

Lake resorts afford .splendidbathing and ideal fishing in themonth of September. Boating,

of plume hunters raided the nest-ing colonies in the south and thou-sands of birds were killed and theplumes, torn from their bodies to hrmade into ornaments for- ladies'hats.

Those days have passed, thanksto the Audubon Societies, and anenlightened public, and the caretsnest in peace. Every summer afteriilfiegrets' north from thegreat heronries andw these are thebirds we see in New Jersey, thoughsome of them may have beenreared in the state.

Where the road passes throughcanoeing and outdoor sports are | the great salt marshes along theenjoyed at their fullest against abackground of colorful scenery.

New Jersey's highways and by-ways offer an attractive picture tothe vacationist who would travelin September. Spectacular foliage,Rlorious sunsets and the pastoralbeauties of the autumn country-side make every tr)p one to be re-membered.

The Council announced that freecopies of the "New Jersey 1947Date Book" and full informationon New Jersey vacations can beobtained by writing to the NewJersey Council, 250 East StateStreet, Trenton 7, N, J.

In colonial Virginia, each manwas required to carry a weapon tochurch for protection against theIndians, according to the Encyoo-ftadia Britannica.

coast at Stone Harbor a wonder-ful sight, awaits the traveler. Anhour before and after sunset athousand birds throng to thenroost by the Coast Guard Stationinside the borough limits of Stone

marsh where they have spent thday. feeding and arrive over throust. After sideslipping down theettle in the low trees for th

night.Efforts are being made to liav

the roost declared a bird sanctumy. The borough councillors realize, the scenic value of the birdand the opportunity to preserveunique wildlife area. At a recenmeeing of the Council variouiprominent scientists and bird lovers urged the creation of the sanetuary. Miss Sarah Thomas, pres:dent of the Witmer Stone Club,leading the movement, others whi

Pat theHorace E. Wood of the AmericaMuseum of Natural History, DiThurlow C. Nelson of Rutgers Unversity and New JeTsey State Department of Conservation, amHoward Cleaves, nationally know;wildlife photographer and lecturei

The New Jersey Audubon Society, which has led the fight fowildlife conservation in the stafor 37 years, WHS represented bHon. Frederic R. Colie, presidesof the Society.

ANNOUNCEMENTUnder New Management

CHRIS' BEAUTY SAIJ'Formerly Vincent'si

Specialties.Permanent Waving, Cutting,

Hair Dyeing and

Prop. Chris WestergaarilTelephone Woodbridfje 8-2394

197 Main Rti'eul Woodbridge,' N. J.


A Lutheran Sunday School will be conducted at

the Craftsmen's Club, Green Street, Woodbridge each

Sunday at 9:00 A. M. beginning September 7th, For

information call Perth Amboy 4-4039.

Keep AppetitesHumming WithOur Select



ennies Food Market1006 RAH WAY AVENUE — AT AVENEL STREET



The school bell rings and once again calls childrenback to the first day of school. Send them back to theirreadin', writin', and 'rithmetic fully equipped. Bringthe youngster down to us—we've got a completeselection of everything they'll need.


! Schaeffer, Waterman, Wear Ever $1.00 up

ifancy STATIONEtlY by Ea|oi|, White,Wykoff, etc. •....). .39 up

Donald Duck Brownie Camera ..*... 2.98 up

Thermos Deluxe M<ital KITS with" bottle, complete 1.98 up

Pipes of famous quality-Medico, KayI wodie, Milan©, etc. '. 1.00 up

Jewelite BRUSHES, COMBS a n dsets 50c up to 9.9,5

Shiek Injector .Razor with 20 bladt* .... 1.25 upTOILETRIES by Lentheric, Coty, Yardley, Old Spice, Seaforth, Evening.

in-Paris, Helena Rubenstein, Houbigant, Chantilly and T l i d

PUBL1X soda fountain: For a quick snack at noon that combines healthy foodwith real appetite appeal—try our special sandwiches. We feature malteds andmilk shakes, too. ,


95 Main Street Wdbg. 8-0809 Waodbridge,N.J.

would tie the hands dffLegislature in revising the :tax law?, which put a greaden on home owners thftn 1of. any other state.

The delegates' will b*for a night sessionclear the calendar andadjourn sine die. Pl*»ladjournment in- flept*mb«,J

Mrs. Mattie E. Driscoll, i"donfleld. mother of Oovenw^ttjj*colt, attended Thuredfly* cattktor ,tlon session.

Taxation, Finance Clauses StillFace Constitutional Convention

NF)W BRUNSWICK Following , rlnuse in any state tempo of thr previous week, The rlnus«\ bannlnw seKrenationlenntes io the New Jersey Con- |,in public schools and the militia,itutional Convention approved WHS sponsored by Oliver Randolph".if judiciary und bill of righU I Essex County, tlw only Nmro dele-riiposnls, ' gate to the convention, and ColWith the executive and legisla-j W a l t o n -

ive nititles npproved during the ; TAXATION^After'considerablen-ior week of the convention, this! discussion on the drafting of theNWS the taxation and finance proposed compromise taxation andKiposrtl (lie remaining items of finance (jlnuse. tlte delegates de-nfli\ished business. > I cided to recess and lay it over un-The convention recessed late; '" *1">R<'Ry-

'Imrsday to reconvene on Tues- ; _ t«*t of Proposal,iy when the taxation i-lnuse will j T h e H u d s o n county delegates ! to keep place with "rapid"e the principal Item of business. [ le|ea5ed t n e t r proposed terms on menLs In this field. The c M M n.U'DK'IARY By unnnimous! the tax «cl«use. as submitted to include introduction of WUer-

iitc. the con^ntion sent the ap- Qovernor Driscoll. ; alcohol fuel injection for gfMter)iovi-d plan for a new. court Ktruc- Their proposal is1 : speed: provision for Jet-a*»lst«dure l*> the committee on arrange-, 'Property shall be assessed for ^ l'*lte"o(T: m n f l i n c a M o n °^ "fln '!lu'nt mid fnvni 'j'hr iiidicinrv nt*o~ A ' 1 tips: attachment of rocket laiiiich-lii iii iiuu mi m. i iu j u u u i m y p i o t f t x ( , s ijtiftrr eptwrnl l«wt unri hv- . ,„ . ,ri__i

evs, nnd provision for cockpit cool-ing and canopy defrosting.

The Army Air Forces h*i tnnunccd Hint 508 )et-pro|l0fdfighter planes will be modotpM

osal provides for a flexible unri [ unlforIn- r u l e S | ftC(;ordinK t 0 truemtem-Htd court sytem nd bolcourt system, and nbol- • vaUu , E v e r y c l a s s 0 , r e a , p r o p e r t y.shes I he Court of Chancery us R w h | c h i s n m v b y ,ftw a s s e s s e f l a n dseparate tribunal u ? M l ,0(,al ly o r by t h e s t a U l ( o r

It also provides for rtrployiiiR Rnmotnif.nt ao«l payment to localhe judges from one court to. an-: U x i l ) g d i s t l .k . t s ,„ w n j c h , u c h

when the case load requlves p r o p e n y is s i U m l e ( , s h a l l ^ U x t d1 he proposal also n-tnlns civil j n t thf> ,0(;a, r n | f of U wlsdu-t.on In the county courts

j n t th f ,0(;a, r n | f of U w ^.Hi.lsdu-t.on In the county courts, dmwx w h e r e l n s u c h property is |and makes them constitutional | S l l u a t K | a n d t n e , ,n t i ro , ( l x re. (iml s ' • .. ? , . , ' fPipts derive<l from such property !

The judirml article was only , l l l m t o d , h p r e i n s h n l , b e c o l I e c t K ,altered slightly by amendments by,ibuted lo each taxinsintroduced by delestates who m e ; clistikt " \not members of the Judiciary com- „ .,,

ittee ' i Rpl l l lh! l ( :M PPPpsiUon to the;•mi ««. o.r.,.^ r, , 'Pi'oposfti is ijfts«l mfttnly on theBIIX Ol RIOHTS-Knactlng a t P M n •„,,„ VnlU(,;. T h ( .o n t f n ( i

compromise- proposal introduced - ,by Col. George H, Walton, Cam-den county deleRate, the conven-tion removed a historic strait-,jacket that prevented the consti-tution from beiiiB nmentlecl. :

Amendment PossibleUnder terms of this proposal, an !

amendment to the constitution ican be submitted to the people for ija referendum after approval by a!three-fifths vote by both houses \of the Legislature, or by a major- jIty vote of the two houses in twosuccessive legislative years. i

The deleRates also vole lo ap-prove the only anti-discrimination



Phone Woodbrldice 8-1636


98 MAIN STREETWOODBRIDGE, N. J.We Deliver and Telegraph


When you want a satnry job. let expertsit! Your radio was alt •*-pcnslvr commodity new:full value from it by keit in Rood workingtbroiiKh nurservice.

Telephone Wood. 8-lSfl

Woodbridge RadioSates and Servic*—Joseph P. Kocslkr—


Shop At Choper's!f

Are Your Young Ones

Ready For The Bell!We are now ready with the right clothes, shoes, accessories

and school .supplies your youngsters should have before thenow school term gets under way. Come yourself or bring thekiddies with you. Fill their needs from the biggest, best andmost carefully chosen selection. Dorj't delay!



















Open ALL DAY next Wednesday




Page 10: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17


Colonia NewsCard Jrs. TrounceFords Outfit. 12-2

Half a Hal



,2 Mr.'

•id ff.*sec ;* v

— V

G : - - :

IV.^ C

- — M •

Inma;. A


Mir Pif

Rav Pr..;;p't parfr.w ?' s so.r,»: Eiis&'ih Qtztrt.i* tr.t- ten*: V."

dau*J:'.« of M: sni

;«»T. par;:-1 a;35 'A ::a co-


H:RonM ,


• " r.v'. vaf r.-asi at a

S>» art. S-jr:2»y—D»r.:*i Uen Bieyk*: t.:i.c.e}

G>iv..r. "S a:\-i Hi:! Road «r.iD i r t . Den Bieyltt: J: R/>«*;>Part i ' / fndr t a OBU ba".t Si'..,:-,Co" .r. N*-» Y::*

— La»-•".'.» S J . ' W*r. Sire**...:.: F - K S J : W : Arr.he-st Avenue»r.;..>»•; » f:•:.'~._r.f :r:p Sur.iiay of!

--Br-y .==,:•.•--. T r w 42 accDm-

ytX.-r- J> $;;v:mi^W: Stanley

•^rui-v: ir.i Charles Hal;, en-

ove-i :-, s-*-;a;ir.r.« party a: Char-

Mr anc Mr* P'.eyer

•;.- ?etr.-»r;G i i : ar.d Mrs FrankI>.oe:t Bronx N Y.

—M:- O-phar.t

/,*;r.£ members o: the Coffee Clubvr. W»-cir.f-«l»y ever..r.i\ Mrs Ma-:.e Sutler Mr.' Cr.r.-tina Ta»ear.M:s Edna SkibiHiKy. M:< Err,aWe"; and Mis Maiaarf, Scott.

(College Inn, VetsBattle to 2-2 Tie

Sewaren Personals


_ M : and Mrs Doling Brur.- Tr;r- pJ C ,~:id son Brucf DouBla*. Rar- rrlF.r$ I ) Township, are r.o"*1 residingi 560 We?? Avenue.

-•Mrs Sirncn Larson Mrs. John

|; and Kay Kuraia A.I! held last Thurvir. n.I hofjie of Miss Vcne: a

. — J plans were madf •,.

Mpn s Club will Wrty in New York '<>•:•v.-ere Rita

Wp(ln'-«day nisht at 7 Ann Surick anda: tiic club house of theistumpf.

Republican Ci»b. ta«.-The Srvaren History Clubi iioki a card' party Friday

September 12. at the clubof the Sewaren Republican


jf.D.S ?/.,OKIE.=AB P.

i-p ,3

R W:Tiih.

: -3o3b-r

J. DetTlerScr.m.a: :


xc;?i 0 0 0 0 0 : 1 -


SUndinits av of Autust 21Senior Baseball

unr (rii«J likf ^ smallhat< tha <.l*l»l hat^ etaohrdo Koilar. Ifhau !hal .illnn thp hair plentv .FTeitag. 3bni (rerdotn. Tht- half-hal is s-itn-pit mouth tar the youtic pirl tonukr Two piecr* of fflt are>oinfd with to*s of '.titchin*and tntnined with a border ofbuttnnv. A direction leaflet fornukint thiv HALF-MAT may beobtainH bv ending a stamped.«-l(-»ddre<.sed envelop to the

Department of this

n k i n ; for leaflet No. E.

P:ayxs lor the ?ec-• .-,-.%.f :.'u,f ;r. tne senior 5-oft-

; -.. >ac-;r- the Iw-n VFW and• Co! t-Er Ir.r. bat'.^pd to a 2-2

-.-• .r. s L-ame-»t.;ch »as talked by :M? . : d{>r a n ( i M l s s C ; a r a Nelson.

,.:V.: ,F^ The ior.tes! viil be re- . o l v n . A f r e : . ; e :unrf>0H gues1 ' o!; v-f- h: a cat* ye; to be deter-; ^ ^ Lilian Morns at Pier si;mme:rr..;.f-;: 'cottage in Ne*' Dorp. S. I last

I'.'.t C'O'lene Inn renibi8t_Kx)fe,<:.' >ad ;n ;he second "whV- - ^ M Cnthennc Clark

-i :.:\:ry.c hit £ circuit smash. The ! m o f e M d _ w a 5 ; h e g l l e i l ;a

•,•-;< -:»r: up i!w came :n the lop o f M r a n d M r s . Bernard Suliivan. , d C o . c h n i r l T 1 , . n a n , M r s . T h e o -•r :•« -ixm *"en Dudu doub.ed B y o g d s t r t e t . dor/Frel-ai-. Mrs Flmd T Howell,

—Mrs. Waiter Wyckoff lias returned to h«r ),ome on Wood- ton Maeyar.

but" the' V e t l ^ b n d g c ,A v e r 'u e , ( f r o m a l n p t 0 D e " —The Sewaren Girls' Ciub will

pcs:l. N. Y. v,,;^ : I S jjiirt) Sq-j.-ij-ff Dance of the

—Mr. and MTC. W. A Vincent sear-on September 13 at the cluband daughters, Valarie1 and Dale, home of th? S<-»'arfn Republicanhave returned to their home on Club. Inc. \Va't(r Cook and hisCliff Road from a stay in Fair orchr-st-ra u'ill play, and hostesses

reports ware--

••.cvar.ted or. an mf.fld out andr- fired or, a >onz fiv. The CollegeInn r»ys went ahead in itie bot•.-•ir. c' the sixthflint bacr. to knot r .ai : up in iheir

r.ii; of the seventh!The box score


ip In;rrnat!on&l Relations De-partment for .sending packages Of*cl'Uhine to ne?dy families ip Hol-Isnd. Co-chnirmidoif Fi'ei'ae, MrMrs. A. W. Scheldt and Mrs. An-

Bahr, &sDud««. DM&strangelo. IfEllis, lbPoygena 2b

Jacobs, c

f: •


<T. Cannon, C*:'<i M;-

i.r : B.rmt::


.'.- '"a

Lei/ion 8T :Hopelawn Rtd Sox 3 !Ktasbey Eai,»)es Reserve-; 3 :Cathoix War Vets 2

SEWAREN—Mrs. Martin Krogh.'Fords A A' Reserves 0Centra! Avenue, entertained in Junior Baseball National league

Joan Krogh HonoredOn Seventh Birthday


1 !

. ,.'r and honor of ner daughter. Joap, who,-.i:a son. marked her seventh birthday. First-

ttvvIr. J ':.:.'.'- !•> e.voura. 'e ie -

1 -~..--.:?.• r.-.r of :>:me! sailors, theN-.-y :..-.- iir.riounces that ' 1 - men

: ••-er,;-.rt may choose their••'::.;>• ,-r/j ;'.:it;o:ts v.ithin broad...Ti.'^ »nci. • 2 rr.ay get baSc their; , ' : ; . if:;4-: :a::r.s.- '*:th only a

I'-djCion ;r. t r ade . The.- fd'-'rd n t r . the expiration:<•:-•. number of twi-year en-

I .. ' *••.:*.i::n tht- nex ; .sixir.y,;:;:.•• About onp-hai* of its en*.I'.fd j ' . : t n? th v;l! come up foi:e-en;:r,ment


- M 'Gay*'mo'.:.' :Side t:

O'Hii. .U)t i.-:


.r.-iifi B.-ariy'• : -.-;nf-!i r.friC: . :a : . Hi!i-

: ruv K»'/,


Iana Mi



and children, Wayne. Roger andGloria. Avenel; Mrs. A. C. Krogh.Perth Amboy; Theodore Stolo-wicz. Jr., Carteret: Mrs. EdwardAnderson and children. Louise,Harold and Julia. Casper Boehm,Janet Panko, Joseph Boros. RoseMarie EarU. Barbara Jova. AnnMane Nagy, Patricia Kasmir, Eli-nor Rossi. Pat and Peg Radley.Alberta and Claire Krogh,

Ford.s Roo/.ie., 5Gaels 5Woodbridse Card:, 5

'Iselin Emanons 4Hopelawn Indians . 3Hopelawn Bears Juniors 2Hope-lawn Braves 2

-Bulldogs (J

the fire de-partmer.t to iepo:t a fire. Amd'.te: -o!-.'iict voice at the otherrnci of ti.f lint- asked for details.T:-.t- .vomar, Miv David Johnson

3 | i-f-piieci. • Y'.ui' firehouse is burn-4 j !:.- up " Firemen found the rear•* ' of the building covf-red in a cloud'i of -.moke. T::i- blaze, oused by a7 f l f - . ' : - r : ! - . - ' - (• (• ' ' . , ! • i i ' . ( k ;',&•-. . S O O I l

'Completed all first-half tamt!

Haven. v.ii; be thf Mis'-e,:, Ar'.pne Ven'erus




SAT.. SEPT. I T I-,,: :B u w Leave .lulu.

Pearl Street \Vw,,)i-Tickets on Sale at \|.Repair Shop. MMII,Next to Post Offict.

The Guest-of-HonorBrew28


Hoade. ssMcLaughlin. IfDeJoy, cSehecker. lbLoda. 2bFittpstrick. rfHursler. If . . .Jardot, 3bGulick, p

Score by innings:Iselin VFW 0 0 0 0 0 1 1—2College Inn 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 - 3


of yare' destroying

Chinas coal experts put wintershortage at 6.000.000 tons.

- M i .dle-cxiatiic:-. I-ter. Mi-.

V i i

lOl J i |x- I i i 'I <

- M i . - i / : : . A". r-fit.i-

M r . HIII

fi-um a DOGS MKE DOGCATCHKR \-M" _ SANTA CLARA. Calil—During j

;vi , Mid- ihe absence of Poundmastei- Jimto hi.s .Johnson, all lhe dogs escaped.'

/: f];iu::rl- However. Jim wasn't surprised !|--.v K/on, to find every one of them waitinn •Mi. Tay- at the Kate for him to let them i•i>iti:. back in.




tei am:Gtonv •:A VMM iNew Y":

-MiArclijiir-of ii (I,.

• • . ! ;

AM in;

S'iUt;: ."Ald-ii'-'l BundayO.'dcii and

I' Mr. Sut-M.iiH: and

ill '-Mint ill

-it wick at


fxIiTali- I'l-iccs- -All Work( , i i . ( i , i n : i i - i l

l i i i M i s t i i : i l I ' i : •


a m i i n A m ATIN<;1'bniK1 Wi;mll(!-i'li;' f i ' 0 ' lB- i

:w i!!.'.isi.\ AVI;M:I;AVi-.Nl'.l.. N, J .

We Will Stretch lour Curtains

35c to 50c a Pair

Also, Table Cloths, Scarfs and


Tree Pick-up and Delivery

The Best Curtain Service

"We Do the Best"

29 Livingston Avenue

Avenel , N. J.

rfcune Woodbride? 8-1S1--W








THOS.F. BURKE•Funeral Directors



Joseph V. Co&tello, Mgr.

"There Is No Substitute—

For Burke Scn'lce

r that fnhms int" --k(inp splendor as it payour iips a flavor dolifully different fromyou've known —that'sflavor of Ambassador, pr


G. Knieger Brewing (Jo..'Newark 'i. N\ .:


(\flll PICK-UP UOtUUVf f(/tV/C£'WO0DBM6£ 6-O8B7


• One coot coven)

• No brush marks?

• Dries in 4 hours I

• Many gay colors!





A well balanced diet i» the first aaturancc of the development of wellshaped, firmly rooted, strong teeth. And milk is the chief food-beveragecontributing to tooth health. Milk, at every meal, every day is "just whatthe doctor ordered"; especially if it's our creamy rich, pasteurized milk.Over the counter, or delivered to your door. Call Metuchen 6-1432-J.


400,000 Left Feetthat neverpush a clutch!

lOll.OiH) |,-ft fret . . . left without a tilingto du! Mrrause l lydra- .Mal ir L)m'ilii i i inalr- tin- i lutrl i jicilal and all rluii h|iun|iini;. KKt,lll)() right tiand» . . . mi i1"'Mooring wheel where they belong! H1 •

l I l M l ) i d i f

' GM HYDRA MAT1C DRIVE has beenproved- by nearly 400,000 Oldsmobile

owners in billions of miles of"no-clutch, no-shift" driving!

uulimuititvlly—makes uiauualthing of the past!

That's the story of conrinrinfi pnmflUll ie, behind tlie'GM llydra-Matic Dri*1'df tinlay. OldHinobile first inlrndia"!thin revulutionary advancement aliim-til yeans ago! And binee then, nrarKUM),(IOO owners of l lydra-Mat ic «>l.l-imibiles have driven literally billion- "fmiles—without ever pushing a il»t'^'

After these 8 years, Hydris still the only "drive" that t-liiiiina" <the eluteh pedal and shifts gears anl"-matically through four forward spee"--The luwebt - priced ear to offer («'illydra-Matic Drive* is the smart i"^OJdbinobile. It's ahead in perform»»"'

uutomnlicnlly. Ahead in appt'arai"1'- dramatically. That's why |f<»pl<' '"^saying, "lt'» SMAHT tu Own an-Old-!,

FIRST with



• • ? . . • • • • . ; . • .

>•- v > • * ' ' .

'jLL~*i-'.t:\"'--•,••La,/:,* ^jki:lL-ia£

Page 11: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17


WANT AD SECTIONin tiMCHS innr. i i ( i in

it•'.•'Aiit * r . n \ (< ('

I , in , - , r c i i n l i e . l" l . i n i ' i l a m i i e | i ; l l lni l i , ! <«i,! In MM I1 l l , . ; i | , | S i t , - e l . I

C I1. I-

I ,n v n>il, a n di,,11 II111 ere!l,i !nf

, 'I'Vl'liU OP IKiOl'S JiU'AUU'Ui.i, shitiKlc' Tile JnrtJJlA lty»Ki i , i , 1, Wiillf \ 7 i i t e i - | . r . , i i T » 1 - *

. " i *n ItOdKINd AND MKTAI.v • WdltKS••IT, N'eiv llninswlek Avenue

refill Amboy, N, .1.v I -IIHK _ ! • - "


All K i n d s of,• Wil'IONTlOU

r A | . \ I ; K S n c i : HI'KCIAI.TY, , ' | | III'IIWI-1M. * HAHNAIIV

W I I O D H K I D U H 8-0725-.!

U'K 1.111 M i •

im'rPII r .AK—WeldlnK W o r k sWe Wul'l any l l i l nx Hut

,\ hroken hi'iirl.u Ave., 1'i.rt Heading

" • " ' " l l i r " r K " S - 1 ! M 3S / 7 . « / 2 ' . l



AC and DC Klfli'trle MotorsIli-IMiied ami Uewnllllil

Work ( iuan in lee i l...inn, r.i.r.t HIM <o.

n Ave., Cai tere t ^.r . ' t8 /7-8 /2

'•. KOII SMI".

Many Ways - •Find the hrlp you nred or

Uic job ymi want. Sell or

buy through these col-

umns. Make reading them

•A daily key to opportu-


For Classified Advertisements ONLY

Call Woodbridge 8-1238

" for Other Business

Call Woodbridge 8-1710

Advertising's No. 1 Public Service


s i : \ \ [ \ . ; J I M HiNi", i>n -l',,i | , la la ivnrk . a l so fully ex l . t -

r i i ' i i i . " l f"r UnlKMnpr ""o-i • . " . •| i.iimiii-.'d curp., 292 Smith Strtet,

I I | ' 1 ' ; I : A T H | ; S A N D KI.<>OI: fl"ii• siti.>ni and h o l i d a y * wi th pay.

sternly wnrk . p l t i m a n t condi t ion* .Apply l l c s t inndr C o , J7 Conk*Vvn., c . i r t e r e l , N. J. C. P.. «-M, 29

H'KKATOKH- KsprrliMicfrt , wnii te. l ,^enin^f KuRjtetM on IJKMPH' hnn*T*

I..IK1*. 7.1c per h o u r to> Blurt. Ar tH u s t l e I In ml linns, 21*'.' Kron t S l r ec t ,l ' e r l h Al t lbo j . I'. A. I-3KS9,

8-21, 29

t Ml",ll( I I A S m s r , I l i l t v ' l . K

ii 1 I I , I I I \ li i i A T I O it i t i, s( I I M I ' V U I : I ' l i i i los!




U ' O T I t i r . " — I I I I I M VI'KI.N, S L I P-II VNH D I I V I ' i : M V I I O H H I S


,„ Miipli' S l r c c t . 1'cltlt Amboy _

i V K H H K A D V y i V A U K IMidllS, Cu.M- . . HI v „ „ „ , , |, S,-MaTt M&•I.KTK W l T i n i A R I . W A K i ; , Si ; . : . " . ; , , . " ' • , ' , " ; .

.'iVIPii'." • T I P T - ' & '•' !• • N i n o l l l l , S e i h u i . Ki-fic p m t s y i . A U K I ' o o r . , „ , , . . . . . : . , . . j , . , i n i , i . A H

I,D Itl lN-D 4 - I N C H HOCK W i l lliU., I1 I'll; s o l ' A UK I ' m IT

R i l l I M M K D I A T K I HOI.I V K 11 Y,



iii-lnail I d a h o w h i l e P i n e , L'M,-i feel W K Y I O H t l . A I O r s K i ; t l r Mint -

1 , 1 1 , : ; . - , , l i nn l e d t o i i K u i . a n d K i . n m -

l - , , , , t , ' l - s . L e v e l e d a i t . l i l t A i p h j i d i t i K .

i i l l l l w u l k t i i . i y , , li m i l l e i i a I * . w u l l -

l , , , ; , r , l .

U | " . | S h i \ A . M

Hill DoilKc Sedan , IIK.-I1i n n I ' .m i iH , , c l u b c o u p e , i n n ,

Like Nl'lV . . . . I'-'-l''1

in II l l u d s i n i Comni ' i i lore S c l m i ,l.iki- Seiv , , I 'H ' . 1

in pi P o i u h i c S i ' , I n n , I t & H 5 '•'•'•l inn S t i u l c i i a k e r c h a m p i o n ,


» ill:.


K \l V.M.i' III, r i n i;


i n b - r s

I 'KI ' Il*ls 'l -mlrl i e s ; '

millall' u-01 IN 10Urn1


USfl.lI I I -

nicI S

i ,

i ; s1 ' i i i


O FIs;per |• HUPMil, 1J.

M,US.'i ; A I

, ,-, i1

4 :',u:

VI,1.a.'ifiO l l l l '(liesi r;n


• n h.1


; pulv.tsurnvl ty

tors" for'l-s.


1112 l O i i i t S t .l . i . 2 - 2 V . i I

AVON )'I!OI>I'CTS NEKI»lii>pri'Hi'ntiit|vrs In <'«r t rr i ' l , Fnull WooillifhlRi1; iloos noi loirwlih lioinf ilutlr.i; KOIMI IIUMrs i\l. Wailr. 2M C l iun l i Si

I'trl'k«on, Marlnn, HI Wlnch»iilcrfloAd, Kordn

Etvul.l, Joseph, Or»»n airc»t, Ntlln

K In* (fur, Marie, 143 High RtrertI'lnfgHr. William. 143 Hlfh BUMFlxmer, ( lUdvs, » Kl»n IFuitderhiirki>, Kvplyn. I*

t»r I', on it. Fontsllldcrliurkr, Joe I,, 1HI toad, Ford*

Kurxp, Kmlly, Kennedy TUc*

a«brl*ll», Joe, 12 Mfcond HtrnPort l(«ndlnfC

(lugllano, I'dullnr. 54 Mnffetl I|."ordti

riuglliino, Jo«*pli, 84 Moltftt H(r*t.„ fnrAf _ ^ r < i J


irJBNOGRAPHJSR. (iKNI';l!Al,_l>FPJ<:K WOltKMust In1 psp<l,', ikpaiilp, ai'i-unite,

Good "pay; 5~day weeK.l . i U K i ' IV i t ll A m l > o \ - I l r m .

l l i . x A, i n I n i l i ' p i ' n ' l t ' n l I l

ilnMinr, Lorettn M TurnerPort Hfidlrn

Oaydon. I'^ul, HI Marlon Htrfct, TnrtHendlnn

(Hie*, Andrew W., .Itillun Streei.IKPIIII

», Itnltcrtii, Jullim Slrefl, lsrlln....^«. AHM M,, .IUIIUI Street, ' " -ailman, Kth*l, S'4-A itahwuy

Avenuetlllm«n; Jack, 574-A flahway Av»nli*flrnnt, Frnnceii V... 80 Oakland Av«

rue, Scwnrm(Jrlnnell, Julia G., 117 Freeman

stre«tHrotovaky, Blv» L., 82 Kord Avtnue,

Pordsdray, Tredrlc, 84 Koyen Streot,

Kordxdray, Ulanchft; 84 Koyen Street,



liK — P n r t - t i m p wofk—week, f u l l Wooilbrldge

• H-'JS

UOAL mmc»M«rf«r»l.

atuMty H, t«tirlilw Avfiiuf, Port Hf«dlm

. .mb.rr"*. 37 M«rtln T.rra«>

.anrtln. rlelen. 557 p«rr«n AvmurUnflln, WII1l«m, 5J» I4«rron Avenue|jir»i.n. H«rry K., Hoy Avcnu.

•, M«ry , • ' " " " "



John, SI.


!, nVrthii M , 11« Church

OPERATORS WANTEDTo work on Children's Dresses.

Steady work; one week vacationwith paw good pay. Apply, Car-teret Novelty Dress Company, 52Wheeler Avenue, Cwteret.

r 1-2 tf.

A M ' i n i , ' . L i i i - I ,1,1. 2 K*:\

I : I : I I A S U I . I N K s -

I l i i i u ; S I " . I ' n i l H i

2H, 211

I I V K .


K l . l / . A I I K T I I , N. J .

Ti' l i ' i i luiiK! Kllmil.i ' t l i 3-51H.1

u p i ' i i Ti l l l» I1. Mi m i ' lAl l I lay S u n d a y s

LOST . \ \ n


- l . i i v a t o r v b a s i n s , t o l l i ' tHis, m e d i c i n e c a b i n e t s ,o n i h i n a t i o n s i n k , c o p p e r

l l t l i l l K S . l . l a ! , i .I l l ' l Bl. ' .-Il i n e s . - " , : i " . I " . "" . ''."

ri:iiii;ui:t: COCKDI: SPA-MF.I .I ' l U ' l ' I K S — A l l i i l l o r s . A l s i . S c n l -

l l « h t i ' i r l i ' i - s , p i -b -ed r e t i s o i i . i l i l c . ,1J ' . i , I , i n . 1 ' h a i l i D l l i l l s H i m d , I s e l l u ,N. .1. P l u m e M c t i t c l i i ' i i i i - l l « C i - i ; .

pipe ami lininrts. Con!, , i - n l i i K I M I I I . - I S i i i « t i r o n

, n . i ' . ' i n i . i l l i u i r . f i ' f i s u p p l y

i n . - . • i - r . i n i i S t . , I ' i M i l i A m l i o y ,


S ' I ' A I I T I X i i A C O M I ' I . | . ; T I ' , L I N KHI'1 I ' - l S I U N i ; T . V ' K l . K

i l l \ s A M I A . M . M I ' N l T H i NA K i ' i i t s l o r

r s C.I:I>III;TIC C I I A H T SI .U l lVS

I'..1 Sinilli Sin-,-1, rer th Ainlio.v, X. JI'. A. l-(i!i:i7


i PACKAI1.I) SKIIANfjir' Mile. III excellent t mid It inn.Any rcasfiua-blf offer accei.ted,

l.',l> liuo^evell Avenue.Carteret, N. J.

I.AhY'S HI.:i,OVA WIUHT WATCH—i n k Ko l i l , i h i u l i l c - l e t i s i T y a t a l , e x -s j o i i w r l » t liii i i iF, l o s t In v l c i n l l y

HTIII l l n l t w n y A v e -

porddUumky. Snirmel. 104 Muln Streettlyorkon, lrmn, Iloute #2SOynrkoa, Pel«r, 11 Jrnapn Avenua,

iKellnOyorkna, Knthleen, Route #lr>Uyorkox, Ynlandu J,, Itoute #25Hfldth. Mary It, S29 OMre rincoKeatli, Jamea J., F.2J Olive PlatoHahn, Kvelyn. 1S9 Dunlmr AvenueHerman, Kflna M , 64 Uartln TerraceHerman, Charlen, f>4jkrtln Terrm-pHlllyer, DarotlieH, \V>Wlbrldgp Ave-

nue, Port ltrmllliKKlllyer, Courtney, Woodbridge

AvenueKindlk, Annii J.. :8 Nelnon Streettriadik, I:MUB, :« NcUon street

idpn. M«rK»ret M., 61 Honors Ave-

MrOilw, lamf*, 11« Clmrrh SMtrKhnll. AndrfB-, 41 Ford AvenueM»»on. t.n«l*. S l l l l l c rn t AvtnueMlnuci'l, M«ry, 4n« Hmlth

Minuecl, Tuoma*. 401 flmllh

Moo'** HfTtlK, ! « ! C,r«*n StrfHMulllken, Albert, JI4 — - -

I Mulllkf n. Mary 8., !144

Murpiiy, Ogrntliy, 847 Kin* (ieoruoHoail. Tord*

Murttmii. William,nue, Avflnel . . . i

Mytflks, Morris, 137 drove Av.Mine LMytclka. 1(1», 1 " drove Avonuc |


mii', \Vooillirl(!j»c. Ca.lls-iiSl-M.


S T d l t K — W i t h r o o m s Tor ren t orII»HW; loriiled In tho ecn te r of the

IUIHIIIPSS aoctlon. Htiltablo liny typetiitsliii'KH. Call C u r t c r e t 8-«l89.


CAISTKKKT- 11-11 u.iiis .ii reel. Tii'ii j •l l l l U S C S - I , l i e M i A 1 O I . I I I H , O I 1 C f l V - ( : I

r o o m s , D i i n i i t e K. Vlur / .e , 1H7 S m i t hS l r e e t , P e r t h A i u b u y , P. A. 1-uS9l.




I ' l ,l: ,

l : t I ' l

,,l I ' l u i rl l v c l w a n

M I ' P I . I K NF t . l - ' i - i K i d a i r .1 ' l - i! A u n i i l i

I S K 1 . 1 X

NIN'I1 ' . l.( I T S K i l l ; S A I . Ki r r ' J V r r i i S t . a n i l I l i i i j a i t l l n A v e .

l i i i | l l i [ i \ I ' l l I l D S C I l . M . I ' l l .

T l N i ' l V I t l l l O M V i . k A v e . , K l i I ' d H

T W l l I.I I T S — a : . \ Ill'l l - : a d iI L r l w c , ii l i n - i - n a n i l M n n t i ^ u e S t i ' c c

M , . c l : , ^ i d c i i t i a l S'I- l l " ' 1

I ' r i i cil r l f h t f o r < i u l c k s a l u .

I C A L L \ v < > i > i > i 1 1 : i F ' • ; i - : v I 1 , 7 - v vs / 2 i : i /

I". •i nun

Ifl1' M A ' I ' i l l '•,<. M l ,

•'/'7'V, ,"v'.",\','nr AVAILABLB) 30 days ; 5.-i"''''";11"''s-v"::i room brick duplex with

:,„;,] oil neat, tiled bath, oakjfloors and furniture if da-1

• • i : n




Milling Machine Hands

Engine Lathe Hands

Bench and Floor AssemblersStenographers (Female)

Second Shift Bonus


fill Sayre Avenue

Perth Arnboy, N. J.



I RATTO BROS. GARAGEHil Sinilli Street, Perth Amlioy, N. J.

P. A, 4-1042


time after Tom Brady reported hisautomobile stolen, Sheriff Allenreported it found. It seemed thatsomeone was In a hurry to catch atrain and took the most availableautomotive. A quarter was foundon the seat, probably "taxi" fare.

Modes', Havlil H., 61 Sonora Arrnur,[sclln

Infiislnu, Albert. 1 OH Ford Avenue.

Jackson, Anna, 37 drove .lack*™, William, 37 C.rove Avenuelni-nliHcm, JtunpH, 14 Kmirth AvenueiHnlicu, In-ne. Turner Strpptlanlna, Frank I.. Turner SiredJohnson. Kvelyn P., So. Park Drivefohnnon, ()*cnr 11., 26!» So. Turk

Drive /

Knczorontikl, Anna, 41 Clordon Ave-iiiii\ l'*ords

\KaczoroWskl, Stanley, 41 Gordonv Avenua. Fordskuntrowltr., Alexmider. S7 Green

StreetKuntrimltx, Nornui, H7 C!reen StrepKintlnK, James K., SO freeman

StreetKeating, Josephine, X0 1-

Slrrotipltr, ICanneth M.. 5

P. A. 4-5500

(,.'i':,!;"! ;." if i.. \«'!-c" t;, \ sired. Non-G.I. may purchase"J! H.'li.a!i..t, 'UM. bb..-k. easi w i t h a b o u t $ 1 5 0 0 c a s h , u n -

"" -'•• A x " " : " " " " ' tvi\1* furnished. Inquire 36B Smith' | Street, Avenel, or Jersey

K / l l - 9 / . ' i

WASHING MACH1NKi-;x<• !•:!- i-I- :N' |" C I I X D ^ K I S .

C A L L V\ 'H iDH

ll : \ D K i .

j Mortgage Co., 280 North'iiT^ii^ Kroad Street, Elizabeth.

1 1 """" 1 • " " ' 7•::" '• -^.,K| „,,,Phone Eliz. 3-0900. BrokersI cooperate. 6-20 tf




H u m , " I I , i t ' 1 , | c -n i l

! S l « ,, s K r i . l l i c r -M I ' l a , - i l l . Ii k T n ' . l l i - l i

i . . d e l i


Appl ianc,1 A i . - l i u .

W l \ I I II i l l I I I \ I


I ' . M . I . i1 \ i i " v : AN'i ' r u n :l i i i i . . , i i - n , - i I 1 A . l - : . ' i M - I

s , ' J S !' 1

OPEHATORvS WANTEDSinger Sewing Machines

Light WorkGood Pay

Compensation and OtherBeueflis..

Aj>|)ly Between 8 A. M. and5 P. M.


5<1 Cutters Lane

Woodbridjjo, New Jersey

Phone WO-8-2329

7 - l t l X M I H i l l S i : 1 ( I I I S A l . Ki1.1 I I . I - - .WIS S T C K K T

I1 , ,I ' ll .-I C a t i i - i , - ! l i n a d . VV "Miri,c . i l l 1' ,-ri!. Aiiviio.s i - ; i : ' , :u

A l t , i i; I1, M .

Ideal for Large FamilyAVENEL

t i i u l i i i l U c l l i i | K : s i r i l l i i ! h ' , l ! ' . i l l I l l l -

i ' n \ - - ' i i U ' i i t < . ^ . t n t ^ i 1 , H ' M M I l i n a t i » i n ,I ' l ' ! . I , I ' K H ' K , ^ , . , n h

, , i 1 - [ . . I - n t h . T < ; , i i i i ! U M I I I , 1 I ; H > ^ ,


'J-, M A I N S T H F . I - TH H I | I | ! | ; 1 1 n i l - ; W l M i i : . s- t i l : : ' .

S-2S, 211

M I I ; U I : M I » I : \ i i \ | , SKI T H I N


1 \ A A K



I 'HM.VIl l - : ! , ! 1

l . , , r ; l t c , iX. .1.

M> l i , , l l | - . - i

• i , .


I " )



., N. .1.'HIV l|Milr 1). !:,.|,,for II


PI.A.VT ill'' .;l .HIT/. CO.up South ufrinali.i-y.hours wnrk.

8-21, 211

T O W N S H I P O F W O O D I ' K I I X i K ,M I T H ' K T O V O T K ' I S .

In iii-rnrilHnce w i t h P r o v i s i o n s ofa n Act KlitttllMl, " A n Ai t td KtKll-1;IIP Klf i- t lonp." ( T i t l e Ifl ::>1 -1S. K r S l i i t u tPs of l!i;t!M t o g e t h e rwit l i t h e nRipiu lmrnlK and Biiliple-mpiilM t l i r r e t o . -tlur I 'ollnwliitt r u m e nwil l Lie i c m o v c i l i ro in tlio p c r m u -n e n t 1'PiflKtrntinn l i lmlern In* t h eTOWiVsi-ilE' OK WOODISKIDGI1 ' .: n n -h'.ss \-nt4'i*H it|>pe.ti' p i - rsoimlly Uororctin- Mlilillcsi'S ( ' (un i ty Hourd »llOkM-tiinis. P.iuim Tits, lJi>rth AmlmyNi i t inna l Dunk Hnllilinir, 'in o r l>c-

KlnafV. HertliH M., *2 Ford AvenueKlstrop, Lillian A., id Wood la n '

Avenue, I'NirdsKlein, Jnlin M.. I Ml Sehoder Avenue.Klein, Lillian M. I Ml Srhoder AvenueKline, Oscar, I2!l Hudson Itlvd.Kline, Mary li., 42H Hudson Hlvd,Knlttel, Caroline, 1H Third Av«nu«


Itoutf #26I rr M


OLD" SUiHt tl^Vt »MJ«FOUN> IM -<*t turns of

IK WHKK A.-fill SKH »6l>


KliS2 FltfAROUND A-f IM ieit


-fill UMfClP

AMD MtfOKft»WrrtlH

LEGAL NOTICESLEGAL NOTICESlion-Hkl, S t e v e . I I S l . l l i e r ty

lil Illirtiliinil Avenue

Netiry, Wnltrr .1., r.r.4 M«ple Avenue j ~J.Nenry, Mildred, 5G4 Mtplc Avenue 'Nlmit, Hilda M.. I>ov*r " '

)«i«r(raard, Anna, 103 Koyeii)stef(tatird, Kdward, 102 Koyen


J'atrlck, Joseph, I'ine StreetPatrick, tilliabeth, I'lne StreelPatrick, Julia. (5 Ureenbruok Ave-

nue, KennbeyPoliiiden. Joseph, 1 Mi'l<vmi Htretl,

l.ielln•Hraall, Cntherlne, Main Street.FordsdRelbeck, t'.UKrne, 141 Went SlrrHlaelln

Peterson, l*et«r, 10 I,oul»'HtreelePeterwn


, l*»t«r,, I'hrlnKb

Shuplrn, i'-|iti:ile, ,-,S7 <Mlve I'lufe.Sbnjilro. iHadnre, M7 Ollvp PbueSblmki), .lainrH, KIIIK Uenrne UoadStilmko, Sue, Klnu (leorKi1 HnadSlltiknitkl. Kdnii M., 7fi Alwnl Slr.-etSneed. Alice M., Houte #1SoreliHpn. Jens M.. Suj.erStcpllenx. .lordnil J., TiS Second

Slrci't. '.'itrdsSteven)., Then,lure. II Klnt Avenue.

n, utlna, 4l> Klflh Street

h K t W i r li»feifeV, kllsa'brlb, I!K«1 Stffel.(Jolonla . . .

Voiniilun, M«ry A., Oak Tree, ltimd,Isolln _ ,. i

I'omplun, Uecy C, t)nk Tree Hniid.Inrlln

Hk-hanlflon, Alfred U.. J»r, Clny-bourne Street

Htlnhardt, Kilw«rd. BlooniflelilAvenue

Helnh»rdt, I'reliln, BloomAeldAvenue . ,,

[todgera, Kred. Wllnoii Avonue, l»ellnKu.l»era, Mnrlliu, Wilsnn Avenue,

Itook, Itentrlie, I'M Kord Avenue

Itnok, nonaM A., K»< 1'iird Avenue,

UundiiulHt, Mnurltx, at l.lnden SlreetlluakRVleh, lteU-n. Oreen Streetl!uH»nnk, Anp« V,, 12S Koyen Streel,


PiirHte»dlng-Huhleher, Katliryn, I'airvlew AvenueiVullln, John, 177 l''ord Avtniu-Hi'iillln, Kutlierlne, 177 Kord AvenueSeliWerd, laeiiues J., 91 Koyen Ave

njie, I't ' h w t M ,

Kord ii

rdBCarol, 91 Koyen Avenue


A., II l''iat Av«-

Svnii'H, Tin,man, 179 Main SlreetSuperior, Helen, 257 Main StreetSulbigyl, diaries, "i Wurden Ave

nut*, Ho|it>iHwn

Terefcnkn, Peter J., 9 Tnnlyn IMttCePort KexdliiK

Tcrefenko, Mldnicl, 12 Tiinlyn I'Uce,Port Headline

Tiiiim, Mildred, l.lni-oln mgliway,Col mil ii

VoiiHrenien, CSraup W., 112 FreemanSlreet

Wuli-otl. Mnd'olln I.., '-'HI So. ParkDrive

Walker, \lntf, 20 Avcncl Street,Avenel

Wiirr, Marjha, North Hill Uoail,Coloula

WUHCO, Andrew J., 1(1 Marlon StreetPort HciiditiK

K " -*111 "VVetiej, Adt'le H., Oak Tree Komi

- ' lOdKiir, 4U0 llHhwuyAvemic

Wliltflicail, 1,'nincen 1,., <W llahwayAvenue

WIclKiH'Hki, Helen, 115 LibertySlreet

iVill-k, -lohnnnn, Siew Dover Itq*dWnlltice J . New Dovor Road

iili-K. OenrKe, Vallr-v UoadSHIUK. Anna, Vnlley ll'iml

Wllncr, Mury, 111 Linden AV»»u»I.'OHIM !.,

Witner. c h a r i o ll., mn U n d i nAvenue, FordK •' • ' .onshy. Anthony, Smith HtnMUnrxkn, (ironUUwa, *milh VtMctKeanbey • ' .

Wo|, I,-, liownkl, Antntil. 35A\emie, KeHKboy

VavnrHky, Chnrlei A.. FirstPort Hetidlnit ' *"

Zarknviii'iikl. Velemlr, (13title, KnrilN • '

Zillln, JoKcph, HUlr l'.o»d, PortHoildllSK

/.nlIn, Lorraine O., Klalr P.o«4, Fat

I.-U 9/tift

FOREIGN BUYINGThe Department o( Agrlcultut

has predicted that lack of tunemay cut down foreign buying <American goods by the end of \t.war. This buying is credited tbeing one of the prime factors ikeeping food prices

750 times that of the earth, aicording to the Encyclopaedia Brlannica. It exceeds the earthmass onlv about 98 times, howevtbecause the density of Saturnmuch less. 'N

Si-iHi'inhi-r L;,",11I, 111 17 if tlii-y

.VI "I'l i S K n V h ' K P l i i r M i i T I D X M A N - jA H K H l o r i m « c m - i i R . - t i i y , I ' S p c r i - ,

, ; i , - . - , | ( ' l i r ^ l i - r . i l l ' s i M i - r . - i - t e 1 , ! , i a - j[ , . l h ! c i l l M - l l i n ; . - . . | \ - i i - f ' i l l l l l S l l l H - t -\ i s : n ^ m i i i l i - r n c , | i i l i i [ i , - , . | rfiiop; s a l a r > ' |^ M I w i - c l U \ i d u s l i n t u i s a n , I i i a i . lv . e . i l i i i t t ; S | - l c ] | d l d I ' U H t r c . H i l l yM U i i l i l i c i l i n < - » n e e , I a p i . l y . S u i t e( luu l l t i ca i l i ins . Heply k e p t - c u n l l d e n -l ia l . ('. 11. llux ;: IT, Kal iwi ty , N. J .


wi^Ji t,i ote a t Ihe l le l i e ra l I'ilL'l-tlonmi XiiM'tnlici- 11li. lillT, and p r o v e t ot h e aa l i s f iu- t ion of the Midd le sexC o u n l y Hoard nl' l-31e,-tlons t h a t t h e ya r c rcs id i ' i i t s of t h e T O W N S H I P O FWODIWUIIXH-: , n n d e n t i t l e d lu viite.

T h e III I I I IH inj,r h a n i e s m e r e n i o v r dt't.r llie reitHiiii tiutt. poHteards niul ledlo t h e m at t h e i r l u s t k n o w n a d d r e s sliiivo been r e t u r n e d by t h e P o s t a lA u t h o r i t i e s , i n d i c a t i n g tha t the>' nol u n u e r r e s ide t h e r e


»y: .\roi:i;is UOTII,Chair m an.

W'AI.TKH .1. Hll'n.l.KY, Secretary.


dl'H'TION #1HNotice Is l ierehy e lven I hut Ihc undeinlKlied Col lec to r iif T«xen of the

Township of Womilii i'.l'ne. In the Coun ty of Middlesex, will hold a publicsale Hi Ihe Tax Olltci', Memorliil MunlrlpKl Utilldhisr, Mitln Street , Wnori-hrldBe, New Je r sey , Soi-temher IS, 1D47, al 1:0(1 P. M., Ena te rn S t a n d a r dTime, to Kutlafy inunl<'lp:il lieim now In ar rea r» .

Tim p a n e l s to tie sold ure l is ted below, be ing descr ibed by lot Ki»lblock nuinher shown UII tbe T o w n s h i p Auaessment Map, and In Kccord-tinre wi th the lust t a \ dupl ica te KlvliiB the owner'H nalilo us nbown onthe last l ax dupl ica te , t oge the r wi th the totul a t n u u n l U'ue thereon t(«euniputed to Till1 '. Ki l t NT DAY ( i f J I I, Y. 1047.

Said respec t ive parce ls of lund will be sold to n iuke the amoun t* sev-eral ly cha rgeab l e a g a i n s t tlie suine on said KIMftT n.VV OK Jl ' I .V, 1IMT,UH computed In suld list ti»Bcllier wi th ion said amomit l-'UOMSAID KIHST DAY OK JULY TO T i l 14 DATK OK KAIiK, a n d the eoi<l of stile.

' Moid pwriM'tfi wi l l l>f xolil In fee t o such pe r son* £M, will pun.-liijsc t besit me, Htibject to redempt ion nt tbe lowest, r a t e of lr i ter>st , bu t riot ftXcoert-liiK c t ^ b t per cent per auiiuin.

Sal'I' .Hiih-s will be subject to munlc lpul l iens aci-rulrin »|. r i ; i l .11 I,V I,IIMT. Ini'ludliiK nti.ii'ssiiients coiillrincd ttfter tlisl i l a t e lind 1917 taxes , anil



GIRLS WANTEDExperienced operators otr


Girls lu learn a good trade-on

Singer Sewing Machines

Vacations and holidayswith pay.

Insurance Benefits.


«S2 Roosevelt AvenueCartcret, N. J.

MIX!1 WAiSTI'lll , •- - 4-










Must be uver 18 years of ftBe,



[JOHNSON'5Haute 26



S i x I...IH. tl.TiUHW i m i l h l - i i l H i - ^

e i ' i i i m u i t> . l " M.s i i l i i r y ,

.MI'.l'H A M I " I'm- n e w•y, t'-lirvHler exj ier lencL 1

i i - i i iMiuipiii'd s imp ,spli ' iul i i l I'u-

l M


K O V . l f 1 1 K T O H S

K . W S K I ; K i i A / . K i i i>i-: . \ i , i - :r i

r^n -\iniMJ>- Wi in i l l i r l i l t s e , N. J . | | : " " i i

i n r , - i n h jni- S v - r v i r e M.ninKel- .l : i - | i |y Itei-t i - i inl i i l . - i i t i . i j . l \ O. l i n xHIT. -HillUMt.V, N: J. X-'ii

SKHVU'IO S'l'A'I'lllN ATTK'XIlANT—•M l - - - l i ; i t i l i - i i l \y i n i - l i n e i l ; H i l v i i n i e -

i n i j i i i ; i i | i | i t i r n i n i l y , f u r i r e l i i i l » l e

| i , - r > n l i ' S r l i i H I T ' S 2 1 1 1 1 . u r S e l ' v i ' - . ' .

A V e t l e l , N . J . I ' l l . i l l o W ( > -

Little Wonder VKTfiRANS tall ufi"UOt'TOR" SUIIPRISE STORK

W i t , , M M l e m i - ' l y , \ . \ ^ ' ' l i i i u s e l i . i l i l I M i - i i l s l n n K s i k n i l i l e i u ; i V M ' l l h u h . , ,

l ' ' p | - i l i s l i i l n - t - •- v

"U'lirn- i ;ui \ i n i l. i iv [lit'ei- .m in iUMe r o n i n s nf h e n i n i t u l


for only $265.00 'and way only $2.82 PER WEEKI WITH NO, MONEY DOWN

ill the SURPRISE STORE, ajld LOOK AT WHAT YOU GET!!!j V . ' i i r l . l \ ' I N ( i j l ! ( i ( i M - - - T l i i | i ' . ' - | i | i . i - i ' s | i r l i i K - t i l l e i l L i v i n g K i i n l l i

i i i n i i . r , i i i . - l i i i e . , s i i i n k i i i K

j |i i i ' , ' i i v n f i i i ' l t i i i i l c s , I V " h ( i n | i s , n i K

n i l , 1 - M . K i ' T l i H ' V . M ' l l ' M n . K A N K U , i : . M i | U .

V i i u r I C I ' I ' i ' l l l O N - - l ' ' l v i > - | > i | . i i 1 S u l i i l ( J a k l i i i i c l l

S ' n i i r l l K H U n i i . V I - - T l i r u i ' - l i t e: i i | i s , i i i l l l i W H , n i l e t u l > l e . , e l e .

vi ' i-wart; , 3S-

M n i k ' n i W a l n u t Hul t f , v n n l t y



l l t'i! Slul M t*Keyport 7-0442

l n e l i t t ' i l n i l t h e 1111.1.. < > 1 T . T U 10 I ' U S T



Free Uellvi'iy

AllVI ' l l lTISIlD— I Ulil.Aiuleisiiii, . los tpl i iac , Hcliool HtrcL't,

H H U luleisiiii, .losH>n HeiiUln

AtumiHlo, Aniliony,A i Ml 3

i (Iri-en Street, y,AltKiiiisio. Mtirla, 13f. (Irwn StreetUalley, Agues, 168 DenninRtun I'lrlve,

I'liniwHunlck, Stelilicn, Marian Streetllanii-k, Hteiihen J., Miiriiin Streetllmili k, Kathcrlne, Marian Streetllarttis, John, 48 May StreetHartns, Marsaret, 4S .May .Streetliuttinye, Daniel, S.'ii Cartcret Komi,

Port livailtiiBHeain, .loseph H., Ill I Woodlirldlfe

A veil lit, Port iteiKlhii;Herk, Harry, HarilliiK Avenue, lsellnB H Tl 1 A l A

t t . t h e

ltl,IM'KI A A.", i l-., I IKi I )17 VMl ( ':is A

r.i Ar.u ('r.a Ki ID 'ir,»17(1170I7S AIK 3i!isn& lace199 I t2 1 9

35311•mi27(i A.'SliSOI

o f i i i l e i e n t e i l | i n r t i e s t o r e d e e m w l t l l l n L h e t i m e l l i e i l l .y l i l W .


( lStl.4-1

y,TliLTe.Hii .1.,

I 'olnnlaAmlier.wt Avenue,

lleill, Anna 1C, .IT. Oak Street, AvelielHiliori, IMtim, 6(i Main StreetBinder, <:inra, l 'ettrsoti Avenue,

KeitHlievIIIMOBIIII, Alfred, Trcntii Street,

l.selhlnisotfiiiv Annii, Trelitn Street, laelltiHluhe, l.i:Wl» V., UW'uUi-r AvenueHliilr. lOdlth 10., 17 Sllzer Avenue,

Is.-llii jDlnmlifrB, A.ino, 5 | Moffett Htrsi't,

ItloitilicrK. Knoi'h, 58 Moffftt Street,l-'nrilfi

llnka, Stelihrn .1 , 17 Jcnaen A vi;n 111:.I'lilmilH

HUIIDHIIII.., Joseph, 101 MiddlesexAvenue, l»elin

Ilunoiniili), Alli-e, Hlllureat Avenue,iHfllll /

Hiirj-iiulili, * Kdwln 4., 'il Coi-rojaiA f e l i n e ,

MCI.I' \ \ ' l—MAI.I'I WAiV'I'KII, MAI,10


We huvv a goo<l proposition for first cluas

experienced men. Permanent. Full time work.


THE GROSS BOYS437 Amboy Avemie



Drown, Ani(re,w, Kord AVt-nuuHruwn, I.oilise, Voi'il Avenue

, K. Oliarlen, littvdn iioud,

10., Hi-1 Blair Koad,, l'orl

llrown, lOitKeI'ort KtailliiBBrown, Mury, 112

KeadiiiKJIIBH, Minnie, 173I)live, Fords

Hubesl l'liil, 173 H Drive,Ittii-liWti. ijporne. l.'olunla Hlvd.llurinn, l'uul C lit TrluBte Streel,

Ciise.\-, Helen 10,, Wnst Avenue, PortlluiiiltiiB

CliHKe, M.nudi' 10., S77 UalnvuyAveniit!iiiN«, ("url, 577 Kalivmy Avettiu'

Clloliiiilvie/., l l t ' i i r ldta, n* W'IMHI-Avi'imc. Purl Ueiidliif

I'liomowli/.. Anthony, 418 Wood-liriilKe Avenue, l'nrt Ut'Lidlni;

("lurk, Jnlin .)., (i7 W«st Avenue,

Uituplk'nU, Bul» 10., B K. Oreen Streui

DuiiulnjL's, St«i>lu»n, Kourtli Streetifel'ew, Clara, 130 Cojdiiigton

Avenue , *UePuw. W. O., 130 Cuilcllngton -

AVfllUl!Dli'kman, Freih 12i Coopur Htrei't,

iBullnDOIIIJI, John J., 571 1.1 ml in Avenuel)ori(«, Wiiry, 67 Koyuii Strn't, l''orilbUuru^, Wteiihen, (i7 Koyen Street,

KurdsDruguii Anne, -ll Correju Avenue,

laelln fDrew, Wulli-r !•'., 21 Gordon Avanuollrlgel, Tlierejiu C, 439 BchoorsXreet

', Allie C, 175 Clinton 8tre«tJoint T-- 1 5 Clinton Street

•JUKeiie, 7UII, f(irrti

i,/Cltaileii, IQl <\

r.d v,SO K

J 5 0 I1)

lliil J

373 M:17H.H;i7,» A:i7» I):i7H 1037S (i:i7s JIIRfi AS»S A:idi! A:t!)J A

3(14 B3'JH ( I:i!i:ic:i9;t vJUS n3nit i i

402 «'4 < i:; Hlose404 l>

mil D4(11) ( '111 V11 :i IO

I Kl HIUI III:I Ki t : : <tii;i i;n;i T

•las HU".<'i:ir. c131 Uiiu, 11435 II437 ('4:i7 ('137 C137 U138U Sll : ' liH.' Il14.MO\i-i liI I S . I1 4 . ' I ,

i i ; A4<K 1>Ms |{4I1IUHM.U S D44S II44» W4 GO468 1'''tfl&H

MITi(tjri-i«7fiMO to 24327S-27DIT.3Oa-3O31:1•J-JAII11!« 11-121I I81-H2


KSO27A2 A11A

16 lo il


i'j to1 :i71I-8O

iiiii tn rjz:i t o iti27 tu VJ11111-1211 to II :•:i fj-li5-fi1-2Ii i - ' j ;

M • i]•;, tu uU *,ri lo 7I7-1K- i ; 1 . - ! !14Ki3111 0 •; : ) l i in a s i inun -n KI ni i - i r .•n\-ii•.'u-;; 11(il-d.i (i i 7 - i >hi:n;-i;i, ,w % i>i -i7 2 - 7 3:iri-3ti

till to 113

4 7 to r.i11 til IIir.-itiin in I:I1-2r.i.viiHiL'l»i-3(KI

Ml*i:;-nr> (i - .*. ilit t u T!: '7llill-471110-5132-5:1I 5-1 6II tu 1GSA


l l - l l iJU-31h tu U'11-12

OWKIOKOtto l.iuhlS. HornsbyHelen SittboI'oliert JOIslorClinton LuinlicrtBonL'url & T. liellenbai-hMury llpnner :..;.,SIIHILII SemokVictoria IjtlieyFlunk & Irene Plntlnlt-h(Jdorite llkoKU'unor Hi Joseph Tatarkal-'lorlun & Annii Kukitnl'ortli Amlioy Firemen's llcllof Aasn.Amlrow l-VflyoAdam & Matfeljiiq Mwdzlerv.Ailiim & Madeline MaidnleraJohn A. Connelly ..;J, Norman & KVH BoaleyMutton Hollow Fire IJrJfli CoKdwuril Ik Paulina PintoAndrew Toth 'Aldo I'Morcntinl .V John ItonieoUiwreiuc Montti/.zl .'Arthur II. Duulmm(.'liurles' llHniedAnnie l,«rson -Mutton Hollow F>re Brick I'MAndrew A. MeUeeliJn -linn* & Mathilda Brlknen ,Harold1 & M. HetniiH ,Pu|iiivlti-li Healty CoIliivolil' & M. DennisDe l.lixe Ki'iilty Colie lAiX|i Keiilty Ci>.l.iiwrence, O, Selllnserlacliil Holdlim CoJohn * Antoinette DIKe •_


liUVL tu 3M101

;I:IS tu 'j;t7s;,s to »".,".si7 -tu piIS84i23U62124-21:112031


UeorKV & \M\\\*e Sinltlilliirold & lOlulst Canty .•lOthelyn Williams ,Alfred I). HydeWilliiini & Therena HeyMiti'lun V. -KotHerMarion V. l-'oaler .•Marlon V, Foster ,Myrl IL'1 MftPt .'. :. ::John .1. l'elllsrlno „„/

., MlddlcKxx Concrete U. Co. ...yi'.rrs.I! lOlniei- l lrown ,.•lOdward Wnlker Wrtuht

j Herbert & June HantlallI lOrmn lOlllot •* John W. Davis ,

l.orenico HclllMiirt , !Mlclme.1 tJoi'hal ,....,Mlchilel (.lut^ial ;...: jKthel WflMHenliurirer J I10. <!. A 10. s. WhltmaftJohn Kiral>j -lOiiKeiH" ClifhttlanMlildkKex Title Co.Anthony & Illtii Flmlanl . ...,^Joxepli MiAndrewsMary Heliedetl - '. ...Herimi'.i' OlieratAlice M. VaushnFred Alliee , :JuHdiih it llutlv'Uuydoa(M.HKe & Anna WIHMIIIK]-,(iu!»e Dlrkliulv, .MiirBuerlte McKown r

* Clureneo PierceMary DeVoll Varncy & Jm ob Viirne1!'Mary Hlutmdln ...,<Freehold Ktirms Kst., Inc. :,,TJmiithy & Margaret KayenIHuik'l & Helen Sten xIfluter I.. HoUtidAlfred 1). Hy'ue ... .iohn OrlowskyJohn UrlowHky '..*William Hoffiimn ,Klort'iu* IIIIVIJIAlfrtid D. HydePaul 4 Mlljlred HUrtonJohn & Angelina. I'VrnumlcHJohn & Angelina l'>rnaii(le« ..;Julin & AhKullna K«rnandciilMultn lluldlnif Co ,Antrelo & Christian AraoudlKiul»lr<tlc JewelApartment Huineu, lm.-

7 S ' ' '


S t l ' K '



• 21.18-'l

12 I.S• S11.6K


lSri.Sl• > • - -






t U H ' K71 A71 II"S ('

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r.78 u178.1S7H ,1r.sir,sii'.H1.'5S!I

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iillii A19.1 A111! ASirs i '

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1113;-;i:i2 2 K In HJlli•J2L'li-33J7I f

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i l l;iri2-;ij:i717-7ISi»:< to . 0 7(i'J:i-B30

sn'-si1:12lu l l .


Mur l lm Kni ' l ine rKei in i ' th A Hcttiiiii UnaW i l l i a m K.ihliiiKl . H w r c n i e T l i i i ! i i | i s n i iC l i i i i l f - . s W l i l l t i i n i 'I l e o i - R e HiMiMiili K B I,Mary WeimilsMJII-J- A. Wolmils

l!u.v,mniirt KUH^CIIIllinan lOHtilte^, Iln:hliiiHii KKtalPH. l m .IOilwnr.1 W. Mai-MiinktI.olll-< tt: (lI'Ml'tt StimuliWil l iam II. l'l-HiikanlAnKdo l ie Hta lanoWilliiini 11. 1'rankttrrt

T ' I ' I ' A I , 1.1KNSWITH 1NTBRK!T n JULY 1, 194! - , I'J.



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Haum llumlall . .Mary O'Cuniml ,Charlet 1'! ftlken ....Aliartmeiit Holies, li»J -•..-Hlf.l'le Jewell iMlridlnMX Title Co n 'S15.16Nurman & Helen I.lndutroni :Freit .1. Bolller- - 9.641

... . Wlltun i 8 .4aM J » , A n n * ^ ' • - - -Mi*, AnrtE I



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BJK V 'til* 4 '702 A7(11) A7117,48 AK i t . A7711'7807)117Nti A A7M. 11TMIi l>7«!l7110811

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921) C83B912IMS

Kli7 II9«tl A


K > I : - I ; A•I A

;;iti.\i;r,7111IIAV4 nl' Vi. & 7 37-I-.757 •> • 7 7

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CM-iL-aJU'lK OnlyIIr,' of n; *17 l i t 'JO

IS h . :,01 7 - 1 *J I - 1 : ,II t i . I In-'nI l i O - l t i l

l i i i i i

Vi 01 27 & 282!i A Vt of 3D7 1 - 7 21 to a11a12 lo IS:i3-;i;t7-K1111•IKS to lliO2IIJ-217jr. 1

I 128-1129SM;-,IN"

171 i n J

3 7 - t s

3i f to iii

:w to ;i2i. t o 9III III 23Li:S4 , t u 1137tH 9,11104 7 4 B

, 4 3 - 4 1i : t 3 2 - n ; i a

21 In '.'S13 t o SUJOS-103T4II718 In "f.D4 to 21

' U l l to 16

Adoli ' l i A n d e r s o nHelen llcfrelHelen HeKcl . ... . ..Helen Ili'tfelKdward (.1. It X. M. KbunieryI lima n ICstates, In1 . .-I1". II. AlbeeMrs. Helen NaliriiMichael MarcheltlClara Coles ,.l'aul * Lillian CrulirAntliuiiy CardonoAnthony CardoneCliarleti AvcntKrnest l.lnkMrs. Anna Con very ..:I-en, llmifolo \- SlmotielllJames McNainai'aMary (.1. Sanila _...'Kinerlcli l'a|ipI' & Helen Na'^yIsldnre >t Dorolhy J iunbsAlex, l i i ak . Sr :UnknownD, I'. Cari>enterAnna J. Jones(ieorBe Diinlinni 'John KetcriUJohn KeterlliDorothy (!. Silakoskl' .VorR-Jersey Homes, liir

Atne ih i l i e laney

JuNtin 't. MariiliCordon WeliiHle.lii lOalHarry, L'l'fid & Will. Tuck. Jr.Al J'L'rllllHOII ;Mi'H. Mary Treval.lOilin^ NelKim j. . .'Wllirani 10. TuckJohn & Anna Hedilen . .Alfred Sharp Mauley•Simula Kalibel ..-Su/.nim KahliflHthiil M. MllUirlOlhe'l HI. MillerItaphiU'l He MainStephen *t S. llh.erChuiilti liei-ke.i1

Clauile I iei*khr .ChiuM'e Ui-ckerClati' iV Deckerr'lilii'i'e Declter ... '.....'.'..'. '-,:-'"Will iam iHileikItoHt! llelnialiJ i n n e i n K M. J u l i a n '....-.Anton J. 1 ifileuiilKiitlie.riue H. Win, Sluai^

John S v l l a n kCity I In II, l.anil & lull', Co,Anna *i r r a i i k ('liushlveV i l t i i t i e Nu r ^ l : -Joseph LoiieriskyAnna AilamefiiiAlary

: 1(114


John ],<>ckb -:

Hudie A null IVITBIIU ..Florence HelenaWilliam 10., Hurke . ...Autflist & tflinu. A.Mli-lmel Kdrmll ...Ida I'llaskl :Cliiti'leii C. KulijlnnOcorgi! HoeUfitt, ....Siiruli P. Krugi

- WhliuWliltu

Morris" (lerborSnplili; DnrahdoTyrone's Har & UrHlJuiliBH D. Con mil I

-J-'rHiik T. Undel'wuudi lOIUabiith Doujflimsi .

1'UHI|UU.)O Jeannel te >'TlmdilcuH * Nora Berbu'Martha WeltbMiirlha WeUhWilliam & MMreWilliiini & MHdroOatlierlnt) ftflilliom'y .Mi»rlun I'imfliqrlcli . . . "Mftiil'i* ManalsfiineiH Co,O. KiiKone lJ|i>tKi-|y ..ij, HaranyarVllii)K .M Htclla Dainion &JoHttpli & lioac I'eicid i a l lea H. l l e l n r i c h :C l i * ' l « s I l i ' in r lch 'Michae l IU'III'IISH •....-...Kn<dcrlck W. itotlu'hlWl \r

Ohiuli's Avi'iit '..•. ., ,William Dalclk 'rivd.irlck Itolliulill^ . . , .joi.ti & i.iMif a » i « o ,jiii-n Kuruew ..,....»'....,.;Willlani P«n*«llk ..-,;*.I' l.a J ! u » » o , * J, t)ai)t||t<*I' l .a >:UB»O & J, i m p i l H o ... :

i W . V ' - W ' V M . : ,-;• •'. t . i . i . . . - . " . * i - f l 1 . 1 1 ; - • > .•..• : > , . »

Page 12: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17


Rebuffed by Carteret, Bears Now Eye Metuchen Field• 4 : .-. -._... - ^ - . —•

Mt Camel to Face Amboy Champs SaturdayKx|M'd lo. On Anil


«mf<Tid' Situation

V x t W<<k

WOODBKIlXiFOu'ir aUcniii' •- t u d i u w ' ."i ' '»•••

thiv seasonarc ;*P l f l ; ' 'liuheri

Unnble '.

luifi to ha1.i.the Fwls P.'lu i l l ' - i l to t-uf Ihp ilijl)

' '.he C.i.'itrnnf!i Heai


K.ltlTOK'S NOTK: Mike Kmvik ulm h;ts hern III and nnu<(«••«• intrrrst t t iE nolf's


,"». ; .-Ha::! Mi •

:P fit-;u ;i: I.;'1

.!; .|i.i|)i' amiin ;.'ir..ii ven-

j - ITlf t i l t-tlf-V

i-r 'he Brn-)!• ,;ii nlf-cl-

i) It'll

W O t l l d ! « • p * - ' M l . ' '•:! t ' i Uo u R h p a r k :>II- , r .1 p i

i n n l i t t h f I ! 1 . .MI . ,f

Monday 1. .;'Ihrwiuh.

T h r c l u b • n i i - i i l i - i . i l

t e r e d a t t i n .-u;< n u i c of t i n s po.%-J l b l h t y bfVil . •!• / (eli :h:ir 1: w o u l dn o f be iomi ) ' i i , ! i . ' * . t h ' h e C a r -t e r * I A l u m n . •:m '• c i c v h c ' u b h a di t s o w n f f i l l / ' , n ' , ind ;ht a m a -j o r i t y of l lv • . i'Ail i t i t ' T c s i f d 111t h e B m r s a l t i iM'-d mi iv tliPii R a m pa n d would £ •in«i f:"urn W i t o d b r i d u ew l l h on ly a ;>i • n k l m . ' f i o m C a | ' -t e r e l T e a m : f-p:•••~i-n! ,i! upr-s s a i dy e s t r n l i i y l i . i y n;id i n t e r v i e w e dI n d i v i d u a l m> . 'nor: • 'if : h c C i u t e r r tB o a i d i ind I I J ' V : V M 1 11 v i r t u i i lprorfil-.i' t h e I.. :ii • ' liriul flrlrl t h e r eWould be av.ii i . ihli-

Whi ' l i t i n ' !; 11 ;i 1 dpc i s inn w a s t obe n iudi ' . h o w M I , r e p r e s e n t -al tVPs sa id Hi'1 Hni i rd p l aced t h em a t t e r in t in liiiiicU 1 if t h e C a r -ten-1 A l u m n i -.v,:'ii t h e s t a t e m e n tt h a i if t h i s g r n i i p d i d n»i o b j e c t ,t h e Held w o u l d of i ivt i i lablp t o t h eWoodi ) i i ( l i : c b iv-. T i n ' A l u m n i d i do b j e c l . I m w e v i b e c a u s e of t h efBelmi! Car tp r i - i wmi ld n o t s u p -p o r t t w o c l u b i tnd t h a t i t s g a t ew o u l d I111 i idvr i i l v a f f ec t ed . T h e

. C a f t t t c l B w i ' i l tnol%i. | ip p o s i t i o n

whirII we .ire I n ><ui s | i o r t l a n s . i

Plans a r c nndcrvv.'iy to h a w the npi niit^ hi^h school

({rid g a m e with the alumni on Friday, Scpti 'mltfr HI,

to b»> played as a twilijfht till. Something never seen

lii'iv.1 hfforf. (iiimc time would pmluthlv In:

r> o'clock find played either a t .'('"ai'tcrct ur

I'crth Amliiiy. , . . .S|)(>:ikiiiK "I" 'li(- I ' a n o n eleven.

hen1 Hre some |)n"-se}i.soii notes about I he t e a m : I'ris-

coe will have Ihc hnavifst line to work with since he

has been at Woodbridtfr. Says Nick," If we are able

to curry and hold tha t weight, we av"f K'HIIK places."

Some of the players whom the Hiirrtin men to r is ttotujt-

in^ heavily on and wor th while? wa tch ing , include

"Ace" Adams . Hal " T h e T a n k " Neibank and Beniie

h t e r s o n , . . . Nick Otaviano of Port Reading , who

was sidelined willi appendici t is last fall, Cits into I'ris-

coc's backlield plans thi.s sdason as well

named Maskowitz , who is a fast tharjrinjr Ktuird

Just as a reminder , F'riscoe is Retting |iractically

ev< ryonc out for the varsity t(!am tha t played with

the Freshmen-Sophomore team over the pas t two sea-

sons and which lost only one name dur ing that time.

. , . However , with thi.s wealth of mate r ia l , the Har-

ron mentor still him a big headache, that lieinjf a prac-

tical place to practice dai ly . . . .

Fans a round this vicinity are in for a t r ea t , too, thi.s

fall for, according to Priscoe. something new is going

to be added to the Harroris' offense thi.s fall—some-

thing neve r seen in scholastic ball a r o u n d here be-

fore. . . . You know, I have a hunch the Matrons will

be one of the strongest elevens in t he county this

as a fella

ird. . . .

Meet Red BirdsAway in! Contest of Year' RKWARKN T h e Mt. Carmr l A,( ' . . wlii'li Sa tu rday .will travel to1 Perth Aiubny to ploy t | ip R»'d [jllisd.;. winner (if tlif light senior jI riiv lea'Aii1 crown. "look ba t t ing j1 drill lor "lie ' ' iicminler wTien it.

-mfiihi'iTd the American Legion1'iim iindrr IS hits to take n 15-3Iccisimi.

Butting honors for the day wont0 Bralsano with a single, double

and circuit clout to drive In a total;f six runs. The fielding gems were

gathered in by Johnny Ur, whomarie two long runs to pulk downbutted balls that were headed forexi ra bases.

The Legionnaires started off theorlnK by collecting a run In the

initial frame, while the Mt, Car-mel;, went scoreless. They made upfor it ih their half of the second,however, when they sent five runshome, lidding three more in thefourth, six In the fifth and anotherin HIP sixth. Bratsano, on the hiltfur tiie victors, gave up but threehits in the seven-inning contest.

timrslm Saints 11-1.Champs for Title, Lose to Keasbey

To Fan- Bethlehem 4'.hil»'f.Viiri First-Half Crown,On Sunday; Proceeds ftltt Drop ThtillinfiDevoted to Charily i Bout to Rangers, ' " : Coloilid Legion 0-0

i _ v f •••" ~~ ! ^

KEASBEY — After dropping a '1-0 fame to the Kensbey Rangers, CL1FPWOOD — The Coloniathe CarrriKher Boys Club went on Amerlrfin Legion tossprs traveledSunday to cop first-half league • to CHfTwood Sunday to lose a

, . . „ honors when It trounced the St. < tough Knmr to the Genoa Indians,for the benefit .if the Damon Run- j J a m e s c y o „ t 0 j W i s s i n g W M ; , l 0 3

yon Memorial C n r e , Fund As , i t h e h u r h r - „ t n e C a r r w h e r e l n , Y o u n c o f s k l w e n l t h p d i s t a n c e

-• : , ' " • . iboth contests, and while he struck >for t n e i n d i a n s to gain the victory.

'ISELIN Fresh from cliiiehinutin1 New Jersey SlnlP "Class A"srtftbMl cniwn. thf Iselin VFW aft-liifKHtion will play thf JacksoniariClub of Bi!thlfhem. Pa.. Sunday

Holy Name Sorirlv(!lul) -Stops (roOutfit, Raritjin |


out eight, passed but three andgave up only one hit against Keas-bey, his own mates were unable to

Madonna Association of Newarkwill meet the College Inn of Wood-bridgr at 1:30.

The Bethlehem club Is comint; iSCOre on" the slants of Iselin HI its own expense in or- „ d t t h e n d

^ i d " h Z Z SJ uJete- -f the fifth innln, but only afterlin and Township fans who h B V e ! the Hangen had been able to pushbeen so loyal to the Vets all seasonwill b? on hand for the big dou-ble biH on Sunday for the magnlfi-oenl cause which will benefit. The

Whilo W. Wehrenbertc started forColonia. Jie WBB relieved in theseventh by B.. Greiner. and theformer was the losing pitcher.

The box score:GENOA INDIANS


• main gome will be played at 3j o'clock,

; After defeating Lhe Riversides ofj Patcrson 4 to 2, the Iselin clubI went to Belmur to stop Alohas.

For the Kiime. Saturday all | 3 to 0. In the Riverside name, Ise-membrrs of the team are asked to; lin was behind 2 to 0 from themeet ai the clubhouse atP. H.

across a tally In their half of the Pizzi, Ifthird. Bovis gave up but two hits. Rosato. cf

Agains the Saints, it was a dif- J Sullivan, 2bferent story. Wissing pitched five- ;£*'{?• M

hit ball, while his mates cloutedDeJoy for 13 which were bunchedto net four runs in the first, one inthe second, one in the sixth, andfive more-In the seventh. Bothteams contributed a pair of mis-

.._., „ _ .„ . .._ _ plays. St. James* combine man-12:30 i first inning lo the last when Huttn- aged to knit together a tally in the

i man sot on with a walk as did : second, but otherwise went score-

Borbetta. lbG. Paight, 3bB. Sullivan, cB. Paiuht, rfYouncofski. p

. 344

.. 4

.. 43

.. 444

34 8 12


AB RGillis, ss 3 1Kolista, cf 4 2

! Ciillinan. Pogyena afnned and then , less as Wlssing continued to baffleiDudas singled to load the bases.; the lads with his tantalizing ot-tr.IComsuriis then lofted a grand slam jferings.home run into deep right center The box scores:

. to vive the vet* a 4 to 2 victory. | CARRAGHER BOYS CLUB


T. Ladayne, 3bBleyker. cf ....

J. Rosenmeler, ssR. Den Bleyker, cC. Wilson, lb

PORT READING — TinAnthony Holy Name Socuu ;,ers added two more vuini,.their string when they cli|>|i,i;

rossley A. C. of New HIUII •7 to 4. and overcame the R;r

Township Ramblers easily. ,",The win over the New H,

wick lads came on the \,n;pitching of Mike Grpshm-kthe heavy hitting of Ronim. iwho polled a homer in n ! r

with Syre and Zullo on iln iThe Saints added three m<,:the second when Covino i|. ,and scored on Vahal\\ ];

Greshuk walked and Yah;i>vanced to third, with the (,.stealing second, and bothoh Johnny Zullo's long riout,:,

Another tally was added ;,fourth when Greshuck sintliT.scored on Johnny Zulln\ .hit of the day. In addition •,circuit smash, Lozak alsndouble In his two times ;<Zullo and Syre collected in ,ties, as did Tom Tobin 1-.losers.

Joe Gyenes gave up bublngles to the Raritan TouiRams as his mates clippedgrady for ten. ,Gyene's on!vinning was the second wh,

inn mi*thatlocal I'luh.

To Ciitifrr SunnWith thi.s PH. Mljility none. Urn

' B e a r s turn ure rycitii! Metuchena n d exiii'.'l to miervipw BoroiiKh

', officials llu*re within Lhf next fewdays . In Ihe ntf*:tm ninr. pract icesessions me b t in lifld ]ri:iilnrlySO tha t llii1 sriu:nl will be in sl'iiiD'!if—and when—.i liild is obtainedand till1 .'.r:!Min . irnvcs.

Greiner (Jirls TopFoes In Twin Bill

KOOSEVKLT PARK - -Sparke tby Hit brillianl pfay at short of13-year-old Adelc Johnson, theGreiner Oiils went on to ii doublewin Sundiiy dcfeiiiini! ScotchPlains 2 lo 1 and Nowurk, 7 to 3^ On Smuliiy, t he Orelners willplay Glen Cove ill. Glen Cove undeithe liKhts and will meft, the Ne-

' mish Girls of Ciirteret in a LftborDay Kiinie ill 2 o'clock.

The double-header box scoresfollow:


Sullivan, cfJaworski, IfVuono, :il>Kacmarzak,Madger. lbColgan, ifStatile, 2bWilliams, pJohnson, ss, 1





7 11

Allan, cfHerbert, if$isej', lbSue, 31)Butters , ssElwood, i iAmy, c

. • Branson, J bBrewstiT, i>


25Score !jy inniiiK.s:

Greiners 0 4 1 1 1 0 x—'"Newark , 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 — '

GREINERSAB R H2 1 03 . 0 032

cfSullivan,. Vlloiip. 3bKaczmurek, cMadyer, lbStatile, 2bJaworski, pColgan, if

,WJlliam.s,'HJohnson, an


. I :i o I :!. 3 o ' ;1 :i o, 2 i :. 3 o i, 2 0 I

. 3 0 I3 0 I3 0 I

25 1>JScore by inninus:jAotch Plains 0 0 0 1 TT<) 0~

|f'|peinp i o 04 o fl x-:

N'THiOlW'TWIRLEB SHOT'" .'('.VAN NTJYS, Cal. While bran

gointr about his gun-twi»linjity to a friend over thi,ep|ione, Robert Davis, 21-year[' tiuck driver, had the uriplf

.^ experience of having the gunr off. the bullet .striking him Ir

, stomach. He will recoverwever.

/ALLOWS ItAZOK^_ '.. BOY LIVES'fELFAST, Irkeland,—A 14-year

t>lrt boy who swallowed a pauke(razor blades, one after th

in a suicide attempt, surA doctor said all of thware recovered. '

Ana in .South River Hitfh KWH liiff/tinif. First it was aha.sihall trip to the J^ouLhlarui last S|»"injf for the dia-mond team. And now 50 members of the Maroons'football squad will leave Sunday for a week's pre-season conditioning at Ui'sinus College, ('olle^eville.Pennsylvania. . . .

Fords should be an exceptionally quiet communitynext Thursday. An excursion of nine buses, sponsoredby the Fords Fire Company, will leave for the Polo(imiiiids in New York where the Giants and Dodderswill tangle in a night game. . . .

A "humdinger" of a game is on tap at Fords Parktonight when the Fords A, A. tangles with the SilverStreaks. , . . The A. A. nine, incidentally, is promot-ing u sectional baseball tournament which would takein the Raritan Township Ramblers, Keasbey Eagles,Keasbey Tigers, Fords Field Club, Silver Streaks andthe Fords A. A. Money pri*/es would be in the offer-ing. . . .

A truly worthy cause is on tap for Sunday at Kea.s-bey, where the Keasbey Eagles are sponsoring a bene-fit game for Mickey Koperwhatts, who lu'oke a legin a baseball tilt several weeks ago. . . .

John Korczowski, who was varsity catcher on thebaseball team while attending William and Mary Col-lege, was a battery mate for Vic Rase hi, New YorkYankees' mound sensation. Another of John's team-mates at school, Harvey Johnson, is playing with theNew York Yankees football team. . . . Best of luck,"Gutch," in your new job as head coach at Williams-burg High School in Virginia. . . .

r I * • * *

Woodbridge Township will be well representedwith the following football athletes at William and .Mary College this fall: Tom Korczowski, Nick Semak,Tucker T.hompson, Bob Finn and Lou Crtjekmur. Ithas been reported that Thompson has the varsity cen-ter position all "sewed up" and since Finn is a centertoo, he is being groomed as a blocking back becauseof his epeed. . . .

Matty Jago of Fords nas enrolled at Arn61d Uni-versity at Maine and is|muking a bid for aj varsityfootball spot. . . .

Chet Redshaw is embarking upon his 25th year ushead coach at New Brunswick High School this fall.. . . Art Dunham, local mound sensation, was be-sieged by several baseball scouts to sign a contractafter they saw him pitj;h in the New Jersey BaseballTournament that was conducted in Waters Stadium,Perth Amboy. . . '. Artie mada the trip to Wichita,Kansas}, with the slate champio|, Patepon Blue Jays,and although he pitched in a five-inning losing garni1,Dunham drew a great deal of praise r.or being one ofthe youngest participants in the National Tournament.In fact, his team was dubbed as the 'Baby of the Tour-nament." No one was over 23 on the squad.

• . *, • *

• Alumni of'the past three years are requested to getin'touch with Coach Priscoe as soon as possible if theywant to play in the alumni High School game Septem-ber J!). A reservation fgr equipment will be, rr)ade bynotifying Priscoe on this score.

GOLDEN BEARS NOTES.—The Golden Bears willbe minus the services of Cihris Miller, who sustaineda chipped elbow on his construction job. . . , BrotherHal Miller, along with Bill Conway, "Wiggy" Mor-ton and Tony Di Orio, are some of the newcomers onthe team who look good in practice. . . . The Cipobrothers, John and Steve, are among- the "old-timers"who are standouts. . . . The boys are wonderingwhat .happened to Ed Triggs, who turned out for theopenilig sessions but hasn't been around since, . . .AnotlfBi1 mystery at the B«*rs' training, eufnp is the

of two old reliables qf p a t

Mi.Cuiui, |J ——Laymen, c . .Kennedy, rfMacDermoLt, 3bMcDermott, IfZiik, lbJancr. lb . .Gerity. 2b

—r.. 4


.. 312

. 331

rionny Bahr, after a bad firstInning, went on to pitch two-hitbull, failninK 9 to goose-egg the

i J. Canagher, 2bMorris, lbJ. Boland, 3b

Riversides for the last 6 innings. Williams, If


Lucas, lb 3 3DeJoy. 3b 5 2Mf-ssick, If • 4 1Ur, cf 4 1Klement, 2b 4 - 1Haklar, c 4 1Eak, ss 4 1Broclniak, rf 1 1Horvath, rf 1 1Bratsano, p 4 3

Dudas' 2-hit twirling won thej | championship for Iselin in Sum-j i mit Sunday night.8 The Alohas had Tee Adams on

i the mound but Iselin had the batsi

H J all primed and got to Adams for4 hits. Prcitag led off the fourth*tih a single, reached second ona fumble and advanced on a sac-

Wisslng, pPitzky, ssBonacoure, cf--Bugllari, cJennings, rf

0 D. Wehrenberg, 2bH. Den Bleyker. rfE. Brady, cfW. Wehrenberg, p

0 ; B. Greiner, p!' Godson

4. 3.. 3. 3



,riflw by Bahr. He scored on Mas- iParsler, 2b



0 ! Score by inn ings :_ Legion . 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—3

g IndlnnsIndlnn.s 0 0 3% 0 1 1 1 2 x—8

:» 15 12Score by innings:

Post No, 87Mt. Carmel

1 0 0 0 2 0 0—30 5 0 3 6 1 x—15

tnuwelo's fly to right field. Iseliniiot 2 more in the fifth for security

: j when Cullinan singled. Kallek sin-gled and Huttcman walked. Plask-

' i on fanned and Dudas singled two' j runs across to win 3-0.11 To gfiin the title, the Vets beat

the Perth Amboy Hubs 6-5, Somer-ville -Runners, 1-0, Paterson 4-2and Alohas, 3-0.

Iselin Cubs ClickOver Amboy Saints

12 02 01 0,2 01 0

Chinchar, If 2 02 01 1

1-4 1

Antol, ssDalina, 3bDrocz, lb

Banyacski, cC. Banko, cf

Novak, rfBovis, p ,

The box scores:PATERSON

Spacnola. ssConsalvo. c .DiStefano. IfDotirar. 3b .Cuccinollo, 'jDiFaro. rf

ISELIN—The Iselin Cubs, . spon - j D ! ) i m n n ' 'Jb

.sored by Dairyman Frank Cooper,came from behind in a thrilling jcontest lo cd«e out the St. Ste-phen's ball club of Perth Amboy,4 to 3. Jack Mastrangelo pitchedfine ball but tired in the later in-

jJ a b l o s l c l '



Score by Innings:Canagher BoysKeasbey Rangers

0 0 0 0 0—00 0 1 0 x—I


0 | J. Carragher, 2b2 I Morris, lb

' P. Carrat'her, 3bWilliams, c ,Wissing, pFiUky, ssBonacoure, cf ....


ABComsudis. 2b 4Hutleman, 3b 3freitag, ss 4Palskon, lb 3Mastrangelo, If 3Kallar, rf ' 2Szurko. c 0Poytfena, cf . i 3Varany. ci ....._ 0Bah1.1, p 2

27Score by innings:

Paterson* - 2 0 0 ( 0Iselin Vets .... 0 0 0 Q' 0

and was relieved by PhilO'Connor.

Two home runs were banned,one by Cebro for the Saints undthe other by Bill Breen for theCubs which proved to be the win*ning margin. •

Tonight, the Cub's will, attemptto hang on the second place in thecounty loop when they engage theKeasbey Eagles who at the momen:tare hot after a 5-0 victory overthe league-leading Raritan Ram-blers. The game will be played atKeasbey, and either Winegar orMarciniak will hurl for theEagles with the Iselin choice to p , U T ;jbe made from among O'Connor,' j^'cArdle 2bGeorge Russsnak and Carl Freitag.1 *

The box .score:• BT. STEPHEN'S •

ABSarz, lb-pPaley', p-lbMozpljc, cf ......Ctoro, .ssRemkh. 3bHoards, cMajeskj, 2b ....'.


Bugliari, IfJennings, rf

31 11ST. JAMES gyo



on an error.Baffs Are Filled

In the second for thp Si, ;

Glenes singled and stole >•, :Ronnie Lozak followed MM; ,Rocky Simeone walked in j ; . .bases. Urban Hied to shui :

J o h n n y Syre a n d Mike Kwalked and af ter stealing .i.raced home on Simeone's •.in .

The Port Read ing conib:i:. l

lied again in t h e fourthKonci opened up with afollowed by Dom Scutt i v.i.stepped in with a one-ba.M'i Kwent to th i rd and Snip /.squeezed him home. In tin. ::

the Sain ts s en t Nofirady. [•ace twirler, to the shiron •

across four taiT n e b o x




0 0—20 4—4

Racing, cRees, 2bB. DeJoy, p .Messick, 3b .Geis, s» ...J. DeJoy,!,lbPerrarrf, cfPowers', ifEinhorn, It .



Pioren, If ...Zduniak, rf

! Zmiesefiski, cR ' H ! Davenport , 3bu • " ' 'Eggman , rf' ...

Brisco, s.s ... .Paskowitz, cf



M. Mastrflngelo,' IfW. Breen, lbJ. Burger,' 2bC. Freitag, ssG. Comsudis, c .LaBunca, 3bJ. O'Connor, cf .J. Tertenhart. rfJ. "Mttbtrangelo, p .P. O'Connor, p




Comsudis, 2bKollek. rf ,,Freitag, ss ...;..Bahr, lb ,Mastrangelo, If

I 23


Cullinane, c ..Hutteman. 3bPoygena, cf .

0 Dudas, p2

Score by innings:St. Stephen'sIselin Cubs

010 200 000—3f|010 0Q2 lOx—3


escape from the cab of his loco-mptiye, as steam started pouringfrom a valve, John Carroll; 57-year-old railroad engineer, ofSyracuse, felt under the moving


. 3332

.. 2






. 33

. 333

. 23

. 2

.. 2



Big Purse OfferedFlemington Racers

Big-car ailto racing under thedirection of Sam Nunis Speedways iwill return to the Flemington Fairwith a double-barreled programof speed and thrills August 31 andSeptember 1, it has been an-nounced by Maj. E. B. Allen, head I W ' Buglousky, 2bof the famed exposition. ! i?,0*?!''1 , h

Identical programs, comprising ! „ i 1 'six events, will be staged each day, I F- BU£U>usky. c_ ,bringing together a great array of t:n t0"fe i ' *s

topnqtch drivers. The slates will K-arablnchak, rf3 j get underway with time trials at ^ k l b 0 ' "2 'one o'clock, followed at 2:30 by the N°e>'ady, P. c '...2 I first of three eight-lap qualifying2 I heats, a ten-lap consolation event >

and the 20-lap feature" sweep- j S T - ANTHONY'S H. N.stakes. j A l i

Among the established stars: Scu^\\ l b ;i

contracted to appear here is Joie I „; ., , ' s s

Chitwood, full-blooded CherokeeIndian now residing in Reading,Pa. Equally famed for his thrill-a-second stunt show, Chitwood isthe only driver in raoing annalsever to wyn the coveted .AAA EastCoast dirt-track championship inthree separate years.

Also making their bid for the0 1 huge Flemington purse will be


J. Gyenes, p 4Lozak, 2b. 2Simeone. 3b 2Urban, cf 2J. Syre, rf 2Konci, If L>

Score by innings:Carratjher Boys 4 10 0 0 1 5—11

such nationally known speedsters


Score by innings:Ramblers 0 1 IMI

as Tommy Mattson, of Wilming- 1 s t- Anthony'ston, Del.; Mark Light and Lucky!Lux, of Lebanon, Pa.; Hurricane1

Hank Rotjers, of Trenton, N.

CROSSLEY A.CAHHank Rotjers, of Trenton, N. J ; , , . .

Dutch Culp, Allentown, Pa.; Jim O n i e l ' s s

JohnsonBoas and Paul Becker, of Reading,St. James CYO 0 1 0 0 0 0 0— 1 \ Pi*- Warren Bates, of Monroeville,

4 BABIES IN 19 MONTHSiN. J,; -Lee Wallard, of Schenec-I tady, N. Y.; Lew Mood. o( Pitman,

MILWAUKEE — Mrs. Franklin | N . J.: Mark Sooy, of Mt. Holly,Loomis recently gave feirth to j N J., and a bon of otters.triplet sons at St. Luke's Hospital, j

Johnson, 2bF. Tobin, IfP. Zano, cfBada, lbR. Nelson, 3bR. Nelson, 3 bNelson, rf

The Loomises have another sonj Turkey to ask $200,000,000 to | T. Tobin, c .0 10 montlvs old.0

.Soviet pcoreij U. S. and Britainon freedolm for press media.

$400,000,000 World Bunk loan. NowiUki, p

• Private power concerns to spend' billions for new construction.'

- • • , # - • - -


Score by innings:AlohasIselin Vets

0 0 0 0 0 0 0—00 0 0 0 1 2 X.-3

Rutgers Gridders Now PreparingFor Opening Tilt September 27

NEW BRUNSWICK— Establish- Manus alternated with sopliwmoreing headqua|ters in their pre-, AI Muleffok, of Newark, at the


about the fading colbr of theirgoldfish at the California (Acad-emy of Sciences, officials ara feed-ing the flsl* meatballs heavily sea-soned with paprika in the hopethat the paprika, a good sourceof vitamin A, wll( help preservethS bright, color of newly minedgold in salt water goldfish thatcome to the aquarium, which, af-tera few weeks in the tanks, fadesaway.engine und was killed.

John Trosko and John Novak. . . .A« in the past, the Bears will have all their players

insured -again this seaHon, . i , And thoHe lovelycheer leaders aa well as the band, will be with the

at ite

season training oamp at Sea Girton the Jersey shore, members ofthe Rutgers University footballsquad have started preparationsfor the 1947 gridiron campaignwhich opens on September 21against Columbia University inNew York. :

The home schedule will be In-augurated a week later againstWestern' Reserve University [ ofCleveland. '

Mare than 40 aspirants, led byCoauh Harvey J. Harman and hisstaff of strategists, went intotraining Monday. Hixty-two grtd-ders were invited to tW camp, butnearly 20 of that number cur-rently are enrolled In summercourses on the New Brunswickcampus and will ^t(end practiceonly on free afternoons.

Thirty varsity lettermen are ln-pluded in the group of candidates,among them most of last Fall'ssuiting eleven. The only members'of the starting lineup who wenlontby graduation were John Ver-WUki tiud, Eu8*ot M M U

starting fullback slot. Verbitski'sunderstudy, Mike Kushinka, a200-pound guard from Bethlehem,Pa., is also returning as a sopho-

! Urban, cJ, Zullo, ss ...J. I Syre, cfSimeone, 3bLqzar, lbKonci, IfCovino, rfVahaly, 2bScutti, 2b ....Greshuck, p


more.Two other lettermen, John

Pearce, a reserve quarterback, andGil Greenberu, substitute tackle,were lost by graduation, and an-other reserve, end Gene Gallagher,is no lwiuer enrolled at Rytgers.The remainder of the squad isintact.

Rutgers bids fair to start its•ferueliiiK. nine-game campaignwith a star-studded backHeld.Back to return to tlu gridiron ex-ploits which they started whileplaying together at Roselle ParkHigh School are Frank Burns,junior quarterback, and HermHeilng, sophomore left halfback.

Both Herlng and Burns wonhonorable mention as AU-EJasternbacks last season. Hering was theteam's leading ground gainer. »ndBurns wtts tlie leading pass«r.Suras' right WB is a lethal (ouch'down threat, and Herlhg fre-auwtttl MTVM w hts tM|M.

l. l


0 1.3 i

Score by innings;Crossley A. C.St, Anthony's

ON ERRORSeveral wgeksiflgo, a rml't il!

graph on this page, due in '•> '•"•'take in labelling, was ill1 ' :"us depicting Louis Ki/i|l;l | ;

falling to the canvas wall i''1

Warner hovsring over hmj '•two fighters were Tom }!-' "'•'and Mike Gowans. We' l : l l i l

apologize for thee r ro i .


1921 Model T Ford, after a t « . ! 'mile an hour overland uw !•"Swtt le , Mr. and Mrs. -i""11

Hielfticer, 81. were the KII1^t h e F o r d C a m p a a y on a v l "t h e R o u g e p l f n t a n d O " "

l .,

th«i t

Page 13: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17

;iI.;i'I.:NDENT-LEADER AU<;r:vr 2?


AccountantsPublic Accounting


Drug Stores Locksmith • • Roofing & Siding • • Service Stations •


,, I V or NUht Service

Grilli , , ,v

Ceo.4ii6 Woodbrldge



Piiblix Drug Store

v 95 Main StreetWoodbridge, N. J.

Telephone. 8-01**9


Andrew / . UUa

A p P l i . .c A . I .

I irestone Dealer Store

-,«•> Roosevelt Avenue

Carteret, N. J.

C.rt. S-5341 ^

Building Contractors •




, l ilIultPS Cheerfully Given

/,,„•«<• MacDonald• p s,,i,lh Ave.. Westfleld, N. J.


,!, H

Avenel Phatmacy1010 RAHWAY AVENUE

WOonitRIDGF. 8-1914

PrescriptionsWHITMAN1 S CANDIESCosmeticsMini(Ireetlng Cards

Electrician •

Service Electric Co.118 Main Street

Woodbridge; N. J.• Electrical Contractors• Plant Maintenance• Home Maintenance• Ruilding MaintenanceFor Service and Estimate

Telephone Woodbridie 8-1SU


IAITII nMMvrn, icnnlpnr Loclm, «A\Y«, KMIU, <I»«>r

check*, tennis rniakr1n, rlr. •i>*t our tonic experience itml pre- :

rINton mnchlarrr be to your bfin'fli! j\O uijfiiM work In nnr nhvpl j

Anthony's Sport & Key ShopANTHONY J. IIOHI.IM;, |>ni|>. |

1537 Irving Street, lUhway, N. .1.R»hway 7-1198

HINES ROOFING CO.Gutters - Lenders - Skylights

Slate and Asphalt RnofNRubbaruid 5hin(let

Holohan Brother*GARAGE



To WHOM IT MAV CONCEKN:At a n>|-iilti r nifKtlnn <*f tht

Tnwnitilp ComtnltlM of th« Town-i«Mp of WoDtllirlilgf held llomtay,A i i K M ' t M ' l i . l ' ) \ ' , 1 « . i < i l l r n - t i ' dt" -ulvenln* thf f»ct thnt on Hon-

*l » v, M. (I>8T) In ih* Com ml It.'*i/ln-mb^r*. al • in *i r I u I Atnuii'lpalHulMlnf. IVootUiil i i i . , Now Juricy,and nipime anil if l l at ftublu iftle

il lo tlm hl([bMl bldtlvr ai-.< irdlnfI Tin-* uf *:lle mi Hit- with tin-

Towni lup Olsrk uptn to Inmnctlon• ml to Iif puhlklv read iirlor tn •wini.nin n iinii 11 in i4i*i, v :M M.


t o ami li liiiiil.M HII It i m i y <>li rMi i i i l I .< I I IL ; y u . j i I,, . t v rn u m t i ' t .tl ]wi\t!^i'iiT. In i HHI mcii-i' i n l n l m n i i i I I I J H a lml be rr-


Hines Roofing Co.468 Scho.l Strret, Woodbridf*

T t k p U o . 8-1077

Umber & Mlllwork



TINSMITH AND ROOFERRoofing and #idiof Work


Woodbfidf* B-0M4 aid «-0M3Car. Amboy A*aa«t tad

tacond Str*atFlratlaM Tlr« and Tubai

Weodbrldf., N J.

Aven«l Street(By IIH Station)

Avenel, N. J.-on.17

fSRV« lalftiman'i commlitlonWhy pay $300.00 f/»r *

$150.00 job?Nothing to pay Mir* for

William Murphy99 W.dr«wood AT. .

Woodbrld,., N. J,

JVo. 8-2278-M


Kitchen CabinetsCabinet Combination Sink & Tub

Linoleum Topi & Formica Tops

Millwork of All Type.' ALL WORK GUARANTEED

Acme Milling & Lumber

CompanyA vend Street, Near School

WoodhrlilKr N-1."Kill

S. Lembo


.,,,,.,.,1,. Floors, Sidewalks,Waterproofing



I iilHlitiinl l.lfrtlniv (.iinrnutrrmi I ' O I H I X M N K i l l IIKN KKTMMniiv I l l l u r Srl> I" < llnliar ] > o m .

PRICES START AT $49.50I,IV I X . KHIIM. )IIM\<; U(l(|Jf,

• Roofing & Siding •

Henry Jangcn & Son

Tinnint and Sh««t M'Ul Work

Roofinr, MtUl Ccilinft and

FurnkCa Work

590 Alden StreetWoodbridge, N. J.

Trlephoo. »-U4«

Avenel Service StationROUTE # 25

I Next to Fin-house)

— 34 HOUR —


Good INed Trucks for sale

WnODBRlDCE 8-1042

(urfji* , thnt tlieTownship (.'t-nimWttii imn, by f t . .tlun and punuant to law, fixed aI I I I I H I l M l t l l | i ! i » ,- l i t V \ I I I ' I I , * , l i d 1 ' " 1

In H i d liU.i'k w i l l Im Hold to*-With a l l lit Iif r d i ; t a l l i p e r i l n u m . i n l onij i i l ini ini | n . i t- ' b t l n n f-.'." ini p imcoats of preparing d*«<l and ndvtri l x i n K i h N M I I I , , S i n , I I < I M i n ^ n i iblock, If aold on term*, wi l l r e q u i n• , l i . » I I | > . i • i n . i n i . i I n i l . t h e I n i l -tnce of pu relume prU'« to Im paid Inniiiitl monthly liiHlallmenta uf }l|l.00plui Interrat and other ternu prov|t1»d fur In coiitraet nf sale.

Takt rurtlur none* that at iala,«n.le. or uii) diitt to which it ma:bt adjourned the Townnlilp Commlttttr i -nrvm the rlKht In it* ill-crttlon la rtjrrt any on« or all biilnHiil t|> s e l l -a).I luK in M.i 1,1 I,I,,, Il o i l l eh l i l i lder a t II m a y » e l e i t , durtfard beinf rlvtn to tarma anmilliner of payment. In fain one omure mllUnimn bids •hull bit ra


Speedway GarageRoute 2S, Near Green Street

WoodhrldfreI;|:M-:K\I. IIKI-AIIUM. . TOWIM;

1)11, AMI (,\,sI:I.I-< I'Mn \vi:i ,t>i\u

I,I n u n ITIIIN Kfr.ciAi,« \ V ( I H l i l lh , \ M ) I ) . IM 1.1 DINl i

MI'IIAl *:», THAXSMI.H-m: ut I:\II VM) nvi-ri'.iu

rm:i KI:D—ii.riFRED WEBBER, Prop. *,

24-Hour ServiceWoodbridge 8-0851


i i f minimum"Id, i.! hl i l' • w n » l i i | i r

iiivi. m i n i m u m , liy l l i«M i n l i u t - mi l l t l i« | m y

ti\- t h lI I I I I K tt* I In* i n a n u i ' i ' uf purv l iAi i ti* r i . r d n I M I - w i t h ti-ini*4 uf *»4le t,n

i In- T i i w l m l i l i i Will t l i-Uvi ' i n h n r -n m i l l »h|*> t ier i l fin- unti l nr t-mli io*.•AT I'M' A n n u m IHt ' i , I!H7H J i H ' N U S A S , ' I ' n w i M l i l p ClurW

'.* I..- . l , | \ i -T l l»» . | AllKIHI '.'I-O,. , . n u t : » l l i . H i ; , in t l ie

l i ' l ' i . | n l v n t - l . « t i d f i



< P

• n ' i \i >• | ' t ' l u l u r» nni i l | i i t i m i n i l l|;i

M. 11 I S T i In 111*nera, M i- m <> r i n 1• iK. tt'iwll.i |,1ut>. Nfwit-ore fth'l "ill ;it

linllilami | iit ml t.i Hi,. hlHlicrtt hl'lilor HCMIn ir i t im of mile mi fl\n urltlTnwniihl | i f'lvrtl autin to In

l Hi l'mil ; p n H i r i vnis it Hinl' 'n In Ill

»U«ll*-«r« ( nnnl> <»rro««(r'« C'<mrf

" Wynn.; TO ntKitrniiiiis . i . l l i - l u l u , , r , r u i l i i l « t r i i i r l « n f V i v o

' . i i n . , i ! - . ' k i N ' U i i ;*.^ V I ' , i , C i i l n , d e *

. • i s . . l i , \ - •; c , ' 111 • • i n l 1 ' r . i n k A.

' n n n u l l > , S ' v m i i t t i t i ' i , r t h « C o u n t y o f

i l i d d l t H f - v , i i f r i ' l i v u l v r H n u t l * n t o t h *

i t - . l i t i l r i i . f i h . . » ; i l , | V n - i i C n l i i . n l » o

i k i i i i u n H I * V i i , o I ' . i l n , t o h r l P K I n

f f l l i ' l l - d i > l j I H , iSi .mrlTi ' i l 'H ;i m l * ' 1 n l l l l t 1

n x t ih<> . . n i u t t 1 i , r t h i > u n l t l i l « - -

>-il, u n i l i ' i - I U I ( ! I i n i i f f l r r n n i i n t i ,

w l t l u n !* ix u i v i t l H H r r , , m t h i i * , i i i i i >

u r t h t v w i l l - W r i > r i ' \ t » r l u i r r i * * ) t , f

. H I V i t i M n l l t h i l i - r n r i l ^ j i i l r s l I l i r - ^ i . i l d

. i d n i i i i H i r . i i i i \ .

iMIti.ii AUKUSI c, I 'M:.S A h l l - I I ' A I N .

A . l n i h i i s l i - . i i .>A i i T i i i ' i : A I ; O \ V N . I>M ,II.', M.iiii S i r i . | . | ,WWIIIHMK-., .V. J ,

I ' l ' i i i ' lor .i i. * - i i . ; i , i s ; ii i, i i

T o w t i n h l p ,l i i i l n n Bin] | iur» i i , in t In l a w ,m i n i m u m ]irl<u At w h i i hin HUlil b l i n k w i l l !>*• HHIII tnw i t h nil o t h T l l n u l l n i» r t l n er n l i i l m i i m pi 11 ••- in-InK ) ' i i ) ,i-'nitH IIf u r r p m l i i Kt i i I I I i

r k , If m l i l .MI t i - r m x . w i l lu . inv .n i iHjn i i ' t i i uf I:1

* ( l l

NI l l *



at Ml4It

l*d.Alpon JLi:i-»plmo« of the minimum

bill, or bid above mlnimdhi, by thtT o w n s h i p I ' l i i n i n l i l x i ' . i n . l i l i i > p a y -

i n * : i i i t l i i ' i - e n f h y t h p p u r i - ' l i a s i e r w i ' -

t'uMlnn in tin; manner uf purcha»eid acrurilniu't) willi teripit of nale onRle, the Township will u>llv«r & b»rf»ln ami mln denl for Mid premlaei

l l ' A T C I l . A I I K " « I l ! ' H i . I H I T

I I . . I . H l ' N h U N . T i i W l » v | l i | l C l . T k

T ' l l . | . . l l h l ' t ' l l S I ' l l A U l i ' M l ' I . I

1 !• 1 7 . M i n i A l l K I I « l ' • " ' I ! 1 , I '-• * T . i l l I ' M '

I l


Woodbridge Lumber Co.

Woodbridge, N. J.

,.,„.., ..we.. ElUabeth, N. J.

L,,.,,!,,,,,, Ellwbrth 2-00G3..

Builders Supplies •


i n niNO MXTF.RIAI.S c o .

\iimt-r>' mid . Imr i i l l r FurnitureCnriM-lN - IU-IIIIIIIJCM - l.ailips

, /{. Mikrut & Sons -jF. A. 4-224G

142 Smith St., Perth Amboy, N, J.

Funeral Directors •

Streei Avenel, N. J.

U noilhrldue H.IHl:i7


Hi- Sp-iArU*; In Cabinet Tops

Hmimgartneri*HI II.HKK & SUPPLY CORP.

I'IKI UP Carteret 8-6851I :::•; i:\MDOLPH STREET



l nnjiit-r \ Kaolin? MaterialsNew and Used

At Krasonable Prices

ihn-erleuf Lumber Co.I iluudT. Walsh, Prop.

ihi Die rinvcrleiif At WoodbridgeUOOhUKinGE 8-1593


Funeral Home

46 Atlantic Street

Carteret, N. J.

Trlephune Carteret 8-&715

T«Upk«aai Woodbridga 8-0125

Lawn Mowers

Hardware & Paints •BUILDERS' HARDWARE




Phone Carteret 8-685131-33 RANDOLPH STREET


• House Moving •

LAWN MOWERSHand and Power—Repaired

and Precision Ground.Sharpening Hand Mower

$2.25Saws (lied and reconditioned

A. E. LarsonTel. Woodbridge 8-21U-.T





TOO SMALL? — TOO BIG?Wr MIM-I-IHIUI* in imiKiniE MhoruiT. t*milll<<r. linrrnrtrr, nlileli-MH mid rrnlHiiihiu flirni.

\ IMHI.I: iti:-sni,iM., w I-JICIAMI MI-:I:I, m u r e s


lli-IVi- t i n \ V - " i i iHIMITK'K OK PI 111,11' KAIiH

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKliN:At a renulur mi't'tniK uf theWIIBIII). rotiinillli-i. uf HIP TIIWII

H h l | > u f \ V < J i . . U . r l , l K , > I I H I I I M n n i l a ) -

A I I R I I S I I M l i , I t i l T , I v \ . i s i l i r r i i t i

lo ui lviTl t lw fill t lti:il .Mull

[tie Tnl 8 P

iK. | t « r ; m l , 1HI7lui) r i i n i m l t l e . « w i l l nt«f

H i S ' l

• Musical Instruments •Headquarters for Quality Musical

Instruments and AccessoriesTRUMPETS, CLARINETS,


Eddie's Music Centerand

School of Music357 State Street

Perth Amboy, N. J.Teleohona P. A. 4-1299

also Berlou 10-yeur guaranteedMoth Proofing

with our safe scientific processby EXPERTS

Rugs wrapped for home storage

if preferred.For Free Estimates Call

STANLEY BOYESSouth Amboy 1-0967-R

366 Augusta St., South Amboy

• Radios •SALES SERVICEAuthorized Motorola, Philco, Zen-ith, United Motors, Colonial andEmerson Waranteed Service Deal-er. ,Expert Guaranteed Workmanship

Anderson Radio435 SMITH ST. (Cor. Grace St.

Phone Perth Amboy 4-3735

American ShoeRebuilding and Orthopedic Service292 State Street Perth Amboy

V. A. - l - , W 4

i e « i « f lM. H i S T l In d m ( ' o m i n l l l « f

r h i i i n l i i ' r s , M ? in \t r I a I M u n l r l p : il lu l l i l l l iK. Wuijilbrli lKP, N*>w Jursi-y:iiwl i - x p o s e anil s e l l Lit p u b l ie Halea m ) l o I In1 hl^ht'Ht t i l ih lpr ur i -or i l lngIn l . T i i w ur "ii!i; i>n Illtt w i t h t l i rTuwr iB l i lp C l e r l i u p t n tu InBPa m i l o tit^-puli l leiv renit i ir iur tL u i i l i f . i mil l I \~ri in it iui 'k m i l . . \W O U I I I H T . I K ' ' TIIUIIMIIII I A^.-rs.-niriiMm-.

Tulce furtlinr nollco tliat tilTowii.itilu Cuiiuniltee lias, Uy r«suhitlon and purauuut Iii law, Hxedinliilmum prli'e at whli-li mild lulIn k


Urtt* IinMlTlir, OK IT HI,IC MI,K

u WHOM IT MA V rilNrKUN:At u KPKiilur nin*tuiK of

Towmhip Conrmlttet of thaip nl WunillirMRP htltl Mo-nda r,' . " l - ' l 1 S< la, M U T I w i n .111 - . 1 l-.l

iidvcrtlHii the fnot thnt on Mon*v iv ini i iK, S(.|>(i-mlii'r -nil, I'117.

lie Townsl i lp iJi j inmlHte w'l l m « nt !< I1. M, 111ST I In lh« ('oniniKlra.'namiiera, tl • in o r l u l Municipal

building, WooJbrlda-t, Ntw J*ri*)r,nd eipoat and «ill at public aalt

and to lire hlf lmt blddtr according• terma of nalt on flit with tna

Townthip Clfrk open to Inipettlonand to b« putillrly read prior in aala,L ..l I.1 in Itlm k M'.l. Wu. i . l l i r i i lKi"

I . W I H I H P Af.^cHf<mi'nt Mn | i .

Takt fvirmir notlca that th*Townthtp t'oniraltttt hat. \>j rtao-lullnri anil purtuant to law, ft ltd a

in |irl, •• ul wlili-h "aid lullo l a i d blouk will b t »*j|<J l u f t t h t rwith all other detslla pertinent, aald

i l l i i u i n | i r l * *• l i r l l l K r . T i H . O l * | i l i < t

uf pruynrlng dr«d ami Kd'i'-l i s i n i : I I I I ^ s.iU- Sill .I I d iii M«illb l o c k , If l o l d o n t e r i r i n , wi l l r t i i u l r a.i i l l i c i t i i i > r n t - n t nl* l-"i im, th*' l i i i l -a n c t i o f p u n - h a n t p r i c t l u l i t p a i dIn tqual monthly Initnllmrntt ol|ln.On plu* InlnreMl an,l other termtprovided for In contract of fait.

•P«Ke further notice that at O.I4•alt, or any datt lo which it ma;bt adjourntd, tht Township Com-Dilttee reaerru tht right iti lu dlt-cretlon to reject any ont or ail bldt

p<|lllll t l m r . t h h IJIHI i i l i l n i nPhil* i n t c r f ^ t Hikii o t h e rVIIIIMI I n r In i - i i f l r m - t uf~I*J<i< f l i i l l j r r n n l l i . . ( l in t

tk\r, o r H T V i l u l e t<r n , i | i h If. knMylie « i l jnur in«i l . t i n ' T . i w m h l p C o m -m l n . - c r i - u i v r s H i * r l K i ' i in I I * 4 l i -i i H i i n n i t , i , i r r i . I I I V , ,n, i,r a l K U d a: ind In HI ' II H U M l o i n iif i n if b l o c kin mi i i i i in | i l t-r .i« II imiy u f l e c l , # n «rcKHril imli iK Kiv i -n w : , . r m » i*indi n . i n i u . r or IMIJ i n . n t . In <*an o n #ui ritof-t.. i n l r i l i n i rn i I,nl < « I I R ) 1 b« r^ -iclv-i.,1.

I ' l n i n k i ' i ' e i i l n i i . •• fif Ore m l n l W u mhill, u r hlil a t i u v p m l n l i n i m i , b y t h tT o w n s h i p r u i n i n l l t p i . .in.I t h * « « ' -i iu ' i i i ihi-r i -nf b v thi* | u i i * ln tn* r - i*i'*i i : r . l l n ( t o H i " i n n n n . ' ut i n i r e h a l i *In iit '<'iirdun*> w l i l i ti*i m.^ nf s c i t onfltf, t h e T o w n - h i p w i l l i l . ' h y t r a b a r -K.tln i in i lKi i le i l-fi ' l i m i:il,l r l r ^ t n l t M ,

I ' A ' I ' K I r Anit i i r t i 1!H. I ' u ;H. J l i r . N l i l A N , T i i w i i i h l p G l « r k .


I'M:, :,ii'l AIIKUM .'MIh.lillt-niiiTlt-l.iHillT.


iirrrr tin w-innNOTIVR UF PUII.IC S.

TO WHOM IT MAx CONUK"At a regular mri-llng

Townitilp CiinimltUa uf th«_th«

v 1.ij, i , r ' Wi i i i . l h r l i l f r c iielil Mon<l»y ,A i i t u s i I > . I I , . I ' M ; . I u . n dl rn-«e<1iii . n i v i - i i i s o t i i . . h i c i i m i on> M o n *ll.IV eVi'll 'KK. S , . | i t i ' l l | l i . 1 Jftll, 1 1 ( 7 ,tin Township I'ommlitf' will Ollltut » I1 M. (1»ST) In <:uri|MTl(«* M e m o r i a l Wt|Bl«i»MDulldlng, W(ji.(lhrlil(» Nsw' t t t t t f ,and «ll)om and Mil »t pu»lltC all*and lo Hit h l | h » t biiMrr ftoear4l»gla ttrma of ialc on nla with lh»Towmhip Clerk oprn to lna»i«ctloaami tu b» publlily r»i\A ertor toHal.-, t. ait,I 7 In Him k lOM-lt,\V llii-lilKe T i i » n » ! . | i A . i s r w i n i r n tM:i i> 1

titk« rurthrr nitlrt thtt thtTowmhip Ccnimlttce hai, bJF r»10-Intlun and purauant tu l»w, lb*d •i i i lh i i i i i iu i prlci , . u t wl i ieh t&\$ l o t s


• Sand - Dirt - Fill «

Cinder Blocks


CO., Inc.

8x8x16 BLOCKSPrompt Delivery

P. A. 4-5445

Stephen M. Fetenczi

House Mover and SharerISuiklinss Moved, Raised and

LoweredHi; East 2Gth Street

Bayonne, N. J.'IVU-pliotie Buyunne 3-6776

U ,i

i"" 1 .iv, tu- St.

U nodbridge

lUiihliitg Block Co,( ONVIKY B'l-VD.

"III <'ill's Vocational School)



• Department Stores

lies', Men's, Children'!*

Shoe* and Clothing

Utoper'i Dep*t Store

Mil in Street, Woodbrldte, N. J.

InsuranceMortgage Loans


Stern & Draffoset

Mul» Street, Woodririd|«, N. J.

Resltsri 4 Inturori

Telephlne 8-01,23 i


Moving - StorageSEASHORE MOVINGSaturday trips to all

North Jersey shore pointsPREWAR MOVING RATES

3 rooms $104 5 rooms $156 rooms $20

$2.50 for washer, refrigerator.REASONABLE STORAGF,


Ideal Storage Co.RAHWAV7-3083



Moving & Storage Co.Local and Long Distance Moving

John Pazur, Prop.OFFICE, 278 HOBART STREET

PERTH AMBOYPhone 4-2318

Evenings and Holidays Call; Woodbridge 8-2452

Pet Shop





METUCHEN, N. J.Phone Metuchen 6-1351

John F. Ryan, Jr.

Sand and Dirt Fill



Table Top Ranges

Glenwood ) Oil fi GasColumbian \

Florence ( „ , o r „Monogram ) Coa| & Gas

We Also Have 'Puritan, Perfect, and Florence


B. Mikrut & SonsS42 Smith St., Perth Amboy, N. J.

P. A. 4-2246



w 11 h u l l otherinlnliuiim iirl'-i* IH-MIK yi\)H nnIDMIH or prtMniring ilut-il und Hilvur-Us ing till*. Hair Said luts In Baldhln i -k , if .suiil n n ti.>itiis. w i l l r iHinlri-ii I n w i i I ' i ivni i ' i i t n i J . ' I I mi n M . 1^1 .uni - r ill' p i i iv ln iHi ' p i i i i y t o he ]i;lldin i-iHiiil m o n t h l y lnafUlIIIIHIUM of< j i l n s Intt'l'iiKt : imli)i ithi' i ' t i T i n spniv l i l i - i l f o r In cnntr; i ! : t tif s u l e .

T i i k e f u r t h e r n o t i c e t h a t u t sal i l'dull-, ur u n y di i te t o w h i c h It m a yIn.1 i i i l joui ' iuid, the T o w n s h i p (^otn-ni l t t t 'e reHt'i'ven the r l t fht in I ts IIIM-rr i - i lo t i t o r e j e c t u n y o n e o r a l l I I U H

.Mi l I I I S e l l V.I | ( | I n l ; , i n S l l l t l 1111 j i • U

I I I S I H - l i h i d d t ' i - UH i t i n i i y s e l e c t , d m 1

it'Kunl*! IM-IIIK g iven l o 11:I'IIIM undinunner of iiuyiniiiil, In r;Lne one ornnnij iiiinimiini bills ahull he re-ceived.

I'iion iH'i'eiitnnre of the minimumbhl, or hid utuiva hilnliiiuni, by theTmvnahip rijintnittet! un;l tlie pay-ment thereof by thecording to tlio miinner of piircluinein uccortUinue with le.rrnH of aaleon fil«, the Townnhlp wi l l deliveru Inn-gain and Niile deed for aalt'prenilst'S.

I'ATICP: AliKiisl lath, H1I7.II. .1, l i l 'N lUAN, Tiiwn.sliiii I'lerk

Tu In- iiilvi'i'lisril AIIK'II.^I Jl^-iI!) 17, iirnl AIIKIISI L'sih, HUT. in Iin


liUn U

pI n M H , I l i l o i - k w i l l

w i t h a l l . . t i n - i l i h

M.ii . I i n h i l m i i m p r l i . .

p l u s I ' u a t M u t p i ' B p . u

.i.hrl II ilhfc' Mi - »ul>•, iW I ' l m k . if no ld ire ' iu lre a ilovvn Jimtin- IIIIIUMI*. oT p u n !.

l l

$ld together

liM pprtiiif n t,IH'IIIK t-Sl) Oil

liiK deed anilSII 111 lots in

-n l i -nns, wi l lent of $;!",.UO1

prlr« toullp p « o

paid In eiiual montli ly I n a u l l m a n t lof IIO.UU plus Inut .Ht aiid_<it_li«L_

terma *ndmanner of payment, In catt en* ormort mlnlmuio Lldi tball b* re-ceived.

Upon acctptam.* or tht Bainimumbid. or bid above minimum, by thtTownship Commlttt* and the pay-ment thereof by the purchaser ae-eordlnc to tht manner of purchaiaIn accordance with termi of aalton Ale, the Townihlp will dtllvtra bargain and aal* deed for aaldpremliei

1'ATKI'H. ,1 HJNKJAN, Tnwimliio Clerk,

41 tl Vt 't tlsi ' il Aiifiilsli i . i iml A I I K I I S I ; M h , m i ; ,

In d e p e n d e n t - L e a d e r .n t i n


First \i Mile 15cEach Additional !i Mile . . lUc






16c First Vt M\eittc Ea. Add U Ml.

l l r f r r t in W - IIIIIM I T K . ' I - ; OK I ' U I I I . K : S A I . K

TCI W H O M I T M A T C O N f l H I t N :A l a r t K U l i i r U L e e t l n g of

T t i w n a h l i J t j o n i i n t t t e e /tit" t h e T o w n -s h i p ol Wi io i l h r l i l gu . In-Ill Mundnur ,AUBIISI IMIl , 1H IT. I Wits i l l r e r l i - i lUi m l v t - r t l s c - t l m fm ' t t h a t uii M n n -diiy i 'Vfiiiii(f, S c H i - i n h i ' i - ' L'ml. 1 !i-17.Mi,- ' i ' l i w n s l i l j i Hoinni i t i c - t - w i l l nitH'til S I1. M. I I I I L S T ) ill l lm l ' i i n i n i l t t i - «' l i i i i n h i ' i s , M !• in o i-1 ii 1 M n n l c i p i i l

l in i l t l i i iK , Wt i i i t l l i r l i l ge , N e w . lers t -y ,I e x p o s e iiinl still itt puhl i*- .sain.1 Iti t l i o h i g l i e s t b i d d e r a c u u n l l i i K

t n I c r i n a i)( mi l e o n tll<! w i t h t l mi) C l e r k o p e n t o l i i s p e i i t l n n

u n d t o bo p u b l i c l y r e a d p r i o r t os a l e , l u i r t of I . n l s -IIS a n i l Mil n m lull nf l .o l ITiU In Hlm-k 4D!i K. Won'il'-b r i i lKe T n w n s l i l p AsSff^Minent M;inm o r e p n r t i i ' i i l i i r l y i l e sc i - i l i ed >m fni-l t , \ v s :I ' l i r U tif l . o t n -IIN n m l III) u n d All i.r

l . o l 4!HI III I l lm-k teK' inn hiK a l a [inlrit in t h e s o u t h -

e r l y l i n e u i I ' i l l lLlihell S t r e i - I iliHIilnlf e e l w e s l c i ' l y Ul f i l s i l f e i l illnllK

I l u i i i i i h i T l y h u e n l 1 < ' . i i i i ] i l i i ' l l

llvlt-r Im W-i"TTMITICIS Oli' i'DIII.10 RALK

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKIlN:At ii rsgulur miieting of tli«

Township Committee of the Town-ililp of Woodlirldge held Monthly,AIIKIISI imh. IIH7, I wnx illrpctcillo ailvertlne the met thnt on ilon-il.'ir et'eiiillK, Sepl enilier '11(1, '!»|7,Hie- Toivnshiti ('ninmiiien will meetut S P. Jl. (D<ST) In Hie Conitnltteei :tiii>iibi!i-s, M e in n r I u 1 MunicipalliuiUiini^, Woodbrldyt?, New .lursey,uiid t-xpouo and Hel] at public unU.tnd to the highest bidder uccunilnstu u-rnia nf sule on Hie with th«Township Clerk open to Inapei'tionuntl to he publicly read prior tosiili*. l . n t s III In HI Ini ' l l lHlvi- III I l l n r k,'iSIJ, W i i o i l l i r l d K e T o « n a l i l | i A S S I - H S -in i -n t M a r .

Tnke. lurtlier notice that theTownship Committed has, by reso-lution and pursuant tn law, Used aminimum pried at which said lotain .f;uit l i l m k w i l l he sol'il luKnt i i f i -i v l t h u i i ulli i- i i l t - iu l la p o r U n e t u , s a i dmil l 11 ii il in pijct1 hc l i lK $a(Ml.llll pKlMe n s t s o f jH't 'pnrins (li-cd 'inil a d v u r -M S I I I B t i l l s s a l e . Haiti l o t s In tui ldl i lo i 'k , If s i ,hi nn t e r m s , w i l l ia i l i i u n p a y m e n t «r Jfiil.Hi], t l i e . l i i i l -i im-e o f p u r c l u m e p r i c e to be. p a i d Int-'liuil miint l i l .y I n s t a l l m e n t ! ! o f J I 0 . 0 0pftis Interunt and other ternm pro-vlduil for In contract of sale.

Tiike further notice that at salasale, or uny date to which' It nm)'he adjourned, the Township Commlttut- reserves I he rlglit In Its tll*-erttlon to reject any onu or all bid*nml lo sell suiil lots In miid liluckto jueh hiiKjer an it may select, dut*regaril helnf eiV ( .n t 0 terms and

term* proVTdilT TOT In CiniTiOl SI—•ale.

Tak* further notice that at HlA•ale, or uny dutt to which It maybt adjourned the Towmhip Com-mit t « reaerven the right In Iti 111-crtllon to reject any one or ail bid*and to di-ll suld Juts In said hlocktu such bidder ai IL may itlcct, da*ii-Kiiiil Ill-Inn given to terms amimaiintr of payment, In catt on* ormore minimum bldt thall bt rt-eelved.

Upon acceptance or tha minimumbid, or bid above minimum, by th*Ton-nsl'lp Commltt-n- and the oay-nient thereof by the pim-.lint'r ac-cordlnK '" the manner of pun-MetIn acriirilmn'e with terma of aal* ODIlle, the Township will deliver a b»T-(aln and mile dead f"r aald uremliti.

' HATl-:i): AII-J'IIHI I nth, IIH71

B. J. lH'NKJ-AN, Townslilp Cltrk.Tn lie ailv.rtiseil AHKMSI -1st.

!II7, and Auuiiit 2Mli, I!K7, In tileiidijp&ndent-Li'iider.


, Frank Ternay

', Fourth Ave., Port Rending

Wootlbridge 8-0832-W














Woodbridge 8-1223Aulhiirlvf ,1 lluluvu Dlntrlliulor

Liquor Stores

iiincrj SuiipUes and Magailnes

Switcher's Dept. StoreI \V,,\SH1NGTON AVENUE

< ARIERET, N. J.''AR'l'LliET, 8-9697

Fords Liquor Storfe('Ujhiplete line of

Domestic »nd ImportedWines • Liquor* - Be«r*

520 New Brunswick Ave.Fu'rdB, N. J.

If you are holding a party, wed*ding, outing, «tc, phont

I'. A. 4-2256


Raymond Jack$on\

& Son


SB Main Street

Telephone Woodbrtd»<tM*W


Liquor StoreJOS. ANDRASCIK, Prof-

Complet* Stock of Domi«Ucand hnportod' Winw, Bee"

and Liquori.tU AMBOY A PW0QPBR1DGI. N. J.


HORSE MEAT5 lb». — $1.00




Art Tile Co.



Phones:P. A. 4-0674 Wo.od. 8-J368

S l i i ' t - I , f i ' o n i 11 it- w t - H l r r l y l i n e u l '

l . i n i o l i i A v t ' i m t ' : t h t - i K i ' i l l S u i i t l i

; i i " - : i ! i ' W f . s t a l i i i i K - t h f i i u r t h i M ' l y

| p i i i l i i l l K « l l i i n . n l ' . t i l * * w r M l i * i " ] y l ! r u * o f

F j t i o n A v t M n i t * , t i i i . : i ' l l i M ' i I n a i i o i n t

111 t h e s o u l h | i [ ' l > r l K i i n i i l a ] ' > r l i n e o f

J hHlork -IO'.I-IV us j Jt:ln- WlioilhrlilRt- Touii.-!lon Shfi ' l ,:!J; tlu-iHf (2ll.v VVcsl nil.SO If ftsoiill i i ' i ' ly lioiiniliii-v llIdH-K lo a i-oint In t.

of CainplH'll S t r e e t7

shown on|> Tax- Mul>.North Si"-

aloiiK Hit idk of Him k

sont l i iTlyllit 'iice till

g e f e n to t e s ndniiiiiner of payment, In ca»« IIIKor more iiilnliiiiini bids dhall hd ru-ctiivdil.

Upon accelitiinofl.of the mlnlmufnbltl, ur bid uliuve mlnlmuin, by theTownship Committee and itie pay-ment thereof by the purchaaer ac-cording tu the mariner of purchaa«

d i h f l

Service Station?

t Real Estate-Insurance*

Donald T, Manson


Rcprcatntlaf Boyvtoq Brp\hsra

A Co. Over 27 Y«»n

T.I. Wowlbridi* 8-15i2J


Gypsy CampHoot Popular Rendenoui, In


Sunday Dtnoing Dlwontinueduntil Sept. 7th

Dancln| Saturd.ay.9 to 2 A. M.MMi KMLIM - turn «U

a«d OrohMtra

Andy's Esso SeniicenterGAS, OIL, LUBRICATION,

TIRE REPAIRSBattery Charging, Truck and

1 Car Repairs'< 24-Hour Towins S.erv' e

Woodbridge 8-1549




Amboy Atonal kai J«m*t Str«el-

Woodbridg*, N. J.







Venetian BlirylsDRESS UP YOUR HOME

With/ <

VENETIAN BLINDSClopay from $3.44Metal from ?J.88

i WINDOW SHADESvUntex—side hemmed 49cWashable shades—complete

59c and 69« each


123 Smith St. Perth Amboy 4-4596

pu t l i 78U-UU' I'lH^t a l o n g su i i l s o u l h -

i ' l l y 11 i if ol' C i u n | i b t l l S t r i ' i ' l Uii.:i7l l ' t ' l t o t h e p o i n t o r p-lai 'e Ol l i i -^ in -

iiB. • .T o ]>« l i n o w r i a s T.ot.H IIH, 4 111 a m i

430 In ni( . . 'K 4 0 5 - K .T u k « r u r t l i e r not l t 'n t h a t t l i e

T u w n c h l p l i u i i i i i i U t c i . hu« , b y mavIm Ion a n i l | m r s u ; i n t t o l a w , f I x i . l :ii n i i i l i i i u i n iiriutj u t w h i c h sa i i l l o tain su i i l b l o c k w i l l be. mild togts thi irwl t l i a l l i.' I I n r t l i i t i i l l s i i c r t i i i y i i l , sui i li n l n l i n u i i i ijt-it-e h u l i i g JJIMI.'IU p l u si itmts ut1 p i t i p a r i n y t l e e d u iu l m l v e r -t i s l n g t l i la «a,lt'. Su i i l l o t a In s u l db l u r k , if auli! mi Kil l i l f t wl^l ie i | i l i l 'ua TID\vit i m y i i i u n t of jf l l .ut) , t h t 1ml-

ni ' t o f p u n - h a s t ; p r l c t j J t o lie puid *niiliutl n i | i n l l i l y l i i s ta l l i i j c i i tM of 5 l 0 . n op l u s intt'i'etit a n d o t l i i r t j n i u pici-viilt:il i i jr in c o n t r a c t uf Mult*.

T u k t 1 t u r i l i e r not ic i* I h a l u t s a i, o i l a n y d a t e In w h i c h II m a yb t i idjoi iMit:d, t l i e T o w i t K h l p t 'o iu -n f i l U ' e i - t s e i v e s Hie r i t sht In Its i l U -ctt-'t lon t o r e j e c t a n v o i i t ur u l l IIIIIHapt! t o s e l l s a i d luLs III HUld h l o c k

j yM It a I n S H 4 . l i M ' I n s i v , ' i t )

, W'lMliUll'hll-i ' l ' l iWIIsl l i l l

M |


• Weljlig - Brazing t

Clark's Welding WorksWeldinj and BntzlntPortable Equipment

Window Guards MadeTrailer Hitches Made

309 New Brunswick AvenueForda, N. J.

j TeUphune Perth Amboy 4-0138Louis Durnya, Prop.

The architectural origin of theminaret , tlie tower usually at-tached to 4 Mohammedan mosque,has beep traced back to the lifhtHr t ^ ^ u ^ d i l a aUCfitdillg 10tht Sftcyolbpftedlu BiHannlc».

Thus. Kanitra




42 Grant AvenueCarteret

'Cart, 8>S167

i Typewriters •TYPEWRITERS

. Rented, Bought and SuldDozens of MschiniMt to CbooseFrom for Immediate Delivery.Getterou* Trade-in Allowance

ftir Your Old Machine.


Typewriter Exchange241 Madibtm AvenuePerth Aml«y. N. J.

t. A. 4-M«»

n iici-ordiinetj with, terms o f sa le on(He, tlio Township wil l deliver a bar-Sit In ami sal'e (It-IHI for said prehtlues.

I1ATI0H: August mill, 1947.U. J. lilJNIUAN. Township Clerk.

Tn lie :nlvertised Aiitfnst,HUT, ;lllil AllKnst 2Hlll, IH17, III theI nilepi-ntlenl -Lmulbr.

r - -, r ^ _ _

llp/vr lot W-.VI 'V>l'l<:iO Ul' IMIII.IC SAI.R

•TO VfHOM IT MAY (!i>NOp»+NiA t ' a legnhii- mcoUiiK of the

Townahhi ('oiiimiMtx- of tlie TflWU-Hlilii <>r* liulti •TUon.Uy,A I I K I I N I IHth, HUT, 1 w a s illi-fi-li-tlto u d v u r t l s B th*- fuc-t t h n t o n M i i n -t luv t-vi'iiiiiK, H e p t B i n b e r 2nd , 1!MT,t h e T o w na l i ip t-'onimlltt.-u w i l l m e e tut 8 1'. M. ( K S T ) in Hit; C o m m i t t e ei ' l i n i i i l i e r s , M e m o r i a l Mt in l t - ipn lHi i l l i l lnB VVoodlirlt lgi; , N o w . lorse .v ,u n d uxporn* tiinl s e l l ut pnl i l lu s u l ea n i l t o t h e h l s l n - a t b i d d e r u e c o r O i n i jl o tt-ritiH o f s i i lu j o n tile w i t h ' t l i tT o - w n s h i p <' lerk i lpuu to Inuptji-tioiiu n d to Iin lui l i l l i j ly i f iu l p r i o r tu

I . n l sl i lo i -k tiKJt,

'I'uke t'urtli»'r n u t i t * t h a t t h eTnwn.Hhip ('01)11111116*11*11, by reso-lut ion und inu.suunt. t« law, llxt-d uminiiiiiini pi'lea ut AvhUil) H0ld lotnIn suhl hlork will /it* rtulil lugt-tliei1

With nil oil ier tleUii/lH ptii'tlhtilit, »u!dmlii lmiim init'e ht/inK • 37T,.111> plusCOMt.s uf preiniiin-i' deed un.d kdvi-r-ti.slng I bin sule. M.tid luts in auldb l ink , II' .mid on termif, wi l l requiren down intyini-lit u( >:!"(...',II tht! ill piii'ilniKo pi 'ke to be Pliid ineiiuul nuiiiilily inaiiiUmuiitii of Jli.i.ui)lilua i iuie .s t .ijitl other tijrnia lH'n-viiluil lor In rui i t luct of »M«.

TukK l u i i h e r notlcu that a t sulilsuit;, or uny duts to which It mayhe udjournud, tlie Township Coniri n i l t e e resm1'/I'M Ihe r i g h t i n ' H s i l ls-it't-titiu tn li;.iei't uny ouu or ul l bidsanil to se l l Nuid lotH 111 Ha id l i lnfkIn nui'li.hiildet' ua It may utileut, dii-KUiil lii-inn g i v e n to te l i l lb u|idiii.iniifci' nl jiuyin&ut, Intn m i n e inlnlinuiii blda sha l l In; re-iir I veil.

lip<in uri-eutiini't; of tlie mlnt inuinhid, or bid ubove minimum, by theTownship. Coiuuilttt* and tlio puynii-iit thereof by tile puichustii- meurdliiB to tlm nmnn*r of ui'i'oi'daneu with taring of sule nnIIIt, tlio Township will dtllvtr a tiur-guiu ant) sule deet] tor aulri pronimea

DATKD: AuKiiBt Utili, 1IHT.U. J. UIJNlTlAN, Towimhlp Clerk

To hu uilvertlsetl AuKUJit 2lslIMIV, und August U»Lli, l»i;, in-th

trfrr I in W -1.WNOTICE Ol'' PI lll.IC 5AI.B

TO WHOM IT MAY I'ONCKHN:At i regular meeting of tht

Townslilp (Jummltto*. of the Town-tlilp uf U'oudbrldKe held Munday.A u m i s i IMii , I1H7, I w a s illi-i'i l-*il

0 a i l i u r l l s t ) t h e f a i t t h a i o n M o n -ilu>- e v e n i n g , S e p t c i t i h e r Uml, 19-47.the Township t.'ommlttve will meatut » 1'. M. (I)riT> In tlie CommitteeChambers, M e m o r i a l MunicipalBuilding1. Woodhrldce, New Jersey,and expose und sell at public ml*and to the highest bhtder accordingto termi of sale on file with th*Towi.ihlp Clerk open to Inspectionintj to lip publ i c ly reail prior to aal*,purl of Lot I In Itlock 803 tu IM>hci-eiui*-!1 k i imvn an,I des ignated asl.ol l! in lil i i . lt 'in.1'. VVntiilbrldKe

Wjiship AssisMiiuMit Map, mureliarticulrly i lr^.rlhril us f o l l o w ) : *I'nrt IIr l .ol I lu Illnrk IM)lt. l u B r

K m m II uutl l lealit i iated »l.t,( I-H In Illot-k IMI.1

K'liinliiK at a pulnl In the w e s t -line uf lil.iir Koad dlntnnt

iel-ly 23O.m| feel I'rulll tll« nort l l -l ine of trtiaml A v e n u e ; thuncpw e s t e r l y IIIIUIK the nor ther ly

line of a lot lo be c o n v e y e d andknown as Lot L A in Illiick 601) anshown on the Woodlnidjfti t u w n s l i l pTas Mail, liltl.dli feel more or lens to.1 point In the s o u t h e a s t e r l y cornerof Lot 2'J in ltlo* k tils us Hliown> onuiuri'Hiiiil Tux Mini; ihe i iee 12)iioiiliei-ly iiluiiK the e a s t e r l y l ine of

1 .nl 2il, i,li feet lo n point; t h e n c ei:h eas ter ly iiml at ri^lit ungleH toIM. AVFIHIK I ; I I . ( 0 feet more or lesslu a point |if U|c w e s i f i l y l ine ofHlali Huad: I IUUHT t i i s o u t h e r l y

the wes i f i - l f l ine of Bla irMl.tll feet more or les» l o \h,'r phtee ul Ijegilllilng.

K )i,iri of Lot I lu Uluck tiIK:;,to he herei i l ter known and UCKIK-nale'.l as Lot I I I in Block filtll, a sshown on the Wootl!iriil«e TofwiiHlilpTax Miip Sheet #IIM.

Take -further not lo that th»Township (..'omniltt*-'*) lias, by r*aolu-llon. anil Uurauant to Uur, fU»U Ain i i i l imim jn-ice ai i v h h l i s a i d lorIn s a i d b l o c k w i l l be bold t u | j e t h e r

er ly

crlyi l l

a lo i i i jItoiiil .

.JIM'with ail rjtner detuiis pc-Ttinsiir, .I l l i I I I l i l t l t i l I ' l i - ' i - l i i ' i l l K J I H i ) , ( H I J ) l l l . 1coats of preparing deed and'adver-n.-in^ tills Half. Suiil lul In Kuitlblock If Hold on terms, will requlrsa down ifuynicnl ul IIOJHi. tlie bftl-ain'e of purchaae prloe to be P4ld IDefjiutl monthly Installiin-iUa of 110.00plus Interest and utlier ternn pro-vided (or In cuntrant of sale.

Tiike further, nulli'e that at saidsalt-, ur any tlilln m which It nmyI atljuurfn'il, jlht! Ttiwn.shlp Com-mill.',: rc'Mri icsi tin! right In I la dis-cretion to rrjeiit uny UIID yr all Dldniiiul lu Hell .laid lul In fuld bloi k

cli bidder ua It may bolett, du»tfrd biting given tu (ermii an a

manner ol payment, In cfae on* ormod minimum bids nhill be r*-

lMed.Upon acceptance of the mlBlaum

bid, or bid above mliklmiim, by titsTownship Committee and the -pay-ment thereof by the purchaMt ac-cording to tha manner of purctiaa*In acuordttnee with terms or aau onflle, the Township will deliver tb>'<gain and gale deed for mild preutiaa.

l»ATIj]i: August lath, 11117.B. J. DUNIGAN, Township Clerk,

To be atlvfitlst-tl AutrtiMt 3Jst,l, und August isili, 1!H7, In thn

d P d t L U

Urfcr iw i W-luaNUTIOU UP fUBLlV KAI.K

TU WHOM IT -HAV GONOtllN:At a i«i|yl«r DMatliig o(

'Ijiwiuhlp CotHKUHt ol tlii T!«npi> or \ViiodbrtdKi> h«ldAugust iiflh, »M»"V«Bi

to aUv.itUv th« ttfi. VRVt

( thtTown

Half of Hell(Cunliinu'il jrom Page 7)

totn. I don't even know how lonijago thttt wus. All I can rememberis you .standing on a street cornerstaring at me, Jim . . . How did Iyet here?"

•We don't know," Cella told him,Honest we don't, Dean. Only one

man could tell ,ua that. A fellowJim and l met up on the Eoolabout an tiaur, &(o. And he'snow.',' * c

It u*.* i toM iffmike thr«e |itluni of

Page 14: Work Shop Snkpenknt leaber THE WEATHEOVER R · «/•• tni Mrs. Vlnrrnt Shay. Bnrrnn Avenur, called yesterday for KiiRhuid to makr thrir homr in London. Their address will he 17


Slate DomeM imlinurii jrmn lulitnrMl Paijc)

nftri" the Staff UnemploymentCompcnsaiion Com mission beaanasklrw for the coir.ornsation pay-ments aft?i every fight.

In the Supreme Court derision,it was pointed nut all the flehtpromoter dews is to anariRe forthe exrttoHions. ^furn^h thearena, advertise the attractionand sell trie tickets for admission.In order to srcu:e fair boxinK ex-hibitions unrrmti oiled ip ixff sal1,

~ T y ^ * Vornfifrf; Wrl!rttM#Wemploying and rontrolilnc ref-

'" wees, timekcrpers. announcers,boxers and wrestlers, air flll inthe hands of thr Sfnte. the courtsaid

ROUND AVI) ROl'ND:—Stateagricultural offlciaf.-i are watchinfcWith much interest a cornfieldnear 'Vlrti'enuwn. BurlinRtonCounty. \

Barney Pinticr. om/ior nf thecornflefd, plumed thoentire fieldJn a single, circular row. Finderexplains thai he tired of con-stantly turnine his tractor at

t each ehd of his field and decidedto experiment with a single rowIn an ever-rierreaslnfi circle.

Up to the present time. Plnderclaims nearly a fifty per rent sav-ing in time and predicts the novelmethod of plantlnK corn will pro-duce a similar savlnt! when thecrop is harvested.

JERSEY JIGSAW;—Show-ofTaviators who endanger lives 'ofNew Jersey residents by reck-less flyliiR will se grounded, theState Avlaiion Commissionwarns. . . , More than a thirdof the New Jersey potato cropis already harvested and market-ed, the State Department of AR-rlculture retorts. . . . Factoryemploymentnn New Jersey whichhas been declining .slightly sinceJanuary, increased 2.1 per cenein June. . . . For the first timesince pre-war days, there is nolabor shortage on New Jerseyfarms, . . . Governor Alfred E.DrUscoll a"ppeais Co New Jerseyresidents to join in the move-ment for American Relief forPoland, which opens on Septem-ber 1. . . . Highway intersectionsIn New Jersey which breed acci-dents are being studied by theState Motor Vehicle Department.. . . The value of tax exemptproperty in New Jersey now to-tals $1,314,936,039. nearly onc-flfth of all evaluated property inthe State, according to the New

, Jersey Taxpayers Association—New Jersey cold storage ware-houses held 12,396.624 pounds offresh meats and 9,144,139 poundsof poultry on July 31. . . . A 51and one-half pound striped bass |and an 8 pouid. 10-ounce Oswesobass weve declared winners of theJuly Fish of the Month awards!In the New Jersey Governor'sPishing Tournament. . . . Rou-tine testing of all New Jerseycattle for bovine tuberculosis sotunderway for the year in NewJersey last week. .• . . Four im-proved sections of State high-Way rputes will be opened for

t Labor Day traffic, the State High-way Department has announced.'. , . Residential and commercial;construction and repair in NewJersey this year have created a$13,500,000 market for plumbingfixtures, according to a nationalsurvey. . , , Four-H club mem-bers from all parts of New Jer-sey Will meet at Rutucrs Univer-sity form September 11 to 13Twenty granges will compete for

• booth'display prizes at the New


Jersey Stale Fair from Spplrm-bei 21 to Srptpmbrr 28

( APITOI. CAPERS: —Hit andHill drivers on the highways al-ways leave their mark but in theair they must be seen and iden-tified whilp on (he wind, claimsthe Stair Aviation Commission, . . New Jersey faunc:.*. me in-terested in the decision of Buf-falo's only woman JUCIKC tha(rhubarb is a fruit and not a vege-table . - A survey of rrlucauoiiin New Jersey would take edu-cations horse from ihe back of

the from shafts, the NrwTaxpayers Association claims.

Letter to EditorContinued Worn Editorial Pane)zealous concern for the hitfhstandards of their domain thatthey1' have not been brought upshort even £oV a moment by thestatement that the proposed fac-tory would be R "clean" one. No.H is clear that such claims werea mere smokescreen behind whichbrewed the threat of another,worse smokescreen, which wouldlie heavy over the sylvan gladesof Avenel like the dark pall overPittsburgh and other such un-happy places.

Now, say these happy few InAvenel, the property which therailroad would have sold for in-dustry might some day be madea playground where their chil-dren ran romp, carefree. Whathappy visions they can cotljureup. this band of brothers In Ave-nel! Such visision, indeed, as ob-scure the fact that <a> theTownship would have to pay forand develop such playgrounds;that ib1 a railroad frequented bysteam locomotives hardly fur-nishes the ideal background forthe idle pastimes of childhood;that <ci the railroad would bethe last to put up the money forsuch a development itself. Con-sider the financial plight of therailroads—which they have seenfit to publicize in great, expen-sive advertisements In the pub-lic prints, O citizens of Avenel,


Although Avenel is not exactlythe place which conjures up anymarked remembrances of thepicturesque scenes of New Eng-land nor the rugged grandeur' ofthe Rockies; though the home-sick wanderer from Englandwould not find solace there inthe area's resemblance to his na-tive Surrey or Kentish country-side, the people of Avenel seemdetermined to preserve. its pres-ent wry charm, unspoiled, undoflled.

Since (his seems the case, Tnm outlining a few suggestionsfor their future campaigns tomake ^venel truly the gardenspot of the Garden Slate I listhere, in all humble modesty, theoutline of a program whichseems to me most likely toachieve their alms.

First, the abolition of udl exist-ing industries god the Jciu'inuup of the railroad tracks. Then,H gradual sloughing off offruchhorrors as the electric power sys-tem, the jarring telephone sys-

'tenUfTOe!'"*!;* defcelvinK charmsof running VfcWlTnTf Te^SS?disposal. Then, with the com-plete abolition of the motor car>as in Ocefyi Grove on Sundays!and the tearing up of the pavedroads, a restoration cari be madeof the old pathways-two feet

, deep with the fine clay muck ofthe region, which will bring hackthe early, rustic charm of theplace, nd doubt. A few such over-due reforms could certainly re-store to the area that tranquillitywhich It has lost through theyears, and bring about the con-summation of the era which theselfless patriots of the regionseem so to desire.

Sincerely yours,Passionate Antiquarian,

She'* 'Mm S. ( .' Middlesex Tops• Continued horn Editorial Page,

The compilation also includedU'tnl figures for each county'svaluations and exemptions,

Pointing out how each taxpay-er Is m.ide to share a heavier taxburden for each ta / exemptiongranted, the Association de-clared:

"Property taken off tax rolls byexemptions constitute.-; a tax onthe losing taxing district becausea lighj o an amount of revenue


STKEL EXPORTS iOn October \, the Unotccl States.

will revert to its strict wartime'controls over steel exports, whichrequire Governmental approval ofboth the country to receive themetal and the use there of whichit is to be put. The return to wnr-

! time allocation method is neres-saryy because of the large sumsthe United States is spendinc onforeign construction and the

1 necessity that priority be given torequests for .shipments aimed a t 'rebuilding basic industries most |likely to move the purclmirm na-

\ tions back into financial goodhealth,

t Reclamation program reportedfor seventeen Western stales.

Marcarrt Jean (iriffin. 19, ofSpartanhurs. S. ('.. has beenselected "Miss South Carolina"in Atlanlitc City this Septem-ber. A model, she says her fa-vorite sport is football.

Gl OVERPAYMENTSThe Veterans Administration is

trying to collectmore tlVan $44,-000,000 irom some 665,000 ex-Gi'swho were overpaid in one form or,another of veterans' benefits.,While repayments in June alonetotalled almost $7,000,000, theamount due the Treasury has con-tinued to rise, according to theVA. Overpayment of subsistenceallowances to veterans in schoolsor on-job training, rose to a newpeak of $42,518.836—a sum in-volvini; 440.234 persons—on June30. Overpayments of pensions anddisability compensation to 15,569veterans totaled $1,641,778.

non-fawsd" flaborne as an excess load by theremaining taxpayers.

"One of the most importanttasks before the State from theviewpoint of the taxpayer is totighten tax exemption policiesand to block the loopholesthrough which B great amountof evaluated property in thisState escapes taxation as a re-sult of loose control of tax ex-emptions," the Association con-cluded.

AAF capable of only "token re-sistance," General Arnold says.




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