working with reader groups

TOP TIPS FOR WRITERS WORkIng WITh REadER gROuPS BY SuSanna JOnES O all the book events I do as a writer, working with reader groups is by ar my avourite. Everyone present has read the book so the questions are more interesting than at literary estival talks and readings. The setting is intimate enough or me to get to know people a bit. I always come away having learned something mysel. I suppose the main tips would be to show up on time, be honest, open, riendly and ready to be challenged but, to consider these in a bit more detail: 1. Every reader group has its own habits and rituals. Having an author present makes things a bit dierent, o course, but I would encourage the group to run things the way they usually do so that the atmosphere is relaxed and natural. It’s a book group not a talk or a ormal Q&A. 2. Find out a bit about them. What other books have they read this year? Which were the most and least popular? By way o introduction, each person might tell you her or his avourite book. It’s an ice-breaker and provides helpul background inormation or you. 3. I like to let the group lead, at least to start with. Some groups begin by expressing, one by one, what each thought o the book and then go into the general discussion. I you jump in too soon you risk inhibiting the conversation. 4. Despite the above, i I think a comment is worthy o urther discussion or needs breaking down, I will come back to it. Most groups are happy to be challenged. I someone talks, or example, about the likeability’ o a character, I’d want to know what she or he means by that. 5. You may have a mediator, eg a librarian or literature ocer. I so, make the most o him/her. You can bounce ideas o each other i a group is shy or i the discussion needs a bit o shaping. 6. Some groups will get straight into discussion, debate among themselves and hardly let you get a word in (which I love) but others may need prodding. I you don’t have a mediator to help, you might want to have a ew questions ready. This can eel odd since it’s your own book you’re asking about but it’s an opportunity to get honest answers rom a group o people who have read your work closely. Make the most o it. 7. Welcome all opinions (or appear to). Occasionally a comment will sting but the group is pleased to have you there. They don’t want to upset you. I you appear deensive, they’ll moderate their comments and the discussion won’t be as interesting. 8. Having said that, i a question seems intrusive or strays into the squeamish zone, just smile and bat it o. 9. Writers can tie themselves in knots trying to answer questions that aren’t easily answered: What does the title mean? Why does so-and- so do this? Or they’re irritated by the apparent need or explanation. I don’t think the questioner necessarily expects a neat answer. They’ve just picked up on something they’d like to hear a bit more about. 10. There may be one person who monopolises the discussion and annoys everyone else. Groups who know each other well are usually quite good at sel-policing. Throw questions out to the whole group i necessary. Use body language and eye contact to show that you’re interested in everyone and not just this person. 11. Recently I talked to a group about my frst novel, published twelve years ago, and it was only during the discussion that I realised how much o the book I had orgotten. I wished I’d gone back and had another look at it beorehand. continued... 5

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O all the book events I do as a writer, working

with reader groups is by ar my avourite.

Everyone present has read the book so the

questions are more interesting than at literary

estival talks and readings. The setting is intimate

enough or me to get to know people a bit. I

always come away having learned something

mysel. I suppose the main tips would be to show

up on time, be honest, open, riendly and ready to

be challenged but, to consider these in a bit more


1. Every reader group has its own habits and

rituals. Having an author present makes things a

bit dierent, o course, but I would encourage the

group to run things the way they usually do so

that the atmosphere is relaxed and natural. It’s a

book group not a talk or a ormal Q&A.

2. Find out a bit about them. What other books

have they read this year? Which were the most

and least popular? By way o introduction,

each person might tell you her or his avourite

book. It’s an ice-breaker and provides helpul

background inormation or you.

3. I like to let the group lead, at least to start

with. Some groups begin by expressing, one by

one, what each thought o the book and then go

into the general discussion. I you jump in too

soon you risk inhibiting the conversation.

4. Despite the above, i I think a comment is

worthy o urther discussion or needs breaking

down, I will come back to it. Most groups are

happy to be challenged. I someone talks, or

example, about the likeability’ o a character, I’d

want to know what she or he means by that.

5. You may have a mediator, eg a librarian or

literature ocer. I so, make the most o him/her.

You can bounce ideas o each other i a group is

shy or i the discussion needs a bit o shaping.

6. Some groups will get straight into discussion,

debate among themselves and hardly let you

get a word in (which I love) but others may need

prodding. I you don’t have a mediator to help,

you might want to have a ew questions ready.

This can eel odd since it’s your own book you’re

asking about but it’s an opportunity to get honest

answers rom a group o people who have read

your work closely. Make the most o it.

7. Welcome all opinions (or appear to).

Occasionally a comment will sting but the group

is pleased to have you there. They don’t want

to upset you. I you appear deensive, they’ll

moderate their comments and the discussion

won’t be as interesting.

8. Having said that, i a question seems intrusive

or strays into the squeamish zone, just smile and

bat it o.

9. Writers can tie themselves in knots trying to

answer questions that aren’t easily answered:

What does the title mean? Why does so-and-

so do this? Or they’re irritated by the apparentneed or explanation. I don’t think the questioner

necessarily expects a neat answer. They’ve just

picked up on something they’d like to hear a bit

more about.

10. There may be one person who monopolises

the discussion and annoys everyone else. Groups

who know each other well are usually quite

good at sel-policing. Throw questions out to

the whole group i necessary. Use body language

and eye contact to show that you’re interested in

everyone and not just this person.

11. Recently I talked to a group about my frst

novel, published twelve years ago, and it was only

during the discussion that I realised how much o

the book I had orgotten. I wished I’d gone back

and had another look at it beorehand.



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Literature Works

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Company Registration Number: 06858956 Registered Charity: 1132586

Susanna Jones

Susanna Jones grew up in Yorkshire and studied

drama at London University. Her work has been

translated into over twenty languages and has

won the CWA John Creasey Dagger, a Betty Trask

Award and the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize. Her most

recent novel, When Nights Were Cold’ was selected

or Fiction Uncovered 2012. She teaches on the

Creative Writing MA at Royal Holloway University o

London and lives in Brighton.


12. I there’s more than one edition o your book,

you could bring the other jackets along to show

the group. Everyone has opinions on cover design

and it’s a great way into discussion o the book.

13. Be prepared to stay around or a bit at the

end, and not just to sign books. There’s alwayssomeone who was too shy to ask a question in

ront o the group but really wants to ask it. See it

as part o the session.

14. Perhaps have some bookmarks to give

out with your website or social media details

included. A book group may be a small audience

but it can be a very loyal one.

15. For once you don’t have to keep saying,

‘Without giving away the ending...’. Too bad

i someone hasn’t fnished it yet; they’re all

supposed to have read it. You can give away the

ending. Enjoy it.
