workflow in order management

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  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Com m on Errors and

    Solu t ions w hen UsingWork f low in Order


    Mercedes VizuetaOracle Corporation

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    I n t roduc t ion

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    OM I t em Types

    OEOH - Starts Header flows

    OEOLStarts Line flows

    OECOGSBuilds the COGS account

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    Gener ic Order Header Work f low


    The Order FlowGeneric is the most commonly usedheader flow. It can be used with any line flow for anyitem type, with outbound lines and with return lines

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Gener ic Order L ine Work f low


    The Line FlowGeneric is the most commonly usedline flow. It can be used for all items including ATOitems. It will not work for configured items generatedfrom assemble-to-order models

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    View ing Work f low in OM

    From OM you can view the active workflow

    processes and their associated functions,messages, sub-processes, notifications andproperties:Open the desired order in OM

    Navigate to the Tools menu and select Workflow

    StatusA new window opens and displays the workflow

    status as an activities list.

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    Ac t iv it ies L is t Window

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    Processing Orders UsingWorkflow

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    Sync hronous, Manual or Deferred

    Comple t ion

    Synchronous: WF activities are executedonline until it reaches the end of the flow, ablock activity or is deferred

    Manual: If the order/line hits an EligibilityBlock, use the Progress Order LOV to move

    the process forward. Deferred: An order or line stops because the

    flow is deferred to the Background Engine.

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    Ac t iv it y Resu lt s

    Most OM functions use the OM Sub-Process

    Results, handles Holds lookup:CompleteWhen it executes successfully.

    IncompleteWhen it runs into expected errors.

    On HoldWhen it runs into a generic or activity

    specific Hold.Not EligibleWhen it does not make sense for the

    Order Header or Line to be processed by that


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    Work f low Enabled Order or

    L ine Proc esses

    Booking, Scheduling, Create Supply, ATO


    Ship, Pick Release, Ship Confirm

    Purchase Release, RMAs

    Fulfillment, Invoice Interface Close Order and Close Line

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Error Handling

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    Ex pec t ed and Unex pec t ed


    Expected Errors: Errors that processes expect to

    run into and handle. Easy to recover from. Example: Incomplete Result at Booking

    Unexpected Errors: Errors that a process doesnot expect:

    Data Integrity errors

    The table does not exist

    Rollback segments cannot be extended

    The package does not exist

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Incom ple te Resu lt a t Book ing

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Proc ess Mes sages Window

    When an activity is completed via the Sales

    Order window, the Process Messages windowappears to display messages that indicate

    errors.The error message can be retrieved from the

    Header or the Line using Actions > View Open

    Messages.After providing the missing information you can

    repeat the Book activity via the Book button orthe Progress Order LOV.

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    Proc ess Mes sage Window

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Ex c ept ion Management

    Visibility of the Workflow errors to functional users.

    After correction of the issues, you can Retry theWorkflow Activity from the Sales Order/Quick SalesOrder Window.

    If the activity completes successfully, you will get asuccess message. Otherwise, you will see the errormessages. Retry will have to be repeated after fixing

    the errors. When profile OM: Show Process Messages Flag is

    set to Yes, the Open Messages checkbox displays achecked value indicating that message(s) exist for theorder.

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Ful f i l l Ac t iv i t y in Error

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Ret ry Ful f i l l Ac t iv i t y in Error

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Ret ry Ac t iv i t ies in Er ror

    Conc urrent Program

    Provides the ability to retry more than one workflow

    across orders in batch mode. Can be run in Preview and Execute mode.

    Preview is the default. Does not execute theerrored flow. Provides a report and count of the

    error activities along with the errors in the log file.Execute mode retries the errored flows. It displays

    the result of the Retry and any error messages inthe log file.

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Data Corruption

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    What is Dat a Corrupt ion? When the integrity of the data has been corrupted.

    OM not in synch with OEOH or OEOL workflow

    status Order headers or lines cannot be retried successfully

    using Exception Management functionality

    Invalid data must be fixed via direct update using SQL.It is important to identify the exact nature of the data

    corruption and the number of affected transactions Data fix must be provided by Development/Support.

    Data fixes are not generic. They should not be appliedfor other similar issues without approval of Support /Development

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    Causes of Dat a Corrupt ion Not following standard customization practices.

    Use OM Workflow Validation functionality to evaluate

    and validate proposed workflow extensions. Validation can be done in the Transactions form or

    through the Validate OM Workflow concurrent


    Expediting or skipping problematic lines or headers.

    Improperly retrying (rewinding) the workflow activity. Purging Workflow or any other OM data using SQL.

    Modifying item properties when there are open salesorders.

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Pat c hes t o Prevent Sk ipp ing o f

    Workf low

    Patch.3968068: Prevents users from

    skipping activities from the WorkflowStatus Monitor.

    Patch.2979522: Sends a Workflow

    Notification to the sysadmin and Userwhen he/she skips a Workflow activity.

  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Patc hes t o Fix K now n Data

    Corrupt ion Issues Note.398822.1 maintains a list of all data fix patches

    available (these are not root cause fixes). Patch.5590106 ensures that all dependent

    transactions are consistently marked canceled whena Sales Order line is canceled.

    Retry Activities in Error concurrent program will set

    the SHIP_LINE Activity in Error to Notified insteadof retrying in the case of error (or line progressed tostatus other than Notified) when there is a

    corresponding closed delivery detail.

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    Ex am ples o f Dat a Corrupt ion Cannot book orders

    Lines in Fulfillment / Ship Sets cannot be progressed

    Invoice interface fails Missing line flows

    Interface Trip Stop fails:

    Order line is closed but delivery details are not yetinterfaced.

    Order line is canceled but the delivery detail is not yetcanceled.

    Delivery details are shipped but order lines are inAwaiting Shipping status.

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  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Workflow PerformanceDegradation

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    Causes of Work f low

    Per formanc e Degradat ion

    Obsolete Runtime Data in the Workflow tables

    Run the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Dataconcurrent program on a periodic basis

    Only completed workflows with no pending parent and

    children workflow can be purged

    Improper workflow customization

    When care is not taken during customization, theworkflow may iterate or loop unnecessarily creatingrows in the workflow tables each time. See


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    Data Needed to RequestData Fix

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    Dat a Needed t o Request

    Dat a Fix

    Provide the following with Service Request (SR)t:

    Diagnostics AppsCheck for OM, Shipping and Pricing Diagnostics OM Order Information output and/or the

    HTMomse11i output for the entire order

    OMDebug or ITS debug file

    BDEprdcl.sql output if issue deals with closing

    inventory period. Workflow definition file if issue deals with custom


    Cogs_11i.sql output if issue deals with COGS accountgeneration failure

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  • 8/14/2019 Workflow in Order Management


    Conclus ion

    Workflow in Order Management provides you withpowerful order processing and fulfillment capabilities.

    Improper customizations can lead to data corruptionor workflow performance degradation.

    Exception Management functionality and the RetryActivities in Error concurrent program provides Usersthe ability to retry one or more workflow across

    orders. Data corruption require direct SQL updates

    To obtain a data fix script, please log a ServiceRequest with Support.

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