working with youth by pp sherif waly


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Page 2: Working with youth by PP Sherif Waly
Page 3: Working with youth by PP Sherif Waly



A contraction given to the countries Colombia, Indonesia,

Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa, which are

predicted to be among the next emerging markets to

quickly rise in economic prominence over the coming

decades. The contraction plays off the term BRIC (Brazil,

Russia, India, and China) which indicates the fastest growing

emerging economies over the last decade.

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Ten years after Brazil, Russia, India and China were

dubbed the BRICs, any early mover advantage for

investing in those economies has long gone.

These nations all have large young populations with average age of 27. This, or so the theory goes, means

these countries will benefit from fast-rising domestic

consumption. They also are all fast-growing, relatively

diverse economies, meaning they shouldn't be as

heavily dependent on external demand as the BRICs.

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The positive aspects of the CIVETS group of countries

Includes :

Relative political stability especially when compared to

previous (generations).

young populations that focused on education and

overall growing economic trends.

“ Source : Wall Street Journal “

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Figures :24% of the Egyptian population are between the age of

16 and 29 years .

31% are between the age of 5 and 16 years .

10.6 % are less than 5 years .

6.4 % between 30 and 35 years .

5.6 are less than 14 years .

77% of total population are less than 40 years .

72% are less than 35 years .

65.6 are less than 30 years .

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37.2% are less than 15 years .

2.7 Million Egyptians are living abroad .

Therefore , the Egyptian youth are 25,650,000.

Source : “ Wikiperdia “

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Statistics :

81,302,875 of the Arab total population use the Facebook .

Egypt contributes about the quarter of all facebook users in the region 24% .

It represents 1.4 % of global Facebook users .

With 19 million users , Egypt is ranked first among the Arab region countries that use Facebook .

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Youth between 15 and 29 years continue to make up 79

% of Facebook users in egypt .

15,390,000 Facebook Egyptian users are youth .

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ثقف نفسك Fans 24,616,226 .

Stylish Eve Fans 20,891,663.

عمرو خالد Fans 16,145,234 .

Mustafa Hosny Fans 15,745, 367 .

Tamer Hosny Fans 15, 653,424

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Amr Diab Fans 14,132,657 .

كل يوم معلومه طبيه Fans 13,758,996 .

Mohammed Hamaki Fans 9,716,624 .

Ahmed Helmy Fans 9, 331, 106 .

مصرى و افتخر Fans 8,236,563 .

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57357سرطان االطفال مؤسسه Fans 5,698,453 .

مؤسسه مصر الخير Fans 4, 459,789 .

“ Source “

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UNV's “Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future”

project announced its first Youth Volunteering Award in

June 2014 to recognize the importance of volunteering

for development.

Young volunteers from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia

and Yemen participated to recognize the importance of

volunteering For development.

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This regional initiative harnesses the power and energy of

youth through volunteerism, drawing on the inherent core

values of self-help, solidarity and social cohesion.

The project seeks to :

Strengthen the infrastructure .

Build the skills and capacities of youth in the region.

Enhance their social inclusion and active participation in

the development of their countries.

The project has been implemented in:

Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen.

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About Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future :

The Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future project is an initiative led by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) program, in line with regional strategies of the United Nations (UN) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The project supports the UN Secretary General’s Five Year Action Agenda, in which he highlights the importance of working with and for young people as a priority.

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Rotary Rotaract Relation :

While Rotary clubs serve as sponsors, Rotaract clubs

decide how to organize and run their club and what

projects and activities to carry out.

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Potential Leaders :

All of sponsoring Rotary clubs in the district are very

friendly and welcoming to Rotaractors . Rotaractors

would interact with Rotarians, they will get to know one

another , therefore discover potential leaders in the

district .

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Input :

Joint Projects .

Participation in Projects .

Volunteers in events and conferences .

Cooperation in Fund Raising .

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Recruitment for Rotary Clubs :

Rotary Clubs will always need fresh blood , new members ,

young and dynamic . Rotaractors are the best candidates to


Rotarians after:

A. Turning into 30 Years .

B. Fulfilling the significant Needs .

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Quality of Members : Rotaractors showed remarkable and significant

participation in their clubs and in District after being

Rotarians .

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Recruitment for Rotaract Clubs : Rotaractors need to recruit more members in

their clubs . The main pool may be sons , daughters and

nephews cousins of Rotarians .

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Communication :Rotaract Club with high percentage of sons and

daughters are more proven to be more affiliation and

associated with their Rotary Clubs .

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Kasr El nile 2nd gathering at Orange Lake with the lovely

Rotarians with Sister Club Nile Palace .

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Christmas Party at Le Pacha

An amazing night spent with Rotarians and sister

club, celebrating Christmas singing and exchanging gifts .

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Medical Carvan:

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DG . Saada with President of Cairo Royal Rotaract

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Leadership Session Between 2 Rotaract Clubs ,

Cairo Royal and Nasr City .

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Rotary Club of Heliopolis El Nozha successfully raised

20000 EGP with the help of Rotaract Heliopolis El Nozha

Club and Rotaract Heliopolis Platinum after many events

to share in buying Media Preparation System ( for

Microbiology ) which costs 400000 EGP

57357مؤسسة مستشفى سرطان االطفال

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Rotary Helopolis Sporting Club

Accomplishing the project of distributing

blankets for Orabi Clubs 17 January 2015 with the cooperation

of :

1-Giza North Club.

2-Nasr City .

3-Helopolis El Nozha.

4-El Rehab .

5-El Obour .

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Joining Rotary Kasr El Nile in their annual employment

fair taking place at Intercontinental, City Stars .

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Is a leadership program coordinated by Rotary Clubs

around the globe. Each year, thousands of young people

participate in this program. Young people ages 14–30 are

sponsored by Rotary Clubs to attend the event run by the

club's district committee. Participants are chosen for

their leadership potential.

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Rotary Clubs and the Rotary District cover all expenses

for the participants. The format of the event vary from

district to district, but commonly take the form of a

seminar, camp, or workshop to discuss leadership skills and

to learn those skills through practice.

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RYLA aims to :

Demonstrate Rotary's respect and concern for youth; Provide

an effective training experience for selected youth and potential


Encourage leadership of youth by youth.

Recognize publicly young people who are rendering service

to their communities.

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Every RYLA program covers the following core topics:

Fundamentals of leadership .

Ethics of positive leadership.

Importance of communication skills in effective


Problem-solving and conflict management.

Rotary's purpose and service to the community.

Building self-confidence and self-esteem.

Elements of community and global citizenship.

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Effect of RYLA on Participants :

-Lovely memories .

-Value added .

-Strong Bond .

-Exchange of ideas .

-Public image .

-Discover Potential Leaders

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Over the last years 12 years district 2451-2450 organized

3 RYLAS per year ( District Level – Club Level ) .

Members should be less than 30 and preferably not more

than 80.

RYLA should be in a distant place with full commitment

that nobody will leave from the place … from the start till

the end .

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RYLA should innovate a certain theme like :

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Candidates for RYLA need not to be Rotaractors and

Interactors . Other NGO’s and Civil organization are invited

to contribute .

Clubs should be encouraged to organize or assist in

organization of a RYLA .

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Interact is a club for youth ages 12-18 who want to connect with

others in their community or school. Interact club members

have fun while carrying out service projects and learning about

the world .

Interact clubs organize at least two service projects a year :

One that benefits their community and one that encourages

international understanding. While Interact clubs receive

guidance from individual Rotary clubs, they govern and

support themselves .

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Interact Alex Marine Star

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Interact RYLA Alex Marine Star

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The program offers numerous benefits to its young participants

and their Rotarian hosts and mentors, as well as to the community at

large .

Through Youth Exchange, students learn firsthand about all aspects of

life in another country.

As their concept of the world expands, they mature and develop a

deeper understanding of themselves.

Immersion in another country’s educational system enhances their

academic and personal growth.

Host clubs and families and the entire community are enriched by

extended, friendly contact with someone from a different culture.

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Applicants should have pleasant personality and must:

-be able to adjust to a new and different culture/country.

-be willing live apart from their families for the year.

-be open to new and different experiences .

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Exchanges can be short term or long term.

Short-term exchanges last from a few days to several

months and often take place when school is not in

session. Students typically stay with a local family in the

host country, but they might also attend a youth camp or

tour the country with students from around the world.

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During a long-term exchange, students spend a year in

another country living with different host families and

attending classes at the local school.

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New Generation exchange :

Terms exchange last 3 years to 6 weeks and are open to

young people ages 18-25 . This program may include a

vocational element .

Flexibility in the Youth exchange program allows it to be

adapted to fit the needs of any student who qualifies .

Individuals district and multidistrict programs may

develop their own program rules and guidelines , provided

they are consistent with those set by the RI board .

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To work on horizontal

growth of Rotaract

movement by establishing

new clubs in remote areas

and in other Cities .

Also no mind to have more

clubs in Cairo , Giza ,

Alexnderia only in case it

will have excellent quality .

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Vertical growth is equally important ( Number of

members , qualification of members ) Rotaract Academy .

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Motivate Rotaract Clubs to cooperate with NGO’s international organization &civil society in service projects &other fields .

To have the district conferences as learning experience for Rotaractorsand a source of public image membership development .

Encourage Rotaract clubs to work with committees in Rotary( Illteracy -RYLA-Interact – Youth Exchange , Vocational Service , Family of Rotary & Membership).

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Highlight Rotary clubs with the Rotaract activities &

encourage mutual cooperation through New

Generation Committee .

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A. Committee chairs and their committee should work

hard to facilitate the involvement of youth in their

activities and events .

B. They should be considering RYLA as one of the main

objectives for building capacity and acquiring skills

for youth .

C. RRDC should work closely with New Generation

committees in clubs .

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