workshop | electronic health record : epic fail or epic win!


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Post on 07-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Workshop | Electronic Health Record : Epic Fail Or Epic Win!

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Page 2: Workshop | Electronic Health Record : Epic Fail Or Epic Win!

This morning I will touch upon these topics.

If I am short on time, and I probably will, I’ll be happy to discuss further with youduring the lunchbreak or another time or location.

There are 3 remarks upfront.

1) I am referring to the existing Information Systems only. We think that at thismoment it is not practical to alter operational Information Systems fundamentally. Luckily also superficial measures will help.

2) This convention is all about games for the patient. For the insured customer as I heard yesterday. Yellow Wizards is focussed on people who are forced to useBusiness Software, like a Hospital Information System or a Health Record System.

3) Although we are not that familiar with the Healtcare branch, there is enoughsimilarity with Manufacturing, Finance & Logistics in Information Technology usage to transfer our skills.


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Let’s start with the workshop title (Electronic Health Record: Epic Fail or Epic Win!) and ourconnecting essentials.

Large IT projects, like implementing an Electronic Health Record System, have a high risk offailing. usually fail. We believe that if you want it to be a succes, using gamificationsignificantly increases your success..If you are about to decide to get a new EHR System, please consider that the present one isprobably functionally OK but nevertheless poorly used. Probably a new System will beabused too. Do not blame the users. Just give them something useful and usable. Applygame design rules.

Fundamentally software is far better in performing repetitive tasks than humen users. Yet, inmost cases, human users end up with boring computerwork. Let the computer do the job. Itwill be done faster, more frequent and more accurate.Be carefull when delegating computerwork to human users. Individuel people are suitable todo only specific tasks. You need to know their developing skills and characteristics beforeyou allocate, to ge the best achievements. Some user characteristics are motivation, stageand frequency. So classify your EHR System users before you allocate compputerwork tothem.And take notice. Tomorrow users might need to be classified different.

In the game world it is common that actual user behaviour changes the reaction of thesoftware. In advanced games userclassification is executed nonstop. There are severalclassification methods in the Gaming Industry, like Bartle. Gamers know their ownclassification for better play experience. Find out more about Gamer DNA and Gamerclassifucation on the internet:

It is funny to note that in two branches consumers are indicated as users. InformationTechnology and Gaming Industry. Often user is associated with addiction. In my opinionaddiction can also be used to influence user behaviour positively.


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A lot of factors contribute to a EHR project Fail or Win. I have listed some.

Cost: The amount of money spend on tuning, implementation en operation.Permission: Who is allowd to use or consult the system?Access: Who is able to login?Co-ordination: The, often complex, order and frequency of process steps.Simplicity: What to do from a user point of view?Additional: Who will get the extra work involved in using a EHR system. Or is thereless work to do?Quality: Is the content reliable and useful?Privacy: Is personal information sufficiently secured?Technology: Does the system work? After all it is Information Technology…..Control: An EHR system involves many parties. Do they all accept the control of thesystem by only one or two?

Applying Game Design Rules will have a positive influence on 5 of them. So chancesto win will increase pretty much when you copy best practices from game developers.


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Healthecare branch is very specific. Taken that into account Healthcare organizationscan alo learn from other branches, like the Gaming Industry or Logistics, or Manufacturing, or Financial Services.Because in most organizations and branches the dependency on information andtherefore on Information Systems is increasing, our starting points, also calledService Elements, make sense everywhere.

Statistics : Pay serious attention to your critical resources like your employees (behaviour, health, …) and your information systems.

Guidelines: Human Beings and societies can only exist by routine (Ben Tiggelaar: More than 85% of what we do, everyday, is repetitive. We recognize situations and respond likewise. Most of the time correct. This is the case in organizations also. We have to suppres that employees tend to be creative when routine guidelines will do better. We encourageorganizations to use guidelines where appropiate (almost everywhere),

Gamification: Game Design Principles help to motivate people to follow theguidelines.

An example of applying Gamification in an other branch is the Scania Project. Thereis a short video that explaines how gamification contributes to lasting fuel reduction.


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Since we are not typical gamers, you might wonder why we promote gamificationoutside the personal world.

The reason is the observation that organizations are ambitious and willing to spent a lot of time and money to replace Information Systems. However over time theirenthusiasm decreased considerably and, after a 3 to 5 year battle, they where happy to meet the performance of the former system.Since, in general, less than 30% of the software functionality is being used, we concluded that the user population was not capable to get things done with the new system.

We wondered why this kind of utilization in the gaming industry is far better. So we compared business software to games.

We found out that, although both systems are equal complex (measured in numberof coding lines, for example), games are much easier to work with.We believe thatthe reason for this extreme usability could be the fact that the use of business systems is mandatory for users while games are voluntary played. Like Autocracyversus Democracy. Voluntary gamers can easily exit so they constantly have to bemotivated. Business Software users, however, can not escape so there is less need tomotivate them, apparently.

This is what we can learn from Massive Multiuser Online Role Playing Game designers: Incorporate user motivation. Fortunately it is not difficult to add somemotivation to Business Software afterwards.


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When you came in, you played a simple game. At least it felt like simple. In fact it is rather eleborate. The user, however, is only bothered with necessities.

You probably experienced:• No setup time, cost or trouble.• Increased skills and understanding while playing.• You knew for shure that you got better in playing this.

You probably had fun too

There are a few main causes for this experience:• No distraction on the display, only necessities.• Simple operations, only swipes or arrow keys are needed.• The possibility to retry.• Clear feedback (in Dutch: punten In English: points)

We should experience the same when implementing or operating a HostipalInformation System.


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To summarize. This stuff works in games and also in any business software.

1) Do not request a user to execute tasks if software will outperform human users.

2) When software is not suitable to perform a computer task, select the correct human user, based on your own user classification. The most simple user classification we use has 2 categories: operational and engineering. An operator has to complete as much predefined tasks as possible. An engineer has to take care of exceptions (new events or off track objects).

3) It is far more drastic to incorporate hardcore game mechanics in your existingInformation Systems. At least you have to involve (convince) suppliers anddevelopers.


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To get in contact with Yellow Wizards, please give me your contact information.

And remember, don’t be satisfied too easily with the Information Systems you have to use. It must be possible to make it act like a game. Besides more fun while working, jobs are done better and faster. So reasonableeffort is justified.

Do you want to know what to do? Let’s schedule a meeting and discuss.


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Gamification will improve process completion. The reward is huge. And not onlyfinancial. Also customers, patients, employees and managers will value appliedgaming effort.

If Information Systems are mandatory, gamification is essential to get the job done.

First skip all operations not necessary, then let software do the job. Deploy your staffwisely.


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You can play 2048 more often. At home or traveling home.

Fancy something else? Try Agario.

Remember.1) Don’t let a simple view fool you. And don’t let a complex view fool you either. 2) Games are designed to look simple and be entertaining. You can alter your

Electronic Health Record System by applying Game Design Principles.3) You will see improvement and receive appreciation.

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